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Hydrogeochemistry of the Koyna River basin, famous for the Koyna earthquake (magnitude 7) of 1967, has been studied. Basalt is the primary aquifer; laterites, alluvium, and talus deposits form aquifers of secondary importance. Groundwater generally occurs under water table conditions in shallow aquifers. Deeper aquifers are associated only with basalts. One hundred and 87 water samples were collected from various sources, such as dugwells, borewells, springs, and surface water, including 40 samples for analysis of iron. Only major constituents were analyzed. Analyses show that the concentrations of Ca2+ exceed that of Mg2+ in almost all water samples; the concentrations of Na+ are generally next to Ca2+ and are always higher than that of K+; and CO3 2– and SO4 2– are very low and are often negligible. Groundwater in borewells tapping deeper aquifers has higher mineralization compared to that in dugwells representing shallow aquifers. Majority of the water samples are dominated by alkaline earths (Ca2+, Mg2+) and weak acids (HCO3 , CO3 2–). Groundwater from shallow aquifers is generally calcium-bicarbonate type (53%) and calcium-magnesium-bicarbonate type (27%). In case of deeper aquifer, it is mostly calcium-magnesium-bicarbonate type (29%), sodium-bicarbonate type (24%), calcium-bicarbonate type (19%), calcium-magnesium-sodium-bicarbonate type (19%) and sodium-calcium-bicarbonate type (9%). Groundwater water is generally fit for drinking and irrigation purposes, except in the lower reaches of the Koyna River basin, which is affected by near water logging conditions.  相似文献   

The study of hydrogeochemical data sets frequently calls for statistical dimension reducing techniques. It is well known that hydrochemical parameters are compositions and, for this type of data, the direct application of classical statistical methods based on the correlation matrix yield spurious results. But new results on compositional data analysis have identified the sampling space, the simplex, with an Euclidean space, a fact that allows us to define a simplicial factor analysis strategy, thus overcoming the problem. For illustration, we use samples from the Llobregat River and its tributaries (NE Spain). Three unobservable or latent factorial components are extracted, which are identified with pristine waters, potash-mining influence and urban sewage influence. These three factorial components or compositional factors are plotted in a factorial ternary diagram, which reflects the relative influence of each one of these factors on each observation.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2006,21(4):580-613
To quantify and explain the contributions by pollution and chemical weathering to their composition, we studied the chemistries of springs and surface waters in the mountainous part of the Vouga River basin. Water samples were collected during a number of consecutive summer campaigns. Recharge rates were derived from monitored discharge rates within the basin. Very large contributions by meteoric, agricultural and domestic sources to the water chemistries were found, identified by the chloride, sulfate and nitrate concentrations: on average only 1/4 to 1/3 of the solutes could be attributed to chemical weathering. Two petrologic units characterize the river basin: granites and metasediments. The waters collected within metasediment units are distinct from those in granite terrain by a higher magnesium concentration. On that basis, it could be estimated that the Rio Vouga, when leaving the mountainous part of the basin, has for some 2/5 a signature determined by chemical weathering in the metasediments. The dominant primary minerals subject to chemical weathering are plagioclase (Pl) and biotite (in granite) or Pl and chlorite (in metasediment). Kaolinite, gibbsite and vermiculite are the major weathering products where annual precipitation (P) > 1000 mm y−1, and kaolinite, vermiculite and smectite where P was lower. Using an algorithm based on the ratio of dissolved silica to bicarbonate, the contributions of chemical weathering of primary minerals could be unraveled. The results show that in granite the export rate (as mol ha−1 y−1 wt%mineral−1) of oligoclase (Pl with An10–30) was 5.0 ± 2.6 and of biotite 3.2 ± 2.6, while in metasediment these rates for albite (Pl with An0–10) are 16.5 ± 8.9 and for chlorite are 0.5 ± 0.5. The observed decrease of dissolved silica in surface waters relative to springs was ascribed to (summer) uptake by aquatic biota.  相似文献   

