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Based on stable isotope data and carbon and sulfur elemental analyses, the sedimentary environment of the Yellow Sea was significantly influenced by the sea level changes during the Late Quaternary. At the low sea level stand when the sea level was lower by 56?m, the salinity of seawater was reduced to about 7.6‰, and the sedimentation rate in the central part of the Yellow Sea was three times higher than the present rate. The high C/S ratio during the low sea level stand is strong evidence that sedimentation took place in a lower salinity environment than exists at present.  相似文献   

黄东海及邻近陆架晚第四纪层序地层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了近年来黄东海晚第四纪地层的最新研究进展,总结了末次冰期最盛期以来的层序地层模式,即:本区域的海平面呈阶梯式变化,可区分为低水位、海侵、高水位3大沉积体系域。  相似文献   

楚科奇海盆M04柱晚更新世以来沉积古环境记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对"中国第五次北极科考"采自楚科奇海盆的M04柱进行粒度、冰筏碎屑、黏土矿物、岩心XRF扫描、沉积物颜色分析,初步建立了楚科奇海盆晚更新世MIS4期以来的沉积地层框架。MIS4期以来,楚科奇海盆M04柱沉积物粒度和黏土矿物组成具有明显的冰期/间冰期变化特征,冰期沉积物粒度分布以双峰态为主,由洋流搬运和海冰搬运沉积组分组成,伊利石含量高、高岭石含量低;间冰期沉积物具有三峰态粒度分布特征,由海冰搬运、洋流搬运和冰山搬运沉积组分组成,伊利石含量低、高岭石含量高。通过M04柱黏土矿物组合类型与北冰洋边缘海盆的表层沉积物黏土矿物组合类型对比表明,晚更新世以来楚科奇海盆沉积环境发生显著变化:温暖的间冰期受波弗特涡流驱动,波弗特海为研究区的物源输入提供了主要贡献;寒冷的冰期表层环流呈反向输运,细颗粒物源碎屑以东西伯利亚海的输入为主。  相似文献   

Controlled by climate changes, there were three large-scale transgressions and regressions around the Bohai Sea during the late Quaternary, which were accepted by most geologists. However, a big controversy still exists about the time when the transgressions occurred separately. In order to find out the process of the paleoenvironmental changes around the Bohai Sea in the late Quaternary, the foraminifera assemblages from a new borehole Lz908 in the southern coast of the Laizhou Bay were studied, and then the transgressive strata were indentified. Combined with accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon 14C(AMS14C) and optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) ages, the occurrence time of these transgressions were re-determined. The result showed that three major large-scale transgressions occurred separately at the beginning of marine isotopic stage 7(MIS7), the last interglacial period(MIS5) and the Holocene. In addition, a small-scale transgression occurred in the mid-MIS6, and the corresponding transgressive stratum was deposited. The transgressive deposition of MIS3 was also discovered in this study. However, the characteristics of the foraminifera indicated the environment during this period was colder than that in the MIS5. By comparison with the global sea-level changes, the paleoenvironmental changes around the Bohai Sea in the late Quaternary can be consistent with the global climate changes.  相似文献   

During New Euxinian time when sea level dropped below the sill connecting the Black and Marmara seas, the Black Sea became isolated and freshwater sediments were deposited. Now it is a semieuxinic basin with the oxic/anoxic boundary at 100–150 m. The seasonal changes in sedimentation are preserved in the form of laminated sequences. The counting of varves in southeastern Black Sea cores show the chronology of the O2/H2S interface. The age of the Holocene sapropel along the eastern margin ranges from 4000 to 1000 yr BP in deep water and 2500—1000 yr BP in shallower water. Sapropel formation started at 3650 yr BP at a water depth of 2200 m.  相似文献   

在南黄海太阳沙西侧潮流脊槽海域进行了密集网格的高分辨率浅地震勘探,测线间距主要为120 m和200 m。沉积物穿透厚度最大约80~90 m,划分为2个地震层序(SQ1和SQ2),细分为5个亚层(U1~U5)。位于下部的层序1(U1)为晚更新世陆相沉积,上部的层序2(U2~U5)以全新世海相沉积为主。根据地震相特征研究了各亚层的沉积环境,从晚更新世晚期以来,研究区经历了三角洲辫状河流—河流刻蚀—古河道充填—河口滨海—三角洲滨浅海—现代潮流脊槽的沉积环境演变过程。在早全新世中期,研究区发育了一条窄河口型潮流沙脊,并随海平面的快速上升而被掩埋。现代潮流沙脊形成于末次高海面后,与古潮流沙脊没有继承关系,与晚更新世古地形也没有关系,受控于潮流系统。  相似文献   

