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Otter trawl collections of eelgrass habitats in the lower Chesapeake Bay during 1976–1977 produced 14 species of decapod crustaceans. These collections were dominated by palaemonid shrimp (Palaemonetes spp.), blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus), and sand shrimp (Crangon septemspinosa), each of which exhibited unimodal seasonal abundance curves with large summer peaks. Decapod abundance was positively correlated with plant biomass throughout the year. Decapod densities on vegetated bottoms were greater than on unvegetated bottoms, and nighttime abundance on each bottom type was greater than corresponding daytime abundance. Total decapod abundances in Chesapeake Bay eelgrass meadows appear to be much greater than those reported in North Carolina eelgrass or Gulf of Mexico turtlegrass habitats.  相似文献   

A two-year trawling and gill-netting study of vegetated and unvegetated bottoms near Parson’s Island, Maryland and near the mouth of the York River, Virginia was carried out to assess the nursery function of submerged vegetation for populations of fishes and decapod crustaceans in the Chesapeake Bay. Results revealed that vegetated bottoms supported substantially larger numbers of decapods, but not fishes, than unvegetated substrates. The lower Bay grassbed was an important nursery area for juvenile blue crabs, although neither of the grassbeds functioned as a nursery for commercially or recreationally valuable fishes. Our results suggest that: (1) further decreases in lower Bay Seagrass biomass would result in reduced numbers of adult blue crabs, but should not substantially affect populations of valuable fish species; (2) additional decreases in Upper Bay submerged vegetation should not produce dramatic change in the population sizes of either adult blue crabs or fishes.  相似文献   

The structure of the fish community associated with eelgrass beds in the lower Chesapeake Bay was studied over a 14 month period. A total of 24,182 individuals in 48 species was collected by otter trawl with Leiostomus xanthurus (spot) comprising 63% of the collection, Syngnathus fuscus (northern pipefish) 14%, Anchoa mitchilli (bay anchovy) 9%, and Bairdiella chrysoura (silver perch) 5%. The density and diversity of fishes were higher in vegetated areas compared to unvegetated areas; fishes were more abundant in night collections Fish abundance and species number increased in the spring and early summer as both water temperature and eelgrass biomass increased and decreased in the fall and winter as temperature and eelgrass biomass decreased. Gill netting revealed some of the top predators in the system, especially the sandbar shark, Carcharhinus milberti. The fish community in the Chesapeake Bay was quite different from North Carolina eelgrass fish communities. Most notable was the rarity of the pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides, which may be a very important predator in the structuring of the epifaunal communities.  相似文献   

Comparison of the relative abundance of fish species from different life-history groups and their temporal patterns of estuarine habitat use from two estuaries north and south of Cape Cod indicates that the Cape acts as a zoogeographic boundary. Between April 1988 and December 1989, monthly seine and trawl samples were collected from nearshore, shallow-water marsh, and beach and deeper open-water habitats in Wells Harbor, Maine, and Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts. Forty-eight species and 80,341 individuals were collected from Waquoit Bay compared to 24 species and 22,561 individuals from Wells Harbor. Waquoit Bay had proportionally fewer resident species and more marine, nursery, and occasional species than Wells Harbor. Annual density and biomass values were greater across all habitats in Waquoit Bay, with the summer values from the marsh habitat an order of magnitude higher than comparable summer data from the Wells habitats. We suggest that marsh and beach habitats provide a nursery area for young-of-the-year fishes, while deeper, open-water habitats serve as a corridor for fishes moving to nearshore habitats or serve as a refuge during low tide.  相似文献   

Species richness and abundance of epibenthic fishes and decapod crustaceans were quantified with day-time beam trawl tows and throw traps to provide information on nekton assemblages inZostera marina and unvegetated sandy habitats in northern latitudes. Sampling at randomly selected stations with a 1.0-m beam trawl occurred in eelgrass (Zostera marina) and unvegetated sandy substrates of two mid-coastal Maine estuaries: Casco Bay and Weskeag River. Random 1.0-m throw trap samples were collected inZostera and adjacent unvegetated sandy substrates in Casco Bay and Weskeag River as well. Species richness and faunal abundances were positively associated with the occurrence ofZostera within Weskeag River and Casco Bay estuaries using both gear types. A total of 17 species of fishes and 6 species of decapods were collected in the two estuaries using both gears. Populations of most species were dominated by young-of-the-year and juvenile life history stages. Number and densities of fishes were higher inZostera, due primarily to the abundances of eelgrass residents such as threespine,Gasterosteus aculeatus, and fourspine sticklebacks,Apeltes quadracus, grubby,Myoxocephalus aenaeus, and cunner,Tautogolabrus adspersus. Crangon septemspinosa dominated decapod catch per unit effort and density in both estuaries and habitats.  相似文献   

