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Significant growth in mountain rivers research since 1990 has promoted the concept that canyon-confined mountain rivers have complex topographic features nested from base- to flood-stages due to canyon structure and abundant large bed elements. Nesting means literally structures inside of structures. Mathematically, nesting means that multiple individual features and repeating patterns exist at different frequency, amplitude, and phasing, and can be added together to obtain the complete structure. Until now, subreach-scale landform structure, including nesting, has not been quantified sufficiently to understand morphodynamic mechanisms that control and respond to such organization. Geomorphic covariance structure analysis offers a systematic framework for evaluating nested topographic patterns. In this study, a threshold stage in mountain river inundation was hypothesized to exist. Above this stage landform structure is organized to be freely self-maintaining via flow convergence routing morphodynamics. A 13.2 km segment of the canyon-confined Yuba River, California, was studied using 2944 cross-sections. Geomorphic covariance structure analysis was carried out on a meter-resolution topographic model to test the hypothesis. River width and bed elevation had significantly less variability than previously reported for lower slope, partially confined gravel/cobble river reaches. A critical stage threshold governing flow convergence routing morphodynamics was evident in several metrics. Below this threshold, narrow/high “nozzle” and wide/low “oversized” were the dominant landforms (excluding “normal channel”), while above it wide/high “wide bar” and narrow/low “constricted pool” were dominant. Three-stage nesting of base-bankfull-flood landforms was dictated by canyon confinement, with nozzle–nozzle–nozzle nesting as the top permutation, excluding normal channel.  相似文献   

Past river classifications use incommensurate typologies at each spatial scale and do not capture the pivotal role of topographic variability at each scale in driving the morphodynamics responsible for evolving hierarchically nested fluvial landforms. This study developed a new way to create geomorphic classifications using metrics diagnostic of individual processes the same way at every spatial scale and spanning a wide range of scales. We tested the approach on flow convergence routing, a geomorphically and ecologically important process with different morphodynamic states of erosion, routing, and deposition depending on the structure of nondimensional topographic variability. Five nondimensional landform types with unique functionality represent this process at any flow; they are nozzle, wide bar, normal channel, constricted pool, and oversized. These landforms are then nested within themselves by considering their longitudinal sequencing at key flows representing geomorphically important stages. A data analysis framework was developed to answer questions about the stage‐dependent spatial structure of topographic variability. Nesting permutations constrain and reveal how flow convergence routing morphodynamics functions in any river the framework is applied to. The methodology may also be used with other physical and biological datasets to evaluate the extent to which the patterning in that data is influenced by flow convergence routing. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Regulated rivers generally incise below dams that cut off sediment supply, but how that happens and what the consequences are at different spatial scales is poorly understood. Modern topographic mapping at meter‐scale resolution now enables investigation of the details of spatial processes. In this study, spatial segregation was applied to a meter‐scale raster map of topographic change from 1999 to 2008 on the gravel‐cobble, regulated lower Yuba River in California to answer specific scientific questions about how a decadal hydrograph that included a flood peak of 22 times bankfull discharge affected the river at segment, reach, and morphological unit scales. The results show that the river preferentially eroded sediment from floodplains compared to the channel, and this not only promoted valley‐wide sediment evacuation, but also facilitated the renewal and differentiation of morphological units, especially in the channel. At the reach scale, area of fill and mean net rate of elevational change were directly correlated with better connectivity between the channel and floodplain, while the mean rate of scour in scour areas was influenced by the ratio of slope to bankfull Froude number, a ratio indicative of lateral migration versus vertical downcutting. Hierarchical segregation of topographic change rasters proved useful for understanding multi‐scalar geomorphic dynamics. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Topographic change processes (TCPs) are the mechanisms by which a landscape is interpreted to be experiencing landform deformation, and are defined by the specific actions occurring within a contiguous, localized region that cause sediment to be either deposited or eroded. Past topographic change studies have mostly been focused at the site scale. The goal of this study was to identify and delineate spatially explicit TCP types across the valley width in a 34‐km long cobble‐gravel river at the scale of one‐tenth of the bankfull channel width over a period of seven to nine years. To accomplish this, a new procedure was developed that analyzes spatial patterns of topographic change evident from differencing two raster digital elevation models and accounting for sources of uncertainty, then identifying and classifying those changes using a decision tree framework that invokes the locations of those changes as they relate to the locations of specific geographic characteristics. Once mapped, TCP polygons were analyzed for areal patterns and volumetric rates of change. Results showed that 19 unique TCP types occurred and that they have organized but complex spatial patterns. Within this study segment, overbank storage processes occurred over the most area and displaced the most net volume of sediment, while cohesive bank retreat created the largest net change in topographic elevations. Analyses of the TCPs reveal that the regulated lower Yuba River (LYR) is not experiencing the expected combination of channel incision and floodplain deposition commonly reported below dams. Instead, the LYR is a dynamic valley that is still adjusting valley‐wide to the upstream dam with a diverse suite of processes that cause the channel and floodplains to scour and fill in concert. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study explores the evolutionary trajectory of the glacier-fed Mareit River (South Tyrol, Italian Alps), where a large restoration programme was implemented in 2008–2009. River corridor changes before and after the restoration works were assessed using historical maps, recent field observations, topographic surveys and topographic differencing. Trends of anthropic (forest cover, channel works, gravel mining) and natural (glacial cover, precipitation, flow regime) factors controlling channel morphology – at both catchment and reach scales – were reconstructed. From the mid-19th century, the evolutionary trajectory of the Mareit River followed a degradational trend, characterized by channel narrowing, bed incision and planform simplification. Direct, in-channel human alterations – mainly in the form of bank protections (in the late 19th century), gravel mining (mostly in the 1970s) and grade-control works (since the 1980s) – dominated the historical adjustments before the restoration. In 2008–2009, a segment of the Mareit was restored by widening the channel, partly removing the check-dams and shaping a braided pattern within a laterally constrained corridor. Post-work monitoring shows that the restoration improved both the morphological quality and the geomorphic diversity. At present, the channel is subject to narrowing and slight bed level incision, with islands and floodplains progressively expanding at the expenses of the active channel. This trend is likely to continue in the next decades based on the expected future flow regime, and indeed the Mareit River seems to be attaining a ‘miniaturized’ version of the anabranching pattern of the mid-19th century. Overall, this restoration approach and the associated evolutionary trajectory is considered positive, because it leads to a complex mosaic of geomorphic units, dynamically self-adjusting to the time-varying driving variables. The formation of a morphodynamically active corridor, while keeping artificially non-erodible boundaries, represents an optimal strategy to integrate ecological improvements with flood risk mitigation in the densely populated Alpine valleys. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

G. Kaless  L. Mao  M. A. Lenzi 《水文研究》2014,28(4):2348-2360
Downstream hydraulic geometry relationships describe the shape of alluvial channels in terms of bankfull width, flow depth, flow velocity, and channel slope. Recent investigations have stressed the difference in spatial scales associated with these variables and thus the time span required for their adjustment after a disturbance. The aim of this study is to explore the consequences in regime models considering the hypothesis that while channel width and depth adjust quickly to changes in water and sediment supply, reach slope requires a longer time span. Three theoretical models were applied. One model incorporates an extremal hypothesis (Millar RG. 2005. Theoretical regime equations for mobile gravel‐bed rivers with stable banks. Geomorphology 64 : 207–220), and the other two are fully physically based (Ikeda S, Parker G, Kimura Y. 1988. Stable width and depth of straight gravel rivers with heterogeneous bed materials. Water Resources Research 24 : 713–722; Parker G, Wilcock PR, Paola C, Dietrich W, Pitlick J. 2007. Physical basis for quasi universal relations describing bankfull hydraulic geometry of single‐thread gravel‐bed rivers. Journal of Geophysical Research 112 , DOI: 10.1029/2006JF000549). In order to evaluate the performance of models introducing the slope as an independent variable, we propose two modifications to previous models. The performance of regime models was tested against published data from 142 river reaches and new hydraulic geometry data from gravel‐bed rivers in Patagonia (Argentina) and north‐eastern Italy. Models that assume slope as a control (Ikeda et al., 1988; or Millar, 2005) predict channel depth and width reasonably well. Parker et al.'s (2007) model improved predictions because it filters the scatter in slope data with a relation slope–discharge. The extremal hypothesis model of Millar (2005) predicts comparably to the other physically based models. Millar's model was chosen to describe the recent changes in the Piave and Brenta rivers due to human intervention – mainly in‐channel gravel mining. The change in sediment supply and recovery was estimated for these rivers. This study supports the interpretation that sediment supply is the key factor guiding morphological changes in these rivers. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on the characteristics of multiple time scales of bankfull discharge and its delayed response to changes of flow conditions using continuous wavelet analysis for data from selected hydrological stations in the Yellow River basin. Results showed that bankfull discharge series had one or two dominant time scales. For example, the Huayuankou station in the lower reach of the Yellow River had two dominant time scales of 19-20 years and 545 years. The dominant time scales of the bankfull discharge series were generally consistent with the dominant time scales of water discharge and sediment concentration series, indicating that the channel morphology inherits the characteristics of the hydrological system in terms of multiple time scales. In addition, the wavelet coefficients of the bankfull discharge series had a phase difference in relation to those of the sediment concentration series, with a delay time that varied from 3 to 16 years at different sites. This delay time or relaxation time is a result of the delayed response of bankfull discharge to flow conditions, which was significant for channel adjustments in response to changes of flow conditions. The findings of the multiple time scales and the delayed response are of importance for further study of channel morphology of fluvial systems.  相似文献   

Field, laboratory, and numerical modelling research are increasingly demonstrating the potential of riparian tree colonization and growth to influence fluvial dynamics and the evolution of fluvial landforms. This paper jointly analyses multi‐temporal, multispectral ASTER data, continuous river stage and discharge data, and field observations of the growth rates of the dominant riparian tree species (Populus nigra) along a 21 km reach of the Tagliamento River, Italy. Research focuses on the period 2004–2009, during which there was a bankfull flood on 24 October 2004, followed by 2 years with low water levels, nearly 2 years with only modest flow pulses, and then a final period from 15 August 2008 that included several intermediate to bankfull flow events. This study period of increasing flow disturbance allows the exploration of vegetation dynamics within the river's active corridor under changing flow conditions. The analysis demonstrates the utility of ASTER data for investigating vegetation dynamics along large fluvial corridors and reveals both spatial and temporal variations in the expansion, coalescence, and erosion of vegetated patches within the study reach. Changes in the extent of the vegetated area and its dynamics vary along the study reach. In sub‐reaches where riparian tree growth is vigorous, the vegetated area expands rapidly during time periods without channel‐shaping flows, and is subsequently able to resist erosion by bankfull floods. In contrast, in sub‐reaches where tree growth is less vigorous, the vegetated area expands at a slower rate and is more readily re‐set by bankfull flood events. This illustrates that the rate of growth of riparian trees is crucial to their ability to contribute actively to river corridor dynamics. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Along the lower reaches of the Waipaoa River, New Zealand, cross‐section survey data indicate there was a 23 per cent decrease in bankfull width and a 22 per cent reduction in channel cross‐section area between 1948 and 2000, as the channel responded to increased inputs of fine (suspended) sediment following deforestation of the headwaters in late C19 and early C20. We determined the bankfull discharge within a ~39 km long reach by routing known discharges through the one‐dimensional MIKE 11 flow model. The model runs suggest that the bankfull discharge varies between ~800 and ~2300 m3 s?1 and that the average recurrence interval is 4 ± 2 years on the annual maximum series; by contrast, the effective flow (360 m3 s?1) is equaled or exceeded three times a year. The variability in bankfull discharge arises because the banks tend to be lower in places where flood flows are constricted than in reaches where overbank flow is dispersed over a wide area, and because scour has counteracted aggradation in some locations. There is no downstream variation in Shields stress, or in relative shear stress, within the study reach. Bankfull shear stress is, on average, five times greater than the shear stress required to initiate motion. At the effective discharge it is more than twice the threshold value. The effective discharge probably has more relevance than the bankfull discharge to the overall picture of sediment movement in the lower reaches of the Waipaoa River but, because width is constrained by the stability and resistance of the bank material to erosion during high flows that also scour the bed, the overall channel geometry is likely determined by discharges at or near bankfull. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We consider the evolution of the hydraulic geometry of sand-bed meandering rivers. We study the difference between the timescale of longitudinal river profile adjustment and that of channel width and depth adjustment. We also study the effect of hydrological regime alteration on the evolution of bankfull channel geometry. To achieve this, a previously developed model for the spatiotemporal co-evolution of bankfull channel characteristics, including bankfull discharge, bankfull width, bankfull depth and down-channel bed slope, is used. In our modelling framework, flow variability is considered in terms of a specified flow duration curve. Taking advantage of this unique feature, we identify the flow range responsible for long-term bankfull channel change within the specified flow duration curve. That is, the relative importance of extremely high short-duration flows compared to moderately high longer duration flows is examined. The Minnesota River, MN, USA, an actively meandering sand-bed stream, is selected for a case study. The longitudinal profile of the study reach has been in adjustment toward equilibrium since the end of the last glaciation, while its bankfull cross-section is rapidly widening due to hydrological regime change in the last several decades. We use the model to demonstrate that the timescale for longitudinal channel profile adjustment is much greater than the timescale for cross-sectional profile adjustment due to a lateral channel shift. We also show that hydrological regime shift is responsible for the recent rapid widening of the Minnesota River. Our analysis suggests that increases in the 5–25% exceedance flows play a more significant role in recent bankfull channel enlargement of the Minnesota River than increase in either the 0.1% exceedance flow or the 90% exceedance flow. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Elucidation of the fluvial processes influenced by dams provides better understanding of river protection and basin management. However, less attention has been given to the erosion intensity distribution of riverbeds and its association with channel morphology and hydrological conditions. Based on hydrological and topographic data, the spatial and temporal distributions of erosion intensity (2002–2014) influenced by the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) were analyzed for the Jingjiang reach of the Yangtze River. The mechanisms underlying the distribution of erosion intensity in response to hydrological conditions were investigated. The results are as follows: (1) The erosion intensities of different discharges were not uniform, and moderate flow (10 000–27 000 m3/s) produced the largest erosion magnitude among all flow ranges. Owing to the hydrological changes caused by flood reduction and prolongation of moderate flow duration after the TGD began operating, up to 70% of the erosion amount was caused by moderate flows. (2) The lateral distribution of erosion intensity was extremely uneven, as the proportion of cumulative erosion of the low‐flow channel within the bankfull channel reached 88% in 2013. This caused the channel to become narrower and deeper. (3) The longitudinal distribution of erosion intensity was inhomogeneous. The erosion intensity in the wide reaches was greater than that in the narrow reaches, leading to smaller differences in channel morphology along the river. (4) Changes in hydrological conditions influenced by the TGD, significant reduction of sediment concentration along with flood abatement, and increased duration of moderate flow discharges were the main factors affecting erosion distribution in the post‐dam period. Our conclusions can be applied to the Yangtze River as a basis for riverbed change estimations, and river management strategies. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents the first detailed field‐based analysis of the morphology of bifurcations within anabranching cobble–gravel rivers. Bifurcations divide the flow of water and sediment into downstream anabranches, thereby influencing the characteristics of the anabranches and the longevity of river islands. The history, morphology, bed grain size, and flow vectors at five bifurcations on the Renous River, New Brunswick, Canada, were studied in detail. The angles of bifurcations within five anabranching rivers in the Miramichi basin were investigated. The average bifurcation angle was 47°, within the range of values cited for braided river bifurcations. Bifurcation angle decreased when anabranches were of similar length. Shields stresses in channels upstream of bifurcations were lower than reported values for braided rivers. Stable bifurcations displayed lower Shields stresses than unstable bifurcations, contrary to experimental results from braided river bifurcations. Bifurcations in anabranching rivers are stabilized by vegetation that slows channel migration and helps to maintain a uniform upstream flow field. The morphology of stable bifurcations enhances their stability. A large bar, shaped like a shallow ramp that increases in elevation to floodplain level, forms at stable bifurcations. Floodplains at stable bifurcations accrete upstream at rates between 0·9 and 2·5 m a?1. Bars may also form within the entrance of an anabranch downstream of the bifurcation node. These bars are associated with bifurcation instability, forming after a period of stability or an avulsion. Channel abandonment occurs when a bar completely blocks the entrance to one anabranch. The stability of channels upstream of bifurcations and the location of bars at bifurcations influence bifurcation stability and the maintenance of river anabranching in the long term. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We describe additions made to a multi‐size sediment routing model enabling it to simulate width adjustment simultaneously alongside bed aggradation/incision and fining/coarsening. The model is intended for use in single thread gravel‐bed rivers over annual to decadal timescales and for reach lengths of 1–10 km. It uses a split‐channel approach with separate calculations of flow and sediment transport in the left and right sides of the channel. Bank erosion is treated as a function of excess shear stress with bank accretion occurring when shear stress falls below a second, low, threshold. A curvature function redistributes shear stress to either side of the channel. We illustrate the model through applications to a 5·6‐km reach of the upper River Wharfe in northern England. The sediment routing component with default parameter values gives excellent agreement with field data on downstream fining and down‐reach reduction in bedload flux, and the width‐adjustment components with approximate calibration to match maximum observed rates of bank shifting give plausible patterns of local change. The approach may be useful for exploring interactions between sediment delivery, river management and channel change in upland settings. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many urban rivers receive significant inputs of metal‐contaminated sediments from their catchments. Restoration of urban rivers often creates increased slack water areas and in‐channel vegetation growth where these metal‐contaminated sediments may accumulate. Quantifying the accumulation and retention of these sediments by in‐channel vegetation in urban rivers is of importance in terms of the planning and management of urban river restoration schemes and compliance with the Water Framework Directive. This paper investigates sediment properties at four sites across three rivers within Greater London to assess the degree to which contaminated sediments are being retained. Within paired restored and unrestored reaches at each site, four different bed sediment patch types (exposed unvegetated gravel, sand, and silt/clay (termed ‘fine’) sediments, and in‐channel vegetated sediments) were sampled and analysed for a range of metals and sediment characteristics. Many samples were found to exceed Environment Agency guidelines for copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) and Dutch Intervention Values for Cu and Zn. At all sites, sediments accumulating around in‐channel vegetation were similar in calibre and composition to exposed unvegetated fine sediments. Both bed sediment types contained high concentrations of pseudo‐total and acetic acid extractable metal concentrations, potentially due to elevated organic matter and silt/clay content, as these are important sorbtion phases for metals. This implies that the changed sediment supply and hydraulic conditions associated with river restoration may lead to enhanced retention of contaminated fine sediments, particularly around emergent plants, frequently leading to the development of submerged and emergent landforms and potential river channel adjustments. High pseudo‐total metal concentrations were also found in gravel bed sediments, probably associated with iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) oxyhydroxides and discrete anthropogenic metal‐rich particles. These results highlight the importance of understanding the potential effects of urban river restoration upon sediment availability and channel hydraulics and consequent impacts upon sediment contaminant dynamics and storage. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Habitat degradation in river ecosystems has considerably increased over the past decades, resulting in detrimental effects on aquatic and riparian communities. During the last two decades, the value of large wood as a resource for river restoration and recovery has been increasingly documented. However, post-project appraisal of the associations between restored large wood, morphological complexity and river ecology as a result of river restoration is extremely rare and thus scientific knowledge is essential. To investigate restored wood-induced morphological response and sediment complexity in an overwidened reach along a low gradient lowland river (River Bure, UK), two sub-reaches containing 12 jams initiated by wood emplacement in 2008 and 2010 and a sub-reach free of wood were studied. Wood surveys recording the dimensions and number of wood pieces in jams, geomorphological mapping of the reach illustrating the spatial distribution of features in and around the jams and in a section free of wood, and sediment sampling (analysed for particle size, organic content and plant propagule abundance) of five recurring patch types surrounding each jam (two wood-related patches and three representing the broader river environment) were performed. Wood jams partially spanned the river channel and contained large pieces of wood that created more open structures