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为解决山区测绘的高程问题,本文利用机载激光雷达采集了山区点云并通过点云滤波的手段获取了山区地表点的高程数据,通过实验验证和分析可知,机载激光雷达在山区的地表点云有着很高的精度和密度,能够很好地满足山区地形测绘的要求。  相似文献   

主要介绍了机载激光雷达的点云数据的获取、处理流程及其关键技术,并结合自己的工作经验详细阐述了运用点云数据制作4D产品的过程,预测未来遥感与GIS技术在数据获取方面的发展趋势,即借助机载激光雷达,再现真实三维场景。  相似文献   

机载激光雷达技术是一种利用激光对地表三维坐标精确信息进行采集的新型遥感技术,在我国地形测绘中具有广阔应用前景。综述了机载激光雷达系统的组成、工作原理及优势,介绍了机载激光雷达数据在山区特高压线路工程中的应用,包括DEM提取、工程线路路径走向优化调整以及塔基断面生成等。结合实际山区特高压工程,激光雷达数据为设计专业优化选线、终勘定位路径规划提供了高精度的地理信息数据,所提出的利用激光雷达数据与实测数据相结合生成塔基断面的方法在山区特高压线路中能够有效缩短工期,提高工作效率,节省开支,应用效果显著。  相似文献   

点云的点密度是决定DEM数据构建的关键因素。本文以云南华坪县永兴乡某复杂山地为研究区,采用随机采样算法对点云进行抽稀,获取点云保留率10%~90%共9组数据,并分别进行DEM数据建模及其精度评定。结果表明,点云保留率与DEM精度呈正相关关系,当点云保留率小于30%时,RMSE快速增大,DEM精度误差增大;当点云保留率设置为60%时,RMSE最小,DEM精度最高。该研究对大型机载LiDAR项目中的点云数据存储与使用具有一定的指导与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文以河南省7个重点水库为研究对象,以免像控方式获取库区机载LiDAR点云数据与正射影像数据,共飞行47个架次,获取数据总面积达950 km2,制作库区保护范围线2442 km、管理范围线1886 km;从设备选择、航飞参数设置、设备检校、点云数据滤波、点云精修、精度检查等几个关键环节进行论述,验证了该方法的可行性。研究结果表明,该方法在节省人力、物力、财力的同时,能获取库区高精度DEM成果,为库区管理范围与保护范围界限的划定及库区精细化管理提供了一种数据获取方法。  相似文献   

黄华平  李永树 《四川测绘》2010,(5):216-217,228
本文研究了机载激光雷达技术应用于铁路勘测设计数据处理工作中的关键问题,并将机载Lidar测量技术与传统航测技术进行了对比分析,提出了机载激光雷达数据处理方面还需深入探讨的问题。  相似文献   

通过无人机载激光雷达对宁东煤炭基地马莲台煤矿地表塌陷区进行扫描测绘,获取到了高时间分辨率、高空间分辨率和测量精度均匀的地表点云数据,并对点云数据进行了处理和三维建模;同时对项目区布设的检测点进行水准联测,与无人机载激光雷达所测的点云数据进行对比分析,对无人机载激光雷达的精度有了进一步了解。此次项目总结了无人机载激光雷达的工作流程和数据处理方法,对无人机载激光雷达的推广应用起到了积极的示范指导作用。  相似文献   

一种改进的基于坡度变化的机载激光雷达点云滤波方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
机载激光点云数据滤波是获取高精度数字表面模型和数字高程模型的关键。本文分析了几种重要的滤波算法,在研究基于坡度变化的滤波算法的基础上,提出一种改进的分块滤波处理的方法。实验表明:该方法能有效对点云数据进行分类。  相似文献   

机载激光雷达点云滤波算法分析与比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
机载点云数据在城市三维建模、DEM提取中应用广泛,而机载点云滤波是这些应用的基础。因此,这里对机载点云滤波算法设计所依据的地面特征和滤波结果的精度评定方法作了总结,并对现有滤波算法进行了分类描述。最后着重对滤波算法做了直观的对比分析,为后续点云数据滤波处理研究提供参考。  相似文献   

机载激光雷达技术和摄影测量匹配技术是国内制作DEM最为常见的两种技术,本文对这两种技术的作业流程及优缺点进行了详细论述,并在实验中将这两种技术组合应用,最终证明这两种技术如果能恰当地组合使用,可在DEM生产中显著提高生产效率.  相似文献   

我国茂密植被山区地质灾害具有高位、高隐蔽性的特点,传统地质灾害排查手段在有效解决隐患的早期识别方面存在一定困难.机载雷达技术不仅可获取地面反射的三维激光点云,同时能够提供高分辨率、高精度的地形地貌二维影像.机载雷达的多次回波技术可"穿透"地面植被,通过滤波算法能够有效去除地表植被的影响,获取真地面高程数据信息,从而可获...  相似文献   

