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We report the results of a geochemical study of the Jijal andSarangar complexes, which constitute the lower crust of theMesozoic Kohistan paleo-island arc (Northern Pakistan). TheJijal complex is composed of basal peridotites topped by a gabbroicsection made up of mafic garnet granulite with minor lensesof garnet hornblendite and granite, grading up-section to hornblendegabbronorite. The Sarangar complex is composed of metagabbro.The Sarangar gabbro and Jijal hornblende gabbronorite have melt-like,light rare earth element (LREE)-enriched REE patterns similarto those of island arc basalts. Together with the Jijal garnetgranulite, they define negative covariations of LaN, YbN and(La/Sm)N with Eu* [Eu* = 2 x EuN/(SmN + GdN), where N indicateschondrite normalized], and positive covariations of (Yb/Gd)Nwith Eu*. REE modeling indicates that these covariations cannotbe accounted for by high-pressure crystal fractionation of hydrousprimitive or derivative andesites. They are consistent withformation of the garnet granulites as plagioclase–garnetassemblages with variable trapped melt fractions via eitherhigh-pressure crystallization of primitive island arc basaltsor dehydration-melting of hornblende gabbronorite, providedthat the amount of segregated or restitic garnet was low (<5wt %). Field, petrographic, geochemical and experimental evidenceis more consistent with formation of the Jijal garnet granuliteby dehydration-melting of Jijal hornblende gabbronorite. Similarly,the Jijal garnet-bearing hornblendite lenses were probably generatedby coeval dehydration-melting of hornblendites. Melting modelsand geochronological data point to intrusive leucogranites inthe overlying metaplutonic complex as the melts generated bydehydration-melting of the plutonic protoliths of the Jijalgarnet-bearing restites. Consistent with the metamorphic evolutionof the Kohistan lower arc crust, dehydration-melting occurredat the mature stage of this island arc when shallower hornblende-bearingplutonic rocks were buried to depths exceeding 25–30 kmand heated to temperatures above c. 900°C. Available experimentaldata on dehydration-melting of amphibolitic sources imply thatthickening of oceanic arcs to depths >30 km (equivalent toc. 1·0 GPa), together with the hot geotherms now postulatedfor lower island arc crust, should cause dehydration-meltingof amphibole-bearing plutonic rocks generating dense garnetgranulitic roots in island arcs. Dehydration-melting of hornblende-bearingplutonic rocks may, hence, be a common intracrustal chemicaland physical differentiation process in island arcs and a naturalconsequence of their maturation, leading to the addition ofgranitic partial melts to the middle–upper arc crust andformation of dense, unstable garnet granulite roots in the lowerarc crust. Addition of LREE-enriched granitic melts producedby this process to the middle–upper island arc crust maydrive its basaltic composition toward that of andesite, affordinga plausible solution to the ‘arc paradox’ of formationof andesitic continental-like crust in island arc settings. KEY WORDS: island arc crust; Kohistan complex; Jijal complex; amphibole dehydration-melting; garnet granulite; continental crustal growth  相似文献   

张海祖  张宏飞 《华北地质》2001,24(4):247-256
产于火山岩中的下地壳麻粒岩包体是人们窥视深部地壳的一个窗口,现已成为人们探索大陆下地壳物质组成和演化最直接的研究对象.下地壳岩石包体一般具有麻粒岩相矿物组合,主体由镁铁质麻粒岩组成,以出现紫苏辉石矿物为标志下地壳包体的平衡温度为700~1 040℃,平衡压力在0.8~1.4 GPa之间.在绝大多数地区,基性下地壳包体占优势,其共同特征是低SiO2、高CaO和Mg#,过渡族元素和不相容元素含量变化很大,不同构造背景和不同岩石类型的包体同位素成分也有差异,全球各大陆下地壳包体Nd、Pb同位素组成分布具有"块体效应"特征.利用出露于地表的下地壳麻粒岩包体可以探讨下地壳物质组成和成分,建立下地壳物性剖面和岩石圈模型,并可作为幔源岩浆底侵作用的重要判据之一.世界范围内下地壳麻粒岩包体研究表明,在探讨下地壳的组成特点上,由火山岩中麻粒岩包体和出露的麻粒岩地体两类岩石样品所获得的下地壳组成特点存在比较大的差异,前者较后者反映的下地壳组成更偏基性.下地壳包体的类型与成因对揭示大陆地壳的增生、演化方式以及壳-幔交换作用具有重要的指示意义.  相似文献   

