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我国是一个强震很多的国家。对其发震构造,已有不少同志作过研究。有许多地震震中区本来是几组构造的交汇处,但人们往往把它们归结为与一个方向的构造有关。如我国东部的北东向构造,西部的北西向构造被视为发震构造;其他方向与之交汇的构造,如东西向构造则被视为次要的。作者通过对国内外一些大震发震构造的分析,认为东西向构造具有相当  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯西缘地震构造背景的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄂尔多斯西缘构造带的基本格架是由纬向、经向构造、北北东向构造、北西—北北西向构造及弧形构造构成的。鄂尔多斯地块与西缘构造带以经向构造相隔。由于纬向构造的分割作用,将鄂尔多斯西缘构造带分成三段,即银川平原段(北段),中宁、中卫—天水段(中段),天水—武都段(南段)。这三个构造地震特征、新活动特点都存在着差异。本文重点阐明了鄂尔多斯西缘构造带的构造格架、地震构造特征、新活动特点、分段控震关系及控震机制、条件等问题。  相似文献   

苏北-南黄海盆地位于下扬子地块,构造演化较为复杂,其构造范围及属性尚存在争议,区域构造特征与构造演化历史对区域现今地震发生有着重要影响。通过对区域地质与构造演化的分析,提出下扬子地块构造演化独立于扬子地块,厘定苏北-南黄海盆地范围,阐述了区域构造基本特征以及对现今地震构造有重要影响的构造事件过程,重点探讨区域内NW向构造的形成与演化特征及其对中强震的重要意义。  相似文献   

核电厂地震安全性评价中的地震构造法,要求鉴定发震构造和划分地震构造区,在以往实践中,发震构造鉴定往往基于地表活动断裂构造,且表征为线状震源.当存在较强非随机分布的地震活动且难以找到清晰的地表活动断裂构造形迹时,地震构造法就难以合理地表现这些地震的危险性.本文以云南滇中大姚—姚安发震构造鉴定为例,探讨了在地表活动构造形迹不清,中强地震活动性较强的滇中大姚—姚安地区,采用面状发震构造来表征地震危险性的方法,讨论了在地震构造法中采用面状发震构造的必要性、鉴定思路和方法,并建议在今后的核工程地震危险性评价地震构造法中应充分考虑面状发震构造的应用.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地构造分区和变形样式   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
准噶尔盆地经历了晚海西、印支、燕山和喜马拉雅期多次构造运动的影响,多期构造变形叠加复合使盆地内构造变形复杂多样。由于各期构造运动影响的范围、应力作用方式不尽相同,因而盆地不同地区的构造变形样式、圈闭类型和分布特征各不相同。西北部构造区( 带) 发育“鱼鳞”状冲断推覆构造;东北部构造区( 带) 以雁列状展布的冲断构造为主;东、西部构造区( 带) 发育近直线状冲断构造;南部构造区(带) 发育“瓦垅”状推覆构造;中央构造区变形较弱,以隆坳变形为主,发育少量正断层和逆断层。各构造区(带) 发育了特征不同的油气圈闭  相似文献   

浅析控震构造与发震构造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对马边震区和鲜水河震区的控震和发震构造进行了研究,重点从发震构造的特点入手,探讨了发震构造与控震构造之间的关系,提出了发震构造与控震构造两个概念。  相似文献   

重庆市江北5.2,5.4级地震的地质构造背景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1989年11月20日的重庆市江北5.2级、5.4级地震。被认为是处于四川东部台拗的一系列线状、弧形状构造在现代近东西向应力作用下,这一发育极为完整的构造再次活动的结果。其具体背景构造有华蓥山构造带、七曜山—金佛山构造带和长寿—南桐构造带。它们是该区中强地震的直接控震构造。这些构造带控制了该区的岩性、构造和应力的积累、释放。故认为地震的发生正是上述构造带相继多次活动,从而导致江北地区地腹构造发生粘滑性活动的结果。  相似文献   

新编制的地震动参数区划图采用了潜在震源区三级划分方案,以体现背景地震活动空间分布的不均匀性,并在地震构造区内归纳出统一的地震构造模型.本文根据西南地区潜在震源区三级划分的成果,分析了龙门山地震统计区内的龙门山和成都地震构造区的基本特征,历史地震活动强度及频度,主要活动构造的构造变形样式,建立了地震构造区的发震构造模型,确定了构造区的本底地震及划分构造源的地震构造标志.同时,提出了确定背景源空间分布函数的简单方法.  相似文献   

