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A background knowledge of marine dynamics helps harbour managers to control pollution and to manage dredging and traffic operations. This contribution studies the hydrodynamic conditions within Bilbao Harbour, which is enclosed by the Nervión Estuary (in the Basque Country, Spain). The results obtained from hydrographical surveys are compared with numerical simulations obtained using the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS). Hydrodynamic modelling was carried out to determine the inner harbour currents for a specific period in which data were available. Then, numerical experiments were designed in order to quantify the importance of different driving mechanisms in the harbour hydrodynamics. The results show that, in addition to the strong tidal influence on water circulation, the wind forcing and freshwater discharge also have a non-negligible influence on the currents. The computational domain is complex due to the presence of harbour infrastructures (i.e. breakwaters and piers). As a result, topographic eddies are therefore observed in the results. The freshwater influence of the Nervión river can also be observed in residual currents. This paper presents an improvement to the application of numerical modelling to a complex geometry domain, contributing to our understanding of the behaviour of the marine systems in meso-tidal harbours. This can be used to deal with harbour engineering and management problems.  相似文献   

Species of the genus Ophryotrocha are a well‐studied group of organisms but, despite the relatively large body of biological studies, little is known about their intra‐specific patterns of genetic diversity. In the present study, we analysed the patterns of genetic variation in samples of Ophryotrocha labronica (Polychaeta, Dorvilleidae) collected along the Italian coasts within three regions with different thermal regimes: the Northern Adriatic Sea (NAS), the Ligurian Sea (LS), and the South/Southeast Sicilian Sea (SS). A partial sequence of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was used as a genetic marker. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed significant genetic differentiation between the NAS and the other regions. Conversely, little or no genetic structuring was found between the LS and the SS or amongst locations within a given region. A Bayesian phylogenetic tree and a median‐joining network provided evidence for the occurrence of two highly divergent genetic lineages characterized by a high average sequence divergence (17.2%, Kimura two‐parameter distance). The spatial patterns of genetic variation found in O. labronica may reflect the signature of past expansion events of the two genetic lineages. Although the high sequence divergence suggested that cryptic speciation within O. labronica may have occurred, other traits such as the absence of reproductive isolation, pattern of phenotypic variation and habitat specificity prompted us to regard the two groups as distinct COI lineages of O. labronica.  相似文献   

The life cycle of a brackish water population of Marphysa sanguinea (Polychaeta Eunicidae), from the Venice Lagoon (Italy), was investigated from April 1993 to August 1994. Marphysa sanguinea is a large‐sized gonochoric species with annual iteroparous strategy and synchronous spawning at population level. The sex‐ratio was close to 1:1. There were no morphological differences between males and females and spawning occurred without epitokal metamorphosis. The gonadial activity was maximum during summer period in both sexes. From May to September in the females, the greater number of immature oocytes could be observed; starting from November immature oocytes decreased and progressively those with a wider diameter increased in number. Spawning took place in April–May and generally not all eggs were spawned, a small proportion being kept as a reserve material for the following gamete production. The pelagic phase (trochophore and metatrochophore stages) was short (2–3 days). The reduction in the dispersal phase, together with the development of a strong anterior musculature, brought to an early acquisition of the benthic habit, which was attained with the construction of the mucous tube inside of which the larva lived. The results highlighted that colonization of brackish environments took place thanks to morphological and physiological features that allow this species to live in a sediment layer characterized by the stability of the physical and chemical characteristics of the substratum.  相似文献   

Biology and population dynamics of the suspension-feeding wedge clam Donax trunculus (Linnaeus, 1758) were studied for 13 months (November 1994–April 1996) along the Italian Southern Adriatic coast near the Lagoon of Lesina. Specimens were found at depths between 0 and 2 m, mainly in fine grain bottoms. The spatial coastal distribution showed an intraspecific segregation between young and adult wedge clams. A unimodal recruitment (length >4 mm) occurred in winter (December–February). Length frequency distributions were used to determine age and growth rate. Three year classes were regularly observed and their growth pattern defined. The population showed a maximum length of 37 mm and a longevity of 4 years. Analysis of seasonal variations in the reproductive cycle showed that gametogenesis occurred in spring in females. After the spawning season (March–July) females of D. trunculus remained in a resting stage from August to January.  相似文献   

