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Zircon and xenotime, from two mineralogically and chemically contrasting granite suites occurring in the Kru?né Hory/Erzgebirge Mts., display extended compositional variability with respect to abundances of Zr, Hf, REE, Y, P, Th, Ca, Al, Fe and As. According to their geochemical signatures, P-rich (S-type) and P-poor (A-type) granites could be distinguished here. Both granite suites display high Ga/Al ratios (>2.6) and according to FeOtot./(FeOtot. + MgO) ratio can be classified as ferrous granites. Consequently, the both ratios cannot be used for discrimination S- and A-type granites. Both minerals are characterized by a variety of complex zircon-xenotime textures. They are usually strong hydrated and enriched in F. Zircon from P-rich granites displays a significant enrichment in P (up 0.24 apfu P), whereas zircon from P-poor granites has lower P and higher Y (up to 0.15 apfu Y). The xenotime-type substitution is the most important mechanism of isomorphic substitution in zircon in both granite suites. Zircon from both granite suites is typically enriched in Hf, especially unaltered zircon from P-rich granites (up to 8.2 wt. % HfO2). However in altered zircons the Hf/Zr ratio is higher in the P-poor granites. The Hf-rich zircon from unaltered P-rich granite crystallised from low temperature granite melt, whereas altered zircons crystallised during post-magmatic hydrothermal alteration (greisenization). Xenotime from P-poor granites displays a considerable enrichment in HREE (up to 40 mol. % HREEPO4) compared to xenotime from P-rich granites (up to 20 mol. % HREEPO4). Xenotime compositions from P-rich granites are influenced by brabantite-type substitution, whereas for xenotime from P-poor granites the huttonite-type substitution is dominant. Unusual enrichments in HREE is significant for xenotime from P-poor granites, especially in Yb (up to 0.17 apfu Yb) and Dy (up to 0.11 apfu).  相似文献   