某石化污染场地含水层自然降解BTEX能力评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下水污染问题是国家关注的重要环境问题之一,监测与评估含水层自然降解污染物能力是防治地下水污染的基本手段,也是国外地下水中修复技术研究热点课题。以华北平原某石油化工类场地为案例,通过调查场地水文地质条件、土壤及地下水污染现状,监测场地地下水中苯系物(BTEX)浓度及相关化学参数变化,运用微生物水文地球化学方法和水文地质方法,估算了该场地含水层自然降解苯系物量。这一研究成果为评估我国石油类场地地下水污染的自然修复能力提供了实证和基础数据。  相似文献   

长江漫滩地区第四系松散层是一个巨厚的复杂含水体,地下水丰富,对深基坑施工影响极大。详细分析了南京梅子洲过江通道及青奥轴线地下交通系统工程中B2-J1区基坑降水工程的特征,分区分段进行降水设计,并根据各区段的地层特征,选用合适的降水井结构,利用全孔填滤料的方式对开挖面以上含水层进行疏导,取得良好的降水效果;针对坑内、外水位差大的区段设置坑外备用井,防止因围护结构缺陷造成基坑管涌,为基坑安全增加保障,并有效地控制了降水对周边环境破坏。  相似文献   

In the densely populated semi-arid territory around Delhi, the water demand is rising continuously, while the surface- and groundwater resources are threatened by contamination and overexploitation. This is a typical scenario in many newly industrialising and developing countries, where new approaches for a responsible resources management have to be found. Bank filtration holds a great potential, thus being a low tech method and benefiting from the storage and contaminant attenuation capacity of the natural soil/rock. For this study, three field sites have been constructed to investigate bank filtration in different environments in and around the megacity with a main focus on inorganic contaminants. Hydraulic heads, temperature gradients and hydrochemistry of surface water and groundwater were analysed in three different seasons. Depending on site-specific conditions, distinct hydrogeological conditions were observed and both positive and negative effects on water quality were identified. Most concerning issues are the impact of anthropogenic ammonia, the mixing with ambient saline groundwater and the mobilisation of arsenic during the reductive dissolution of manganese- and iron-(hydr)oxides. Positive aspects are the dilution of contaminants during the mixing of waters from different sources, the sorption of arsenic, denitrification, and the precipitation of fluoride under favourable conditions.  相似文献   

 The Yamuna River sediments, collected from Delhi and Agra urban centres, were analysed for concentration and distribution of nine heavy metals by means of atomic adsorption spectrometry. Total metal contents varied in the following ranges (in mg/kg): Cr (157–817), Mn (515–1015), Fe (28,700–45,300), Co(11.7–28.4), Ni (40–538), Cu (40–1204), Zn (107–1974), Pb (22–856) and Cd (0.50–114.8). The degree of metal enrichment was compared with the average shale concentration and shows exceptionally high values for Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in both urban centres. In the total heavy metal concentration, anthropogenic input contains 70% Cr, 74% Cu, 59% Zn, 46% Pb, 90% Cd in Delhi and 61% Cr, 23% Ni, 71% Cu, 72% Zn, 63% Pb, 94% Cd in Agra. A significant correlation was observed between increasing Cr, Ni, Zn, and Cu concentrations with increasing total sediment carbon and total sediment sulfur content. Based on the Müller's geoaccumulation index, the quality of the river sediments can be regarded as being moderately polluted to very highly polluted with Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd in the Delhi and Agra urban centres. The present sediment analysis, therefore, plays an important role in environmental measures for the Yamuna River and the planning of these city centres. Received: 21 June 1999 · Accepted: 1 October 1999  相似文献   

本文确定了第四系含水层划分原则,根据该原则将工作区划分为第一、第二及第三含水层,阐述了各含水层岩性、水文地质参数、富水性及地下水循环特征,建立了地下水循环流动框图.  相似文献   