利用哈佛CMT目录研究全球Ⅰ级构造系统的地震活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
地震是描述地壳现今构造带和应力场的最佳信息源,包含了全面而又丰富的动力学内涵。根据全球地震的分布及其运动学、动力学特征,全球最活动的构造被划分为环太平洋构造系、大洋中脊构造系和大陆构造系等 3个全球Ⅰ级构造系统。文中应用包含多种参数的哈佛CMT地震目录,研究了全球及其 3个Ⅰ级构造系统的地震震源破裂类型、地震活动特征、震源深度分布特征等,讨论了三大构造系在这些方面存在的差别,进而说明了各个构造系在构造环境和动力作用方面的差别  相似文献   

划分了鲜水河——小江断裂带7级以上历史地震的强震构造区,分析了各强震构造区地质构造和构造地貌特征.认为强震构造区是沿断裂带的一些特殊构造段落,区内以断裂带主要分支断层的左阶斜列、并行排列或三叉构造组合为主体构造格局.强震构造区内发育了构造较复杂的盆地类型,如三叉区拉分盆地、双阶区拉分盆地和阶区 三叉区拉分盆地等.   相似文献   

关于识别发震构造的思考与建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于地震活动是现代地质构造运动之产物,以及对我国及邻区现代构造条件的认识,指出了构造类比中值得关注的7个问题,提出了发震构造识别方法的新建议,其主要结果如下:(1)发震构造宜定义为,"在现代构造条件下,曾发生或可能发生地震的地质构造"。(2)我国及邻区的现代地质构造同第四纪以来的新构造运动是一脉相承,密不可分的。其中,①现代构造应力场具有明显的区域特征,而且从中更新世以来是基本稳定的;②组成我国大陆不同新构造类型的活动地块(构造单元)之间,存在包括地壳和上地幔横向非均匀性的构造格架差异;③大陆内部各活动地块之间,也存在不同的现代构造形变特征;④宜将中更新世的构造形迹作为与地震活动有关的现代构造形迹看待。(3)在进行构造类比时值得关注的问题有:①宜按活动断裂当前所处的发育阶段来评价其潜在地震;②断裂活动时代并非识别发震构造的充分条件,只有符合现代构造条件的粘~滑断裂,才应识别为大地震的发震构造;③只有同现代构造应力场相适应的先存构造,才可能孕育和发生地震;④对于某些单一断层参数与震级关系的统计结果,未考虑各地震构造区之间现代构造条件和断裂发育阶段的差异,则难以用于构造类比;⑤凡有新生代玄武岩(β6)出露的地段,有可能只发生6.5级以下的地震;⑥地震同地表断裂形迹之间没有必然的联系,尤其仅有断层物质特性分析或测年结果可用时,宜慎重对待为妥;⑦构造类比方法仅适用于识别与先存构造继承性活动有关的发震构造,对于活动地块内部新生或隐伏的发震构造仍无能为力。(4)对于发震构造识别方法的建议是:①以新构造单元为基础划分地震构造区;②按历史重演原则识别曾发生过地震的构造,即凡有较可靠中强以上地震震中、有小地震成丛或呈带分布、或有可信古地震遗迹的地段,均宜识别出符合现代构造条件的发震构造;③根据地震构造区内曾发生过不同震级档地震的构造标志,再按类比原则推断可能的发震构造;④综合评定地震构造区的极限地震,并以此作为区内发震构造最大潜在地震的阀限。  相似文献   

The seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake has remained in suspensed until now. Several faults or tectonics, including basal slipping zone, unknown blind thrust fault and piedmont buried fault, etc, are all considered as the possible seismogenic structure. This paper tries to make some new insights into this unsolved problem. Firstly, based on the data collected from the dynamic seismic stations located on the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault deployed by the Institute of Earthquake Science from 2008 to 2009 and the result of the aftershock relocation and the location of the known faults on the surface, we analyze and interpret the deep structures. Secondly, based on the terrace deformation across the main earthquake zone obtained from the dirrerential GPS meaturement of topography along the Qingyijiang River, combining with the geological interpretation of the high resolution remote sensing image and the regional geological data, we analyze the surface tectonic deformation. Furthermore, we combined the data of the deep structure and the surface deformation above to construct tectonic deformation model and research the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake. Preliminarily, we think that the deformation model of the Lushan earthquake is different from that of the northern thrust segment ruptured in the Wenchuan earthquake due to the dip angle of the fault plane. On the southern segment, the main deformation is the compression of the footwall due to the nearly vertical fault plane of the frontal fault, and the new active thrust faults formed in the footwall. While on the northern segment, the main deformation is the thrusting of the hanging wall due to the less steep fault plane of the central fault. An active anticline formed on the hanging wall of the new active thrust fault, and the terrace surface on this anticline have deformed evidently since the Quaterary, and the latest activity of this anticline caused the Lushan earthquake, so the newly formed active thrust fault is probably the seismogenic structure of the Lushan earthquake. Huge displacement or tectonic deformation has been accumulated on the fault segment curved towards southeast from the Daxi country to the Taiping town during a long time, and the release of the strain and the tectonic movement all concentrate on this fault segment. The Lushan earthquake is just one event during the whole process of tectonic evolution, and the newly formed active thrust faults in the footwall may still cause similar earthquake in the future.  相似文献   

