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Simultaneous measurements of wind velocities at two different sites, one over the sea and the other over land, can differ substantially and therefore cannot be interchanged. In situations where the wind data at an offshore site are missing while simultaneous measurements from a land-based station exist, a linear mean-square estimation (LMSE) technique can be used to estimate the missing data. This technique relies on past wind data gathered simultaneously at the two locations, and it generates from the associated correlation a set of four transfer functions capable of predicting one data set from the other. In the present case, the LMSE technique is outlined briefly, and is then applied to construct seasonal transfer functions between a land-based station and two coastal/offshore sites in Kuwait. Comparisons between the actually observed wind characteristics and those predicted by the LMSE technique are favorable, and thus tend to confirm the applicability of the technique under appropriate conditions.  相似文献   

A modified three-parameter model of turbulence for a thermally stratified atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is presented. The model is based on tensor-invariant parametrizations for the pressure-strain and pressure-temperature correlations that are more complete than the parametrizations used in the Mellor-Yamada model of level 3.0. The turbulent momentum and heat fluxes are calculated with explicit algebraic models obtained with the aid of symbol algebra from the transport equations for momentum and heat fluxes in the approximation of weakly equilibrium turbulence. The turbulent transport of heat and momentum fluxes is assumed to be negligibly small in this approximation. The three-parameter E ? ε ? 2> model of thermally stratified turbulence is employed to obtain closed-form algebraic expressions for the fluxes. A computational test of a 24-h ABL evolution is implemented for an idealized two-dimensional region. Comparison of the computed results with the available observational data and other numerical models shows that the proposed model is able to reproduce both the most important structural features of the turbulence in an urban canopy layer near the urbanized ABL surface and the effect of urban roughness on a global structure of the fields of wind and temperature over a city. The results of the computational test for the new model indicate that the motion of air in the urban canopy layer is strongly influenced by mechanical factors (buildings) and thermal stratification.  相似文献   

The BIO Mark 8 thrust anemometer measures the drag of the wind on a perforated table tennis ball mounted on a vertical beam. The tri-axial displacement of the beam is sensed by eddy current proximity sensors. This anemometer has a flat frequency response from 0 to 10 Hz and can measure wind from 0 to 28 m s−1 at temperature from − 19 to + 28°C. It is designed for remote operation for extended periods of time such as on stable towers at sea.  相似文献   

Results of measurements of the atmospheric turbulence in the layer between 1.5 and 21 m above sea level and the drag coefficient of the sea surface as the wind blows from a 4-km-long mountainous slope with a mean inclination of 11° are presented. The measurements of wind-speed profiles and its fluctuations at several levels, waves, and the main meteorological parameters were carried out in autumn 2005 and 2008 from a stationary platform located in the Black Sea at a distance of approximately 1 km from the southern coast of Crimea. It is shown that during weak synoptic wind a low-level wind jet develops at night over the sea with a maximum velocity up to 5–6 m/s at a level of approximately 6 m over the sea induced by the katabatic wind over the coastal slope. According to the approximate estimates, the horizontal scale of the low-level jet can reach a few tens of kilometers. This flow is characterized by the dissipation rate of the turbulence energy independent of height and low-frequency velocity fluctuations related to the gravity waves and advection of turbulence from the coast. It is shown that the lower part of the boundary layer (up to a height of 3 m) is adjusted to the sea-surface roughness. The dependencies of the drag coefficient on the wind speed or wave age are steadier than in the data for the open sea. However, the age of the waves is not a universal parameter at long and short fetches.  相似文献   

利用2016年1月至2017年12月北部湾浮标站观测资料,分析了北部湾海雾的特点.结果表明,2016年北部湾出现海雾37 d,2017年为19 d;3 月海雾日数最多,4 月次之,2016 年12 月和2017年6—10月未出现海雾;一天中出现雾的峰值时间为03:00—05:00,雾消散的峰值时间为08:00—10:0...  相似文献   

