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We investigate the brightest regions of the kpc-scale jet in the powerful radio galaxy 3C 346, using new optical Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) ACS/F606W polarimetry together with Chandra X-ray data and 14.9 and 22.5 GHz Very Large Array (VLA) radio polarimetry. The jet shows a close correspondence between optical and radio morphology, while the X-ray emission shows a  0.80 ± 0.17 kpc  offset from the optical and radio peak positions. Optical and radio polarimetry show the same apparent magnetic field position angle and fractional polarization at the brightest knot, where the jet undergoes a large kink of almost 70° in the optical and radio images. The apparent field direction here is well aligned with the new jet direction, as predicted by earlier work that suggested the kink was the result of an oblique shock. We have explored models of the polarization from oblique shocks to understand the geometry of the 3C 346 jet, and find that the upstream flow is likely to be highly relativistic  (βu= 0.91+0.05−0.07)  , where the plane of the shock front is inclined at an angle of  η= 51°± 11°  to the upstream flow which is at an angle  θ= 14+8−7  deg to our line of sight. The actual deflection angle of the jet in this case is only 22°.  相似文献   

A comparison between low-frequency space very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) and high-frequency ground-based VLBI images can, in principle, be used to detect small variations in rotation measure (RM) on fine angular scales inaccessible to ground arrays alone. This paper reports an attempt to perform such a comparison using the jet in the quasar 3C 380. Observations made with the VSOP antenna HALCA together with a ground array at wavelength 1.6 GHz provide total intensity and polarization images of comparable resolution to those from the ground array alone at 5 GHz. The results provide an image showing derotated magnetic vector position angle of somewhat higher resolution than that available earlier. The results show variations in an RM around component A of the order of 10 rad m−2 that could not have been detected with the ground array alone. It is concluded that satellite VLBI observations provide a promising means to study the distribution of matter and magnetic fields around parsec-scale jets.
The ground observations used here follow the steady outward drift of component A, which has approximately doubled its distance from the core since the first observations in 1982. They also reveal total intensity and polarization structure associated with a bright knot 0.7 arcsec from the core which is reminiscent of that expected for a conical shock wave.  相似文献   

We study the polarization properties of relativistic reconfinement shocks with chaotic magnetic fields. Using our hydrodynamical model of their structure, we calculate synthetic polarization maps, longitudinal polarization profiles and discuss the spatially averaged polarization degree as a function of jet half-opening angle  Θ j   , jet Lorentz factor  Γ j   and observer inclination angle to the jet axis  θobs  . We find that for  θobs≲Θ j   the wave electric vectors are parallel in the vicinity of the structure ends and perpendicular in between, while for  θobs > Θ j   the polarization can only be perpendicular. The spatially averaged polarization degree does not exceed 30 per cent. Parallel average polarization, with polarization degrees lower than 10 per cent, has been found for  θobs < Θ j   under the condition  Γ j Θ j > 1  . As earlier works predicted the parallel polarization from relativistic conical shocks, we explain our results by discussing conical shocks with divergent upstream flow.  相似文献   

Homan & Lister have recently published circular polarization (CP) detections for 34 objects in the MOJAVE sample – a set of bright, compact active galactic nuclei (AGN) being monitored by the Very Long Baseline Array at 15 GHz. We report the detection of 15-GHz parsec-scale CP in two more AGN (3C 345 and 2231+114), and confirm the MOJAVE detection of CP in 1633+382. It is generally believed that the most likely mechanism for the generation of this CP is Faraday conversion of linear polarization (LP) to CP. A helical jet magnetic field ( B field) geometry can facilitate this process – linearly polarized emission from the far side of the jet is converted to CP as it passes through the magnetized plasma at the front side of the jet on its way towards the observer. In this case, the sign of the generated CP is essentially determined by the pitch angle and helicity of the helical B field. We have determined the pitch-angle regimes and helicities of the helical jet B fields in eight AGN for which parsec-scale CP has been detected, and used them to predict the expected CP signs for these AGN if the CP is generated via conversion in these helical fields. We have obtained the intriguing result that our predictions agree with the observed signs in all eight cases, provided that the longitudinal B field components in the jets correspond to south magnetic poles. This clearly non-random pattern demonstrates that the observed CP in AGN is directly associated with the presence of helical jet B fields. These results suggest that helical B fields are ubiquitous in AGN jets.  相似文献   

We present the results of the first survey and monitoring study of the linear polarization properties of compact, flat-spectrum radio sources at mm/submm wavelengths and discuss the implications of the inferred magnetic field structure for the emission models involving shock waves in relativistic jets on subparsec scales. We find significant polarization in most sources but, in general, the magnetic field on subparsec scales is less well ordered than on parsec scales. We observe no difference in polarization properties between the BL Lac objects and compact flat-spectrum quasars at these wavelengths. Although we find the behaviour of some sources, particularly the most highly polarized, to be very consistent with the predictions of transverse shock-in-jet models, the detailed behaviour of most objects is not. Conical shock structures can more readily explain the observed diverse behaviour of the sample, although some degree of bending of the jet may still be necessary in some cases.  相似文献   