Estuarine seagrass ecosystems provide important habitat for fish and invertebrates and changes in these systems may alter their ability to support fish. The response of fish assemblages to alteration of eelgrass (Zostera marina) ecosystems in two ecoregions of the Mid-Atlantic Bight (Buzzards Bay and Chesapeake Bay) was evaluated by sampling historical eelgrass sites that currently span a broad range of stress and habitat quality. In two widely separated ecoregions with very different fish faunas, degradation and loss of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) habitat has lead to declines in fish standing stock and species richness. The abundance, biomass, and species richness of the fish assemblage were significantly higher at sites that have high levels of eelgrass habitat complexity (biomass >100 wet g m?2; density <100 shotts m?2) compared to sites that have reduced eelgrass (biomass <100 wet g m?2; density <100 shoots m?2) or that have completely lost eelgrass. Abundance, biomass, and species richness at reduced eelgrass complexity sites also were more variable than at high eelgrass complexity habitats. Low SAV complexity sites had higher proportions of pelagic species that are not dependent on benthic habitat structure for feeding or refuge. Most species had greater abundance and were found more frequently at sites that have eelgrass. The replacement of SAV habitats by benthic macroalgae, which occurred in Buzzards Bay but not Chesapeake Bay, did not provide an equivalent habitat to seagrass. Nutrient enrichment-related degradation of eelgrass habitat has diminished the overall capacity of estuaries to support fish populations.  相似文献   

We sampled nekton (fishes and decapod crustaceans) in submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) (Potanogeton nodosus, Najas guadalupensis), in emergent marsh vegetation (Sagittaria spp. andScirpus americanus), and over unvegetated bottom associated with three islands in the Atchafalaya River Delta, Louisiana. The purpose of our study was to quantify nekton densities in these major aquatic habitat types and to document the relative importance of these areas to numerically dominant aquatic organisms. We collected a total of 33 species of fishes and 7 species of crustaceans in 298 1-m2 throw trap samples taken over three seasons: summer (July and August 1994), fall (September and October 1994), and spring (May and June 1995). Fishes numerically accounted for >65% of the total organisms collected. Vegetated areas generally supported much higher nekton densities than unvegetated sites, although bay anchoviesAnchoa mitchilli were more abundant over unvegetated bottom than in most vegetated habitat types. Among vegetation types, most species showed no apparent preference between SAV and marsh. However, inland silversidesMenidia beryllina and freshwater gobiesGobionellus shufeldti were most abundant inScirpus marsh in summer, and blue crabsCallinectes sapidus were most abundant in SAV (Potamogeton) in spring. Several species (sheepshead minnowCyprinodon variegatus, rainwater killifishLucania parva, and blue crab) apparently selected the vegetated backmarsh of islands (opposite of riverside) over stream-sideScirpus marsh. Freshwater gobies, in contrast, were most abundant in streamsideScirpus marsh. Densities of juvenile blue crabs were high (up to 17 m−2) in vegetated delta habitat types and comparable to values reported from more saline regions of Gulf Coast estuaries. Shallow vegetated habitat types of the Atchafalaya River Delta and other tidal freshwater systems of the Gulf Coast may be important nursery areas for blue crabs and other estuarine species.  相似文献   