River Vrishabhavathy, a tributary of Cauvery River was studied for 12 physico-chemical parameters at four sites over a distance of 50 km for a period of 2 years (1999–2001) at monthly intervals. Water was faintly alkaline, with pH showing negative correlation with temperature. The dissolved oxygen content increased downstream with negative correlation to biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and turbidity. Bicarbonate alkalinity was very low compared with carbonate alkalinity. Carbonate alkalinity, total hardness, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, electrical conductivity, BOD and COD decreased downstream, with an upward trend in the middle reaches due to the introduction of raw sewage. The seasonal and yearly trends are also discussed. The river is a sewer collector undergoing self-purification.  相似文献   

This is the first hydro-geochemical investigation carried out on the Roccamonfina Volcanic Complex groundwaters. The chemistry of Roccamonfina waters is defined by water–rock and water–rock–gas interactions. In fact, interactions between rocks of the first eruptive high-K formations and circulating groundwaters are recognized by high K concentrations. On the other hand, inverse concentration of calcium versus alkali metals is related to two different rock interactions occurring in different areas of the volcano: (a) within the caldera where groundwaters flow within latite and pyroclastic formations releasing calcium, and (b) similarly at the base of the volcano where groundwaters flowing from surrounding carbonates got strongly enriched in Ca. These geochemical processes are also associated with K (SE of caldera) and Mg/Ca (in sites located at the NE base of the volcano) decrease. Completely different dynamics occurs at Riardo groundwaters (SE). Here waters are the result of a mix between the Roccamonfina deep aquifer and the carbonate aquifer of the Riardo plain. Rich-CO2 emissions make these waters strongly mineralized. Minor elements show a similar geochemical behavior of major ions and are crucial defining interactions processes. The evolution of Roccamonfina groundwaters is also evident along the simultaneous enrichment of Ba, Sr, and Ca. Ba increase is the result of deep local carbonate alteration enhanced by CO2 emissions and, the lower Sr/Ca ratio, from 10 to 2 (ppb/ppm), is also due to the same process. In the light of our results the Roccamonfina aquifer can be schematically divided into two main reservoirs: (a) a superficial aquifer which basically follows the volcanic structure morphology and tectonics and (b) a deeper reservoir, originating within the oldest Roccamonfina volcano ultra potassic lavas and then flowing into the carbonate aquifers of the neighboring plain. Eventually, the chemistry of the Roccamonfina aquifer does not show any specific and visible pollution, contrary to what happens in the volcano surrounding plains. In fact, only 14% of the samples we collected (206) show a NO3 content >30 mg/l. These sites are all located at the base of the volcano, near the plain.  相似文献   

Atmospheric dust is considered to be the major cause of poor air quality due to its contribution to high particulate levels, but their interaction with the acidic gases helps in controlling the level of SO2 and NO2 through ambient neutralization reactions. In the present study, the interaction of acidic gases such as SO2 and NO2 with alkaline dust was investigated during October, 2013–July, 2014 at a site named as Babarpur located at the Trans-Yamuna region of Delhi. The concentration of SO2 ranged from 10 to 170 μg/m3 with an average of 36 μg/m3 while that of NO2 ranged from 15 to 54 μg/m3 with an average of 26?±?8 μg/m3. The results were observed to be well within the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) limits prescribed by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). The average concentrations of SO2 during day and night time were recorded as 31?±?18 and 43?±?53 μg/m3 respectively while the mean concentrations of NO2 during day and night time were recorded as 26?±?7 and 27?±?12 μg/m3 respectively. A positive correlation between SO42? and NO3? was also observed indicating their secondary aerosol formation. In aerosol phase, average concentrations of SO42? during day and night time were 3.9?±?0.3 and 6.5?±?2.3 μg/m3 respectively while that of NO3? were 9.5?±?1.5 and 7.3?±?0.5 μg/m3 respectively. Molar ratios of Ca2+/SO42?, NH4+/SO42?, and NH4+/NO3? were observed as 8, 5, and 1.7 during daytime and 1.5, 0.4, and 0.8 during nighttime respectively. Such molar ratios confirmed high concentrations of sulphate (SO4)2? and low concentrations of nitrate (NO3?) during night time, thereby indicating different pathway of aerosol formation during day and night time. Surface morphology and elemental composition of aerosol samples showed various oval, globular, and platy shapes where the diameter varied from few nm to ~5 μm depending on their precursors. There were certain shapes like grossularite, irregular aggregate, grape-like, triangular, and flattened which indicate the crustal origin of aerosols and their possible role in SO2 and NO2 adsorption.  相似文献   

