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英国钙华苔藓植物区系特征及其主要钙华沉积类型   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
根据1998— 2000年作者采自英国39个钙华沉积区1245份的野外苔藓植物标本研究, 英国钙华苔藓植物区系具有下列特征:(1)区系种类由19科34属50种(含变种亚种)组成, 其中含英国钙华苔藓新记录26种;(2)区系生活型含高丛集型(10 %)、矮丛集型(32%)、交织型(44 %)、扇型(2 %)和平埔型(12 %)5 种类型;(3)区系地理成分含北温带分布(46 %)、温带欧洲分布(6 %)、欧洲-非洲分布(2 %)、欧洲-北美分布(10 %)、旧世界温带分布(4%)和世界广泛分布(34%)等6种成。根据钙华生长的环境特征, 英国苔藓植物钙华可划分为泉华、瀑华、溪流钙华和洞穴弱光带钙华4 种基本类型及12 种小类型。   相似文献   

报道了法国阿尔卑斯-罗讷( Rhone-Alps )地区3个岩溶洞穴苔藓植物群落研究结果。记载典型洞穴苔藓群落11个,苔藓植物种类8科12属15种(含变种); 区系地理成分含北温带分布(46. 66%)、温带欧洲分布(6. 67% )、欧洲-亚洲分布(6. 67%)、欧洲-北美分布(13. 33%)和世界广泛分布(26. 67%) 5种成分; 生活型含高丛集型(20%)、矮丛集型(33. 33%)、交织型(40%)和平铺型(6. 67%) 4种类型。根据岩溶沉积环境特征,划分洞穴苔藓群落为钟乳石苔藓群落、洞壁钙华苔藓群落、洞底泉华苔藓群落和石灰土苔藓群落等4种生态类型。   相似文献   

钙华洞穴的形成与保护   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
周绪伦  李振伦 《中国岩溶》2004,23(2):107-112
钙华洞穴是由钙华或钙华与碳酸盐岩共同形成的封闭或半封闭的空间。按成因,钙华洞穴可分为沉淀型(建造型)和岩溶型(改造型)两种类型。沉淀型钙华洞穴是钙化瀑布发育过程中的产物,是由于水量的分异和流态的变化造成不同位置上CaCO3 沉积量的差异而出现洞穴空间雏型并经进一步发展形成;岩溶型钙华洞穴则是钙华体在溶蚀过程中伴有不同程度的塌陷和再造所致。钙华洞穴小巧玲珑,景观精美奇特,具有较高的观赏性,但由于钙华洞穴的顶板较薄,使其具有较多的不稳定性。另外,洞内的次生碳酸钙形态极易被污染破坏。因此在开发利用时,应对钙华洞穴的稳定性进行科学评价,并加强洞穴生态环境的保护和监测工作。   相似文献   

基于钙均衡估算黄龙钙华沉积速率的探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
胥良  姜泽凡 《中国岩溶》2007,26(2):132-136
从黄龙钙华的成因研究出发,结合地质历史分析及长观资料对核心景区景观水系统的相对稳定性作出了评价。通过对景观水中钙离子及其它组分含量在时间及空间上变化特征的分析研究,揭示了钙离子含量在时间上的相对稳定以及在空间上自上游而下逐渐降低的规律,这为采用钙均衡模式来研究钙华堆积区内的年沉积量提供了重要保证。在此基础上,进一步通过同位素测年、物探、测绘等综合手段对钙华堆积区内的历史与现代的平均沉积速率进行系统研究,并与前人的研究成果对比,验证了钙均衡模型的可行性和可靠性。计算结果表明,黄龙核心景区钙华的平均沉积速率为1~ 4. 86mm /a。   相似文献   

黄龙主沟露天钙华分布面积为634 712m2,最大厚度为19.72m.在3.5万年以来的演化过程中形成了绚丽多姿的钙华彩池、钙华滩流、钙华瀑布、钙华洞穴等景观.它被誉为"人间瑶池",是世界著名的旅游胜地.其中钙华彩池105 932m2,钙华滩流157 882m2.根据钙华在演变过程中所处的阶段可划分为成长区、平衡区、消退区、非沉积区等4个演化分区.钙华景观的发展演化不由其形成时代的新老决定,而与自身所处的地质背景、水循环系统控制下的钙华源泉的稳定性密切相关.目前,黄龙钙华景观主体处于青壮年期.  相似文献   

