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无论在行星大小、质量还是轨道速度等方面,金星都是太阳系中与地球最相似的行星.自1960年代初期开始,金星一直是人类深空探测的重要目标.本文简要地回顾了人类探索金星的历史,总结了对金星已有的认识,梳理了金星的主要科学问题,最后介绍了未来的国际探测计划,并建议了我国的金星探测目标.早期对金星的探测以苏联的金星计划(Венера)和美国的水手系列(Mariner)为代表,后期的探测器以欧盟、日本等国家的“金星快车(Venus Express)”、“拂晓号(Akatsuki)”为代表.这些探测结果为我们认识金星大气成分、地表地形和内部结构提供了重要的数据.金星的大气组成以CO2为主,含少量N2,与现在地球的大气组成显著不同,类似早期地球的大气组成.虽然金星地表目前没有液态水,但部分理论模拟工作表明金星地表可能曾经有液态水.一系列探测器对金星地表成分的分析表明,金星地表主要由玄武岩组成.在地形地貌方面,由于金星特殊的地表环境,金星表面风化作用对地表地貌影响很小.金星的地表主要受控于比较年轻的火山作用,发育了许多不同于地球的地貌特征,主要包括区域平原、盾状火山平原、冕状地形以及瓦片状地形等,其动力学机制可能是地幔柱—岩石圈相互作用或地幔对流,至今未发现与板块构造相关的地貌.现阶段金星没有太多大型的、活跃的火山热点,虽然无法估测准确的火山活动速率,但相比地球来说火山活动速率小很多.在内部结构方面,金星具有与地球类似的核幔壳结构.金星的内部组成也与地球类似,例如金星地幔很可能是与地球相似的橄榄岩成分.不存在内部磁场和缺乏板块构造是金星区别于地球的两个重要特征.关于金星为什么没有自身磁场,主流观点是金星地核缺乏对流,无法演化出磁场.而针对金星为什么没有演化出板块构造,目前认为主要有三个可能的原因:地表温度过高,没有软流圈,金星缺乏液态水,其中液态水的缺乏接受度最广.从大气组成、地表岩石组合、构造作用等角度来看,金星都与早期地球非常相似,是我们理解类地行星演化的天然实验室.研究金星和地球为什么会朝不同方向演化,是深入理解包括系外行星在内的行星的宜居性形成与演变的重要途径。因此,金星一直是优先级别最高的深空探测目标之一.近几年,美国、俄罗斯以及欧洲等国家和地区分别针对金星目前主要的科学问题,例如金星是否存在早期海洋、金星的宜居性以及结构和重力场等,先后提出各自的金星探测计划.我国在新的国际竞争中应该、也必然有所作为.  相似文献   

The permittivity wave and altimetry (PWA) instrument is a part of the CASSINI/HUYGENS HASI experiment and was designed to determine the electrical parameters of the atmosphere of Titan in 2004. In December 1995, a balloon campaign was conducted in León, Spain, to test the HASI onboard hardware and software using a HUYGENS probe mock-up in an electromagnetic-disturbance-free environment (mainly from power emission lines at 50 Hz). This work is concerned with the measurements of small ion polar conductivities and DC fields using the PWA relaxation probes (RP). The two RP electrodes were periodically set to ±5 V relative to the conductive surface of the mock-up and allowed to discharge in the surrounding atmosphere. The polar components of conductivity are calculated from the discharge time, and the DC field from the floating potential differences once the electrodes reach equilibrium. In spite of some observed effects, such as mock-up charging or oscillations in the measurement of potential, the conductivity measurements are coherent and in good agreement with the obtained results in other experiments. The conductivity data were collected in ‘fair-weather’ conditions, up to 30 km during a 4-h flight, every 72 s, giving an altitude resolution better than 400 m. We also discuss the DC field data that do not lead, in presence of charging effects, to a straightforward measurement of the natural DC field. The Comas Solá balloon flight, first real test of the PWA experiment in the terrestrial atmosphere, confirmed the validity of the ionic conductivity measurements but raised the problem of a reliable interpretation of the DC field.  相似文献   