The rapid polarization position angle swing of ~ 180?observed in QSO 1150+812 at 2cm by Kochenov and Gabuzda is quite a regular event. One interesting property of the event is that, during the time of the swing the polarized flux density remained almost constant. We suggest that such an event can be explained in terms of a relativistic thin shock propagating through a uniform helical magnetic field, giving rise to relativistic aberration effects as the transverse field component rotates. The model may also be applicable to other similar events in which variations in polarization are not accompanied by variations in total flux density.  相似文献   

Very long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of the quasar 4C 71.07 (0836+710) at frequencies of 5 and 8.4 GHz at two epochs are used to investigate apparent misalignments between the magnetic field and jet direction found in this source. The observed polarization angles are not consistent with Faraday rotation of synchrotron radiation from an aligned magnetic field. Internal Faraday rotation in a uniform spherical source is also ruled out by the observations, and while the misalignments could result from internal Faraday rotation in a non-uniform source, no strong signatures of this effect were found. The jet shows two distinct kinks at which the ridge-line changes direction and then reverts to its original direction. The magnetic field in these regions is parallel to the jet, and remains so as the jet bends. It seems likely that the largest remaining misalignment is associated with another such kink that is unresolved by these observations. The percentage polarization decreases near the bright knots, consistent with enhancement in brightness by compressions in the plane normal to the jet axis. The inferred rotation measure is low (100 rad m−2) throughout the jet, as for other quasars. However near the core, the polarization position angles suggest a rotation measure that appears to be uncharacteristically low by comparison with other quasars.  相似文献   

The results of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) total intensity ( I ) and linear polarization ( P ) observations at     are presented for 10 radio bright BL Lacertae objects. These images complete first-epoch polarization observations for the 1-Jy sample of northern BL Lacertae objects defined by Kühr & Schmidt. Estimates of superluminal speeds are presented for several sources, bringing the total number of sources in the sample for which such estimates are available to 16. Second-epoch observations currently being reduced should yield speed estimates for VLBI features in essentially all the sources in the sample. The jet magnetic fields of these BL Lacertae objects are usually transverse to the local jet direction, but a sizeable minority (about 30 per cent) have VLBI jet components with longitudinal magnetic fields. This may suggest that the conditions in the VLBI jets of BL Lacertae objects are favourable for the formation of relativistic shocks; alternatively, it may be that the toroidal component of the intrinsic jet magnetic field is characteristically dominant in these sources.  相似文献   

We present radio observations made with the Australia Telescope Compact Array to study the jets and lobes of three Fanaroff–Riley class I (FR I) radio galaxies: PKS B1234−723, 1452−517 and B2148−555. The total intensity and polarization radio images of the FR I jets are used to determine jet brightness and width variations, magnetic field structure and fractional polarization. The equipartition pressure is determined as a function of distance from the galaxies to probe the intergalactic medium.  相似文献   

Polarization position angle swings of - 180 ° observed in extragalactic radio sources are a regular behavior of variability in polarization. They should be due to some kind of physically regular process. We consider relativistic shocks which propagate through and 'illuminate' regular configurations of magnetic field, producing polarization angle swing events. Two magnetic field configurations (force-free field and homogeneous helical field) are considered to demonstrate the results. It is shown that the properties of polarization angle swings and the relationship between the swings and variations in total and polarized flux density are critically dependent on the configuration of magnetic field and the dynamical behavior of the shock. In particular, we find that in some cases polarization angle swings can occur when the total and polarized flux densities only vary by a very small amount. These results may be useful for understanding the polarization variability with both long and short timescales obser  相似文献   

We analytically determine the structure of highly magnetized astrophysical jets at the origin in a region where the flow has been already collimated by an external medium, in both relativistic and non-relativistic regimes. We show that this can be achieved by solving a system of first-order ordinary differential equations that describe the transversal jet structure for a variety of external confining pressure profiles that collimate the jet to a near-cylindrical configuration. We obtain solutions for a central jet surrounded either by a self-similar wind or by an external pressure profile and derive the dependence of the velocity and the magnetic field strength along and across our jets. In particular, we find that the central core in a jet – the part of a flow with a nearly homogeneous magnetic field – must contain a poloidal field which is not much smaller than the critical value B min. This allows us to determine the magnetic flux in a core which is much smaller than the total magnetic flux. We show that for such a small core flux the solutions with a magnetic field in a core much smaller than B min are non-physical. For astrophysical objects the value of the critical magnetic field is quite large: 1 G for active galactic nuclei, 1010 G for gamma-ray bursts and 10−1 G for young stellar objects. In a relativistic case for the core field greater than or of the order of B min we show analytically that the plasma Lorentz factor must grow linearly with the cylindrical radius. For non-relativistic highly magnetized jets we propose that an oblique shock exists near the base of the jet so that the finite gas pressure plays an important role in force balance.  相似文献   