A first order seismic microzonation map of Delhi is prepared using five thematic layers viz., Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) contour, different soil types at 6 m depth, geology, groundwater fluctuation and bedrock depth, integrated on GIS platform. The integration is performed following a pair-wise comparison of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), wherein each thematic map is assigned weight in the 5-1 scale: depending on its contribution towards the seismic hazard. Following the AHP, the weightage assigned to each theme are: PGA (0.333), soil (0.266), geology (0.20), groundwater (0.133) and bedrock depth (0.066). The thematic vector layers are overlaid and integrated using GIS. On the microzonation theme, the Delhi region has been classified into four broad zones of vulnerability to the seismic hazard. They are very high (> 52%), high (38–52%), moderate (23–38%) and less ( < 23%) zones of seismic hazard. The “very high” seismic hazard zone is observed where the maximum PGA varies from 140 to 210 gal for a finite source model of Mw 8.5 in the central seismic gap. A site amplification study from local and regional earthquakes for Delhi region using Delhi Telemetry Network data shows a steeper site response gradient in the eastern side of the Yamuna fluvial deposits at 1.5 Hz. The ‘high’ seismic hazard zone occupies most of the study area where the PGA value ranges from 90 to 140 gal. The ‘moderate’ seismic hazard zone occurs on either side of the Delhi ridge with PGA value varying from 60 to 90 gal. The ‘less’ seismic hazard zone occurs in small patches distributed along the study area with the PGA value less than 60 gal. Site response studies, PGA distribution and destruction pattern of the Chamoli earthquake greatly corroborate the seismic hazard zones estimated through microzonation on GIS platform and also establishes the methodology incorporated in this study.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemistry of the Saloum (Senegal) superficial coastal aquifer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seawater has entered and concentrated in the Saloum hydrologic system up to 100 km upstream, contaminating both the surface water and the superficial 'Continental terminal' (CT) groundwater resources, and large proportions of cultivated lands. In the areas affected by saltwater contamination, chloride concentrations as high as 3,195 mg/l have been measured in the groundwater samples collected from wells located in the vicinity of the Saloum River, making the water inadequate for drinking water purposes. This paper presents the results of a study designed to characterise the current extent of the saline groundwater and the mechanism of saline surface water body/fresh groundwater mixing in relation to the groundwater flow trends. It also describes the groundwater chemical and isotopic composition and geochemical processes controlling the chemical patterns. Four major water types occur in the study area, namely Na-rich saline groundwater, Ca-Na-rich saline groundwater, Na-dominant fresh groundwater and Ca-dominant fresh groundwater. A hydrogeochemical zonation of the aquifer, based on the presence of different water families and on the groundwater flow, led to the identification of the main processes controlling the groundwater chemistry. Cation exchange reactions on the kaolinite clay mineral, calcite dissolution in the eastern zone where calcite minerals have been identified, reverse cation exchange reactions in the saline-contaminated band along the Saloum River and, to a lesser extent, a gypsum dissolution are the predominant processes. Results of i18O and iD analysis in 15 groundwater samples compared with the local meteoric line indicate that the groundwater has been affected by evaporation, and the groundwater is isotopically lighter as the depth of water table increases. In this study, i18O data were used in conjunction with chloride data to identify the source of high chloride. Results show a departure of the contaminated water samples from the seawater mixing line, which indicates that other processes rather than mixing between modern seawater and native groundwater alone increase the chloride concentrations.  相似文献   

