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To investigate the effect of water on phase relations and compositions in a basaltic system, we performed crystallization experiments at pressures of 100, 200 and 500 MPa in a temperature range of 940 to 1,220°C using four different water contents. Depending on the water activity, the oxygen fugacity varied between 1 and 4 log units above the quartz-magnetite-fayalite buffer. Addition of water to the dry system shifts the solidus > 250°C to lower temperatures and increases the amount of melt drastically. For instance, at 1,100°C and 200 MPa, the melt fraction increases from 12.5 wt% at a water content of 1.6 wt% to 96.3% at a water content of 5 wt% in the melt. The compositions of the experimental phases also show a strong effect of water. Plagioclase is shifted to higher anorthite contents by the addition of water. Olivine and clinopyroxene show generally higher MgO/FeO ratios with added water, which could also be related to the increasing oxygen fugacity with water. Moreover, water affects the partitioning of certain elements between minerals and melts, e.g., the Ca partitioning between olivine and melt. Plagioclase shows a characteristic change in the order of crystallization with water that may help to explain the formation of wehrlites intruding the lower oceanic crust (e.g., in Oman, Macquarie Island). At 100 MPa, plagioclase crystallizes before clinopyroxene at all water contents. At pressures > 100 MPa, plagioclase crystallizes before clinopyroxene at low water contents (e.g. < 3 wt%), but after clinopyroxene at H2O in the melt > 3 wt%. This change in crystallization order indicates that a paragenesis typical for wehrlites (olivine–clinopyroxene–without plagioclase) is stabilized at low pressures typical of the oceanic crust only at high water contents. This opens the possibility that typical wehrlites in the oceanic crust can be formed by the fractionation and accumulation of olivine and clinopyroxene at 1,060°C and > 100 MPa in a primitive tholeiitic basaltic system containing more than 3 wt% water. The comparison of the experimental results with evolution trends calculated by the thermodynamic models “MELTS” and “Comagmat” shows that neither model predicts the experimental phase relations with sufficient accuracy.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Previous experiments to determine the aqueous solubility of lead-rich orthoclase in the presence of the ethanoic acid anion (acetate) at 150°C and 50 MPa have shown that the observed fluid compositions are essentially controlled by the presence of secondary mineral precipitates, which buffer dissolved species apart from lead. Data for lead suggest that dissolution increased with increasing fluid ethanoic acid anion content, but the ethanoic acid anion was unstable under the experimental conditions. Additional experiment have now been carried out using pure natural albite and ethanoic acid anion solutions at 150°C and 50 MPa, in which the ethanoic acid anion remains stable. The results for albite again demonstrate the influence on fluid composition of secondary mineral precipitates, but data for silica allow the rates of dissolution to be estimated. Values obtained for the dissolution rate constant increase from 1.8 × 10−7 to 5.3 × 10−7 s−1 with increasing fluid ethanoic acid anion content (0.1–2.5 molal) and approximate to values for quartz and orthoclase dissolution rates for similar PT conditions, reflecting similarity in the mechanisms of dissolution of the minerals' three dimensional (alumino)silicate frameworks. However, these experiments provide no other evidence that the ethanoic acid anion enhances equilibrium solubilities of feldspars or quartz. In contrast to the results for the ethanoic acid anion, data for albite dissolution experiments in the presence of the ethanedioic acid anion (oxalate) at 150°C and 50 MPa show an inhibitionn of solubility (apart from aluminium), while data for the 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid trivalent anion (citrate) show considerable enhancement of solubility for aluminium and silicon, and titanium derived from the reaction vessel. The 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid trivalent anion is unstable, decaying according to first order kinetics (half life = 1.5 days). In their application to problems of diagenesis in the presence of organic acid anions, these results suggest that the ethanoic acid anion may influence feldspar dissolution by accelerating diagenetic reactions, while geologically short-lived species such as the 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid trivalent anion and its decay products may dramatically enhance aluminosilicate solubility.  相似文献   

