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This pilot study attempts to demonstrate some underlying scanning electron microscopy themes of quartz grain surface textures. A variety of textural patterns and individual features are described for grains selected from various littoral environments. An attempt was made to differentiate samples on surface textures alone, but limitations of using this technique in sedimentological isolation were apparent. Statistical analysis of checklist data and photographic evidence revealed some of the more important feature combinations used in environmental diagnosis. The use of discriminant analysis provided quantitative sample separation.  相似文献   

The food-web structure of the epibenthic and infaunal invertebrates on the continental slope of the Catalan Sea (Balearic basin, NW Mediterranean) was investigated using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes on a total of 34 species, and HPLC pigment analyses for three key species. Samples were collected close to Barcelona (NE Iberian Peninsula), between 650 and 800 m depth and between February 2007 and February 2008. Mean ??13C values ranged from −21.0‰ (small Calocaris macandreae and Amphipholis squamata) to −14.5‰ (Sipunculus norvegicus). Values of ??15N ranged from 4.0‰ (A. squamata) to 12.1‰ (Molpadia musculus). The stable isotope ratios of benthic fauna displayed a continuum of values (e.g. ??15N range of 8‰), confirming a wide spectrum of feeding strategies (from active suspension feeders to predators) and complex food webs. According to the available information on diets of benthic fauna, the lowest values were found for surface deposit feeders (small C. macandrae and the two ophiuroids A. squamata and Amphiura chiajei) and active suspension feeders (Abra longicallus and Scalpellum scalpellum) feeding on different sizes of particulate organic matter (POM), among which small particles may exhibit lower ??15N. High annual mean ??15N values were found among sub-surface deposit feeders, exploiting refractory or frequently recycled organic matter that is enriched in ??15N. Carnivorous polychaetes (Nephtys spp., Oenonidae and Polynoidae) and large decapods (Geryon longipes and Paromola cuvieri) also displayed high ??15N values. ??13C ranges were particularly wide among surface deposit feeders (ranging from −21.0‰ to −16.4‰), suggesting exploitation of POM of both terrigenous and oceanic origins. Correlation between ??13C and ??15N was generally weak, indicating multiple carbon sources, likely due to the consumption of different kinds of sinking particles (e.g. marine snow, phytodetritus, etc.), sedimented and frequently recycled POM, together with macrophyte remains. The stronger ??13C-??15N correlations found in February and April suggest that during the period of water column homogeneization (winter-spring), the benthic community was sustained by phytodetritus inputs originating from the peak of surface primary production in February. Conversely, weaker ??13C-??15N correlations were observed during the period of water column stratification (beginning in June-July), suggesting that the benthic community in this period was sustained, with a delay of ca. 2/3 months, by multiple carbon sources including continental inputs from river discharge (with the maxima in April-May). Thus both advective and vertical fluxes seem to be food sources for benthos on the Catalonian slope. Pigments in the guts of key species were generally degraded, and only the active suspension feeder A. longicallus ingested fresh chlorophyll during periods of high primary production at the surface (February and April 2007).  相似文献   

Non-destructive 7 spectrum analyses of 20 polymetallic nodules from the eastern Pacificwere carried out. Numerous nuclides, such as 238U,230Th,226Ra,210Pb,228Ra,228Th,235U,227Ac (or 231 Pa) and 40K were detected. The count rates of the nuclides in the top or bottom side of nodules facing detector were measured and the ratio R of the count rates of nuclides in the top and the bottom sides was obtained. From counts and ratios, some useful information relating to the growth and movement of the nodules, the source of nuclide and relationship between those and environment can be gotten. A new method for clear distinction between the top and bottom sides of the nodule based on the R value of 226Ra or 210Pb was developed. In addition, one can infer the turnover of nodules according to the R value of 230Th.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionRibulose-1,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase/oxygenase(EC;Rubisco) plays an important role in photo-synthetic carbon fixation by controlling the initial stageof the Calvin cycle and possessing the functions of bothCO2 fixation and ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate (RuBP)oxygenation. Rubisco is composed of eight large andeight small subunits in higher plants and green algae,and the large subunit is encoded by chloroplast genomeand the small subunit by nuclear genome. The gene en-cod…  相似文献   

