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Abstract The Siluro-Devonian Waits River Formation of north-east Vermont was deformed, intruded by plutons and regionally metamorphosed during the Devonian Acadian Orogeny. Five metamorphic zones were mapped based on the mineralogy of carbonate rocks. From low to high grade, these are: (1) ankerite-albite, (2) ankerite-oligoclase, (3) biotite, (4) amphibole and (5) diopside zones. Pressure was near 4.5kbar and temperature varied from c. 450° C in the ankerite-albite zone to c. 525° C in the diopside zone. Fluid composition for all metamorphic zones was estimated from mineral equilibria. Average calculated χ co2[= CO 2/(CO 2+ H 2O)] of fluid in equilibrium with the marls increases with increasing grade from 0.05 in the ankerite-oligoclase zone, to 0.25 in the biotite zone and to 0.44 in the amphibole zone. In the diopside zone, χ CO2 decreases to 0.06. Model prograde metamorphic reactions were derived from measured modes, mineral chemistry, and whole-rock chemistry. Prograde reactions involved decarbonation with an evolved volatile mixture of χ CO2 > 0.50. The χ CO2 of fluid in equilibrium with rocks from all zones, however, was generally <0.40. This difference attests to the infiltration of a reactive H 2O-rich fluid during metamorphism. Metamorphosed carbonate rocks from the formation suggests that both heat flow and pervasive infiltration of a reactive H 2O-rich fluid drove mineral reactions during metamorphism. Average time-integrated volume fluxes (cm 3 fluid/cm 2 rock), calculated from the standard equation for coupled fluid flow and reaction in porous media, are (1) ankerite-oligoclase zone: c. 1 × 10 4; (2) biotite zone: c. 3 × 10 4; (3) amphibole zone: c. 10 × 10 4; and diopside zone: c. 60 × 10 4. The increase in calculated flux with increasing grade is at least in part the result of internal production of volatiles from prograde reactions in pelitic schists and metacarbonate rocks within the Waits River Formation. The mapped pattern of time-integrated fluxes indicates that the Strafford-Willoughby Arch and the numerous igneous intrusions in the field area focused fluid flow during metamorphism. Many rock specimens in the diopside zone experienced extreme alkali depletion and also record low χ CO2. Metamorphic fluids in equilibrium with diopside zone rocks may therefore represent a mixture of acid, H 2O-rich fluids given off by the crystallizing magmas, and CO 2-H 2O fluids produced by devolatilization reactions in the host marls. Higher fluxes and different fluid compositions recorded near the plutons suggest that pluton-driven hydrothermal cells were local highs in the larger regional metamorphic hydrothermal system. 相似文献
Samples of gilsonite from Adzharia, anthraxolite and graphite of coal from Taimyr, shungite from Karelia, and anthracite from Donbass are studied using Raman spectroscopy. Peaks at 1600 cm ?1, indicating the presence of nanographite, are recorded in all samples. The anthracite sample from Donbass, 1330 cm ?1, corresponds to the sp3-line of carbon hybridization conforming to a nanodiamond. It is concluded that in nature diamonds can be formed at late stages of lithogenesis (catagensis, metagenesis), and for coals, it can occur at the zeolite stage of regional metamorphism of rocks, before the green schist stage. 相似文献