VLBI total intensity and linear polarization images of the BL Lacertae object OJ 287 have been obtained at     using a global ground array and the HALCA orbiting antenna, and at     two weeks earlier using the VLBA. In the ground-based 6-cm images, the source is dominated by a core–jet double structure the components of which are essentially unresolved. The baselines to the orbiting antenna resolve both of these compact components. In the VSOP images, the ground-based 'core' breaks up into several distinct components, demonstrating that this region is dominated by the contribution of bright, optically thin knots of jet emission. A very similar structure is observed in the 1.3-cm image. The magnetic field in the core is transverse, becomes longitudinal in the inner jet, then makes a sharp transition to a region of transverse field further from the core. This suggests that the field in the outer jet has become highly ordered in the transverse direction owing to the action of a shock; the physical nature of the extended region of longitudinal field closer to the core is not clear. The availability of nearly simultaneous observations with comparable resolution at widely spaced frequencies enabled detection of a ≃90° rotation in polarization position angle for the core, owing to the transition from the optically thick (6 cm) to the optically thin (1.3 cm) regime.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an expanding disc model to derive the polarization properties of the Crab nebula. The distribution function of the plasma and the energy density of the magnetic field are prescribed as functions of the distance from the pulsar using the model derived by Kennel and Coroniti with  σ= 0.003  , where σ is the ratio of the Poynting flux to the kinetic energy flux in the bulk motion just before the termination shock. Unlike the case for previous models, we introduce a disordered magnetic field, which is parametrized by the fractional energy density of the disordered component. The flow dynamics are not solved, and the mean field is toroidal.
The averaged degree of polarization over the disc is obtained as a function of the inclination angle and fractional energy density of the disordered magnetic field. It is found for the Crab Nebula that the disordered component contains about 60 per cent of the magnetic field energy. This value is supported by the facts that the disc appears not as 'lip-shaped' but as 'rings' in the observed intensity map, and that the highest degree of polarization of ∼40 per cent is reproduced for rings, which is consistent with the observations.
We suggest that, because the disordered field contributes to the pressure rather than to the tension, the pinch force may have been overestimated in previous relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations. The disruption of the oppositely directed magnetic fields, which is proposed by Lyuvarsky, may actually take place. The relativistic flow speed, which is indicated by the front–back contrast, can be detected in the asymmetry of distributions of the position angle and depolarization.  相似文献   

Centaurus B (PKS B1343−601) is one of the brightest and closest radio galaxies, with flux density ∼250 Jy at 408 MHz and redshift 0.01215, but it has not been studied much because of its position (i) close to the Galactic plane (it is also known as G309.6+1.7 and Kes 19) and (ii) in the southern sky. It has recently been suggested as the centre of a highly obscured cluster behind the Galactic plane. We present radio observations made with the Australia Telescope Compact Array and Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope to study the jets and lobes. The total intensity and polarization radio images of the FR I jets are used to determine the jet brightness and width variations, magnetic field structure and fractional polarization. The equipartition pressure calculated along the jets declines rapidly over the first 1 arcmin from the galaxy reaching a constant pressure of 10−13  h −4/7 Pa in the lobes blown in the intracluster medium.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamics of magnetic fields in spiral galaxies by performing 3D magnetohydrodynamics simulations of galactic discs subject to a spiral potential using cold gas, warm gas and a two-phase mixture of both. Recent hydrodynamic simulations have demonstrated the formation of interarm spurs as well as spiral arm molecular clouds, provided the interstellar medium model includes a cold H  i phase. We find that the main effect of adding a magnetic field to these calculations is to inhibit the formation of structure in the disc. However, provided a cold phase is included, spurs and spiral arm clumps are still present if β≳ 0.1 in the cold gas. A caveat to the two-phase calculations though is that by assuming a uniform initial distribution, β≳ 10 in the warm gas, emphasizing that models with more consistent initial conditions and thermodynamics are required. Our simulations with only warm gas do not show such structure, irrespective of the magnetic field strength.
Furthermore, we find that the introduction of a cold H  i phase naturally produces the observed degree of disorder in the magnetic field, which is again absent from simulations using only warm gas. Whilst the global magnetic field follows the large-scale gas flow, the magnetic field also contains a substantial random component that is produced by the velocity dispersion induced in the cold gas during the passage through a spiral shock. Without any cold gas, the magnetic field in the warm phase remains relatively well ordered apart from becoming compressed in the spiral shocks. Our results provide a natural explanation for the observed high proportions of disordered magnetic field in spiral galaxies and we thus predict that the relative strengths of the random and ordered components of the magnetic field observed in spiral galaxies will depend on the dynamics of spiral shocks.  相似文献   

