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Examination of gut contents of the northern pipefish,Syngnathus fuscus, revealed that gammarid amphipods, caprellid amphipods, isopods, and calanoid copepods were the dominant food items during the sevenmonth study period.Gammarus mucronatus, calanoid copepods, andErichsonella attenuata were the seasonally dominant prey items in the spring, summer, and fall, respectively.G. mucronatus and calanoid copepods were consumed in approximate proportion to their numerical abundance in the environment, whileE. attenuata, present in rather uniform densities throughout the study period, was extensively consumed only in the late summer and fall. An ontogenetic pattern of prey consumption was evident, in addition to the seasonal pattern. Comparison ofG. mucronatus andE. attenuata size ranges from the field and in pipefish guts revealed thatS. fuscus preyed upon the smaller size classes of each species, and that mean size of prey consumed was positively related to fish size.  相似文献   

Prey importance and ontogenetic transitions in the diet of stocked and wild mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicus) were compared between a southeast Australian reverine estuary and a coastal lagoon. Stomach content analysis of fish captured from these estuaries in 1997–1979, 1997–1998, and 2003–2005 revealed size-specific and estuary-specific diets. Mysid shrimp were most common in diets of fish <250 mm total length (TL), and prawns were common in diets of fish measuring 301–450 mm. Forage fish were most abundant in diets of mulloway >500 mm. Index of Relative Importance (IRI) of forage fish increased with TL, while IRI of mysids decreased with TL. Prawn IRI was greatest for fish 150–600 mm TL. Comparisons between benthic resources and dietary composition revealed that Georges River mulloway consumed prey categories in proportions similar to those in their environment. No mysid shrimp were detected in the coastal lagoon or in the diet of mulloway captured there; growth was comparable to the Georges River. Hatchery-reared fish fed<16 d after stocking, indicating normal behavioural adaptation after release. Dietary information can be used to optimize stocking locations, times, and densities, as well as estimate potential effects of mulloway on potential prey and wild conspecifics.  相似文献   

Larval and juvenile Japanese temperate bass (Lateolabrax japonicus) samples were collected from a wide range of spatial gradients (covering a distance of approximately 30 km) in Chikugo estuary, Ariake Bay, Japan over a period of 8 yr (1997–2004) in order to observe changes in diet. Gut contents were studied by separating, identifying, counting, and estimating the dry weight of prey organisms. Copepod samples were collected during each cruise to observe the numerical composition, abundance, and biomass in the estuary. Considerable spatial and temporal variations were observed in copepod distributions in ambient water and the diets of the fish. Two distinctly different copepod assemblages were identified in the estuary: One in the upper estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM), dominated by a single speciesSinocalanus sinensis and the other in the lower estuary consisting of a multispecies assemblage, dominated byOithona davisae, Acartia omorii, Paracalanus parvus, andCalanus sinicus. The gut content composition of the fish in the upper estuary was dominated byS. sinensis, while in the lower estuary, it consisted ofP. parvus, O. davisae, andA. omorii. Within the size group analyzed (13.0–27.0 mm SL), the smaller individuals were found to feed on a mixed diet composed of smaller prey. The diets gradually shifted to bigger prey composed predominantly ofS. sinensis for larger size groups. Greater proportions of empty guts were recorded in the smaller individuals and dropped with increasing fish size. Higher dry biomass of copepods in the environment, as well as higher dry weights of gut contents, were recorded in the upper estuary, indicating that the upper estuarine ETM areas are important nursery grounds for the early life stages of the Japanese temperate bass. The early life stages of the Japanese temperate bass are adapted to use the upstream nursery grounds and ascending to the nursery areas to useS. sinensis is one of the key survival strategies of the Japanese temperate bass in the Chikugo estuary.  相似文献   

A 16-yr (1985–2000) time series of calanoid copepod (Acartia tonsa andEurytemora affinis) abundance in the upper Chesapeake Bay was examined for links to winter weather variability. A synthesis of sea level pressure data revealed ten dominant, winter weather patterns. Weather patterns differed in frequency of occurrence as well as associated precipitation and temperature. The two dominant copepod species responded differently to winter weather variability.A. tonsa abundance showed little response to winter weather and did not vary in abundance during wet or dry springs.E affinis responded strongly to winter weather patterns that produced springs with high freshwater discharge and low salinities. During wet springs,E. affinis abundance increased overall and its area of dominance extended further down estuary. The different response of the two species is likely related to several factors including residence time, development time, salinity tolerance, food limitation, and life history strategy. Important fish species that rely on zo oplankton as food resources were also related to winter weather variability and spring zooplankton abundance.Morone saxatilis (striped bass) andAnchoa mitchilli (bay anchovy) juvenile indices were positively and negatively correlated toE. affinis abundance, respectively. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A02BY003 00004  相似文献   

