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The slip rate of Yema River–Daxue Mountain fault in the western segment of Qilian Mountains was determined by the dated offset of river risers or gullies. Results indicate that the left-lateral fault slip rate is 2.82 ± 0.20 mm/a at Dazangdele site,2.00 ± 0.24 mm/a at Shibandun site,and 0.50 ± 0.36 and 2.80 ± 0.33 mm/a at two sites in Zhazihu. The ideal average slip rate of the whole fault is 2.81 ± 0.32 mm/a. The lower slip rate confirms part of the displacement of Altyn Tagh fault was transformed into an uplifting of the strap mountains in the western segment of Qilian Mountains,whereas another part transformed into sinistral displacement of Haiyuan fault. This study illustrates that the slip of large strike-slip faults in the northeastern margin of the plateau transforms into crust thickening at the tip of the fault without large-scale propagation to the outer parts of the plateau.  相似文献   

Altyn Tagh fault controls the deformation characteristics of the northern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.The sinistral slip rate of the eastern segment of the fault reduces gradually where the reduction transforms into the deformation within Qilian Mountain,forming a series of thrust faults and strike-slip faults.Among them,the Yema River-Daxue Mountain fault is one of the important structural transform faults in the study area.Based on the differences of the geometrical characteristics and activities,the fault is divided into four segments,the Yema River segment,the Shibandun segment,the Liushapo segment and the Baishitougou segment,among which the former three are Holocene active faults,and the Baishitougou segment belongs to late Pleistocene fault.The excavated trenches imply a total of 6 paleoearthquake events,and at least 4 events have occurred during Holocene,whose occurrence times are 8300±700 yr BP,6605±140 yr BP,4540±350 yr BP,2098±47 yr BP,respectively.The recurrence interval is 2600±600 yr BP that is close to the lapsed time of the last one,2098±47 yr BP,which suggests that the Yema River-Daxue Mountain fault is in a high risk of major earthquakes in the future.The vertical coseismic displacements of the four Holocene paleoearthquake events are 100 cm,42 cm,40 cm and 50 cm,respectively,the horizontal coseismic displacements are 5 m,4.5-5.5 m,5-8 m and 4-5.5 m,separately,and then the reference magnitude of the paleoearthquake events is conjectured to be M7.6±0.1.  相似文献   

Project INDEPTH (InterNational DEep Profiling of Tibet and the Himalaya) is an interdisciplinary program designed to develop a better understanding of deep structures and mechanics of the Tibetan Plateau. As a component of magnetotelluric (MT) work in the 4th phase of the project, MT data were collected along a profile that crosses the eastern segment of the Altyn Tagh fault on the northern margin of the plateau. Time series data processing used robust algorithms to give high quality responses. Dimensionality analysis showed that 2D approach is only valid for the northern section of the profile. Consequently, 2D inversions were only conducted for the northern section, and 3D inversions were conducted on MT data from the whole profile. From the 2D inversion model, the eastern segment of the Altyn Tagh fault only appears as a crustal structure, which suggests accommodation of strike slip motion along the Altyn Tagh fault by thrusting within the Qilian block. A large-scale off-profile conductor within the mid-lower crust of the Qilian block was revealed from the 3D inversion model, which is probably correlated with the North Qaidam thrust belt. Furthermore, the unconnected conductors from the 3D inversion model indicate that deformations in the study area are generally localized.  相似文献   

阿尔金断裂带8 Ma左右的快速走滑及其地质意义   总被引:44,自引:3,他引:41  
阿尔金断裂带的走滑变形历史与青藏高原的抬升、变形密切相关.阿尔金断裂中段旁侧岩体中磷灰石的裂变径迹测试年龄结果集中在8 Ma±.区域资料显示,沿阿尔金主断裂带旁侧普遍存在8 Ma±的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄.为此推测,阿尔金断裂带在8 Ma±经历了一期快速的走滑变形事件.结合青藏高原抬升、变形研究资料,表明8 Ma±是青藏高原抬升、变形等重要构造事件的发生时间.  相似文献   