钙华是一种大孔隙次生碳酸钙,是岩溶水在适宜的环境下碳酸钙过饱和沉积而形成,不同成因的钙华形成了绚丽多彩的自然景观。钙华沉积速率快,对气候和环境极具敏感性,近年来被广泛用于短时间尺度的古气候环境重建研究。由于钙华主要分布于水流活动频繁的偏远地区,较少用于工程建设,故国内外对其工程性质少有研究。本文以南美洲玻利维亚东南地区某冶金项目为依托,实地研究了湖沼相钙华的工程性质,通过渗水试验测试了钙华层的渗透系数,通过浸水载荷试验,研究了钙华的承载力特性和溶陷性。结果表明:钙华的渗透系数为1.7×10-3cm·s-1;变形模量为45.39 MPa,在浸水之后变形模量有所降低,但仍然可达到36.85 MPa;浸水状态下地基承载力特征值高于280 kPa,浸水3 h后的浸润深度为0.65 m;钙华的平均溶陷系数为0.001 75,为非溶陷性岩石。通过试验可以得出如下结论:(1)钙华遇水后的稳定性较差,基坑和基础施工宜安排在旱季。(2)钙华在天然状态下的承载力较高,遇水后承载力会有所降低,应尽可能保持基底干燥。③钙华的渗透系数较小,短时间的水流对钙华层的浸润深度较小,雨季来临时,只要做好地基的覆盖,就可以使地基保持较高的承载力。  相似文献   

钙华是第四纪研究中的重要标志物,它记录了地质构造活动和气候变化信息.钙华沉积和气候变化之间可能存在联系,但它们之间的确切关系还不清楚.本文收集了中国的50处钙华地理坐标及98个已发表的钙华年龄数据,并使用钙华数量出现峰值的年龄与第四纪典型气候事件发生的时间进行比较分析,以检验钙华沉积受气候变化调节的假设.数据分析表明,中国钙华在空间上主要分布在水量充足气候温暖且地势起伏大、水动力强的西南地区;在时间上钙华数量出现峰值的频率大致对应于气候的10万年(100 ka)冰期旋回,每100 ka的最大峰值均出现在间冰期或过渡期(冰川期向间冰期过渡时期)这两个较温暖时期.并得出中国钙华在气候温暖且降水或地下水丰富的时期沉积速率更高,而在气温降低水量减少时期沉积速率较低.  相似文献   

钙华是第四纪研究中的重要标志物,它记录了地质构造活动和气候变化信息.钙华沉积和气候变化之间可能存在联系,但它们之间的确切关系还不清楚.本文收集了中国的50处钙华地理坐标及98个已发表的钙华年龄数据,并使用钙华数量出现峰值的年龄与第四纪典型气候事件发生的时间进行比较分析,以检验钙华沉积受气候变化调节的假设.数据分析表明,中国钙华在空间上主要分布在水量充足气候温暖且地势起伏大、水动力强的西南地区;在时间上钙华数量出现峰值的频率大致对应于气候的10万年(100 ka)冰期旋回,每100 ka的最大峰值均出现在间冰期或过渡期(冰川期向间冰期过渡时期)这两个较温暖时期.并得出中国钙华在气候温暖且降水或地下水丰富的时期沉积速率更高,而在气温降低水量减少时期沉积速率较低.  相似文献   

云南白水台钙华沉积成因及主要沉积类型研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
白水台钙华景区是我国最大的冷泉型淡水泉华台地之一,其形成是由于大气降水通过玉席谷向斜构造及北西侧的断层构造向下渗透并接受来自深部地层的CO2补给,尔后岩溶地下水径流至白地盆边缘受到三叠系碎屑岩的阻挡呈带状出露于地表,CO2自水中逸出造成pH升高,CaCO3过饱和而发生沉淀,形成形态极其优美的钙华景观。但目前由于泉水流量的减少以及人为的干扰,白水台钙华景观正处在退化之中,须采取科学、合理的措施对其加以保护。   相似文献   

云南白水台钙华景区的水化学动态变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
游省易  李强  刘再华 《中国岩溶》2003,22(2):110-117
本文采用水化学仪器自动记录、现场测定和取样室内分析等相结合的方法,对云南白水台钙华景区水的物理化学动态变化特征进行了综合研究,结果发现: 随着CaCO3 的沉积,水中的主要离子Ca2+ 和HCO-3 浓度、电导逐渐降低; p H值升高。我们对1号泉进行昼夜观测发现: 5月1号泉的水温呈周期性变化,周期约为28小时,而在9月水温保持恒定。对下游( 12号观测点)的动态观测发现水的p H值与水温呈反相关关系,在对中游( 6号观测点)的早、中、晚观测得到了同样的结果。最终我们得出结论: 1号泉水温变化可能受补给水源水温动态变化、降雨和地热影响;中下游pH值和电导率的变化与碳酸钙的沉积速率、碳酸平衡和藻类作用有关。   相似文献   

