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水位涨落对库岸滑坡孔隙水压力影响的非饱和渗流分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以某水库库岸滑坡为工程背景,根据饱和-非饱和渗流控制方程,针对不同滑坡体渗透性和库水位升降速率,研究库水位变化条件下滑坡体内孔隙水压力的动态响应,得到:(1) 水位升降时,在相同的入渗条件下,饱和渗透系数对初始地下水位有明显的影响;增大饱和渗透系数能降低地下水位,使地下水位线变得平缓,滑坡体的动、静水压力减小,有利于稳定;(2) 增加库水位升降速率,地下水位响应滞后变得显著,地下水位线形态整体变陡,滑坡体的动水压力增大,不利于边坡稳定性。  相似文献   



Seasonal changes in pore water and sediment redox geochemistry have been observed in many near-surface sediments. Such changes have the potential to strongly influence trace metal distribution and thus create seasonal fluctuations in metal mobility and bioavailability.  相似文献   

江洎洧  项伟  唐辉明  曾斌  黄玲 《岩土力学》2010,31(3):805-810
滑坡灾害具有很强的空间变异性和随机性,应作非线性动态系统考虑。利用传递系数法,反演出极限蓄水位时大沟湾滑坡在不同安全系数下临界状态的剪切强度参数关系,对试验得到的剪切强度参数进行分析,结合工程地质类比法,由统计方法得到滑带土剪切强度参数的分布规律,并生成随机剪切参数。假设Mohr-Coulomb准则在滑坡体自重应力范围内服从线性分布,由试验参数在? -? 坐标内的分布曲线,结合天然状况下滑坡体正应力范围得到c-? 包络多边形,由此考虑剪切参数相关性,筛选出有效的随机剪切参数。通过Monte Carlo模拟,统计有效样本与反演得到的不同安全系数条件下极限平衡c-? 关系曲线的位置分布关系,得到不同安全系数滑坡的破坏概率。对极限蓄水位条件洞坪水库大沟湾滑坡稳定状况进行预测,结果表明,滑坡届时处于极高风险状态,稳定性很差。结合蓄水过程中两次对滑坡体实地考察得到的滑坡体变形特征表明,研究结果吻合。  相似文献   

The post-glacial environmental history of Voua de la Motte, a small pond, was studied by the lipid geochemistry of a 6 m long core. Palynological studies show that the deepest part of the core goes back to 10,000 yr BP corresponding to the time of formation of the lake following the retreat of the Rhodanian glacier. Hydrocarbons, aldehydes, linear alcohols, sterols, monocarboxylic and monohydroxy fatty acids, were determined throughout the core both in the free and bound lipid fractions, as well as in the tightly bound fraction for the carboxylic acids. There is no clear evidence of a transformation from the unbound to the bound form, except perhaps for the α-hydroxy acids.Qualitative as well as quantitative fluctuations in the distributions of these lipid classes were observed upward in the core. An attempt is made to correlate these fluctuations with the bioenvironmental and climatological evolution of the Basin on the basis of information obtained from palynology.  相似文献   

Massive construction on the Drava River basin and on the river itself during the last centuries, as well as recent climate change and/or variability, has caused many different and possibly dangerous changes to its hydrological and ecological regime. Since 1975, numerous hydrotechnical works have been carried out on the 60-km long section of the Drava River from the Slovenian–Croatian border to the River Mura mouth. Three hydrotechnical power plants with three reservoirs and three long inlet and outlet canals have been built. Changes in water level, discharge and suspended sediment yield along the Drava River measured in Croatia, downstream of the three Croatian reservoirs, during the last 30–130 years are presented. The investigation focuses on changes that have occurred during the last thirty-odd years, caused by the anthropogenic influences on the Drava River watercourse and its catchment in Croatia and Hungary, and probably by climate change or variability. Methods of rescaled adjusted partial sums, statistical tests, as well as regression and correlation analyses are used to explain changes in water level, discharge and suspended sediment yield. There is evidence in the time series of decreases in the minimum, mean and maximum annual water levels, and minimum and mean discharges on the lower part of the Drava River. One of the main objectives of this study was to examine the effect of dams and reservoirs operation on the changes in the downstream suspended sediment regime. The amount of suspended sediment has been greatly reduced, which can cause serious consequences.  相似文献   

