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Structural, petrological and geochronological data from marbles and mica schists combined with those from highly disputable gneisses and eclogites of the Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome (OSD), gave new insights into Variscan evolution of eastern borderland of the West Sudetes. It is shown that the Variscan tectonometamorphic evolution of the OSD began with E–W oriented subhorizontal shortening (D1 stage) related to the collision of the West Sudetes terranes and the Brunovistulian terrane. The shortening led to generally upright folding, which resulted in formation of the steep N–S trending metamorphic planar fabric S1, thickening of the lithosphere and burial of the Stronie Formation under greenschist facies conditions. As a consequence of subsequent, near-coaxial gravity-controlled vertical shortening (D2), the S1 foliation was deformed in tight recumbent folds F2. The flattening strain was associated with the progression to amphibolite-facies conditions (from ca. 510 upto ca. 620°C) and uplift from depths corresponding to 9–10 kbar to depths corresponding to 7–8 kbar. On microscale, the flattening strain is documented by rotation of the mineral fabric overgrown by syn-D2 prograde garnet porphyroblasts. The Sm–Nd Grt–WR isochron age, correlated with the D2 event yields 346.5 ± 4.4 Ma. Further deformation and progressive metamorphism led to development of the subhorizontally disposed S2 axial plane schistosity, which terminated at the metamorphic temperature peak. During retrogression but still under ductile conditions of deformation, the S2 planes were reactivated during successive top-to-the-N shear movement of the OSD (D3 stage). Due to the mutual interaction of the OSD with the adjacent terranes the shear deformations were localized within marginal parts of these units. Finally, as a result of the NE–SW and the NW–SE oriented shortenings (D4 stage and D5 stage, respectively), both the structural surfaces and metamorphic isograds were regionally folded with W(NW)-ward plunges. A synthesis of new and existing data shows an overall similarity in sequence of Variscan deformations (D1–D2–D3) in the West Sudetes borderland to that observed in the eastern flank of the Moldanubian domain.  相似文献   

The Precordillera terrane (Cuyania) in western Argentina is commonly accepted as an exotic fragment derived from Laurentia in the Early Paleozoic. Evidence supporting such an interpretation is manly based on similarities in the sedimentary cover successions and their paleontological content. Little is known about the basement of the Precordillera terrane. Its isotopic characterization is essential to better constrain the present areal distribution of the terrane and it may provide more insight into the pre-rifting evolution of the Precordillera terrane along the Iapetan margin of Laurentia. We present new Sr and Nd isotope data of pre-Late Ordovician meta-igneous rocks from the Río Bonete region in NW Argentina, interpreted as the northernmost extent of the Precordillera. The Nd systematics of the Río Bonete basement rocks including greenschists and metagabbros (εNd(470) = +2.14–−0.19; TDM = 0.99–1.2 Ga), a garnet-amphibolite (εNd(470) = −0.53; TDM = 1.32 Ga) and a quartz-phyllite (εNd(470) = −3.83; TDM = 1.55 Ga), are similar to other pre-Ordovician meta-igneous rocks from Sierra de Umango, Pie de Palo and the Ullum xenoliths, usually interpreted as the basement of the Precordillera terrane. Nd model ages around 1.2 Ga are also typical from the Mesoproterozoic Grenvillian basement of southern North America, currently exposed in the Llano region. In addition, the greenschists and metagabbros show a robust correlation with the Late Neoproterozoic Catoctin volcanics in the central Appalachians. The Sr isotope data (when not disturbed) also supports this novel interpretation and suggests the presence of the Blue Ridge rifting event in Precordillera. According to our interpretation, some lithotypes included within the basement complex of the Río Bonete area belonged to the basement of the Precordillera terrane supporting previous correlation between both regions.  相似文献   

