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A flow-sediment rating curve is used to describe the relation between flow discharge and suspended-sediment concentration for a specific location. Five types of flow-sediment rating curves - single-valued line, clockwise loop, counterclockwise loop, single-valued line plus loop, and figure eight - were found to rely on the flow and available sediment arriving at the measuring site. In this study, equations for flow and sediment travel time were derived according to soil, rainfall, and watershed geomorphologic characteristics. The hysteresis of the rating curve was related to the travel times by a series of numerical tests. Field data collected from the Goodwin Creek Experimental Watershed, Mississippi, United States were used to verify the proposed rating curve hysteresis analysis. The results indicate that when the flow travel time is more extended than the sediment travel time, the rating curve shows a clockwise loop. A counterclockwise loop in the rating curve shows that the flow travel time is less extended than the sediment travel time. If the flow travel time exceeds the sediment travel time in specific runoff states and is less than the sediment travel time in other runoff states, then a single line plus a loop rating curve or a figure-eight rating curve is observed. The criterion for the model parameters to obtain equalization of the flow and sediment travel times was derived, which can identify the type of flow-sediment rating curve in a specific watershed.  相似文献   

阻尼比是消能减震结构设计的重要参数,对消能减震结构设计具有决定性影响。消能减震结构设汁巾阻尼是时变参数,消能减震结构是非经典阻尼结构。采用复模态设计方法、强解耦振型分解法、基于变形能的等效阻尼法三种方法分别对不同情况的消能减震结构阻尼比进行研究,得到选择消能减震设计疗法和不同方法计算精度的规律,对消能减震结构设计具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Habitat degradation in river ecosystems has considerably increased over the past decades, resulting in detrimental effects on aquatic and riparian communities. During the last two decades, the value of large wood as a resource for river restoration and recovery has been increasingly documented. However, post-project appraisal of the associations between restored large wood, morphological complexity and river ecology as a result of river restoration is extremely rare and thus scientific knowledge is essential. To investigate restored wood-induced morphological response and sediment complexity in an overwidened reach along a low gradient lowland river (River Bure, UK), two sub-reaches containing 12 jams initiated by wood emplacement in 2008 and 2010 and a sub-reach free of wood were studied. Wood surveys recording the dimensions and number of wood pieces in jams, geomorphological mapping of the reach illustrating the spatial distribution of features in and around the jams and in a section free of wood, and sediment sampling (analysed for particle size, organic content and plant propagule abundance) of five recurring patch types surrounding each jam (two wood-related patches and three representing the broader river environment) were performed. Wood jams partially spanned the river channel and contained large pieces of wood that created more open structures than naturally-formed wood jams. Where no wood was introduced, the channel remains wide and the gravel bed is buried by sand and finer sediment. In the restored reaches, fine sediment has accumulated in and around the wood jams and has been stabilised by vegetation colonisation, enhancing flow velocities in the narrowed channel sufficiently to mobilise fine sediment and expose the gravel bed. Sediment analysis reveals sediment fining with time since wood emplacement, largely achieved within the two wood-related patch types. Fine sediment retained around the wood shows a relatively higher plant propagule content than other patch types, suitable for sustaining plant succession as the vegetated side bars aggrade. Although channel narrowing and morphological adjustment has occurred surprisingly rapidly in this low energy, over-widened reach following wood introduction (2–4 years), sustaining the recovery in the longer term to suitably support flora and fauna communities depends on the continued delivery of wood by ensuring a natural supply of sufficiently large wood pieces from riparian trees both upstream and within the reach.  相似文献   

结构隔震减震技术已经具有相对成熟的理论体系及工程应用经验,但由于木结构的飞速发展,对其在木结构中的应用技术提出了新的要求。在回顾过去几十年国内外木结构隔震减震技术的研究及其应用的基础上,总结木结构隔震减震技术在国内外研究现状以及新型阻尼器的应用等方面的成果,包括古建筑木结构的减震措施、现代木结构的隔震减震方法、木结构减震体系和耗能连接件等方面的成果;并进一步探讨木结构减震技术有待深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

运用变分原理,我们得到了最小地震波辐射能量约束准则并用于研究震源的物理过程.通过研究1995年ML4.1河北沙城地震序列主震和余震的动力学过程,可知主震和余震震源的动态破裂过程明显不同;ML4.1主震的破裂速度与瑞利波速相近,约为剪切波速度的0.89倍;而28个余震的破裂速度远远小于剪切波速度,大约是剪切波速度的0.05到0.55倍.根据裂纹扩展模型,计算得到其余震的地震波辐射效率多在10%以下,这也说明了余震的地震效率较低.我们认为余震震源的动态破裂过程应与断层内部新生裂纹的扩展有关,而非简单的岩体间的相对滑动.余震震源的动态破裂传播与破裂能占主导地位的小地震有关.这些小震所带来的破裂能也导致了断层的进一步扩展.在对该地震序列的研究中,我们发现主震与余震的震源破裂过程在能量分配上有着本质的区别.因此当地震断层尺度相当小时,破裂能的贡献不能忽略,它的大小将显著地影响地震波辐射能的大小.  相似文献   

