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We study symmetric relative periodic orbits in the isosceles three-body problem using theoretical and numerical approaches. We first prove that another family of symmetric relative periodic orbits is born from the circular Euler solution besides the elliptic Euler solutions. Previous studies also showed that there exist infinitely many families of symmetric relative periodic orbits which are born from heteroclinic connections between triple collisions as well as planar periodic orbits with binary collisions. We carry out numerical continuation analyses of symmetric relative periodic orbits, and observe abundant families of symmetric relative periodic orbits bifurcating from the two families born from the circular Euler solution. As the angular momentum tends to zero, many of the numerically observed families converge to heteroclinic connections between triple collisions or planar periodic orbits with binary collisions described in the previous results, while some of them converge to “previously unknown” periodic orbits in the planar problem.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a restricted equilateral four-body problem where a particle of negligible mass is moving under the Newtonian gravitational attraction of three masses (called primaries) which move on circular orbits around their center of masses such that their configuration is always an equilateral triangle (Lagrangian configuration). We consider the case of two bodies of equal masses, which in adimensional units is the parameter of the problem. We study numerically the existence of families of unstable periodic orbits, whose invariant stable and unstable manifolds are responsible for the existence of homoclinic and heteroclinic connections, as well as of transit orbits traveling from and to different regions. We explore, for three different values of the mass parameter, what kind of transits and energy levels exist for which there are orbits with prescribed itineraries visiting the neighborhood of different primaries.  相似文献   

Several families of periodic orbits exist in the context of the circular restricted three-body problem. This work studies orbital motion of a spacecraft among these periodic orbits in the Earth–Moon system, using the planar circular restricted three-body problem model. A new cylindrical representation of the spacecraft phase space (i.e., position and velocity) is described, and allows representing periodic orbits and the related invariant manifolds. In the proximity of the libration points, the manifolds form a four-fold surface, if the cylindrical coordinates are employed. Orbits departing from the Earth and transiting toward the Moon correspond to the trajectories located inside this four-fold surface. The isomorphic mapping under consideration is also useful for describing the topology of the invariant manifolds, which exhibit a complex geometrical stretch-and-folding behavior as the associated trajectories reach increasing distances from the libration orbit. Moreover, the cylindrical representation reveals extremely useful for detecting periodic orbits around the primaries and the libration points, as well as the possible existence of heteroclinic connections. These are asymptotic trajectories that are ideally traveled at zero-propellant cost. This circumstance implies the possibility of performing concretely a variety of complex Earth–Moon missions, by combining different types of trajectory arcs belonging to the manifolds. This work studies also the possible application of manifold dynamics to defining a suitable, convenient end-of-life strategy for spacecraft placed in any of the unstable orbits. The final disposal orbit is an externally confined trajectory, never approaching the Earth or the Moon, and can be entered by means of a single velocity impulse (of modest magnitude) along the right unstable manifold that emanates from the Lyapunov orbit at \(L_2\) .  相似文献   

Transit orbits are defined as the trajectories that can pass through the neck region of the zero velocity surface in the circular restricted three-body problem (CR3BP). The low-energy transfers in the CR3BP or between two CR3BPs are always through the instrumentality of the transit orbits. In this paper, the distribution of the transit orbits in the six-dimensional phase space is explored by using numerical methods. The necessary and sufficient condition of transition is introduced, which defines the distribution of the transit orbits by using the manifolds of the vertical and horizontal Lyapunov orbits and the transit cones. The relationship between the manifolds of the libration point orbits and the boundary of the transit orbits is discovered. By using this relationship, a fast algorithm for detecting the boundary of the transit orbits is developed. Moreover, this boundary is parametrized by using Fourier series, which makes easy to use the conclusions of this paper in future trajectory optimization and mission design. All the analyses in this paper are based on the Sun?CEarth CR3BP, but the methods introduced here can be extended to any CR3BPs.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a two-parametric family of symmetric periodic orbits of the three-dimensional general three-body problem, found numerically by continuation of a vertical critical orbit of the circular restricted three-body problem. The periodic orbits refer to a suitably defined rotating frame of reference.  相似文献   