陈浩  任伟中  舒中根  李丹 《岩土力学》2012,33(Z1):277-282
以重庆至长沙公路共和隧道为研究对象,研制出相似模型材料和配套试验设备,进行不同长度锚杆支护条件下的隧道超载试验。采用应变测量技术,测量两种不同长度锚杆支护工况下的隧道关键部位的应变值,据此分析围岩体在锚杆支护后的应力变化规律。通过模型材料室内试验,获取岩体相关计算参数,采用与模型试验相同的边界条件进行相应工况的有限元数值模拟,研究围岩体的变形量、应力场和锚杆轴力因锚杆长度不同而产生的变化。结果表明,模型试验和数值模拟反映围岩体应力和锚杆轴力因锚杆长度的不同而产生的变化是一致的。  相似文献   

水泥尾矿砂土的应力渗流耦合特性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于工程环境中水泥土桩体经常处于各种荷载应力和地下水渗流等多因素耦合作用的复杂状态,采用三轴应力-应变-渗流试验系统,研究了不同水泥掺量的水泥尾矿砂土的渗流特性。结果显示:各种应力状态下水泥尾矿砂土的渗流特性均符合达西定律,且渗透系数随着水泥掺量的增加明显减小;在应力-渗流耦合作用下,水泥尾矿砂土的渗流特性随应力状态变化而改变,渗透系数随着轴向应力的增加先减小后增大,变化曲线呈U字型。水泥尾矿砂土的渗透特性变化与它的应力-应变特性具有一定的对应关系。  相似文献   

孙国亮  张丙印  张其光  孙逊 《岩土力学》2010,31(5):1413-1419
探讨了对处于受压状态的堆石料进行干湿、冷热变化等环境因素作用下力学性质研究的试验方法。使用新研制的堆石料风化试验仪,对某种泥质粉砂岩堆石料进行了干湿循环、冷热循环以及湿冷-干热耦合变化三种环境条件下的长期变形特性试验研究,探讨了堆石料长期劣化变形的机制。试验结果表明,干湿循环试验和湿冷-干热耦合循环均可导致堆石体产生较大幅度的附加变形,其变形机制包括湿化变形、堆石体颗粒湿胀和干缩循环变形以及堆石料的劣化变形等。环境因素的循环变化可导致堆石体颗粒的劣化,堆石体劣化变形是高土石坝后期变形的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

揭示干湿循环作用下膨胀土力学特性的演化规律对防治膨胀土灾害有重要指导意义。提出了一种基于超微型贯入试验的土体内部力学特性研究方法,在干湿循环条件下对重塑膨胀土开展了一系列贯入试验,获得3次干燥过程中试样贯入阻力随深度和含水率的变化曲线。结果表明:(1)通过超微型贯入试验能够简单、快速和有效地掌握膨胀土在干湿循环过程中力学特性的时空演化特征;(2)试样的贯入阻力在干燥过程中总体呈增加趋势,相对于深部土体,表层土体的贯入阻力对干燥作用更加敏感;(3)干湿循环作用对膨胀土的力学特性有重要影响,随干湿循环次数的增加,膨胀土的贯入阻力总体上呈减小趋势,贯入曲线由单峰结构逐渐向多峰结构过渡,贯入阻力的空间差异性更加突出,且该现象在低含水率区间更加明显。基于土力学、土结构的基本理论以及试验中观测到的一些现象,对干燥过程和干湿循环作用下膨胀土的贯入力学特性进行了分析和探讨。干燥过程中土颗粒收缩靠拢、密实度和颗粒接触点增加及土吸力增加是导致膨胀土贯入阻力增加的重要原因,而干湿循环作用导致的土结构松散化、裂隙化则是引起膨胀土整体力学性质弱化的重要原因。  相似文献   

为研究不同围岩条件下锚杆肋间距与锚固性能的关系,基于厚壁理论,对肋间距分别为12、24、36、48 mm的左旋螺纹钢锚杆锚固试件在套筒壁厚4.5 mm和6.0 mm条件下进行拉拔试验,通过测试拉拔力、拉拔力大于100 kN的位移量、套筒周向应变、耗能值等参数,探讨了不同围岩条件下锚杆肋间距与锚固性能的关系。试验结果表明:在不同的套筒中,即不同围岩条件下,随着肋间距的增加,锚杆拉拔力大于100 kN的位移量、套筒周向应变、拉拔耗能值相应增大;肋间距为24 mm时,锚杆拉拔力最大,相同肋间距的锚杆在围岩强度较大的条件下拉拔力较大;壁厚为4.5 mm的套筒周向应变均大于壁厚为6.0 mm的套筒,即不同围岩条件对锚杆控制其变形能力有重要影响;在不同围岩条件下,增大肋间距均可以提高锚杆的锚固性能。  相似文献   