Decreases in seagrass abundance reported from numerous locations around the world suggest that seagrass are facing a global crisis. Declining water quality has been identified as the leading cause for most losses. Increased public awareness is leading to expanded efforts for conservation and restoration. Here, we report on abundance patterns and environmental issues facing eelgrass (Zostera marina), the dominant seagrass species in the Chesapeake Bay region in the mid-Atlantic coast of the USA, and describe efforts to promote its protection and restoration. Eelgrass beds in Chesapeake Bay and Chincoteague Bay, which had started to recover from earlier diebacks, have shown a downward trend in the last 5–10 years, while eelgrass beds in the Virginia coastal bays have substantially increased in abundance during this same time period. Declining water quality appears to be the primary reason for the decreased abundance, but a recent baywide dieback in 2005 was associated with higher than usual summer water temperatures along with poor water clarity. The success of eelgrass in the Virginia coastal bays has been attributed, in part, to slightly cooler water due to their proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. A number of policies and regulations have been adopted in this region since 1983 aimed at protecting and restoring both habitat and water quality. Eelgrass abundance is now one of the criteria for assessing attainment of water clarity goals in this region. Numerous transplant projects have been aimed at restoring eelgrass but most have not succeeded beyond 1 to 2 years. A notable exception is the large-scale restoration effort in the Virginia coastal bays, where seeds distributed beginning in 2001 has initiated an expanding recovery process. Our research on eelgrass abundance patterns in the Chesapeake Bay region and the processes contributing to these patterns have provided a scientific background for management strategies for the protection and restoration of eelgrass and insights into the causes of success and failure of restoration efforts that may have applications to other seagrass systems.  相似文献   

We evaluated nekton habitat quality at 5 shallow-water sites in 2 Rhode Island systems by comparing nekton densities and biomass, number of species, prey availability and feeding, and abundance of winter flounderPseudopleuronectes americanus. Nekton density and biomass were compared with a 1.75-m2 drop ring at 3 sites (marsh, intertidal, and subtidal) in Coggeshall Cove in Narragansett Bay and two subtidal sites (eelgrass and macroalgae) in Ninigret Pond, a coastal lagoon. We collected benthic core samples and examined nekton stomach contents in Coggeshall Cove. We identified 16 species of fish, 16 species of crabs, and 3 species of shrimp in our drop ring samples. A multivariate analysis of variance indicated differences in total nekton, invertebrates, fish, and winter flounder across the five sites. Relative abundance of benthic invertebrate taxa did not match relative abundance of prey taxa identified in the stomachs. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling plots showed groupings in nekton and benthic invertebrate prey assemblages among subtidal, intertidal, and marsh sites in Coggeshall Cove. Stepwise multiple regression indicated that biomass of macroalgae was the most important variable predicting abundance of nekton in Coggeshall Cove, followed by elevation and depth. In Rhode Island systems that do not experience chronic hypoxia, macroalgae adds structure to unvegetated areas and provides refuge for small nekton. All sites sampled were characterized by high abundance and diversity of nekton pointing to the importance of shallow inshore areas for production of fishes and decapods. Measurements of habitat quality should include assessment of the functional significance of a habitat (this can be done by comparing nekton numbers and biomass), some measure of habitat diversity, and a consideration of how habitat quality varies in time and space.  相似文献   

We applied an index of estuarine biotic integrity (EBI) to 36 sites in 16 estuaries on Cape Cod and in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, U.S. Two estuaries were sampled in 6 years, from 1988–1999 (Waquoit and Buttermilk Bays), and a total of 14 others in Buzzards Bay were sampled in 1993, 1996, and 1998. Habitats at each site were classified as either low or medium quality by density and biomass of submerged rooted vegetation (eelgrass). The EBI and its metrics (fish abundance, biomass, total species, species dominance, life history, and proportion by life zone) were successful in classifying habitat quality. Greatest success and least bias of the EBI and its metrics in classifying habitat quality occurred when eelgrass habitats were least degraded. The EBI tracked habitat degradation over time in Waquoit and Buttermilk Bays. Average EBI values in medium-quality habitats of Buzzards Bay estuaries during 1996 and 1998 were less than expected based on earlier EBI values from Waquoit and Buttermilk Bays, suggesting that many of these sites are in transition from medium to low quality. Our results indicate that the EBI is sensitive to habitat quality change, and further suggest that low-quality habitats may approach a stable fish community structure that is well reflected by the EBI. The relationship of the EBI to an independent measure of water quality demonstrated inherent time lags between the degradation and improvement of water quality, fish habitat, and response of the fish community.  相似文献   