Different aspects of reproductive biology of the polychaete Timarete filigera (Delle Chiaje) were studied during a period of 2 years (from September 2002 to August 2003 and from September 2004 to August 2005). Timarete filigera specimens were collected monthly in the port of Bari (South Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea). For population analysis, regenerating and entire specimens were separately analyzed, the regenerating individuals were assigned to different categories related to the region of the body from which they derived. Regenerating individuals were present throughout the year. There were three to four times more individuals deriving from the middle part than the anterior and posterior regenerating portions. From the high percentage of regenerating individuals observed in the T. filigera population, it can be supposed that this species reproduces mainly asexually by schizogenesis. However, histological analysis revealed the presence of female gametes in a few individuals. In contrast, males were never collected, probably due to the limited number of reproductive individuals collected. The abundance has shown wide fluctuations during the year, with a decrease from Winter to Spring. The analysis of the size‐frequency histograms has shown a growing phase of whole specimens from Spring to Winter. The life cycle of the investigated species is discussed with the hypothesis that strategies could be linked to the colonized environments, agamic reproduction coupled with sexual reproduction assures the presence and expansion of the population after the colonization by a limited number of larvae.  相似文献   

厦门和东山外来物种沙筛贝的种群动态和结构   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
1990年首次在中国大陆沿岸厦门马銮湾和东山八尺门海堤西侧,发 现外来物种沙筛贝(Mytilopsis sallei)。通过挂放试板和定点取样,研究其种群动态和 结构,包括水平分布、垂直分布和季节分布,以及壳长的组成。  相似文献   

Some populations of gelatinous zooplankton appear to be increasing and causing ecological disruptions during large bloom events. The goal of this study was to investigate the life history and population dynamics of the small, invasive Moerisia sp. and its potential ecological impacts in the upper San Francisco Estuary, California. Medusae and polyps were collected from 8 and 2 sites, respectively, during 2007 and 2008. Polyps emerged from a resting stage during June. Asexual reproduction of medusae buds was positively correlated with temperature and negatively related to salinity. The production of polyp buds was positively correlated with dissolved oxygen and water transparency levels. Sexual reproduction, defined by the presence of eggs, was related to the size of medusae. Cessation of reproduction of both polyps and medusae occurred in October, when temperatures dropped below 17 °C. This life history is similar to other hydrozoans and allows Moerisia sp. to reach large numbers seasonally in the San Francisco Estuary, possibly contributing to the recent declines of pelagic fish and zooplankton.  相似文献   

1Introduction Benthic -pelagic coupling refers to the two -way exchange or flux of matter between benthic andpelagic environments in aquatic systems. Most stud-ies have focused on the deposition of non-living or-ganic matter to the seabed, resuspension an…  相似文献   