Passive energy dissipation devices (EDDs), such as viscous dampers, viscoelastic dampers, etc., have been used to effectively reduce the dynamic response of civil infrastructures, such as buildings and bridges, subject to earthquakes and strong winds. The design of these passive energy dissipation devices (EDDs) involves the determination of the optimal locations and the corresponding capacities. In this paper, we present two optimal design methodologies for passive EDDs based on active control theories, including H and H2 performances, respectively. The optimal design methodologies presented are capable of determining the optimal locations and the corresponding capacities of EDDs. Emphasis is placed on the application of linear matrix inequality (LMI) for the effective design of passive EDDs using the popular MATLAB toolboxes. One important advantage of the proposed approaches is that the computation of the structural response is not needed in the design process. The proposed optimal design methodologies have been applied to: (i) a 10‐storey building and a 24‐storey building both subject to earthquake excitations, and (ii) a 76‐storey wind‐excited benchmark building, to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed design methodologies over the conventional equal capacity design. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To assess the extent to which Hurricanes Katrina and Rita affected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), sediment cores were analyzed in late 2005 from: a shallow shelf, a deeper shelf, and a marsh station. Sediment geochronology, fabric, and geochemistry show that the 2005 storms deposited ∼10 cm of sediment to the surface of a core at 5-12A. Bulk carbon geochemistry and PAH isomers in this top layer suggest that the source of sediment to the top portion of core 5-12A was from a relatively more marine area. Particulate PAHs in the marsh core (04 M) appeared unaffected by the storms while sediments in the core from Station 5-1B (deeper shelf) were affected minimally (some possible storm-derived deposition). Substantial amounts of PAH-laden particles may have been displaced from the seabed in shallow areas of the water column in the GOM by these 2005 storms.  相似文献   

我国有489个有居民海岛,多处于地震活跃带。提高地震应急能力是减轻地震灾害影响的有效途径,而目前应急相关的研究主要针对城市(区域)展开,尚无针对海岛的地震应急能力评价指标体系。为评估现阶段我国海岛的地震应急能力,该研究在前人基础上,从监测预警能力、应急救援能力、恢复重建能力和自然因素影响4个方面构建了针对海岛的评价指标体系,并建立熵权法-灰色关联分析法海岛地震应急能力评价模型。最后,以我国大陆沿海陆域面积小于200km2的5个海岛县为例进行分析,得到其地震应急能力由高到低依次为嵊泗县、长岛县、长海县、洞头区和南澳县。该研究可为我国海岛地震应急工作的开展和改进提供参考。  相似文献   

本文应用单能窄束伽马射线理论建立高分辨率屏蔽自然伽马探测器三维测井响应的数值模拟算法.首先利用单能窄束原理,用稳态扩散方程描述伽马光子密度的空间分布,根据扩散方程基本解、放射源空间分布、探测器位置和屏蔽情况,将屏蔽探测器上的总伽马通量表示成放射性地层中的有效探测区域上的体积分和晶体表面上有效接收面的面积分形式.并根据伽马射线传播路径和探测器屏蔽情况,给出有效探测区域的解析表达式,通过数值积分法计算任意复杂情况下探测器上的自然伽马通量,获得伽马测井响应的3D数值模拟算法.并通过数值模拟结果与模型井数据的对比验证了该算法的有效性.最后通过3D数值模拟算法系统研究考察晶体形状(圆柱形晶体、方形晶体)、晶体长度、仪器在井轴中的位置(居中屏蔽探测器、贴井壁屏蔽探测器)、以及测速等不同情况下自然伽马测井响应,设计出新型高分辨率自然伽马测井仪器.  相似文献   

目前遥感干旱监测方法的精度普遍不高,探求新的遥感干旱监测方法有助于干旱监测预警技术的提升与发展.波文比是感热通量与潜热通量之比,能综合反映地表水热特征,可尝试将其引入到遥感干旱监测领域加以利用.应用甘肃河东地区的EOS-MODIS卫星资料和同步地面气象资料,基于地表能量平衡原理构建了波文比干旱监测模型,对比分析了波文比(β)指数、温度植被指数(TVX)与土壤水分的相关性,并以典型晴空影像(2014年10月5日)为例初步建立了β的干旱分级标准,对研究区进行了旱情评估.结果表明:β与土壤相对湿度呈现出高度负相关,相比于当下广泛应用的TVX,β与0~20 cm平均土壤相对湿度具有更好的相关性,监测精度得到了显著提高.用β干旱分级标准评估的研究区干湿状况与前期降水空间分布吻合得相当好,评估表明2014年10月5日研究区基本为适宜(无旱),与2014年9月的降水距平百分率特征一致.基于地表能量平衡的波文比(β)指数在干旱监测中效果突出,具有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

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