1Introduction ThemajorityofAustralia’sabalonefisheryex ports(5.135kt,worth$216millionin2002~2003,ABARE2004)consistofblacklipabalone(HaliotisrubraLeach,1814).AssuchH.rubrais consideredasanimportantmarineresourcewithin Australia.Likemanyabalonespecieswor…  相似文献   

We discovered and investigated several cold-seep sites in four depth zones of the Sea of Okhotsk off Northeast Sakhalin: outer shelf (160–250 m), upper slope (250–450 m), intermediate slope (450–800 m), and Derugin Basin (1450–1600 m). Active seepage of free methane or methane-rich fluids was detected in each zone. However, seabed photography and sampling revealed that the number of chemoautotrophic species decreases dramatically with decreasing water depth. At greatest depths in the Derugin Basin, the seeps were inhabited by bacterial mats and bivalves of the families Vesicomyidae (Calyptogena aff. pacifica, C. rectimargo, Archivesica sp.), Solemyidae (Acharax sp.) and Thyasiridae (Conchocele bisecta). In addition, pogonophoran tubeworms of the family Sclerolinidae were found in barite edifices. At the shallowest sites, on the shelf at 160 m, the seeps lack chemoautotrophic macrofauna; their locations were indicated only by the patchy occurrence of bacterial mats.Typical seep-endemic metazoans with chemosynthetic symbionts were confined to seep sites at depths below 370 m. A comparative analysis of the structure of seep and background communities suggests that differences in predation pressure may be an important determinant of this pattern. The abundance of predators such as carnivorous brachyurans and asteroids, which can invade seeps from adjacent habitats and efficiently prey on sessile seep bivalves, decreased very pronouncedly with depth. We conclude from the obvious correlation with the conspicuous pattern in the distribution of seep assemblages that, on the shelf and at the upper slope, predator pressure may be high enough to effectively impede any successful settlement of viable populations of seep-endemic metazoans. However, there was also evidence that other depth-related factors, such as bottom-water current, sedimentary regimes, oxygen concentrations and the supply of suitable settling substrates, may additionally regulate the distribution of seep fauna in the area.As a consequence of the pronounced pattern in the distribution of seep communities, their ecological significance as food sources of surrounding background fauna increased with water depth. Isotopic analyses suggest that in the Derugin Basin seep colonists feed on chemoautotrophic seep organisms, either directly or by preying on metazoans with chemosynthetic symbionts. In contrast, seep organisms apparently do not contribute to the nutrition of the adjacent background fauna on the shelf and at the slope. In this area, elevated epifaunal abundances at seep sites were caused primarily by the availability of suitable settling substrates rather than by an enrichment of food supply.  相似文献   

A diagnostic study is performed in the paper on the process of typhoon Norris (1980) transforming into an ex-tratropical cyclone after its landing over Southeast China. The main findings are as follows:The changes of kinetic energy are mainly attributed to the generation due to non-divergent wind. During the early stage of the typhoon landing, there exits only a small quantity of kinetic energy exchanging with the environment. And after it is transformed into an extratropical cyclone, a large amount of kinetic energy is exported from the system toward the environment.The horizontal and vertical flux-divergence terms of eddy available potenlial energy are the prominent sinks in the budgets of eddy kinetic energy. The generations of eddy kinetic energy due to both the barotropic and baroclinic processes are source terms. The former is remarkable during the initial stage. But after the depression is transformed into an extratropical cyclone, the roles of the generation by the barotropic and baroclinic proc  相似文献   

The means, variances, and three-dimensional spatial covariances of the ocean temperature and salinity anomalies in the upper 1400 m layer have been estimated using data of the Argo profiling floats from 2005 to 2007. The results of data processing suggest the continuation of general warming of the ocean waters noted in a number of papers based on earlier data. A pronounced geographical and vertical nonuniformity characterizes this warming but, as a whole, it is mostly distinct in the upper 100 m layer both in the tropics and midlatitudes. For the first time, the unique characteristics of the Argo observing system allowed us to obtain previously unfeasible estimates of the spatial statistics for salinity field. In particular, it has been demonstrated that the spatial structure of salinity anomalies is similar to those of temperature, excluding the case of the near-surface layer.  相似文献   