Zooplankton are an important trophic link and a key food source for many larval fish species in estuarine ecosystems. The present study documents temporal and spatial zooplankton dynamics in Suisun Bay and the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta—the landward portion of the San Francisco Estuary (California, USA)—over a 37-year period (1972–2008). The zooplankton community experienced major changes in species composition, largely associated with direct and indirect effects of introductions of non-native bivalve and zooplankton species. A major clam invasion and many subsequent changes in zooplankton abundance and composition coincided with an extended drought and accompanying low-flow/high-salinity conditions during 1987–1994. In the downstream mesohaline region, the historically abundant calanoid copepods and rotifers have declined significantly, but their biomass has been compensated to some extent by the introduced cyclopoid Limnothoina tetraspina. The more upstream estuary has also experienced long-term declining biomass trends, particularly of cladocerans and rotifers, although calanoid copepods have increased since the early 1990s due to the introduced Pseudodiaptomus spp. In addition, mysid biomass has dropped significantly throughout the estuary. Shifts in zooplankton species composition have also been accompanied by an observed decrease in mean zooplankton size and an inferred decrease in zooplankton food quality. These changes in the biomass, size, and possibly chemical composition of the zooplankton community imply major alterations in pelagic food web processes, including a drop in prey quantity and quality for foraging fish and an increase in the importance of the microbial food web for higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Benthic resource utilization by, red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) and spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) was studied in a restored, mangrove-rimmed impoundment (Cabbagehead Bayou) of Upper Tampa Bay, Florida, and in a nearby, natural site of unaltered tidal regime (Double Branch Bay). Diets of fish captured from August 1990 to May 1992 were determined from stomach content analysis. Simultaneously, food availability was evaluated by sampling benthic macroinvertebrates, mobile decapods, and small fish. Red drum and spotted seatrout utilized the restored habitat 1 yr after it was opened to tidal influence. Both species also were collected in the natural mangrove. Although there were noted differences in benthic assemblages between the two sites, red drum and spotted seatrout exhibited flexibility in diet, feeding on abundant and accessible prey. The high abundance of microcrustacea, such as amphipods, on detritus accumulated in the restored habitat constituted a main food resource for both fish species. Major food items in the diet of small (<200 mm) red drum were amphipods, mysids, and nereid and arenicolid polychaetes. Large (200–590 mm) red drum fed on polychaetes, xanthid crabs, palaemonid shrimp, and small fishes. Spotted seatrout preyed primarily upon mysids, shrimp, and small fishes, and to a lesser extent, upon a nereid polychaete. Our findings on fish feeding in a restored mangrove impoundment indicated that the detrital-associated benthic community is utilized by reinvading fish within a short time period, suggesting that not only habitat but food resources were augmented by the reopening of this wetland.  相似文献   

Identification of food web linkages is a major aim in ecology because it provides basic information on trophic flows and the potential for interspecific interactions. In addition, policy and restoration measures mandated to conform to ecosystem-based management principals can benefit from information on temporal and spatial variability in community-level interactions. Here, we analyzed guild structure of the demersal fish assemblage in Puget Sound, WA, a temperate estuarine system on the US west coast. Using diet information from 2,401 stomachs collected across three seasons (fall, winter, and summer), we identified guild membership for 21 fish species, examined seasonal guild switching, and tested for seasonal shifts in predation and for differences in the degree of diet overlap at the assemblage level. We accounted for ontogenetic variation in diet by dividing species into large (L) and small (S) size classes when appropriate. Using cluster analysis and a permutation approach, we identified seven significant guilds that were typified by predation on benthic invertebrates, pelagic invertebrates, and piscivory. Of the 18 species with more than one season of diet information, six switched guilds (Pacific sanddab L, sturgeon poacher, Pacific tomcod S, speckled sanddab, rex sole, and rock sole S). At the assemblage level, we tested for seasonal differences in prey use between seasons by performing an analysis of similarities based on Bray–Curtis diet similarities and found no significant difference. However, diet overlap was significantly higher in the summer than the fall and winter (with summer > fall > winter) indicating that diets within the assemblage converged in the summer. These results indicate that analyses of guild structure and diet overlap can reveal seasonal variation in community trophic structure and highlight intra-annual food web variation in the Puget Sound demersal fish community.  相似文献   

