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The 2,026 earthquake events registered by the Sichuan regional digital seismic network and mobile seismic array after the April 20 th,2013 Lushan earthquake and 28,188 pieces of data were selected to determine direct P waves arrival times. We applied the tomographic method to inverse the characteristics of the velocity structure for the three-dimensional(3D) P wave in the mid-upper crust of the seismic source region of the Lushan earthquake. The imaging results were combined with the apparent magnetization inversion and magnetotelluric(MT) sounding retest data to comprehensively study the causes of the deep seismogenic environment in the southern section of the Longmenshan fault zone and explore the formation of the Lushan earthquake. Research has shown that there are obvious differences in velocity structure and magnetic distribution between the southern and northern sections of the Longmenshan fault zone. The epicenter of the Lushan earthquake is located near the boundary of the high and low-velocity anomalies and favorable for a high-velocity section. Moreover,at the epicenter of the Lushan earthquake located on the magnetic dome boundary of Ya’an,the development of high velocity and magnetic solid medium favors the accumulation and release of strain energy. Lowvelocity anomalies are distributed underneath the are of seismogenic origin,The inversion results of the MT retest data after the April 20 th Lushan earthquake also indicate that there a high-conductor anomaly occurs under the area of seismogenic origin of the Lushan earthquake,Therefore,we speculated that the presence of a high-conductivity anomaly and low-velocity anomaly underneath the seismogenic body of the Lushan earthquake could be related to the existence of fluids. The role of fluids caused the weakening of the seismogenic layer inside the mid-upper crust and resulted in a seismogenic fault that was prone to rupture and played a triggering role in the Lushan earthquake. 相似文献
ZHANG Yueqiao DONG Shuwen HOU Chuntang SHI Jusong WU Zhonghai LI Hailong SUN Ping LIU Gang LI Jian 《《地质学报》英文版》2013,87(3):633-645
At 08:02 on April 20, 2013, a Ms7.0 earthquake occurred in Lushan, Ya'an, in the Longmenshan fault zone, Sichuan. The epicenter was located between Taiping Town and Shuangshi Town, Lushan County and the maximum earthquake intensity at the epicenter reached class IX. Field investigations in the epicenter area found that, although buildings were seriously damaged, no obvious surface rupture structure was produced, only some ground fissures and sand blows and water ejection phenomena being seen. An integrated analysis of high-resolution remote sensing image interpretation, mainshock and aftershock distribution, and focal mechanism solutions indicated that this earthquake was an independent rupturing event in the southwestern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone, belonging to the thrust-type earthquake. Ruptures occurred along the south-central segment of the Shuangshi-Dachuan fault and the principal rupture plane dipped SW at 33-43°. It is inferred that the Lushan earthquake might be related to the ramp activity of the basal detachment zone (13-19 km) of the Longmenshan fault zone. Historically, there occurred at least two Ms6-6.5 earthquakes along the Shuangshi-Dachuan fault zone; thus it is thought that the Lushan earthquake, different from the Wenchuan earthquake, was a characteristic one in the southwestern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone. In-situ stress measurements indicated the Lushan earthquake was the result of stress release of the southwestern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone after the Wenchuan earthquake. This paper analyzes the tectonic setting of the seismogenic structure of this earthquake. 相似文献
