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Ohne ZusammenfassungVortrag auf der öffentlichen Sitzung der Januarversammlung Frankfurt 1937.Die Möglichkeit zu dieser Reise verdanke ich in erster Linie der Führung und Fahrung durch die HerrenHenno Martin undHermann Korn, demnächst der tatkräftigen Unterstützung von Dr.Ernst Scherz, Frau Dr.Loening undHerrn Erich Zelle in Windhuk. Wesentliche Förderung verdanke ich der Mandatsregierung des Landes, insbesondere dem Administrator Dr.Conradi, HerrnCurtney Clark und HerrnSchroeder als Leiter der Bergbauabteilung. Von den Farmern, deren Gastlichkeit uns half und erfreute, kann ich mit herzlichem Dank nur einige nennen: Die FamilienPutzler auf Ababis, FrauZiegenbein auf Urikos,Keet auf Tsais,De Wet auf Blässkranz,Strey und HerrnLilleike auf Büllsport, alle in der Naukluft, Ebrecht auf Ameib am Erongo.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungWie entsteht ein Nordafrikaheft? (Vgl. diesen Jahrgang, S. 77). Im Frühjahr 1941 hielt Prof.Ardito Desio aus Mailand in Bonn einen Vortrag über Libyen. Aus Tübingen brachte mirTroll eine Karte von v.Wissmann mit. Ich batDesio um den Vortrag, v.Wissmann um die Karte mit Text. Bald darauf schickteKnetsch aus dem gleichen Gebiet Flugberichte, Kartierungen und Farbfotos. Ich schrieb anSchürmann undKrenkel um Ergänzungen nach rechts und links und las zufälligDelbrueck. Schlie\lich bot, halb zufällig, halb auf eine Vorankündigung meines Planes hin,Schmidt-Thomé einen Artikel über Marokko und Gibraltar an, und der Plan war fertig. Es folgte die Finanzierung, die wir dem gro\en Entgegenkommen von Dr.Wolff, dem Leiter der Kolonialwis-senschaftlichen Abteilung des Reichsforschungsrats verdanken. Es folgte die Drucklegung und die Herausgabe im Zeitraum der schärfsten Steigerung des nordafrikanischen Krieges.  相似文献   

The interannual variability of all-India summer monsoon (June to September) rainfall and its teleconnections with the southern oscillation index (SOI) and sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly of the eastern equatorial Pacific ocean have been examined for the period 1871–1978 for different seasons (i.e., winter, spring, summer and autumn). The relationship (correlation coefficient) between all-India summer monsoon rainfall andSOI for different seasons is positive and highly significant. Further examination of 10-, 20- and 30-year sliding window lengths’ correlations, brings out the highly consistent and significant character of the relationships. The relationship between all-India monsoon rainfall andSST for different seasons is negative and is significant at 1 % level or above. Drought years are characterised by negative anomalies ofSOI and positive anomalies ofSST and vice versa with flood years. The relationship betweenSOI andSST is negative and significant at 0.1 % level. The relationships between all-India summer monsoon rainfall,SOI and sst are expected to improve our understanding of the interannual variability of the summer monsoon.  相似文献   

HF doppler observations of the vertical drift velocity and group height of the 5.5 MHz plasma frequency level of the post-sunset bottomside F-region obtained on a fewESF (equatorial spread-F) and non-ESF days at Trivandrum are presented. The results show that on the non-ESF days, the maximum group height attained is about 400 km and the maximum velocity is less than 30 m/sec. On theESF days, however, the corresponding values are found to be in the range of 400–650 km and 30–50 m/sec. TheESF onset is found to be significantly delayed relative to the velocity peak indicating that it is more closely linked to the layer height than to the drift velocity.  相似文献   

This article reviews the current state-of-the-art and future prospects of the microwave techniques for remote sensing of the earth’s atmosphere and ocean. Geophysical parameters and their relationship with measured thermal microwave radiation is established through radiative transfer processes. The atmospheric temperature profile obtained from microwave sounding unit (msu) onboardtiros-N series of satellites is operational and is used for numerical weather prediction. The demonstrated applications of scanning multichannel microwave radiometer (smmr) onboard most recent and advancedseasat satellite are highlighted.The capability ofseasat active sensors for monitoring ocean parameters have also been indicated. Feasible applications of microwave techniquese.g. moisture profile with advanced moisture sounder (amsu), and surface pressure from multifrequency active microwave pressure sounder (mps) are also described. Finally the recent and advanced microwave limb sounding (mls) technique and its applications to upper atmospheric research has been reviewed.  相似文献   