The studied Mokrsko-West (90–100 t Au), Mokrsko-East (30 t Au) and Čelina (11 t Au) deposits represent three spatially and genetically interrelated deposits of supposed affiliation to the intrusion-related gold deposit type. The deposits differ in their dominant host rocks, which are represented by ca 354 Ma old biotite tonalite (Mokrsko-West) and Neoproterozoic volcanic and volcanosedimentary rocks (Mokrsko-East, Čelina). Another difference lies in the style of veining — densely spaced networks of 0.1–5 mm thin veins (Q2) within the tonalite, compared to thick (usually 5–20 cm; Q1–2) and widely spaced veins within the Neoproterozoic rocks.Five generations of quartz veins, referred to as Q0 through Q4 were distinguished: Q0 veins are the oldest and ore-barren, Q1 veins mark the onset of the Au-ore formation, Q2 veins its culmination and Q3 veins its fading. Late quartz gangue (Q4) is associated with uneconomic Ag–Pb–Zn vein-type ores hosted by calcite–barite–(quartz) veins.Quartz vein thickness (~ 0.3 to ~ 300 mm), spacing (~ 3 mm to ~ 500 mm), distribution, and related extensional strain (ca. 3–25%) evolve systematically across the studied ore district, reflecting both the major host rock and other tectonic factors. Detailed study of vein dimension parameters (thickness, length, width, aspect ratios) allowed estimation of the probable depth of the fluid source reservoir (~ 2 km or ~ 4 km) below the present surface. The depth to the fluid source seems to increase through time, being the shallowest for the Q0 veins and the deepest for the Q2 veins. Two independent methods of estimating fluid overpressure are discussed in the paper. Fluid overpressure during vein formation decreases from the Q0 through the Q2 veins, from 10 to 4 MPa or from 26 to 10 MPa, depending on the assumed tensile strength of the tonalite (5.5 and 15 MPa, respectively).The origin of joints and veins is discussed in terms of the stress orientation and crack-seal and crack-jump mechanisms. Field relationships unambiguously indicate that the veins hosted by Neoproterozoic rocks originated by reopening of the pre-existing extension joints (J1) due to fluid overpressure. The origin of the densely-spaced thin veins (Q2) hosted by the tonalite at the Mokrsko-West deposit is, however, less certain. It is probable that the tonalite was already affected by microfracturing analogous to the J1 joints prior to the formation of quartz veins.The formation of the Q1–2 veins at the Mokrsko-East deposit was constrained by the Re–Os dating of molybdenite to 342.9 ± 1.4 Ma. The ore-bearing hydrothermal system is thus ca 12 Ma younger than the tonalite that hosts the Mokrsko-West deposit. A similar ca 15–2 Ma difference between the age of the host-intrusion and the age of the hydrothermal event was encountered in several other gold deposits in the vicinity of the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex. Two hypotheses to explain this are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Marbles from western part of the Krkonoše-Jizera Terrane (northern part of the Bohemian Massif) have been studied to obtain mineropetrographic and chemical reference data for provenance studies. Samples from six different quarries were analysed by mineralogical-petrographic and geochemical methods (optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, stable isotope ratio analysis, cathodoluminescence, bulk magnetic susceptibility). Petrographic characteristics permit a distinction between fine-grained to medium-grained marbles from the Jizera Mts (amphibolite metamorphic facies) and fine-grained marbles from the Ještěd Mts (low-grade greenschist facies). The samples studied are mainly calcitic, with the exception of those from Raspenava in which dolomite is abundant in two types. The mineralogical composition of the insoluble residues is clinochlore ± serpentine ± tremolite ± diopside ± pyrite + magnetite in case of the locality Raspenava and clinochlore + muscovite ± quartz ± pyrite ± rutile ± haematite in case of the localities from the Ještěd Mts. δ13C and δ18O variations in primary and secondary carbonate phases allow to distinguish genetically different carbonate veins and permit quarry separation in one case (Raspenava, Jizera Mts). The δ13C and δ18O values of the groundmass range from −1 to +3‰ and from −8 to −20‰ (PDB), respectively. The δ13C and δ18O values of secondary carbonate veins decrease to −3‰ and reach more negative values up to −26‰ in case of δ18O. The fabric of cathodomicrofacies allows the distinction between calcite and dolomite, except three localities (Pilínkov, Horní Hanychov, Jitrava—rose type) with majority of quenchers (high content of iron in carbonate). The genetically different calcite is characterised by a pale and dark orange luminescence distribution. Serpentine, tremolite, forsterite, opaque minerals and quartz have no luminescence and very dull luminescence, respectively. The majority of studied marbles exhibits low values of the bulk magnetic susceptibility, with the exception of those from Raspenava rich in magnetite.  相似文献   

The Ransko gabbro-peridotite massif in Eastern Bohemia is a strongly differentiated intrusive complex of Lower Cambrian age. The complex hosts low grade Ni-Cu ores mainly developed close to the contact of olivine-rich rocks with gabbros, in troctolites and, to a much lesser extent, in both pyroxene and olivine gabbros and plagioclase-rich peridotites. The ore zone is characterized by strong serpentinization and uralitization. The total Ni + Cu locally reaches up to 4 wt%. Anomalous concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGE's) (maximum 532 ppb Pd, 182 ppb Pt, 53 ppb Rh, 15 ppb Ru, 41 ppb Ir) were detected in samples of Cu-Ni and Ni-Cu ores (maximum 2.63 wt% Ni and 2.31 wt% Cu) from the Jezírka orebody. The main ore paragenesis includes pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, cubanite, pyrite, magnetite, mackinawite, valleriite, ilmenite and sphalerite. During this work, michenerite, froodite, sperrylite, gold, native bismuth, altaite, tsumoite, hessite, an unnamed Bi-Ni telluride, cobaltite-gersdorffite and galena were newly identified. The host rocks originated through partial melting of a slightly depleted mantle source with noble metals scavenged from this primitive magma prior to the development of these rocks.  相似文献   