青藏高原中段活动断层运动速度及驱动机理   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在大比例尺活动断层勘测调查基础上,通过测定典型断层位移和活动时代,计算重要活动断层运动速度,分析青藏高原中段地壳水平运动规律。发现青藏高原中段晚更新世~全新世发育大量iW-iWW一近EW向活动断裂,其中昆仑山活动断裂、可可西里南缘活动断裂、通天河活动断裂、崩错活动断裂、念青唐古拉山东麓活动断裂和雅鲁藏布江活动断裂水平运动速度达6~10mm/a,风火山活动断裂、乌丽活动断裂和雁石坪活动断裂水平运动速度达3~4mm/a,唐古拉山活动断裂与格仁错活动断裂水平运动速度约2mm/a。自晚更新世以来,青藏高原中段存在显著的地壳东向运动,相对于柴达木地块的地壳东向运动速度自南北两侧向中部逐步增大,至唐古拉山地区达最大值约40mm/a。青藏高原中段断裂活动、地壳运动与近SN向构造挤压及地壳内部东向水平剪切存在动力学成因联系。  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of the kinematics of the active faults distributed around the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is critical to understand current tectonic processes of the plateau. Chronological analysis, based on the comparison among regional climate and geomorphology, digital photogrammetry, offset landforms, and the tectonics were adopted in this study on the Xianshuihe fault in the eastern Tibetan plateau. Two or more offset-age data were obtained for each segment of the Xianshuihe and the Yunongxi faults. The offset landforms, including river terrace, alluvial fan and glacial moraine, provide constraints for the late Quaternary slip rate of the Xianshuihe fault. The left-lateral strike slip rate of the Xianshuihe fault decreases from 17 mm/a on the northwest segment to 9.3 mm/a on the southeast segment. Regarding the Xianshuihe fault zone and its adjacent blocks as a regional tectonic system, vector analysis was used to quantitatively analyze the longitudinal kinematical transformation and transversal slip partitioning on the fault zone in terms of the kinematical parameters of the main faults within the zone. The results show that there is a distributed vertical uplift at a rate of 6.1 mm/yr caused by shortening across the Gongga Mountains region. Based on these results, we established a model of the slip partitioning for the southeastern segment of the Xianshuihe fault zone.  相似文献   

How the Altyn Tagh fault(ATF) extends eastwards is one of the key questions in the study of the growth of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau. Detailed fieldwork at the easternmost part of the ATF shows that the ATF extends eastward and bypasses the Kuantan Mountain; it does not stop at the Kuantan Mountain, but connects with the northern Heishan fault in the east. The ATF does not enter the Alxa Block but extends eastward along the southern Alxa Block to the Jintanan Mountain. The Heishan fault is not ...  相似文献   

云龙  张进  肖骑斌  王驹  凌辉  罗辉  田霄  张竞嘉 《地质学报》2019,93(9):2107-2122
三危山断裂为阿尔金断裂带东段的重要分支,位于青藏高原北缘北向扩展的前缘位置,为一条左旋走滑兼逆冲的活动断裂。通过卫片解译和野外实际调查,发现三危山主断裂穿过鸣沙山后,向西至党河水库及阳关镇附近以断层陡坎的形式出露地表。由阳关镇段向西至党河水库段,穿过鸣沙山至三危山主断裂,断层陡坎的形态由复杂变简单,落差基本集中于2~6m,但呈现逐渐减小的趋势,水平位移量也逐渐变小,反映了断裂活动强度由西向东逐渐减弱的特点。探槽和剖面解译结果显示,该段断裂错断下更新统玉门组(Qp1)砂岩和砾岩、中更新统酒泉组(Qp2)砂砾石层以及上更新统(Qp3)冲洪积砂砾石层。卫片解译、野外实地调查和深部大地电磁(MT)剖面的解译结果表明,南截山断裂向西在莫高窟南侧与三危山断裂交汇,二者在深部向阿尔金断裂收敛,上述三条断裂共同构成区域挤压性非对称半正花状构造。高原北缘的扩展是通过一系列北东-南西向走滑断裂活动及其所夹地块向北东运动和挤压实现。  相似文献   

对北山地区遥感影像和野外地质特征的分析表明,自阿尔金断裂带向NW方向依次出露三危山-双塔断裂、大泉断裂和红柳河断裂。这些断裂近于平行,且同为左行走滑断裂,具有相似的展布特征,空间走向均为NE40~50°,断裂系末端均发育 “树枝状”分支断层,在断层夹块之间形成“多米诺”构造,构成了北山地区主要的构造样式。断层谷地沉积物分析和断层泥ESR年代学测试结果表明,三危山-双塔断裂形成于上新世(N2k),大泉断裂形成于早更新世(1.2~1.5Ma),而北山地区分支断层和次级断层的活动在400ka之后。对北山地区断裂构造几何学和年代学的研究表明,阿尔金断裂系晚新生代以来向NW方向的侧向扩展,是阿尔金走滑边界重要的生长方式。北山地区特殊的走滑构造组合样式,使该地区的构造变形难于在某条断层上聚集能量,而分散在若干条次级断层上的位移量又微乎其微,该地区成为“最稳定的活动区”。  相似文献   

