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Geochemical and Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of five Indosinian granitoid intrusions from the western Qinling belt provide insights into basement nature and tectonic affinity. The results show that the western Qinling granitoids incline towards basic in their bulk chemical composition. The granitoids belong to high-K to shoshonitic series with K2O/Na2O=1.04-1.86 and are dominantly metaluminous with A/CNK=0.90-1.05 (most samples have A/CNK of <1.0). They have similar trace elemental compo- sitional patterns. In Sr-Nd isotopic compositions, they display some extent heterogeneity with Isr=0.70682-0.70845, εNd(t)=?4.85 to ?9.17 and TDM=1.26-1.66 Ga. They are characterized by high ra- diogenic Pb isotopic compositions. Their initial Pb isotopic ratios are 206Pb/204Pb=17.996-18.468, 207Pb/204Pb=15.565-15.677 and 208Pb/204Pb=38.082-38.587. Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic composi- tions reveal that magma for the granitoids was derived from partial melting of high-K (Rb) basaltic rocks, which might be formed in 900-1400 Ma. It is suggested that a large amount of the Proterozoic high-K (Rb) basaltic rocks, which underlie the Phanerozoic sedimentary cover, constitute the crustal basement of the western Qinling belt. Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic compositional comparison between the east- ern Qinling and the western Qinling Indosinian granitoids indicates that the crustal basement of the western Qinling is distinct from that of the eastern Qinling. The Baoji-Chengdu railway close to south-north orientation can be taken as an approximate boundary between both basements. The Pb-Nd isotopic compositional characteristics of the western Qinling granitoids suggest that the basement of the western Qinling belt has an affinity with the Yangtze block.  相似文献   

The geodynamic setting of the Bikou volcanic group is a critical question to trace the Precambrain tectonic framework and evolution for the Yangtze plate. This study has suggested that the Bikou volcanic group is composed of several residual oceanic crust units MORB (mid-ocean ridge basalt), Alk-OIB (alkaline ocean island basalt) and Th-OIB (tholeiitic ocean island basalt) as well as subduction-related volcanic rocks. According to field observation, those distinct rocks occurred collectively in form of tectonic contact, implying that the Bikou volcanic group was an ophiolitic mélange. Coupled with geochronological data, a perished oceanic basin at the northern margin of the Yangtze block during Neoproterozoic was tested by this ophiolitic mélange. Meanwhile, the isogeochemical data suggest that the ocean occurred in the Southern Hemisphere identical to Indian, South Atlantic and South Pacific oceans in terms of their Dupal anomalies, and the original source of the rocks could be probably mixing by EMⅠand EMⅡ component caused by dehydration melting of subducting oceanic crust during subduction process. On the basis of geochemical characteristics of the studied rocks, the Bikou volcanic group could imply that a partial breakup event occurred in the northern margin of Yangtze plate during the Neoproterozoic era.  相似文献   

The Campi Flegrei (Naples, Campanian Plain, southern Italy) geothermal system is hosted by Quaternary volcanic rocks erupted before, during and after the formation of the caldera that represents one of the major structural features in the Neapolitan area. The volcanic products rest on a Mesozoic carbonate basement, cropping out north, east and south of the area. Chemical (major, minor and trace elements) and stable isotope (C, H, O) analyses were conducted on drill-core samples recovered from geothermal wells MF-1, MF-5, SV-1 and SV-3, at depths of ˜ 1100 to 2900 m. The study was complemented by petrographic and SEM examination of thin sections. The water which feeds the system is both marine and meteoric in origin. Mineral zonation typical of a high-temperature geothermal system exists in all the geothermal wells; measured temperatures in wells are as high as ˜ 400 °C. The chemical composition of the waters suggests the existence of two reservoirs: a shallow reservoir (depth < 2000 m) fed by seawater that boiled at 320 °C and became progressively diluted by steam-heated local meteoric water during its ascent; and a deeper reservoir (depth > 2000 m) of hypersaline water. The drill-cores are mainly hydrothermally altered volcanics of trachy-latitic affinity, but some altered pelites and limestones are also present. Published Na, Mg and K concentrations of selected geothermal waters indicate that the hydrothermal fluids are in equilibrium with their host rocks, with respect to K-feldspar, albite, sericite and chlorite. The measured δ18O(SMOW) values of rocks range from +4.3 to + 16.5%. The measured δD(SMOW) values range from − 79 to − 46%. The calculated isotopic composition of the fluids at equilibrium with the samples vary from + 1 to + 8.3%. δ18O and from − 52 to + 1%. δD. The estimated isotopic composition of the waters at equilibrium with the studied samples confirmed the existence of two distinct fluid types circulating in the geothermal system. The shallower has a marine water signature, while the deeper water has a signature consistent both with magmatic and meteoric origins. In the latter case, the recharge of this aquifer likely occurs at the outcrop of the Mesozoic Limestones surrounding the Campanian Plain; after infiltration, the water percolates through evaporitic layers, becoming hypersaline and D-depleted.  相似文献   