The ores of the Yata gold mine in China are rich in arsenic and antimony, so the exploitation of this mine may also lead to the release of As and Sb to adjacent environments, such as stream water, stream sediment, soil, plants, and crops. To understand the environmental impact of mine tailings, samples of water, sediment, soil, plant and crop were collected and analyzed. In summer of 2005, the tailings dump was seriously flushed by a heavy flood, and the mine waste was transported far away. Samples were collected in December of 2004 and January of 2006, respectively, and the impact of the flood on the release of toxic elements was evaluated. The result shows that the Yata creek, which drains the mining area, was severely contaminated by As and Sb. The dissolved As and Sb in water are 86-1140 μg/L and 65-370 μg/L, the particulate As and Sb are 38-2100 μg/L and 25-420 μg/L, whereas As and Sb in the sediment are 190-760 μg/g and 69-210 μg/g, respectively. In water environment, As and Sb show a similar feature to SO4^2- since As and Sb exist dominantly as anions--H2AsO4^-, HAsO4^2- and SbO3^-. In contrast to Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, which migrate mostly in particulate form, As and Sb tend to transport in dissolved form.  相似文献   

The Jílové deposit in the central part of the Bohemian Massif represents a vein to stockwork type of orogenic-type gold deposit. It is hosted by Neoproterozoic rocks of the Jílové Belt and by various magmatic dikes related to the ~ 355 to ~ 335 Ma Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex. The deposit is situated along the terrane boundary of the Teplá Barrandian and Moldanubian units.The deposit offered an exceptional opportunity to trace O, C, S and Sr stable isotope evolution of parent fluids based on combined mineralogical and geochemical study of carbonate, quartz, scheelite, and sulfide minerals, which represent six stages of mineralization, including the gold-bearing event.Stable isotope data and mineral and isotope thermometry indicate gangue and ore mineral formation between ~ 350 °C and < 100 °C, which can be divided into 6 stages. Scheelite-bearing assemblages (stages 2–3) precipitated at 292 ± 8 °C from a fluid with calculated values: δ18OSMOW = + 4.2 ± 0.5‰ and δ13CPDB =  11 ± 1‰. Gold precipitation (stage 5) probably started at about 300 °C, but the major event probably occurred at 230 ± 30 °C from a fluid with more variable isotope values (δ18OSMOW = + 2.5 to + 5‰ and δ13CPDB =  9 to − 13.5‰). The carbon speciation was characterized by predomination of dissolved CO2 (H2CO3ap.) in the fluids. Some gold, however, undoubtedly precipitated from bicarbonate dominated fluids even at < 120 °C.Extreme variations in the δ18O values of carbonate minerals, obtained from sampling profiles across individual veins with macroscopic gold, revealed severe thermal gradients during vein formation (~ 50 to ~ 100 °C difference of crystallization temperatures between the vein margin and core).The sulfur stable isotope composition of sulfide minerals indicates the dominant role of sulfur remobilization from Neoproterozoic rocks and stratiform mineralizations of the Jílové Belt by Variscan hydrothermal fluids. Similarly, the Sr-isotope composition of carbonates indicates both relatively primitive (87Sr/86Sr = 0.7055) and more evolved (87Sr/86Sr ~ 0.7090) fluid compositions, probably indicating fluid exchange with the Jílové Belt and the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex rocks, respectively.Age determination of hydrothermal muscovite (related to stage 2) via 40Ar/39Ar indicated an age of 339.0 ± 1.5 Ma for the quartz veins. The mineralization is essentially coeval with the late intrusive phases of the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex (i.e. the ultrapotassic suite) and with late-orogenic large-scale tectonic movements at the boundary between the two crustal terranes (Teplá-Barrandian and Moldanubian).Based on evaluation of the available age data on the hydrothermal and magmatic activity within the broader area of the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex, we suggest two intervals of gold mineralization: 347 to 341 Ma and 340 to 337 Ma. The former interval overlaps with the intrusive activity of the Blatná high-K suite (granodiorite). The associated gold deposits (Mokrsko and Petráčkova hora) exhibit strong affiliation to the intrusion-related-gold-type deposit. The later interval overlaps with the ultrapotassic magmatism and is associated with more or less “classical” orogenic-gold-type deposits (Jílové, Bělčice, Libčice deposits).  相似文献   

