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土壤地球化学测量分析元素众多,所成图件数量庞大,因此往往不易判断各元素之间的相关关系。笔者利用R型因子分析和聚类分析方法,对内蒙古伊山林场金矿普查区土壤样品进行分析,研究其元素间的共生组合关系。结果显示,R型因子分析和聚类分析二者对应性较好,有效地划分了元素共生组合类型。  相似文献   

To use the water resources reasonably in the midstream of Yinma River is of great significance to Changchun City which is short of water. With the runoff data of physical measuring, the paper analyses the characteristics surface rmoff of the area, by means of the groundwater flow numerical simulation, and represents the characteristics of the groundwater runoff in the area. Based on combination analyses of the two runoffs, the authors point out the problem of the water resources use in this area and bring forward a resolution of conjunctive regulation and storage of the surface water and groundwater.  相似文献   

To use the water resources reasonably in the midstream of Yinma River is of great significance to Changchun City which is short of water. With the runoff data of physical measuring, the paper analyses the characteristics surface rtmoff of the area, by means of the groundwater flow numerical simulation, and represents the characteristics of the groundwater runoff in the area. Based on combination analyses of the two runoffs, the authors point out the problem of the water resources use in this area and bring forward a resolution of conjunctive regulation and storage of the surface water and groundwater.  相似文献   

长江中游平原区面临着一系列严重的地质环境问题,其中地下水铵氮和磷的问题十分突出,但目前对于二者共存规律的认识还十分薄弱。以长江中游沿岸故道区为典型研究区,对采集的地下水样品进行了水文地球化学分析,并综合运用因子分析和随机森林模型探讨了铵氮和磷的赋存规律。结果表明:地下水整体处于还原环境中,NH4-N的质量浓度为0.03~71.0 mg/L(均值9.92 mg/L),P的质量浓度为0.02~3.38 mg/L(均值0.51 mg/L)。地下水中高浓度的铵氮与磷均主要为天然成因,但铵氮与磷的迁移富集过程存在差异:铵氮的迁移富集与含氮有机质矿化过程密切相关;磷的迁移富集与铁氧化物或氢氧化物的还原性溶解密切相关,而含磷有机质矿化是磷富集的次要过程。Eh很低的地下水环境易产生高浓度铵氮的地下水,相对中等的还原环境会产生高浓度的磷但通常不会伴生高浓度的铵氮;当地下水中S2-,DOC,I均处于相对较高的浓度水平时会伴生大量的铵氮,而磷的浓度在很大程度上受控于Fe2+浓度;当DOC,I和Fe2+浓度都高时,通常会出...  相似文献   

近42年雅鲁藏布江中游四季气温变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用 1957~ 1998年雅鲁藏布江中游拉萨、日喀则、泽当、江孜 4个站各月平均气温资料 ,通过线性趋势估计和多项式函数拟合分析了该流域春、夏、秋、冬 4季气温长期趋势变化和周期变化 ,并利用滑动T检验等方法讨论了气温突变的问题。结果表明 :在过去 4 2年里 ,雅鲁藏布江中游地区各季气温均有明显的上升趋势 ,其中冬春季增温显著 ,80年代初沿江四季气温除秋季外都出现了明显的增温突变  相似文献   

根据粤西 6个市 (县 )种植的 3个主要芒果品种芒果炭疽病 (Gloeosporium mangiferae P.Henn.et al)病情指数 ,应用模糊聚类分析方法 ,划选出粤西种植芒果的适宜区域。并指出干旱地区不利于该病发生  相似文献   

1 Introduction Most of the solar radiation that ecosystem seizes is con- sumed on latent, sensible and soil heat flux. Among them, latent heat flux shares the biggest part (Gutierrez and Meizer, 1994; Ham et al., 1991; Rachidi et al., 1993). The radiation budget and the energy balance are crucial to water conversion and effective water utilization. Also, they are important parts of research of water-saving ag- riculture (Mo et al., 1997). At present, the researches on radiation budget and e…  相似文献   