A succession of metamorphic zones can be recognized along theMolong Geanticline, an ancient rise within the Tasman Geosynclineof Eastern Australia. In order of increasing grade, the zonesin the volcanogenic rocks are: (1) an albite-quartz zone, containingneither prehnite, pumpellyite, actinolite, nor biotite; (2)a prehnite zone; (3) a prehnite-pumpellyite zone; (4) an actinolitezone; and (5) a biotite zone. Zeolite associations are not developed.Zones 4 and 5 lie within the greenschist facies. The rocks alongthis geanticline are generally only slightly deformed, lackingcleavage. The grade of this metamorphism within the Molong Geanticlineincreases partly in accordance with increasing stratigraphicdepth and partly increases eastwards towards the adjacent HillEnd Trough. Within the Trough, rocks show metamorphic assemblagesakin to those of Zones 4 and 5 as defined within the MolongGeanticline, but deformation is more extreme and a regionalcleavage is characteristic. In the region about the Hill EndTrough and the adjacent geanticlines there is an apparent variationfrom essentially static burial metamorphism of the geanticlinesthrough transitional types to tectonic dynamothermal metamorphismof the trough. Both metamorphisms are envisaged as having arisenduring the same general period of metamorphism, but deformationof the geanticlines was much less than deformation in the interveningHill End Trough. 相似文献
桐柏杂岩位于桐柏地区两条印支期高压变质带之间,长期以来被认为是一个前寒武纪变质杂岩体。由于岩石学和年代学研究资料的缺乏,对其构造属性和变质演化过程一直存在着模糊的认识。通过详细的野外地质调查,在桐柏杂岩中发现了含有石榴石的斜长角闪岩和片麻岩包体。对这些包体的变质作用研究发现,其主要矿物虽然受到晚期低温扩散的影响,但变质反应结构并不发育。变质作用温压估算结果显示,这些包体的峰期变质条件达到了高角闪岩相,其 T=560~670℃, p=0.57~0.90 GPa。年代学资料表明,桐柏杂岩的主体为强烈变形的燕山期花岗岩体,其中变质岩包体的变质时代为印支期。然而,由于在这些变质岩包体中尚未找到高压或超高压变质的证据,它们是印支期高压/超高压岩石的退变产物,还是只经历了中下地壳变质作用影响的中压岩石,尚需今后进一步的探索。 相似文献
Four assemblages from calcic pelitic schists from South Strafford,Vermont, have been studied in detail to determine the relationshipbetween reaction history and compositional zoning of minerals.The lowest-grade assemblage is garnet + biotite + chlorite +plagioclase + epidote + quartz + muscovite + graphite + fluid.Along a path of isobaric heating, the net reaction is Chl +Ms + Ep + Gr = Grt + Bt + Pl + fluid. Garnet grows with decreasingFe/(Fe + Mg) and XSpa, (from 02 to 005), XGra staysnearly constant between 020 and 025, and plagioclasegrows with XAn increasing from peristerite to 0205. The subsequent evolution depends on whether chlorite or epidotereacts out first. If chlorite is removed from the assemblagefirst, the net reaction along an isobaric heating path becomesGrt + Ms + Ep + Qtz + Gr = Bt + Pl + fluid. XAn of plagioclaseincreases to 020070, depending on the bulk-rockcomposition and changes in pressure and temperature. If epidoteis removed first, the assemblage becomes a simple pelite andthe net reaction becomes Chl + Pl + Ms + Qtz = Grt + Bt + H 2O.Plagioclase is consumed to provide Ca for growing garnet, and XAn, Fe/(Fe + Mg) of garnet, XGra, and XSpa all decrease. Afterboth chlorite and epidote are removed, continued heating upto the metamorphic peak of {small tilde}600C produces littleprogress of the reaction Grt + Ms = Bt + Pl; and XAn increases. The four assemblages have been numerically modeled using theGibbs method starting with measured compositions. The modelssuccessfully predict the observed compositional zoning and trendsof mineral growth and consumption along the computed PTpaths. The models also predict the compositional mineral zoningthat would have resulted from other PT paths.