大陆下地壳麻粒岩的流变学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大险下地壳麻粒岩的流变学研究可以解释地壳变形、壳幔物质交换以及岩石圈深部动力学过程等科学问题.前人通过研究各矿物的显微构造变形特征与变形机制,运用广义混合流变律探讨多矿物复合岩石的流变性质,结合水与流体对岩石变形强度的弱化作用,阐明在大陆下地壳变形环境下复矿麻粒岩的塑性变形和韧性流变性质.目前人们致力于对天然变形岩石和...  相似文献   

Mafic granulites have been found as structural lenses within the huge thrust system outcropping about 10 km west of Nam Co of the northern Lhasa Terrane, Tibetan Plateau. Petrological evidence from these rocks indicates four distinct metamorphic assemblages. The early metamorphic assemblage (M1) is preserved only in the granulites and represented by plagioclase+hornblende inclusions within the cores of garnet porphyroblasts. The peak assemblage (M2) consists of garnet+clinopyroxene+hornblende+plagioclase in the mafic granulites. The peak metamorphism was followed by near-isothermal decompression (M3), which resulted in the development of hornblende+plagioclase symplectites surrounding embayed garnet porphyroblasts, and decompression-cooling (M4) is represented by minerals of hornblende+plagioclase recrystallized during mylonization. The peak (M2) P-T conditions of garnet+ clinopyroxene+plagioclase+hornblende were estimated at 769-905℃ and 0.86-1.02 GPa based on the geothermometers and geobarometers. The  相似文献   

嵇少丞  龙长兴  夏斌 《地质学报》2006,80(12):1919-1929
褶皱是挤压造山带中最普遍的地质构造,但是为什么在地震反射剖面上却极少呈现褶皱呢?本文从一个构造地质学者的角度出发,数值模拟了几种常见褶皱构造的地震波反射响应。结果表明,传统的反射地震技术并不能正确成像闭合褶皱、斜歪或倒转褶皱及二级以上的多级复合褶皱。褶皱陡倾翼的反射消失,而褶皱转折端的反射形成一系列断断续续分布的假水平层理,这些假水平层理在下地壳中极易被错误地解释成由地壳拉张形成的水平构造层理或由底侵作用形成的水平基性岩席。笔者认为,老、中、新褶皱造山带的下地壳中大多数不连续水平反射可能是由褶皱造成的。  相似文献   

Compared with the oceanic crust, knowledge about the formation of the continental crust (CC) is relatively poor. Although melting of subducted slabs in the early history of the Earth has been considered as the major way that shaped the chemical characteristics of the CC by most geologists, as the CC shares many characteristics with modern adakites, some geologists argued that Archean TTG was formed in the same way as modern arcs rather than slab melting, whereas others proposed that melting at the bottom of the thickened oceanic crust was more important. Recently,the debate is mainly focused on the unique subchondritic Nb/Ta value of the CC, and particularly, how Nb and Ta fractionated from each other and consequently how, in detail, the CC was built.  相似文献   

综述了中国东部地壳结构与组成的基本特征,介绍了华北克拉通岩石圈减薄作用这一近年来备受国内外地球动力学界关注的重大科学问题,归纳和总结了目前关于华北克拉通减薄机制的各种模型,并结合大陆岩石圈流变学结构模型,强调从流变学角度探讨华北克拉通下地壳的流变性质对研究和解决华北克拉通破坏机制的意义,提出进行更精细的、结合定量结构水研究的高温高压流变学实验模拟研究可能是解决华北克拉通破坏机制问题的关键手段之一。  相似文献   

大陆下地壳高电导率的起源:矿物中的结构水   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
大地电磁学的测定结果显示,大陆下地壳可能具有异常高的电导率(10-4~10-2 S/m)。认识这种异常现象的起源,对于更好地理解地球内部的结构和一些典型的地质学过程具有重要的意义。虽然目前有多种机制试图对大陆下地壳高电导率现象进行解释,但是争论依然激烈,已有的模型(含水矿物模型、孔隙流体模型、颗粒边界石墨膜模型和正空穴电子对模型等)都不能提供令人信服的答案。对安徽女山下地壳麻粒岩包体中的主要组成矿物(斜长石、斜方辉石、单斜辉石)的Micro FTIR分析表明:这三种矿物普遍含有结构水,含量分别可以高至~1 700×10-6、~1 600×10-6和~2 400×10-6。麻粒岩中结构水的存在可能会对大陆下地壳的电导率分布产生重要的影响,从而可能为认识其起源提供一个新的解释方法。  相似文献   