The geodynamic setting of the Bikou volcanic group is a critical question to trace the Precambrain tectonic framework and evolution for the Yangtze plate. This study has suggested that the Bikou volcanic group is composed of several residual oceanic crust units: MORB (mid-ocean ridge basalt), Alk-OIB (alkaline ocean island basalt) and Th-OIB (tholeiitic ocean island basalt) as well as subduction-related volcanic rocks. According to field observation, those distinct rocks occurred collectively in form of tectonic contact, implying that the Bikou volcanic group was an ophiolitic mélange. Coupled with geochronological data, a perished oceanic basin at the northern margin of the Yangtze block during Neoproterozoic was tested by this ophiolitic mélange. Meanwhile, the isogeochemical data suggest that the ocean occurred in the Southern Hemisphere identical to Indian, South Atlantic and South Pacific oceans in terms of their Dupal anomalies, and the original source of the rocks could be probably mixing by EMI and EMII component caused by dehydration melting of subducting oceanic crust during subduction process. On the basis of geochemical characteristics of the studied rocks, the Bikou volcanic group could imply that a partial breakup event occurred in the northern margin of Yangtze plate during the Neoproterozoic era.


Piera  Spadea  Massimo  D'Antonio 《Island Arc》2006,15(1):7-25
Abstract The Southern Uralides are a collisional orogen generated in the Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous by the collision of the Magnitogorsk island arc (MA) generated in the Early to Middle Devonian by intra‐oceanic convergence opposite to the continental margin, and the continental margin of the East European craton. A suture zone of the arc to the continental margin, the Main Uralian Fault (MUF), is marked by ophiolites and exhumed high‐pressure–low‐temperature metamorphic rocks of continental origin. The pre‐orogenic events of the Southern Urals and their geodynamic setting are traced by means of fluid‐immobile incompatible trace elements (rare earth elements and high field strength elements) and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope geochemistry of the MA suites, in particular the protoarc suite with boninites and probably ankaramites, and the mature arc comprised of island arc tholeiitic (IAT) suites, transitional IAT to calc‐alkaline (CA), and CA suites. The MA volcanics result in genetically distinct magmatic source components. In particular, depleted normal‐mid‐oceanic ridge basalt‐type mantle sources with various enrichments in a slab‐derived aqueous fluid component are evident. The enriched component is not involved in significant amounts, as testified by the rather radiogenic Nd isotopes and unradiogenic Pb isotopes. Further information on the pre‐orogenic events is provided by the Mindyak Massif metagabbros derived from diverse gabbroic protoliths that were affected by oceanic rodingitization, and subsequently by a high‐temperature (HT) metamorphism related to the development of a metamorphic sole. The HT metamorphism has the same age as the protoarc volcanism, and constrains the initiation of subduction at approximately 410 Ma. Consequently, the maximum timespan between initial intra‐oceanic convergence and final collision is approximately 31 my, a duration consistent with that of present‐day ongoing collisions in the western Pacific. The characteristics of early volcanism and the traces of a metamorphic sole provide useful criteria to attribute most MUF ophiolites to the Tethyan type with a complex pre‐orogenic evolution.  相似文献   

The occurrence of ultrahigh pressure (UHP) minerals, such as coesite and diamond in crustal rocks in orogenic belts suggests that a huge amount of continental crust can be subducted to man-tle depth during the continental-continental collision[1—6]. This…  相似文献   

The pre‐Cenozoic history of the South China Sea (SCS) region is the object of continued debate. To trace the evolution of the SCS, a better understanding of the petrogenesis and tectonic affiliation of the granitic rocks that comprise the microblocks within the region is necessary. In this study, we analyzed the whole‐rock oxygen and lead isotope ratios of granitic samples dredged from two locations in the Nansha microblock, one of the microblocks in the SCS. Oxygen isotope data combined with previously published Sr isotope data show that group I rocks (δ18O = 6.00–7.20‰; average = 6.64‰) originated from a mantle source contaminated by material and/or fluid input from a Mesozoic subduction zone in the southeastern side of the microblock. Group II rocks (δ18O = 6.86‰–9.13‰; average = 7.75‰) also came from the same source, but they were additionally affected by crustal contamination. The Nansha microblock has high radiogenic lead ratios (206Pb/204Pbi = 18.602–18.756, 207Pb/204Pbi = 15.660–15.713, 208Pb/204Pbi = 38.693–38.893), which indicate that the Nansha microblock is tectonically affiliated with the Nanling–Hainan or South China block. This notion is consistent with the results of a previous Nd isotope study. As a whole, results of our study suggest that some of the other microblocks dispersed in the SCS are also possible fragments of South China block, and thus further studies are needed to better constrain the pre‐Cenozoic evolutionary history of the SCS region.  相似文献   

