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We study an interval of 56 h on January 16 to 18, 1995, during which the GEOTAIL spacecraft traversed the duskside magnetosheath from X ≅ −15 to −40 RE and the EPIC/ICS and EPIC/STICS sensors sporadically detected tens of energetic particle bursts. This interval coincides with the expansion and growth of a great geomagnetic storm. The flux bursts are strongly dependent on the magnetic field orientation. They switch on whenever the Bz component approaches zero (Bz ≅ 0 nT). We strongly suggest a magnetospheric origin for the energetic ions and electrons streaming along these “exodus channels”. The time profiles for energetic protons and “tracer” O+ ions are nearly identical, which suggests a common source. We suggest that the particles leak out of the magnetosphere all the time and that when the magnetosheath magnetic field connects the spacecraft to the magnetotail, they stream away to be observed by the GEOTAIL sensors. The energetic electron fluxes are not observed as commonly as the ions, indicating that their source is more limited in extent. In one case study the magnetosheath magnetic field lines are draped around the magnetopause within the YZ plane and a dispersed structure for peak fluxes of different species is detected and interpreted as evidence for energetic electrons leaking out from the dawn LLBL and then being channelled along the draped magnetic field lines over the magnetopause. Protons leak from the equatorial dusk LLBL and this spatial differentiation between electron and proton sources results in the observed dispersion. A gradient of energetic proton intensities toward the ZGSM= 0 plane is inferred. There is a permanent layer of energetic particles adjacent to the magnetosheath during this interval in which the dominant component of the magnetic field was Bz.  相似文献   

Using the empirical magnetic field model dependent on the Dst index and solar wind dynamic pressure, we calculated the behaviour of the contour B = Bs in the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere where Bs is the magnetic field in the subsolar point at the magnetopause. The inner domain of the magnetosphere outlined by this contour contains the bulk of geomag-netically trapped particles. During quiet time the boundary of the inner magnetosphere passes at the distance ∼10RE at noon and at ∼7RE at midnight. During very intense storms this distance can be reduced to 4–5 RE for all MLT. The calculation results agree well with the satellite measurements of the magneto-pause location during storms. The ionospheric projection of the B = Bs contour calculated with the Euler potential technique is close to the equatorward edge of the auroral oval.  相似文献   

It is shown that the interaction of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), when it has southward component, with the geomagnetic field leads to the formation of an enhanced pressure layer (EPL) near the magnetopause. Currents flowing on the boundary between the EPL and the magnetosheath prevent the IMF from penetrating the magnetosphere. However, the outward boundary of the EPL is unstable. The interchange instability permanently destroys the EPL. Separate filaments of the EPL move away from the Earth. New colder plasma of the magnetosheath with a frozen magnetic field replaces the hotter EPL plasma, and the process of EPL formation and destruction repeats itself.The instability increment is calculated for various magnitudes of the azimuthal wave number, ky, and curvature radius of the magnetic field lines, Rc. The disturbances with R−1e\leqky\leq4R−1e (where Re is the Earth’s radius) and Rc\simeqRe are the most unstable.A possible result of the interchange instability of the EPL may be patchy reconnection, displayed as flux transfer events (FTEs) near the magnetopause.  相似文献   

We analyse the fluctuations of the electron density and of the magnetic field in the Earth’s magnetosheath to identify the waves observed below the proton gyrofrequency. We consider two quiet magnetosheath crossings i.e. 2 days characterized by small-amplitude waves, for which the solar wind dynamic pressure was low. On 2 August 1978 the spacecraft were in the outer magnetosheath. We compare the properties of the observed narrow-band waves with those of the unstable linear wave modes calculated for an homogeneous plasma with Maxwellian electron and bi-Maxwellian (anisotropic) proton and alpha particle distributions. The Alfvén ion cyclotron (AIC) mode appears to be dominant in the data, but there are also density fluctuations nearly in phase with the magnetic fluctuations parallel to the magnetic field. Such a phase relation can be explained neither by the presence of a proton or helium AIC mode nor by the presence of a fast mode in a bi-Maxwellian plasma. We invoke the presence of the helium cut-off mode which is marginally stable in a bi-Maxwellian plasma with <alpha> particles: the observed phase relation could be due to a hybrid mode (proton AIC + helium cut-off) generated by a non-Maxwellian or a non-gyrotropic part of the ion distribution functions in the upstream magnetosheath. On 2 September 1981 the properties of the fluctuations observed in the middle of the magnetosheath can be explained by pure AIC waves generated by protons which have reached a bi-Maxwellian equilibrium. For a given wave mode, the phase difference between B \Vert and the density is sensitive to the shape of the ion and electron distribution functions: it can be a diagnosis tool for natural and simulated plasmas.  相似文献   