       根据大陆下地壳的成分、含水基性岩体系部分熔融的基本原理和实验岩石学资料,本文对大陆下地壳的熔融机制展 开了讨论,并在此基础上对比实验熔体与大别山C 型埃达克岩的成分,进而探讨约束源岩成分、熔融的温压条件和部分熔 融程度。研究结果表明,大陆下地壳总体上是中- 基性(SiO2 50%~60% )和含少量水的,在缺乏流体相条件下伴随含水 矿物脱水的部分熔融是下地壳产生含水长英质熔体和无水残留体的主要机制。角闪岩在中等压力下(1.0~1.2 GPa,相当于 35~40 km)理论上能够产生石榴石含量超过~20% 的熔融残余,从而使得与之平衡的长英质熔体具有低Y,高Sr/Y 和La/Yb 比值等埃达克岩特征。基于水活度模型和变质基性岩p -t 相图的估算显示,含有40%~60% 角闪石的源岩(含水0.8%~1.2%) 在~950 ℃能够得到最大为15%~20% 的熔体,该熔体分数满足熔体分离的要求。大别山C型埃达克岩主要为高钾钙碱性系 列(K2O 3.5%~5%),与实验熔体成分的对比可知,其无法由低钾源岩在合理的部分熔融程度形成。根据钾在角闪岩部分熔 融过程过表现为强不相容元素的原理,利用合理假设的残余体组合得到的分配系数,估算K2O 含量为~1% 的源岩在熔融程 度为15%~20% 的情况下能够得到类似大别山C 型埃达克岩成分的熔体。  相似文献   

柴胡栏子金矿位于华北板块北缘,属中温热液蚀变岩型金矿。金成矿与矿区北部的早中生代辉石闪长岩体有密切关系。在辉石闪长岩体内发育大量包体,可以分为基性麻粒岩和角闪岩两类包体。包体的地球化学、形成温压条件表明基性岩包体为来源于大陆下地壳的基性麻粒岩包体,来源深度大约相当于下地壳中部-中上部位置,为早中生代时期底侵作用的产物。角闪岩包体来源于下地壳上部-中地壳下部位置,被上升岩浆带至地壳浅部。包体和寄主岩石具有相似的地球化学和氧、铅、锶、钕同位素特征,说明二者具有相同的岩浆来源。基性麻粒岩包体为底侵作用早期形成的堆晶岩受到后续岩浆的烘烤发生麻粒岩化形成。基性麻粒岩和寄主岩石辉石闪长岩与金矿床形成的密切时空关系显示底侵作用对柴胡栏子金矿含矿流体形成、运移和矿质富集有重要控制作用,其中 H2O和CO2等挥发性组分对控制流体形成和演化有至关重要作用。基性麻粒岩包体发育为成柴胡栏子金矿成矿物质来源于深部提供了有力的证据。  相似文献   

太古宙下部地壳流体研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
董永胜 《世界地质》2001,20(3):237-241
太古宙下部地壳流体的研究对于阐明麻粒岩相变质作用成因及深成地质作用过程具有重要意义。下部地壳流体的性状,成因,运移方式及其与麻粒岩相变质作用成因联系等方面取得了一定的研究成果。采取流体包裹体研究与脱水变质反应平衡热力学计算,矿物对地质温压计估算等相结合的方法才能获得更可信的结果,实验研究是今后重要的发展方向。  相似文献   

