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Ou-Yang  Bin  Chu  Chun-Chao  Da  Ya-Bin  Liu  Xiao-Fei  Zhang  Hai-Ying 《Natural Hazards》2014,75(2):381-397

Flood disaster has become one of the most damaging natural disasters for the highway transportation all around the world, especially its destructive effects on highway infrastructures. In order to better understand the ruinous influence of flood disaster on highway transportation in China, this paper proposes an alternative evaluation index of highway flood disaster risk from three aspects, namely the disaster-causing factors, disaster-inducing environment, and disaster-bearing subjects. This paper also puts forward some targeted suggestions for the risk management, including two aspects: physical protection measurement and organization and management measurement. Moreover, this paper develops a highway flood disaster risk management system by using the ArcGIS technology.


在全球气候变化和城市化进程不断加快的背景下,城市洪涝灾害频发,造成严重的经济损失和人员伤亡问题。对近年来中国典型城市洪涝灾害进行系统整理介绍,说明洪涝灾害带来的人员伤亡和经济损失巨大。风险评估作为一种非工程性防洪措施,是城市洪涝风险管理的首要工作,精确、高效的把握洪灾过程等特征可以为防灾减灾工作提供科学依据。对城市洪涝风险评估与分区的概念和内容进行系统梳理,常用的风险评估方法有数理统计法、不确定性分析法、遥感影像评估法、指标体系评估法、情景模拟评估法;风险分区常用方法有阈值法、经验公式法和物理机制法。论述了城市洪涝风险评估与分区常用方法的应用范围、优缺点及其发展前景。  相似文献   

Flood disaster has become one of the most damaging natural disasters for the highway transportation all around the world, especially its destructive effects on highway infrastructures. In order to better understand the ruinous influence of flood disaster on highway transportation in China, this paper proposes an alternative evaluation index of highway flood disaster risk from three aspects, namely the disaster-causing factors, disaster-inducing environment, and disaster-bearing subjects. This paper also puts forward some targeted suggestions for the risk management, including two aspects: physical protection measurement and organization and management measurement. Moreover, this paper develops a highway flood disaster risk management system by using the ArcGIS technology.  相似文献   

Verma  Sunita  Sharma  Ajay  Yadava  Pramod Kumar  Gupta  Priyanshu  Singh  Janhavi  Payra  Swagata 《Natural Hazards》2022,112(2):1379-1393
Natural Hazards - The present study investigates the accelerating factors for extreme flash flood at Chamoli district of Uttarakhand on 7 February 2021. The Sentinel-2A and 2B satellite data have...  相似文献   

The Indus flood in 2010 was one of the greatest river disasters in recent history, which affected more than 14 million people in Pakistan. Although excessive rainfall between July and September 2010 has been cited as the major causative factor for this disaster, the human interventions in the river system over the years made this disaster a catastrophe. Geomorphic analysis suggests that the Indus River has had a very dynamic regime in the past. However, the river has now been constrained by embankments on both sides, and several barrages have been constructed along the river. As a result, the river has been aggrading rapidly during the last few decades due to its exceptionally high sediment load particularly in reaches upstream of the barrages. This in turn has caused significant increase in cross-valley gradient leading to breaches upstream of the barrages and inundation of large areas. Our flow accumulation analysis using SRTM data not only supports this interpretation but also points out that there are several reaches along the Indus River, which are still vulnerable to such breaches and flooding. Even though the Indus flood in 2010 was characterized by exceptionally high discharges, our experience in working on Himalayan rivers and similar recent events in rivers in Nepal and India suggest that such events can occur at relatively low discharges. It is therefore of utmost importance to identify such areas and plan mitigation measures as soon as possible. We emphasize the role of geomorphology in flood analysis and management and urge the river managers to take urgent steps to incorporate the geomorphic understanding of Himalayan rivers in river management plans.  相似文献   