Six samples of non-mineralized black shale from a Kupferschiefer section in the northern part of the Polish Zechstein Basin (Zdrada IG-8 drill hole: 1026.16–1026.90 m) were studied for Re–Os isotopes and selected major and trace elements. These black shales, averaging 5.82 wt.% Corg and 1.69 wt.% Stot, display very low base metal values (up to 106 ppb Cu, 792 ppb Pb, and 144 ppb Zn) and have abundances of 64–1376 ppb Re and 0.37–1.25 ppb Os, with a 187Os/188Os ratio of 6.95–22.5. The regression of all Re–Os data yields an age of 247 ± 20 Ma, which is within the range of uncertainties of previous Rb–Sr and K–Ar geochronological studies. The scatter in the Re–Os data can be explained in terms of fluctuations in sedimentary conditions, i.e., restricted basin with terrestrial influence.  相似文献   

Approximately 500-Ma-old orthogneisses are widespread in the eastern part of the Variscan belt and are commonly interpreted to have intruded mica-schist series of assumed Neoproterozoic age. New SHRIMP zircon ages of quartzofeldspathic metavolcanogenic rocks of the mica schist series in the eastern part of the Karkonosze-Izera Massif (SW Poland) indicate that they are late Cambrian/early Ordovician rather than Neoproterozoic in age, based on the zircon age spectra distributed mainly between ca. 500 and 660 Ma (with a few Proterozoic inherited minimum ages of ca. 970 and 1,825 Ma). Younger zircon dates, dispersed between ca. 412 and 464 Ma, are interpreted as a result of Pb-loss likely caused by subsequent metamorphism. Consequently, the felsic metavolcanogenic rocks appear to be roughly contemporaneous with the intrusion of ca. 500-Ma-old orthogneiss protoliths (with the pooled concordia age of 487 ± 8 Ma interpreted as the best approximation of the protolith intrusive age). Field relationships, petrological and geochemical features of the felsic and mafic rocks studied support a model in which the accompanying mica schist series are not the original country rocks to the ca. 500 Ma granite intrusions, and indicate that their recent close proximity is the result of tectonic juxtaposition. However, both the mica schists enclosing the bimodal metavolcanic rocks, and the orthogneisses, are interpreted to represent a Cambro-Ordovician passive continental margin sequence being part of the Saxothuringian domain. They are tectonically overlain to the east by HP/T metamorphic units, comprising MORB-type metaigneous rocks, and delineating a tectonic suture separating the Saxothuringian block in the west from an assumed continental block (Tepla-Barrandian) to the south-east.  相似文献   

Metamorphosed during the Variscan orogeny, sediments of the ca. 560 Ma M?ynowiec Formation and ca. 530 Ma Stronie Formation in the Bystrzyckie and Orlickie Mountains (Central Sudetes, Poland) contain metabasites with a range of basaltic compositions. Immobile trace element and Nd isotope features allow distinction of dominant, either E-MORB-like (Group 1: Zr/Nb 9–20, εNd530 +2.6 to +6.7) or mildly enriched N-MORB-like tholeiites (Group 2: Zr/Nb 21–27, εNd530 +0.2 to +6.7), and scarce but genetically important OIB-like alkaline (Group 3: Zr/Nb 5, εNd530 +2.2) or depleted tholeiitic rocks (Group 4: Zr/Nb 67, εNd530 +7.9). Neither the radiogenic age nor age relationships between these four groups are known. However, field evidence suggests that the metabasites are younger than the M?ynowiec Formation and that their emplacement must have been coeval with the accumulation of the Stronie Formation sediments. The OIB affinity of Group 3 is interpreted to reflect an enriched mantle (EM)-type asthenopheric source whilst the groups of tholeiitic rocks indicate involvement of depleted (locally slightly residual) MORB-type mantle (DMM). Several geochemical signatures, the decoupling between Nd isotope and trace element characteristics, and melting models indicate variable enrichment of the DMM-like source, here ascribed to asthenosphere-derived OIB-like melts (Group 1 and 2) and a contribution from a supra-subduction zone (Group 2 and 4). Based on contrasting back-arc basin (BAB)- and within-plate-like affinities of the metabasites, and on petrogenetic constraints from the spatially related infill of the Stronie Formation rift basin, the studied magmatic episode is suggested be related to cessation of the supra-subduction zone activity, presumably induced by ridge-trench collision. This event might have led to slab break-off, the development of a transform plate boundary, opening of a slab window and upward migration of sub-slab enriched asthenosphere. Decompression melting of the upwelling asthenosphere could then have produced OIB-like melts which segregated and infiltrated into the mantle of the former subduction zone, with randomly distributed slab-derived components. In an extensional regime, magmas generated at shallow levels from heterogeneous mantle regions were emplaced within sedimentary rocks of the overlying rift basin. The vestiges of subduction-related processes and within-plate style of mantle enrichment suggest that the metabasites could be related to final stages of the Cadomian orogeny and incipient Early Palaeozoic rifting of Gondwana that heralded the opening of the Rheic Ocean.  相似文献   

