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Activities of dissolved, particulate, and sedimentary 210Pb were measured in the shelf-slope region of the Chukchi Sea. Samples were collected as part of the Shelf–Basin Interactions (SBI) Phase II process study (6 May–15 June, 2002) along three shelf–basin transects identified as West Hanna Shoal, East Hanna Shoal, and Barrow Canyon. Distributions of 210Pb and suspended particulate matter indicate efficient removal of 210Pb over the shelf by particle scavenging. Low 210Pb activities measured throughout the halocline of the Canada Basin are attributed to shelf scavenging and subsequent advective transport into the interior basin. Additionally, 210Pb inventories were used to construct a water-column-sediment budget of 210Pb and determine regions of particle export and deposition on the continental shelf and slope. Sediment focusing calculated with this 210Pb budget was observed throughout the shelf-slope region, particularly in shallow (∼100 m) shelf waters at Barrow Canyon. Despite elevated concentrations of suspended particulate matter in Barrow Canyon, the 210Pb budget does not indicate that sediment transport occurred from the West and East Hanna Shoals into Barrow Canyon.  相似文献   

We use a 9-km pan-Arctic ice–ocean model to better understand the circulation and exchanges in the Bering Sea, particularly near the shelf break. This region has, historically, been undersampled for physical, chemical, and biological properties. Very little is known about how water from the deep basin reaches the large, shallow Bering Sea shelf. To address this, we examine here the relationship between the Bering Slope Current and exchange across the shelf break and resulting mass and property fluxes onto the shelf. This understanding is critical to gain insight into the effects that the Bering Sea has on the Arctic Ocean, especially in regard to recent indications of a warming climate in this region. The Bering Sea shelf break region is characterized by the northwestward-flowing Bering Slope Current. Previously, it was thought that once this current neared the Siberian coast, a portion of it made a sharp turn northward and encircled the Gulf of Anadyr in an anticyclonic fashion. Our model results indicate a significantly different circulation scheme whereby water from the deep basin is periodically moved northward onto the shelf by mesoscale processes along the shelf break. Canyons along the shelf break appear to be more prone to eddy activity and, therefore, are associated with higher rates of on-shelf transport. The horizontal resolution configured in this model now allows for the representation of eddies with diameters greater than 36 km; however, we are unable to resolve the smaller eddies.  相似文献   

The euphausiid community structure and grazing dynamics were investigated in the West Indian sector of the Polar Frontal Zone during the austral autumn 2004. Subsurface (200m) temperature profiles indicated that an intense frontal feature, formed by the convergence of the Subantarctic Front and the Antarctic Polar Front bisected the survey area into two distinct zones, the Subantarctic Zone (SAZ) and the Antarctic Zone (AAZ). Total integrated chlorophyll a (Chl a) biomass was typical for the region (<25mg Chl a m?2), and was dominated by picophytoplankton. Total euphausiid abundance and biomass ranged from 0.1 m?3 to 3.1 m?3 and from 0.1mg dry weight m?3 to 8.1mg dry weight m?3 respectively, and did not differ significantly between the stations occupied in the SAZ and AAZ (p > 0.05). A multivariate analysis identified two interacting mechanisms controlling the distribution patterns, abundance and biomass of the various euphausiid species, namely (1) diel changes in abundance and biomass, and (2) restricted distribution patterns associated with the different water masses. Ingestion rates were determined for five euphausiid species. Euphausia triacantha had the highest daily ingestion rate, ranging from 1 226.1ng pigment (pigm) ind?1 day?1 to 6 029.1ng pigm ind?1 day?1, whereas the lowest daily ingestion rates were observed in the juvenile Thysanoessa species (6.4–943.0ng pigm ind?1 day?1). The total grazing impact of selected euphausiids ranged from <0.1μg pigm m?2 day?1 to 20.1μg pigm m?2 day?1, corresponding to <0.15% of the areal Chl a biomass. The daily ration estimates of autotrophic carbon for the euphausiids suggest that phytoplankton represent a minor component in their diets, with only the sub-adult E. vallentini consuming sufficient phytoplankton to meet their daily carbon requirements.  相似文献   

We studied the behavior of chemical substances in the upper 300 m of the water column across the continental shelf–slope interface in the East China Sea off the Okinawa Trough. The behaviors of iron, inorganic nutrients, and humic-like fluorescent dissolved organic matter were strongly influenced by the extensive water exchange between the East China Sea and the Kuroshio Current across the shelf break and slope via upwelling and frontal processes. We attributed the high humic-like fluorescent intensity at the subsurface of the shelf break and slope regions to the lateral supply of humic-like fluorescent dissolved organic matter from the shelf sediments to the outer shelf region due to the intrusion of shelf water into Kuroshio subsurface water. We found that the behavior of iron at the continental shelf–slope was remarkably different from the conservative mixing of inorganic nutrients and humic-like fluorescent dissolved organic matter. In deep and bottom waters at the shelf–slope, high total iron concentrations, which were closely related to water transmittance, possibly resulted from the swept transport of iron-rich resuspended sediments over the shelf floor from the slope by the invading Kuroshio Intermediate Water close to the bottom.  相似文献   