Phase relations of basalts from the Kerguelen large igneous province have been investigated experimentally to understand the effect of temperature, fO2, and fugacity of volatiles (e.g., H2O and CO2) on the differentiation path of LIP basalts. The starting rock samples were a tholeiitic basalt from the Northern Kerguelen Plateau (ODP Leg 183 Site 1140) and mildly alkalic basalt evolved from the Kerguelen Archipelago (Mt. Crozier on the Courbet Peninsula), representing different differentiation stages of basalts related to the Kerguelen mantle plume. The influence of temperature, water and oxygen fugacity on phase stability and composition was investigated at 500 MPa and all experiments were fluid-saturated. Crystallization experiments were performed at temperatures between 900 and 1,160°C under oxidizing (log fO2 ~ ΔQFM + 4) and reducing conditions (log fO2 ~ QFM) in an internally heated gas-pressure vessel equipped with a rapid quench device and a Pt-Membrane for monitoring the fH2. In all experiments, a significant influence of the fO2 on the composition and stability of the Mg/Fe-bearing mineral phases could be observed. Under reducing conditions, the residual melts follow a tholeiitic differentiation trend. In contrast, melts have high Mg# [Mg2+/(Mg2+ + Fe2+)] and follow a calk-alkalic differentiation trend at oxidizing conditions. The comparison of the natural phenocryst assemblages with the experimental products allows us to constrain the differentiation and pre-eruptive conditions of these magmas. The pre-eruptive temperature of the alkalic basalt was about 950–1,050°C. The water content of the melt was below 2.5 wt% H2O and strongly oxidizing conditions (log fO2 ~ ΔQFM + 2) were prevailing in the magma chamber prior to eruption. The temperature of the tholeiitic melt was above 1,060°C, with a water content below 2 wt% H2O and a log fO2 ~ ΔQFM + 1. Early fractionation of clinopyroxene is a crucial step resulting in the generation of silica-poor and alkali-rich residual melts (e.g., alkali basalt). The enrichment of alkalis in residual melts is enhanced at high fO2 and low aH2O.  相似文献   

扁铲侧胀试验(DMT)已在国内外岩土工程勘察、地基加固效果评价等领域中得到广泛应用。DMT的测试过程在扁铲探头贯入到测试位置后进行,因此探头的贯入过程对土体造成的扰动在一定程度上将直接影响测试结果。目前关于扁铲探头的贯入机理,以及贯入过程可能引起的土体扰动及其对测试结果的影响尚未研究清楚。通过室内模型试验手段,进行扁铲探头贯入不同初始密实状态下均质干砂的试验研究,分析了探头贯入过程中产生的土体位移场分布特征。试验结果表明:扁铲探头的楔形部和膜片所在的侧胀部贯入产生的挤压作用是引起土体变形扰动的主要原因;探头楔形部的贯入过程表现为向下和向斜侧面挤压土体,竖向位移量很小,产生向两侧扩展为主的扁状位移场,而探头侧胀部的贯入过程主要表现为向两侧面水平向挤压土体,产生半椭圆状水平位移场且分布范围明显更大,同时探头侧面表现为一定的剪切作用而产生较窄范围的竖向位移场。另外,扁铲探头贯入干砂产生的位移场受砂土初始密实状态的影响较小,主要表现为探头楔形部周围的位移场分布范围随密实度增大而扩大。  相似文献   

 Annually, an amount of approximately 13 million cubic meters of hard-coal tailings must be disposed of in the German Ruhr Valley. Besides the waste of land in a densily populated region, the disposal of the pyrite-bearing material under atmospheric conditions may lead to the formation of acid mine drainage (AMD). Therefore, alternative disposal opportunities are of increasing importance, one of which being the use of tailings under water-saturated conditions, such as in backfilling of abandoned gravel pits or in the construction of waterways. In this case, the oxidation of pyrite, and hence the formation of AMD, is controlled by the amount of oxygen dissolved in the pore water of tailings deposited under water. In case the advective percolation of water is suppressed by sufficient compaction of the tailings, oxygen transport can be reduced to diffusive processes, which are limited by the diffusive flux of dissolved oxygen in equilibrium with the atmospheric pO2. Calculations of the duration of pyrite oxidation based on laboratory experiments have shown that the reduction of oxygen is mainly controlled by the content of organic substance rather than the pyrite content, a fact that is supported by results from oxidation experiments with nitrate. A "worst case" study has lead to the result that the complete oxidation of a 1.5-m layer of hard-coal tailings deposited under water-saturated conditions would take as much as several hundred thousand years. Received: 6 May 1996 · Accepted: 2 August 1996  相似文献   