The nutations of the planets Mars andEarth are investigated and compared. Alarge number of interior structureparameters are involved in the nutationcomputations. The comparison between the observations and the computationsprovides several constraints on these parmeters andtherefore allows a better understanding of the physics of the interior of theplanet. For the Earth, the high precision of the observations of the nutationshas led to a very good determination of interior properties of the planet. ForMars, observations of nutations are not yet available, and we review how theamplitude of the Martian nutations depends on the hypotheses consideredfor its interior. Although Mars is very similar to the Earth, its interior is not well known;for example, we don't knowif its core is liquid or solid. Only if the core is liquid,the Free Core Nutation (FCN) normal mode exists and can alter the nutationswhich are close to the resonance. From the observed geoids, it is known thatboth planets are not in hydrostatic equilibrium. The departure is larger forMars than for the Earth, and consequently, the implication of considering a convective mantle instead of a mantle in hydrostatic equilibrium described byClairaut's equation for the initial equilibrium state of the planet is largeron the Martian nutations than on the Earth nutations. The consequences of theuncertainty in the core dimensions are also examined and shown to be of a veryhigh influence for Mars if the core is liquid, due to the potential changes inthe FCN resonance. The influence of the presence of an inner core, which isknown to exist for the Earth, could be more important for Mars than for theEarth if the inner core is large. Due to the presence of Tharsis on Mars, thetriaxiality of this planet has, additionally, larger effects than on Earth.  相似文献   

In the prospect of the search for traces of primitive life on Earth and Mars, we investigated the possibility to detect and visualize the spatial distribution of minute amounts of organic matter in ancient rocks, in a non-destructive way, by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging (EPRI). We studied a series of non- or moderately metamorphosed siliceous rocks (cherts) of different ages ranging from 45 Ma to 3490 Ma and embedding fossile organic matter. In the case of the oldest cherts containing only mature insoluble organic matter (IOM), with IOM radicals characterized by a single Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) line, we could obtain three-dimensional images with sub-millimetric resolution of the organic matter distribution inside samples containing as low as 1014–1015 radicals per gram. In the case of younger cherts, containing less mature organic matter, and thus several types of organic radicals, we showed that selective imaging of each type of radical was possible provided that the EPR spectra did not overlap. Selective imaging of either the organic radicals or of the oxygen vacancy (E' centres) of the mineral matrix, which are ubiquitous in siliceous rocks, was possible, selecting either one or the other paramagnetic species with high power in-phase, 1st harmonic detection or with 90°-out-of-phase, 2nd harmonic detection of the EPR. The influence of ferromagnetic inclusions in the mineral matrix on the EPRI of the organic matter was also addressed. Image artifacts due to the ferromagnetic resonance signal of these inclusions could be easily removed by background substraction from the EPR spectra before image reconstruction. We thus showed that selective imaging by EPR of minute amounts of fossile organic matter in ancient rocks could be possible despite the magnetic complexity of such materials.  相似文献   

Deltas on planet Mars record past climate, but so far a wide range of hypotheses for their formation have been proposed. The objective of this paper is to understand martian fan deltas, their formative conditions, evolution and formative duration, and implications for the past climate. As an introduction to Mars, physiographic provinces are described and unambiguous proof is listed for the presence of flowing water in the past, such as certain minerals, groundwater, catastrophic outflow channels, alluvial fans and fan deltas, distributary networks and glaciers. The climate history of Mars differs from that of Earth by having had much drier conditions than on Earth, extreme intermittency and extreme events, most of them billions of years ago. Tens of fan deltas, unchannelized fan deltas and stepped fans have been found in impact crater and other lakes. The stepped fans were likely formed by backstepping under fast rising lake levels and have no known terrestrial equivalent. The fan deltas were formed once the lake overflowed. Alluvial fans are much more numerous and formed with less water. The delta studies illustrate how major challenges of martian morphology and reconstruction of past conditions can be taken up most effectively by combinations of the available high‐resolution images and digital elevation models, terrestrial analogues, laboratory experiments and physics‐based models gleaned from geomorphology. To resolve formative mechanisms and time scale of martian fans and deltas, morphological distinctions between dense debris flows and dilute fluvial flows must be identified for both source and sink areas. Furthermore, the properties of the martian surface material are very poorly constrained but can be explored by modelling various mass wasting, fluvial and glacial phenomena and hydrology, and by experimentation with slightly cohesive sediment. Finally, the highly debated role of groundwater sapping in valley and delta formation on Mars should be explored experimentally. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   