The Nanhui tidal flat is located in the area of slow current where the ebb currents from the Changjiang Estuaryand the Hangzhou Bay converge and the flood current from the sea diverges into the estuary and the bay. The flat extends seaward in tongue shape and has a wide and gentle surface with a marked difference of tidal levels on its two sides, which results in the sediment longitudinal transport on the flat. The water-sediment conditions are diverse at different locations. The velocity and sediment concentration in intertidal zone are higher during the flood tide than those during the ebb tide. The net sediment transport is landward, resulting in a large amount of deposition of sediments on the shoal. However, the ebb current is the dominant one in deep-water area where the net sediment transport is seaward. There exist two circulation systems in plane view on the shoal and in its adjacent deep-water area, which results in the sediment exchanges between the flat and channel and between the estuary an  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The goal of this study is to identify the properties of the rock–fluid system in the subduction zone of lithospheric plates using the example of...  相似文献   

Data from a high-resolution mooring array deployed across the Alaskan Beaufort shelfbreak and slope, together with an idealized numerical model, are used to investigate the dynamics of wind-driven upwelling and the magnitude of the resulting shelf–basin exchange. The analysis focuses on a single storm event in November 2002 when the sea-ice concentration was 50–70%. The normally eastward-flowing shelfbreak jet was reversed to the west, and the secondary circulation near the shelfbreak was characterized by offshore flow in the upper layer and a nearly equal amount of onshore flow at depth. Ekman theory accurately predicts the strength of the secondary circulation when one takes into account the ice–ocean stress. The depth-integrated alongstream momentum balance reveals that, near the shelf edge, the reversed jet is driven by a combination of the surface stress and divergence of cross-stream momentum flux. The reversed jet is primarily spun-down – before the winds subside – by the alongstream pressure gradient that likely results from the variation in sea surface height. The shelf–basin fluxes of heat, freshwater, and nitrate resulting from the storm are substantial. Much of the yearly supply of heat to the Beaufort shelf from the inflowing Pacific water through Bering Strait was fluxed offshore, and the amount of freshwater transported into the basin represents a substantial fraction of the year-to-year variation in the freshwater inventory of the Beaufort Gyre. The on-shelf flux of nitrate from 4 to 5 such storms could account for most of the net annual primary production that occurs on the Beaufort shelf.  相似文献   

In the summer 2006, integrated geological, geochemical, hydrological, and hydrochemical studies were performed on the relict anoxic Lake Mogil’noe (down to 16 m depths) located on Kil’din Island in the Barents Sea. The chemical and grain-size composition of the bottom sediments were compared for the lake (a permanently anoxic basin) and the Baltic Sea Deeps (periodically anoxic basins). The vertical location of the hydrogen sulfide layer boundary in the lake (9–11 m depths) was practically the same from 1974 up to now. The concentrations of suspended particulate matter in the lake in June and July 2006 appeared to be close to its summer concentrations in the seawaters of the open part of the Baltic Sea. The mud from Lake Mogil’noe compared to those of the Baltic Sea Deeps are characterized by fluid and flake consistency and by pronounced admixtures of sandy and silty fractions probably of eolic origin. The lacustrine mud contain much plant remains; iron sulfides and vivanite were also found in ooze. The concentrations of 22 elements determined in the lacustrine bottom sediments were of the same levels as those found here 33 years ago. The concentrations also appeared to be close to those in the corresponding grain-size types of the bottom sediments in the Baltic Sea. The low Corg/N value (5% on average) in the mud of Mogil’noe Lake compared to the values for the mud of the Baltic Sea Deeps (10% on average) points to the considerable planktogenic component in the organic matter composition of the lacustrine mud. No indications were reveled for anthropogenic contaminations of the lacustrine bottom sediments with toxic metals.  相似文献   

Baranov  B. V.  Tsukanov  N. V.  Gaedicke  Ch.  Freitag  R.  Dozorova  K. A. 《Oceanology》2022,62(4):528-539
Oceanology - The specific morphology of the inner and outer slopes of the eastern Kuril–Kamchatka Trench were revealed based on joint study of bathymetry and seismic profiles obtained in two...  相似文献   