本文使用一种基于SLA数据的涡旋识别方法,通过22年的AVISO高度计测高数据对孟加拉湾的中尺度涡特征进行了研究。本文主要分析了孟加拉湾涡旋的地理分布、涡旋极性、涡旋生命周期和传播距离、涡旋产生和消失位置、涡旋传播方向和移动轨迹、涡旋运动特征、涡旋属性的演化以及涡旋活动的季节和年际变化等特性。涡旋主要分布在孟加拉湾西部海域,并且大部分涡旋向西移动。涡旋极性分布显示气旋涡更经常出现在湾的西北部和南部,而反气旋涡主要出现在湾的东部。在22年间,共追踪探测到生命周期超过30天的气旋涡565个、反气旋涡389个;对所有生命周期和传播距离而言都是气旋涡数量居多。所有观测到的涡旋的运动属性分析显示气旋涡的涡旋平均振幅大于反气旋涡;对平均半径和平均移动速度而言,气旋涡和反气旋涡相差不大。而且,涡旋属性演化显示生命周期超过90天的涡旋具有明显的双阶段演化特征,包括一个前50天的涡旋成长阶段和一个50天之后的涡旋消亡阶段。针对涡旋活动的季节变化,气旋涡在春季居多而反气旋涡在夏季较多;长生命周期的涡旋季节分布显示在孟加拉湾涡旋活动具有明显的季节分布特征。涡旋数量的年际变化与EKE变化有一个明显的负相关。  相似文献   

Marine Geophysical Research - Time–depth relationships (TDR) are required for correlating geological information from drill sites with seismic reflection profiles. Conventional...  相似文献   

Based on the historical evolution of the Hangzhou Bay, by making use of the conclusions made by the previous research workers and the integration of concrete data, five distinct impact indicators of the sediment from the Changjiang Estuary and the East China Sea to the Hangzhou Bay are summarized. Numerical calculation and analysis indicate that the scouring and deposition of seabed in the Hangzhou Bay are subject to the direct impact of the evolution of the Changjiang Estuary, and the growth and decline and the direction of the sandy bar at Nanhuizui give traces to the sediment transport between the Changjiang Estuary and the Hangzhou Bay. The transport of sediment from the Changjiang Estuary to the Hangzhou Bay occurs mainly in winter and spring seasons and the increase of the Changjiang River runoff and the decrease of sediment charge have caused scouring in the northern coast of the Hangzhou Bay and the seabed erosion along the frontal margin of the Changjiang River Delta.  相似文献   

Integrated coastal management (ICM) is a management process used by stakeholders in decision making to determine how coastal areas will be used and what activities can take place in them. While many ICM Programs are national government initiatives, some ICM Programs are ‘decentralized’, managed by community groups or local governments. This paper describes the Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP), an ICM Program in Atlantic Canada, and the Xiamen ICM Program, in Xiamen, China, and discusses their major differences. The most important difference between the two ICM Programs is that ACAP is a community-based program that uses a multi-stakeholder approach and consensus decision making, while the Xiamen ICM Program is managed by a coordinating office within a local government. After comparing the two programs, some general lessons learned about decentralized ICM from these case studies are noted. It is concluded that the appropriate use of either model for ICM depends on the cultural, economic and political environment of the program. However, stakeholder involvement, scientific consultation and the use of a detailed management plan are important components of any decentralized ICM program.  相似文献   

This paper, Part II, presents two soil modelling approaches developed specifically for fatigue analysis of well conductors. The first approach uses Winkler springs and can account for soil damping. The second approach is based on continuum soil mechanics and uses the kinematic hardening principles. They focus on cyclic soil behaviour at the steady-state condition. The paper demonstrates appropriateness of the approaches in predicting fatigue damage through comparisons with the centrifuge fatigue lives measured from the Series 1 tests in NC to lightly OC kaolin clay. It also presents and discusses the analyzed data and the fatigue lives measured from the Series 2 (medium-dense sand), Series 3 (NC to lightly OC GoM clay), and Series 4 (OC natural clay) tests. Finally, soil models (based on the first approach) are presented for fatigue analysis of well conductors installed in NC to lightly OC clays, over-consolidated (OC) clays and medium-dense sands, and their ability to predict conductor fatigue damage under wide range of loading conditions is demonstrated. Overall, the accuracy of fatigue life predictions using these novel soil models is very high – generally within about a few percentages of the measured values.  相似文献   