本研究以种群生命表为基础,对位于广西珍珠湾内的桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)种群、白骨壤(Avicennia marina)种群、秋茄(Kandelia obovata)种群和木榄(Bruguiera gymnorrhiza)种群采用径级法及匀滑技术,编制种群特定时间生命表,绘制种群存活曲线、死亡率和消失率曲线,进行种群数量动态变化和时间序列分析。结果表明:(1)白骨壤种群、秋茄种群和木榄种群年龄结构呈倒"J"形,种群趋于Deevey-II型,即增长型,主要集中在I龄级,存活曲线、死亡率和消失率曲线均呈现出更新层死亡率较高的特征;(2)桐花树种群年龄结构呈"金字塔"形,属于Deevey-I型,为衰退型,更新层个体数量少,种群总体不具备显著增长性幅度;(3)4种红树种群的数量变化动态指数Vpi和V′pi均大于0.00%,种群稳定但易受外部环境影响;(4)在未来2、4、6、8个龄级时间后,4种红树种群中老龄级个体能够得到不同程度的补充。  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton community composition at the species/taxa level was investigated from January to December 2001, at eight stations in the northern Adriatic Sea. Annual dynamics, taxonomic composition and spatial diversity in relation to different trophic conditions are discussed as related to previous studies and to different conditions, such as the presence of mucilage events. Zooplankton communities all over the northern sub‐basin were dominated by the cladoceran Penilia avirostris in summer, and by the calanoids Paracalanus parvus, Acartia clausi and the poecilostomatoids Oncaea spp. during the rest of the year. Whereas coastal communities were more variable with time and location, we were able to identify a group of offshore stations with a similar species/taxa composition and annual dynamics. Comparing the present results with previous studies, we observed significant changes in community composition in the time scale of 20 years, mostly due to a general decrease of A. clausi as the dominant species, being replaced by P. parvus. Also, P. avirostris swarms appear to have extended their temporal occurrence, and were present for longer periods of time when compared to past records. These changes might be related to the observed general increase of the average sea water temperature in the northern Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

Abstract. The population dynamics and life history characteristics of Callinectes similis and C. sapidus in the Mobile Bay-Mississippi Sound estuarine system of the northern Gulf of Mexico were studied. We report that C. similis is numerically dominant in open-bays, while C. sapidus is more abundant in shallow salt marshes. Juvenile C. similis recruit into both open-bays and salt marshes, but juvenile C. sapidus primarily recruit into shallow salt marshes. Sex ratios of C. similis and C. sapidus were generally skewed towards higher proportions of males than females. Callinectes similis appears to have a life cycle similar to that of C. sapidus. Egg-carrying C. similis migrate to higher salinity waters and presumably release larvae to nearshore shelf waters; following development, the larvae re-invade estuaries as megalopae. Juvenile C. similis grow more slowly than C. sapidus. This may be attributable to reduced feeding rates. Marked differences in fecundity and reproductive effort were found between these species. Callinectes similis and C. sapidus , respectively, produced 2.4–5.5 times 105 and 2.1–3.2 times 106 eggs and invested 24–49 and 171–372 kJ per brood. Rhizocephalan barnacle infestation by Loxothylacus texanus was encountered in C. sapidus , while sympatric C. similis were free of this rhizocephalan parasite.  相似文献   

Shallow-water annelids of the genus Ophryotrocha have become a popular biological system for exploring ecological, behavioral, developmental, and toxicological questions. Here we report on the successful maintenance in holding tanks, complete life cycle, and reproductive phenology of a first deep-water representative that could be used as a model species. This Ophryotrocha, which has yet to be formally described, is large (12–16 mm long) and exhibits simultaneous hermaphroditism. Specimens collected off northeast Newfoundland (eastern Canada) between 500 and 1500 m depth were monitored under flow-through laboratory conditions for over three years. They consistently exhibited seasonal feeding from April to February, followed by a reproductive season between February and May. Gametogenesis was initiated in early January and completed in early to mid-February, followed by courtship, which mainly involved pairs of individuals attached head to tail for hours to days. Transparent gelatinous masses containing 80–110 eggs were laid from mid-February to late-March. Propagules developed in the mass to the 1-chaetiger stage and, at an ambient temperature of ~1–4 °C, offspring emerged 30–45 days post-laying. Only ~40–45% of the eggs laid developed to the 1-chaetiger stage, with evidence of adelphophagy. After emerging from the gelatinous mass, 1-chaetiger stages remained aggregated and were guarded by adults for a few days before dispersing. All parents died following the dispersal of their offspring. The new generation reached sexual maturity in 8–9 months and was ready to reproduce the following January–February. A few cases of segmenting adult worms were also observed. Three complete generations developed successively to sexual maturity over the course of this study.  相似文献   