A superficial sediment layer (SL) is the top 2–3 mm layer of surface sediment that may contribute to high upward nutrient flux. To study the characteristics and the biogeochemical processes in the superficial layer, the seasonal variation in the total phytopigments (chlorophyll a and pheo-pigments), total organic carbon (TOC), and total nitrogen (TN) of the surface sediments in a shallow coastal area, Shido Bay, were measured, and the influence of the superficial sediment layer on nutrient flux at the sediment–water interface was investigated. TOC and TN content were relatively constant for the SL and subsurface layers (0–1 and 1–2 cm) during the study period. In contrast, total phytopigments content was higher in the SL layer than in the subsurface layers. The results of upward nutrient flux experiments showed higher nutrient release within the whole sediment core (SL remaining) than the SL-less (SL removed) core. Moreover, high nutrient fluxes were observed during the high temperature season, indicating that seasonal variation in nutrient flux was regulated by temperature. Moreover, in the low temperature season, the SL seemed to absorb nutrients, probably because of microphytobenthos photosynthesis that took up the nutrients under the sufficient light penetration to the sea floor.  相似文献   

Polukhin  A. A.  Flint  M. V.  Belikov  I. B.  Gusak  G. V.  Kazakova  U. A.  Muravya  V. O.  Pankratova  N. V.  Pronina  Yu. O.  Skorokhod  A. I.  Chultsova  A. L.  Shchuka  A. S. 《Oceanology》2021,61(5):625-631
Oceanology - The values and direction of carbon dioxide flux in the area of the continental slope in the north of the Kara Sea (St. Anna Trough) are calculated based on field studies in 2020 within...  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》2002,25(3-4):171-178
Biogeochemical transformations of dissolved organic matter at the sediment–water interface were investigated by the use of benthic chambers in the western Gulf of Lions. The experimental approach used for this study consisted of in situ incubations of radiolabeled glutamic acid (14C-Glu), followed by a sequential extraction allowing the quantification of the radioactivity associated to different chemical fractions, representative of different biogeochemical processes. This technique was devised to simulate the fate of simple dissolved compounds resulting from the degradation of particulate organic matter near the seafloor. In our experiment the substrate underwent both biotic (mineralization, bacterial incorporation) and abiotic (geopolymerization) transformations. Significant spatial variations were put in relation with sediment characteristics (e.g. fine-grained fraction, Eh, CaCO3 contents) and biological activities, such as bacterial respiration and infaunal burrowing. Biologically mediated processes decreased from onshore to deep sites, with mineralization always accounting for the bulk of transformations of the injected 14C-Glu. Geopolymerization did not display a clear spatial trend and appeared to be a quantitatively important process on the Gulf of Lions margin.  相似文献   

Kostyleva  A. V.  Polukhin  A. A.  Stepanova  S. V. 《Oceanology》2020,60(6):735-741
Oceanology - This study was based on data obtained during the cruise 63 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in September 2015. We examine the features of the hydrochemical structure of the Lena...  相似文献   

Detailed surveying with an ROV found that a dense and diverse cold-seep community colonises a giant pockmark located at 3200 m depth, 8 km north from the deep Congo channel. Several types of assemblages, either dominated by Mytilidae and Vesicomyidae bivalves or Siboglinidae polychaetes, are distributed on the 800-m diameter active area. The site is characterised by a most active central zone in a depression with abundant carbonate concretions and high methane fluxes where high-density clusters of mussels and siboglinids dominate. In contrast, the peripheral zones display large fields of dead and live vesicomyids on soft sediment, with a lower mean density and lower methane concentration in seawater. The associated megafauna includes Alvinocarididae shrimps, echinoids, holothurians of the family Synaptidae, several species of gastropods, two species of galatheids, and Zoarcidae and Ophidiidae fishes. Multivariate analyses of video transect data show that the distribution of these major megafauna species at the pockmark scale is influenced by the habitat heterogeneity due to fluid or gas emission, occurrence of hydrates, substratum variability and by the presence of large symbiont-bearing species. Several assemblages dominated either by mytilids, vesicomyids, or siboglinids have been sampled for megafauna densities and biomass estimations and stable isotope measurements (δ13C and δ15N) of dominant species and food sources. The highest estimates of megafauna densities have been obtained in mytilid beds. According to their stable isotopes values, non-symbiont-bearing species mainly rely on chemosynthesis-originated carbon, either as primary consumers of chemoautotrophic microorganisms, or at higher trophic level recycling organic matter, or relying on bivalve and tubeworm production. Most of them likely feed on different sources like shrimps, but differences according to habitat have been evidenced. Carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of galatheids and benthic or benthopelagic fishes captured by trawls at increasing distances from the pockmark provide evidence of the high variability in the proportion of chemosynthesis-originated carbon in their diet, from 15% to 38%, according to the species captured as far as 4 km to the site.  相似文献   

