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粉煤灰是电厂煤粉高温燃烧后的固体废弃物,也是用于提取氧化铝和制备陶瓷、微晶玻璃、耐火材料等高附加值产品的潜在资源。粉煤灰中的杂质铁对制备上述制品的工艺选择和制品质量、性能均有重大影响。本文对内蒙古准格尔电厂高铝粉煤灰(CFB灰)进行了脱碳除铁的实验研究。实验表明,粉煤灰经900℃煅烧2 h,基本上可除去碳;除铁的优化工艺条件为:盐酸浓度20%,液固比5∶1,温度为80℃,搅拌时间为60 min,除铁率达80%以上。  相似文献   

<正>高铝粉煤灰是一种重要的非传统的氧化铝资源。从粉煤灰中提取氧化铝,符合我国发展循环经济和建设节约型社会的要求,近年来已成为国内科研人员和企业关注和研究的热点。粉煤灰提取氧化铝常见的方法有碱法、酸法和酸碱联  相似文献   

中国铝资源与高铝粉煤灰提取氧化铝研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对中国铝土矿资源不足的状况,利用高铝粉煤灰生产氧化铝不仅有望缓解铝资源的不足,而且可减少粉煤灰对大气、水体的污染和大量土地资源的占用。高铝粉煤灰提取氧化铝技术主要包括酸法、碱法和酸碱联合法。采用碱法提取氧化铝技术,具有对设备腐蚀性小,与现有氧化铝生产设备相容性好,对水体和空气不产生二次污染等优势。与石灰石烧结法和预脱硅碱石灰烧结法等代表性碱法技术相比,采用预脱硅低钙烧结法制备氧化铝技术,处理物料总量、一次性资源消耗量和CO2排放量,分别减少22.1%~52.4%、24.6%~52.0%、20.0%~66.2%;综合耗能降低16.4%~36.3%;剩余硅钙固体排放量减少27.5%~71.5%。因此,预脱硅低钙烧结法技术在物耗、能耗、环境相容性和产品方案等方面均有明显优势,符合高效节能和清洁生产的要求,有望实现高铝粉煤灰生产氧化铝的完全资源化利用。  相似文献   

从高铝粉煤灰中提取非晶态SiO2的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了有效提高高铝粉煤灰的Al/Si比,为提取氧化铝奠定基础,研究了用NaOH从高铝粉煤灰中提取非晶态SiO2的最佳工艺条件,并对提硅反应的机理进行了探讨。首先根据高铝粉煤灰的化学与物相组成特点,确立了利用NaOH提取非晶态SiO2的基本技术路线;然后用正交实验法确定了提硅的最佳条件:NaOH的浓度25%,灰碱质量比1∶0.5,反应温度95℃,反应时间4 h。经最佳条件反应之后,SiO2的提取率达到了41.8%,灰中Al2O3的含量由48.5%增加到了57.38%,Al2O3/SiO2质量比由1.29提高到了2.39。  相似文献   

研究高铝粉煤灰特性并加以高附加值利用,是加快固体废物资源化利用的一个重要方面.实验采用激光粒度分析、XRD、FESEM-EDX等手段,研究了准格尔电厂高铝粉煤灰的物理、化学特性以及粉煤灰的矿物组成.在此基础上按照正交实验的方法,用准格尔电厂高铝粉煤灰直接制备了M50莫来石,并用高铝粉煤灰与少量工业氧化铝混合合成了M60和M70莫来石,所得结论如下:  相似文献   

<正>赤泥是氧化铝厂利用铝土矿制取氧化铝的过程中排放的一种工业固体废弃物,其组成和性质因铝土矿品位、生产工艺的不同而不同。本研究利用氧化铝厂的赤泥、粉煤灰等工业固体废弃物制备新型墙体材料——免烧砖。赤泥免烧砖原  相似文献   

<正>粉煤灰是目前世界上最主要的固体废弃物之一,本身具有潜在的水化活性,可以作为很好的矿物资源加以利用。但是低品质粉煤灰的活性较差,利用量非常少,至今我国低品质粉煤灰储量非常大。本文利用压力成型、自然养护的生  相似文献   