安徽霍山地震区深部电性结构和发震构造特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
霍山地震区位于大别造山带北缘华北板块与扬子板块接触带上,是大别造山带及周边地震活动最频繁、最集中的地区.83个大地电磁测点组成的大地电磁三维阵列覆盖了整个霍山地震区.用多重网格法、印模迭代重构法和非线性共轭梯度法对阵列数据进行三维带地形反演,获得了地震区深部三维电性结构.电性结构显示,北大别、北淮阳区的中上地壳为电阻率1000Ωm以上的高阻区,中下地壳为电阻率数十欧姆米的相对低阻区;六安盆地电阻率整体较低,中地壳存在显著的电阻率为几欧姆米的壳内高导层.北西向的晓天—磨子潭断裂分隔了北大别高阻层和北淮阳高阻层,在浅部向NE倾,深部向SW倾;北东向的落儿岭—土地岭断裂切穿北大别上地壳高阻层.小震双差定位结果表明,地震主要发生在NE向延伸的落儿岭—土地岭断裂附近的北大别、北淮阳中上地壳的高阻区,并集中于NW向的晓天—磨子潭断裂运动所造成的构造薄弱带中;2014年M S4.3霍山地震震源深度较深,位于北大别高阻区内部的电性梯度较大的区域.综合上述结果我们认为,霍山地震区的主要发震断裂为落儿岭—土地岭断裂,断裂的运动变形充分利用了晓天—磨子潭断裂早先活动所形成的构造薄弱带,断裂下方壳源高导体中的流体沿断层传播使断层强度弱化,使得这些薄弱带区易于发生小地震.由于北大别、北淮阳构造区显著高阻层的存在,我们认为霍山地震区存在发生6级以上中强震的深部孕震环境.  相似文献   

At 3:05, September 4, 2017, an ML4.4 earthquake occurred in Lincheng County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, which was felt obviously by surrounding areas. Approximately 60km away from the hypocenter of Xingtai MS7.2 earthquake in 1966, this event is the most noticeable earthquake in this area in recent years. On the one hand, people are still shocked by the 1966 Xingtai earthquake that caused huge disaster, on the other hand, Lincheng County is lack of strong earthquakes. Therefore, this quake has aroused widespread concerns by the government, society and seismologists. It is necessary to clarify whether the seismogenic structure of this event is consistent with the previous seismicity and whether it has any new implications for the seismic activity and seismic hazard in this region. Therefore, it is of great significance to study its seismogenic mechanism for understanding the earthquake activity in Xingtai region where a MS7.2 earthquake had occurred in 1966. In this study, the Lincheng earthquake and its aftershocks are relocated using the multi-step locating method, and the focal mechanism and focal depth are determined by the "generalized Cut and Paste"(gCAP)method. The reliability of the results is analyzed based on the data of Hebei regional seismic network. In order to better constrain the focal depth, the depth phase sPL fitting method is applied to the relocation of focal depth. The inversion and constraint results show that aftershocks are mainly distributed along NE direction and dip to SE direction as revealed by depth profiles. Focal depths of aftershocks are concentrated in the depths of 6.5~8.2km with an average of about 7km. The best double-couple solution of the mainshock is 276°, 69° and -40° for strike, dip and slip angle for nodal plane I and 23°, 53° and -153° for nodal plane Ⅱ, respectively, revealing that it is a strike-slip event with a small amount of normal-fault component. The initial rupture depth of mainshock is about 7.5km obtained by the relocation while the centroid depth is 6km derived from gCAP method which was also verified by the seismic depth phase sPL observed by several stations, indicating the earthquake is ruptured from deep to shallow. Combined with the research results on regional geological structure and the seismic sequence relocation results, it is concluded that the nodal plane Ⅱ is the seismogenic fault plane of this earthquake. There are several active faults around the hypocenter of Lincheng earthquake sequence, however, none of the known faults on the current understanding is completely consistent with the seismogenic fault. To determine the seismogenic mechanism, the lucubrated research of the MS7.2 Xingtai earthquake in 1966 could provide a powerful reference. The seismic tectonic characteristics of the 1966 Xingtai earthquake sequence could be summarized as follows:There are tensional fault in the shallow crust and steep dip hidden fault in the middle and lower crust, however, the two faults are not connected but separated by the shear slip surfaces which are widely distributed in the middle crust; the seismic source is located between the hidden fault in the lower crust and the extensional fault in the upper crust; the earthquake began to rupture in the deep dip fault in the mid-lower crust and then ruptured upward to the extensional fault in the shallow crust, and the two fault systems were broken successively. From the earthquake rupture revealed by the seismic sequence location, the Lincheng earthquake also has the semblable feature of rupturing from deep to shallow. However, due to the much smaller magnitude of this event than that of the 1966 earthquake, the accumulated stress was not high enough to tear the fracture of the detachment surface whose existence in Lincheng region was confirmed clearly by the results of Lincheng-Julu deep reflection seismology and reach to the shallower fault. Therefore, by the revelation of the seismogenic mechanism of the 1966 Xingtai earthquake, the seismogenic fault of Lincheng earthquake is presumed to be a concealed fault possessing a potential of both strike-slip and small normal faulting component and located below the detachment surface in Lincheng area. The tectonic significance indicated by this earthquake is that the event was a stress adjustment of the deep fault and did not lead to the rupture of the shallow fault. Therefore, this area still has potential seismic hazard to a certain extent.  相似文献   