黄河中游黄土高原区河川基流特点及变化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于气候变化和人类活动的影响。黄土高原河川基流呈显著下降趋势。对黄河径流量减少产生一定影响。采用日流量过程线切割法计算了河龙区间黄土高原主要支流的基流量。结合地形地貌、水文地质条件,分析了不同地貌类型支流基流的特点,初步分析了影响基流变化的各种因素。认为河龙区间基流变化对黄河水资源影响较大。  相似文献   

The Huolin River is one of the most important water sources for Xianghai wetland, Horqin wetland, and Chaganhu wetland in the western Songnen Plain of Northeast China. The annual runoff series of 46 years at Baiyun- hushuo Hydrologic Station, which is located in the middle reaches of the Huolin River, were analyzed by using wavelet analysis. Main objective was to discuss the periodic characteristics of the runoff, and examine the temporal patterns of the Huolin River recharging to the floodplain wetlands in the lower reaches of the river, and the corresponding effects of recharging variation on the environmental evolution of the wetlands. The results show that the annual runoff varied mainly at three time scales. The intensities of periodical signals at different time scales were strongly characterized by local distribution in its time frequency domain. The interdecadal variation at a scale of more than 30yr played a leading role in the temporal pattern of runoff variation, and at this scale, the runoff at Baiyunhushuo Hydrologic Station varied in turn of flood, draught and flood. Accordingly, the landscape of the floodplain wetlands presented periodic features, es- pecially prominent before the 1990s. Compared with intense human activities, the runoff periodic pattern at middle (10-20yr) and small (1-10yr) scales, which has relatively low energy, exerted unobvious effects on the environmental evolution of the floodplain wetlands, especially after the 1990s.  相似文献   

Duringthefloodperiodof1998,someregionsofChinasufferedseriousfloodingandwaterlogging.EspeciallyintheChangjiangRiver,thewholebasinfloodonceemergedin1954occurredagain,andthemostseverefloodinthehistoryalsoemergedintheSonghuaRiverandtheNenjiangRiver,whicharousedmuchattentionacrossthewholecountry.Accordingtoincompletestatistics,till22ndofAugust,29provinces,autonomousregionsandmunicipalitieshadbeenaffectedbythefloodsinvaryingdegrees.ZI.2millionhaoflandwereinundated,223millionPeOPlewereaffeCted,3…  相似文献   

地下水系统平衡化学模型的研究现状及发展方向   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0  
在对地下水系统平衡化学模型的类型及其主要功能进行介绍的基础上,论述了平衡化学模型在国内外的研究现状,对平衡化学模型应用的局限性进行了讨论,阐述了目前在地下水系统平衡化学模型研究中所存在的问题,指出了今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

吉林西部地区第四系潜水水质影响因素的R型因子分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用R型因子分析法对吉林西部地区第四系潜水样的水化学数据进行分析,识别出影响地下水化学组成的4个主因子。因子1以Na ,HCO3-和F-为主,揭示了土壤的溶滤作用对地下水化学成分的影响;因子2以Cl-,SO42-和Ca2 为主,反映蒸发浓缩作用对地下水化学成分的影响;因子3以K 和pH值为主,代表地下水的弱碱环境地球化学背景;因子4以NO3-为主,反映了人类活动(化肥和农药的广泛施用、大中城市的生活污水和工业污水的污染)对地下水化学成分的影响作用。  相似文献   


2013年以来,济南市为正确处理好保泉和市民饮用优质地下水的关系,组织实施了地表水转换地下水补源系列工程,旨在补源保泉的前提下开采地下水。大辛河地表水转地下水工程是其中重要的组成部分,为了查明大辛河渗漏补源后地下水的补给方向、径流速度等,在大辛河主要渗漏段开展了地下水示踪试验。结果显示:地下水渗漏补源后沿渗漏段—龙奥大厦—济南东区供水奥体加压站—贤文小区一线大体自南向北径流,视径流速度约45m/d,越往两侧流速越缓慢,表明大辛河地表水转地下水工程主要对东郊水源地进行补给,对市区四大泉群补给较弱。示踪试验得出的结论,对大辛河地表水转地下水工程运行具有重要指导作用,对后期管理部门合理规划补源、开采布局具有重要的借鉴意义,促进济南保泉和供水的有机统一。  相似文献   