基于2018年8月至2019年5月布放在北极随海冰漂流的自动气象站和温度链浮标获取的观测数据,分析了北极高纬度区域的大气特征和海冰生消过程。根据海冰的漂移轨迹分为两个阶段分析,第1阶段,海冰主要向东南漂移;第2阶段,海冰主要向东北漂移。第1阶段观测的平均气温和平均相对湿度分别为–6.6℃和93%,第2阶段观测的平均气温和平均相对湿度分别为–29.3℃和76%,第2阶段平均气压高于第1阶段。海冰的漂移轨迹主要受到波弗特高压外围气流的影响。利用自动气象站漂移轨迹计算得到海冰漂移速度,与美国国家冰雪数据中心海冰漂移速度比较显示,两者纬向速度更为接近。海冰在第1阶段以融化为主,海冰厚度略有减小,8月份海冰生长率为–0.11 cm/d;海冰的生长过程主要发生在第2阶段,1–3月生长率均超过0.9 cm/d,2019年3月海冰生长最快,平均生长率为1.3 cm/d,海冰的增长一直持续至观测结束。  相似文献   

根据唐山湾的特殊地理环境,将其分为西部、南部和东部3个海域,并选取3个沿岸站、2个海岛站和1个浮标站分别作为3个海域的代表站,对每个站点的大风日数、风速、年际和月际的变化特征进行对比分析。结果如下:南部海域出现≥6级的大风和极大风的天数最多,出现大风的概率与东部海域相当,均为西部海域的3倍左右;整个唐山湾海域大风具有典型的季节性变化特征,呈两峰两谷分布,5月和11月是出现大风最多的月份;3个海域的极大风速极值均在17.2 m/s以上(8级以上),7月16日急性型冷锋的出现使得嘴东站的极大风速达到31.2 m/s(11级);唐山湾3个海域的≥6级大风年主导风向为NE-ENE,≥6级极大风年主导风向为ENE-E,所有大风几乎没有偏南的风向,即唐山湾6级以上大风均以偏北风为主。综合分析3个海域代表站的大风资料,可以精确的反映唐山湾海域大风的气候特征,更为各个海域的天气预报提供辅助工作。  相似文献   

应用1985—2002年夏季欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)的40a再分析资料,初步分析了副热带西北太平洋区域温带气旋、热带气旋和高空冷涡三种涡旋的三维结构及其时空分布特征。结果指出:(1)不同种类的涡旋具有不同的三维结构特征;(2)温带气旋和热带气旋主要分布在400hPa以下,涡旋分布的高值区位于近海海区,向内陆方向或向远海方向分布减少。副热带高空冷涡分布在太平洋上空的400~100hPa,呈东西向带状分布;(3)三种涡旋的个体强度有不同的年际变化特征。  相似文献   

The operation of a lidar intended for clear air turbulence (CAT) positioning on the basis of the backscatter enhancement (BSE) effect is analyzed using a turbulence model with a power-law spectrum. Systematic distortions occurring due to a need to regularize the lidar positioning problem solution are estimated. It is shown that the effect of molecular viscosity of air on the positioning result can be neglected if the wave parameter, which characterizes the diffraction manifestation, is higher than 3. This corresponds to sounding ranges of more than 1 km for optical or UV lidars. The analysis results show that the BSE lidar positioning accuracy weakly depends on the exponent in the turbulence spectrum in regions of severe turbulence. The results can justify a physical experiment for the design of an aircraft system for the lidar detection of CAT regions ahead of the flight course.  相似文献   