Seven species of mojarras (Gerreidae) were collected from three stations in the Indian River lagoon near the Sebastian Inlet, Florida over an eighteen month period to study spatial and temporal variations in occurrence and feeding habits. Two major habitats common to this area were represented in the study; a sandy beach and a seagrass flat. Of the 2,899 gerreids collected,Eucinostomus gula represented 67% and was found primarily in theHalodule seagrass site. The next most abundant species,E. argenteus (11%),E. jonesi andE. lefroyi (each 10%), were found most frequently at the inlet site.Diapterus auratus, E. melanopterus, andGerres cinereus were captured infrequently and were considered incidental. Prey items found included amphipods, bivalves, copepods, fish eggs, foraminifera, isopods, nematodes, ostracods, polychaetes and crustacean parts. Significant amounts of sand and unidentifiable amorphous debris were also included in the gut content analysis. Little interspecific variation in diet was found among the four major species examined. The general shift seen from a diet composed primarily of copepods and other crustaceans to one of polychaetes suggests an intraspecific ontogenetic progression. Spatial variations in diet composition were also indicated between the two major habitats. Feeding analyses showed gerreids to be diurnal feeders with the greatest consumption (total gut content weight) occurring at dusk.  相似文献   

Little is known about the importance of salmarshes to juvenile and adult fishes in temperate Australia. We assessed diel and feeding patterns of fish inhabiting saltmarsh in a sheltered embayment along the coast of Victoria, Australia, between October 2002 and May 2003. The saltmarsh flat was generally only inundated during low-pressure weather systems (barometric pressure <1,013 hP). Fish were sampled over the saltmarsh flats using fyke and seine nets. A total of 2,047 individuals (10 species, including juveniles and adults) were caught.Atherinasoma microstoma was most abundant (fyke [F], μ=1.6 fish h−1; seine [S], μ=28.2 fish shot−1), followed byFavonigobius, lateralis (F: 0.5; S: 0.6),Galaxias maculatus (F: 0.1),Heteroclinus adelaide (F:<0.1),Kestratherina esox (F: <0.1; S: 1.6),Leptatherina presbyteroides (F: <0.1; S: 7.1) andTetractenos glaber (F: 1). Commercial species, includingAldrichetta forsteri (F: <0.1; S: 3.2),Sillaginodes punctata (F: <0.1; S: 0.9), andRhombosolea tapirina (F: 0.4), were commonly sampled. Variability in species richness or fish abundance was not explained by water temperature, salinity, depth, or barometric pressure. Significantly more species were sampled with the seine during nocturnal periods (p=0.002); fish abundance did not vary between diel periods, nor did fish abundance and species richness in fyke net samples. Diets of the most abundant species (A. microstoma, A. forsteri, andF. lateralis) were primarily composed of gammaridean amphipods and hemipteran insects. There was no correlation between fish diets and the composition of benthic invertebrates as sampled at 3 different regions of the saltmarsh flat. The saltmarsh flats in our study region are inhabited by several species normally associated with alternative habitat types such as seagrass, and the patterns of habitat use observed appear to be partially attributed to foraging behavior.  相似文献   

During a two-year period in Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (Buenos Aires, Argentina), the diet of juvenileParalichthys orbignyanus andOncopterus darwinii sorted according to size, area, and season was analyzed. Sampling was carried out using a beach seine net in three zones of different salinity. The small size of the individuals collected and the high percentage of full stomachs, corresponding with high food availability in the lagoon, indicated that Mar Chiquita is used as a nursery ground. The diet ofP. orbignyanus consisted of crustaceans and polychaetes, whereasO. darwinii fed predominantly on small crustaceans (gammarid amphipods, harpacticoid copepods, mysids, and ostracods); polychaetes were less important. Diet of both flatfish species varied with length. Smaller individuals were microphagous, while bigger specimens included larger prey in their diet. Prey taxa number increased for both species, seawards to the mouth of the lagoon, probably related to the salinity gradient. Prey diversity forP. orbignyanus was highest in autumn and spring, and the lowest percentage of stomachs with food occurred in winter. Prey diversity was lowest forO. darwinii in spring and the highest percentage of empty stomachs was found in autumn.  相似文献   