The Krkonoše-Jizera Massif in the northern part of the Variscan Bohemian Massif provides insight into the exhumation mechanisms for subducted continental crust. The studied region exposes a relatively large portion of a flat-lying subduction-related complex that extends approximately 50 km away from the paleosuture. wide extent of HP-LT metamorphism has been confirmed by new P-T estimates indicating temperatures of 400–450 °C at 14–16 kbar and 450–520 °C at 14–18 kbar for the easternmost and westernmost parts of the studied area, respectively. A detailed study of metamorphic assemblages associated with individual deformation fabrics together with analysis of quartz deformation microstructures and textures allowed characterisation of the observed deformation structures in terms of their subduction-exhumation memory. An integration of the lithostratigraphic, metamorphic and structural data documents a subduction of distal and proximal parts of the Saxothuringian passive margin to high-pressure conditions and their subsequent exhumation during two distinct stages. The initial stage of exhumation has an adiabatic character interpreted as the buoyancy driven return of continental material from the subduction channel resulting in underplating and progressive nappe stacking at the base of the Teplá-Barrandian upper plate. With the transition from continental subduction to continental collision during later stages of the convergence, the underplated high-pressure rocks were further exhumed due to shortening in the accretionary wedge. This shortening is associated with the formation of large-scale recumbent forced folds extending across the entire studied area.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5):363-374
Granitoid rocks of the southern Menderes Massif, SW Turkey include widespread possibly Ediacaran high-grade granitic orthogneisses and younger (Tertiary) sheets, sills and/or dikes of variably deformed tourmaline-bearing leucogranites. The latter are confined to the immediate footwall of the regional-scale ductile southern Menderes shear zone. Although both sets of granitoid rocks are essentially calc-alkaline and peraluminous, the syn- to post-collisional tourmaline-bearing leucogranites are chemically distinguishable from both the granitoid orthogneisses and from two sets of mostly sodic siliceous dyke rocks. The leucogranites were generated by partial melting induced by shear heating during the waning stages of the Eocene main Menderes metamorphism and associated top-to-the-NNE thrusting along the southern Menderes ductile shear zone, which transported schists northwards over the granitoid orthogneisses of the core Menderes complex. Upward migration and emplacement of leucogranitic melt weakened formerly sheared rocks, so that when thrust-related deformation ceased it facilitated rapid crustal extension along the shear zone. The emplacement of leucogranites, in turn, promoted the reactivation of the southern Menderes shear zone as a top-to-the-SSW extensional feature. Continued extensional deformation affected the leucogranites which became parallel to the shear-zone foliation; local S-C fabrics were also generated. The additional occurrence of less or almost undeformed leucogranites suggests that the latest stages of extension might have induced adiabatic decompressional melting. Hence the leucogranite melt generation and emplacement in the southern Menderes Massif occurred in pulses. Both compressional and extensional processes played key roles in melt generation, emplacement, deformation and exhumation of the massif.

A clear distinction may also be made between the composition of granite-hosted tourmalines and those from metasedimentary schists. Tourmalines from a pebble of uncertain provenance in the Gökçay metaconglomerate plotted with schist-hosted tourmalines, suggesting that it was unlikely to be derived from granitoid gneiss. This crucial piece of evidence suggests that the presence of a major (Pan-African) unconformity at the so-called “core (orthogneiss)-cover (schist)” boundary in the southern Menderes Massif is unnecessary.  相似文献   

In recent years, the concentrations of heavy metals in Chinese herb of Ligusticum chuanxong Hort are overranging the standard of national port of green herbs in GAP bases of Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province. The aim of the research is to disclose the rem…  相似文献   

The late-Hercynian granites of Königshain underwent multistage hydrothermal processes. Extensive high-temperature late-magmatic alteration is, for example, indicated by low Zr/Hf and an REE pattern displaying the tetrad effect. Intensive post-magmatic alteration of the granite occurred along brittle structures. At least two main stages of post-magmatic hydrothermal alteration are involved. The first high-temperature stage, which is characterized by albitization and/or quartz leaching (episyenitization), resulted from fluid–rock interaction with late-magmatic fluids that very probably mixed with external low-salinity fluids. Quartz dissolution was triggered by vapour condensation and/or the cooling of these fluids (below 450??°C) along brittle structures. The high porosity resulting from quartz leaching during stage 1 assisted subsequent circulation of low-temperature fluids at stage 2; the latter is characterized by the chloritization and illitization of episyenites. Almost all major and trace elements were enriched or depleted during one of the main alteration stages. However, Zr, Hf, Th, and Ti were immobile during post-magmatic alteration. The significant depletion of LREE and the enrichment of HREE in albitized samples is controlled by the dissolution of monazite and the new formation of HREE-rich polycrase-(Y) or aeschynite-(Y) during post-magmatic stage 1. Negative Ce anomalies of episyenites are associated with illitization and suggest oxidizing conditions during stage 2.  相似文献   