The Drake Passage region near Elephant Island in the Southern Ocean displays patchy phytoplankton blooms. To test the hypothesis that natural Fe addition from localized sources promoted phytoplankton growth here, a grid of stations (59°S to 62°S, 59°W to 53°W, as well as four stations in the eastern Bransfield Strait) were occupied from 12 February–24 March 2004. Phytoplankton abundance was measured using shipboard flow cytometry (70 stations), with abundances conservatively converted to biomass, and compared with measurements of dissolved iron (dFe) at a subset of stations (30 stations). Based on T–S property plots, stations were divided into Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), Water On Shelf (WOS), Bransfield Strait (BS), and Mixed water stations, the latter representing locations with T–S properties intermediate between ACC and WOS stations. The highest integrated phytoplankton biomass was found at Mixed water stations, however, the highest integrated abundance was found at WOS stations, demonstrating that abundance and biomass do not necessarily show the same patterns. The distributions of nano- and micro-phytoplankton (<20 and >20 μm diameter cells, respectively) were also examined, with nano- and micro-plankton contributing equally to the total biomass at WOS and BS stations, but micro-plankton representing ∼2/3 of the biomass at Mixed and ACC stations. Increased inventories of dFe did not always correspond to increases in phytoplankton biomass – rather stations with lower mean light levels in the mixed layer (<110 μEinsteins m−2 s−1) had lower biomass despite higher ambient dFe concentrations. However, where the mean light levels in the mixed layer were >110 μEinsteins m−2 s−1, total biomass shows a positive trend with dFe, as does micro-phytoplankton biomass, but neither regression is significant at the 95% level. In contrast, if just nano-phytoplankton biomass is considered as a function of dFe, there is a significant correlation (r2=0.62). These data suggest a dual mechanism for the patterns observed in biomass: an increasing reservoir of dFe allows increased phytoplankton biomass, but biomass can only accumulate where the light levels are relatively high, such that light is not limiting to growth.  相似文献   

Based on the comprehensive analysis of the types of sedimentary grain size in the studied region and the characteristics of organism, mineral and chemical compositions of the sediments, from the view-point of origin of the sediments, the sediments in the studied region are classified into four sedimentary types, namely, terrigenous detritus, biogenic-terri-genous, authigenous-terrigenous and volcanic-terrigenous (Fig. 1). Their characteristics, distributions and sedimentary regularities are approached in this paper.  相似文献   

To examine the potential influence of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Charlie–Gibbs Fracture Zone on zooplankton and micronekton biovolume in the upper 200 m of the water column, multi-frequency acoustic data (18, 38, 70, 120 and 200 kHz) were acquired at four study sites from the RRS James Cook using hull-mounted scientific echosounders. Multi-frequency inversion techniques were employed to classify each 20 m depth×500 m along-track region of the water column to a zooplankton or micronekton acoustic scatterering class, such as copepod or euphausiid, and to estimate biovolume. We found a highly significant north–south (across fracture zone) difference in areal biovolume (p-value=0.01) but no significant east–west (across ridge) difference (p-value=0.07). Areal biovolume at all sites was dominated by the acoustic scatter class ‘euphausiid’, with higher biovolumes occurring in the southern stations. Our acoustic observations suggest the existence of different pelagic communities to the north and south of the SPF, with the southern community having a greater proportion of fish.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - Results are presented from monitoring the current state of the area of the landslide on the Bureya River in 2018–2019 using images from synthetic...  相似文献   

The northern Benguela stock of sardine Sardinops sagax used to be considered one of the major clupeoid stocks of the world; it supported an average annual catch of >700 000 tons throughout the 1960s. The stock has been in a depressed state for more than two decades, as demonstrated by annual catches that averaged around 50 000 tons between 1978 and 1989 and only slightly more in the 1990s. It has experienced fluctuations in abundance of several orders of magnitude during the most recent decade. Population size increased until 1992, when the acoustic estimate of biomass was about 750 000 tons. Catches increased accordingly, averaging 100 000 tons between 1992 and 1995, but from 1992 to 1996 the stock was in decline and the lowest annual catch in the history of the fishery was taken in 1996. Although there was a small increase during the last three years of the decade, the stock remains seriously depleted. Survey-based recruitment indices suggest that the changes in the 1990s were initiated by fluctuations in recruitment, but the decline was almost certainly exacerbated by continued fishing. Poor recruitment and decreasing catch rates between 1993 and 1996 in a number of other key resources suggest that system-wide environmental changes were an important factor in the decline of the sardine stock at that time. Anomalous oceanographic conditions, such as extensive hypoxic shelf waters in 1993/94 and a Benguela Niño in 1995, support this conclusion.  相似文献   

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