The paper describes use of Fabry-Perot (fp) systems in spectroscopic studies of astronomy and earth’s upper atmosphere. Factors influencing the resolution, luminosity and instrumental line shape offp spectrometer are discussed and the need for their optimization is emphasised, if desired luminosity gain is to be realised in practice. Use offp as imaging spectrometer, scanning spectrometer and as a narrow band filter are illustrated. Tandemfp systems are briefly dealt with.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Raster-Meßverfahren werden Kreuzschichtungs-Gefüge objektiv und vollständig erfaßt. Die Gefüge-Axen dienen zur geometrischen Beschreibung der angeschnittenen Körper. Aus ihrem Profil-Anschnitt wird die räumliche Ablagerungsform und Anordnung der Kreuzschichtungs-Körper rekonstruiert. Es ist danach möglich, fossile Kreuzschichtungs-Gefüge unter sich und mit rezenten Schüttungskörpern exakt zu vergleichen. Kreuzschichtungs-Körper in Flußablagerungen und in Gezeitenablagerungen unterscheiden sich; sie zeigen also Bildungsbedingungen an. Es ergeben sich Ansätze für eine natürliche Gliederung der Kreuzschichtung.Diese Untersuchungen an Kreuzschichtungs-Gefügen waren Gegenstand einer Doktorarbeit. Sie entstand 1954–56 am Geologischen Institut in Bonn auf Anregung von Prof. Dr. R.Brinkmann. Zur Arbeit beigetragen haben die Herren Prof. Dr. G.Wagner, Prof. Dr. P.Woldstedt, Prof. Dr. J.Frechen, Prof. Dr. W.Bierther, Prof. Dr. E.Seibold, Doz. Dr. R.Hoeppener, Dr. W.Niehoff, Dr. J.Hülsemann, Dr. G.-H.Tischer und mein Vater. Die Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes förderte die Arbeit.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungVortrag auf der Tagung der Geologischen Vereinigung am 8. Jan. 1938 zu Frankfurt a. M.Die angeführten experimentellen Daten wurden im Institut für Erdbauforschung der eidg. techn. Hochschule in Zürich bestimmt. Dessen Leitern Prof.Meyer-Peter und Prof.Niggli, wie auch P. D. Dr. E.Brandenberger, Ing.Häfeli und Ing.Maag sei hier bestens gedankt.  相似文献   

Bond distances and angles in isostructural, ordered clinopyroxenes are compared for eight compositions, based on five new and three published crystal-structure refinements from X-ray diffraction data. Unit-cell parameters and configuration of the silicate chains are directly correlated with cation composition and distribution in the M2 and M1 sites.Publication authorized by the Director, U. S. Geological Survey.Our thanks go to D. B. Stewart, C. Milton, and C. S. Ross, U. S. Geological Survey, who supplied crystals of the minerals, to D. B. Stewart for synthesis of iron spodumene, to Dr. L. Fuchs, Argonne National Laboratory, for synthesis of ureyite, and to Dr. B. Mason, U. S. National Museum, who transmitted the ureyite crystals.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungZum Schluss will ich nicht versäumen, den gebührenden Dank auszusprechen für Überlassung des beschriebenen Materials: den Herren Geheimrat Prof. Dr. Em.Kayser in Marburg, Prof. Dr. W.Deecke in Freiburg i. Br., Prof. Dr. O.Jaekel und Dr. R.Wilckens in Greifswald, welche erst dadurch die obige Untersuchung ermöglicht haben.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die chemische Analyse eines blauen Amphibols aus einem Marmor am Kontakt eines Serpentins im Glasbachgraben bei Schlaining im Burgenland läßt folgende Formel berechnen:. Dies entspricht einem Crossit bzw. einem Subglaukophan. Weiter werden Angaben über Spurenelemente, optische Konstanten und Gitterkonstanten gemacht. Ein Aufbau aus zwei verschiedenen Gittern, vgl.T. Ueda undK. Tomita (1964) sowieK. Tomita (1964), konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden.
Summary A chemical analysis of a blue amphibole in a marble from a contact zone with serpentine in the Glasbachgraben near Schlaining in the province of Burgenland results in the following formula:. This corresponds to a crossite (or a subglaucophane). Moreover, data are given on trace elements, optical constants, and lattice constants. A structure built of two different lattices, cp.T. Ueda andK. Tomita (1964), andK. Tomita (1964) could not be established.