Ribera  P.  Gimeno  L.  Gallego  D.  García-Herrera  R.  Hernández  E.  de la Torre  L.  Nieto  R.  Calvo  N. 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》2004,48(2):447-458
Two different groups of indices have been defined to analyze the evolution of global temperature between 1958 and 1998. All the indices were evaluated at three different levels (850, 500 and 200 hPa), and averaged indices were calculated using the whole globe, continental areas and oceanic areas. The first group of indices analyzes the area of the world covered with higher and lower than normal temperatures, detecting a slight cooling in the 200 hPa level. The second group of indices studies the annual frequency of extreme events, and again, it is at 200 hPa where the most intense variation is detected. Finally, an analysis is performed to determine the regions most sensible to variations in the occurrence of extreme events. Tropical areas are mostly responsible of the variations detected in the second group of indices.  相似文献   

The polar motion prediction is computed as a least-squares extrapolation of the polar motion data. The least-squares model consists of a Chandler circle with constant or variable amplitude, annual and semiannual ellipses, and a bias. The model with constant amplitude of the Chandler oscillation is fit to the last three years of polar motion data and the model with variable amplitude of the Chandler oscillation is fit to the whole time series ranging from 1973.0 to 2001.1. The variable amplitude of the Chandler oscillation is modeled from the envelope of the Chandler oscillation filtered by the Fourier transform band pass filter from the long-term IERS EOPC01 polar motion series. The accuracy of the polar motion prediction depends mostly on the phase variation of the annual oscillation, which is treated as a constant in the least-squares adjustment. There were two significant changes of the annual oscillation phase of the order of 30° before the two El Niño events in 1982/83 and 1997/98.  相似文献   

地球系统中的天然气水合物-天然气体系研究展望   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
虽然目前国外已有很多学者研究了天然气水合物及其分解产生的气体在地球系统各圈层中的循环转化过程,但国内基本上还没有开展相关方面的研究,况且其中的很多问题尚不清楚.本文的目的是通过分析国内外相关的研究进展,提出天然气水合物-天然气体系这个概念,并归纳总结天然气水合物-天然气体系在地球系统各圈层中的循环转化问题,希望能为研究天然气水合物在全球碳循环和气候变化中的作用提供一定的参考.通过分析发现,天然气水合物-天然气体系在地球系统各圈层中的循环转化过程是非常复杂的,而各个圈层对于天然气水合物-天然气体系在地球系统中的循环转化过程都十分重要,这个体系可能是影响全球碳循环和气候变化的一个重要组成部分.  相似文献   

火星环境探测结果分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对空间飞行器所观测取得的火星环境的资料进行了分析研究,并对有关火星磁层和电离层及其与太阳风机相互作用的研究结果进行了概述。  相似文献   

Earth temperature is one of the most important factors influencing the mechanical properties of frozen soil. Based on the field investigation of the characteristics of ground deformation and ground failure caused by the Ms8.1 earthquake in the west of the Kuniun Mountain Pass,China, the influence of temperature on the dynamic constitutive relationship, dynamic elastic modulus, damping ratio and dynamic strength of frozen soil was quantitatively studied by means of the dynamic triaxial test. Moreover, the characteristics of ground motion on a permafrost site under different temperatures were analyzed for the four profiles of permafrost along the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Railway using the time histories of ground motionacceleration with 3 exceedance probabilities of the Kunlun Mountains area. The influences of temperature on the seismic displacement, velocity, acceleration and response spectrum on permafrost ground were studied quantitatively. A scientific basis was presented for earthquake disaster mitigation for engineering foundations, highways and underground engineering in permafrost areas.  相似文献   

Equivalent temperature based in the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis database has been used as a simultaneous measure of temperature and humidity. Its variations during the 1958-1998 added to the effect of the inclusion of satellite data during the late seventies have been analyzed. An increase of the globally averaged equivalent temperature has been detected, the trend has been considerably greater during the first half of the study period and significant differences can be found between continental and oceanic areas. The relation of the trend with four of the main modes of climate variability has been assessed. The North Atlantic Oscillation and the Artic Oscillations are closely related to the equivalent temperature over the North Atlantic basin, extending toward Northern Asia in the second case. El Niño/Southern Oscillation and the Antarctic Oscillation seem to have a more global effect.  相似文献   