Seismicity in the Eastern Tellian Atlas of Algeria is active of moderate to low magnitude. The direct identification of active fault is often a difficult task. In fact, in this region, despite the intense seismicity, only the Constantine earthquake of 27 October, 1985 ( M s = 5.7) and the Kherrata earthquake of 17 February, 1949 ( M s = 4.7), have generated surface ruptures. Hence, the integration of both geological, historical and instrumental seismic data are important in order to characterise the most important seismogenic structures. This paper presents a preliminary overview of the identified neotectonic faults that we consider active in the Eastern Tellian Atlas of Algeria. Thus, seismicity and neotectonic maps are presented and the faults which are active or potentially active from a neotectonic point of view are shown in relation with the main seismic groupings. This study based mainly on available seismic and bibliographic data and several unpublished marine seismic data enable us to suspect a fault as the eventual source of the Jijeli earthquake of 21 August 1856 that destroyed the Jijeli town and its surroundings. The results inferred from this work represent a starting point for more detailed studies in seismogenic areas.  相似文献   

太行山山前断裂带的构造特征   总被引:64,自引:1,他引:63       下载免费PDF全文
徐杰  高战武  宋长青 《地震地质》2000,22(2):111-122
据近年来的地质和地球物理资料对太行山山前断裂带做了研究 ,得到一些新的认识。断裂带开始出现于中生代 ,主要形成于早第三纪 ,由一系列NE -NNE向断裂左型斜列组成。断裂带的结构构造和活动具有鲜明的分段性 ,中北段的保定 -石家庄等断裂为大型拆离断裂 ,在倾向上水平延伸 70km左右 ,早第三纪水平拉张断距约 17km ,垂直断距 50 0 0~ 60 0 0m。断裂带基本上是发育于上地壳的拆离滑脱构造 ,不属深大断裂。它第四纪活动性不强 ,与强震活动没有直接成因关系 ,但断裂带南、北两部分与其它走向的地震构造带交汇 ,对区域地震构造和地震预测研究仍有重要意义  相似文献   

