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Abstract.  Photosynthesis and growth rates in samples of two green seaweeds ( Ulva and Enteromorpha ) were monitored in the laboratory. The macroalgae were collected every 15 days from four coastal embayments in Galicia (NW Spain). Ulva samples were found to be nutritionally limited, particularly in summer. The physiological activity of Enteromorpha did not appear to be as affected by nutrient scarcity, although it may have suffered from phosphorus limitation. The subsistence quotas, critical concentrations and storage capacity for N and P in Ulva were comparable to those obtained by other investigators in similar studies. The trace metals analysed apparently did not negatively affect the macroalgae at the measured concentrations; one explanation is that many of these metals function as essential micronutrients. The complex physiological interactions between metals and nutrients, however, may complicate interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

Distribution and biomass of green algal mats were studied in marine shallow (0–1 m) soft-bottom areas on the Swedish west coast from 1994 to 1996, by combining aerial photography surveys with ground truth sampling. Filamentous green algae, dominated by species of the genera Cladophora and Enteromorpha, were generally present throughout the study area during July and August, and largely absent in late April and early May. These algae occurred at 60 to 90% of the locations investigated during the summer, and were estimated to cover between 30 and 50% of the total area of shallow soft bottoms of the Swedish Skagerrak archipelago. The distributional patterns were similar during the three years of the investigation and appeared unrelated to annual local nutrient inputs from point sources and river discharge. We postulate that the apparent lack of such a relationship is due to an altered state of nutrient dynamics throughout the archipelago. Mechanisms are likely to involve long-term, diffuse elevations in nutrient levels in coastal waters of the Skagerrak and the Kattegat over several decades leading to current eutrophic conditions, exceeding nutrient requirements for abundant filamentous algal growth. Patterns of algal abundance in our study were largely related to physical factors such as exposure to wind, waves and water exchange under conditions where nutrient loads among embayments seemed to be unlimited. Further, our results show that sediments covered by algal mats had higher carbon and nitrogen contents than unvegetated sediments. We hypothesise that sustained high nutrient loads, manifested in extensive biomass of filamentous algae during summer months, are re-mineralised via decay and sedimentation in the benthic realm. Hence, accumulated carbon and nutrients in the sediment could, in turn, constitute the basic pool for future algal mat production overlying soft bottoms in areas where tidal exchange is limited.  相似文献   

Nereis diversicolor is generally considered to be a predator and deposit feeder, but have also been found to graze on benthic algae in shallow coastal areas. In this study we investigated the grazing effects on the development and growth of green algae, Ulva spp. Algal growth was studied in an experiment including two levels of sediment thickness; 100 mm sediment including macrofauna and 5 mm sediment without macrofauna, and three treatments of varying algal biomass; sediment with propagules, sediment with low algal biomass (120 g dry weight (dwt) m− 2) and sediment with high algal biomass (240 g dwt m− 2). In the 100 mm sediment, with a natural population of macrofauna, N. diversicolor was the dominating (60% of total biomass) species. After three weeks of experimentation the result showed that N. diversicolor was able to prevent initial algal growth, affect growth capacity and also partly reduce full-grown algal mats. The weight of N. diversicolor was significantly higher for polychaetes in treatments with algae added compared to non-algal treatments. There were also indications that a rich nutrient supply per algae biomass counteracted the grazing capacity of N. diversicolor.  相似文献   

The decapod taxocoenosis living in shallow muddy bottoms with the green algae Caulerpa prolifera was studied monthly between February 1994 and January 1996 in the Inner Bay of Cádiz (SW Spain). More than 32,000 specimens belonging to 35 species were collected. Six species were dominant (representing the 85.8% of the total number of specimens), but the structure of the taxocoenosis was regulated by the Hippolyte species, Sicyonia carinata, Palaemon adspersus and Liocarcinus arcuatus. There was no significant qualitative difference between years. There was no clear change in the dominance of groups of species during the year, as happened in the outer Bay. This is probably due to the sheltered character of the area and the more stable and dense vegetal cover, but some seasonal differences were found.The benthic characteristics of the Inner Bay of Cádiz, such as shallow soft bottoms of fine and muddy sediments and the presence of macrophytes (seagrasses and seaweeds) might be key factors influencing the composition and structure of the general and seasonal decapod assemblage. In spite of human impacts on the bay (e.g. aquaculture activities, sewage), the values of the diversity, equitability and richness indexes appeared stable over time (higher than those found in outer adjacent areas) and no significant differences between years were found.  相似文献   