本文将宁夏中卫县下河沿原上石炭统太原组划分为上、下二个段。太原组上段(剖面18—31层),含科以Pseudoschwagerina带及Sphaeroschwagerina带的属种为代表,牙形石Streptog-nathodus属为主,植物为东方鳞木类繁多,裸子植物花粉占优势。以上古生物面貌应属于早二叠世。太原组下段(剖面1—17层),含科Medocris,Pseudostaffella,牙形石Idognathodusdellicatus,I.olavlformis等为主;植物以Neuropterispseudovata及Spherophyllumoblongiforlium最繁盛,其时代呈现浓厚晚石炭世特征。据上述情况,本区石炭—二叠系的界线应置于太原组上、下段之间,这条界线比我国传统的划界位置低一些,而与目前国际上普遍采用的界线已趋于一致。  相似文献   

对山西襄汾敬村更新统剖面黄土—古土壤的系统古地磁学研究表明,磁化率曲线与洛川黄土—古土壤磁化率标准曲线有较好的对应关系。这种对应关系由极性测量结果进一步证实。根据这一对应关系可推断,敬村剖面底部微红土及其下的砂砾层年代应老于1000ka。这一研究结果也可与距其1km外具有类似接触关系、年代有争议的丁村遗址进行磁性地层学对比。  相似文献   

红山糜棱岩-超糜棱岩金矿带大地构造背景属天山地槽北天山地向斜褶皱带,位于康古尔与苦水断裂之间狭长的含金韧性剪切带东段北缘;其出露地层为中下石炭统;华力西中晚期的多期次岩浆活动、韧性剪切作用和构造活动叠加形成了一系列金及多金属矿床,已成为新疆东部主要的产金基地;通过对糜棱岩-超糜棱岩带金矿带赋存的金矿床矿床地质特征的研究,并从宏观及微观尺度进行成矿条件分析,发现金的富集与多金属硫化物,尤其是与方铅矿关系密切;主要特征是贫黄铁矿,多金属硫化物少,局部富含方铅矿,金的分布极不均匀;金具有多源性,主要来自岩浆,少量来自围岩;剪切作用多次叠加及强烈糜棱岩化,使金矿物与多金属硫化物多沿糜棱面理及显微裂隙分布,最终导致工业矿体侵位,沿该带形成一系列糜棱岩-超糜棱岩型金矿床.  相似文献   

本文在分析筠连温泉岩溶风景区旅游景观资源特点的基础上,应用类比法研究的一般原理,将其与美国阿肯色州的温泉国家公园进行了定性类比和定量对比,得出筠连温泉岩溶风景名胜区的旅游景观资源,无论在品质上和丰度上,均与美国温泉国家公园类同的明确结论。  相似文献   

Rhaetian bone beds have been described from many locations in south-west England, around Bristol. One site that has never been reported is Stowey Quarry, some 13?km south of Bristol. This quarry yielded Lias, and revealed thin Rhaetian units in the quarry floor, including two bone beds, the basal Rhaetian bone bed, and a second, higher bone bed, also within the Westbury Formation. The fossil fauna of both includes elements typical of Rhaetian bone beds elsewhere, but showing differences in faunal composition between the two. The basal bone bed yielded more specimens and more species, with three taxa (Sargodon tomicus, Rhomphaiodon minor and Hybodus cloacinus) exclusive to this bed and eleven identified in total. Severnichthys acuminatus accounts for more than 50% of the countable teeth from the basal bone bed, followed by Gyrolepis albertii with 20%, Lissodus minimus with 14% and Rhomphaiodon minor with 9%. The basal bone bed, as ever, is dominated by chondrichthyans, whereas the upper bone bed is dominated by osteichthyans, which form 90% of the non-dental remains. The only unique taxon is Dapedium, and Gyrolepis albertii is the most abundant species with 45% of countable teeth, followed by Severnichthys acuminatus with 38% and Duffinselache holwellensis with 11%. These faunal differences, and the equally good condition of specimens between both samples confirms that the upper bone bed is independent of the basal bone bed, and is not a reworked subsample.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Thirty clay-rich horizons from the Wenlock and Ludlow Series of the Welsh Borderland were analysed to investigate their mineralogy and possible origins. Two mineralogical assemblages were determined: an assemblage of illite-smectite and kaolinite of volcanic origin which was associated in many samples with an assemblage of illite and chlorite of detrital origin. Immobile chemical discriminants (Zr/TiO2 versus Nb/Y) infer an originally rhyolitic ash composition with a possible temporal progression, from the Wenlock to Ludlow, to more differentiated compositions. The thin nature of the bentonites and lack of juxtaposed subduction related calc-alkaline magmatism suggests that the tuffs were derived from distant explosive eruptions from volcanic centres, possibly in NE Europe.  相似文献   