Economic concentrations of Fe–Ti oxides occurring as massive layers in the middle and upper parts of the Hongge intrusion are different from other layered intrusions (Panzhihua and Baima) in the Emeishan large igneous province, SW China. This paper reports on the new mineral compositions of magnetite and ilmenite for selected cumulate rocks and clinopyroxene and plagioclase for basalts. We use these data to estimate the oxidation state of parental magmas and during ore formation to constrain the factors leading to the abundant accumulation of Fe–Ti oxides involved with the Hongge layered intrusion. The results show that the oxygen fugacities of parental magma are in the range of FMQ?1.56 to FMQ+0.14, and the oxygen fugacities during the ore formation of the Fe–Ti oxides located in the lower olivine clinopyroxenite zone (LOZ) and the middle clinopyroxenite zone (MCZ) of the Hongge intrusion are in the range of FMQ?1.29 to FMQ?0.2 and FMQ?0.49 to FMQ+0.82, respectively. The MELTS model demonstrates that, as the oxygen fugacity increases from the FMQ?1 to FMQ+1, the proportion of crystallization magnetite increases from 11 % to 16 % and the crystallization temperature of the Fe–Ti oxides advances from 1134 to 1164 °C. The moderate oxygen fugacities for the Hongge MCZ indicate that the oxygen fugacity was not the only factor affecting the crystallization of Fe–Ti oxides. We speculated that the initial anhydrous magma that arrived at the Hongge shallow magma chamber became hydrous by attracting the H2O of the strata. In combination with increasing oxygen fugacities from the LOZ (FMQ?1.29 to FMQ?0.2) to the MCZ (FMQ?0.49 to FMQ+0.82), these two factors probably account for the large-scale Fe–Ti oxide ore layers in the MCZ of the Hongge intrusion.  相似文献   

The Jinchuan Ni–Cu sulfide deposit is hosted by an elongated, olivine-rich ultramafic body that is divided by subvertical strike-slip faults into three segments (central, eastern, and western). The central segment is characterized by concentric enrichments of cumulus olivine crystals and interstitial sulfides (pyrrhotite–pentlandite–chalcopyrite intergrowth), whereas the eastern and western segments are characterized by an increase of sulfides toward the lower contacts. In all segments sulfides are concentrated at the expense of intercumulus silicates. Olivine re-crystallization is found to be associated with actinolite alteration in some samples. The compositional variations of primary olivine from the sulfide-poor samples can be explained by a small degree of olivine crystallization (<5%) from a basaltic magma followed by local re-equilibration of the olivine with up to 30% trapped silicate liquid. In the sulfide-bearing samples the compositions of primary olivine record the results of olivine-sulfide Fe–Ni exchange that occurred after the trapped silicate liquid crystallized. Our olivine data indicate that Ni in the original sulfide liquids increased inward in the central segment and laterally away from the lower contact in the eastern segment. Variations in the compositions of sulfide liquids are thought to result from fractional segregation of immiscible sulfide liquid from a basaltic magma in a staging chamber instead of in situ differentiation. High concentrations of olivine crystals (mostly >50 modal%) and sulfide (averaging ~5 wt%) in the rocks are consistent with the interpretation that the Jinchuan deposit was formed by olivine- and sulfide-laden magma successively ascending through a conduit to a higher, now-eroded, level. Sulfide enrichment toward the center in the central segment and toward the lower contact in the eastern and western segments may have, in part, resulted from flow differentiation and gravitational settling during magma ascent, respectively.Editorial handling: P. Lightfoot  相似文献   