Several m-thick, karst-unconformity-type metabauxite horizons in the İlbir Mountains of SW Turkey host open-space mineralization of gem-quality diaspore (trademarked as zultanite), associated with muscovite, hematite, ilmenite, chloritoid, and younger calcite. The hydrothermal-metamorphogenic mineralization occurs in fracture zones (veins and open structures) that crosscut the metabauxite horizons, but does not extend into the marble host rocks. The white to dark gray marble sequence (over 2,000 m in thickness) is of Cretaceous depositional age and was affected by Alpine (Paleogene) tectonometamorphism which caused the hydrothermal remobilization of primary bauxite components into crosscutting structures.  相似文献   

The Štěnovice and Čistá granodiorite–tonalite plutons are small (~27 and ~38 km2, respectively) intrusions that are largely discordant to regional ductile structures in the center of the upper-crustal Teplá–Barrandian unit, Bohemian Massif. Their whole-rock and trace-element compositions are consistent with medium-K calc-alkaline magma, generated above a subducted slab in a continental margin arc setting. The U–Pb zircon age of the Štěnovice pluton, newly determined at 375 ± 2 Ma using the laser ablation ICP-MS technique, is within the error of the previously published Pb–Pb age of 373 ± 1 Ma for the Čistá pluton. The two plutons also share other characteristics that are typical of concentrically expanded plutons (CEPs), such as elliptical cross-section in plan view, steep contacts, inferred downward-narrowing conical shape, faint normal zoning, and margin-parallel magmatic foliation decoupled from the regional host-rock structures. We interpret the Štěnovice and Čistá plutons as representing the initial Late Devonian stage of much more voluminous early Carboniferous arc-related plutonism (represented most typically by the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex) in the upper crust of the central Bohemian Massif. These two plutons are important tectonic elements in that they indicate an overall shift of the arc-related plutonic activity from the ~NW to the ~SE, accompanied with a general compositional trend of the magmas from medium-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic/ultrapotassic. Such a pattern is compatible with SE-directed subduction of the Saxothuringian Ocean beneath the Teplá–Barrandian overriding plate as a cause of arc-related magmatism in this part of the Bohemian Massif.  相似文献   

Evaluation of a 45-year data set of primary production (PP), a 30-year data set of phytoplankton biomass, and a 51-year data set of species composition shows an increase of phytoplankton biomass and abundance in the period from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s. Phytoplankton biomass showed bimodal seasonal cycles, with winter and spring maxima, which did not change over the past 30 years. Diatoms were the most abundant functional group and they prevailed during the colder part of the year while the dinoflagellate contribution to the phytoplankton community increased in the warmer period from May to August. Diatoms showed a significant negative correlation with sea surface temperature (SST), while dinoflagellates were positively correlated with SST. An increase of phytoplankton abundance, particularly dinoflagellate, in the period from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s coincided with years characterized by a high North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. Primary production and chlorophyll a concentration in the spring period were negatively correlated with the NAO winter (DJFM) index, probably caused by increased precipitation associated with a low or negative NAO index. PP in winter during the mixing period was positively related to the NAO winter index associated with higher temperatures and dry conditions which brought more clear days and increased input of solar radiation.  相似文献   