A large portion of the lower continental crust may be amphibolitic in composition and without a free fluid phase. As a consequence, H2O-undersaturated or fluid-absent melting of amphibolites may be responsible for the formation of some granites and migmatites produced during major orogenic events. In an attempt to determine the systematics of melting under fluid-absent conditions, a series of piston-cylinder experiments was conducted on two natural amphibolites; one, a meta-alkali basalt (ABA) with a total water content of ∼ wt% contained in hornblende, and the other, a meta-island-arc tholeiite (IAT) which has ∼1–1.3 wt% water contained in hornblende, cummingtonite and biotite. The experimentally determined melting ranges of the two amphibolites showed that the solidus temperatures, and sta temperature interval over which amphibole was stable, were controlled by the amphibolites' different bulk compositions and their resulting metamorphic assemblages. The volume % of melt produced by melting of the two amphibolites were compared with estimated amounts, based on Burnham's (1979) water-melt solubility model and the fluid-absent melting model presented by Clemens and Vielzeuf (1987). The observed melt volumes were greater than estimated. As the water content of melt largely detemines the volume % of melt produced, independent measurements of the water-content of the glass formed during partial melting in the ABA were made by thermogravimetric analyses. The water content of the ABA glass is ∼2 wt%, which is less than the assumed “melt-water” content (water content of the melt) used in previous modeling of fluidabsent anatexis in mafic lithologies. As a consequence, more melt can be expected during fluid-absent partial melting of mafic lower crust, as is observed in the experiments. A modification of the Clemens and Vielzeuf (1987) fluid-absent melting model for mafic compositions has been made using the experimental data available on melting in basaltic systems and is presented here for pressures of 5, 8 and 10 kbar. Tectonic scenarios in which the crust is thickened (i.e. by collision) then undergoes extension or where a previously thinned crust is later rethickened, provide enough heat so that amphibolite melting under fluid-absent conditions can become importan and hence responsible for some melts produced during post-collisional magmatism. The results may also have applications to melting in hydrated oceanic crust in subduction zones and in island arc terains.  相似文献   

飞机振动对航空重力或重力梯度测量而言十分重要,为充分了解飞机振动特性,并为相关仪器系统量程和结构设计提供参考和依据,笔者针对Y-12和Cessna 208固定翼飞机典型航空物探飞行状态下的振动情况进行了大量测量和深入分析。研究结果表明:飞机地板上的振动主要由发动机引起,振动能量随螺旋桨转速呈倍频规律分布,该倍频的基频为螺旋桨转速基频乘螺旋桨叶片数,飞机在飞行状态下的振动为典型的周期性振动信号。  相似文献   

Exposed, subduction-related magmatic arcs commonly include sections of ultramafic plutonic rocks that are composed of dunite, wehrlite, and pyroxenite. In this experimental study we examined the effects of variable H2O concentration on the phase proportions and compositions of igneous pyroxenites and related ultramafic plutonic rocks. Igneous crystallization experiments simulated natural, arc magma compositions at 1.2 GPa, corresponding to conditions of the arc lower crust. Increasing H2O concentration in the liquid changes the crystallization sequence. Low H2O concentration in the liquid stabilizes plagioclase earlier than garnet and amphibole while derivative liquids remain quartz normative. Higher H2O contents (>3%) suppress plagioclase and lead to crystallization of amphibole and garnet thereby producing derivative corundum normative andesite liquids. The experiments show that alumina in the liquid correlates positively with Al in pyroxene, as long as no major aluminous phase crystallizes. Extrapolation of this correlation to natural pyroxenites in the Talkeetna and Kohistan arc sections indicates that clinopyroxenes with low Ca-Tschermaks component represent near-liquidus phases of primitive, Si-rich hydrous magmas. Density calculations on the residual solid assemblages indicate that ultramafic plutonic rocks are always denser than upper mantle rocks in the order of 0.05 to 0.20 g/cm3. The combination of high pressure and high H2O concentration in the liquid suppresses plagioclase crystallization, so that ultramafic plutonic rocks form over a significant proportion of the crystallization interval (up to 50% crystallization of ultramafic rocks from initial, mantle-derived liquids). This suggests that in subduction-related magmatic arcs the seismic Moho might be shallower than the petrologic crust/mantle transition. It is therefore possible that calculations based on seismic data have overestimated the normative plagioclase content (e.g., SiO2, Al2O3) of igneous crust in arcs.  相似文献   