六盘水矿区的煤炭储量丰富,产生大量洗矸。本文主要根据该区矸石的化学性质,以经济地质学和环境地质学相结合的观点,研究其综合利用的可能性。在煤田地质勘探中,煤矸石是值得研究的。 煤矸石主要用于建筑材料、耐火粘土、沸腾燃烧和回收煤炭,有些可以提取铝化工产品,硫精矿和从炉渣中磁选铁精矿等,煤矸石综合利用工艺是处理煤矸石并获取最大经济效益的基础。  相似文献   

煤矸石是一种特殊的软质粗粒土,在中国堆存达70亿吨,年增加1.5亿吨。若煤矸石用做道路基层材料可行,则有助于减少煤矸石占地,降低污染环境。为此,拟定了10种不同配合比,进行了石灰粉煤灰综合稳定试验,测试了煤矸石混合料的无侧限抗压强度、抗压回弹模量及温缩系数等指标,并进行了分析,得到了石灰粉煤灰比为1:2及二灰含量约为30 %的初步配合比。结果显示煤矸石可以用于低等级道路基层和高等级道路底基层。  相似文献   

实验研究了采用两步碱溶法从高铝粉煤灰中提取氢氧化铝的可行性。首先采用浓度为8 mol/L的NaOH溶液,在95℃的条件下溶出高铝粉煤灰中部分非晶态SiO2;所得脱硅粉煤灰再与适量CaO混合均匀,在260~280℃下以浓度18~20 mol/L的NaOH溶液溶出Al2O3,得到高苛性比的铝酸钠溶液;经降低苛性比、脱硅和碳酸化分解,制得氢氧化铝制品。化学成分分析结果表明,该氢氧化铝制品符合GB/T 4294-1997规定的一级标准。与其他从高铝粉煤灰中提取氧化铝的工艺相比,该方法避免了粉煤灰原料的高温烧结过程,生产能耗显著降低,加工过程的环境相容性良好。  相似文献   

Solid backfill mining has apparent technical advantages in extracting coal resource under sensitive surface structures such as buildings and roads; meanwhile, as an effective method of disposing mining wastes, it works well in solving some environmental problems caused by mining activities. In addition, the controlling effect of solid backfill mining is directly related to the compaction characteristic of backfilling materials. The present study aims to modify the backfilling materials by assessing the effect of binders (cement, fly ash, and lime) on the compaction characteristic of granulated gangue backfilling materials. The compaction test was performed with rock mechanic test system equipped with a self-made circular cylinder apparatus. From the results obtained, cement is not the suitable binder for modifying the gangues backfilling materials, while fly ash or lime, when the dosage is up to 20 wt%, is beneficial to the compaction characteristic of backfilling materials. The relationship between strain behavior and micro-structure of backfilling materials was investigated by SEM and the effect of fly ash or lime on the strain behavior of backfilling materials could be associated with its cementation and gap-filling effect.  相似文献   

An overview is presented on possible mechanisms that control the leaching behaviour of the oxyanion forming elements As, Cr, Mo, Sb, Se, V and W in cementituous systems and alkaline solid wastes, such as municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash, fly ash and air pollution control residues, coal fly ash and metallurgical slags. Although the leachability of these elements generally depends on their redox state, speciation measurements are not common. Therefore, experimental observations available in the literature are combined with a summary of the thermal behaviour of these elements to assess possible redox states in freshly produced alkaline wastes, given their origin at high temperature. Possible redox reactions occurring at room temperature, on the other hand, are reviewed because these may alter the initial redox state in alkaline wastes and their leachates. In many cases, precipitation of oxyanions as a pure metalate cannot provide a satisfactory explanation for their leaching behaviour. It is therefore highly likely that adsorption and solid solution formation with common minerals in alkaline waste and cement reduce the leachate concentration of oxyanions below pure-phase solubility.  相似文献   