The Mugouriwang Cenozoic volcanic rocks exposed in the north Qiangtang Block of Tibetan Plateau are mainly composed of basalt and andesitic-basalt,both characterized by the lower SiO2 (51%―54%),high refractory elements (i.e. Mg,Cr,Ni) as well as the moderate enrichment in light rare earth elements (LREE) relative to a slight depleted in Eu and high strength field elements (HFSE,i.e. Nb,Ta,Ti). Be-sides,the fairly low Sm/Yb value (3.07―4.35) could signify that the rocks should be derived directly from partial melting of the spinel lherzolite at the upper part of the asthenosphere. These rocks have radiogenic Sr and Pb (87Sr/86Sr = 0.705339 to 0.705667; 208Pb/204Pb = 38.8192 to 38.8937; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.6093 to 15.6245; 206Pb/204Pb = 18.6246 to 18.6383),and non-radiogenic Nd (143Nd/144Nd = 0.512604 to 0.512639; εNd = 0.02 to -0.66) in agreement with those values of the BSE mantle reservoir. The DUPAL anomaly of the rocks can be evidently attested by the △8/4Pb = 66.82 to 74.53 ,△7/4Pb = 9.88 to 11.42,△Sr>50,implying that the Mugouriwang volcanic rock is likely to be generated by partial melting of a Gondwana-bearing asthenospheric mantle ever matasomatised by the fluid from subduction zone. Depending on the previous study on the high-K calc-alkaline intermediate-felsic volcanics in the study area,this paper proposed that the fluids derived from the subducted Lhasa Block metasomatised the asthenosphere beneath the Qiangtang Block,and induced its partial melting,and then the melt under-plated the thickened Qiangtang lithosphere and caused the generation of the Cenozoic adakite-like felsic magmas in the Qiangtang region.  相似文献   

The Phan Si Pan zone in northwest Vietnam is an important tectonic unit for understanding the geological evolution of the southeast Asian Block. Numerous late Permian A‐type granites outcrop in this zone. In this study, new geochemical and geochronological data derived from the Muong Hum alkaline granitic pluton in the Phan Si Pan zone were investigated for its petrogenesis and tectonic setting. Zircon U–Pb analyses of three samples yielded 206Pb/238U ages of (251.1 ±3.5) Ma, (251.2 ±3.8) Ma, and (253.9 ±1.5) Ma, respectively, coinciding with the ages of the acid member of magma from Emeishan large igneous province, southwest China. The Muong Hum granite has 10 000 × Ga/Al and A/CNK values of 4.70–4.93 and 0.87–0.90, respectively, as well as negative Eu anomalies. It shows significant depletion of Ba, Sr, Ti, and P, similar to features of A‐type granite. Zircons have positive εHf(t) values (+1.9 to +8.6) and Hf model ages (TDM1) of 595–846 Ma, originating a mantle source. Compared with the Panzhihua A‐type granite of the southwest China domain and other A‐type plutons of the Phan Si Pan zone, including Ye Yen Sun, Phu Sa Phin, Nam Xe, Tam Duong Phan Si Pan, and Taihe, the geochemical characteristics and zircon Hf isotopic compositions of the Muong Hum granite demonstrate an affinity of mantle magma. It is believed that the Phan Si Pan zone is an important part of Emeishan large igneous province. It was reworked by the Cenozoic Aillaoshan‐Red River shear fault to its present location.  相似文献   

The Queershan composite granitic pluton is located in the north of the late Paleozoic Yidun arc collision-orogenic belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau. The main rock types are coarse-grained porphyritic alkalic-monzonite granite with minor fine-grained porphyritic monzogranite and granodiorite distributed in the eastern and southwestern regions. Here we report their zircon U-Pb ages and geo- chemical data. The intrusive contact relations indicate that granodiorite was formed earlier than the alkalic-monzonite granite(105.9±1.3 Ma) and monzogranite(102.6±1.1 Ma). These suggest that the Queershan composite granitic pluton was formed through three-stage magmatic events. The alkalic-monzonite granite(105.9±1.3 Ma) and monzogranite(102.6±1.1 Ma) are characterized by high SiO2(73.5%–77.7%), K2O+Na2O(6.9%–8.5%), Ga/Al ratios(2.6–3.4) and low Al2O3(11.8%–14.5%), CaO(0.25%–1.5%), MgO(0.18%–0.69%), negative Ba, Sr and Eu anomalies, showing A-type granite affinities. The granodiorite exhibits lower SiO2, P2O5 and K2O+Na2O contents, but higher Al2O3, CaO and MgO contents than alkalic-monzonite granite and monzogranite, showing I-type granite affinity. 176Hf/177 Hf ratios of the alkalic-monzonite granite and the monzogranite are 0.282692–0.282749 and 0.282685–0.282765, respectively, and with similar ?Hf(t) values(?0.56 to 1.43 and ?0.87 to 1.90 respectively). They also present similar TDM2 model ages(1.04–1.22 and 1.07–1.2 Ga respectively), indicating they may be sourced from a similar rock source, mostly like Kangding Complex. The homogeneity of the Hf isotopic compositions and the absence of the MMEs demonstrate that little depleted mantle materials have contributed to the source. We propose that the Mesoproterozoic crust materials of the Yangtze Craton exist beneath the Yidun arc terrane and support it was a dismembered part of the Yangtze Craton. The A-type granites of Queershan composite granitic pluton are most probably related to the closure of the Bangong-Nujiang Tethys ocean.  相似文献   