The distribution of gold in the weathering blanket at the Belikombone gold prospect in east Cameroon provides insights into gold mobility in the secondary environment and in tropical terrains worldwide. Both gridline-controlled sampling of topsoil (surface samples) and sampling of various layers in pits are used and the gold assay for each sample determined by NiS fire assay with ICP-AES finish. One hundred and thirty-two (132) surface samples and a total of 206 samples from 19 exploration pits were analyzed. The results from the topsoil samples show an anomaly with the highest Au concentration at 5.9 mgkg−1. The mineralization corridor follows a NE-SW trend. The horizons within the pits range from sap rock at the base, through saprolite, rubble layer rich in relict quartz material to a ferruginous loose layer at the top although some horizons are missing in some pits. All the layers contain gold and the highest concentration in the sap rock horizon is 3.4 mgkg−1 while the rubble layer has a gold high of 6.1 mgkg−1. The individual soil horizons show no systematic gold trends and given the presence of gold in all layers, the patterns point towards supergene dissolution and redistribution of gold. Gold enrichment within the upper horizons in the weathering blanket is attributed to sequestration by Fe oxides of chemically remobilized gold. However, the high gold content within the sap rock and saprolite layers suggests that migration of gold in the particulate form supersedes chemical gold redistribution. Particulate gold obtained by panning samples from the pits varies in shape from euhedral, elongated to irregular. Electron microprobe analysis on the grains record high contents of gold in the rim zones (90.0 to 99.8 wt%). The cores are relatively rich in Ag (12.6 to 14.2 wt%) while the rims are poor in Ag. The low Ag content in the rims is attributed to the preferential leaching of Ag. The soil pH value in this area varies between 3.6 and 7.3. Under such acidic to near neutral conditions, bisulfide and thiosulfate ions can dissolve and transport Au and Ag to be precipitated under surficial conditions creating authigenic Au haloes especially in the saprolite and sap rock layers. Such pH values together with oxidizing Eh conditions explain the solubility of gold in the area. These results are important for geochemical exploration of gold in tropical terrains, and confirm previous studies.  相似文献   

This paper describes late Cambrian dikes and Early Ordovician volcano-sedimentary successions of the Prague Basin, Bohemian Massif, to discuss the timing and kinematics of breakup of the northern margin of Gondwana. Andesitic dikes indicate minor E–W crustal extension in the late Cambrian, whereas the Tremadocian to Dapingian lithofacies distribution and linear array of depocenters suggest opening of this Rheic Ocean rift-related basin during NW–SE pure shear-dominated extension. This kinematic change was associated with the onset of basic submarine volcanism, presumably resulting from decompression mantle melting as the amount of extension increased. We conclude from these inferences and from a comparison with other Avalonian–Cadomian terranes that the rifting along the northern Gondwana margin was a two-stage process involving one major pulse of terrane detachment in the early Cambrian and one in the Early Ordovician. While the geodynamic cause for the former phase remains unclear, but still may include effects of Cadomian subduction (roll-back, slab break-off), isostatic rebound, or mantle plume, the incipient stage of the latter phase may have been triggered by the onset of subduction of the Iapetus Ocean at around 510 Ma, followed by advanced extension broadly coeval (Tremadocian to Darriwilian) in large portions of the Avalonian–Cadomian belt. Unequal amounts of extension resulted in the separation and drift of some terranes, while other portions of the belt remained adjacent to Gondwana.  相似文献   

Gold mineralization at copper-skarn deposits (Tardanskoe, Murzinskoe, Sinyukhinskoe, Choiskoe) in the Altai–Sayan folded area is related to different hydrothermal-metasomatic formations. It was produced at 400–150 ºC in several stages spanning 5–6 Myr, which determined the diversity of its mineral assemblages. Gold mineralization associated with magnetite bodies is spatially correlated with magnesian and calcareous skarns, whereas gold mineralization in crushing zones and along fault sutures in moderate- and low-temperature hydrothermal-metasomatic rocks (propylites, beresites, serpentinites, and argillizites) is of postskarn formation. Different stages were manifested with different intensities at gold deposits. For example, the Sinyukhinskoe deposit abounds in early high-temperature mineral assemblages; the Choiskoe deposit, in low-temperature ones; and the Tardanskoe and Murzinskoe deposits are rich in both early and late gold minerals. Formation of commercial gold mineralization at different copper-skarn deposits is due to the combination of gold mineralization produced at different stages as a result of formation of intricate igneous complexes (Tannu-Ola, Ust’-Belaya, and Yugala) composed of differentiated rocks from gabbros to granites.  相似文献   