Results of direct measurements of the long-wavelength (LW) radiative heat influx (RHI) in the atmospheric surface layer (ASL) are presented. These measurements were performed in August 2003 at the IAP RAS base in Tsimlyansk under the conditions of unstable and stable stratification during a weak wind and a cloudless sky and under nonsteady conditions during cumulus cloudiness in the daytime. The underlying surface was dry steppe with spars grass. The in situ RHI measurements were performed with an original optoacoustic receiver having a quasi-spherical angle of view at heights from 0.15 to 4 m. It is shown that the radiative heating in the ASL was many times the actual heating, especially during near-noon hours. In the daytime, the radiative heating attained its maximum at the heights of measurements 0.15–1 m and decreased with height. The radiative heating at these heights in the near-noon hours was on average about 20 K/h, attaining 60 K/h under a cloudless sky and a weak wind. Under inversion stratification, the radiative cooling usually exceeded the actual cooling, amounting on average from 0 to ?8 K/h and changing with height only slightly. Periods with close (in phase) fluctuations of the radiative and actual cooling, sometimes changing to heating, were observed during the night. Regression equations, showing a high correlation between the RHI values at the heights of measurements 0.5 and 1 m and the soil-air temperature differences at the height of measurements, are obtained for different heights. The diurnal mean RHI profiles are characterized by a heating on the order of several K/h in the lower part of the layer of measurements, which decreases with height and changes to cooling at heights of up to 4 m. A change in the effective radiation with height in the layer of measurements, which was obtained through the summation of RHI values at several heights, was significant, attaining on average ?25 W/m2 in the near-noon hours and +10 W/m2 in the evening hours. The nonradiative (turbulent) heat influx, obtained as the difference between the rates of actual and radiative temperature variations measured in situ, decreased the radiative heating in the daytime many times. The main sources of error in direct RHI measurements are estimated.  相似文献   

In September 1979, the radar scattering coefficient (sigmadeg) was measured at platform Noordwijk in the North Sea 10 km off the Dutch coast. This was done in conjunction with similar measurements by Dutch and French investigators as part of Project MARSEN (Marine Remote Sensing). Our measurements were made with vertical and horizontal polarizations, in the frequency baud 9-17 GHz, at incidence angles0deg - 70deg, with wind speeds from 2-22 m/s, and look directions upwind, downwind, and crosswind. This paper presents the scattering-coefficient variation with these radar and ocean parameters. In particular, the exponents for the windspeed response are compared with those from other investigators. Some of the exponents reported here are higher than reported previously, possibly because orthogonal regression was used rather than regression ofsigmadegversus windspeed.  相似文献   

采用一维高分辨率大气边界层模式(OSUPBL),模拟了南海海面低层大气,得到高分辨率的海面低层大气的各种气象要素及界面通量和能量平衡关系,并将模拟结果和南海季风试验(SCSMEX)观测结果和日本气象厅(JMA)再分析资料进行对比分析.结果指出,OSUPBL模式模拟得到的海面大气边界层的风速、温、湿垂直廓线,大气边界层高度以及海表面短波辐射、长波辐射、感热、潜热通量、净辐射和海面热收支等与实际观测结果基本一致.  相似文献   

We analyze the contemporary methods and means of measurements of the sea level and inland waters, describe a CTD-meter designed at the Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the Ukrainian National of Science for the determination of the sea level, formulate the requirements to the perfect meter of the water level, and demonstrate that an electronic sounding stick based on the distributed Walsh thermoprofilometers can play the role of a device of this kind.  相似文献   

A model has been developed to describe the turbulent structure of the surface layer which takes into account the differences in the scales of turbulent vortices generated by different mechanisms. We consider the shear of the drift current, nonlinear effects of surface waves, and their breaking as the main sources of turbulent energy. The power spectrum is divided into ranges with respect to the scales. The equation system for each range is solved numerically. The modeling results are compared with the experimental data and with other currently known models. The advantages of the suggested approach are demonstrated.  相似文献   