Geochemical and isotopic analyses (Sr–Nd–Pb) of late Miocene to Quaternary plateau lavas from the Pali Aike and Morro Chico areas (52°S) were undertaken to constrain the melting processes and mantle sources that contributed to magma generation and the geodynamic evolution of southernmost Patagonia, South America. The Pali Aike and Morro Chico lavas are alkaline (Pali Aike, 45–49 wt.% SiO2; 4.3–5.9 wt.% Na2O+K2O) and subalkaline (Morro Chico, 50.5–50.8 wt.% SiO2; 4.0–4.4 wt.% Na2O+K2O), relatively primitive (Pali Aike, 9.5–13.7 wt.% MgO; Morro Chico, 7.6–8.8 wt.% MgO) mafic volcanic rocks that have typical intraplate ocean island basalt‐like signatures. Incompatible trace element ratios and isotopic ratios of the Pali Aike and Morro Chico lavas differ from those of the majority of Neogene southern Patagonian slab window lavas in showing more enriched characteristics and are similar to high‐μ (HIMU)‐like basalts. The rare earth element (REE) modeling to constrain mantle melting percentages suggests that these lavas were produced by low degrees of partial melting (1.0–2.0% for Pali Aike lavas and about 2.6–2.7% for Morro Chico lavas) of a garnet lherzolite mantle source. The major systematic variations of Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes in southern Patagonian lavas are related to geographic location. The Pali Aike and Morro Chico lavas from the southernmost part of Patagonia have lower 87Sr/86Sr and higher 143Nd/144Nd and 206Pb/204Pb ratios, relative to most of the southern Patagonian lavas erupted north of 49.5°S, pointing to a HIMU‐like signature. An isotopically depleted and HIMU‐like asthenospheric domain may have been the main source of magmas in the southernmost part of Patagonia (e.g. Pali Aike, Morro Chico, and Camusu Aike volcanic field), suggesting the presence of a major discontinuity in the isotopic composition of the asthenosphere in southern Patagonia. On the basis of geochemical and isotope data and the available geological and geotectonic reconstructions, a link between the HIMU asthenospheric mantle domain beneath southernmost Patagonia and the HIMU mega‐province of the southwestern Pacific Ocean is proposed.  相似文献   

Mesozoic volcanic rocks are widespread throughout the Great Xing'an Range of northeastern China. However, there has been limited investigation into the age and petrogenesis of the Mesozoic volcanics in the eastern Great Xing'an Range. According to our research, the volcanic rocks of the Dayangshu Basin, eastern Great Xing'an Range are composed mainly of trachybasalt, basaltic andesite, and basaltic trachyandesite, with minor intermediate–basic pyroclastic rocks. In this study, the geochemistry and geochronology of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks are presented in order to discuss the petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the Ganhe Formation in the Dayangshu Basin. Zircon U–Pb dating by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry indicates that the Mesozoic lavas formed during the late Early Cretaceous (114.3–108.8 Ma). This suite of rocks exhibits a range of geochemical signatures indicating subduction‐related genesis, including: (i) calc‐alkaline to high‐K calc‐alkaline major element compositions; (ii) enrichment of large ion lithophile elements (e.g. Rb, Ba, K) and light rare earth elements (LREEs/HREEs =7.33–9.85); and (iii) weak depletion in high field strength elements (e.g. Nb, Ta, Ti). Furthermore, Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data yield initial 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.70450–0.70463, positive εNd(t) values of +1.8 to +3.3, and a mantle‐derived lead isotope composition. Combined with the regional tectonic evolution, the results of this study suggest that the Ganhe Group lavas are derived from decompression melting of a metasomatized (enriched) lithospheric mantle, related to asthenospheric upwelling, which resulted from lithospheric mantle delamination and produced extension of the continental margin following the subduction of the Paleo‐Pacific Plate.  相似文献   

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