分析了灾区恢复过程与水体自净过程的相似性,提出了洪灾"自愈过程"概念,建立了灾区的三大"受力"系统:破坏力系统、自愈力系统和救助力系统,并通过效能平衡原理确立了三大受力的关系,采用灾后可持续发展指标体系解决了效能平衡的定量衡量问题,从而构建了完整的洪灾评估系统。系统中破坏力代表了洪水的破坏能力,自愈力代表了灾区自身抗洪救灾的能力,救助力代表了外界提供的帮助,所以该系统不仅分析了灾情,而且对灾区、对国家应当采取相应的抗洪救灾措施也进行了分析。算例分析表明,该系统具有结构完整、评估全面的特点,系统中的模型也具有地域性和时效性。同时该系统具有一定的泛化能力,对于其它类型的灾害评估决策也有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

浙江省小流域山洪灾害临界雨量确定方法分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
叶勇  王振宇  范波芹 《水文》2008,28(1):56-58
小流域山洪灾害具有突发性,预测预警难度较大.本文结合浙江省小流域山洪灾害防御的实践经验,研究提出了以水位反推法计算临界雨量,简单实用,具有较好的实践价值和推广意义.  相似文献   

The chemistry of major elements (Ca, Mg, Na, K and Si) and anions (HCO 3, SO 4 and Cl) in the water of Mansar Lake was studied, based on seasonal data. The results show that total dissolved solid (TDS) concentration in a particular season is similar, but varies slightly in different seasons with a variation factor of less than 2. This is because the collections were made in the dry seasons and the Ca-precipitation is the cause for the seasonal variability. The major element chemistry of Mansar Lake is mainly controlled by rock weathering, with HCO 3 and Ca dominating the major ion composition because of the abundance of carbonate rocks in the basin. The results also indicate that the lake water is saturated with respect to calcite and/or dolomite during the spring season whereas it is undersaturated in the summer season. This contrast brings out seasonal variability. The lake shows disequilibrium with atmospheric CO 2 as a result of carbonate dissolution in the drainage basin. The study also shows that physical weathering/erosion is dominant and that chemical weathering is incipient. This is consistent with the Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) data.  相似文献   

洪水灾害风险管理广义熵智能分析的理论框架   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
基于洪水灾害风险管理的背景分析,提出用广义分布函数及其广义熵理论统一描述、物理解析洪水灾害风险管理系统的各种不确定性信息。基于洪水灾害风险形成机制和风险管理理论与水利科学、信息科学、智能科学综合集成途径,提出由洪水灾害孕灾环境和致灾因子危险性广义熵智能分析、承灾体易损性广义熵智能分析、承灾体灾情广义熵智能分析和风险决策广义熵智能分析组成的洪水灾害风险管理广义熵智能分析的初步理论框架及其主要研究内容,在其它灾害风险管理中具有一定的参考应用价值。  相似文献   

Vulnerability assessment of an urban flood in Nigeria: Abeokuta flood 2007   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents the result of a vulnerability assessment of urban dwellers to a major flood hazard in Abeokuta, southwestern Nigeria in July 2007. This was achieved by means of questionnaire survey administered to 248 flood area residents. Flood vulnerability was assessed by examining exposure, susceptibility, and coping indicators in the study area. Findings of the study show that although about 50% of respondents had experienced floods, in Abeokuta or elsewhere in the past, majority (66%) did not anticipate a flood event of such magnitude to occur despite its location on a flood plain and, therefore, were unprepared for such hazard. Pre-warning of the flood event was generally lacking among flood area residents as only 8% of respondents indicated pre-warning, which was based on personal observations. Response to the flood hazard was mainly reactive for both private and public agents as flood risk reduction measures were not in place.  相似文献   