岩体工程中的开挖会不可避免地与岩体卸荷相关联。以花岗岩为试验材料,通过室内试验研究线性卸荷条件下花岗岩的破裂特征,其表现为径向快速扩容及塑性特征的增强。在室内试验的基础上,基于PFC(particle flow code)颗粒流程序,采用平节理模型FJM(flat joint model)模拟花岗岩卸荷条件下的力学特性。鉴于实际工程中岩体的开挖大部分为非线性卸荷,文中运用一种新的“应力/时步”卸荷方式,能够方便地完成非线性卸荷的模拟。数值模拟结果表明,在加轴压卸围压的条件下花岗岩试样损伤严重,承载能力急剧下降,无残余强度,随着初始围压的增加,破坏形式由劈裂过渡为剪切破坏,卸荷速度越快,裂纹扩展越慢。研究结果可为岩石卸荷条件下的力学行为分析以及实际工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   

不同平衡堆载条件下桩基承载特性的原位试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓会元  戴国亮  龚维明  朱中发 《岩土力学》2015,36(11):3063-3070
沿海吹填围垦地区土质较差,淤泥软弱土层较厚,在后期填土作用下土体会产生很大的固结沉降。后期不同堆载填土方式对桥梁基础影响较大,可降低基桩承载力,同时平衡堆载主要增加基桩的沉降,而不平衡堆载则对基桩水平位移影响较大。结合台州湾大桥工程建设,选取3根基桩进行了平衡堆载(围载)试验,另外,选取了3根基桩进行了不平衡堆载试验,研究不同堆载条件下对桩基承载特性的影响。现场试验结果表明,平衡堆载条件下主要引起桩侧产生负摩阻力,堆载高度达到4 m,堆载面积为24 m×16 m时,负摩阻力总和达到2 687 kN左右,中性点深度约为29.5 m,约为0.36倍桩长,且负摩阻力的发展是随时间而变化的;不平衡堆载条件下主要产生土拱效应,使桩基产生较大的水平位移,试验中不平衡堆载对吹填区的影响主要在距离地面20 m范围之内,土中最大水平位移出现在距离地面4~5 m左右位置,而桩身最大水平位移出现在桩顶。  相似文献   

为研究压实弱膨胀土的膨胀变形特性,对取自高淳某边坡的弱膨胀土进行固结及浸水膨胀变形试验,研究了在300,200,150,100,75,50,25和12.5 kPa共8种上覆压力下不同初始干密度及初始含水率土体的固结及膨胀变形特征。试验结果表明:初始含水率及初始干密度对弱膨胀土的膨胀变形特性均存在一定的影响,在其余条件相同的情况下,膨胀土的膨胀变形量随着初始干密度的增大而增大,随着初始含水率的增大而减小。分析了膨胀土固结及膨胀变形过程的典型曲线特点,研究了不同初始干密度及初始含水率下土体固结与膨胀曲线膨胀区与压缩区分界点特征,得出在初始含水率相同时,分界点的上覆压力与分界点孔隙比及土体的初始干密度均呈正比关系。通过对土体试验数据的分析拟合,结合土体变形过程中的孔隙比与初始状态关系的推导,提出了弱膨胀土的膨胀变形量计算方法,结合工程包边法路堤填筑的荷载分布,采用分层总和法推导了工程包边法膨胀土路堤填筑的膨胀变形量计算方法,并用于路堤膨胀量的预估中。  相似文献   