Herrn Professor Dr.F. Machatschki zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

The sulfur content of teeth and bones has been determined by a microprobe. Recent samples only contain about 0.05 weight percent of sulfur, independent of a marine or terrestrial origin of the organisms. The total sulfur of these samples is partly related to the organic matter and partly to SO 4 2– -ions replacing PO 4 3– -ions in the crystalline matter of the skeletons. In the living organisms this matter consists of octacalciumphosphatecarbonate (OCPC) (Hayek, 1967), which is transformed only to a small degree into apatite. During diagenesis the process of apatite-crystallisation proceeds, and more sulfate enters the lattice of the phosphate, which leads to an enrichment of sulfur up to about one percent by weight. There is no relation observed between the concentration of sulfur and the age of the organisms. Influences of the environment of diagenesis on different minor compounds entering the phosphates of bones and teeth in different state of composition have been evaluated. As a result the possibility of dating fossils by minor element analysis (F, Mn, SO 4 2– etc.) must be questioned. Differences between freshwater and marine invironment of deposition cannot be observed in the total sulfur of diagenetic phosphates.

Ich danke Herrn Prof. Dr. K. H. Wedepohl für sein Interesse an der Durchführung dieser Arbeit und für seine aktive Unterstützung. Für die Überlassung von Proben danke ich ganz besonders Herrn Prof. Dr. O. H. Walliser, Herrn Dr. Frank Westphal, Mrs. L. S. StevenSon, Herrn Prof. Dr. H. W. Flügel, Herrn Prof. Dr. W. G. Kühne und Herrn Prof. Dr. K. Krömmelbein; für klärende Diskussionen Herrn Prof. Dr. O. H. Walliser, Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. C. W. Correns, Herrn Prof. Dr. K. H. Wedepohl, Herrn Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Kämmerer und Herrn Priv.-Doz. Dr. M. LieflÄnder; für die Übermittlung von Literatur und Hinweisen Herrn Priv.-Doz. Dr. H. Newesely; und für ihre Unterstützung und Diskussionsbereitschaft allen Mitarbeitern des Geochemischen Institutes der Universität Göttingen.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungZum Ende habe ich all den amerikanischen Fachgenossen herzlich zu danken, deren reiche Belehrung und Anregung ich wÄhrend eines lÄngeren Aufenthalts in Amerika genossen habe, vor allem meinem verehrten Lehrer und Freund A. W.Grabau, dann den ProfessorenKemp, Berkey, Johnson, dann dem deutsch-amerikanischen PalÄontologenRuedemann und dem Tektoniker der Geol. Survey, Dr.Keith.  相似文献   