对北山地区遥感影像和野外地质特征的分析表明,自阿尔金断裂带向NW方向依次出露三危山-双塔断裂、大泉断裂和红柳河断裂.这些断裂近于平行,且同为左行走滑断裂,具有相似的展布特征,空间走向均为NE40~500°,断裂系末端均发育"树枝状"分支断层,在断层夹块之间形成"多米诺"构造,构成了北山地区主要的构造样式.断层谷地沉积物分析和断层泥ESR年代学测试结果表明,三危山-双塔断裂形成于上新世(N2κ),大泉断裂形成于早更新世(1.2~1.5Ma),而北山地区分支断层和次级断层的活动在400 ka之后.对北山地区断裂构造几何学和年代学的研究表明.阿尔金断裂系晚新生代以来向NW方向的侧向扩展,是阿尔金走滑边界重要的生长方式.北山地区特殊的走滑构造组合样式,使该地区的构造变形难于在某条断层上聚集能量,而分散在若干条次级断层上的位移量又微乎其微,该地区成为"最稳定的活动区".  相似文献   

We present in this paper some new evidence for the change during the Quaternary in kinematics of faults cutting the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. It shows that significant shortening deformation occurred during the Early Pleistocene, evidenced by eastward thrusting of Mesozoic carbonates on the Pliocene lacustrine deposits along the Minjiang upstream fault zone and by development of the transpressional ridges of basement rocks along the Anninghe river valley. The Middle Pleistocene seems to be a relaxant stage with local development of the intra-mountain basins particularly prominent along the Minjiang Upstream and along the southern segment of the Anninghe River Valley. This relaxation may have been duo to a local collapse of the thickened crust attained during the late Neogene to early Pleistocene across this marginal zone. Fault kinematics has been changed since the late Pleistocene, and was predominated by reverse sinistral strike-slip along the Minshan Uplift, reverse dextral strike-slip on the Longmenshan fault zone and pure sinistral strike-slip on the Anninghe fault. This change in fault kinematics during the Quaternary allows a better understanding of the mechanism by which the marginal ranges of the plateau has been built through episodic activities.  相似文献   

The Quaternary activity of the faults at the eastern end of the Altyn Tagh fault, including the Dengdengshan–Chijiaciwo, Kuantanshan and Heishan faults, was studied on the basis of interpretation of satellite images, trenching, geomorphologic offset measurements and dating. The Altyn Tagh fault has extended eastwards to Kuantanshan Mountain. The left–slip rates of the Altyn Tagh fault decreased through the Qilianshan fault and were transformed into thrust and folds deformation of many NW–trending faults within the Jiuxi basin. Meanwhile, under NE–directed compression of the Tibetan plateau, thrust dominated the Dengdengshan–Chijiaciwo fault northeast of the Kuantanshan uplift with a rate lower than that of every fault in the Jiuxi basin south of the uplift, implying that tectonic deformation is mainly confined to the plateau interior and the Hexi Corridor area. From continual northeastward enlargement of the Altyn Tagh fault, the Kuantanshan uplift became a triangular wedge intruding to the east, while the Kuantanshan area at the end of this wedge rose up strongly. In future, the Altyn Tagh fault will continue to spread eastward along the Heishan and Jintananshan faults. The results have implications for understanding the propagation of crustal deformation and the mechanism of the India–Eurasian collision.  相似文献   

Timing, Displacement and Growth Pattern of the Altyn Tagh Fault: A Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Altyn Tagh Fault (ATF) is the longest, lithospheric scale and strike-slip fault in East Asia. In the last three decades, multidisciplinary studies focusing on the timing, displacement of strike-slip and growth mechanics of the ATF have made great progresses. Most studies revealed that the ATF is a sinistral strike-slip and thrust fault, which underwent multiple episodes of activation. The fault is oriented NEE with a length of 1600 km, but the direction, timing of activity and magnitude of its extension eastward are still unclear. The AFT was predominately active during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, in relation to the Mesozoic collision of the Cimmerian continent (Qiangtang and Lhasa block) and Cenozoic collision of India with Asia. The AFT strike-slipped with a left-lateral displacement of ca. 400 km during the Cenozoic and the displacement were bigger in the western segment and stronger in the early stage of fault activation. The slip-rates in the Quaternary were bigger in the middle segment than in the western and eastern segment. We roughly estimated the Mesozoic displacement as ca. 150-300 km. The latest paleomagnetic data showed that the clockwise vertical-axis rotation did not take place in the huge basins (the Tarim and Qaidam) at both side of ATF during the Cenozoic, but the rotation happened in the small basins along the ATF. This rotation may play an important role on accommodating the tectonic deformation and displacement of the ATF. Even if we have achieved consensus for many issues related to the ATF, some issues still need to be study deeply; such as: (a) the temporal and spatial coupling relationship between the collision of Cimmerian continent with Asia and the history of AFT in the Mesozoic and (b) the tectonic deformation history which records by the sediments of the basins within and at both side of AFT and was constrained by a high-resolution and accurate chronology such as magnetostratigraphy and paleomagnetic data.  相似文献   