The population parameters of blood cockles, Tegillarca granosa in the intertidal zone of Marudu Bay, Sabah,Malaysia were investigated based on monthly length-weight frequency data(July 2017 to June 2018). A total of 279 cockle individuals with shell length and weight ranging from 27.7 mm to 82.2 mm and 13.11 g to 192.7 g were subjected to analysis. T. granosa in Marudu Bay showed a consistent moderately high condition index 4.98±0.86 throughout the year. The exponent b of the length-weight relationship was 2.6 demonstrating negative allometric growth. The estimated asymptotic length(L_∞), growth coefficient(K) and growth performance(?) of the T.granosa population in Marudu Bay were estimated at 86.68 mm, 0.98 a~(-1) and 3.87, respectively. The observed maximum shell length was 82.55 mm and the predicted maximum shell length was 84.44 mm with estimated maximum life span(t_(max)) of 3.06 years. The estimated mean lengths at the end of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 months of age were 21.31 mm, 31.16 mm, 39.53 mm, 46.63 mm, 52.67 mm and 57.79 mm. Total, natural, and fishing mortalities were estimated at 2.39 a~(-1), 1.32 a~(-1) and 1.07 a~(-1). The exploitation level(E) was 0.45. Results of the current study also demonstrated that T. granosa in the Marudu Bay has two major recruitment peaks; one in March and another in October. The exploitation level revealed that natural stock of T. granosa in the Marudu Bay was approaching the maximum exploitation level. If such trend continues or demand for T. granosa is increasing,coupled with no effective fisheries management in place, possibility of the T. granosa population in the Marudu Bay to collapse is likely to elevate.  相似文献   

小黄鱼是我国近海四种最重要的经济鱼类之一,在过去的几十年中小黄鱼种群及其两个地理亚种群经历了巨大的变化。小黄鱼的种群动力学研究,对于维持这一重要渔业的可持续管理是至关重要的。目前仅有的两个小黄鱼种群动力学模型只涵盖了较短的时间,且没有关注其空间差异。本文研究了1968年至2015年间黄渤海和东海小黄鱼的种群动力学模型,包含和不包含空间分层结构的两种贝叶斯模型被用于分析其种群动力学的大尺度空间异质性。本文分析了不同的假设,来研究小黄鱼种群动力学潜在的变化趋势。研究结果表明小黄鱼种群动力学特征具有明显的时间和空间变化。种群的增长速度从20世纪八十年代开始增加,而可捕系数从1981年到2015年增加了两倍多。与黄渤海亚种群相比,东海的小黄鱼亚种群生长速度更快,遭受的捕捞压力也更大。基于最大可持续产量MSY的参考点表明,无论是整个小黄鱼种群还是两个亚种群,近年来都有非常高的过度捕捞风险。因此我国小黄鱼的渔业管理急需更加保守的管理策略,同时考虑其地域差异。本文所用的方法可以应用于其他种类的资源评估和渔业管理,尤其是具有空间异质性和数据有限的种类。  相似文献   

Growth dynamics and bioactivity variation of the Mediterranean demosponges Agelas oroides and Petrosia ficiformis were investigated over 15 months at Paraggi and Colombara within the Marine Reserve of Portofino Promontory (Mediterranean Sea, Ligurian Sea, Italy). For both species, growth rates varied between individuals and were unaffected by initial sponge size. The two species showed a different trend in growth pattern: A. oroides did not vary significantly between seasons, sites and depths; in contrast, some individuals of P. ficiformis showed a seasonal pattern, shrinking during winter as water temperature decreased and growing during summer when water temperature increased. Differences in growth between the two species may result from different reproductive cycles, food availability, species-specific thermophily and patterns of spatial competition. Moreover, spatial competition probably induced sponges to produce bioactive secondary molecules. Spatial and temporal variation of bioactivity of both species was examined for the first time by studying its effect on human neuroblastoma cells. The bioactivity of A. oroides extracts differed significantly between seasons, sites and depths, whereas the cytotoxicity of P. ficiformis differed significantly between seasons and depths (differences for sites were not determined). These results suggest the possible influence of environmental factors on bioactive metabolite biosynthesis.  相似文献   

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