Seismic lamination and anisotropy of the Lower Continental Crust   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Seismic lamination in the lower crust associated with marked anisotropy has been observed at various locations. Three of these locations were investigated by specially designed experiments in the near vertical and in the wide-angle range, that is the Urach and the Black Forrest area, both belonging to the Moldanubian, a collapsed Variscan terrane in southern Germany, and in the Donbas Basin, a rift inside the East European (Ukrainian) craton. In these three cases, a firm relationship between lower crust seismic lamination and anisotropy is found. There are more cases of lower-crustal lamination and anisotropy, e.g. from the Basin and Range province (western US) and from central Tibet, not revealed by seismic wide-angle measurements, but by teleseismic receiver function studies with a P–S conversion at the Moho. Other cases of lamination and anisotropy are from exhumed lower crustal rocks in Calabria (southern Italy), and Val Sesia and Val Strona (Ivrea area, Northern Italy). We demonstrate that rocks in the lower continental crust, apart from differing in composition, differ from the upper mantle both in terms of seismic lamination (observed in the near-vertical range) and in the type of anisotropy. Compared to upper mantle rocks exhibiting mainly orthorhombic symmetry, the symmetry of the rocks constituting the lower crust is either axial or orthorhombic and basically a result of preferred crystallographic orientation of major minerals (biotite, muscovite, hornblende). We argue that the generation of seismic lamination and anisotropy in the lower crust is a consequence of the same tectonic process, that is, ductile deformation in a warm and low-viscosity lower crust. This process takes place preferably in areas of extension. Heterogeneous rock units are formed that are generally felsic in composition, but that contain intercalations of mafic intrusions. The latter have acted as heat sources and provide the necessary seismic impedance contrasts. The observed seismic anisotropy is attributed to lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of major minerals, in particular of mica and hornblende, but also of olivine. A transversely isotropic symmetry system, such as expected for sub-horizontal layering, is found in only half of the field studies. Azimuthal anisotropy is encountered in the rest of the cases. This indicates differences in the horizontal components of tectonic strain, which finally give rise to differences in the evolution of the rock fabric.  相似文献   

大别山下地壳岩石及其深俯冲   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
刘贻灿  李曙光 《岩石学报》2005,21(4):1059-1066
本文对大别山下地壳岩石的主要组成及其变质岩石学和年代学特征进行了系统总结,并首次报道了作者等最近在罗田穹隆中发现的镁铁质下地壳岩石俯冲变质成因的榴辉岩及其有关片麻岩的 SHRIMP 锆石 U-Pb 同位素年代学的最新研究成果。大别山这种不寻常的镁铁质下地壳俯冲成因榴辉岩为研究大陆深俯冲和陆壳物质再循环以及对地幔不均一性的影响提供了重要对象和可能性。根据阴极发光图像及矿物包体组合,罗田榴辉岩中继承锆石可分为两种即具有岩浆结晶环带的岩浆锆石和含有石榴子石 紫苏辉石 斜长石等麻粒岩相变质矿物包体的变质锆石,而且这两种继承锆石常具有舍石榴子石 绿辉石等榴辉岩相矿物包体的增生边。SHRIMP U-Pb 定年结果表明,继承岩浆锆石的~(206)Pb/~(238)U 年龄为791±9Ma、含麻粒岩相矿物包体的继承变质锆石的~(206)Pb/~(238)U 年龄为794±10Ma、含榴辉岩相矿物包体的锆石增生边的~(206)Pb/~(238)U 年龄值为212±10Ma。罗田榴辉岩的围岩——含石榴子石英云闪长质片麻岩中锆石的 CL 图像具有特征的核-幔-边结构即表现为继承岩浆锆石核-高压变质幔-退变质增生边,高压变质幔给出罗田片麻岩中印支期高压变质的精确年龄为218±3Ma。因此,罗田榴辉岩的原岩时代与早期麻粒岩相变质时代一致,均为晚元古代,证明华南陆块北缘晚元古代岩浆板底垫托的存在。而且,大别山下地壳岩石参与了印支期大陆深俯冲,但与南大别带具有不同的折返过程即前者经历了麻粒岩相退变质过程。此外,北大别带榴辉岩的印支期峰期变质时代(212±4Ma)比南大别带年轻(226±3Ma),这可用大陆叠瓦式深俯冲模式来解释。  相似文献   