Measurements of the changes in phase path of F-region reflections at normal incidence at Kodaikanal (77° 28′E, 10° 14′N, dip 3°N) from February 1991 to February 1993 are used to determine the variation of the equatorial evening F-region vertical drifts (Vz) with season, solar and magnetic activity. It is found that on average, at Kodaikanal, the post-sunset peak in Vz(Vzp) is higher in equinox and local winter months than in local summer. The day-to-day variability in Vzp is highest in summer and lowest in winter. This seasonal trend persists even on magnetically quiet days (Ap\leq14). Vzp is found to increase with 10.7 cm solar flux in all three seasons but tends to saturate for large flux values (>230 units) during local summer and winter months. Magnetic activity [represented by Ap as well as the time-weighted accumulations of ap and ap ()] does not seem to have any statistically significant effect on Vzp, except during equinoctial months of moderate solar activity, when Vzp decreases as magnetic activity increases.  相似文献   

Summary In a series of triaxial experiments we have measuredV p ,V s and volumetric strain simultaneously in dilating dry and saturated rocks. For the first time these data permit quantitative comparison of seismic velocities or their ratio and dilatant volumetric strain. In air-dry samplesV p /V s decreases by a few per cent at strains of 10–3; in saturated materials with high pore pressure,V p /V s increases by a comparable amount. Decreases in seismic velocity ratio are difficult to generate in initially saturated rocks even with low pore pressures and at strain rates of 10–4/sec. A liquid-vapor transition will not produce a significant drop inV p /V s . If dilatancy and fluid flow are responsible for seismic travel time anomalies prior to earthquakes, our results suggest that such anomalies will occur only in regions where pore fluid source to sink dimensions are of the order of 10 km or more, or in regions where the rocks are not saturated to begin with.  相似文献   

New observations of energetic helium ion fluxes in the Earth’s radiation belts have been obtained with the CAMMICE/HIT instrument on the ISTP/GGS POLAR spacecraft during the extended geomagnetically low activity period April through October 1996. POLAR executes a high inclination trajectory that crosses over both polar cap regions and passes over the geomagnetic equator in the heart of the radiation belts. The latter attribute makes possible direct observations of nearly the full equatorial helium ion pitch angle distributions in the heart of the Earth’s radiation belt region. Additionally, the spacecraft often re-encounters the same geomagnetic flux tube at a substantially off-equatorial location within a few tens of minutes prior to or after the equatorial crossing. This makes both the equatorial pitch angle distribution and an expanded view of the local off-equatorial pitch angle distribution observable. The orbit of POLAR also permitted observations to be made in conjugate magnetic local time sectors over the course of the same day, and this afforded direct comparison of observations on diametrically opposite locations in the Earth’s radiation belt region at closely spaced times. Results from four helium ion data channels covering ion kinetic energies from 520 to 8200 KeV show that the distributions display trapped particle characteristics with angular flux peaks for equatorially mirroring particles as one might reasonably expect. However, the helium ion pitch angle distributions generally flattened out for equatorial pitch angles below about 45°. Significant and systematic helium ion anisotropy difference at conjugate magnetic local time were also observed, and we report quiet time azimuthal variations of the anisotropy index.  相似文献   