* Present address: Department of Geology, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487 相似文献
东海ZK703钻孔位于苏鲁超高压变质带南部,钻孔深558m穿过的岩性主要为榴辉岩,黑云斜长片麻岩和石榴橄榄岩,及少量多硅白云母石英片岩,石榴石多硅白云母英片岩,蓝晶石石英岩和硬玉石英岩,钻孔揭示榴辉岩呈层状产出,具中等倾角,稳定延利到钻孔深度以下。超高压矿物或其后成合晶假象在这些岩石中的保存,以及岩石之间的接触关系表明,这是一个整体经历了超高压变质作用的表壳岩和基性一超基性岩组合,据原生次要矿物, 相似文献
AbstractThis paper summarises current knowledge on metamorphism within the entire New England Orogen (NEO) of eastern Australia. Rocks recording metamorphic assemblages characteristic of each of the three metamorphic facies series (high, medium and low P/T) have been identified within the orogen. These include high P/T blueschists and eclogites, mid P/T orogenic metamorphism and low P/T contact aureoles and sub-regional high-temperature–low-pressure (HTLP) metamorphism (regional aureoles). Metamorphism is described as it relates to six tectonic phases of development of the NEO that together comprise two major cycles of compression–extension. Medium–high-grade contact metamorphism spans all six tectonic phases while low-grade burial and/or orogenic metamorphism has been identified for four of the six phases. In contrast, exposure of high P/T eclogites and blueschists, and generation of sub-regional low P/T metamorphism is restricted to extensional phases of the orogen. Hallmarks of the orogen are two newly identified zones of HTLP metamorphism, the older of which extends for almost the entire length of the orogen. - KEY POINTS
The orogen is dominated by low-temperature rocks while high-temperature amphibolite to granulite facies rocks are restricted to small exposures in HTLP complexes and contact aureoles. Blueschist metamorphism falls into two categories; that associated with subduction during the Currabubula-Connors continental arc phase occurring at depths of ~13–30?km; and the other of Cambrian–Ordovician age, exposed within a serpentinite melange and associated with blocks of eclogite. The eclogite, initially from depths of ~75–90?km, appears to have been entrained in the deep crust for an extended period of geological time. A comprehensive review of contact metamorphism in the orogen is lacking and as studies on low-grade metamorphism are more extensive in the southern part of the orogen than the north, this highlights a second research gap. 相似文献
Two grades of metamorphism, both subfacies of the greenschist facies of regional metamorphism, were mapped on the Araya Peninsula: 1. the quartzalbite-epidote-almandine subfacies, consisting mainly of a sequence of garnet and kyanite quartz-mica schists, interlayered with quartzites; and 2. the quartzalbite-muscovite-chlorite subfacies, which consists of chloritic phyllites, quartzmica schists and phyllites, metaconglomerates, calcareous quartz-mica schists, limestones and marbles, and calcareous epidote schists of volcanic origin. The two subfacies are separated by faults. The probable age of these rocks ranges from Triassic(?)-Jurassic to Lower and Middle Cretaceous. Serpentinites intrude rocks of the lower metamorphic grade, and are interpreted as tectonically emplaced. The foliation of these rocks is highly folded by mesoscopic folds, whose axes trend east-northeast and which are overturned to the south-southeast. Lineations parallel to the fold axes and thrusting to the south-southeast are common. These structures reflect a macroscopic structure of antiforms and synforms, all affected by a dominant north-northwest to south-southeast tectonic transport. A system of high-angle or vertical longitudinal faults crosses the peninsula from west-southwest to east-northeast. Evidence of recent strike-slip movement was found, although vertical movement has also been important along these faults. Two tectonic styles exist in the metamorphic rocks. The older one is characterized by compression and thrusting in a south-southeast direction. The younger one is represented by longitudinal faults oriented in an east-northeast direction, with vertical and strike-slip movement. They probably reflect the eastward movement of the Caribbean region with respect to South America. 相似文献