四川芦山2013年Ms7.0地震发震构造初步研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
2013年4月20日8时2分,四川龙门山断裂带的雅安芦山发生Ms7.0级地震,震中位于芦山县太平镇和双石镇之间,震源深度13~14km,震中最大烈度达IX级。震中区野外调查发现,尽管房屋建筑损坏较严重,但这次地震没有产生明显的地表破裂构造,仅见少量的地裂缝和喷砂冒水现象。高分辨率遥感图像解译、主余震分布、震源机制解等综合分析认为,该地震是龙门山断裂带西南段一次独立的破裂事件,属于逆冲型地震,沿双石-大川断裂中南段发生破裂,主破裂面西倾,倾角33°~43°,推断芦山地震与龙门山构造带底部滑脱带(13~19km)断坡构造活动有关。历史上,沿双石-大川断裂发生至少2次Ms6~6.5级地震,由此认为芦山地震是龙门山断裂带西南段特征型地震,与汶川地震不同。原地地应力测量和监测数据表明这是汶川地震后龙门山断裂带西南段应力释放的结果。 相似文献
WU Manlu ZHANG Yueqiao LIAO Chunting CHEN Qunce MA Yinsheng WU Jinsheng YAN Junfeng OU Mingyi 《《地质学报》英文版》2009,83(4)
Four months after the Wenchuan Ms 8 earthquake in western Sichuan, China, in situ stress measurements were carried out along the Longmenshan fault zone with the purpose of obtaining stress parameters for earthquake hazard assessment. In-situ stresses were measured in three new boreholes by using overcoring with the piezomagnetic stress gauges for shallow depths and hydraulic fracturing for lower depths. The maximum horizontal stress in shallow depths (~20 m) is about 4.3 MPa, oriented NI9°E, in the epicenter area at Yingxiu Town, about 9.7 MPa, oriented N51°W, at Baoxing County in the southwestern Longmenshan range, and about 2.6 MPa, oriented N39°E, near Kangding in the southernmost zone of the Longmenshan range. Hydraulic fracturing at borehole depths from 100 to 400 m shows a tendency towards increasing stress with depth. A comparison with the results measured before the Wenchuan earthquake along the Longmenshan zone and in the Tibetan Plateau demonstrates that the stress level remains relatively high in the southwestern segment of the Longmenshan range, and is still moderate in the epicenter zone. These results provide a key appraisal for future assessment of earthquake hazards of the Longmenshan fault zone and the aftershock occurrences of the Wenchuan earthquake. 相似文献
用地震资料估计的龙门山断裂深部形变及其对于汶川地震成因的意义 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震前龙门山断裂被“忽视”的原因之一是地质学证据和GPS测量证据均显示龙门山断裂长期以来形变速率很低。问题是,构造地质的结果是对一个较长的时间尺度的,而GPS结果反映的是较短时间尺度上的、地表上的、水平方向的形变,因此有理由怀疑由此得到的结论能否反映现今龙门山断裂的深部形变的全貌。我们采用类似于Kostrov方法的思路,利用最近30 a的地震资料,试图研究龙门山断裂的深部形变,并与其相邻的断裂进行比较。利用ML2.5以上的微震资料,给出了沿龙门山断裂带的累积Benioff应变,并根据震级频度关系计算了a值的空间分布。作为对照,同时计算了龙门山断裂邻区沿鲜水河、安宁河、则木河断裂各区域内的累积Benioff应变和a值。结果表明,在与地质学证据不同的时间尺度上,在与GPS证据不同的时间尺度、不同的深度上,并且不仅考虑到水平形变,与周边的断裂带相比,龙门山断裂带其实并不是一个“安静的”断裂带。在更短的时间尺度上,可以回溯性地观察到微震活动的一些异常变化,但这些变化似乎很难用于该地震的预测。我们讨论了相关的观测资料分析对于汶川地震的成因的意义。 相似文献
Preliminary Results of In‐situ Stress Measurements along the Longmenshan Fault Zone after the Wenchuan Ms 8.0 Earthquake 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
WU Manlu ZHANG Yueqiao LIAO Chunting CHEN Qunce MA Yinsheng WU Jinsheng YAN Junfeng QU Mingyi 《《地质学报》英文版》2009,83(4):746-753
Abstract: Four months after the Wenchuan Ms 8 earthquake in western Sichuan, China, in situ stress measurements were carried out along the Longmenshan fault zone with the purpose of obtaining stress parameters for earthquake hazard assessment. In-situ stresses were measured in three new boreholes by using overcoring with the piezomagnetic stress gauges for shallow depths and hydraulic fracturing for lower depths. The maximum horizontal stress in shallow depths (~20 m) is about 4.3 MPa, oriented N19°E, in the epicenter area at Yingxiu Town, about 9.7 MPa, oriented N51°W, at Baoxing County in the southwestern Longmenshan range, and about 2.6 MPa, oriented N39°E, near Kangding in the southernmost zone of the Longmenshan range. Hydraulic fracturing at borehole depths from 100 to 400 m shows a tendency towards increasing stress with depth. A comparison with the results measured before the Wenchuan earthquake along the Longmenshan zone and in the Tibetan Plateau demonstrates that the stress level remains relatively high in the southwestern segment of the Longmenshan range, and is still moderate in the epicenter zone. These results provide a key appraisal for future assessment of earthquake hazards of the Longmenshan fault zone and the aftershock occurrences of the Wenchuan earthquake. 相似文献