The Lockne impact crater south of Östersund formed in the early Middle Cambrian with a diameter of 7 km. It is identified by its rim wall of crushed Precambrian basement granite, by fragments of impact melt, and by grains of shocked quartz. The exceptional preservation, in particular of the rim wall, is due to a complicated geological history, the first stage of which consisted of burial by marine sediments. This stage lasted until the Middle Ordovician, or over 50 million years. An early Caradoc lowering of the sea-level may have induced debris flows that stripped the rim wall of much of its sedimentary cover. Because normal marine sedimentation recommenced soon after this event, the structure was not seriously damaged, as it was buried again. The Caledonian orogeny emplaced an overthrust nappe as ultimate protection, which was removed by a recent erosion episode from all but the center of the structure.Structures formed by the impact of extraterrestrial bodies are very rare throughout much of Europe, because such structures are neither well preserved nor displayed in young mountain belts or sedimentary basins. However, northern Europe has several ascertained structures of this kind (Svensson &Wickman, 1965;Svensson, 1968;Bruun &Dahlman, 1982;Kala et al., 1984;Flodén et al., 1986;Wickman, 1988). Unfortunately, the hitherto known structures are either poorly preserved or hidden by younger deposits. We are reporting the discovery of a well-preserved exposed and accessible impact structure that has escaped the notice of geologists although important features of it have been described and puzzled over by generations of researchers (Wiman, 1900;Hadding, 1927;Thorslund, 1940;Lindström et al., 1983).The structure is located in the Lockne area to the south of Östersund in central Sweden. It has a diameter of 7 km and its center is near Tramsta on the northwest shore of Lake Locknesjön (Fig. 1). Its middle is covered by folded Lower to Middle Ordovician Orthoceratite Limestone with the sheared Lower Ordovician Töyen Shale at its base. This local expanse of deformed rock is the remainder after erosion of an extensive nappe of overthrust rocks emplaced during the Caledonian orogeny. The good preservation of the impact structure is due to the nappe cover, which had to be removed before erosion could attack the underlying structures.The rim of the impact crater is outlined by a wall of strongly shattered fragments of Proterozoic crystalline rocks (Fig. 2), which formed the local bedrock (Strömberg et al., 1984) at the time of impact. The rim wall is best preserved along the western part of the structure. It was referred to as »arkose-like breccia« byThorslund (1940), who interpreted it as the result of continental weathering, but the components rather show evidence of intense crushing than of weathering (Simon, 1987a). The »arkose-like breccia« does not contain components derived from the lower Palaeozoic deposits of the area.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Gegen die Strahlungskurve ist in steigendem Ma\e eingewandt worden, da\ dieKöppensche Zuordnung der Kältezacken zu denPenckschen Eiszeiten nicht möglich sei; insbesondere wird die Dreiteilung der Würm-Eiszeit abgelehnt. Die Neuberechnung der Kurve durchWoerkom beseitigt diese Schwierigkeit, wenn man die frühere Zacke W I der Ri\ eiszeit zuordnet und das W II als schwächere Phase erkennt, die dann vom Hauptwürm (früheren W III) überfahren wurde. Diese Auffassung wird durch C14-Messungen und Altersbestimmungen aus Tiefsee-Bohrkernen nachEmiliani gestützt, ferner durch Betrachtungen über die allgemeine Zirkulation, die ein Zusammenwirken der beiden Halbkugeln begründen. –Bacsák hat die Klimaverhältnisse der äquatorialzone untersucht und Ergebnisse gefunden, die mit denen vonWundt übereinstimmen. Des weiteren hat er die Lage der Planetenbahnen zur Erdbahn als Ursache von Eiszeitperioden herangezogen; solche können ganz allgemein durch überlagerung periodischer Funktionen begründet werden, wobei aber für die vor dem Quartär liegenden Zeiten eine wachsende überdeckung durch andere Ursachen, z. B. durch veränderte Meer- und Landbedeckung, in Rücksicht zu ziehen ist.
Summary One of the objections against the radiation curve is thatKöppen's correlation of the minima withPenck's ice ages is not possible. Especially the tripartition of the Würm glacial is not accepted. The improved curve byWoerkom overcomes this difficulty if the former minimum W I is correlated with the Ri\ glacial, and W II is taken as a weak minimum which was overridden by the main Würm (former W III). This assumption is supported by radiocarbon dates and by datings of deep-sea cores (Emiliani), and by reflections on the general circulation in both hemispheres.Bacsák has explored the climatic conditions in the equatorial region and his results fit with those ofWundt. He has also regarded the relation of the orbits of the planets to the orbit of the earth as one cause for Ice ages. But in pre-Quaternary times, other causes (e.g. changed distribution of seas and continents) may be more effective than this influence.

Zusammenfassung Einem Ersuchen der Schriftleitung der Geologischen Rundschau entsprechend sei hier als Einführung in die nachfolgenden Arbeiten von L.Greiling, G. v.Horstig und G.Stettner ein kurzer Überblick über die Hauptfragestellungen gegeben, die zur Zeit in der Münchberger Gneismasse und ihrer Umgebung zur Diskussion stehen.  相似文献   

From 19 granitic rock samples the coexisting biotites, muscovites, and chlorites were separated by means of a magnetic separator as well as through hand-picking under the microscope.The measured refractive indices and densities of the biotites and of the iron-rich chlorites show stronger variations than those measured on the muscovites.These data, together with 20 complete chemical analyses of these complicated layer silicates, were used to test the applicability of the rule of Gladstone and Dale giving a simple theoretical relationship between chemical composition, density and mean refractive index of a substance.For 16 samples the theoretical densities according to Gladstone-Dale agree within 2% with the measured densities. In 4 samples of biotite and muscovite showing high contents of fluorine discrepancies up to 4% were found.This might suggest that the specific refractive energy for F in layer silicates is different from the value given by Larsen and Berman for silicates in general.The effects of substitutions of main elements Si, Al, Fe2+, Mg, K, Ti, Fe3+, Ca, and F on the refractive indices of layer silicates are shown to be very complex.