九龙江河口平原晚第四纪孢粉组合及气候环境演变   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文运用有序系统聚类、对应聚点、最优分割三种数学地质方法,参照孢粉图式将九龙江河口平原海澄ZK5孔剖面划分为8个孢粉带。结合其他钻孔有关资料,得出研究区9个综合分组合带,分别反映晚第不同阶段的不同气候环境。通过对应分析结果表明,本区晚第四纪被演替的决定因素中,湿度比温度更为重要。  相似文献   

The Late Quaternary sea-ice history of the northeastern Japan Sea is discussed on the basis of the occurrence of dropstones and ice-rafted debris (IRD) in fine sediment cores. IRD was found in all strata except those from the Holocene and oxygen isotope stage 5.5. The largest expansion of sea ice was recognized at the last glacial maximum (LGM; oxygen isotope stage 2), when the southern margin of seasonal sea ice was probably located in the vicinity of the Matsumae Plateau. The margin might occasionally have expanded further southward to off the Oga Peninsula. Sea ice expanded southward from mid-stage 5 to the LGM in response to global cooling, but with much fluctuation. Sea ice remained during deglaciation until around 10 ka, but after 10 ka it retreated northward rapidly in response to global warming and changes in surface water conditions. Greater fluctuations in IRD were found in core GH95-1208 collected from off Rumoi, Hokkaido, Japan. More IRD was found in sediments from late stage 3, late stage 5, and early stage 6. The fluctuations were not concordant with global climate changes (based on the standard oxygen isotope curve), and may have been controlled by regional climate factors such as the strength of the winter monsoon, which is related in turn to high-latitude atmospheric circulation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

由于气候变化和新构造运动,渤海曾发生多次海陆演化,从而形成了第四纪地下卤水。间冰期的海侵提供了形成地下卤水的水源,气候波动产生了海水浓缩的条件,而冰期海退过程中,陆源物质覆盖于海相沉积上,保存了地下卤水。对环境演化在“潮滩生卤”和“冰冻生卤”过程中重要作用的分析结果表明,在第四纪环境演变的过程中,两种生卤作用在地质时期卤水矿床形成中均具有重要意义,并且只要存在海水物源,就有可能形成地下卤水。  相似文献   

Late Quaternary polycystine radiolarian datum events in the Sea of Okhotsk   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Five radiolarian datum events have been recorded in the Late Quaternary sediment section from the Sea of Okhotsk, using age assignments based on oxygen-isotope stratigraphy: the last occurrence datum (LOD) of Stylacontarium acquilonium (at about 329 ka), the LOD of Spongodiscus sp. (at about 287 ka), the LOD of Amphimelissa setosa (at about 72 ka), the LOD of Lychnocanoma nipponica sakaii (at about 28 ka), and the L. nipponica sakaii acme event (at about 72 ka). The LODs of S. acquilonium, Spongodiscus sp. and A. setosa appear to be synchronous in comparison with those in the Subarctic North Pacific, but the LOD and the acme event of L. nipponica sakaii show an apparent diachroneity with the corresponding North Pacific events.  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2003,193(3-4):177-194
Sediment cores from a tidal flat in the southeastern Yellow Sea, Korea, contain two major depositional units, a Holocene unit (Unit I) and an underlying late Pleistocene unit (Unit II). Unit I (up to 15 m thick) is a middle to late Holocene, coarsening-upward transgressive deposit. Unit II (about 10 m thick) is interpreted as tidal-flat deposits from the last interglacial period (probably oxygen-isotope stage 5e), based on its many tide-influenced signatures such as laminated silt/clay, tidal rhythmites, fossil crab burrows, authigenic minerals (pyrite and halite), clay mineral composition and a dinoflagellate cyst assemblage comparable to that of Unit I. Units I and II are separated by a regional unconformity which is highlighted by a yellow ‘oxidized layer’ in uppermost Unit II. The layer contains abundant evidence of subaerial exposure, including a yellowish sediment color, semi-consolidation, desiccation cracks, cryoturbation structures, and high degree of magnetic susceptibility. Two major interglacial highstands (Units I and II) and one glacial lowstand (uppermost oxidized layer of Unit II) thus characterize coastal to nearshore tidal deposits along the eastern margin of the Yellow Sea (western Korea).  相似文献   