We consider the particular case of the planar three body problem obtained when the masses form an isosceles triangle for all time. Various authors [1, 2, 12, 8, 9, 13, 10] have contributed in the knowledge of the triple collision and of several families of periodic orbits in this problem. We study the flow on a fixed level of negative energy. First we obtain a topological representation of the energy manifold including the triple collision and infinity as boundaries of that manifold. The existence of orbits connecting the triple collision and infinity gives some homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits. Using these orbits and the homothetic solutions of the problem we can characterize orbits which pass near triple collision and near infinity by pairs of sequences. One of the sequences describes the regions visited by the orbit, the other refers to the behaviour of the orbit between two consecutive passages by a suitable surface of section. This symbolic dynamics which has a topological character is given in an abstract form and after it is applied to the isosceles problem. We try to keep globality as far as possible. This strongly relies on the fact that the intersection of some invariant manifolds with an equatorial plane (v=0) have nice spiraling properties. This can be proved by analytical means in some local cases. Numerical simulations given in Appendix A make clear that these properties hold globally.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical algorithm that can generate long-term libration points orbits (LPOs) and the transfer orbits from the parking orbits to the LPOs in the circular-restricted three-body problem (CR3BP) and the full solar system model without initial guesses. The families of the quasi-periodic LPOs in the CR3BP can also be constructed with this algorithm. By using the dynamical behavior of LPO, the transfer orbit from the parking orbit to the LPO is generated using a bisection method. At the same time, a short segment of the target LPO connected with the transfer orbit is obtained, then the short segment of LPO is extended by correcting the state towards its adjacent point on the stable manifold of the target LPO with differential evolution algorithm. By implementing the correction strategy repeatedly, the LPOs can be extended to any length as needed. Moreover, combining with the continuation procedure, this algorithm can be used to generate the families of the quasi-periodic LPOs in the CR3BP.  相似文献   

This study investigates Lagrangian coherent structures (LCS) in the planar elliptic restricted three-body problem (ER3BP), a generalization of the circular restricted three-body problem (CR3BP) that asks for the motion of a test particle in the presence of two elliptically orbiting point masses. Previous studies demonstrate that an understanding of transport phenomena in the CR3BP, an autonomous dynamical system (when viewed in a rotating frame), can be obtained through analysis of the stable and unstable manifolds of certain periodic solutions to the CR3BP equations of motion. These invariant manifolds form cylindrical tubes within surfaces of constant energy that act as separatrices between orbits with qualitatively different behaviors. The computation of LCS, a technique typically applied to fluid flows to identify transport barriers in the domains of time-dependent velocity fields, provides a convenient means of determining the time-dependent analogues of these invariant manifolds for the ER3BP, whose equations of motion contain an explicit dependency on the independent variable. As a direct application, this study uncovers the contribution of the planet Mercury to the Interplanetary Transport Network, a network of tubes through the solar system that can be exploited for the construction of low-fuel spacecraft mission trajectories. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A systematic approach to generate periodic orbits in the elliptic restricted problem of three bodies in introduced. The approach is based on (numerical) continuation from periodic orbits of the first and second kind in the circular restricted problem to periodic orbits in the elliptic restricted problem. Two families of periodic orbits of the elliptic restricted problem are found by this approach. The mass ratio of the primaries of these orbits is equal to that of the Sun-Jupiter system. The sidereal mean motions between the infinitesimal body and the smaller primary are in a 2:5 resonance, so as to approximate the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system. The linear stability of these periodic orbits are studied as functions of the eccentricities of the primaries and of the infinitesimal body. The results show that both stable and unstable periodic orbits exist in the elliptic restricted problem that are close to the actual Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system. However, the periodic orbit closest to the actual Sun-Jupiter-Saturn system is (linearly) stable.  相似文献   

We present the biparametric family I of symmetric periodic orbits of the three-dimensional general three-body problem, found by numerical continuation of the vertical critical orbit I of the circular restricted three-body problem. The periodic orbits refer to a suitably chosen rotating frame of reference.  相似文献   

Several families of planar planetary-type periodic orbits in the general three-body problem, in a rotating frame of reference, for the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn mass-ratio are found and their stability is studied. It is found that the configuration in which the orbit of the smaller planet is inside the orbit of the larger planet is, in general, more stable.We also develop a method to study the stability of a planar periodic motion with respect to vertical perturbations. Planetary periodic orbits with the orbits of the two planets not close to each other are found to be vertically stable. There are several periodic orbits that are stable in the plane but vertically unstable and vice versa. It is also shown that a vertical critical orbit in the plane can generate a monoparametric family of three-dimensional periodic orbits.  相似文献   

Analysis and design of low-energy transfers to the Moon has been a subject of great interest for many decades. This paper is concerned with a topological study of such transfers, with emphasis to trajectories that allow performing lunar capture and those that exhibit homoclinic connections, in the context of the circular restricted three-body problem. A fundamental theorem stated by Conley locates capture trajectories in the phase space and can be condensed in a sentence: “if a crossing asymptotic orbit exists then near any such there is a capture orbit”. In this work this fundamental theoretical assertion is used together with an original cylindrical isomorphic mapping of the phase space associated with the third body dynamics. For a given energy level, the stable and unstable invariant manifolds of the periodic Lyapunov orbit around the collinear interior Lagrange point are computed and represented in cylindrical coordinates as tubes that emanate from the transformed periodic orbit. These tubes exhibit complex geometrical features. Their intersections correspond to homoclinic orbits and determine the topological separation of long-term lunar capture orbits from short-duration capture trajectories. The isomorphic mapping is proven to allow a deep insight on the chaotic motion that characterizes the dynamics of the circular restricted three-body, and suggests an interesting interpretation, and together corroboration, of Conley’s assertion on the topological location of lunar capture orbits. Moreover, an alternative three-dimensional representation of the phase space is profitably employed to identify convenient lunar periodic orbits that can be entered with modest propellant consumption, starting from the Lyapunov orbit.  相似文献   