Summary Of twelve flows at Pavagadh Hill, the two three-phenocryst-basalt flows with Mg#0.70 and Ni/MgO33 are the most primitive and perhaps as primitive as any basalts in the Deccan province. Scatter on variation diagrams and the occurrence of primitive flows at two different levels in the volcanic sequence implies that most rocks are probably not, strictly speaking, comagmatic. Nevertheless, mass balance calculations indicate a generalized differentiation scheme from primitive basalt to hawaiite that involved removal of olivine, augite, plagioclase and Fe-Ti oxides in the proportions 40:33:22:5 with 50% of the magma remaining. Crustal assimilation had a minimal effect on evolution of the basalts but rhyolites at the top of the volcanic sequence may have been produced by crustal melting following prolonged heat release from alkali basalt pooled along fault zones in the continental crust. Major element based calculations indicate that the most primitive basalts were generated by 7 to 10% melting of mantle peridotite. These low percentages of melting, typical of alkali basalts, are consistent with the steep slopes on chondrite-normalized REE diagrams. Low heavy REE concentrations point to residual garnet in the source region. Incompatible element concentrations (e.g. Rb, Ba, Zr, La) in Pavagadh basalts exceed those in Deccan tholeiitic basalts but are substantially lower than those reported for some other Deccan alkali basalts. Obviously Pavagadh basalts do not reflect the lowest percentages of melting and greatest amount of source region metasomatic enrichment attained in the Deccan province. Deccan tholeiitic and alkali basalts are largely characterized by low La/Nb ratios and high La/Ba ratios similar to those in oceanic island basalts. This indicates minimal involvement of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle in their petrogenesis. Comparison with continental mafic magma provinces where a subcontinental lithospheric mantle imprint is common indicates long periods of extension and/or melting of mantle lithosphere still hot from pre-extension subduction are more likely to produce magmas bearing the lithospheric imprint.
Alkalische Basalte von Pavagadh Hill, Indien: Deccan-Flutbasalte von Astenosphärischer Herkunft
Zusammenfassung Im Gebiet von Pavagadh Hill, Indien, treten 12 Spät-Deccan und rhyolithische alkalibasaltische Ergüsse und Intrusiva auf. Variationsdiagramme zeigen, daß die Abfolge nicht komagmatisch ist. Zusammen mit Berechnungen der Massenbilanz unterstützen sie vielmehr ein Zwei-Stadienmodell für die Entstehung von Hawaiiten aus sehr primitiven (i.e. Mg#=Mg/(Mg+.(0.9*Fetotat)) at.%0.70) Basalten. Olivin und Augit dominierten die frühe Fraktionierung während Augit vorherrschte als der Magmaanteil von 65% auf 50% sank. Die Entfernung von Plagioklas spielte bei der Differentiation nur eine geringe Rolle. Niedrige Th/Nb (0,2), Rb/Sr(<0,12) und K/NbVerhältnisse geben keine Hinweise auf signifikante Assimilation von Krustenmaterial. Die Seltene-Erd-Verteilungsmuster (SEE), niedrige Gehalte an schweren SEE sowie die Hauptelementspektren der Alkalibasalte weisen auf eine granatführende Ursprungsregion und auf einen Aufschmelzungsgrad von nur 7% bis 10% hin. Es gibt jedoch auch stärker alkalische (höhere Rb, Zr etc.) Deccanbasalte (i.e. Rajpipla). Die Assoziation von Deccanalkalibasalten, Rhyolithen und Störungszonen zeigt, daß letztere die Extraktion von Magma aus dem Mantel erleichterten und dazu führten, daß Magma aus Magmenkammern Krustenschmelzen (Rhyolithe) produzierte. Deccanbasalte tendieren zu hohen La/Ba und niedrigen La/Nb-Verhältnissen; dies weist auf eine asthenosphärische Herkunft hin, selbst wenn die Gesteine verhältnismäßig spät gebildet wurden (i.e. Pavagadh). Längere Perioden von Krustenextension oder von Subduktion, die der Extension vorhergeht, führt offensichtlich zur Entstehung von Magmen mit einer lithosphärischen Komponente.

洪涝灾害历来是影响中国的主要自然灾害之一。根据历史文献记载及观测资料,从天气过程、水文过程、受灾情况等方面对1917年海河流域洪涝灾害的自然过程作了详细梳理。得出以下结论: (1) 1917年洪涝灾害呈现由台风袭扰→集中降水→山洪暴发/河流决口→积水/淹没→受灾的成灾过程。 (2) 7月份2次台风带来大范围暴雨,集中性降水出现于7月20—28日,沿燕山、太行山分布,而9月份2次台风带来的暴雨则使灾情更加严重。 (3) 1917年海河流域各河于7月中旬开始涨溢、决口,9月中旬上游降雨结束后,中下游水位趋于稳定并下降,10月份以后洪水才迟缓退去,而洪水泛滥引发的涝灾影响一直延续到1918年。 (4) 1917年洪涝灾害在海河南系和北系都有发生,南系尤为严重,共造成156个县受灾。受灾田亩级数在5级以上的区域主要集中于海河干流沿线、南运河沿线以及河北省文安县等低洼地区。  相似文献   