Temperature observations at 25 sites in the 2000 km2 Dee catchment in NE Scotland were used, in conjunction with geographic information system (GIS) analysis, to identify dominant landscape controls on mean monthly maximum stream temperatures. Maximum winter stream temperatures are mainly controlled by elevation, catchment area and hill shading, whereas the maximum temperatures in summer are driven by more complex interactions, which include the influence of riparian forest cover and distance to coast. Multiple linear regression was used to estimate the catchment‐wide distribution of mean weekly maximum stream temperatures for the hottest week of the 2‐year observation period. The results suggested the streams most sensitive to high temperatures are small upland streams at exposed locations without any forest cover and relatively far inland, while lowland streams with riparian forest cover at locations closer to the coast exhibit a moderated thermal regime. Under current conditions, all streams provide a suitable thermal habitat for both, Atlantic salmon and brown trout. Using two climate change scenarios assuming 2·5 and 4 °C air temperature increases, respectively, temperature‐sensitive zones of the stream network were identified, which could potentially have an adverse effect on the thermal habitat of Atlantic salmon and brown trout. Analysis showed that the extension of riparian forests into headwater streams has the potential to moderate changes in temperature under climate change. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Borehole temperatures in the central and south Urals were analysed for the past ground surface temperature (GST) signal. 31 highquality temperature logs were selected for this purpose and inverted with algorithms based on the generalised least squares theory. The signal to noise ratio was improved by averaging the results of individual borehole inversions. No distinct regional trends were found in the studied region except for some indications of more pronounced warming in the south. The mean GST history (GSTH) was characterised by cooling down to –0.6 °C in the 18th century and subsequent warming to 0.5 °C above the longterm mean at the beginning of this century, and to 1 – 1.5 °C by 1980. The stability of the mean GSTH was tested in dependence on the number of holes used for the averaging. It showed that any subset of 15 holes yielded a GSTH similar to that obtained from the whole set. A surface air temperature (SAT) time series comprising the period 1832 – 1989 was combined from 17 meteorological records. Its least squares warming rate of 1.1 °C per 100 years is somewhat higher than that of the GST (0.7 – 0.8°C/100 years) in the same period.  相似文献   

Tidal phase of water temperature in Qixian well, Shanxi Province is ahead of water level, which is different from the normal tidal relationship between water temperature and water level. Observation curves of this phenomenon are introduced in this paper, and co-seismic response data of water temperature and water level are used to check the thermometer time system, confirming that this phenomenon is true. Using the harmonic analysis method, variations of time difference between water temperature and water level for the M2 wave are worked out, which indicates that this phenomenon exists during the whole observation. According to the variations of phase lags for water temperature and water level, and the survey of observation conditions, it is considered that the abnormal phenomenon may be related to inadequate passage of water caused by a well blockage at the depth where the water temperature probe was set.  相似文献   

Ground surface temperature histories (GSTHs) inferred from borehole temperaturedepth (T-z) data are often degraded, to a various extent, by random or systematic noise in theT-z data and in the measurements of thermophysical properties of the earth. To minimize the effects of noise, and hence improve the fidelity of the inferred GSTH, a plausible approach is to perform a simultaneous inversion, of theT-z logs in a region, or alternatively, to invert the individualT-z logs and then average the resulting GSTHs. Averaging and simultaneous inversion are conceptually different: whereas an averaging can always be peformed, a simultaneous inversion is predicated on the assumption of a common transient component of the GSTH in all theT-z logs. In this work we examine and compare the two approaches, using a time domain inverse formulation based on the method of least squares. We consider a set of scenarios: (a) multipleT-z logs from a single borehole, (b) multiple boreholes from a single site, (c) multiple boreholes in similar climatological settings, and (d) multiple boreholes in different climatological settings. We show that for (a), (b) and (c), averaging and simultaneous inversion yield nearly identical results. For boreholes in different settings, the assumption of a common transient GSTH may be invalid and averaging and simultaneous inversion give divergent results.  相似文献   