The epifaunal and infaunal assemblages associated with Caulerpa taxifolia in the Port River/Barker Inlet estuary of Adelaide, South Australia were compared to those associated with the co-occurring seagrass Zostera muelleri. Both taxa contained an abundant and diverse fauna, but with substantial differences between them. In particular, ophiuroids (brittle stars) were abundant in Caulerpa, but almost absent from Zostera. Crustaceans, mostly amphipods, and annelids, mostly polychaetes, were abundant in both Caulerpa and Zostera, but the families present differed substantially. Taxa that dominated in Caulerpa include the amphipods: Amphithoidae, Corophiidae, and Talitridae; and the polychaetes: Cirratulidae, Nephtyidae, and Nereididae. Zostera was dominated by the polychaetes: Capitellidae; amphipods: Caprellidae; isopods: Sphaeromatidae; and Neballidae. Some taxa (arthropods, nemerteans, and echinoderms) had their peak abundance during summer, when Caulerpa biomass was highest, while others did not seem to respond to changes in Caulerpa biomass. Overall, epifauna were 4–9 times more abundant in Caulerpa than Zostera, while infauna were slightly more abundant in Zostera, indicating that at least in South Australia, Caulerpa provides a functional habitat for a diverse array of taxa.  相似文献   

Small, abundant elasmobranchs use shallow marine areas (<20 m depth) of the US Middle Atlantic coast as nurseries and adult foraging habitat, an area also used by a diverse assemblage of economically important juvenile and adult teleost species. Specimens of three small elasmobranch species (smooth dogfish Mustelus canis, clearnose skate Raja eglanteria, and bullnose ray Myliobatis freminvillii) were collected in August 2007 and 2008 from a study area of ∼150 km2, extending 22 km south from Ocean City, Maryland, USA (38° 19′ N) and offshore from 5- to 20-m depth. Stomach contents indicated that fish were part of the diets of smooth dogfish and clearnose skate at a level comparable with sympatric piscivorous teleosts. However, stable isotope data suggest that piscivory is likely an opportunistic foraging behavior in this habitat. Studied elasmobranchs were secondary-tertiary consumers with diets composed primarily of decapod crustaceans, fish, and mollusks. There was significant overlap in diet composition, spatial distribution, and diel stomach fullness patterns between clearnose skate, southern kingfish Menticirrhus americanus (teleost) and, to a lesser extent, smooth dogfish. Despite this evidence for piscivory, their relatively low densities suggest that predation by these elasmobranchs is unlikely to affect teleost populations in shallow coastal ocean habitats. If shared prey were to become scarce, then competitive interactions are possible.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in aquatic food web structure at Mad Island Marsh, Matagorda Bay, Texas, was examined using dietary information obtained from the analysis of gut contents from large samples of fish and crustacean specimens. Unique aspects of this study include the use of large samples of consumer gut contents (n=6,452), long-term sampling (bimonthly surveys over 18 mo), and standard methods of data collection and analysis facilitating comparisons with other aquatic food webs. Dietary data were partitioned for analysis into warm (summer) and cold (winter) seasons. Most consumers fed low in the food web, with trophic levels ranging from about 2 to 3.5 during both summer and winter. Vegetative detritus was more important in macroconsumer diets than live algae and macrophytes. Low trophic levels of consumers reflected the important role of abundant detritivores (e.g., striped mulletMugil cephalus, Gulf menhadenBrevortia patronum, and macroinvertebrates) in linking detritus to top predators via short food chains, a finding consistent with many other estuarine food web studies. Despite changes in community composition and population size structure of certain species, most food web properties revealed comparatively little seasonal variation. The summer food web had more nodes (86), more links (562), a higher density of links as indicated by connectance (0.08), and a slightly higher predator: prey ratio (0.51) compared to the winter food web (75 nodes, 394 links, connectance = 0.07, predator: prey ratio = 0.47). Proportions of top (0.06–0.07), intermediate (0.75–0.76), and basal (0.19) species did not vary significantly between seasons, but mean trophic level was higher during summer. Addition of feeding links based on information from the literature increased connectance to 0.13 during both seasons; other web parameters had values similar to those obtained for our directly estimated food webs. Seasonal variation in food web structure was influenced by changes in community composition (e.g., influxes of postlarval estuarine-dependent marine fishes during winter), availability of resources (e.g., more submerged macrophytes and amphipods during summer), and size structure and ontogenetic diet shifts of dominant consumer taxa. Our findings suggest that some basic properties of estuarine food web are resilient to seasonal changes in population and community structures and food web architecture.  相似文献   