碱渣与饱和卤水混合制成浆体回填到盐矿废弃盐腔可同时解决碱渣处理问题和地下废弃盐腔存在的地质隐患。回填碱渣强度是影响充填效果的重要因素。因此,为了提高回填碱渣强度,采用掺入粉煤灰制成复合碱渣对其强度特性进行改良。针对不同粉煤灰掺合比的碱渣开展了组成、力学和细观试验。研究结果表明:(1)掺入粉煤灰能明显改善碱渣的强度,使其黏聚力、内摩擦角都大幅提高,抗剪强度大幅增加;(2)粉煤灰掺合比越大,增强效果越明显,但强度并非随掺合比呈线性变化,对黏聚力而言,在0~20%内的掺合比下增加速度最快,而对内摩擦角则在20%~30%的掺合比区间增加最快,对抗剪强度而言,0~20%的掺合比内增加最明显;(3)粉煤灰掺入还可显著改善碱渣的压缩固结特性,使其固结系数大幅提高,从而提高碱渣固结速度,缩短充填工期,其中在0~10%的掺合比内对压缩固结特性改善最显著;(4)矿物组成分析表明,粉煤灰掺入改变了矿物组成,使得亲水性矿物含量急剧锐减,进而改变了其沉积特性。而细观分析则表明,粉煤灰掺入使碱渣从絮凝团细观结构变成了粉煤灰充当骨架的充填结构,且粒间支撑和拉联效应明显。从增强效果提高、压缩固结特性增强、控制成本和工期综合分析表明,最优掺合比为20%左右,建议工程中以不高于20%的掺合比作为实用掺合比即可取得较为理想的充填增强效果。该研究为揭示碱渣增强机制及废弃盐腔碱渣充填工艺优化提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

污染物的固化/安定化处理的种类和研究应用现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
污染物的固化/安定化技术处理可归纳为6大类,即基于水泥的固化技术、基于石灰的固化技术、矿物吸附技术、热固技术、热塑技术和玻璃化技术等。其中有机聚合物固化剂(热固、热塑材料)一般用于处理固态有机污染物;玻璃化技术一般用于处理污染土、城市垃圾焚烧物和放射性物质。因无机胶结剂操作方便、成本低、能处理的无机污染物范围很广,因此使用频率较高(90%以上),而有机胶结剂固化技术和废物玻璃化处理技术成本高,仅被用于特殊污染物的处理。  相似文献   

王永旺 《世界地质》2014,33(3):730-734
为了粉煤灰的高附加值综合利用,采用酸浸法对准格尔地区循环流化床粉煤灰进行了镓的浸出实验研究,考察了多种因素对镓的浸出率的影响,包括粉煤灰粒度,酸的种类与浓度、酸浸温度与时间、固液比等。结果表明,提高镓的浸出率的适宜条件为:粉煤灰粒度200目,盐酸的浓度6 mol/L,酸浸温度应大于160℃,酸浸时间6 h,液固比在5∶1~6∶1之间为宜。在优选的工艺条件下,镓的浸出率可达80%以上。从粉煤灰中提取镓,使其作为一种资源加以利用,是提高粉煤灰综合利用价值的有效途径。  相似文献   

Hydro-mechanical evaluation of stabilized mine tailings   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
. In this study, mine tailings waste was stabilized using a combination of lime, fly ash type "C", and aluminum. Treated samples were subjected to mineral identification for evaluating the formation of ettringite and gypsum. Also, unconfined compression, hydraulic conductivity, and cyclic freeze and thaw tests were performed to evaluate the hydro-mechanical properties of the stabilized samples. Experimental results have shown that the application of lime and fly ash type "C" to high sulfate content tailings has improved its plasticity, workability, and volume stability. Moreover, upon addition of aluminum to lime and fly ash in a sulfate-rich environment, ettringite and calcium sulfo-aluminate hydrate are formed in these samples. Application of 5% lime, 10% fly ash type "C", in combination with 110 ppm aluminum, resulted in the formation of a solid monolith capable of producing more than 1,000 kPa of unconfined compressive strength, and reduced tailings permeability to 1.96᎒–6 cm s–1, which is less than the recommended permeability of 10–5 cm s–1 by most environmental protection agencies for reusability of solidified/stabilized samples. The permeability of the treated tailings samples remained below the recommended permeability, even after exposing the treated samples to 12 freeze and thaw cycles. Therefore, based on the experimental results, it is concluded that treatment of high sulfate-content tailings with lime and fly ash, combined with the availability of aluminum for reactions, is a successful method of solidifying highly reactive mine tailings.  相似文献   