Osumilite-bearing metasedimentary gneiss occurs in the contactaureole of the Sand Hill Big Pond gabbronorite complex of Labradorianage in eastern Grenville Province, eastern Labrador, Canada.The osumilite (Os) occurs in association with cordierite (Cd),orthopyroxene (Opx), sillimanite (Sil), sapphirine (Sa), spinel(Sp), K-feldspar (Kf), plagioclase (PI), phlogopite (Ph), hematite(Hm),magnetite (Mt), corundum (Co), and quartz (Q) in zones adjacentto the gabbronorite intrusion. The osumilite-in isogard is delineatedat a distance of 1-3km from the intrusive contact. The osumiliteis characterized by enhanced Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios (0.89-0.92)and relatively high K 2O contents (4. 13-4.78 wt. % ) The compositionalvariation of the osumilite is best understood by the substitutions(Mg+Fe+Mn)+St=2A1 and (K+Na)+(Mg +Fe+Mn)=Al+vacancy. Symplectiticintergrowth of Opx-Cd-Kf-Q, which partly of completely replacedosumilite, is ubiquitously present. The stable osumilite-bearingassemblages (all with Hm, Mt, and P1) deduced from petrographicfeatures and from the phase relations in the KMAS system areOs-Sa-Cd, Os-Cd-Sil-Q, Os-Cd-Kf-Q, Os-Cd-Opx-Q, and Os-Opx-Kf-Q.The saphirine-bearing assemblages are restricted to silica-deficient(quartz-absent) zones of the gnesis, which include Sa-Os-Cd,Sa-Sil-Cd, Sa-Opx-Sp, Sa-Sp-Cd, and Sa-Sp-Co. Orthopyroxenecoronas mantling phologite reflect the breakdown reaction Ph+ Q= Opx+Kf+vapor under extremely low water activity in thevapour. Petrogenetic grids in MAS, KMAS, and KMAS-H 2O-CO 2appropriateto the mineral assemblages in the metasedimentary gneisses suggestthat the changes of the mineral assemblages in the area studiedreflect dehydration reactions Ph+Sil+Q=Cd+Kf+V and Ph+Q=Opx+Kf+V, and osumilite and sapphirine-forming reactions Opx+Cd+Kf+Q=Os,Cd+Kf+Q=Os+Sil+, Opx+Sil+Kf=Os+Sa, and Opx+Sil =Sa+ Cd. Relativelyhigh Mg/(Mg+Fe 2+) (0. 64-0.88) in the whole-rock compositionand high oxygen fugacity (near hematite-magnetite buffer), togetherwith exceptionally high temperature ( 1000?C) and extremelylow water activity (0.2) at peak meta-morphic conditions mightstabilize the osumilite- and sapphirine-bearing assemblagesat middle or lower crustal levels. Relatively low water activityis probably caused by the relatively dry precursor, which hadbeen metamorphosed at upper amphibolite facies metamorphic conditionsbefore gabbronorite emplacement. 相似文献
胶东地区莱西-莱阳-栖霞-带晚太古代花岗片麻碉中,出露相当规模的高压基性麻业岩和超镁铁质岩组合,曾被认为它们是与苏鲁-大别超高压碰撞造山作用有关的一套岩石组合,高在性麻粒岩中可同三期变质矿物组合;早期为Grt核部)+Cpx+Pl;中期为Grt(边中)+Cpx+Opx+Pl+Amp+Q+Mt;晚期为Cpx+Pl+Amp+Q+Mt。早期的石榴石含钱铝榴石和镁铝榴石组分较高,单斜辉石含Al高。应用矿物温 相似文献
The metabasites within the Tokoro belt of eastern Hokkaido,Japan, suffered pervasive highP/ Tetamorphism. Mineralassemblages and compositions of more than 400 metabasites fromthe SaromaTokoro district were investigated. The metabasites are divided into six metamorphic zones basedon mineral assemblages. The laumontite (Lm) zone is definedby the presence of laumontite. The prehnitepumpellyite(PrPp) zone is characterized by the association of prehnite+ pumpellyite. The lawsonitesodic. pyroxene (LwNapx)zone is defined by the assemblage lawsonite + pumpellyite +sodic pyroxene + chlorite. The epidotesodic pyroxene(EpNapx)(1) and (2) zones are charecterized by the assemblage epidote+ pumpellyite + sodic pyroxene + chlorite. The former is characterizedby the absence of aragonite, sodic amphibole, and winchite,as well as the presence of jadeitepoor sodic pyroxene(maxJd mol% = 13), whereas these minerals occur in the EpNapx(2)zone, together with jadeiterich sodic pyroxene (max.Jd mol % = 34). In the epidoteactinolite (EpAct)zone, the most common assemblages contain epidote+ actionolite+ pumpellyite + chlorite. The Lm zone corresponds to the zeolite facies (150200?Cand 12 kb) and the PrPp zone is equivalent tothe prehnitepumpellyite facies (200250?C and 225kb). The EpNapx(I) zone appears to be stable at 200250?C and 2? 