The importance of ocean temperature to global biogeochemistry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variations in the mean temperature of the ocean, on time scales from millennial to millions of years, in the past and projected for the future, are large enough to impact the geochemistry of the carbon, oxygen, and methane geochemical systems. In each system, the time scale of the temperature perturbation is key. On time frames of 1-100 ky, atmospheric CO2 is controlled by the ocean. CO2 temperature-dependent solubility and greenhouse forcing combine to create an amplifying feedback with ocean temperature; the CaCO3 cycle increases this effect somewhat on time scales longer than ∼5-10 ky. The CO2/T feedback can be seen in the climate record from Vostok, and a model including the temperature feedback predicts that 10% of the fossil fuel CO2 will reside in the atmosphere for longer than 100 ky. Timing is important for oxygen, as well; the atmosphere controls the ocean on short time scales, but ocean anoxia controls atmospheric pO2 on million-year time scales and longer. Warming the ocean to Cretaceous temperatures might eventually increase pO2 by approximately 25%, in the absence of other perturbations. The response of methane clathrate to climate change in the coming century will probably be small, but on longer time scales of 1-10 ky, there may be a positive feedback with ocean temperature, amplifying the long-term climate impact of anthropogenic CO2 release.  相似文献   

New records of past sea surface temperatures (SSTs) were derived in the 30-50 kyr B.P. time interval from a core located at 45°S in the Southern Indian Ocean, MD94-103. To investigate the climatic phasing between the Southern Indian Ocean, the Greenland and the Antarctic ice, the magnetic signal of core MD94-103 was synchronized at better than millennial accuracy in the vicinity of the Laschamp geomagnetic to a reference record, NAPIS-75, already placed on the GISP2 age model. Coccolithophorid and diatom species abundances both point to a cooling of surface waters during H4. Specific diatoms also indicate lower salinity waters during the same time interval. These observations do not support the idea that the South hemisphere warmed 1.5-2 kyr before the North hemisphere (Nature 394 (1998) 739). Rather, alkenone-derived SSTs suggest that cold conditions have characterized the surface waters in the south latitudes during H4 and H5, and that temperature at evaporation sites contributed to the isotopic events A1 and A2 visible in the isotopic records of central Antarctica (Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 177 (2000) 219). SSTs obtained from foraminifera assemblages depict somewhat different temperature patterns, possibly indicative of water stratification.  相似文献   

膨胀地球基本参数的初值及其平均变化率   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文讨论了地球膨胀过程的初始半径R0、膨胀起始时间t0以及半径R、转动惯量I、地表重力加速度g和反映地球内部物质分布状态参数y等膨胀基本参数的平均变化率。研究结果表明,在地球的地质年龄之内,地球膨胀的初始半径R0>4619km,膨胀的起始时间t0>43.8×102Ma,膨胀过程中的地球半径R、物质分布状态参数y、转动惯量I、地表重力加速度g和表面积S随时间的平均变化率分别为:dR/dt=4×10-4m/a,dy/dt=-6.7×1012/a,dI/dt=8.49×1027kg·m~2/a,dg/dt=-1.23×10-10kg·s-2/a和ds/dt=6.41×104m2/a。地球膨胀过程中的半径平均增长率,是首次用天文学方法研究得出,且该值介于其他作者用古地磁、古地理等方法所求得的地球半径增长率若干数值之间。  相似文献   

陈志耕 《地球物理学报》1990,33(05):611-618
本文讨论了地球膨胀过程的初始半径R0、膨胀起始时间t0以及半径R、转动惯量I、地表重力加速度g和反映地球内部物质分布状态参数y等膨胀基本参数的平均变化率。研究结果表明,在地球的地质年龄之内,地球膨胀的初始半径R0>4619km,膨胀的起始时间t0>43.8×102Ma,膨胀过程中的地球半径R、物质分布状态参数y、转动惯量I、地表重力加速度g和表面积S随时间的平均变化率分别为:dR/dt=4×10-4m/a,dy/dt=-6.7×1012/a,dI/dt=8.49×1027kg·m~2/a,dg/dt=-1.23×10-10kg·s-2/a和ds/dt=6.41×104m2/a。地球膨胀过程中的半径平均增长率,是首次用天文学方法研究得出,且该值介于其他作者用古地磁、古地理等方法所求得的地球半径增长率若干数值之间。  相似文献   

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