The geology and tectonics in the eastern margin of Tibetan Plateau are complex. The main tectonic framework is composed of blocks and faults. Using discontinuous global positioning system survey data for 2008–2014, the velocity field for the Eurasia reference framework was obtained. Based on the velocity field, the present-day velocities of the blocks and boundary faults were estimated. The results reveal that the movement rates of the Chuan-Qing, South China, Chuan-Dian and Indo-China blocks are(17.02±0.60) mm/a,(8.77±1.51) mm/a,(13.85±1.31) mm/a and(6.84 ± 0.74) mm/a, respectively, and their movement directions are 99.5°, 120.3°, 142.9° and 153.3°, respectively. All blocks exhibit clockwise rotation. The displacement rates of the Xianshuihe, Longmenshan, Anninghe, Zemuhe, Xiaojiang and Red River faults are(7.30±1.25–8.30±1.26) mm/a,(10.07±0.97–11.79±0.89) mm/a,(0.96±0.74–2.98±1.73) mm/a,(2.03±0.49–3.20±0.73) mm/a,(3.45±0.40–6.02±0.50) mm/a and(6.23±0.56) mm/a, respectively. The Xianshuihe, Anninghe, Zemuhe and Xiaojiang faults show leftlateral strike-slip movement, while the Longmenshan and Red River faults show right-lateral strikeslip. These characteristics of the blocks and faults are related to the particular tectonic location and dynamic mechanism.  相似文献   

鹤庆–洱源断裂带是滇西北活动断裂系的重要组成部分,对其性质、特征和活动历史的研究可为区域地震活动评价和震害防御提供依据,也可为青藏高原东南缘构造变形特征、历史和方式提供基础数据。通过对鹤庆–洱源断裂带中段基岩山区的室内外调查和研究,结合光释光和14C 定年,初步查明该段断裂具有复杂的空间展布格局,由多条左旋走滑性质的分支断裂构成,它们共同吸收了断裂带在鹤庆盆地南端与洱源盆地北端之间的走滑分量;运动性质以左旋走滑为主,局部地段兼具正断或逆冲性质;剖面地层断错和覆盖关系表明该段断裂在晚更新世活动强烈,现有证据表明最新活动时代约为距今2万年。结合区域构造环境,作者认为鹤庆–洱源断裂带中段晚更新世以来的活动是对青藏高原强烈隆升的响应,其左旋走滑符合滇中次级块体顺时针转动模型,是块体旋转在角端的局部应变响应。  相似文献   

The Qilian–Haiyuan fault zone in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau has been the source of strong earthquakes in the region. In its middle segment, the Jinqianghe fault is an important active fault within the Tianzhu seismic gap; however, little is known about its slip behavior. To present a new horizontal displacement distribution along this fault, we used WorldView-2 stereo pairs and unmanned aerial vehicle-based photogrammetry to construct digital elevation models to obtain a detailed tectono-geomorphic interpretation and geomorphic offsets. The offset marker measurements yielded 135 geomorphic displacements and 8 offset clusters. Radiocarbon dating was used to establish the regional age sequence of the geomorphic units in offset fluvial terraces at four study sites. The displacements and ages linked the offset clusters with the geomorphic unit sequence; the Holocene strike-slip rate of the Jinqianghe fault was estimated to 4.8–5.6 mm/a at ~4–12 ka and 2.9–4.7 mm/a from ~4 ka. Three recent earthquakes (with a recurrence interval of ~1000 years) represent an active seismic period, revealing the potential seismic hazard along this fault because it has not ruptured in the last 1500 years.  相似文献   

The northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau is the youngest part of the Tibetan Plateau where tectonic activity is intense and climate change is complex. In this study, combined with field investigations, we explored accelerator mass spectrometry 14C and optically stimulated luminescence dating and palynological analysis of the sedimentary sequence in the Qingshuihe Basin to explain the origin of soft-sediment deformation layer. Dating and palynological results from the Sanchahe section in th...  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘活动断裂地质灾害效应研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
活动断裂的地质灾害效应是工程地质与地质灾害领域研究的重要内容。本文以第四纪以来构造活动最强烈的青藏高原东缘为例,阐述了活动断裂地质灾害效应的主要表现形式,包括:(1)活动断裂对地形地貌和岩体结构的影响;(2)断裂剧烈活动(地震)诱发地质灾害;(3)断裂蠕滑作用对斜坡应力场和稳定性的影响;(4)断裂活动是地质灾害链的源头,为地质灾害提供物源。上述表现形式及灾害成因机理和分布规律是活动构造区地质灾害防治中需要关注的关键问题。根据青藏高原东缘典型地质灾害案例研究提出,内外动力耦合作用成灾机理是未来地质灾害研究方向,将为活动构造区地质灾害早期识别和防灾减灾提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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