为探讨三向应力状态下不同泥质胶结物含量砂岩渗透力学性能的异同,对泥质含量分别为4%、15%、24%、31%的4组不同泥质含量砂岩进行了三轴压缩渗透试验。试验结果表明:砂岩的强度和弹性模量随着泥质胶结物的增加呈幂函数型减小,随围压的升高而增大,内摩擦角和黏聚力随含泥量增加而逐渐减小;相同围压和泥质含量下,渗透性随加载应力的增大呈先减小后增大、再略微减小的整体趋势,渗透系数在峰值应力附近达到最大值;相同围压和偏应力下,渗透系数随泥质胶结物含量的升高而呈线性减小;同等泥质含量和偏应力下,砂岩的渗透性随围压的升高呈对数型函数减小。基于试验结果,分析得到了一种综合考虑围压、孔隙度以及泥质含量影响的砂岩综合渗透模型,并通过理论与试验数据对比分析验证了模型的合理性。  相似文献   

牛富生  许建聪  马亢 《岩土力学》2014,35(7):1899-1906
结合某黄土斜坡桥梁桩基工程,对同一坡度相近位置的两根桩基开展现场试验,研究其在不同竖向荷载工况下的桩身上、下坡面两侧的轴力、桩侧摩阻力及桩侧土压力的传递规律与分布特征。试验表明:桩基荷载传递具有明显的区域性,第1区域是从桩顶至约3倍桩径深度处,此区域上坡面桩侧轴力较下坡面相应位置小,且其轴力随深度递减幅度及侧摩阻力发挥程度均较下坡面桩侧大;第2区域是从约3倍桩径至10倍桩径深度处,桩身上坡面一侧竖向受力减小幅度小于桩基下坡面一侧,但此时下坡面桩侧摩阻力发挥幅度大于桩基上坡面一侧;第3区域是从约10倍桩径直至桩端,该区桩身两侧轴力差异不大,摩阻力发挥幅度相近,荷载平衡协调且向下传递稳定。针对斜坡桥梁桩基上、下坡面两侧所受土压力的不均匀性,对设计桩基竖向承载力进行了一定程度地折减,并对计算公式作了相应修正,研究结论可供类似工程参考、借鉴。  相似文献   

基于相似性理论,设计并完成了2个含不同厚度水平软弱夹层的岩质斜坡。试验模型高度、长度、宽度分别为1.80、1.65、1.50 m,坡角约60°,软弱夹层厚分别为3、15 cm。输入不同类型、激励方向、频率和振幅的地震波,利用大型振动台试验中传感器记录的数据和正交试验,研究了斜坡的加速度响应特征及其影响因素。试验结果表明:斜坡动力加速度放大系数分布存在明显的坡内高程效应和坡面的非线性趋表效应。斜坡水平向坡面放大系数随斜坡高程增加呈波动性增大,薄夹层斜坡中、上部表现更为明显。竖直向坡面放大系数因软弱夹层厚度而异,薄夹层斜坡局部减小后增大,最大放大值出现在坡肩位置,而厚夹层斜坡最大放大值出现在软弱夹层底部。同等强度地震力激励下,坡内竖直向放大系数不及水平向,约为0.75倍。坡面上,水平和竖直向放大系数的相对大小与高程有关。软弱夹层以下,竖向放大系数大于水平向,夹层以上则相反。软弱夹层对斜坡动力响应的影响也因激励方向不同而有所区别,对水平向动力响应有一定的放大作用,而对竖直向动力响应则是吸收减弱。斜坡动力响应所选因素的影响大小顺序依次为斜坡高程、坡体位置、软弱夹层厚度、激励振幅、加载波形、激励方向,其中斜坡高程、坡体位置以及软弱夹层厚度对斜坡动力响应具有显著性影响。  相似文献   

以宁波④2层黏土为对象,在单双向两种不同振动模式下,通过不同围压及不同动应力比条件下的动三轴剪切试验,研究宁波软土的动力特性以及振后强度弱化特性。试验结果表明:单向振动模式下(不产生拉应力)产生的动弹性模量衰减、累积塑性应变比双向振动条件下(产生拉应力)的发展显著,但双幅弹性应变发展较弱;在振后剪切阶段,双向振动使得试样产生拉应力,振后抗剪强度弱化比单向振动明显;单向振动模式下,试样发生剪胀,围压越大,剪胀程度减弱直至消失,孔压-轴向应变曲线存在峰值,表现出类超固结土特性;确定了在两种振动模式下,适用于宁波④2层黏土的振后弱化参数。  相似文献   

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