Fish diets play a critical role in our understanding of aquatic trophic dynamics and are an important component in developing ecosystem-based approaches to fisheries management. Although large nektonic fishes exert top-down predator effects on the food web and typically support viable commercial and recreational fisheries, little is known about the diet of this guild. We evaluated the diets (6327 stomachs) of four nektonic predatory fishes (Pomatomus saltatrix [78–395 mm], Cynoscion regalis [91–520 mm], Morone americana [156–361 mm], and Morone saxatilis [82–785 mm]) in Delaware Bay and in the adjacent ocean. To assess ontogenetic, geographic, and interspecific variation in diets, observations from individual fish stomachs were clustered into species-size class groups, and dietary overlap was estimated using multivariate analyses. A shift in diet composition, as well as diversity, occurred along the estuarine gradient and into the adjacent ocean. Some prey were shared by most predators, including some crustaceans (dominated by Callinectes sapidus, mysids, and Palaemonetes spp.), fundulids (dominated by Fundulus heteroclitus), engraulids (dominated by Anchoa mitchilli), and clupeids (dominated by Brevoortia tyrannus). However, inter- and intra-specific variation in diet was observed as well. In particular, M. americana consumed fewer engraulids and clupeids, and many more and diverse types of invertebrates, while P. saltatrix consumed more clupeids and less invertebrates. The lack of overlap in diet between the four predators evaluated, and between size groups for each predator, supports previous evidence that these groups feed in trophic guilds defined by species and by size within a species. The highly variable diets for these predators suggest high resolution spatial data are necessary in order to quantify their most important prey and their role in coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

Cyprinodon variegatus (sheepshead minnow), a common coastal resident of the western Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, can live in ambient salinities ranging from 0‰ to greater than 140‰. Fish in this study were obtained from a Gulf of Mexico salt marsh near Cedar Key, Florida. This study examined the ability of individual C. variegatus to regulate plasma osmolality under the influence of a cycling salinity regime. Individuals of C. variegatus were exposed for 21 d to one of seven cyclical salinity regimes. Each cycle lasted for 2 d, with salinity varied between 10‰ and 30‰ each day. Plasma osmolality of fish from each group was determined on five dates during the course of the experiment. C. variegatus efficiently regulated plasma osmolality, even when fishes were exposed to large fluctuations in salinity. Fish previously exposed to large salinity fluctuations regulated plasma osmolality better than fish that previously had experienced no change or small changes in salinity. Increasing salinity had a greater impact on osmoregulation than did decreasing salinity.  相似文献   

Penaeus aztecus Ives, the brown shrimp, and Penaeus setiferus (Linnaeus), the white shrimp, co-occur in Texas salt marshes as juveniles. Although their life cycles are similar, evidence indicates that the species utilize different resources for the primary faunal element of their diets. Prey selection and growth studies have shown that brown shrimp successfully remove infauna from natural sediment. Further, a diet of polychaetes, whether alone or in combination with algae, produced growth in the species. Brown shrimp appear to be trophically linked to infaunal populations, thus the structure and dynamics of the benthic community may directly affect local brown shrimp productivity. Areas dominated by surface-dwelling polychaetes as opposed to deep burrowers may provide more accessible foraging opportunities for juvenile brown shrimp. By contrast, white shrimp neither removed infauna nor grew to a significant degree when provided polychaetes or amphipods as food. White shrimp are omnivorous but do not rely on infaunal material to the same extent as brown shrimp. The primary faunal element in the diet of white shrimp has not yet been identified. The dietary differences between the two species may play a role in determining which species dominates in regions with varying marsh accessibility. Although not the only factors influencing penaeid survival and growth, prey choice and availability may greatly affect production and local success of penaeid populations. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY081 00013  相似文献   