Temperature is an important factor affecting seismic velocity, and terrestrial heat flow is the most direct indication of temperature distribution of the lithosphere. Some authors therefore suggested that Pn velocity should be inversely related with heat flow. The average heat flow values (q) and Pn velocities (V Pn) in 22 areas have been calculated and collected from published literatures to investigate the possible correlation between these two parameters for the continental area of China. However, the results show that the variations ofq andV Pn in the studied areas are far away from the expected inverse relation. The effects of pressure of seismic velocity and contribution of crustal radiogenic heat on heat flow have been taken into consideration in regressions respectively and simultaneously. However, all the corrections are of little help for the improvement of the expected inverse relation. The conclusion deduced from the present study is that in a large scale region with complex tectonic evolution history and complex deep structure framework such as the continental area of China, temperature at the Moho boundary is not the most important factor affecting Pn velocity. The conceptual inverse correlation between heat flow and Pn velocity might be masked by various “noises”. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, 42–50, 1992.  相似文献   

The upper crustal (20 km)P-wave velocity beneath the Shillong Plateau and Nowgong area has been studied by the time-distance plot method. TheP-arrival data of the shallow (20 km) microearthquakes from three temporary networks are used, and the average velocity is found to be 5.55 km/s. The velocity ratio (V p /V s ) for the upper crust (0–20 km) as well as for the lower crust (21–40 km) are determined by the Wadati-plot method and station-by-station method. The average value obtained by the two methods is compatible; theV p /V s ranges between 1.74 to 1.76. A generalized seismic velocity model of the area is suggested by this study, which has been very useful for microearthquake location.  相似文献   

The optical observations on Heiss Island (Φ′ = 75.0°) have been used to study the characteristics of auroras in the near-noon MLT sector after abrupt increases in the solar wind dynamic pressure at negative and positive polarity of the IMF B z component. It has been found out that the 427.8 and 557.7 nm emission intensities considerably increased at B z < 0 both equatorward of the dayside red luminosity band and within this band. The value of the emission intensities at a red luminosity maximum (I 6300/I 5577 ∼ 0.5) indicates that energetic electron precipitation is of the magnetospheric origin. At B z > 0, fluxes of harder (E > 1 keV) precipitating electrons were superimposed on the soft spectrum of precipitating particles in the equatorial part of the red luminosity band. This red band part was hypothetically caused by the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) on closed lines of the geomagnetic field, the estimated thickness of which is ∼3 R e . The 557.7 nm emission intensity increased during 3–5 min after SC/SI and was accompanied by the displacement of the red band equatorward boundary toward lower latitudes. The displacement value was ∼150–200 km when the dynamic pressure abruptly increased by a factor of 3–5. After SC/SI, the 630.0 nm emission intensity continued increasing during 16–18 min. It is assumed that the time of an increase in the red line intensity corresponds to the time of saturation of the magnetospheric boundary layers with magnetosheath particles after an abrupt increase in their density.  相似文献   

Wave–particle interactions are described in the quasi-linear formulation by bounce-averaged diffusion coefficients for equatorial pitch angle α0 and for momentum p, along with a mixed or cross diffusion coefficient Dα0p. Because the cross terms complicate the associated time-dependent diffusion equation, and because Dα0p has a somewhat unfamiliar character (e.g., it may be negative), it has frequently been omitted in numerical simulations of multidimensional diffusion. Generally, Dα0p becomes increasingly important for small values of fpe/fce, as does Dpp, and for small widths of the wave frequency and wavenormal angle distributions. Here we use very simple models of diffusion to investigate the effect of the cross terms, and to demonstrate numerical problems associated with them.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the variation of Vp/Vs and Poisson's ratio (δ) in the Yellowstone National Park region, using earthquakes which were well recorded by a local seismic network. We find that the average Vp/Vs value within the geothermally active Yellowstone caldera is about 7% lower than in the area outside the caldera. Within the caldera itself there may be a further 2–7% reduction of Vp/Vs in the hydrothermally active Norris Geyser Basin, the Upper and Lower Geyser Basins, and the Yellowstone Lake and Mud Volcano regions. After considering various possible causes for Vp/Vs changes, such as geologic and structural differences, thermal effects, partial melting, and hydrothermal activity, we conclude that the most plausible explanation for the observed Vp/Vs reduction is the presence of hot-water at temperatures and pore-pressures near the water steam transition in the caldera geothermal reservoirs.  相似文献   