The West Qinling Orogen (WQO) in Central China Orogenic Belt contains numerous metasedimentary rock-hosted gold deposits (>2000 t Au), which mainly formed during two pulses: one previously recognized in the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic (T3–J1) and one only recently identified in the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (J3–K1). Few studies have focused on the origin and geotectonic setting of the J3–K1 gold deposits.Textural relationships, LA-ICP-MS trace element and sulfur isotope compositions of pyrites in hydrothermally altered T3 dykes within the J3–K1 Daqiao deposit were used to constrain relative timing relationships between mineralization and pyrite growth in the dykes, and to characterize the source of ore fluid. These results are integrated with an overview of the regional geodynamic setting, to advance understanding of the tectonic driver for J3–K1 hydrothermal gold systems. Pyrite in breccia- and dyke-hosted gold ores at Daqiao have similar chemical and isotopic compositions and are considered to be representative of J3–K1 gold deposits in WQO. Co/Ni and sulfur isotope ratios suggest that ore fluids were derived from underlying Paleozoic Ni- and Se-rich carbonaceous sedimentary rocks. The geochemical data do not support the involvement of magmatic fluids. However, in the EQO (East Qinling Orogen), J3–K1 deposits are genetically related to magmatism. Gold mineralization in WQO is contemporaneous with magmatic deposits in the EQO and both are mainly controlled by NE- and EW-trending structures produced by changes in plate motion of the Paleo-Pacific plate as it was subducted beneath the Eurasian continent. We therefore infer that the J3–K1 structural regime facilitated the ascent of magma in the EQO and metamorphic fluids in the WQO with consequent differences in the character of contemporaneous ore deposits. If this is correct, then the far-field effects of subduction along the eastern margin of NE Asia extended 1000's of km into the continental interior.  相似文献   

Cambrian and Ordovician-Middle Devonian sequences of two successive Early Palaeozoic basins of the Barrandian unconformably overlie Cadomian basement in the Bohemian Massif NW interior (Teplá-Barrandian unit) which is the easternmost peri-Gondwanan remnant within the Variscides. Correlation of stratigraphy and geochemistry of the Early Palaeozoic siliciclastic rocks elucidated sediment provenances. Sandstones of the Middle Cambrian Píbram-Jince Basin were derived from a Cadomian Neoproterozoic island arc. The source area of the Ordovician shallow-marine siliciclastics of the successor Prague Basin is a dissected Cadomian orogen. Late Cambrian acid volcanics of the Barrandian and Cambrian (meta)granitoids emplaced in the W part of the Teplá-Barrandian Cadomian basement are also discernible in these sediments. Old sedimentary component increased during the Ordovician. Early Llandovery siliciclastic rocks show characteristics of an abruptly weakened supply of terrigenous material and an elevated proportion of synsedimentary basic volcanics as a result of Silurian transgression. Emsian siliciclastics (intercalated in the Late Silurian to Early Devonian limestone suite) presumably comprise an addition of coeval basic/ultrabasic volcaniclastics. Middle Devonian flysch-like siliciclastics indicate reappearance of Cadomian source near the Barrandian during early Variscan convergences of Armorican microplates that preceeded accretion of the Teplá-Barrandian unit within the Bohemian Massif terrane mosaic.Dr. Patoka deceased in July 2004.  相似文献   

The crustal section beneath amphibolite Nied?wied? Massif (Fore-Sudetic Block in NE Bohemian Massif), modelled on the basis of geological and seismic data, is dominated by gneisses with subordinate granites (upper and middle crust) and melagabbros (lower crust). The geotherm was calculated based on the chemical analyses of the heat-producing elements in the rocks forming the crust and the measurements of their density and heat conductivity. The results were verified by heat flow calculations based on temperature measurements from 1,600?m deep well in the Nied?wied? Massif and by temperature–depth estimates in mantle xenoliths coming from the nearby ca. 4.5?My basanite plug in Lutynia. The paleoclimate-corrected heat flow in the Nied?wied? Massif is 69.5?mW?m?2, and the mantle heat flow is 28?mW?m?2. The mantle beneath the Massif was located marginally relative to the areas of intense Cenozoic thermal rejuvenation connected with alkaline volcanism. This results in geotherm which is representative for lithosphere parts located at the margins of zones of continental alkaline volcanism and at its waning stages. The lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB) beneath Nied?wied? is located between 90 and 100?km depth and supposedly the rheological change at LAB is not related to the appearance of melt.  相似文献   

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