ZHANG Jisheng GAO Rui ZENG Lingsen LI Qiusheng GUAN Ye HE Rizheng WANG Haiyan LU Zhanwu 《《地质学报》英文版》2009,83(4):740-745
Abstract: This paper presents the 3D density structure of crust in the Longmenshan range and adjacent areas, with constraints from seismic and density data. The density structure of crust shows that the immense boundary plane of density distribution in relation to the Longmeshan fault belt is extended downward to ~80 km deep. This density boundary plane dips towards the northwest and crosses the Moho. With the proximity to the Longmenshan fault belt, it has a larger magnitude of undulation in the upper and middle crust levels. Density changes abruptly across Longmeshan fault belt. Seismic data show that most of the earthquakes in the Longmenshan area after the 2008 Ms8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake occurred within the upper to middle crust. These earthquakes are clearly distributed in the uplifted region of the basement. A few of them occurs in the transitional zone between the uplifted and subsided areas. But most of the earthquakes distributes in transitional zone from subsided to uplifted areas in the upper and middle crust where relatively large density changes occurr The 3D density structure of crust in the Longmenshan and adjacent areas can thus help us to understand the pattern of overthrusting from the standpoint of deep crust and where the earthquakes occurred. 相似文献
ZHANG Jisheng GAO Rui ZENG Lingsen LI Qiusheng GUAN Ye HE Rizheng WANG Haiyan LU Zhanwu Institute of Geology Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences Eearthprobe Geodynamics Open Laboratory of CAGS Beijing China 《《地质学报》英文版》2009,83(4)
This paper presents the 3D density structure of crust in the Longmenshan range and adjacent areas,with constraints from seismic and density data.The density structure of crust shows that the immense boundary plane of density distribution in relation to the Longmeshan fault belt is extended downward to~80 km deep.This density boundary plane dips towards the northwest and crosses the Moho.With the proximity to the Longmenshan fault belt,it has a larger magnitude of undulation in the upper and middle crust ... 相似文献
关于汶川地震发震机制 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
2008年5月12日汶川8级地震的发震断层是四川龙门山逆冲带的前锋灌县—安县断层,或此断层附近新产生相同产状的断层。发震断层走向NE倾向NW,逆冲兼右行平移。汶川地震的发震机制是印藏陆-陆碰撞后,印度次大陆活塞状嵌入欧亚板块造成青藏高原东部向SEE方向近水平挤压,在龙门山冲断带前锋向东南逆冲到四川盆地,构造应力积累和释放的结果。汶川地震演示了一个青藏高原东缘龙门山隆起的构造模型,即其经由龙门山冲断带的地壳冲断作用和缩短作用而隆升。这与Burchfiel的模型不同,该模型认为龙门山上升是由于韧性下地壳流受到四川盆地高强度地壳阻挡而上涌所致。这两种模型可能各有其适用时间阶段,然而本文的模型是不可或缺的,因汶川地震已显示了它的真实性。 相似文献
断层间相互作用的触震与缓震效应定量评价 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文提出了同震库仑应力改变的基本概念,应用Navier-Coulomb破裂准则,探讨了其求解方法,从同震库仑应力改变思想出发,结合活动断层地震危险性概率预测方法,分析了断层间相互作用导致的触震与缓震效应及其定量表达方法,并以鲜水河断裂带为例进行了应用研究,检验和评价了断层间相互作用触震与缓震效应的重要性。 相似文献
2014年于田Ms73地震地表破裂特征及其发震构造 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