A number of parameterisations for the simulation of mixing processes in the thermocline are compared and tested against the microstructure data of the PROVESS campaigns, conducted in the northern part of the North Sea during the autumn of 1998. The transport term in the turbulent kinetic energy equation is parameterised via the introduction of a third stability function Sk for turbulent energy diffusion. The formulations are compared with a simpler scheme based upon limiting conditions for turbulence variables. Improved results are obtained with a new form of Sk. The best agreement is, however, found with the simpler limiting scheme. This is explained in terms of a turbulence length scale theory for stably stratified turbulence. In agreement with previous laboratory and ocean data it is found that the ratios of the Thorpe and Kolmogorov scales to the Ozmidov length scale approach critical limiting values in the thermocline. The first of these conditions is satisfied when limiting conditions are implemented into the scheme, providing the necessary minimum value for the dissipation rate, whereas the schemes without limiting conditions fail to produce this critical ratio. The basic reason for this failure is that the Thorpe scale is overestimated, which is shown to be connected to an even larger overprediction of the dissipation rate of temperature variance. To investigate the impact of non-resolved advective processes and salinity stratification on the turbulence predictions, additional numerical experiments were conducted using a simple scheme for data assimilation. The best agreement is found again with the limiting scheme, which is able to make reasonable predictions for the dissipation rate without knowing the detailed shape of the mean stratification profile. It is shown that advective transport due to tidally and wind-driven motions has a non-negligible impact on vertical mixing. This is seen in the data and the models by periodic enhancements of turbulent mixing inside the thermocline.  相似文献   

The results of numerous experiments on the diffusion of fluorescent dyes are presented. To determine the turbulent diffusion coefficients, the technique involving under water photography of a jet with the subsequent processing of negatives by a microphotometer was used. The vertical coefficients were found to be slightly larger (by about 20%) than the horizontal ones, with the scale of the phenomenon being 0.3–1 m. Empiric relationships have been derived for the turbulent diffusion vertical coefficient on the parameters of surface waves.Translated by V. Puchkin.  相似文献   

大连海域近海面湍流结构及谱特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用黄海北部大连海域2009年10月—11月的近海面大气湍流观测资料,对湍流强度、方差相似关系、风速与温度分量谱及湍流通量协谱等进行了分析。结果表明:该海域在海风环境下湍流强度随着风速的增大逐渐减小,且强度均小于0.5;湍流方差相似关系基本上满足1/3定律,近中性环境下无量纲化三维风速方差主要受海滨地形的影响;各速度分量谱在惯性副区符合理论上的-2/3次幂规律,不稳定条件下由于湿度因素的影响,温度谱谱线在高频部分收缩较差,略有上翘;动量谱在惯性副区更接近-2/3幂率,感热谱在惯性区基本符合-4/3的分布,但是谱线分布与稳定度没有明显的规律性。  相似文献   

A simple kε turbulence closure is introduced which has no stability functions but instead a Richardson number-dependent turbulent Prandtl number. Its free parameters are determined in a comparison with microstructure observations from a stratified and sheared tidal estuary and laboratory measurements. The closure is able to simulate observed turbulent dissipation rates (ε) and turbulent length scales (lth) in regions of strong mean shear and small gradient Richardson number (Rg) to within factors of 2–3. It fails in regions of small shear and large Rg, presumably because of the dominance of internal wave-driven mixing. Additional simulations with a kε closure with stability functions taken from Canuto et al. [Canuto, V.M., Howard, A., Cheng, Y., Dubovikov, M.S., 2001. Ocean turbulence I: one-point closure model. Momentum and heat vertical diffusivities. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 31, 1413–1426] and with the closure of Baumert and Peters [Baumert, H., Peters, H., 2004. Turbulence closure, steady state, and collapse into waves. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 34, 505–512] show poor performance. Establishing a valid 1:1 comparison of simulated and observed ε and lth requires nudging the model velocity and density toward observed values because free model integrations quickly diverge from the observations. Steady state gradient Richardson numbers are constrained to a range of 0.18–0.25, while flux Richardson numbers are constrained to the range of 0.1–0.22. The closure output is rather insensitive to such parameter variations. The simulations are sensitive, however, to the treatment of the observed velocity and density used to nudge the model. Good closure performance requires averaging the measured tidal flow over about an hour, a time scale for which conventional numerical models of estuarine circulations should be able to match observed shears. In the closure simulations the TKE balance stays close to a production–dissipation balance. The time rate of change and vertical diffusion of TKE are small, of the same order of magnitude, and vary in magnitude relative to each other systematically across the water column.  相似文献   

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