A strong earthquake with magnitude MS6.2 hit Hutubi, Xinjiang at 13:15:03 on December 8th, 2016(Beijing Time). In order to better understand its mechanism, we performed centroid moment tensor inversion using the broadband waveform data recorded at stations from the Xinjiang regional seismic network by employing gCAP method. The best double couple solution of the MS6.2 mainshock on December 8th, 2016 estimated from local and near-regional waveforms is strike:271°, dip:64ånd rake:90° for nodal plane I, and strike:91°, dip:26ånd rake:90°for nodal plane Ⅱ; the centroid depth is about 21km and the moment magnitude(MW)is 5.9. ISO, CLVD and DC, the full moment tensor, of the earthquake accounted for 0.049%, 0.156% and 99.795%, respectively. The share of non-double couple component is merely 0.205%. This indicates that the earthquake is of double-couple fault mode, a typical tectonic earthquake featuring a thrust-type earthquake of squeezing property.The double difference(HypoDD)technique provided good opportunities for a comparative study of spatio-temporal properties and evolution of the aftershock sequences, and the earthquake relocation was done using HypoDD method. 486 aftershocks are relocated accurately and 327 events are obtained, whose residual of the RMS is 0.19, and the standard deviations along the direction of longitude, latitude and depth are 0.57km, 0.6km and 1.07km respectively. The result reveals that the aftershocks sequence is mainly distributed along the southern marginal fault of the Junggar Basin, extending about 35km to the NWW direction as a whole; the focal depths are above 20km for most of earthquakes, while the main shock and the biggest aftershock are deeper than others. The depth profile shows a relatively steep dip angle of the seismogenic fault plane, and the aftershocks dipping northward. Based on the spatial and temporal distribution features of the aftershocks, it is considered that the seismogenic fault plane may be the nodal plane I and the dip angle is about 271°. The structure of the Hutubi earthquake area is extremely complicated. The existing geological structure research results show that the combination zone between the northern Tianshan and the Junggar Basin presents typical intracontinental active tectonic features. There are numerous thrust fold structures, which are characterized by anticlines and reverse faults parallel to the mountains formed during the multi-stage Cenozoic period. The structural deformation shows the deformation characteristics of longitudinal zoning, lateral segmentation and vertical stratification. The ground geological survey and the tectonic interpretation of the seismic data show that the recoil faults are developed near the source area of the Hutubi earthquake, and the recoil faults related to the anticline are all blind thrust faults. The deep reflection seismic profile shows that there are several listric reverse faults dipping southward near the study area, corresponding to the active hidden reverse faults; At the leading edge of the nappe, there are complex fault and fold structures, which, in this area, are the compressional triangular zone, tilted structure and northward bedding backthrust formation. Integrating with geological survey and seismic deep soundings, the seismogenic fault of the MS6.2 earthquake is classified as a typical blind reverse fault with the opposite direction close to the southern marginal fault of the Junggar Basin, which is caused by the fact that the main fault is reversed by a strong push to the front during the process of thrust slip. Moreover, the Manas earthquake in 1906 also occurred near the southern marginal fault in Junggar, and the seismogenic mechanism was a blind fault. This suggests that there are some hidden thrust fault systems in the piedmont area of the northern Tianshan Mountains. These faults are controlled by active faults in the deep and contain multiple sets of active faults.  相似文献   

通过收集前人有关地震地质、地球物理等资料,在综合分析的基础上,研究了麻城1932年6级地震的发震构造,并探讨了其孕震构造机制。研究认为,麻城—团风主干断层为该地震的发震构造,次级断层受主干断层控制;震中区处于区域重力、磁力异常区,区内存在低阻层;麻城6级地震是在区域NEE向现代构造应力场的作用下,壳幔尺度垂直隆升共同作用的浅源地震事件;壳幔深度的上隆及NEE向的构造主压应力分别成为该区处于伸展构造环境和具有剪切走滑性质的主要动力来源。  相似文献   

采用九寨沟MS7.0 (MW6.5)地震的余震直达P波、S波走时数据,通过体波走时层析成像方法,获得了震源区及其邻区的P波和S波速度结构,并利用成像结果对余震进行了重定位。结果显示:余震主要集中分布于高、低速异常交界处偏低速异常一侧,呈走向NNW,倾向SW,倾角较高的分布特征;余震序列两侧的P波、S波速度结构揭示了发震断层两侧介质性质的差异,即上盘为刚性较强的高地震波速度区,下盘为刚性较弱的低地震波速度区。由余震分布特征和地震波速度结构推断:九寨沟地震发生在上地壳底部,发震断层具有上盘地震波速度高、下盘地震波速度低的特征;主震引起的后续破裂在上地壳内部的剧烈形变区内传播,破裂能量终止于25 km深度附近。   相似文献   

本文在分析辽宁岫岩地区地质构造、新构造运动、地震活动、地球物理场及深部构造等资料的基础上,对岫岩地区的地震地质背景和地震危险性作了分析和研究。认为在岫岩西北部的偏岭地区属海城地震的余震区,地震活动受北西向海城河断裂的控制,这里具备发生5-6级地震的构造条件。其它地区属中、小地震活动区。在有旋扭构造发育的地区,当外区有强震发生时有可能出现震害加重的现象。  相似文献   

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