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One of the important methods used to evaluate the effectiveness of soil erosion models is to compare the predictions given by the model to measured data from soil loss collected on plots taken under natural rainfall conditions. While it is recognized that plot data contain natural variability, this factor is not quantitatively considered during such evaluations because our knowledge of natural variability between plots which have the same treatments is very limited. The goal of this study was to analyse sufficient replicated plot data and present methodology to allow the model evaluator to take natural, within‐treatment variability of erosion plots into account when models are tested. A large amount of data from pairs of replicated erosion plots was evaluated and quantified. The basis for the evaluation method presented is that if the difference between the model prediction and a measured plot data value lies within the population of differences between pairs of measured values, then the prediction is considered ‘acceptable’. A model ‘effectiveness’ coefficient was defined for studies undertaken on large numbers of prediction versus measured data comparisons. This method provides a quantitative criterion for taking into account natural variability and uncertainty in measured erosion plot data when those data are used to evaluate erosion models. Published in 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the factors that control rates and extent of soil erosion processes in the 199 ha May Zegzeg catchment near Hagere Selam in the Tigray Highlands (Northern Ethiopia). This catchment, characterized by high elevations (2100–2650 m a.s.l.) and a subhorizontal structural relief, is typical for the Northern Ethiopian Highlands. Soil loss rates due to various erosion processes, as well as sediment yield rates and rates of sediment deposition within the catchment (essentially induced by recent soil conservation activities), were measured using a range of geomorphological methods. The area‐weighted average rate of soil erosion by water in the catchment, measured over four years (1998–2001), is 14·8 t ha?1 y?1, which accounts for 98% of the change in potential energy of the landscape. Considering these soil loss rates by water, 28% is due to gully erosion. Other geomorphic processes, such as tillage erosion and rock fragment displacement by gravity and livestock trampling, are also important, either within certain land units, or for their impact on agricultural productivity. Estimated mean sediment deposition rate within the catchment equals 9·2 t ha?1 y?1. Calculated sediment yield (5·6 t ha?1 y?1) is similar to sediment yield measured in nearby catchments. Seventy‐four percent of total soil loss by sheet and rill erosion is trapped in exclosures and behind stone bunds. The anthropogenic factor is dominant in controlling present‐day erosion processes in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands. Human activities have led to an overall increase in erosion process intensities, but, through targeted interventions, rural society is now well on the way to control and reverse the degradation processes, as can be demonstrated through the sediment budget. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment yields from the rolling hills area of the Loess Plateau in northern China (10000–25000 t km−2 yr−1) are amongst the highest in the world. The sediment is believed to derive from both the deep gullies that dissect the rolling plateau and the steep cultivated fields on the slopes of the mounds between the gullies. However, there are few reliable data for erosion rates on the cultivated fields and it is suspected that current estimates (10000–16000 t km−2 yr−1) based on empirical relationships (derived from erosion plot studies) exceed the true values. This study sought to address the need for more information concerning erosion of the cultivated fields through derivation of erosion rates from measurements of rill volume and caesium-137 (137Cs) inventories for typical fields near the village of Ansai, Shaanxi Province. The derived erosion rates are discussed and compared with estimates based on empirical relationships derived from erosion plot data. Where erosion rate estimates based on both rill volume data and 137Cs inventories are available, they show good agreement in the pattern of downslope variation. Both show a sharp decline in erosion rates at a slope length of c. 50 m. This is tentatively attributed to a change from transport-limited to detachment-limited conditions, where rill incision reaches the undisturbed loess at the base of the plough layer. No such decline is visible in the predictions based on empirical relationships derived from erosion plot data. Further evidence is presented that supports the suggestion that these empirical relationships overestimate erosion rates at slope lengths in excess of c. 50 m. It is tentatively suggested that the rates of soil erosion from sloping cultivated fields in the rolling hills area are more likely to lie in the range 8000–10000 t km−2 yr−1 than in the higher range suggested by the empirical relationships. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Monitoring of runoff and erosion in farmers' fields and their impacts gives a better understanding of erosion. However, it is rare that monitoring at frequent intervals is done over a prolonged period. A part of the upper Wissey catchment in central Norfolk, eastern England was monitored for 10 years to assess the extent and frequency of erosion and runoff, their causes and impacts. Surface wash occurred more widely and more frequently than expected. Runoff and erosion took place a number of times in a year in a range of autumn‐ and spring‐sown crops, and occurred dominantly down tractor wheelings or ruts left after harvesting potatoes or sugar beet under wet conditions. Over 10 years erosion affected about half the 105 fields monitored, often more than once. Erosion was more extensive in autumn‐sown cereal fields, but often more severe and with greater off‐field effects, for example muddy flooding of roads from spring‐sown late harvested crops such as potatoes and sugar beet. Runoff from outdoor pig fields also flooded roads and houses. This study confirms other studies of the extent, frequency and severity of erosion in Britain, that rill erosion does not occur in every field in the landscape, that in the main, fields do not erode frequently and rates of erosion are generally small. Runoff and erosion within a field took place more frequently than had been suspected. Compaction and destruction of topsoil structure by machinery especially at harvest, or by outdoor pigs, is important in initiating runoff. Rates of erosion were generally very low and will not affect soil productivity adversely over the short‐term. However, flooding of roads and property, and especially pollution of water courses by sediment, nutrients and pesticides are important off‐field impacts and are the primary reason, over the short‐term, for mitigating runoff and erosion. Monitoring such as this sheds light on the problems of modelling to predict risk of erosion based on erosion rates. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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