5?3?5 kb. The pressure conditions in the LwNapx,Ep-Napx(2), and EpAct zones appear to range from 5 to6 kb, and the temperatures are estimated to be 200230,230270, and 270300? C, respectively. The sequenceof the metamorphic zones is charaterized by the curved PTpath. The stability field of pumpellyite+ sodic+ pyroxene+ chloritein Fe 3+ bearing metabasites is located in the lowertemperatureand higherpressure part of the pumpellyiteactionolitefacies. On the basis of Schreinmaker's method, the stabilityfield of the assemblage is bounded by a highpressurereaction Pp+ Napx+ Chl+ Ab+ Qz+ H 2O= Lw+ Gl, and by a high-temperaturereaction Pp Napx+ Chl+ Ab+ Qz = Ep + Gl + H 2O. 相似文献
梅子垭组是汉阴北部地区出露面积最大的地层,岩性主要为白云母石英片岩、含碳白云母石英片岩、含石榴子石黑云母变斑晶白云母石英片岩等,石榴子石和黑云母变斑晶在该岩层中普遍发育。该岩组构造变形复杂,经历了多期构造活动和变质变形过程。笔者在野外调查的基础上,通过分析研究区石榴子石、黑云母变斑晶的关系,采用石榴子石-黑云母地质温度计,对该区广泛出露的含石榴子石黑云母变斑晶白云母石英片岩进行研究,得到如下结论:研究区存在3期黑云母和石榴子石,石榴子石变斑晶具有明显的生长环带,而黑云母变斑晶没有环带;研究区变质作用的变质温度范围为介于511~572℃,主要为530~560℃;变质压力范围为0.16~0.84GPa,变质相属高绿片岩相。 相似文献
The origin, age and evolution of the Precambrian metamorphic basement of southern China provide useful insights into early crustal development. Here, we present new laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry(LA–ICP–MS) U–Pb age data for detrital zircons from five samples of the Precambrian metamorphic basement of the Xiangshan uranium orefield. Two of these samples, from the northern Xiangshan volcanic basin, yielded a total of 140 U–Pb ages that cluster within the Neoproterozoic(773–963 Ma; 79.3% of data points), with the rest being scattered through the Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic, along with a single Archean age. These ages indicate that this basement material is associated with the Cathaysia Block. In comparison, the 172 concordant ages from the other three samples from the southern part of the Xiangshan volcanic basin cluster within the Neoproterozoic(767–944 Ma; 59.8%) as well as the Proterozoic(37.8%) and the Archean(2502–2712 Ma; 14.5%). These samples are also free of zircons with Grenvillian ages, indicating that these units are associated with the southeastern Yangtze Block. Combining these data with the geochemistry of these units, which suggests that the metamorphosed sedimentary rocks within the northern and southern parts of the Xiangshan basin have a common component from a magmatic island arc that formed during the early Neoproterozoic, we infer that the basin was located along the boundary between the Cathaysian and Yangtze blocks. In addition, the zircons within the samples from the southern and northern parts of the Xiangshan basin show different pre-Neoproterozoic(963 Ma) age populations but similar postNeoproterozoic zircon populations, indicating that the amalgamation of the Cathaysian and Yangtze blocks occurred after the Neoproterozoic(960 Ma), with magmatism peaking at 830 Ma and rifting starting at ~770 Ma, leading to the subsequent deposition(from bottom to top) of the Shenshan, Kuli, and Shangshi formations. 相似文献