The archetypical komatiite-hosted Alexo Ni–Cu–(PGE) deposit occurs in the 2,720–2,710-Ma Kidd-Munro Assemblage of the western Abitibi greenstone belt in Dundonald Township, Ontario. Detailed mapping of a 200-m long glacially polished outcrop provides unequivocal evidence that the host komatiite flow thermomechanically eroded footwall andesites: (1) the contact between komatiite and andesite is very sharp but delicately scalloped, marked by a <1-cm-thick selvedge of black aphanitic komatiite and clearly transgresses pillow structures and interpillow breccias in the andesite without any evidence of a regolith, shearing, or folding, producing multiple nested embayments on scales from hundreds of meters to a few centimeters; (2) the andesites have been contact metamorphosed and altered along the entire length of the outcrop and the degree of metamorphism/alteration is thicker and more intense around embayments; (3) xenoliths of andesite in komatiite are more common within embayments; (4) komatiitic dikes penetrate downward into underlying andesites, primarily along the lateral margins of embayments; and (5) many of the dikes and marginal rocks exhibit geochemical evidence of contamination. This physical and geochemical evidence for thermomechanical erosion, combined with S isotopic evidence for a major component of non-magmatic country-rock S in the ores, provides additional support for the roles of thermomechanical erosion and incorporation of country-rock S in the genesis of komatiite-associated Ni–Cu–(PGE) deposits. The detailed mapping also reveals that the stratigraphy of the ore zone is considerably more complex than previously reported, indicating that the sulfides were emplaced in several stages, confirming the dynamic nature of the ore emplacement process in komatiite-associated Ni–Cu–(PGE) deposits.  相似文献   

Numerous Fe–Cu deposits in southwestern China form the Kangdian Iron-Oxide Copper-Gold (IOCG) metallogenic Province. These deposits have a close association of Fe-oxides and Cu-sulfides formed at different stages, which are possibly related to multiple hydrothermal events. In this paper, U–Pb dating and chemical analyses on allanite from different stages of the Lala deposit were used to constrain timing and origin of such events. Allanite occurs as disseminated grains or patches in Fe–Cu ores and is closely associated with chalcopyrite, molybdenite, calcite and minor titanite, postdating magnetite and apatite. High-resolution backscattered electronic (BSE) imaging, electron microprobe compositions and X-ray scanning profiles demonstrate that REE-rich primary allanite was replaced by later, relatively porous and REE-poor secondary allanite. Such a replacement was promoted by interaction between primary allanite and fluid fluxes infiltrating the minerals, following an exchange scheme of REE3+ + Fe2+ → Ca2+ + Al3+. The secondary allanite has higher Fe3+/(Fe3++Fe2+) ratios and U contents, indicating involvement of relatively oxidized fluids during alteration. The alteration has also produced unidentified secondary REE minerals in fractures, indicating re-deposition of some of the removed REEs. The primary and secondary allanites are dated by in situ LA-ICP-MS technique and have U–Pb ages of 1,067 ± 41 Ma and 880–850 Ma, respectively. The ~1.07 Ga primary allanite was contemporaneous with the main Mo–Cu–LREE mineralization with a molybdenite Re–Os age of ~1.08 Ga. The 880–850 Ma secondary allanite is comparable with the Ar–Ar ages (890–830 Ma) of biotite from hosting schists and undeformed sulfide veins occurring throughout the Kangdian Province, suggesting that such an event was possibly syn-deformational and represents a younger hydrothermal event. Occurrences of both primary and secondary allanites suggest that the mineralization may have involved multiple tectonothermal events including the ~1.05–1.1 Ga intra-plate and subsequent 960–740 Ma arc magmatism in the Kangdian region.  相似文献   