Mein Dank gilt Herrn Direktor Prof. Dr. H. R. v. Gaertner, welcher meine Untersuchungen während meiner Tätigkeit bei der Bundesanstalt für Bodenforschung, Hannover, mit Interesse förderte. Ferner danke ich den Herren Dr. W. Harre und Dr. H. Gundlach, Bundesanstalt für Bodenforschung, für die Durchführung der chemischen Mineralanalysen, sowie der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bad Godesberg, für ihre finanzielle Beihilfe. Meinen Assistentinnen Frau H. Grapp, Frl. B. Köhler, Frl. G. Klaetsch und Frau R. keese sei herzlich für ihren geduldigen Fleiß bei den Separierungsarbeiten gedankt.  相似文献   

The ultrabasic rocks which form the Beni Bouchera massif are schistose and folded isoclinally. They outcrop at the center of a late formed anticline under a series of granulite facies precambrian or lower paleozoic rocks. The ultrabasic rocks appear to have been in situ during the major structural development of the series and were emplaced at the time of metamorphism. The massif itself is essentially a peridotite, apparently layered, which contains pyroxenite bands (about 3% of the total volume of the massif). The peridotites are olivinerich containing two aluminous pyroxenes and spinel. The pyroxenites are however quite varied. They are frequently banded themselves and in several centimeters thickness can vary from enstatite rocks at the exterior of the layers to garnet clinopyroxenites at the center with websterite and garnet websterite as intermediate rock type. They are also present as monofacies bands of enstatite or garnet clinopyroxenite rock. Occasionally the minerals in these bands show exsolution features.Thirty six new rock and mineral chemical analyses are presented here. An attempt is made to use these data correlated with abundant bibliographic material in order to evaluate the conditions of formation of the rock types. The temperature range is estimated to be 1100–1200° C, pressures between 15 and 20 kbs in the latest facies and 1400°C and 25 kbs for a primary phase represented by the pyroxenites showing marked exsolution features. Various arguments lead to the conclusion that the pyroxenite bands crystallized from a liquid which was in equilibrium with the solid lherzolite.One sees in the Beni Bouchera the results of anatectic melting of an aluminous peridotite which originated in the upper mantle. This partial fusion was caused by the adiabatic upward movement of the mantle material toward the lower crust where tangential tectonic movements emplaced it as a solidified mass in an orogenic root zone under granulite facies conditions.

Equipe de recherches associée au C.N.R.S.: Pétrogenèse des roches éruptives et métamorphiques

Plusieurs missions sur le terrain ont été effectuées avec le concours du Service Géologique du Maroc et grâce, particulièrement, à G. Choubert, M. Diouri, Y. Ennadifi et A. FaureMuret. Les études pétrographiques ont été poursuivies à la Sorbonne sous la direction de J. Jung et de J. Ravier. Une aide inestimable m'a été apportée par M. J. O'Hara pour la rédaction de ce mémoire. A divers titres j'ai largement bénéficié des conseils et critiques de B. Azambre, F. Conquere, M. Durand-Delga, M. Fonteilles, J. R. Kienast, B. Velde, D. Velde et J. C. Vilminot  相似文献   

Conclusion Roberts' mechanism of ore genesis in this paper is plausible and is worthy of consideration. It could well apply to situations such as the Missouri-type deposits, although Gerdemann and Myers (1972) might disagree. One cannot deny that dolomitization and diagenetic processes have occurred at Woodcutters, but in view of the folding and the time-relationships exhibited by the rocks, it would appear that these are not the ultimate ore-forming processes.It is possible that the mechanism of ore genesis proposed by Roberts might apply more fully to the Bulman deposits east of Woodcutters (Patterson, 1965) where the resemblance to a Missouritype situation is stronger.  相似文献   

Applying the method of ‘statistical linear regression’, atomspheric water vapour over oceanic areas has been estimated from the 19GHz and 22 GHz data of the satellite microwave radiometer (SAMIR) system onboard the Bhaskara II satellite. In the absence of any simultaneousin situ measurements on water vapour over ocean, theSAMIR-derived water vapour data have been compared with like data from theNOAA-7 satellite. It is suggested that a positive bias seen in theSAMIR data could be due to calibration errors in the basic data. In view of the observed bias, the original regression equation is modified and then used to obtain water vapour distributions over ocean for winter and south-west monsoon seasons usingSAMIR data of several orbits.  相似文献   

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