为了研究库水位下降速度、库水位下降时间和渗透系数对边坡稳定性的影响,本文结合某工程,利用现有的程序对多种方案进行了模拟。结果表明:库水位下降速度越大,滑弧的深度越大,比较容易发生深层滑动。边坡的安全系数分别随着库水位高程的减小和库水位下降时间的增加均出现先减小后增加的趋势。不同的库水位下降速度有不同的临界库水位和临界下降时间。渗透系数对边坡的稳定性影响较大,渗透系数越大,越有利于边坡的稳定。  相似文献   

针对中国北方海湾水库间歇来水、连续取水和沉积物动态释盐的特点,建立水量与盐分耦合的数学模型,以青岛拟建的沐官岛水库为例,探讨水位变化条件下混合型海湾水库库水盐分的影响因素、超标风险与达标条件。模拟结果表明,在水库水位连续降低条件下,毫米量级的日蒸发量对库水盐分的累积效应显著。在不利水文条件下,受沉积物释盐、水分蒸发与人工取水的影响,混合型海湾水库长期存在盐分超标的风险。与水位不变时相反,水位降低时库水盐分浓度随着取水量的增大而升高;因此,当库水盐分存在超标风险时,可以通过减少日取水量实现库水盐分达标。为保障安全供水,在海湾水库设计与运营管理阶段,均需要综合考虑水量-盐分因素进行水库的日取水量调算。  相似文献   

Spatial variation in salinity, pH, redox potential, and in the concentrations of dissolved Mn, Fe2+ and sulphides in pore water were investigated in a mangrove system in the state of São Paulo (Brazil). Total organic C (TOC), S, Fe and Mn were analyzed in the solid phase, along with acid volatile sulphide (AVS), density of roots and percentage of sand. Five zones, situated along the length of a 180 m transect were considered in the study. Four of these were colonized by different species of vascular plants (Spartina, Laguncularia, Avicennia and Rhizophora) and were denominated soils; the other was not colonized by vegetation, and was denominated sediment. The results indicated important differences between the physicochemical conditions of the pore water in the vegetated zones and the sediment. In the former, two geochemical environments were identified, based on soil depths. The upper 20 cm contained the largest quantity of roots, and the conditions were oxic (Eh > 350 mV) or suboxic (Eh: 100–350 mV), acidic, and with high concentrations of Fe and Mn in the pore water. Below this depth, the soil became anoxic, the concentration of sulphides (HS) increased significantly and the concentrations of dissolved Fe and Mn decreased significantly. The total S and the AVS fraction increased with depth, while TOC concentrations decreased, indicating that the decreases in Fe and Mn were due to the precipitation of metal sulphides. However, clear differences among the vegetated zones were not observed. The sediment was always anoxic, but with low concentrations of sulphide in the interstitial water, and was neutral or slightly alkaline. As in the soils, the concentrations of sulphides and total S increased significantly with depth, indicating that the conditions favoured the synthesis and stability of metal sulphides.  相似文献   

As streamflow is non-stationary due to climate change and human activities, adapting reservoir operation in the changing environment is of significant importance. Specifically, the flood limited water level (FLWL) needs to be re-established to ensure flood safety when the reservoir inflow is altered. The aims of this study are: (1) to clarify the relationship between the FLWL and streamflow when statistical parameters of the flood peak and volume vary through time and (2) to re-establish the FLWL when the reservoir inflow changes under the non-stationary condition. The adaptive FLWL is derived based on flood routing of non-stationary design floods, and the flood risk probability is then estimated. With China’s Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) as a case study, the changing pattern of FLWL is quantified when statistical parameters (i.e., mean, \( C_{\text{V}} \) and \( C_{\text{S}} \)) of design floods have a linear temporal trend. The results indicate that the FLWL is sensitive with design floods, i.e., (1) means of design flood peak, 3-day volume, 7-day volume, 15-day volume and 30-day volume yearly decrease by 33 m3/s, 0.008, 0.021, 0.482 and 0.905 billion m3, respectively, (2) when the non-stationary design flood is used, the cumulative flood risk probability of the reservoir water level exceeding 175.0 m during 2011–2030 decreases from 1.98 to 1.82% with the conventional FLWL scheme and (3) the FLWL of the TGR could be re-set without increasing the flood risk probability, and the FLWL would increase about 4.7 m by 2030 in this non-stationary streamflow scenario. These findings are helpful to derive the FLWL in a changing environment.  相似文献   