This study describes the main seasonal stages in oceanographic conditions and phytoplankton off La Coruña (Galicia, NW Spain), during 1991 and 1992, based mainly on monthly cruises near the coast. Upwelling conditions were studied using an upwelling index calculated from local winds. The Galician coast is affected by a long upwelling season for most of the year. The upwelling pulses interact with the thermal stratification-mixing cycle of surface waters, primarily affecting the dynamics of phytoplankton. In addition, the presence of water masses of different salinity in the subsurface layers changes the stratification of the water column. The less-saline North Atlantic Central Water (NACW) was normally associated with upwelling events during summer. However, on several occasions during the study, the presence of Eastern North Atlantic Water (ENAW) of subtropical origin was observed with salinities up to 36·22 and temperatures between 13 and 14 °C.Observations were grouped into five main stages related to the degree of surface stratification and characteristics of phytoplankton communities. These stages were recognized in both annual cycles, and were termed: winter mixing, spring and autumn blooms, summer upwelling, thermal stratification and special events (red tides and downwelling). A homogeneous water column was the main characteristic of the winter stage, with high nutrient concentrations and low phytoplankton biomass. Eastern North Atlantic Water appeared at the end of this stage, which lasted from November to February. The spring and autumn blooms occurred along with weak thermohaline gradients at the surface, producing high phytoplankton concentrations. Favourable upwelling conditions and the presence of ENAW in a subsurface layer were the factors that most likely induced earlier blooms, while thermal gradients developed at the surface could have been more important for later blooms. Upwelling events during summer were related to a reduction in the depth of the surface mixed layer as the pycnocline moved upwards, and can produce significant phytoplankton accumulations. These summer blooms interrupted the thermal stratification stage, characterized by low nutrient and phytoplankton concentrations at the surface. The dominant phytoplankton in the study was composed mainly of diatoms, especially during blooms. However, a proliferation of red-tide dinoflagellates was observed along with weak upwelling conditions in late summer. Also in late summer, strong downwelling conditions caused the accumulation of warmer shelf waters inshore, inducing the sinking of particulate matter produced at the surface.  相似文献   

The net uptake of inorganic carbon and nitrogen, phosphate and silicate and the net production of dissolved oxygen and organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus have been examined in the Ría de Arousa, a large coastal embayment in the NW Iberian upwelling system. Fluxes and net budgets were estimated with a non-stationary 2-D box model [Rosón, G., Álvarez-Salgado, X.A., Pérez, F.F., 1997. A non-stationary box-model to determine residual flows in a partially mixed estuary, based on both thermoline properties. Application to the Ría de Arousa (NW Spain). Estuarine, Coastal Shelf Sci., 44, 249–262] and the distributions of the different species acquired twice a week between May and October 1989 [Rosón, G., Pérez, F.F., Álvarez-Salgado, X.A., Figueiras, F.G., 1995. Variation of both thermohaline and chemical properties in an estuarine upwelling ecosystem: Ría de Arousa: 1. Time Evolution. Estuarine, Coastal Shelf Sci., 41, 195–213]. High N/P and N/Si net uptake ratios of 21 and 3.2 were observed during the upwelling season. The rapid recycling of phosphorus compared to nitrogen and the recurrent succession from pioneer diatoms (Si/N1) to red-tide forming species (Si/N=0) following the periodic upwelling pulses are the reasons behind the observed ratios. The molar ratios of dissolved oxygen production to inorganic carbon (−1.48) and nitrogen uptake (−10.2) during the upwelling season agree with the Redfield stoichiometry. On the contrary, net nutrient regeneration occurred with N/P, N/Si and O2/C ratios of 7.4, 1.0 and −1.02 during an intense autumn downwelling event. These low ratios are due to the release of an excess of phosphate, silicate and CO2 from the sediments. Conversely, the production of inorganic nitrogen is associated to the consumption of dissolved oxygen following a Redfield ratio of −10.0. Whereas the C/N ratio of the suspended organic matter produced during the upwelling season and consumed during the autumn downwelling event is 6.3–6.7, the N/P ratio changes from 11 during the upwelling season to 15 during the autumn downwelling. About 1/5 of the dissolved oxygen produced during the upwelling season and consumed during the autumn downwelling is delivered to and came from the atmosphere, respectively. Despite the C/N/P/O2 ratios differ from the Redfield values, the high correlation between nutrient salts consumption and dissolved oxygen production (r2=0.74–0.86) allow to estimate an average net ecosystem production (NEP) from the individual elements. The 3–4 d time-scale variability of the average NEP depends on the 2-week periodicity of upwelling pulses, the heat exchange across the sea surface and the stability of the water column. As much as 70% of the total variability can be explained with a linear combination of these parameters.  相似文献   