Yaffa Truelove 《Geoforum》2011,42(2):143-152
This article demonstrates how a feminist political ecology (FPE) framework can be utilized to expand scholarly conceptualizations of water inequality in Delhi, India. I argue that FPE is well positioned to complement and deepen urban political ecology work through attending to everyday practices and micropolitics within communities. Specifically, I examine the embodied consequences of sanitation and ‘water compensation’ practices and how patterns of criminality are tied to the experience of water inequality. An FPE framework helps illuminate water inequalities forged on the body and within particular urban spaces, such as households, communities, streets, open spaces and places of work. Applying FPE approaches to the study of urban water is particularly useful in analyzing inequalities associated with processes of social differentiation and their consequences for everyday life and rights in the city. An examination of the ways in which water practices are productive of particular urban subjectivities and spaces complicates approaches that find differences in distribution and access to be the primary lens for viewing how water is tied to power and inequality.  相似文献   

High Arsenic (As) concentrations have been reported in superficial water in the Yamuna flood plains (YFP), Delhi, which is being extensively used for agriculture. The concentration of As in some common vegetables such as Solanum lycopersicum (tomato), Abelmoschus esculentus (lady’s finger), Solanum melongena (brinjal), Lagenaria siceraria (bottle gourd), Raphanus sativus (radish), Zea mays (corn), and Luffa acutangula (ridge gourd) has been studied in this work. The range of As concentrations (dry weight) varies from 0.6 to 2.52 mg/kg with the highest accumulation of 2.52 mg/kg in radish followed by tomato (2.36 mg/kg). The order of As concentration in the decreasing order is R. sativus > S. lycopersicum > Z. mays > L. acutangula > L. siceraria > S. melongena > A. esculentus. Thus, As accumulation is the highest in roots and the lowest in least juicy fruits. The daily dietary intake of As through the consumption of various vegetables was also calculated. Though the mean As concentration was the highest in radish (2.52 mg/kg) but the highest amount of As is being consumed through tomato (0.383 mg/day), which is nearly three times the World Health Organization’s provisional maximum tolerable daily intake limit of 0.126 mg/day for a 60 kg person. High concentration of As in vegetables grown in YFP, Delhi is being reported here. This high contamination is primarily due to the presence of As in irrigation water having its source from coal-based thermal power plants in the vicinity of the area. If not checked properly, it will pose a serious health risk to people living in these densely populated areas surrounding YFP.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemistry of Wujiang River Water in Guizhou Province,China   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
The chemical composition of Wujiang River water represents that of river water from the typical carbonate areas.Ite hydrogeochemical characteristics are different from those of global major rivers.The Wujiang River and its tributaries have high total dissolved solid concentrations,with Ca^2 and HCO3^- being dominant,Mg^2 and SO4^2- coming next.Both Na^ K^ and Cl^- Si account for 5%-10% of the total cations and anions,respectively,These general features show the chemical composition of river water is largely controlled by carbonate weathering,with the impact of silicate and evaporate weathering being of less importance.Production activity,minin practice and industrial pollution also have some influence on the chemical composition of rive water.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1997,12(4):483-496
The34S-to-32S ratio in dissolved SO4 has been studied in the Kalix River, Northern Sweden, and its catchment. Weekly sampling over 17 months revealed temporal variations from +5.3‰ up to +7.4‰ in the δ34S values in the river. Snow and rain samples showed lower δ34S values (average +5.6‰ and +5.0‰, respectively). The atmosphere is the major source for S in surface waters in the catchment, and the heavier δ34S values in the river are a result of SO4 reduction within the catchment.Most of the temporal variations in the δ34S value in the river are caused by a mixing of water from the mountain areas (relatively light δ34S) and the woodland. The δ34S value is relatively heavy in the woodland tributaries because of bacterial SO4 reduction in peatland areas influenced by groundwater.The highest δ34S values were measured during the spring flood, in June and in November. These heavy δ34S values are related to different types of water with diverse origins.The heavy δ34S values coinciding with the early spring flood originate from peatland areas in the woodland. Relatively heavy δ34S values (up to +14.4‰) were registered in mire water. Smaller variations of the δ34S value during summer and early autumn most likely were caused by the input of ground-mire water during heavy rains. A correlation between increased TOC concentrations and increased δ34S values was observed.The heavy δ34S values in June and November probably originate from SO4 reduction in bottom water and sediments in lakes within the catchment. Bottom water, enriched in34SSO4, was transported in the river during the spring and autumn overturn.  相似文献   

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