A large pool of nitrogen in the sediment pore fluid of a eutrophic lake in Iowa, USA, was mapped in this study. Previously, the lake had supported fishing and boating, but today it no longer supports its designated uses as a recreational water body. In the top 5 cm of the lake bottom, the pore water nitrogen ranges between 3.1 and 1,250 μg/cm3 of sediments, with an average of 160.3 μg/cm3. Vertically, nitrate concentrations were measured as 153 μg/cm3 at 0–10 cm, 162 μg/cm3 at 10–20 cm, and 32 μg/cm3 at 20–30 cm. Nitrate mass distribution was quantified as 3.67 × 103 kg (65%) in the bottom sediments, 172 kg (3%) in suspended particulates, and 1.83 × 103 kg (32%) in the dissolved phase. Soil runoff nutrients arrive at the lake from the heavily fertilized lands in the watershed. Upon sedimentation, a large mass of nitrogen desorbs from mineral particles to the relatively immobile pore fluid. Under favorable conditions, this nitrogen diffuses back into the water column, thereby dramatically limiting the lake’s capability to process incoming nutrients from farmlands. Consequently, a condition of oxygen deficiency disrupts the post-season biological activities in the lake.  相似文献   

Mangrove Lake, Bermuda, is a small coastal, brackish-water lake that has accumulated 14 m of banded, gelatinous, sapropelic sediments in less than 104 yr. Stratigraphic evidence indicates that Mangrove Lake's sedimentary environment has undergone three major depositional changes (peat, freshwater gel, brackish-water gel) as a result of sea level changes. The deposits were examined geochemically in an effort to delineate sedimentological and diagenetic changes. Gas and pore water studies include measurements of sulfides, ammonia, methane, nitrogen gas, calcium, magnesium, chloride, alkalinity, and pH. Results indicate that sulfate reduction is complete, and some evidence is presented for bacterial denitrification and metal sulfide precipitation. The organic-rich sapropel is predominantly algal in origin, composed mostly of carbohydrates and insoluble macromolecular organic matter called humin with minor amounts of proteins, lipids, and humic acids. Carbohydrates and proteins undergo hydrolysis with depth in the marine sapropel but tend to be preserved in the freshwater sapropel. The humin, which has a predominantly aliphatic structure, increases linearly with depth and composes the greatest fraction of the organic matter. Humic acids are minor components and are more like polysaccharides than typical marine humic acids. Fatty acid distributions reveal that the lipids are of an algal and/or terrestrial plant source. Normal alkanes with a total concentration of 75 ppm exhibit two distribution maxima. One is centered about n-C22 with no odd/even predominance, suggestive of a degraded algal source. The other is centered at n-C31 with a distinct odd/even predominance indicative of a vascular plant origin. Stratigraphic changes in the sediment correlate to observed changes in the gas and pore water chemistry and the organic geochemistry.  相似文献   

滑坡变形演化是滑坡内动力物质系统与外动力激励系统相互作用的结果,对于库水变动影响下的水库滑坡而言,内外系统相互作用的过程则是通过地下水的力学作用效应得以体现的,为此可通过库水变动过程中滑坡地下水力学作用效应的强弱关系及其演化规律来揭示水库滑坡的变形演化机理.基于上述思路,以三峡库区巴东县李家湾滑坡为研究对象,首先利用敏...  相似文献   

唐辉明  章广成 《岩土力学》2005,26(Z2):11-15
采用核磁共振(NMR)技术反演水文地质参数,在此基础上,基于非饱和土强度理论,对现有滑坡剩余推力法进行改进。以三峡工程库区赵树岭滑坡为例,对库水位以不同速度下降时不同时刻的滑坡稳定性进行了研究,结果表明:在库水位下降过程中会出现稳定性系数达到极小值的现象。下降速度越大,稳定性极小值越小,出现极小值的时刻也相对早。  相似文献   