The seasonal occurrence and reproductive strategy of the nemertean Tetrastemma fozensis, which inhabits the mantle cavity of the bivalve Scrobicularia plana, was studied through the analysis of the temporal diversity of a T. fozensis population. Bimonthly sampling was carried out from February 2001 to January 2002 at mudflats of Villaviciosa estuary (Asturias, Northern Spain). Nemerteans were found throughout the study period, but variations in their abundance were detected, with a maximum during winter months and a minimum during summer months. Moreover, variations in mean size of nemerteans were found, with maximal sizes at the end of the spring and the beginning of the summer and minimum size at early autumn. The annual variations in population parameters (decrease in abundance and complete disappearance of large individuals in summer) suggest that T. fozensis has a distinct reproductive season and a semelparous reproductive strategy.  相似文献   

基于2013年8月琼东海域两个连续站的观测资料,对比分析了近岸站位和陆架站位的营养盐和叶绿素a浓度周日变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明:在垂直分布上,近岸站位S1与陆架站位S2的温跃层减弱了营养盐的向上输运;在时间变化上,S1站底层硅酸盐、硝酸盐和磷酸盐浓度具有半日波动的特点,而S2站的营养盐则不具有周日波动的现象,这说明近岸站位的营养盐受到潮汐作用的影响更显著。S1站的叶绿素a分层不明显,夜间的低值可能体现浮游动物的摄食作用,S2站位的叶绿素a分层明显,夜间没体现浮游动物的摄食作用。总体上,琼东海域近岸站位S1和陆架区站位S2叶绿素a和营养盐周日波动都受到温跃层、潮汐、生物作用和光照的影响,但S1站受潮汐作用影响更显著,且S1站叶绿素a浓度还受到浮游动物摄食作用影响。由于叶绿素a和营养盐受到多种环境要素的影响,使得两者相关性不显著。  相似文献   

High absolute concentrations of metals associated to sulfide deposits located at the river source (Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, and As) have been determined from the study of major and trace element concentrations in sediment samples obtained in two vibracores in the Tinto River estuary. In most cases, the enrichment factor (EF) for these metals is over 2. Cu, Zn and As have much higher EF, over 10 in surficial samples. Fe oxy-hydroxide precipitation in high-chlorinity zones and its scavenging effect on metals is the main control process on the chemical composition of sediment. Vertical evolution of the sedimentary and geochemical characteristics of the cores show that the estuary has undergone a process of progressive shallowness and a relative increase in acidic river water volume with respect to seawater. This effect has originated a downstream displacement of acid mixing processes affecting the estuary, which is reflected in higher metal concentrations in sediments of the outer zones of the system.  相似文献   

The Ría de Ribadeo, a small embayment in NW Spain, was observed for the first time using three months of ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) current meter records and three CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) surveys. A wave driven circulation pattern arises from the observations, instead of the shelf wind driven circulation of other Galician Rias. Based on ADCP records, a unidirectional flow in the horizontal velocity field coexists with the classic two-layer circulation (bidirectional flow). The proposed horizontal circulation pattern can then be explained as a wave driven inflow. This flow enters the ria through the west side, describes an anticlockwise gyre inside of it, and flows out through the east side. Numerical simulations run with the HAMSOM (Hamburg Shelf Ocean Model) agreed with observations, confirming the proposed pattern.  相似文献   