The type, scale, and relative abundance of sedimentary structures in four kinds of dunes at White Sands National Monument, New Mexico, were determined by examination of vertical sections on walls of trenches cut through the dunes both in a windward direction and at right angles to this direction. Analysis of cross-stratification in all dunes examined indicated certain common features: sets of cross-strata mostly are medium- to large-scale; nearly all laminae dip downwind at high angles (not uncommonly at 30°-34°); most bounding surfaces between sets of cross-strata are nearly horizontal on the upwind side, but have progressively steeper dips to lee, downwind; and individual sets of cross-strata tend to be thinner and the laminae flatter near the top than at the bottom of a dune in vertical section. Sparse but distinctive structural features that are characteristic of the four types of dunes are varieties of contorted bedding, rare ripple laminae, and either local scour-and-fill bedding, or festoon bedding. Other structures, apparently limited to either one or two types of dunes, are the concave-downward foresets in some parabolic dunes; the low-angle reverse dips of upwind strata on high transverse dunes; and the almost horizontal laminae which represent apparent dip in sections normal to wind direction in dome-shaped and transverse dunes. Describing cross-stratification in terms of three dimensions, dune structure at White Sands consists dominantly of the tabular planar sets, with units thickest near the dune base, thinner above. To a lesser extent the sets are of simple (non-erosion) tabular form and relatively uncommonly, of the trough type. Wedge planar forms are scarce. The planar forms characteristically are of two classes in nearly equal proportions: those in which bounding surfaces are virtually horizontal and those in which they dip at moderate to high degree. A brief comparison is made between the structures of dunes that are characteristic of one effective wind direction, as at White Sands, and certain others formed by winds of two or more directions. Seif dunes of Libya, reversing dunes of the San Luis Valley, Colorado, and star dunes in Saudi Arabia are discussed as examples of complex dunes formed by multi-directional winds.  相似文献   

The geochemical partitioning of ten elements in stratified Holocene sediments from Loch Dee, southwest Scotland, has been established by use of a five-stage sequential extraction procedure. Samples from below 15 cm sediment depth show minimal evidence of modification by anthropogenic contamination or active diagenesis and hold Fe, Mg, Cu, Cd, Co, Pb, and Ni primarily in detrital silicates or organic complexes, while Mn, Ca, and Zn reside largely in adsorbed and reducible oxide phases. In the uppermost ca 15 cm of sediment, enhanced total concentrations of Zn, Cu, and Pb reflect increased atmospheric deposition during the postindustrial period. Of these metals, only Pb displays any notable adjustment of partitioning in the enriched zone, showing disproportionate accumulation in labile oxides and organic-Pb phases. The lack of Pb and Zn carbonates in the contaminated horizon may reflect inherent thermodynamic instability under the acid surface and pore-water conditions of Loch Dee. Increments to total Mn and Co in the surficial ca 5 cm of sediment are attributable to the accumulation of secondary oxides and adsorbed species, consistent with precipitation from the interstitial pore-waters across a sedimentary redox front. The presence of metals such as Zn and Cd in soluble or acid-volatile phases in the interfacial sediment has implications for the future management of the Loch Dee basin, with leaching into the overlying waters likely, given the continuation of current trends of lake acidification.  相似文献   

Small-scale structures along strike-slip fault zones in limestones exposed around the Bristol Channel, U.K., suggest that pressure solution plays a key role during fault nucleation and growth. Incipient shear zones consist of enéchelon veins. The first generation of solution seams form due to bending of the intact rock (bridge) between overlapping veins. As the bridge rotates, slip occurs along the seams, linking the veins, causing cm-scale calcite-filled pull-apart structures to form and allowing fault displacement to increase. A second generation of solution seams forms at the tip of the sliding seams. As displacement increases further, causing larger rotation, slip also can occur along these second-generation solution seams, producing the third generation of solution seams as well as tail cracks (pinnate veins) at their tips. These three generations of solution seams all contribute to the formation of individual fault segments. Fourth and fifth generations of solution seams occur within larger-scale contractional oversteps between side-stepping fault segments. The oversteps are breached by slip along these localized solution seams, eventually leading to the formation of a distinct through-going fault with several metres of displacement.The initial enéchelon veins, solution seams of various generations and tail cracks progressively fragment the fault-zone material as fault slip accumulates. Slip planes nucleate on these pre-existing discontinuities, principally along the clay-enriched, weaker solution seams. This can be observed at a variety of scales and suggests that Mode II shear fracturing does not occur as a primary fracture mechanism, but only as a macroscopic phenomenon following Mode I (veins and tail cracks) and anti-mode I (solution seams) deformation. It appears that solution seams can play a similar role to microcracks in localizing a through-going slip plane. This micromechanical model of faulting may be applicable to some other faults and shear zones in host rocks which are prone to pressure solution.  相似文献   

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