河源区边界是重要的国家基础地理信息之一,但除长江、黄河等大江大河外的我国大部分其他中小流域仍缺乏确切的河源区边界信息,需要科学划定河源区边界以支持流域水生态保护相关政策的规划与实施。对此,本文在确立河源区划分原则、明确划分依据的基础上,提出了基于多特征指标和层次聚类分析法的河源区边界划定方法。以沁河流域为研究案例,首先利用均值变点分析法计算沁河流域子流域提取的最佳汇流累积量分位数阈值为0.15%,再基于子流域的多特征指标运用层次聚类分析法最终确定河源区范围边界,并将该方法应用于长江、黄河流域进行验证分析。结果表明:(1)基于多特征指标和层次聚类分析提取的沁河流域河源区范围处于河底比降法、水文站点方法得到的源区范围面积之间;(2)该方法在长江、黄河流域河源区划分结果的交并比分别达到85.40%和79.99%,侧面验证了本文方法进行河源区边界划分的合理性与适用性。基于多特征指标和层次聚类分析的河源区边界自动划分方法可以简捷高效地识别缺乏明确河源区边界信息的流域河源区范围,为我国河源区生态安全屏障识别、水资源保护相关政策的规划和实施提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

本文用多元统计方法在计算机上对我国目前广泛使用的36种漁船作了对应分析和动态聚类分析。其中9个指标为CB、Cp、Cw、L/B、L/D、B/D、B/T、VF/LBD和P/△。漁船被聚成三类。其中参数P/△、VF/LBD对聚类起最大作用。  相似文献   

Human settlements are the place where human beings live,among which the rural settlements can be regarded as a reflection of human-land relationship in mountain areas because their vertical distribution is greatly influenced by the specific geographical environment and ecological conditions of mountains.Based on field investigation,this paper uses physical,geographical,and ecological theories to make a comprehensive study of rural settlements and mountain disasters in the upper Min River,which is an ecologically fragile area with high-frequency disasters(collapse,landslide,debris flow,etc.) and a minority inhabit district.By applying these modern scientific theories,this paper attempts to shed some light on the relationship between rural settlements and mountain disasters.Consequently,an in-depth understanding of this relationship was achieved as follows:(1) Rural settlements and mountain disasters are mainly distributed in the intercepted flows of water and soil; and both quantity and quality of arable lands in mountains are important indicators of these flows.(2) The Small Watershed Management Project is a complex system of rural settlements and mountain disasters that interacts with and constrains the ecological system.By this project,the human survival will be better guaranteed.Being fundamental for the ecological reconstruction,the coupling mechanism of rural settlements and mountain disasters is not only an engine to promote harmonious development between human and nature,but also a bridge to link them.  相似文献   

Widespread aeolian sediments have been found in the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River, China. The grain-size characteristics of sediments from Cha'er Section in the area were analyzed. The results show that the section include one stratum of paleo-mobile dunes, four strata of paleo-semi-fixed dunes, two strata of paleo-fixed dunes, one stratum of sandy immature soils. The paleo-mobile and paleo-somi-fixed dune sand in this section are similar to modern aeolian sand in either grain-size composition or Mz and σ distribution. Compared the above types of dunes each other, the content of sand substance decreases, while the content of silt and clay increases for palco-fixed dunes and sandy immature soils. Combined with age data for each stratum, the analysis shows that these strata are the products of climate changes and the evolution of aeolian landforms. The evolutionary sequence of the paleoclimate and of acolian activities in the valley since 8600 yr B.P. reveals four stages: 8600-5700 yr B.P., when the paleoclimate was cold and dry, with strong winds, thereby activating dunes; 5700-3600 yr B.P., when it was warm and wet, with weak winds, causing dunes to undergo soil-forming processes; 3600-1900 yr B.P., when climate shifted from cold-dry with strong winds to warm-wet with weak winds, and activated dunes were fixed again; and 1900 yr B.P. -present, when the climate became fine, with weak winds, fixing dunes again.  相似文献   

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