Coastal upwelling systems are regions with highly variable physical processes and very high rates of primary production and very little is known about the effect of these factors on the short-term variations of CO2 fugacity in seawater (fCO2w). This paper presents the effect of short-term variability (<1 week) of upwelling–downwelling events on CO2 fugacity in seawater (fCO2w), oxygen, temperature and salinity fields in the Ría de Vigo (a coastal upwelling ecosystem). The magnitude of fCO2w values is physically and biologically modulated and ranges from 285 μatm in July to 615 μatm in October. There is a sharp gradient in fCO2w between the inner and the outer zone of the Ría during almost all the sampling dates, with a landward increase in fCO2w.CO2 fluxes calculated from local wind speed and air–sea fCO2 differences indicate that the inner zone is a sink for atmospheric CO2 in December only (−0.30 mmol m−2 day−1). The middle zone absorbs CO2 in December and July (−0.05 and −0.27 mmol·m−2 day−1, respectively). The oceanic zone only emits CO2 in October (0.36 mmol·m−2 day−1) and absorbs at the highest rate in December (−1.53 mmol·m−2 day−1).  相似文献   

自2007年以来,黄海海域已连续爆发大规模浒苔绿潮并造成了严重的经济损失。在苏北浅滩条斑紫菜养殖筏架上的定生浒苔被认为是漂浮绿潮藻的主要来源。然而,现阶段对筏架定生绿藻的种源基础并不清楚。因此,在本研究中,我们通过现场调查结合室内试验来揭示了筏架定生绿藻的繁殖体源。同时,为了对黄海大规模绿潮进行防控,我们对防止绿藻在紫菜养殖筏架的附着做了相关研究。结果表明,(1)包括浒苔、缘管浒苔、扁浒苔、曲浒苔以及盘苔这五种海藻的微观繁殖体共同存在于苏北浅滩海域的水体及沉积物中,而且在不同时期它们的比例变化明显。(2)经过去皮处理后的毛竹可明显抑制浒苔微观繁殖体的附着。通过本研究,我们明确分布于苏北浅滩海域的绿藻微观繁殖体是黄海大规模绿潮的种源基础。同时,我们为从源头防控黄海大规模绿潮的发生提供了一个可行的手段。  相似文献   

The Mondego estuary is a well-described system located on the North Atlantic Ocean, where cultural eutrophication progressed over the last decades of the 20th century. Consequently, and due to a large productivity of Ulva spp., Zostera noltii meadows were severely reduced with a concomitant decrease in environmental quality. In 1998, experimental mitigation measures were implemented, via changes in hydrology to increase circulation and diversion of nutrient-rich freshwater inflow, to reverse the process in the most affected area of the estuary – its South arm.The objective of this study was to assess the differences in response of primary producer assemblages to the implemented measures to reduce eutrophication.Results show that the mean concentrations of DIN suffered a notorious decrease due to a significant reduction in the ammonium concentration in the water column, while DIP increased significantly. Primary producer assemblages showed different responses to these changes: phytoplankton, measured as concentration of chlorophyll a, did not show any significant changes; green macroalgae, mostly Ulva spp., suffered a large reduction in biomass, whereas Gracilaria gracilis and the macrophyte Zostera noltii biomasses increased greatly. Results show that phytoplankton biomass has remained constant and suggest that the reduction in ammonium could have been responsible for the changes in the green macroalgal biomass. Light was the most likely factor in the response of seagrass whereas red macroalgal reaction seemed to be dependent on both light and ammonium.  相似文献   