Buildings, as impervious surfaces, are an important component of total impervious surface areas that drive urban stormwater response to intense rainfall events. Most stormwater models that use percent impervious area (PIA) are spatially lumped models and do not require precise locations of building roofs, as in other applications of building maps, but do require accurate estimates of total impervious areas within the geographic units of observation (e.g. city blocks or sub-watershed units). Two-dimensional mapping of buildings from aerial imagery requires laborious efforts from image analysts or elaborate image analysis techniques using high spatial resolution imagery. Moreover, large uncertainties exist where tall, dense vegetation obscures the structures. Analyzing LiDAR point-cloud data, however, can distinguish buildings from vegetation canopy and facilitate the mapping of buildings. This paper presents a new building extraction approach that is based on and optimized for estimating building impervious areas (BIA) for hydrologic purposes and can be used with standard GIS software to identify building roofs under tall, thick canopy. Accuracy assessment methods are presented that can optimize model performance for modeling BIA within the geographic units of observation for hydrologic applications. The Building Extraction from LiDAR Last Returns (BELLR) model, a 2.5D rule-based GIS model, uses a non-spatial, local vertical difference filter (VDF) on LiDAR point-cloud data to automatically identify and map building footprints. The model includes an absolute difference in elevation (AdE) parameter in the VDF that compares the difference between mean and modal elevations of last-returns in each cell.

The BELLR model is calibrated for an extensive inner-city, highly urbanized small watershed in Columbia, South Carolina, USA that is covered by tall, thick vegetation canopy that obscures many buildings. The calibration of BELLR used a set of building locations compiled by photo-analysts, and validation used independent building reference data. The model is applied to two residential neighborhoods, one of which is a residential area within the primary watershed and the other is a younger suburban neighborhood with a less-well developed tree canopy used as a validation site. Performance results indicate that the BELLR model is highly sensitive to concavity in the lasboundary tool of LAStools® and those settings are highly site specific. The model is also sensitive to cell size and the AdE threshold values. However, properly calibrated the BIA for the two residential sites could be estimated within 1% error for optimized experiments.

To examine results in a hydrologic application, the BELLR estimated BIAs were tested using two different types of hydrologic models to compare BELLR results with results using the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 2011 Percent Developed Imperviousness data. The BELLR BIA values provide more accurate results than the use of the 2011 NLCD PIA data in both models. The VDF developed in this study to map buildings could be applied to LiDAR point-cloud filtering algorithms for feature extraction in machine learning or mapping other planar surfaces in more broad-based land-cover classifications.  相似文献   

机载激光雷达及高光谱的森林乔木物种多样性遥感监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用机载LiDAR和高光谱数据并结合37个地面调查样本数据,基于结构差异与光谱变异理论,通过相关分析法分别筛选了3个最优林冠结构参数和6个最优光谱指数,在单木尺度上利用自适应C均值模糊聚类算法,在神农架国家自然保护区开展森林乔木物种多样性监测,实现了森林乔木物种多样性的区域成图。研究结果表明,(1)基于结合形态学冠层控制的分水岭算法可以获得较高精度的单木分割结果(R~2=0.88,RMSE=13.17,P0.001);(2)基于LiDAR数据提取的9个结构参数中,95%百分位高度、冠层盖度和植被穿透率为最优结构参数,与Shannon-Wiener指数的相关性达到R~2=0.39—0.42(P0.01);(3)基于机载高光谱数据筛选的16个常用的植被指数中,CRI、OSAVI、Narrow band NDVI、SR、Vogelmann index1、PRI与Shannon-Wiener指数的相关性最高(R~2=0.37—0.45,P0.01);(4)在研究区,利用以30 m×30 m为窗口的自适应模糊C均值聚类算法可预测的最大森林乔木物种数为20,物种丰富度的预测精度为R~2=0.69,RMSE=3.11,Shannon-Wiener指数的预测精度为R~2=0.70,RMSE=0.32。该研究在亚热带森林开展乔木物种多样性监测,是在区域尺度上进行物种多样性成图的重要实践,可有效补充森林生物多样性本底数据的调查手段,有助于实现生物多样性的长期动态监测及科学分析森林物种多样性的现状和变化趋势。  相似文献   

Gaussian decomposition has been used to extract terrain elevation from waveforms of the satellite lidar GLAS (Geoscience Laser Altimeter System), on board ICESat (Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite). The common assumption is that one of the extracted Gaussian peaks, especially the lowest one, corresponds to the ground. However, Gaussian decomposition is usually complicated due to the broadened signals from both terrain and objects above over sloped areas. It is a critical and pressing research issue to quantify and understand the correspondence between Gaussian peaks and ground elevation. This study uses ~2000 km2 airborne lidar data to assess the lowest two GLAS Gaussian peaks for terrain elevation estimation over mountainous forest areas in North Carolina. Airborne lidar data were used to extract not only ground elevation, but also terrain and canopy features such as slope and canopy height. Based on the analysis of a total of ~500 GLAS shots, it was found that (1) the lowest peak tends to underestimate ground elevation; terrain steepness (slope) and canopy height have the highest correlation with the underestimation, (2) the second to the lowest peak is, on average, closer to the ground elevation over mountainous forest areas, and (3) the stronger peak among the lowest two is closest to the ground for both open terrain and mountainous forest areas. It is expected that this assessment will shed light on future algorithm improvements and/or better use of the GLAS products for terrain elevation estimation.  相似文献   