Quantitative suction sampling was used to characterize and compare the species composition, abundance, biomass, and secondary production of macrofauna inhabiting intertidal mud-flat and sand-flat, eelgrass meadow, and salt-marsh-pool habitats in the Nauset Marsh complex, Cape Cod, Massachusetts (USA). Species richness and abundance were often greatest in eelgrass habitat, as was macroinvertebrate biomass and production. Most striking was the five to fifteen times greater rate of annual macrofaunal production in eelgrass habitat than elsewhere, with values ranging from approximately 23–139 g AFDW m2 yr?1. The marsh pool containing widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) supported surprisingly low numbers of macroinvertebrates, probably due to stressfully low dissolved oxygen levels at night during the summer. Two species of macroinvertebrates, blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and to a lesser extent bay scallops (Argopecten irradians), used eelgrass as “nursery habitat.” Calculations showed that macroinvertebrate production is proportionally much greater than the amount of primary production attributable to eelgrass in the Nauset Marsh system, and that dramatic changes at all trophic levels could be expected if large changes in seagrass abundance should occur. This work further underscores the extraordinarily large impact that seagrass can have on both the structure and function of estuarine ecosystems. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY070 00006  相似文献   

Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the USA and comprises vast areas of polyhaline to freshwater, tidal fish habitat. The Bay experiences large temperature differences between winter and summer, which in combination with the variety of salinities enables approximately 240 species of fish to be temporary inhabitants. This dynamic environment leads to an ever-changing prey field for predators. The goal of this study was to characterize the diet of one of the few resident, euryhaline predators within the tidal rivers in Virginia, Lepisosteus osseus (longnose gar). The top five prey species were Morone americana, Brevoortia tyrannus, Fundulus spp., Micropogonias undulatus, and Leiostomous xanthurus. The diet composition varied with the seasonal fish assemblages, length of L. osseus, water temperature, and salinity. L. osseus consumed a greater amount of marine and anadromous fishes (%W?=?59.4 % and %N?=?56.5 %) than resident fishes (%W?=?40.6 % and %N?=?43.5 %). The seasonal influx of anadromous or coastal spawning fishes appears to be an important prey source for L. osseus and most likely other piscivores in the tributaries of Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

We examined the community structure of fish and selected decapod crustaceans and tested for within estuary differences among habitats at depths of 0.6 m to 7.9 m, in Great Bay and Little Egg Harbor in southern New Jersey. Several habitat types were identified a priori (e.g., eelgrass, sea lettuce, and marsh creeks) and sampled by trawl (4.9 m headrope, 19-mm mesh wings, 6.3-mm mesh liner), monthly, from June 1988 through October 1989. Repetitive (n=4) 2-min trawl tows were taken at each habitat type from 13 locations. The fishes and decapod crustaceans collected were typical of other Mid-Atlantic Bight estuaries but varied greatly inseasonal abundance and species. In the years sampled, bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) was the dominant species (50.5% of the total number), followed by spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) (10.7%), Atlantic silverside (Menidia menidia) (9.7%), fourspine stickleback (Apeltes quadracus) (5.9%), blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) (4.6%), and northern pipefish (Syngnathus fuscus) (4.2%). The biota were examined by multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) for habitat associations and “best abiotic predictor” of community structure. Percent silt combined with salinity was the most important abiotic determinant of the faunal distributions among habitats. Temperature was a major factor influencing seasonal occurrence of the biota but had less effect on habitat comparisons. The analysis confirmed the distinct nature of the assemblages associated with the habitats, that is, eelgrass, upper estuary subtidal creeks, channels, and open bay areas. Several species were associated with specific habitats: for example,A. quadracus andS. fuscus with eelgrass, clupeids with subtidal creek stations,L. xanthurus with marsh channels, and black sea bass (Centropristis striata) and spotted hake (Urophycis regia) with sponge-peat habitat. Species richness appeared to be positively related to habitat structural heterogeneity. Thus, the best predictors for these estuarine fish and decapod crustacean assemblages were seasonal temperature, percent silt and salinity combined, and the physical heterogeneity of the habitat.  相似文献   