International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Western Sierras Pampeanas (WSP) of Argentina record a protracted geological history from the Mesoproterozoic assembly of the Rodinia supercontinent to...  相似文献   

Different hypotheses have been proposed to account for the geologic evolution of the southwestern margin of Gondwana in the Early Paleozoic, involving accretion and displacement of different terranes in a protracted convergent margin. In order to constrain and understand the kinematic and paleogeographic evolution of the Pampia terrane a paleomagnetic study was carried out in different Cambrian to Devonian units of the Eastern Cordillera (Cordillera Oriental) and the Interandean Zone (Interandino) of NW Argentina. Paleomagnetic poles from the Campanario Formation (Middle to Upper Cambrian): 1.5°N 1.9°E A95 = 9.2° K = 37.46 N = 8; and Santa Rosita Formation (Lower Ordovician): 8.6°N 355.3°E A95 = 10.1° K = 26.78 n = 9, representative of the Pampia terrane, are interpreted to indicate a Late Cambrian significant displacement with respect to the Río de la Plata and other Gondwana cratons. A model, compatible with several geological evidences that explains this displacement in the framework of the final stages of Gondwana assembly is presented. We propose a simple dextral strike-slip kinematic model in which Pampia and Antofalla (? Arequipa?) blocks moved during Late Cambrian times from a position at the present southern border of the Kalahari craton into its final position next to the Rio de la Plata craton by the Early Ordovician.  相似文献   

Deng  Changzhou  Sun  Guangyi  Sun  Deyou  Han  Jinsheng  Yang  Dongguang  Tang  Zongyuan 《Mineralogy and Petrology》2019,113(5):651-666
Mineralogy and Petrology - The morphology, trace-element composition and geochronology of 43 zircon grains from two monzogranite samples from the Northeast Xing’an Block, northeastern China,...  相似文献   

The Jinshajiang–Red River alkaline igneous belt in the eastern Indian–Asian collision zone, of southwestern China, hosts abundant, economically important Cu–Mo–Au mineralization of Cenozoic age. Major- and trace-element compositions of titanites from representative Cu-mineralized intrusions determined by LA-ICP-MS show higher values for Fe2O3/Al2O3, ΣREE?+?Y, LREE/HREE, Ce/Ce*, (Ce/Ce*)/(Eu/Eu*), U, Th, Ta, Nb and Ga, and lower values for Al2O3, CaO, Eu/Eu*, Zr/Hf, Nb/Ta and Sr than those for titanites from barren intrusions. Different ΣREE?+?Y, LREE/HREE, U, Th, Ta and Nb values of titanites between Cu-mineralized and barren intrusions were controlled mainly by the coexisting melt compositions. However, different Sr concentrations and negative Eu anomalies of titanites between Cu-mineralized and barren intrusions were most probably caused by different degrees of crystallization of feldspar from melts. In addition, different Ga concentrations and positive Ce anomalies of titanites between Cu-mineralized and barren intrusions were most likely caused by different magmatic fO2 conditions. Pronounced compositional differences of titanites between Cu-mineralized and barren intrusions can provide a useful tool to help discriminate between ore-bearing and barren intrusions at an early stage of exploration, and, thus, have a potential application in exploration for porphyry Cu deposits in the Jinshajiang – Red River alkaline igneous belt, and to other areas.  相似文献   