2014年2月12日在新疆于田县境内西昆仑山东段地区发生了Ms7.3级强烈地震,震后野外考察表明,这次地震在海拔4600~5100m的地区形成了由一系列张裂隙、张剪裂隙、剪切裂隙以及挤压鼓包和裂陷等雁行状组合而成的地表破裂带,破裂带沿阿尔金断裂带西南段的两条近平行的分支断裂阿什库勒-硝尔库勒断裂和南硝尔库勒断裂分布,整体呈NEE走向,全长约28km,其中,沿阿什库勒-硝尔库勒断裂展布的地表破裂带长约10km,主要呈N63°~65°E走向,以左旋走滑伴随伸展性质的破裂为主,最大左旋位移约0.7m,最大垂直位移约0.4m;沿南硝尔库勒断裂展布的地表破裂带长约15km,呈N54°~60°E走向,以左旋走滑伴随逆冲性质的破裂为主,最大左旋位移约1m,最大垂直位移约0.75m;上述两破裂带之间沿N15°E方向由零星的张裂隙和右阶雁行状分布的张裂隙或张剪裂隙组成的不连续破裂带长约5km,显示为伸展具有左旋走滑的性质;另外,在南硝尔库勒断裂北侧沿N100°~110°E方向展布一系列具有挤压、右旋走滑性质的地表破裂带长约4km,宽约2km,与NEE走向的左旋走滑破裂带构成同震共轭破裂带。这种特殊的地表破裂样式是近期发生的强地震中结构最复杂的走滑断层型地表破裂。发震断裂属于阿尔金断裂带西南段尾端分支断裂,它与郭扎错断裂和龙木错断裂构成"阿尔金断裂"向SW方向的延伸部分,它们是青藏高原西部晚新生代强烈活动断裂,其大地震活动是由于印度和欧亚板块间碰撞而产生大陆变形的应变能释放过程。 相似文献
1.IntroductionTheManzhouli-SuifenheGeoscienceTransect(M-SGT)isinthenortheastChina,acrosstheprovincesofInnerMongoliaandHeilongiiang.Geologically,itissitllatedamongtheplatesofNorthChina,SiberiaandWesternPacific.ThewholeIengthoftheM-SGTisaboutl3Ookm,whichcrossesmanytectonicunits(Fig.l).ItisclearthatitstectonicsitUationisuniqueanditsgeologicstructUreiscomplex.Deepearthquakeshappenfrequentlya1ongthetransect.Therefore,itisarepresentativeprofileofnortheastChinaandtheNortheastAsia.TheM-S… 相似文献
根据龙门山断裂带周边的固定数字地震台网和流动地震观测获得的宽频带地震记录,用多种地震学方法研究该地区的地壳上地幔结构。深部结构研究表明,龙门山断裂带物性分布具有显著的分段特征。用远震接收函数H-k叠加方法计算了各个台站的地壳厚度和波速比。地壳厚度总体变化是,地壳从东向西增厚,最小厚度为37.8 km,最大厚度是68.1 km。从东南向西北横跨龙门山断裂带的地壳急剧增厚,从41.5 km增厚至52.5 km。但是,龙门山断裂带两侧地壳厚度的差异在断裂带的南段和北段是不同的。在南段,地壳厚度急剧变化的分界线在中央断裂附近;在中段,分界线在后山断裂附近;在北段,则断裂带两侧地壳厚度差异很小。泊松比的空间分布是,松潘—甘孜地体北部和西秦岭造山带具有低泊松比(ν<0.26),扬子地台具有低—中泊松比(ν<0.27),松潘—甘孜地体南部、三江褶皱带和四川盆地具有中—高泊松比(0.26<ν<0.29)。除龙门山断裂带南段及其附近,大部分地区均不具有超高的泊松比(ν>0.30)。龙门山断裂带南段地壳具有高泊松比(ν>0.30),而北段地壳则为中—低泊松比。高泊松比可以看成是铁镁质组分增加和/或部分熔融的证据,表明那里的下地壳部分熔融是可能的。松潘—甘孜地体东南部地区的下地壳处于富含流体或温度较高的部分熔融状态,它有助于青藏高原的下地壳物质向东运动。青藏高原东部中、上地壳向东运动受刚性强度较大的扬子地台的阻挡,沿龙门山断裂带产生应变能积累。当应变达到临界值,发生急剧的摩擦滑动,释放积累的应变能,产生汶川Ms8.0地震。汶川地震在龙门山断裂带不同地段,表现出不同的破裂特征和余震分布,可能与断层带的分段深部构造差异有关。 相似文献
Deep Background of Wenchuan Earthquake and the Upper Crust Structure beneath the Longmen Shan and Adjacent Areas 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
LI Qiusheng GAO Rui WANG Haiyan ZHANG Jisheng LU Zhanwu LI Pengwu GUAN Ye HE Rizheng 《《地质学报》英文版》2009,83(4):733-739
Abstract: By analyzing the deep seismic sounding profiles across the Longmen Shan, this paper focuses on the study of the relationship between the upper crust structure of the Longmen Shan area and the Wenchuan earthquake. The Longmen Shan thrust belt marks not only the topographical change, but also the lateral velocity variation between the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Sichuan Basin. A low-velocity layer has consistently been found in the crust beneath the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, and ends beneath the western Sichuan Basin. The low-velocity layer at a depth of ~20 km beneath the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau has been considered as the deep condition for favoring energy accumulation that formed the great Wenchuan earthquake. 相似文献
By analyzing the deep seismic sounding profiles across the Longmen Shan,this paper focuses on the study of the relationship between the upper crust structure of the Longmen Shan area and the Wenchuan earthquake.The Longmen Shan thrust belt marks not only the topographical change,but also the lateral velocity variation between the eastern Tibetan Plateau and the Sichuan Basin.A lowvelocity layer has consistently been found in the crust beneath the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, and ends beneath the ... 相似文献
中国地球深部结构和深层动力过程与主体发展方向 总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17
地球深部结构、构造与大陆动力学研究在地球科学领域中占有重要地位。地球深既是资源、能源形成和演化的场所,又是地震灾害的策源地。它涉及了当今众多相邻学科的发展与成就,故对地球本体的认识在不断深化,特别是地球深部物质与能量的交换的深层动力过程。本文在阐述我国20世纪,主要是20世纪下半叶以来地球深部结构与构造研究主体成就的基础上,依据当今该领域在全球范围内的发展趋势,探讨了21世纪初、中吉的发展导向,并提出了某些战略重点。基于这样的前提,文中着重讨论了以下6个问题:①地球深部结构与大型动力学研究的意义、主题与目标;②地球物理深部地震探测揭示的地壳和上地幔的复杂性;③岩石圈内的大型滑脱构造和地震“孕育”的深部环境;④地球内部地震波传播速度分布与各向异性;⑤地球深部结构、构造与大陆动力学;⑥21世纪初,中叶地球深部与大陆动力学研究的发展战略重点。 相似文献