中国东南新生代玄武岩中麻粒岩相捕虏体的新发现及其意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文报道了在中国东南地区女山、桂子山、西垄和麒麟等地新生代玄武岩中新发现的麻粒岩相捕虏体。研究显示女山存在多种岩石类型的捕虏体,其中本次研究新发现的石榴子石麻粒岩与二辉麻粒岩在矿物化学和形成条件上明显不同。石榴子石麻粒岩的次透辉石(富Al2O3,Na2O)、紫苏辉石(富Al2O3) 形成于较深(>40km)的下地壳,厚的地壳和较低的地温梯度(20-24℃/km)表明当时女山处于相对稳定的克拉通环境;女山二辉麻粒岩的次透辉石和紫苏辉石(贫Al2O3,Na2O)形成于较高地温梯度(31-34℃/km)的构造背景,指示当时女山处于活动大陆边缘或裂谷环境。复杂的岩石类型和不同的形成条件表明女山的下地壳是由多期岩浆活动的产物组成。广东麒麟和雷州的二辉麻粒岩的次透辉石以低Al2O3和低Na2O为特征,温压估算显示它们形成于较浅部(23-27km)和高地温梯度的地质背景,指示当时华南处在强烈的拉张减薄的构造环境。浙江西垄和新昌的麻粒岩捕虏体的矿物学特征和形成条件介于女山和广东的麻粒岩捕虏体之间。女山麻粒岩捕虏体的岩石组合和形成条件与华北太古代麻粒岩地体和汉诺坝麻粒岩捕虏体相似,而与华南的明显不同,表明女山的下地壳隶属于华北板块。在华南沿海从北到南基性麻粒岩的发现,显示中生代基性岩浆的底侵作用普遍存在。  相似文献   

1NTRoDUCTIONSincecoesiteandmicro-diamondinclusionswerefoundinDabieshaninl98Os,someimportantresultsofgeology,geo-chemistryandgeophysicsoftheDabieultrahighpressuremetamorphicbelthavebeenachieved(seethereviewofCongandWang,l994;Wangetal.,l997).Butthereisverylittleexperimentalstudyofphysicalpropertiesofthemetamorphicrockstillnow(HarleyandCarswell,l995).Elasticwaveve-locityisoneofthemostimportantparametersofrocks,whichisabridgeconnectinggeochemistryandgeophysics.Itwillbehelpfulindiscussingthe…  相似文献   

本文系统总结了大陆深部地壳物质成分识别研究方法和元素丰度合理性检验的方法,以期为大陆深部地壳物质成分探测提供技术方法体系。深部地壳物质成分识别的主要方法有:①因构造运动抬升出露到地表的中下地壳剖面;②地表出露的高级变质地体;③产于火山岩中的深部地壳捕掳体,如麻粒岩捕掳体;④地球物理测深资料与深部岩石物理性质的高温高压实验测定结果之间的拟合和⑤壳源岩浆岩源区地球化学示踪。元素丰度合理性检验的方法主要有地表热流和元素比值法。  相似文献   

斜长石组构的显微测量方法及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马芳  金淑燕 《世界地质》1999,18(1):31-38
介绍了目前国外用费氏台测量斜长石组构的三种方法:(1)BPW图解法;(2)(010),(001)双面交点法;(3)(010)消光角法;并分析了其适用范围及各自的优缺点。最后总结了确定斜长石组构的应用意义;(1)确定滑移系;(2)判断剪切方向;(3)计算地震波速。  相似文献   

High-silica granitoids record the formation and evolution of the continental crust. A new intrusive complex has been recognized among silicic volcanic rocks of the Weixi arc, Southwest China. The intrusions consist of granites, granitic porphyries, and granodiorites. Zircon U-Pb age data indicate that the Weixi granitoids formed at 248–240 Ma and were coeval with silicic volcanic rocks of the Weixi arc. The Weixi granitoids are enriched in Rb, Th, and U, depleted in Ba, Sr, Nb, Ta, and Ti, and have high light/heavy rare earth element ratios and slightly negative Eu anomalies. The Weixi granitoids have negative εNd(t) values (?9.8 to ?7.8) and negative zircon εHf(t) values (?12.02 to ?5.11). The geochemical and isotopic features suggest the Weixi granitoids were derived by partial melting of ancient crustal material. The Weixi granitoids and silicic volcanic rocks were derived from the same magma by crystal accumulation and melt extraction, respectively, and they record the formation of a continental arc in the central Sanjiang orogenic belt.  相似文献   

下地壳流变层对青藏高原及其周边大尺度地貌的制约   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以下地壳流变层的变形为切入点,结合青藏高原的构造演化、区域走滑断裂的发育性质和高原南部地区的地球物理资料,介绍了下地壳流变层物质向东和北东流动的特性,探讨了青藏高原及其周边地区地貌形态形成的深部地质过程和下地壳流变层在这一过程中的制约作用,并对塔里木地块、鄂尔多斯地块、四川地块的旋转和柴达木盆地自新生代以来迅速抬升的现象做出了新的解释.  相似文献   

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