To help describe the paleoenvironmental interpretation of one the most extensive marine Devonian successions in Brazil, palynofacies analyses were conducted on 46 samples from the Itaim (Pragian–Givetian), Pimenteira (Givetian–Frasnian) and Cabeças (Famennian) formations of the Parnaíba Basin in north–central Brazil. For the palynofacies analyses, kerogen categories were counted and subjected to cluster analyses. Five palynofacies associations were identified for three studied sections: PseudoAOM palynofacies, which consists of amorphous organic matter (AOM), pseudoamorphous and coenobial algae Quadrisporites; Transl/Nbiostr. palynofacies, which consists of translucent non-biostructured phytoclasts (well-preserved and degraded), cuticles (well-preserved and degraded), Spongiophyton and Botryococcus; Marine microplankton palynofacies, which consists of acritarchs, prasinophytes and translucent biostructured phytoclasts; Opaque palynofacies, which consists of opaque phytoclasts (equidimensional and lath shaped); and Sporomorphs palynofacies, which consists of zoomorphs (e.g., Chitinozoa) and sporomorphs (e.g., spores). The stratigraphic distribution of the five palynofacies associations reflects a continuous terrestrial influx throughout marine succession. At the Pragian–Emsian age, the woody material of Transl/Nbioestr. palynofacies prevails, suggesting a marine depositional paleoenvironment (presence of marine palynomorphs), but under deltaic influence due to the input of terrigenous material. An increasing trend of marine elements of Marine microplankton palynofacies is recorded for the Givetian, which suggests a progressive marine influence. However, during the Frasnian, the highest abundance of marine elements was recorded (Marine microplankton palynofacies). Moreover, a bloom of Maranhites spp. and prasinophytes (e.g., Tasmanites and Cymatiosphaera) was also recorded. The abrupt increase of marine palynomorphs in the Frasnian – here termed the “Maranhites Event” – has been recorded by other authors. Finally, in the Famennian, woody material was most abundant in Transl/Nbiostr. palynofacies and Sporomorphs palynofacies, which reflects a depositional trend that is strongly controlled by fluvial input into a shallow marine environment.  相似文献   

The Kodzko Metamorphic Complex (KMC) in the Central Sudetes consists of meta-sedimentary and meta-igneous rocks metamorphosed under greenschist to amphibolite facies conditions. They are comprised in a number of separate tectonic units interpreted as thrust sheets. In contrast to other Lower Palaeozoic volcano-sedimentary successions in the Sudetes, the two uppermost units (the Orla-Googowy unit and the Kodzko Fortress unit) of the KMC contain meta-igneous rocks with supra-subduction zone affinities. The age of the KMC was previously assumed to be Early Palaeozoic–Devonian, based on biostratigraphic findings in the lowermost tectonic unit. Our geochronological study focused on the magmatic rocks from the two uppermost tectonic units, exposed in the SW part of the KMC. Two orthogneiss samples from the Orla-Googowy unit yielded ages of 500.4±3.1 and 500.2±4.9 Ma, interpreted to indicate the crystallization age of the granitic precursors. A plagioclase gneiss from the same tectonic unit, intimately interlayered with metagabbro, provided an upper intercept age of 590.1±7.2 Ma, which is interpreted as the time of igneous crystallization. From the topmost Kodzko Fortress unit, a metatuffite was studied, which contains a mixture of genetically different zircon grains. The youngest 207Pb/206Pb ages, which cluster at ca. 590-600 Ma, are interpreted to indicate the maximum depositional age for this metasediment. The results of this study are in accord with a model that suggests a nappe structure for the KMC, with a Middle Devonian succession at the base and Upper Proterozoic units at structurally higher levels. It is suggested here that the KMC represents a composite tectonic suture that juxtaposes elements of pre-Variscan basement, intruded by the Lower Ordovician granite, against a Middle Palaeozoic passive margin succession. The new ages, combined with the overall geochemical variation in the KMC, indicate the existence of rock assemblages representing a Gondwana active margin. The recognition of Neoproterozoic subduction-related magmatism provides additional arguments for the hypothesis that equivalents of the Teplá-Barrandian domain are exposed in the Central Sudetes.  相似文献   