The growing use of coal in electrical generation is resulting in power plant solid waste becoming a serious national problem. For 1977, approximately 62 million tonnes of utility ash was produced in the US. If oil and gas burning units that were originally designed to burn coal switch back to that fuel, utility ash will be the fourth largest solid material produced in the US. Disposing of such quantities of wastes poses siting and pollution problems which are becoming critical in areas experiencing increased land use competition.An alternative to disposal is to recover the constituent metals of the ash. Aluminium, iron, manganese, calcium, titanium, and magnesium are all present in fly ash, the utility waste that poses the major disposal problem. This paper indicates that metal recovery is an attractive alternative if national instead of special interest goals are maximized. Metal recovery from fly ash is attractive on environmental, self-sufficiency, and stragegic grounds although it may not be a wise decision for an individual entrepreneur. The geography of power plant location within the US is increasing the economical attractiveness of this potential resource since large, new facilities produce sufficient quantities of material that can be used in nearby metal smelters.  相似文献   

Geotechnical Properties of Low Calcium and High Calcium Fly Ash   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a comparative study has been made for physical and engineering properties of low calcium and high calcium Indian fly ash. The grain size distribution of fly ash is independent of lime content. Fly ash particles of size >75 μm are mostly irregular in shape whereas finer fractions are spherical for low calcium fly ash. For high calcium fly ash, chemical and mineralogical differences have been observed for different size fractions. Compared to low calcium fly ash, optimum moisture content is low and maximum dry density is high for high calcium fly ash. Optimum moisture content is directly proportional and maximum dry density is inversely proportional to the carbon content. The mode and duration of curing have significant effect on strength and stress–strain behavior of compacted fly ash. The gain in strength with time for high calcium fly ash is very high compared to that of low calcium fly ash due to presence of reactive minerals and glassy phase.  相似文献   

Long term competent performance of liner systems is a critical issue in the design and construction of waste repositories due to adverse interactions associated with leachate generated by wastes. This study was conducted to verify the efficacy of fly ash stabilization in enhancing compatibility between lateritic soil and municipal waste leachate. Applications investigated include soil mixtures containing 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% fly ash compacted at approximately 2% wet of optimum moisture content with modified proctor energy. Baseline hydraulic conductivity was first established at every level of fly ash content by permeating soil mixtures with tap water before permeation with leachate in a compaction mould permeameter using the falling head test method. Results show that the trend in hydraulic conductivity of specimen containing 0% fly ash was characterized by a gradual but erratic decrease which may suggests partial entry of the leachate cations into the double layer. Conversely, specimens containing fly ash showed a general trend consisting of an initial drop in k (up to an order of magnitude) that was followed by slight decrease sustained until k stabilized and later terminated. Above 10% fly ash content, the relatively high values of k observed was not connected with the reactivity of the soil mixtures with leachate, rather it may be attributed to excessive fly ash content that altered their textural and hydraulic properties. The result of this study is potentially significant in the assessment of fly ash as a compatibility enhancing agent which can be admixed in barrier materials that are susceptible to adverse reactions with the liquid to be contained.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the geochemical characteristics of arsenic in the solid material samples of the Mae Moh Mine and also the Mae Moh power plants fly ash samples were systematically studied. Arsenic concentration in overburden, coal lignite and fly ash are variable (depending on source of solid samples). The results show that the strata of overburden, J seam of coal and fly ash are rich in arsenic and also relatively soluble from fly ash; it occurs as a surface precipitate on the ash particle. The experimental study on speciation in the strata also indicates that the arsenic speciation of Mae Moh solid samples are mainly arsenate, As (V), which are approaching exceed 80%. Arsenic content in the main of overburden is in the range of 14.3–888.8 mg/kg, which is larger than the arsenic background soil values. Solid materials polluted wastewater; the arsenic speciation was present predominantly as arsenate in the surface water of a series of Mae Moh solid materials basins.  相似文献   

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