目前LiDAR技术已经成为DTM的主要生产方法。地面误差对LiDAR生成DTM的精度影响比较明显,特别是由于亚热带森林植被覆盖区LiDAR激光点云少,生成的DTM更复杂,需要分析地面误差对LiDAR生成林下DTM的精度影响。本文以华南农业大学增城教学科研基地为研究对象,从森林郁闭度和坡度两个方面探讨了地面误差对机载LiDAR数据生成林下DTM精度的影响。研究结果发现高程误差会随郁闭度的增大而增大;而随坡度变化趋势不明显,但是坡度为15°时成为误差的分水岭,其前后误差差异比较明显。总体而言,郁闭度的影响更为明显。  相似文献   

Forest stand structure is an important concept for ecology and planning in sustainable forest management. In this article, we consider that the incorporation of complementary multispectral information from optical sensors to Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) may be advantageous, especially through data fusion by back-projecting the LiDAR points onto the multispectral image. A multivariate data set of both LiDAR and multispectral metrics was related with a multivariate data set of stand structural variables measured in a Scots pine forest through canonical correlation analysis (CCA). Four statistically significant pairs of canonical variables were found, which explained 83.0% accumulated variance. The first pair of canonical variables related indicators of stand development, i.e. height and volume, with LiDAR height metrics. CCA also found attributes describing stand density to be related to LiDAR and spectral variables determining canopy coverage. Other canonical variables pertained to Lorenz curve-derived attributes, which are measures of within-stand tree size variability and heterogeneity, able to discriminate even-sized from uneven-sized stands. The most relevant result was to find that metrics derived from the multispectral sensor showed significant explanatory potential for the prediction of these structural attributes. Therefore, we concluded that metrics derived from the optical sensor have potential for complementing the information from the LiDAR sensor in describing structural properties of forest stands. We recommend the use of back-projecting for jointly exploiting the synergies of both sensors using similar types of metrics as they are customary in forestry applications of LiDAR.  相似文献   

何敏  熊先才  李晓俊  赵龙 《测绘通报》2021,(2):93-97,107
针对丘陵山区大比例尺测图应用的需求,本文探讨了如何通过倾斜摄影的技术方法获取高精度的影像模型.首先通过分析航线布设方法、控制点布设采集要点、空三数据处理关键点等,获取满足丘陵山区大比例尺测图应用的数据模型,基于数据模型获取大比例尺地形图数据;然后通过与实地测量数据进行精度对比分析获取试验结果,结果表明倾斜摄影技术不但能...  相似文献   

哈尔滨CORS建设及其在测量中应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭飞 《测绘工程》2010,19(2):56-58
介绍哈尔滨市GPS连续运行参考站系统的建设情况,详述系统原理和各组成部分的功能,以及在测量中的应用。  相似文献   



LiDAR remote sensing is a rapidly evolving technology for quantifying a variety of forest attributes, including aboveground carbon (AGC). Pulse density influences the acquisition cost of LiDAR, and grid cell size influences AGC prediction using plot-based methods; however, little work has evaluated the effects of LiDAR pulse density and cell size for predicting and mapping AGC in fast-growing Eucalyptus forest plantations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of LiDAR pulse density and grid cell size on AGC prediction accuracy at plot and stand-levels using airborne LiDAR and field data. We used the Random Forest (RF) machine learning algorithm to model AGC using LiDAR-derived metrics from LiDAR collections of 5 and 10 pulses m?2 (RF5 and RF10) and grid cell sizes of 5, 10, 15 and 20 m.


The results show that LiDAR pulse density of 5 pulses m?2 provides metrics with similar prediction accuracy for AGC as when using a dataset with 10 pulses m?2 in these fast-growing plantations. Relative root mean square errors (RMSEs) for the RF5 and RF10 were 6.14 and 6.01%, respectively. Equivalence tests showed that the predicted AGC from the training and validation models were equivalent to the observed AGC measurements. The grid cell sizes for mapping ranging from 5 to 20 also did not significantly affect the prediction accuracy of AGC at stand level in this system.


LiDAR measurements can be used to predict and map AGC across variable-age Eucalyptus plantations with adequate levels of precision and accuracy using 5 pulses m?2 and a grid cell size of 5 m. The promising results for AGC modeling in this study will allow for greater confidence in comparing AGC estimates with varying LiDAR sampling densities for Eucalyptus plantations and assist in decision making towards more cost effective and efficient forest inventory.

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