Three factors affecting the structure of nekton communities 9fishes and decapod crustaceans) in eelgrass beds were identified and evaluated: contiguous shoreline type, distance from shore, and macrophyte biomass. Throw traps (1 m2) were used to sample eelgrass nekton at seven locations in Great South Bay (New York, U.S.) along Fire Island National Seashore from May through October 1995. Abundances ofGobiosoma ginsburgi, Apeltes quadracus, andOpsanus tau were significantly higher in eelgrass beds adjacent to salt marshes.Menidia menidia, Syngnathus fuscus, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, andPalaemonetes pugio were significantly more abundant in eelgrass adjacent to beaches. Regression analyses indicated thatSyngnathus fuscus, Pseudopleuronectes americanus, andAnguilla rostrata abundances were positively related to eelgrass biomass, andApeltes quadracus andGobiosoma ginsburgi abundances were highest at moderate levels of macroalgae biomass. The distance of an eelgrass bed from shore was also important. Species generally associated with salt marshes (Fundulus heteroclitus, Cyprinodon variegatus, Lucania parva, andPalaemonetes pugio) were more abundant in eelgrass near the marsh shore. Abundances ofApeltes quadracus, Syngnathus fuscus, Menidia menidia, Hippolyte pleuracanthus, andCrangon septemspinosa increased with distance from the shoreline. Shoreline type, distance from shore, and macrophyte biomass appear to affect the abundance and distribution of some nekton species. The effect of shoreline type may be related to the distribution of macrophyte biomass; the biomasses of eelgrass and macroalgae were significantly higher along beach and marsh shorelines, respectively. Explaining within-habitat variability and identifying microhabitat preferences for nekton will aid in the proper design of future studies and habitat restoration efforts.  相似文献   

A total of over 32,000 demersal fish and epibenthic crustaceans belonging to 62 species were caught in 42 biweekly trawls from 10 stations in Yaquina Bay, Oregon, during 1967 and 1968. English sole,Parophrys vetulus, was the most abundant species. Seventeen species (13 fishes and 4 crustaceans) constituted 95% of the catch. Total numerical abundances of both individuals (mainly juvenile fishes) and species were greatest in the lower 12 km of the estuary during summer and early fall, a period of water mass stability and increased water temperature and salinity. This section of the estuary is used by many immature fishes and crustaceans as a “nursery area”. These fishes generally emigrate from the estuary as subadults in the fall around the onset of the rainy season. The fewest species were taken in January 1968 from the central, upper-estuarine, and riverine areas of the bay, this being a time when high rainfall and river discharge result in low salinity and temperature. Crustaceans (shrimp and subadult crabs) were generally most abundant in late winter and early spring throughout the estuary. Changes in diversity indices reflected variations in community structure, the influence of migratory species and juvenile fishes, and seasonal changes in dominance. Year-to-year fluctuations in abundance may be due, in part, to local hydrographic and meteorological conditions along the central Oregon coast.  相似文献   

Bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) populations existed in Chesapeake Bay until 1933, when they declined dramatically due to a loss of seagrass habitat. Since then, there have been no documented populations within the Bay. However, some anecdotal observations of live bay scallops within the lower Bay suggest that restoration of the bay scallop is feasible. We therefore tested whether translocated adults of the southern bay scallop, Argopecten irradians concentricus, could survive during the reproductive season in vegetated and unvegetated habitats of the Lynnhaven River sub-estuary of lower Chesapeake Bay in the absence of predation. Manipulative field experiments evaluated survival of translocated, caged adult scallops in eelgrass Zostera marina, macroalgae Gracilaria spp., oyster shell, and rubble plots at three locations. After a 3-week experimental period, scallop survival was high in vegetated habitats, ranging from 98% in their preferred habitat, Z. marina, to 90% in Gracilaria spp. Survival in Z. marina was significantly higher than that in rubble (76%) and oyster shell (78%). These findings indicate that reproductive individuals can survive in vegetated habitats of lower Chesapeake Bay when protected from predators and that establishment of bay scallop populations within Chesapeake Bay may be viable.  相似文献   

Atlantic croaker is one of the most abundant demersal fish in Chesapeake Bay. Until recently, when substantial declines in abundance have occurred, high biomass supported elevated fisheries landings. Therefore, study of the diet of Atlantic croaker is important to understand its own dynamics and its role in the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem. Patterns in the diet of croaker varied annually, seasonally, and spatially, but were not strongly correlated with any measured environmental variables. Although the majority of the diet of croaker consisted of polychaetes and other benthic items, about 20% of the croaker diet by weight consisted of anchovy and other fishes. Croaker consumption of anchovy is likely a result of crepuscular feeding that has not been captured in previous studies that sampled during the day and with bottom trawls. Thus, croaker influences both the benthic and pelagic components of the Chesapeake Bay food web and incorporating such diel patterns in diet may increase the reliability of fishery ecosystem models.  相似文献   