The Sanbagawa metamorphic terrain in the Sazare area, centralSikoku, is divided into three zones of progressive metamorphism,A, B, and C, on the basis of mineral assemblages of peliticschists. The characteristic mineral assemblage of zone A isphengite+chlorite and that of zone C is phengite+chlorite+garnetwith biotite possibly at a higher-grade part. Zone B is transitionalbetween A and C. Variation of the chemistry of garnet rim andchlorite with increasing grade is conspicuous: the MnO and FeOcontents of chlorite decrease and the FeO content of garnetrims increase with grade. The Fe-Mg partition coefficient forthe chloritegarnet rim pair also changes systematicallywith the grade defined by the assemblage suggesting that theprogressive metamorphism is primarily due to temperature increase.The difference in assemblages between the Barrovian biotitezone and zone C of the present area is due either to the commonoccurrence of clinozoisite in the latter or to the differentparagenetic relations induced by higher-pressure of equilibriumin the Sanbagawa belt as compared with the Scottish one. The thermal structure of the present area revealed by zonalmapping requires the presence of a large-scale overturned structure,which postdated the major mineral formation. 相似文献
The metamorphic conditions of the Upper Permian Yangjiagou Formation in eastern Changchun, China, were evaluated based on the mineral assemblage, illite crystallinity, illite polytypism,the b dimension of illite, and the chemical composition of chlorite. The pelitic rocks in the Yangjiagou Formation are characterized by illite + kaolinite + chlorite ± mixed-layer chlorite/smectite and detrital quartz + plagioclase. Illite in the formation has a crystallinity of 0.38-0.55 and comprises mixed 2 M_1 and1 M_d polytypes, indicating a metamorphic temperature of 200℃. Based on the chemical composition of chlorite and the chlorite geothermometer, we estimated diagenetic to very low-grade metamorphic conditions with temperatures of 185℃~204℃. The b dimension of illite varies from 8.992 A to 9.005 A.We used a mathematical algorithm to extend Guidotti and Sassi's(1986) diagram relating illite b dimension with temperature and pressure, and used this diagram, together with illite crystallinity and chlorite chemical composition, to semi-quantitatively estimate the formation pressure at1.2 kbar. These reveal that the Yangjiagou Formation has experienced very low-grade metamorphism. 相似文献
Petrology and phase equilibria of rocks from two profiles inEastern Nepal from the Lesser Himalayan Sequences, across theMain Central Thrust Zone and into the Greater Himalayan Sequencesreveal a Paired Metamorphic Mountain Belt (PMMB) composed oftwo thrust-bound metamorphic terranes of contrasting metamorphicstyle. At the higher structural level, the Greater HimalayanSequences experienced high-T/moderate-P metamorphism, with ananticlockwise PT path. Low-P inclusion assemblages ofquartz + hercynitic spinel + sillimanite have been overgrownby peak metamorphic garnet + cordierite + sillimanite assemblagesthat equilibrated at 837 ± 59°C and 6·7 ±1·0 kbar. Matrix minerals are overprinted by numerousmetamorphic reaction textures that document isobaric coolingand re-equilibrated samples preserve evidence of cooling to600 ± 45°C at 5·7 ±1·1 kbar.Below the Main Central Thrust, the Lesser Himalayan Sequencesare a continuous (though inverted) Barrovian sequence of high-P/moderate-Tmetamorphic rocks. Metamorphic zones upwards from the loweststructural levels in the south are: Zone A: albite + chlorite + muscovite ± biotite; Zone B: albite + chlorite + muscovite + biotite + garnet; Zone C: albite + muscovite + biotite + garnet ± chlorite; Zone D: oligoclase + muscovite + biotite + garnet ± kyanite; Zone E: oligoclase + muscovite + biotite + garnet + staurolite+ kyanite; Zone F: bytownite + biotite + garnet + K-feldspar + kyanite± muscovite; Zone G: bytownite + biotite + garnet + K-feldspar + sillimanite+ melt ± kyanite. The Lesser Himalayan Sequences show evidence for a clockwisePT path. Peak-P conditions from mineral cores