β-dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and dimethylsulfide (DMS) concentrations were recorded from September 1999 to September 2000 in two geographically close ecosystems, differently affected by eutrophication: the Little Bay of Toulon and the Niel Bay (N.W. Mediterranean Sea, France). Little Bay had higher nutrient levels ([NO3]max. = 30.3 μM; [PO43−]max. = 0.46 μM) and higher chlorophyll a concentrations ([chl a]mean = 2.4 μg/L) compared to Niel Bay ([NO3]max. = 19.7 μM; [PO43−]max. = 0.17 μM; [chl a]mean = 0.4 μg/L). In the two sites, we measured dissolved (DMSPd < 0.2 μm) and particulate DMSP (DMSPp > 0.2 μm) concentrations. The DMSPp was particularly analysed in the 0.2–5, 5–90 and > 90 μm fractions. In the eutrophicated Little Bay, DMSPd concentrations showed a clear seasonality with high values from January to March (124–148 nM). The temporal profile of the DMSPp concentrations was similar, peaking in February–March (38–59 nM). In the less eutrophic Niel Bay, DMSPp concentrations were much lower (6–9 nM in March–April), whereas DMSPd concentrations were relatively high (110–92 nM in February–March). DMS concentrations were elevated from the end of the winter to the spring in Little Bay, ranging from 3 nM in October to 134 nM in March. In the less eutrophic Niel Bay, lower DMS levels were observed, generally not exceeding 20 nM. Each particulate fraction (0.2–5; 5–90; > 90 μm) contained less DMSP in Niel Bay than in Little Bay. At both sites, the 5–90 μm fraction made up most of the DMSPp. This 5–90 μm fraction consisted of microphytoplankton, principally Dinophyceae and Bacillariophyceae. The 5–90 μm biomass calculated from cell biovolumes, was more abundant in Little Bay where the bloom at the end of the winter (165 μg/L in March) occurred at the same time as the DMSP peaks. The estimated DMSPp to biomass ratio for the 5–90 μm fraction was always higher in Little Bay than in Niel Bay. This suggests that the high DMSP levels recorded in Little Bay were not only due to a large Dinophyceae presence in this ecosystem. Indeed, the peak of DMSPp to biomass ratio obtained from cell biovolumes (0.23 nmol/μg in March) was consistent with the proliferation of Alexandrium minutum. This Dinophyceae species may account for between 50% (2894 cells/L) and 63% (4914 cells/L) of the total phytoplankton abundance in the Little Bay of Toulon.  相似文献   

Green macroalgae Chaetomorpha aerea and C. linum are taxonomically confused. In this paper, we tried morphological and molecular analyses to separate these two species. C. aerea and C. linum can be distinguished from morphological characteritics, such as frond dimension, cells size and shape, their mean length/width ratios(LWR), and cell walls constriction. Thalli of C. aerea attenuate basipetally, with diameter 270–500 μm at upper portion, 160–360 μm at middle portion, 100–160 μm at basal portion. For the upper part, the length of cells is less than their diameter. Cell walls usually constrict at the dissepiments, which are pellucid or colorless and give the filament beaded appearance. In contrast, thalli of C. linum often have a constant diameter of 90–300 μm within the same individual, cell walls usually do not constrict and cells are cylindrical or barrel shaped. The LWR is larger than that of C. aerea. Results show that the pairwise distance between two species is 3.6%–3.7% for 18 S r RNA gene and 53.5%–54.3% for ITS region. In phylogeny, they distribute at distant clades, which confirms a genetic divergence at molecular level. In addition, morphological data indicates that filament diameter of C. linum samples is highly variable, ranging from 90 μm to 300 μm. Then these two species can be considered as separate species.  相似文献   