We compared distribution and abundance by habitat for age-0, young-of-the-year (YOY) winter flounder,Pseudopleuronectes americanus, in three estuaries (Hammonasset River, Navesink River, and Great Bay-Little Egg Harbor) in the northeastern United States to better define essential fish habitat (EFH). Two replicates of five representative habitats were sampled in most estuaries: eelgrass (Zostera marina), unvegetated areas adjacent to eelgrass, macroalgae, (primarilyUlva lactuca), unvegetated areas adjacent to macroalgae, and tidal marsh creeks. Fish were sampled every two weeks, May through October 1995 and 1996, with a beam-trawl (1-m width, 3-mm mesh net). Abundance of YOY winter flounder was highest in the Navesink River estuary and similar between years, but was significantly lower and differed between years in the Great Bay-Little Egg Harbor and Hammonasset River estuaries. Annual temperature differences appear to influence estuary use by YOY. In the years and estuaries studied, where habitat-related differences in abundance were significant, YOY were found in higher densities in unvegetated areas adjacent to eelgrass. The exception was in the Hammonasset River in 1995 when densities were higher in eelgrass. We conclude that the type of habitat most important to YOY winter flounder varies among estuaries and as a result, care should be taken in defining EFH, based only on limited spatial and temporal sampling.  相似文献   

A population of the invasive musselMusculista senhousia was monitored bimonthly from May 1999 through April 2000 in the Sacca di Goro, a brackish lagoon of the Po River Delta, Northern Adriatic Sea, in order to give information on the gametogenic cycle, population dynamics, and secondary production of this successful invader. The gonad underwent 4 different stages: spent (December to February), developing (March to May), ripe (June to August), and spawning (September to November). The population was numerically dominated by a single cohort of individuals for most of the year. The mean size of this cohort rapidly increased to 24–25 mm shell length, after which growth slowed and mussels rarely grew larger than 30–32 mm. Summer anoxia may have greatly reduced mussel abundance; annual cohort mortality was 95%. No recruitment was registered on the bed until February 2000, and there was a large pulse of new recruits in April when two cohorts were clearly recognizable. The established bed was the primary site for new recruitment. Secondary production, calculated with two different methods, gave comparable estimates; P:B ratios were 1.5 and 1.7.M. senhousia beds seemed to facilitate the presence of other macrofaunal taxa: abundance of some species (a small gastropod, amphipods, and tube-building polychaetes) were significantly higher within mussel mats at two sites sampled in May 2000 than they were in soft-sediments ∼100 m away.  相似文献   

Collections of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) larvae were made biweekly from March to May in 1999 and 2000 in the Navesink River-Sandy Hook Bay estuarine system, New Jersey, to determine stage-specific spatial and temporal variability in diets. Relatively high percentages of larvae with empty guts were found at low water temperatures. Percentages of empty guts did not differ by larval stage (preflexion and postflexion) or region of collection (river and bay). There was high intraregional variability in percentages of larvae with empty guts. Nauplii, invertebrate eggs, and polychaete larvae were dominant prey items followed by tintinnids, bivalve and gastropod veligers, and diatoms. Ontogenetic dietary shifts were evident in both years. Preflexion winter flounder largely consumed nauplii, invertebrate eggs, and tintinnids; postflexion winter flounder consumed the largest prey (polychaete larvae) but also retained small prey items in their diets. Water temperature significantly affected the percentages of larvae feeding on nauplii (p<0.05) and tintinnids (p<0.08) in 2000. Region of collection was not significantly related to diets because of high intraregional variability. Fine scale spatial (within regions, stations were approximately 3 km apart) and temporal (weeks) dietary variation of larval winter flounder could result in accompanying variation in development, growth stage duration, and survival.  相似文献   

Hydrography and copepod abundances (Acartia tonsa, Eurytemora affinis, and nauplii) were regularly monitored for 2 years in sub-estuaries of the lower Chesapeake Bay. Copepod vital status was determined using neutral red. Abundances of A. tonsa copepodites and nauplii peaked in late summer and were related to water temperature. E. affinis was present in early fall and winter–spring. Copepod carcasses were a persistent feature in the plankton from 2007 to 2009, with similar annual patterns of occurrence during both years. The relative abundance of carcasses varied among species and developmental stages, with means of 30% dead for stages NI–NIII copepod nauplii, 12–15% for stages NIV–NVI nauplii and A. tonsa copepodites, and 4–8% for E. affinis copepodites. Percent dead was also higher for adult male than female A. tonsa. No strong relationships were found between measured hydrographic variables and percent dead, but the higher percent dead in young nauplii and adult male A. tonsa may indicate greater susceptibility of these stages to death from environmental stressors.  相似文献   

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