洱海沉积物间隙水中溶解有机质的地球化学特性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
对洱海沉积物间隙水中溶解有机质(DOM)含量、紫外可见吸收、荧光以及分子量等的垂直分布特征进行了研究。结果表明,DOC含量在沉积物水界面明显富集,随后急剧下降,6cm处达到最小值,随后呈上升趋势。DOC与吸光度值、荧光发射光谱强度之间具有一定的线性相关关系。DOM的E3/E4值范围在1~6之间,绝大多数在1~35之间。表征DOM中腐殖质来源的指标荧光指数值处于148~159之间,说明DOM以陆源输入为主。此外,洱海沉积物间隙水DOM分子量分布呈多峰分布模式,重均分子量(Mw)值在1462~1953Da之间,数均分子量(Mn)值在547~900Da之间,多分散性系数ρ值在202~305之间。随着沉积深度增大,Mw和Mn有略微的增大趋势,但变化不大。沉积物的氧化还原条件、微生物活动以及铁、锰氧化物等在沉积剖面的差异是控制间隙水中DOM各种地球化学特性的主要因素。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(8):1047-1060
Due to the scarcity of water resources in semiarid sedimentary basins, hill reservoirs are often constructed to recharge groundwater and limit runoff induced water loss. The impact of such reservoirs on groundwater chemistry is investigated in the aquifers of the El Gouazine watershed, Central Tunisia. Three groundwater types are recognised, Ca–HCO3, Na–Cl and Ca–SO4. The strong similarity between host rock and groundwater chemistries indicates significant rock–water interaction. A flowpath, along which the chemical composition of the groundwater evolves, can be identified using the contrast in stable isotope signature between upstream and downstream groundwater. Shallow upstream groundwater is recharged by the infiltration of rainwater with the rate of recharge strongly linked to the permeability of the host lithology. Calcium and HCO3 are supplied to an alluvial aquifer from a more rapidly recharged limestone aquifer with the concentration of Ca and HCO3 ions decreasing by dilution. The alluvial aquifer is also enriched in Ca and SO4 during the downstream flow of groundwater through gypsiferous materials. There is evidence of mixing between meteoric groundwater and evaporated reservoir water. Below the reservoir and partly responsible for reservoir leakage is a sandy aquifer, formed by weathering and erosion of a sandstone host which also supplies water to the alluvial aquifer.  相似文献   

地下水库特征水位与特征库容的划分及确定研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
参考地表水库调控指标的划分方法,将地下水库的特征水位与特征库容划分为死水位与死库容、正常蓄水位与调蓄库容、腾空库容和已占库容以及总库容,并提出了特征水位确定的一般原则以及承压地下水库的库容计算原理与方法。以大庆市西部地下水位降落漏斗区地下水库为实例,确定地下水库水量调蓄的死水位为115m,正常蓄水位为132m,结合现状地下水位,计算得出相应的死库容为1161.58×108m3,调蓄库容为1.75×108m3,腾空库容为1.57×108m3,总库容为1163.33×108m3。  相似文献   

基于室内物理模拟试验和FLAC数值模拟方法,对沿河(库)路基岩土体内部的孔隙水应力和总应力在河(库)水位动态变化条件下的变化特征进行了研究,两种模拟方法得出的结果是一致的。研究表明,水位上升阶段,总应力和孔隙水应力的总体变化趋势是增大的,但是总应力增大的幅度小,因而有效应力的总体变化趋势是减小的;水位下降阶段,总应力也略有减小,但由于孔隙水应力的大幅度减小,使得填土内有效应力总体上是增大变化的。同时,用FLAC数值模拟方法,能够很好地研究数据的规律性和掌握数据的连续性。因此,用FLAC有限差分法可以有效地模拟沿河(岸)路基在各种水力边界条件下应力场和渗流场的变化情况。  相似文献   

The residual mechanism of wave‐induced pore water pressure accumulation in marine sediments is re‐examined. An analytical approximation is derived using a linear relation for pore pressure generation in cyclic loading, and mistakes in previous solutions (Int. J. Numer. Anal. Methods Geomech. 2001; 25 :885–907; J. Offshore Mech. Arctic Eng. (ASME) 1989; 111 (1):1–11) are corrected. A numerical scheme is then employed to solve the case with a non‐linear relation for pore pressure generation. Both analytical and numerical solutions are verified with experimental data (Laboratory and field investigation of wave– sediment interaction. Joseph H. Defrees Hydraulics Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1983), and provide a better prediction of pore pressure accumulation than the previous solution (J. Offshore Mech. Arctic Eng. (ASME) 1989; 111 (1):1–11). The parametric study concludes that the pore pressure accumulation and use of full non‐linear relation of pore pressure become more important under the following conditions: (1) large wave amplitude, (2) longer wave period, (3) shallow water, (4) shallow soil and (5) softer soils with a low consolidation coefficient. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To investigate the influences of reservoir water level drawdown on slope stability, a series of numerical simulations were carried out to examine the impacts of slope angle, slope permeability and water drawdown speed on the pore water pressure (PWP) change during seepage, as well as the factor of safety (Fs) of the slope. Based on the numerical results, an estimation model relating the factor of safety to the influential factors mentioned above was developed. The model expression indicates that there are interaction effects between the slope angle, the drawdown speed and the slope permeability, with regard to the influences on slope stability. Furthermore, in view of the uncertainty characteristics of the slope permeability, reliability assessment was performed to examine the influences of those key parameters mentioned above on the probability of slope failure.  相似文献   

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