Three component recordings from an array of five ocean bottom seismographs in the northwestern part of the Vøring basin have been used to obtain a 2-D shear-wave (S-wave) velocity-depth model. The shear waves are identified by means of travel-time differences compared to the compressional (P) waves, and by analyzing their particle motions. The model has been obtained by kinematic (travel-time) ray-tracing modelling of the OBS horizontal components.The shear-wave modelling indicates that mode conversions occur at several high velocity interfaces (sills) in the 4–10 km depth range, previously defined by a compressional-wave velocity-depth model using the same data set.An averageV p /V s ratio of 2.1 is inferred for the layers above the uppermost sill, indicative of both poorly consolidated sediments and a low sand/shale ratio. A significant decrease in theV p /V s ratio (1.7) below the first sill may in part be atributed to well consolidated sediments, and to a change in lithology to more sandy sediments. This layer is interpreted to lie within the lower Cretaceous sequence. At 5–10 km depthV p /V s ratios of 1.85 indicate a lower sand/shale ratio consistent with the expected lithologies. The averageV p /V s ratio inferred for the crust is 1.75, which is consistent with values obtained north of Vøring, in the Lofoten area. An eastward thinning of the crystalline basement is supported by the shear-wave modelling.  相似文献   

A new set of three-dimensional velocity models beneath Mt. Etna volcano is derived in the present work. We have used P- and S-wave arrivals from local earthquakes recorded at permanent and temporary seismic networks installed since 1980. A set of 1249 earthquakes recorded at more than four seismic stations was selected for traveltime inversion. The velocity models obtained by using different data selection criteria and parametrization display similar basic features, showing a high P-wave velocity at shallow depth in the SE quadrant, in close connection with a high gravimetric Bouguer anomaly. This area shares a low Vp/Vs ratio. High P-wave velocities and high Vp/Vs ratios are obtained along the central conduits, suggesting the presence of dense, intrusive magmatic bodies extending to a depth of about 20 km. The central intrusive core is surrounded by lower P-wave velocities. The relocated earthquake hypocenters also display the presence of an outward dipping brittle region, away from the central conduits, surrounding a ductile zone spatially related to the high P-wave velocity anomalies located in proximity to the central craters.  相似文献   

Estimates of lifetimes against pitch angle diffusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider timescales on which particle distributions respond to pitch angle diffusion. On the longest timescale, the distribution decays at a single rate independent of equatorial pitch angle α0, even though the diffusion coefficient, and the distribution itself, may vary greatly with α0. We derive a simple integral expression to approximate this decay rate and show that it gives good agreement with the full expression. The roles of both the minimum and loss cone values of the diffusion coefficient are demonstrated and clarified.  相似文献   

We estimated three-dimensional P- (Vp) and S-wave velocity (Vs) and Vp/Vs structures in and around the Onikobe volcanic area, northeastern Japan, by local travel time tomography. We used travel time data from source and receiver pairs located within and outside the study area, which plays an important role in obtaining the optimum ray coverage and in elucidating the deeper structure more accurately. Detailed information on deeper structures is essential for imaging the complete volcanic system from the magmatic source zone through areas of shallow hydrothermal circulation. More than 50 000 travel time data for the P-waves and 35 000 for the S-waves were used to image the velocity structure. Our results show the following dominant features: (1) two conduits in the upper crust with low Vp and low Vs indicative of H2O-rich fluid pathways: one lying beneath Naruko volcano, the other beneath the focal area of the 1962 Northern Miyagi earthquake (M6.5); (2) an underlying broad region in the lower crust with low Vp, low Vs and high Vp/Vs, suggestive of a zone of partial melt, from which the fluids in (1) are derived; and (3) low Vp/Vs areas near the surface of the Sanzugawa and Onikobe calderas, suggesting a diffuse vapor-saturated cap.  相似文献   