Five depositional bodies occur within the Quaternary deposits of the northwestern Alboran Sea: Guadalmedina-Guadalhorce prodelta, shelf-edge wedges, progradational packages, Guadiaro channel-levee complex, and debris flow deposits. The sedimentary structure reflects two styles of margin growth characterized: 1) by an essentially sediment-starved outer, shelf and upper slope and by divergent slope seismic facies; 2) by a prograding sediment outer shelf, and parallel slope seismic facies. Eustatic oscillations, sediment supply, and tectonic tilting have controlled the type of growth pattern, and the occurrence of the depositional bodies. Debris flows were also controlled locally by diapirism.  相似文献   

Planktonic foraminiferal and ice-rafted debris count data, as well as the mean size of mineral particles of the 10–63 μm fraction (sortable silt, \(\overline {SS} \)) were used as a proxy for surface and near-bottom paleocurrent intensity variations. The data obtained support our hypothesis about turbiditic origin of the lower (80–370 cm) section of the studied AMK-4515 core. Stratigraphic subdivision of the upper section (0–80 cm) makes it possible to allocate two marine isotope stages (MIS) covering the last 27 ka. The main intervals of the North Atlantic Polar Front (PF) migrations were recorded: south of the modern PF position during early MIS 2 (24–27 ka) with PF presence in the study area during MIS 2 (20–24 ka); south of the study area during the last glacial maximum (18–20 ka). Influence of the near-bottom currents within the investigated interval led to beginning of the channel-related drift formation on the northern slope of the southern channel of the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone. There is a weak relationship between intensity of near-bottom contour currents and long-term climatic cyclicity. However, intervals corresponding to Heinrich events coincide with decrease in bottom currents activity.  相似文献   

张家口-蓬莱断裂带渤海段晚第四纪活动特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张家口-蓬莱断裂带是华北地区一条显著的地震带.利用最新获得的高分辨率浅层地震资料研究了渤海海域内该断裂带晚第四纪以来的活动特征.研究表明:在渤海,张家口-蓬莱断裂带主要由沙西断裂、埕北断裂、沙南断裂、沙东北断裂、柏各庄断裂、石臼坨3号断裂、渤中2号断裂和BZ29断裂等一系列NW走向断裂组成,走向在290°~310°之间;在浅层沉积物中各断裂由多条次级小断裂组成;晚第四纪以来主要表现出强烈的垂向运动特征,具有正断性质;海域各断裂的最新活动时代为晚更新世(Q3)末期-全新世(Q4)初期,并具有相同的活动趋势,在20 ka B.P.和60 ka B.P.左右活动强烈,统计计算显示平均垂向活动速率分别为0.15 mm/a和0.1 mm/a,近20 000 a以来的垂向活动速率超过0.06 mm/a.  相似文献   

The sedimentation rates in the Okinawa Trough during the Late Quaternary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
On the basis of accelerator mass spectrometer radiocarbon (AMS ^14C) dating, sedimentation rates of 11 cores collected from the northern to southern Okinawa Trough are discussed. The sedimentation rates in the Okinawa Trough roughly range from 11 to 39cm/ka, and the average is 23.0cm/ka. China's continental matter is the main sediment source of the middle Okinawa Trough and has important contribution to the northern and southern Okinawa Trough. The sedimentation rates during the marine oxygen isotope (MIS) 2 are uniformly higher than those during MIS 1 in the northern and middle Okinawa Trough while they are on the contrary in the southern Okinawa Trough. Sedimentation rates in the Okinawa Trough can be one of the proxies of sediment source and an indicator of cooling events.  相似文献   

Detailed sedimentological, geochemical and isotopic analyses were carried out on sediment samples from ODP Site 720A on the Indus Fan, Arabian Sea. High values of calcium carbonate associated with low values of Al and Ti from 0 to 375 ka, and low values of calcium carbonate along with high values of Al and Ti from 375 to 525 ka represent two distinct sedimentary sequences. The sediments deposited from 525 to 375 ka correspond to a turbidite sequence, characterized by a high terrigenous input of coarse-grained sediments composed mostly of sand and silt. The sediments deposited from 375 ka to the present day comprise a pelagic sequence, consisting of pelagic material and clay. The major turbidity flow between 375 and 525 ka resulted in the greatest development of the Indus Fan during the late Quaternary. Most of the active channels were buried by 375 ka, followed by deposition of mainly pelagic sequences since then. Enrichment of an Indus-derived Himalayan clay mineral assemblage (illite and chlorite) in both the turbiditic and pelagic sequences reveals that the source and supply of clay minerals to the Indus Fan were the same during pre- and post-turbidite deposition. At ODP Site 720A, Al, Ti and terrigenous material do not show any systematic changes with respect to glacial and interglacial periods, suggesting that sea-level changes are not directly responsible for the terrigenous material supply to this site. Rather, a major switch in distributary channels away from the western margin of the Indus Fan is suggested.  相似文献   