Andesite and dacite from Barren and Narcondam volcanic islands of Andaman subduction zone are composed of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, olivine, titanomagnetite, magnesio-hornblende and rare quartz grains. In this study, we use the results of mineral chemical analyses of the calc-alkaline rock suite of rocks as proxies for magma mixing and mingling processes. Plagioclase, the most dominant mineral, shows zoning which includes oscillatory, patchy, multiple and repetitive zonation and ‘fritted’ or ‘sieve’ textures. Zoning patterns in plagioclase phenocrysts and abrupt fluctuations in An content record different melt conditions in a dynamic magma chamber. ‘Fritted’ zones (An55) are frequently overgrown by thin calcic (An72) plagioclase rims over well-developed dissolution surfaces. These features have probably resulted from mixing of a more silicic magma with the host andesite. Olivine and orthopyroxene with reaction and overgrowth rims (corona) suggest magma mixing processes. We conclude that hybrid magma formed from the mixing of mafic and felsic magma by two-stage processes – initial intrusion of hotter mafic melt (andesitic) followed by cooler acidic melt at later stage.  相似文献   

The syn-tectonic breccia-hosted Mount Isa Cu deposit in northwest Queensland is the largest sediment-hosted Cu deposit in Australia. Whole-rock samples of chalcopyrite-rich Cu ore form an isochron with a Re–Os age of 1,372 ± 41 Ma. This age is more than 100 Ma younger than the previously accepted age of Cu ore formation, an Ar–Ar mineral age for biotite separated from the host rocks within the alteration envelope to the Cu orebody. This discrepancy cannot be unequivocally resolved due to a lack of other absolute geochronological constraints for Cu mineralisation or the deformation event associated with Cu emplacement. The 1,372 ± 41 Ma date may reflect (a) the time of Cu deposition, (b) the time of a hydrothermal event that reset the Re–Os signature of the Cu ore or (c) mixing of the Re–Os isotope systematics between the host rocks and Cu-bearing fluids. However, a range of published Ar–Ar and Rb–Sr dates for potassic alteration associated with Cu mineralisation also records an event between 1,350 and 1,400 Ma and these are consistent with the 1,372 Ma Re–Os age. The 1.8 Ga Eastern Creek Volcanics are a series of tholeiitic basalts with a primary magmatic Cu enrichment which occur adjacent to the Mount Isa Cu deposit. The whole-rock Os isotopic signature of the Eastern Creek Volcanics ranges from mantle-like values for the upper Pickwick Member, to more radiogenic/crustal values for the lower Cromwell Member. The Re–Os isotope signature of the Cu ores overlaps with those calculated for the two volcanic members at 1,372 Ma; hence, the Os isotope data are supportive of the concept that the Os in the Cu ores was sourced from the Eastern Creek Volcanics. By inference, it is therefore postulated that the Eastern Creek Volcanics are the source of Cu in the Mount Isa deposit, as both Os and Cu are readily transported by oxidised hydrothermal fluids, such as those that are thought to have formed the Cu orebody. The Pickwick Member yields a Re–Os isochron age of 1,833 ± 51 Ma, which is within error of previously reported age constraints. The initial 187Os/188Os isotopic ratio of 0.114 ± 0.067 (γOs = −0.7) is slightly subchondritic, and together with other trace element geochemical constraints, is consistent with a subcontinental lithospheric mantle source. The Pickwick Member records a minimum age of ca. 1.95 Ga for melt depletion in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the Mount Isa Inlier prior to the extraction of the magmas which formed the Eastern Creek Volcanics. This corresponds with the end of subduction-related magmatism along the eastern margin of the Northern Australian Craton, which included the Mount Isa Inlier.  相似文献   

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