than naturally-formed wood jams. Where no wood was introduced, the channel remains wide and the gravel bed is buried by sand and finer sediment. In the restored reaches, fine sediment has accumulated in and around the wood jams and has been stabilised by vegetation colonisation, enhancing flow velocities in the narrowed channel sufficiently to mobilise fine sediment and expose the gravel bed. Sediment analysis reveals sediment fining with time since wood emplacement, largely achieved within the two wood-related patch types. Fine sediment retained around the wood shows a relatively higher plant propagule content than other patch types, suitable for sustaining plant succession as the vegetated side bars aggrade. Although channel narrowing and morphological adjustment has occurred surprisingly rapidly in this low energy, over-widened reach following wood introduction (2–4 years), sustaining the recovery in the longer term to suitably support flora and fauna communities depends on the continued delivery of wood by ensuring a natural supply of sufficiently large wood pieces from riparian trees both upstream and within the reach.  相似文献   

The hyporheic zone is a layer of substrate on a river bed where benthic animals normally live,grow,feed,reproduce,and exist for any portion of their life cycle.The hyporheic zone was studied by samplin...  相似文献   

Tian Zhou  Ted Endreny 《水文研究》2012,26(22):3378-3392
River restoration projects have installed j‐hook deflectors along the outer bank of meander bends to reduce hydraulic erosion, and in this study we use a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model to document how these deflectors initiate changes in meander hydrodynamics. We validated the CFD with streamwise and cross‐channel bankfull velocities from a 193° meander bend flume (inlet at 0°) with a fixed point bar and pool equilibrium bed but no j‐hooks, and then used the CFD to simulate changes to flow initiated by bank‐attached boulder j‐hooks (1st attached at 70°, then a 2nd at 160°). At bankfull and half bankfull flow the j‐hooks flattened transverse water surface slopes, formed backwater pools upstream of the boulders, and steepened longitudinal water slopes across the boulders and in the conveyance region off the mid‐channel boulder tip. Streamwise velocity and mass transport jets upstream of the j‐hooks were stilled, mid‐channel jets were initiated in the conveyance region, eddies with a cross‐channel axis formed below boulders, and eddies with a vertical axis were shed into wake zones downstream of the point bar and outer bank boulders. At half bankfull depth conveyance region flow cut toward the outer bank downstream of the j‐hook boulders and the secondary circulation cells were reshaped. At bankfull depth the j‐hook at 160° was needed to redirect bank‐impinging flow sent by the upstream j‐hook. The hooked boulder tip of both j‐hooks funneled surface flow into mid‐channel plunging jets, which reversed the secondary circulation cells and initiated 1 to 3 counter rotating cells through the entire meander. The main outer bank collision zone centered at 50° without the j‐hook was moved by the j‐hook to within and just beyond the 70° j‐hook boulder region, which displaced other mass transport zones downstream. J‐hooks re‐organized water surface slopes, streamwise and cross‐channel velocities, and mass transport patterns, to move shear stress from the outer bank and into the conveyance and mid‐channel zones at bankfull flow. At half bankfull flows a patch of high shear re‐attached to the outer bank below the downstream j‐hook. J‐hook geometry and placement within natural meanders can be analyzed with CFD models to help restoration teams reach design goals and understand hydraulic impacts. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using the River Tagliamento, Italy, as an example, we examine the role of self-organisation in the formation and dynamics of vegetated islands in fluvial ecosystems. We consider how various biogeomorphic processes, such as feedbacks between tree growth and sedimentation, influence island self-assembly, as well as the potential influences of island landforms on resource distribution and shifts in ecosystem state. Despite the abundance of island landforms of different sizes and ages in island-braided reaches along the River Tagliamento, island formation is only found within a specific hydrological and sedimentary envelope, and depends upon a delicate balance of biotic-abiotic feedbacks. As a result, island landforms tend to be lost when river functioning is altered by human interventions. We argue that the specific biogeomorphic processes and self-organisation associated with river island dynamics offer an example of biogeomorphic inheritance, in which reciprocal feedbacks between species and geomorphic processes favour engineer species and promote the future development of the landforms. Thus, islands represent extended phenotypes – or external expressions of genetic traits – of key riparian ecosystem engineers. This capacity to modify the physical environment has important implications for landform evolution and riparian biodiversity. In conclusion, we propose several topics that merit investigation to improve our understanding of the biogeomorphology and self-organisation of river island systems.  相似文献   

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