We study numerically the asymptotic homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits around the hyperbolic Lyapunov periodic orbits which emanate from Euler's critical points L 1 and L 2, in the photogravitational restricted plane circular three-body problem. The invariant stable-unstable manifolds associated to these Lyapunov orbits, are also presented. Poincaré surface of sections of these manifolds on appropriate planes and several homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits for the gravitational case as well as for varying radiation factor q 1, are displayed. Homoclinic-homoclinic and homoclinic-heteroclinic-homoclinic chains which link the interior with the exterior Hill's regions, are illustrated. We adopt the Sun-Jupiter system and assume that only the larger primary radiates. It is found that for small deviations of its value from the gravitational case (q 1 = 1), the radiation pressure exerts a significant impact on the Hill's regions and on these asymptotic orbits.  相似文献   

In this paper three results on the linearized mapping associated with the plane three body problem near a periodic orbit are established. It is first shown that linear stability of such an orbit is independent of initial position on the orbit and of coordinate system. Second, the relation of Hénon connecting the rates of change of rotation angle and period on an isoenergetic family of periodic orbits is proved, together with a similar relation for families of orbits closing exactly in a rotating coordinate system. Finally, a condition for a critical orbit is given which is applicable to any family of periodic orbits.  相似文献   

We study numerically the asymptotic homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits associated with the triangular equilibrium points L 4 and L 5, in the gravitational and the photogravitational restricted plane circular three-body problem. The invariant stable-unstable manifolds associated to these critical points, are also presented. Hundreds of asymptotic orbits for equal mass of the primaries and for various values of the radiation pressure are computed and the most interesting of them are illustrated. In the Copenhagen case, which the problem is symmetric with respect to the x- and y-axis, we found and present non-symmetric heteroclinic asymptotic orbits. So pairs of heteroclinic connections (from L 4 to L 5 and vice versa) form non-symmetric heteroclinic cycles. The termination orbits (a combination of two asymptotic orbits) of all the simple families of symmetric periodic orbits, in the Copenhagen case, are illustrated.  相似文献   

We investigate specific homothetic solutions of then-body problem which both begin and end in a simultaneous collision of all of the particles. Under a suitable change of variables, these solutions become heteroclinic orbits, i.e., they lie in the intersection of the stable and unstable manifolds of distinct equilibrium points. Our main result is that these manifolds intersect transversely along these orbits. This proves that the homothetic solutions are structurally stable.Partially supported by NSF Grant MCS 77-00430.  相似文献   

This work studies a special type of cislunar periodic orbits in the circular restricted three-body problem called resonance transition periodic orbits, which switch between different resonances and revolve about the secondary with multiple loops during one period. In the practical computation, families of multiple periodic orbits are identified first, and then the invariant manifolds emanating from the unstable multiple periodic orbits are taken to generate resonant homoclinic connections, which are used to determine the initial guesses for computing the desired periodic orbits by means of multiple-shooting scheme. The obtained periodic orbits have potential applications for the missions requiring long-term continuous observation of the secondary and tour missions in a multi-body environment.  相似文献   

A number of Jupiter family comets such as Otermaand Gehrels 3make a rapid transition from heliocentric orbits outside the orbit of Jupiter to heliocentric orbits inside the orbit of Jupiter and vice versa. During this transition, the comet can be captured temporarily by Jupiter for one to several orbits around Jupiter. The interior heliocentric orbit is typically close to the 3:2 resonance while the exterior heliocentric orbit is near the 2:3 resonance. An important feature of the dynamics of these comets is that during the transition, the orbit passes close to the libration points L 1and L 2, two of the equilibrium points for the restricted three-body problem for the Sun-Jupiter system. Studying the libration point invariant manifold structures for L 1and L 2is a starting point for understanding the capture and resonance transition of these comets. For example, the recently discovered heteroclinic connection between pairs of unstable periodic orbits (one around the L 1and the other around L 2) implies a complicated dynamics for comets in a certain energy range. Furthermore, the stable and unstable invariant manifold tubes associated to libration point periodic orbits, of which the heteroclinic connections are a part, are phase space conduits transporting material to and from Jupiter and between the interior and exterior of Jupiter's orbit.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional general three-body problem is formulated suitably for the numerical determination of periodic orbits either directly or by continuation from the three-dimensional periodic orbits of the restricted problem. The symmetry properties of the equations of motion are established and the algorithms for the numerical determination of families of periodic orbits are outlined. A normalization scheme based on the concept of the invariable plane is introduced to simplify the process. All three types of symmetric orbit, as well as the general type of asymmetric orrbit, are considered. Many threedimmensional p periodic orbits are given.  相似文献   

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