We present a semi-analytical hydrodynamical model for the structure of reconfinement shocks formed in astrophysical relativistic jets interacting with external medium. We take into account exact conservation laws, both across the shock front and in the zone of the shocked matter, and exact angular relations. Our results confirm a good accuracy of the approximate formulae derived by Komissarov & Falle. However, including the transverse pressure gradient in the shocked jet, we predict an absolute size of the shock to be about twice larger. We calculate the efficiency of the kinetic energy dissipation in the shock and show a strong dependence on both the bulk Lorentz factor and opening angle of the jet.  相似文献   

在许多激变射电源(Blazar天体)中,观测到一种非常特别的现象,即偏振角的快速旋转.在相对论喷流的框架下,这种偏振角的旋转可以用双成分模型来解释.在这个模型中,一个成分是作为背景喷流本身的辐射,是恒定不变的成分;另一个成分被认为是沿喷流传播的相对论性激波,它产生变化的流量和偏振.这两个成分的偏系辐射的叠加可以产生观测到的偏振角旋转。本文讨论了三个激变射电源(BL Lac,AO0235+164,0727-115)中发生的偏振角旋转.结果表明,用相对论喷流-激波双成分模型可以很好地拟合观测到的偏振角旋转、偏振度和流量变化。说明射电激变源中出现的快速偏振和流量变化可能是由于相对论激波沿喷流传播时,激波辐射区中磁场取向和有序性以及强度和电子密度的变化所引起的。  相似文献   

We present 5-GHz Multi-Element Radio-Linked Interferometer Network (MERLIN) radio images of the microquasar GRS 1915+105 during two separate outbursts in 2001 March and July, following the evolution of the jet components as they move outwards from the core of the system. Proper motions constrain the intrinsic jet speed to be  >0.57 c   , but the uncertainty in the source distance prevents an accurate determination of the jet speed. No deceleration is observed in the jet components out to an angular separation of ∼300 mas. Linear polarization is observed in the approaching jet component, with a gradual rotation in position angle and a decreasing fractional polarization with time. Our data lend support to the internal shock model whereby the jet velocity increases leading to internal shocks in the pre-existing outflow before the jet switches off. The compact nuclear jet is seen to reestablish itself within 2 d, and is visible as core emission at all epochs. The energetics of the source are calculated for the possible range of distances; a minimum power of 1–10 per cent of the Eddington luminosity ( L Edd) is required to launch the jet.  相似文献   

We estimate the power of relativistic, extragalactic jets by modelling the spectral energy distribution of a large number of blazars. We adopt a simple one-zone, homogeneous, leptonic synchrotron and inverse Compton model, taking into account seed photons originating both locally in the jet and externally. The blazars under study have an often dominant high-energy component which, if interpreted as due to inverse Compton radiation, limits the value of the magnetic field within the emission region. As a consequence, the corresponding Poynting flux cannot be energetically dominant. Also the bulk kinetic power in relativistic leptons is often smaller than the dissipated luminosity. This suggests that the typical jet should comprise an energetically dominant proton component. If there is one proton per relativistic electrons, jets radiate around 2–10 per cent of their power in high-power blazars and 3–30 per cent in less powerful BL Lacs.  相似文献   

Many quasars and active galactic nuclei (AGN) appear in radio, optical and X-ray maps as bright nuclear sources from which emerge single or double long, thin jets. When observed with high angular resolution, these jets show evidence of structure, with bright knots separated by relatively dark regions. High percentages of polarization, sometimes more then 50 per cent, indicate the non-thermal nature of the radiation, which is well explained as the synchrotron radiation of the relativistic electrons in an ordered magnetic field.
A strong collimation of jets is probably connected with ordered magnetic fields. The mechanism of magnetic collimation first suggested by Bisnovatyi-Kogan et al. was based on the initial charge separation, which led to the creation of an oscillating electrical current, which in turn produced an azimuthal magnetic field, preventing jet expansion and disappearance. Here we consider magnetic collimation associated with the torsional oscillations of a cylinder with an elongated magnetic field. Instead of initial blobs with charge separation, we consider a cylinder with a periodically distributed initial rotation around the cylinder axis. The stabilizing azimuthal magnetic field is created by torsional oscillations, meaning that charge separation is unnecessary. An approximate simplified model is developed, and an ordinary differential equation is derived and solved numerically, making it possible to estimate quantitatively the range of parameters for which jets may be stabilized by torsional oscillations.  相似文献   

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