average10·0 ± 1·2 kbar and 557 ± 39°C,and peak-metamorphic conditions from rims average 8·8± 1·1 kbar and 609 ± 42°C in ZonesDF. Matrix assemblages are overprinted by decompressionreaction textures, and in Zones F and G progress into the sillimanitefield. The two terranes were brought into juxtaposition duringformation of sillimanitebiotite ± gedrite foliationseams (S 3) formed at conditions of 674 ± 33°C and5·7 ± 1·1 kbar. The contrasting averagegeothermal gradients and PT paths of these two metamorphicterranes suggest they make up a PMMB. The upper-plate positionof the Greater Himalayan Sequences produced an anticlockwisePT path, with the high average geothermal gradient beingpossibly due to high radiogenic element content in this terrane.In contrast, the lower-plate Lesser Himalayan Sequences weredeeply buried, metamorphosed in a clockwise PT path anddisplay inverted isograds as a result of progressive ductileoverthrusting of the hot Greater Himalayan Sequences duringprograde metamorphism. KEY WORDS: thermobarometry; PT paths; Himalaya; metamorphism; inverted isograds; paired metamorphic belts 相似文献
波罗斯坦庙杂岩是东阿拉善地块典型的中-高级变质杂岩之一,它的深入研究对进一步认识阿拉善地块起源、形成与演化过程具有十分重要的科学意义.通过对波罗斯坦庙杂岩中石英闪长质片麻岩、斜长角闪岩与花岗伟晶岩的野外观察、岩石学与锆石U-Pb定年发现,波罗斯坦庙杂岩中石英闪长质片麻岩、斜长角闪岩与花岗伟晶岩的岩浆锆石加权平均年龄分别为284±2 Ma、278±3 Ma,276±2 Ma、271±3 Ma与242±7 Ma,该组年龄被解释为其原岩成岩时代.石英闪长质片麻岩与斜长角闪岩中变质锆石加权平均年龄分别为274±6 Ma、272±5 Ma与269±3 Ma、268±2 Ma,代表它们遭受了晚古生代变质作用的时间.综合以上分析与前人研究资料,初步认为以往曾被认为是新太古代-古元古代的波罗斯坦庙杂岩,实际上可能是一个古元古代-晚古生代中-高级变质杂岩,并遭受了280~260 Ma角闪岩相变质作用,指示它们曾被卷入到中亚造山带晚古生代造山作用过程. 相似文献
通过对福建沿海平潭-东山变质带中夕线石榴云母片岩的岩相学和变质作用特征的研究,讨论了该区变质作用的演化历史,为地质学家建立该区乃至整个东南部的构造演化模式提供科学的依据。研究表明,石榴夕线云母片岩实际上是两期变质作用叠加的产物,其中的石榴石、夕线石和黑云母等是第一期变质作用的产物,代表古老变质基底(泥质)的残余,而白云母和大部分石英(白云母石英片岩)则是在第二期变质作用(中生代区域变质)期间由前述变质基底改造而成。也就是说,在人们熟知的绿片岩相-低角闪岩相区域变质作用之前,还曾发生一期更高级的变质作用。第一期变质作用的条件为P=0.55~0.62GPa,T=692℃~717℃,达高角闪岩相;第二期变质作用在本区影响最大,并形成递增变质带,变质作用的温度和压力范围分别是P=0.2~0.5GPa,T=400℃~560℃,属中低级变质。早期高级变质残余的发现使我们不得不重新考虑福建沿海变质带的变质演化与构造演化的过程。 相似文献
通过对福建沿海平潭-东山变质带中夕线石榴云母片岩的岩相学和变质作用特征的研究,讨论了该区变质作用的演化历史,为地质学家建立该区乃至整个东南部的构造演化模式提供科学的依据。研究表明,石榴夕线云母片岩实际上是两期变质作用叠加的产物,其中的石榴石、夕线石和黑云母等是第一期变质作用的产物,代表古老变质基底(泥质)的残余,而白云母和大部分石英(白云母石英片岩)则是在第二期变质作用(中生代区域变质)期间由前述变质基底改造而成。也就是说,在人们熟知的绿片岩相-低角闪岩相区域变质作用之前,还曾发生一期更高级的变质作用。第一期变质作用的条件为P=0.55~0.62GPa,T=692℃~717℃,达高角闪岩相;第二期变质作用在本区影响最大,并形成递增变质带,变质作用的温度和压力范围分别是P=0.2~0.5GPa,T=400℃~560℃,属中低级变质。早期高级变质残余的发现使我们不得不重新考虑福建沿海变质带的变质演化与构造演化的过程。 相似文献
Floodplains along the braided gravel-bed Waimakariri River are discontinuous although generally extensive landforms composed predominantly of gravel bars capped with vertically accreted fines. In order of importance, three mechanisms lead to floodplain formation. River bed abandonment by lateral migration of the braid-train initiates the formation of the largest floodpiains, which usually occur downstream of tributary fans and valley bedrock spurs. In the headwater reaches, localized river bed aggradation during high magnitude events leads to floodplain formation by producing a surface resistant to erosion by lesser events due to either the coarse nature of the deposit, or by its elevation over the river bed, or both. The least important mechanism initiating floodplain development is localized river or channel incision. A six stage model is proposed for the sequential development of floodplains on the Waimakariri River from: (i) active river bed; (ii) stabilizing bar; (iii) incipient floodplain; (iv) established floodplain; (v) mature floodplain; and to (vi) terrace. Two mechanisms, lateral migration by the braid-train and reactivation of abandoned channels within floodplains, operating separately or in combination, are responsible for floodplain reworking and their relatively young age (<250 years). Clearly, braided rivers can construct substantial areas of well developed floodplain. 相似文献