We present both statistical and case studies of magnetosheath interaction with the high-latitude magnetopause on the basis of Interball-1 and other ISTP spacecraft data. We discuss those data along with recently published results on the topology of cusp-magnetosheath transition and the roles of nonlinear disturbances in mass and energy transfer across the high-latitude magnetopause. For sunward dipole tilts, a cusp throat is magnetically open for direct interaction with the incident flow that results in the creation of a turbulent boundary layer (TBL) over an indented magnetopause and downstream of the cusp. For antisunward tilts, the cusp throat is closed by a smooth magnetopause; demagnetized ‘plasma balls’ (with scale ∼ few RE, an occurrence rate of ∼25% and trapped energetic particles) present a major magnetosheath plasma channel just inside the cusp. The flow interacts with the ‘plasma balls’ via reflected waves, which trigger a chaotization of up to 40% of the upstream kinetic energy. These waves propagate upstream of the TBL and initiate amplification of the existing magnetosheath waves and their cascade-like decays during downstream passage throughout the TBL. The most striking feature of the nonlinear interaction is the appearance of magnetosonic jets, accelerated up to an Alfvenic Mach number of 3. The characteristic impulsive local momentum loss is followed by decelerated Alfvenic flows and modulated by the TBL waves; momentum balance is conserved only on time scales of the Alfvenic flows (1/fA ∼12 min). Wave trains at fA∼1.3 mHz are capable of synchronizing interactions throughout the outer and inner boundary layers. The sonic/Alfvenic flows, bounded by current sheets, control the TBL spectral shape and result in non-Gaussian statistical characteristics of the disturbances, indicating the fluctuation intermittency. We suggest that the multi-scale TBL processes play at least a comparable role to that of macro-reconnection (remote from or in the cusp) in solar wind energy transformation and population of the magnetosphere by the magnetosheath plasma. Secondary micro-reconnection constitutes a necessary chain at the small-scale (∼ion gyroradius) edge of the TBL cascades. The thick TBL transforms the flow energy, including deceleration and heating of the flow in the open throat, ‘plasma ball’ and the region downstream of the cusp.  相似文献   

Ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) eclogites often show strong plastic deformation and anisotropy of seismic properties. We report in this paper the seismic velocity and anisotropy of eclogite calculated from the crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) of constituent minerals (garnet, omphacite, quartz and rutile) and single crystal elastic properties. We also compared the calculated results with the measured results in similar eclogites. Our results suggest that (1) Except that garnet is a seismically quasi-isotropic mineral, omphacite, quartz, coesite and rutile all have strong seismic anisotropies (AVp = 23.0%―40.9%, Max. AVs = 18.5%―47.1%). They are the major sources for anisotropy in eclogite. The average seismic velocities are fast in garnet and rutile, moderate in omphacite and coesite, and slow in quartz. (2) The deformed eclogites have the maximum Vp (8.33―8.75 km/s) approximately parallel to foliation and lineation, the minimum Vp (8.25―8.62 km/s) approximately normal to foliation and lineation and the Vp anisotropies of 1.0―1.7%. Their Vs are 4.93―4.97 km/s. The corresponding maximum anisotropies (0.73%―1.78%) of Vs are at 45° to both foliation and lineation and the minimum anisotropies at positions normal to lineation on the foliation plane. The Vs1 polarization planes are approximately parallel to foliation. The mean Vp and Vs of eclogite under UHP peak metamorphism conditions (P = 3―5 GPa, T = 900―1100℃) are estimated to be 3.4%―7.2% and 6.3%―12.1% higher than those at ambient pressure and temperature conditions, respectively. (3) Omphacite component dominates the anisotropy of eclogite while garnet component reduces the anisotropy and increases the seismic velocities. Quartz component has a small effect on the anisotropy but reduces the seismic velocities of eclogite. The effect of rutile component is negligible on seismic properties of eclogite due to its trivial volume fraction. (4) The increase of volume fraction of omphacite in eclogite will reduce the seismic velocities and increase the anisotropy. Omphacitite has seismic velocities reduced by 6%―8% and anisotropies increased to 3%―4% compared to those of garnetite. Our results suggest that the seismic properties calculated with single crystal elastic properties and CPOs are equivalent to those measured in laboratory. Moreover, it provides insights into the mineral physical interpretations of eclogite seismic properties.  相似文献   

In crystalline rocks seismic velocityV p and densityp increase, whereas radioactive heat productionA decreases from acidic to basic compositions. From the velocity-density systematics for crustal rocks at different pressures an empiricalA(V p) relationship has been derived for the range 5.0–8.0 km/sec which follows the exponential law:A(V p )=a exp (-bV p ), where the numerical factorsa andb depend onin situ pressure. A graph is given by means of which the heat production distributionA(z) can be obtained for any givenV p (z) structure.Contribution No. 207, Institute of Geophysics, ETH Zurich.  相似文献   

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