根据2018年4月(春季,绿潮前期)和7月(夏季,绿潮后期) 南黄海营养盐、温度、盐度等水文参数及每日绿潮卫星监测数据,深入分析2018年绿潮的发展规律与营养盐结构特征之间的关系。结果表明:4月25在江苏南通外海首次发现浒苔绿潮,8月中旬在山东半岛近海消亡,其发展区域集中在122°E以西近海,且快速增殖阶段处在35°N以南江苏近海。各组分的营养盐浓度受沿岸径流、冷水团及生物作用等因素影响,均呈现江苏近海高外海以及北部低的特征。对比绿潮发展和营养盐分布呈现3个明显的绿潮−营养盐特征区域:高营养盐−绿潮快速发展区域(35°N以南,122°E 以西,江苏近海);低营养盐−绿潮消亡区域(35°N以北,122°E 以西,山东半岛外海域)及122°E以东外海无绿潮区域。不同特征区营养盐变化表明,江苏近岸较高的营养盐含量(${\rm{NO}}_3^- $-N>6.5 μmol/L, ${\rm{PO}}_4^{3-} $-P>0.27 μmol/L)和丰富来源是浒苔萌发和绿潮快速发展的重要物质基础,为绿潮发展提供了主要的氮、磷生源要素。北部山东半岛南外海较低的营养盐水平(7月,DIN<2 μmol/L, ${\rm{PO}}_4^{3-} $-P<0.03 μmol/L)是限制绿潮继续发展的重要因素。  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of inorganic nutrients and phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a), and its relation with hydrological features, was studied in the NW Alboran Sea during four cruises conducted in February, April, July and October 2002. In the upper layers, the seasonal pattern of nutrient concentrations and their molar ratios (N:Si:P) was greatly influenced by hydrological conditions. The higher nutrient concentrations were observed during the spring cruise (2.54 μM NO3, 0.21 μM PO43− and 1.55 μM Si(OH)4, on average), coinciding with the increase of salinity due to upwelling induced by westerlies. The lowest nutrient concentrations were observed during summer (<0.54 μM NO3, 0.13 μM PO43− and 0.75 μM Si(OH)4, on average), when the lower salinities were detected. Nutrient molar ratios (N:Si:P) followed the same seasonal pattern as nutrient distribution. During all the cruises, the ratio N:P in the top 20 m was lower than 16:1, indicating a NO3 deficiency relative to PO43−. The N:P ratio increased with depth, reaching values higher than 16:1 in the deeper layers (200–300 m). The N:Si ratio in the top 20 m was lower than 1:1, excepting during spring when N:Si ratios higher than 1:1 were observed in some stations due to the upwelling event. The N:Si ratio increased with depth, showing a maximum at 50–100 m (>1.5:1), which indicates a shift towards Si-deficiency in these layers. The Si:P ratio was much lower than 16:1 throughout the water column during the four cruises. In general, the spatial and seasonal variation of phytoplankton biomass showed a strong coupling with hydrological and chemical fields. The higher chlorophyll a concentrations at the depth of the chlorophyll maximum were found in April (2.57 mg m−3 on average), while the lowest phytoplankton biomass corresponded to the winter cruise (0.74 mg m−3 on average). The low nitrate concentrations together with the low N:P ratios found in the upper layers (top 20 m) during the winter, summer and autumn cruises suggest that N-limitation could occur in these layers during great part of the year. However, N-limitation during the spring cruise was temporally overcome by nutrient enrichment caused by an intense wind-driven upwelling event.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and different forms of nutrients on Chattonella marina growth have been investigated in strains isolated from the Daya Bay,the South China Sea.The strain of C.marina preferred high temperatures, with an optimal temperature of 25°C,and 18 °C was the minimum for its survival.Higher cell number and growth rate were obtained in high nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations (500 μ g/L, 74 μ g/L) than under nutrient limitation.Nitrogen influenced the growth most, as the specific growth rate and maximum cell density were lower in nitrogen-limited cultures than noted under phosphorus limitation or under limitation from both.C.marina was capable of using many kinds of organic nitrogen sources including L-serine (L-Ser),glycine (Gly),alanine (Ala),L-threonine (L-Thr), glutamic acid (Glu) and urea, but could not utilize uric acid.Various forms of organic phosphorus compound such as glucose-6-phosphate (G6P),sodium glycerophosphate (GYP),adenosine triphosphate (ATP),adenosine monophosphate (AMP),cytidine monophosphate (CMP),guanosine monophosphate (GMP),uridine monophosphate (UMP),4-nitrophenylphosphate (NPP) and triethyl phosphate (TEP) supported the growth as well. Algal cells had the ability to sustain growth under nitrogen-and/or phosphorus-free conditions particularly under phosphorus depleted condition.These results led to the hypothesis that high loading of nitrogen has played an important role in frequent C.marina blooms in the past decade,and its capability for utilization of diverse forms of organic nutrients and growth in low nutrient conditions make this species a likely recurrent dominant in the Daya Bay phytoplankton assemblages,visible as  相似文献   

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