Dhiman  S.  Patra  K. C. 《Natural Hazards》2019,98(2):783-807
Natural Hazards - It has been found that the less care is shown while constructing the water retention structures as compared to the amount of care shown in designing for it. This is more often in...  相似文献   

Analysis of flash flood disaster characteristics in China from 2011 to 2015   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flash floods are one of the most disastrous natural hazards and cause serious loss of life and economic damage every year. Flooding frequently affects many regions in China, including periodically catastrophic events. An extensive compilation of the available data has been conducted across various hydroclimatological regions to analyze the spatiotemporal characteristics of flash floods in China. This inventory includes over 782 documented events and is the first step toward establishing an atlas of extreme flash flood occurrences in China. This paper first presents the data compilation strategy, details of the database contents, and the typical examples of first-hand analysis results. The subsequent analysis indicates that the most extreme flash floods originate mainly from small catchments over complex terrains and results in dominantly small- and medium-sized flooding events in terms of scales; however, these events, abrupt and seasonally recurrent in nature, account for a large proportion of the overall flooding-related disasters, especially disproportionately affecting elderly and youth populations. Finally, this study also recommends several immediate measures could be implemented to mitigate high impacts of deadly flash floods, although it still requires long-term significant efforts to protect human life and property in a country like China.  相似文献   

Sam  Anu Susan  Kumar  Ranjit  Kächele  Harald  Müller  Klaus 《Natural Hazards》2017,88(2):1133-1153
Natural Hazards - Flooding constitutes the most predominant natural disaster in India. The degree and causes of vulnerability to flood risk vary by society, geographical region and over time. The...  相似文献   

The use of concrete geostructures for energy extraction and storage in the ground is an environmentally friendly and easy way of cooling and heating buildings. With such energy geostructures, it is possible to transfer energy from the ground to buildings by means of fluid-filled pipes cast in concrete. By injecting thermal energy in summer and extracting it in winter, the ground in the area of a building’s piles can be used for seasonal energy storage, as long as the underground water flow in the storage remains low. This paper is a contribution to the improvement of the knowledge in the field of energy geostructures. The behaviour of a multi-pile seasonal storage system subjected to thermo-mechanical loading is examined numerically from both thermal and mechanical perspectives. The purpose of this paper is (i) to propose a thermo-hydro-mechanical 2D solution to the 3D problem, (ii) to explore the thermal behaviour of this type of storage and (iii) to evaluate its structural consequences. Coupled multi-physical finite element modelling is conducted. The efficiency of the storage is not dramatically affected by an increase in the annual mean temperature of the storage. It is shown that induced mechanical loads are less important when considering a wholly heated pile structure than when considering a single heated pile in a foundation. The evolution of stresses in the piles and in the soil during heating–cooling cycles also reveals possible critical phenomena.  相似文献   

Azeez  Olayinka  Elfeki  Amro  Kamis  Ahmed Samy  Chaabani  Anis 《Natural Hazards》2020,100(3):995-1011
Natural Hazards - This study used a simulation methodology for dam break analysis and flood simulation in an urbanized arid region, namely Um Al-Khair dam in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The analysis was...  相似文献   

1644-2004年中国洪涝灾害主周期的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
方修琦  陈莉  李帅 《水科学进展》2007,18(5):656-661
采用1644-1839年、1840-1949年中国洪涝受灾县数和1950-2004年中国洪涝受灾面积资料,经过去趋势标准化处理后,采用滑动功率谱和Butterworth滤波器进行了分析,得出:1644-2004年间中国洪涝受灾范围变化是不同时间尺度周期振荡的综合结果,主要包含80年的世纪周期和50年、30年、20年尺度的年代际周期。中国洪涝受灾范围变化的主周期在不同时段内存在明显的变化,1833年以前世纪周期变化显著;1834-1920年在世纪周期变化的背景下叠加了显著的20年尺度波动;1921年以后年代际尺度周期变化显著,其中1947年前后发生了主周期从20年尺度到30年尺度的变化。  相似文献   

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