Analysis of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles and sediment samples has revealed the evolution and sediment budget of the southeastern Yellow Sea mud belt (SEYSM) along the southwestern Korean Peninsula. The SEYSM, up to 50 m thick, over 250 km long and 20–55 km wide, can be divided into three stratigraphic units (A1, A2, and B, from oldest to youngest). Unit A1, overlying the acoustic basement, comprises the northern part of the SEYSM. Unit A2 comprises the southern part of the SEYSM; much of unit A2 is exposed at the seafloor. Unit B completely covers unit A1 and pinches out southward.

14C data suggest that evolution of each unit is closely related to the postglacial sea-level changes. Unit A1 consists of estuarine/deltaic or shallow-water muds deposited during the early to middle stage of postglacial sea-level rise (ca. 14,000–7000 yr B.P.). Unit A2 corresponds to relict muds deposited during the last, deceleration stage of sea-level rise (ca. 7000–3.500 yr B.P.). Unit B consists of shelf muds deposited during the recent sea-level highstand (ca. <3500 yr B.P.).

Very low background activities of 210Pb of the surface sediment of unit A2 suggest that the present-day sediment accumulation is negligible in the southern SEYSM. On the other hand, 210Pb excess activity profiles in unit B yield an average sediment accumulation rate of 3.9 mm/yr, indicating active sediment accumulation in the northern SEYSM. The annual sink (3.0×107 tons/yr) of fine-grained sediment in unit B is about an order of magnitude greater than can be explained by the sediment input from the Korean rivers alone. We propose that reworking of unit A2 has provided large volumes of muds to unit B, resulting in excessive sediment accumulation in the northern SEYSM. Much of unit A2, in turn, is likely to have originated from erosion of unit A1 in the north. This rather unique erosional/depositional regime of the SEYSM is probably owing to the tidal and regional currents characteristic in the southeastern Yellow Sea.  相似文献   

九龙江河口平原晚第四纪硅藻及海平面变化初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
将福建九龙江河口平原ZK5孔剖面细分为4个硅藻段、24个硅藻带,并结合其他钻孔的微体生物组合特权和年代测定结果等进行分析。研究表明,晚玉木冰期本区海面升降频繁,但大多处于河口港湾环境,这主要是构造沉降所造成的;其间出现3次低海面,均为河流沉积环境。全新世冰后期海水大规模入侵,鼎盛期本区相对海面高出现代海面达5-10m。  相似文献   

TheJiulongRiver,composedoftheWestStream,theNorthStreamandtheSouthStream(seeFig.1)isthesecondlargestriverinFujianProvince.ItsestuarineplainintervenesbetweenthetwqcitiesofXiamenandZhangzhou,withsouthern-subtropicoceanicmonsoonclimate-SofartherehasnotbeensystematicresearchontheLateQuaternarysea1evelchangesinthearea,andthispaperisintendedtodosomethingaboutit.DIAToMZoNESANDBIoFACIESOFZK5BoREHOLETheBoreholeZK5islocatedtothenortheastofHaichengTown,withcoordinateof24"24,32*N,ll7'5…  相似文献   

浅剖和单道地震是大范围研究新近纪以来沉积特征的主要技术方法,由于地震资料分辨率的限制,往往只能划分大的沉积单元,不能识别亚相、微相等,而地震资料的瞬时属性可以更加精细地刻画地层信息。基于2013年在南黄海陆架获得的单道地震资料,对南黄海中西部海域第四系进行了分析,并利用单道资料的三瞬属性对地层进行地震地层单元划分、沉积环境分析,总结出该区域不同沉积相的三瞬波阻特征。研究结果表明,在测线的Qc2钻孔位置处,根据三瞬属性在海底以下74.64m深度内划分了7个地震地层沉积单元,并划分出多个亚相。它所反映的沉积相与该区已知Qc2钻孔的地层对应度较高。瞬时相位较为清楚的显示地下地层的接触情况,更好地展示了地震层序在空间上的关系,解决了该测线在常规地震剖面上无法清晰、精细识别沉积相的问题。三瞬属性的应用可以在缺少钻井资料时提高在地震资料剖面划分地层、识别接触面的能力,为大陆架科学钻探项目中未知井位选址提供参考。  相似文献   

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