We studied the late June–August fish community in extant and former eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) habitats in 15 estuaries of Buzzards Bay, and in Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts, U.S. Our objective was to quantify the effects of eelgrass habitat loss on fish abundance, biomass, species composition and richness, life-history characteristics, and habitat use by examining the response of the fish community to eelgrass loss in Waquoit and Buttermilk Bays over an 11-yr period (1988–1999) and in 14 other embayments of Buzzards Bay during 1993, 1996, and 1998. Sampling sites were located in present-day or historical eelgrass beds and were classified according to eelgrass habitat complexity (zero complexity: no eelgrass; low complexity: <100 eelgrass shoots or <100 g wet weight m−2; high complexity: ≥100 shoots and ≥100 g wet weight m−2). Habitats that had lost eelgrass included a variety of substratum types, from bare mud bottom to dense accumulations of red, brown, and green macroalgae (up to 7,065 g wet weight m−2). Contemporaneous sampling of fish (by otter trawl) and vegetated habitat (by divers) was conducted at each site. Overall, fish abundance, biomass, species richness, dominance, and life history diversity decreased significantly along the gradient of decreasing eelgrass habitat complexity. Loss of eelgrass was accompanied by significant declines in these measures of fish community integrity. Ten of the 13 most common species collected from 1988–1996 in Waquoit and Buttermilk Bays showed maximum abundance and biomass in sites with high eelgrass habitat complexity. All but two common species declined in abundance and biomass with the complete loss of eelgrass.  相似文献   

Spawning densities, spawning indices, egg densities, size distributions, and movement patterns of horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) were quantified for four coastal embayments (Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, Pleasant Bay, Nauset Estuary, and Cape Cod Bay) on Cape Cod, Massachusetts from 2000 to 2002. Spawning activity was highest from mid May through mid June, but densities varied throughout the Cape Cod region. Average spawning densities (male and female crabs combined), measured using 25-m2 quadrats, were lower than 1 crab 25 m?2, although certain locations had consistently higher densities averaging 2 to 3 crabs 25 m?2 with individual survey densities recorded as high as 17 crabs 25 m?2. Spawning densities during night surveys were either similar or slightly higher than day surveys, except at a few sites within Pleasant Bay. Spawning indices were considerably lower ranging from 0 to 1.3 females 25 m?2 throughout the Cape Cod region. Spawning sex ratios varied from 1∶1.6 to 1∶3.1 (females:males) throughout the region, except within Pleasant Bay where highly male skewed ratios were observed (e.g., 1∶5.8, 3-yr average). Egg densities were low overall (<1 egg cm?2) throughout Cape Cod and egg densities tended to be higher in deeper sediments (5–20 cm deep) compared to shallow sediments (0–5 cm deep) at most locations. Over 7,800 horseshoe crabs were tagged on Cape Cod from 2000 to 2002. Average size and size frequency distributions of tagged crabs varied among regions. Larger individuals were observed at Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge while the smallest individuals were from Cape Cod Bay. We documented an overall recapture rate of 6.7% and our tag-recapture data indicated that 62% of crabs were recaptured at the original tagging location and 70% of recaptures traveled less than 2 km from the original tagging location, providing evidence for localized populations on Cape Cod. We have observed that horseshoe crabs differ among embayments within a regional area, suggesting the potential need for management plans specific to embayments or subregions depending on the characteristics of a population.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to gain baseline population data on the genetic diversity and differentiation of eelgrass (Zostera marïna L.) populations in the Chesapeake and Chincoteague bays. Natural and transplanted eelgrass beds were compared using starch gel electrophoresis of allozymes. Transplanted eelgrass beds were not reduced in genetic diversity compared with natural beds. Inbreeding coefficients (FIS) indicated that transplanted eelgrass beds had theoretically higher levels of outcrossing than natural beds, suggesting the significance of use of seeds as donor material and of seedling recruitment following transplantation diebacks. Natural populations exhibited very great genetic structure (FST=0.335), but transplanted beds were genetically similar to the donor bed and each other. Genetic diversity was lowest in Chincoteague Bay, reflecting recent restoration history since the 1930s wasting disease and geographical isolation from other east coast populations. These data provide a basis for developing a management plan for conserving eelgrass genetic diversity in the Chesapeake Bay and for guiding estuary-wide restoration efforts. It will be important to recognize that the natural genetic diversity of eelgrass in the estuary is distributed among various populations and is not well represented by single populations.  相似文献   

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