A depth profile of bacterial community structure in one deep-sea sediment core of the western Pacific "warm pool" (WP) was investigated and compared with that in a sediment sample from the eastern Pacific (EP) by phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA fragments. Five bacterial 16S rDNA clone libraries were constructed, and 133 clones with different restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns were sequenced. A phylogenetic analysis of these sequences revealed that the bacterial diversity in a sample from the WP was more abundant than that in the EP sample. The bacterial population in the sediment core of WP was composed of eight major lineages of the domain bacteria. Among them the γ-Proteobacteria was the predominant and most diverse group in each section of WP sediment core, followed by the α-Proteobacteria. The genus Colwellia belonging to γ-Proteobacteria was predominant in this sample. The shift of bacterial communities among different sections of the WP sediment core was δ-, ε-Proteobacteria, and Cytopahga-Flexibacteria-Bacteroides (CFB) group. The ratios between them in the bacterial communities all showed inversely proportional to the depth of sediment. The sequences related to sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) were detected in every section. The bacterial community structure in this sediment core might be related to the environmental characteristics of the surface seawater of the western Pacific WP.  相似文献   

TheclusteranalysisofthewatermassesinwesternTaiwanStraitfromhydrologicandchemicalfactors¥HuangZiqiangandJiWeidong(ReceivedAugu...  相似文献   

The 85°E Ridge, located in the Bay of Bengal of the northeastern Indian Ocean is an enigmatic geological feature as it possesses unusual geophysical signatures. The ridge's internal structure and mode of eruptions are unknown due to lack of deep seismic reflection and borehole data control. Here, we analyze 10 km of long-streamer seismic reflection data to unravel the ridge's internal structure, and thereby to enhance the understanding of how the ridge was originated and grew over a geologic time. Seismic facies analysis reveals the ridge structure consisting of volcanic vent and several stratigraphic units including packs of prograding clinoforms. The clinoform sequences are interpreted as volcanic successions, and led to the formation of lava-delta fronts. Interpreted features of lava-fed deltas and intervening erosional surfaces, and mass flows along ridge flanks suggest that the 85°E Ridge is a volcanic construct, and was built by both subaqueous and multiphase sub-marine volcanism during the Late Cretaceous (approximately from 85 to 80 Ma). At later time, from Oligocene-Miocene (∼23 Ma) onwards the ridge was buried under the thick sediments of the Bengal Fan system.  相似文献   

1 Introduction IL-1βis a pleiotropic proinlammatory cytokine with a wide spectrum of inflammatory, metabolic, hematopoietic and immunological activities and is re- sponsible for the symptoms of sickness during the host response to infection (Dinarello, 1…  相似文献   

The Sørkapp Basin (NW Barents Shelf) contains a comprehensive sedimentary succession that provides insight into regional tectonics and depositional development of the shelf from the Devonian to the Cretaceous. With its location east of the mid-Atlantic spreading ridge and south of Svalbard, the Basin serves as an important link between the offshore and onshore realms.This study subdivides this sparsely studied basin into six main seismic units (three Paleozoic and three Mesozoic). A metamorphic basement together with assumed Devonian sedimentary deposits form the foundation for a chiefly Carboniferous basin. The Basin forms a syncline with infill showing limited fault-influence. Overlying the early infill are Late Carboniferous deposits which show less lateral variation in thickness but also active growth on the few faults showing significant displacement. The overlying platform deposits of the latest Carboniferous and Permian show a change in depositional geometry, with onlapping deposits towards the east probably resulting from uplift of the Stappen High and regional flooding. Subsequent, particularly Late, Triassic sedimentation shows a more distinctly progradational pattern with a dominantly southeastern source for sediments. During this shallow shelf-filling stage, the Sørkapp Basin is sheltered by the Gardarbanken High, blocking the Early Triassic clinoform development. The High was transgressed in the Middle Triassic and the platform-edge progressively approached the present Svalbard coastline.The youngest Mesozoic unit forms a separate saucer-shaped depocenter west of the Sørkapp Basin, where deposits are truncated by the seafloor in a mid-basin position and across the Gardarbanken High. The depositional pattern for this succession correlates with the outcrop pattern of the Adventdalen Group implying a post Middle Jurassic to Cretaceous age. The Sørkapp Basin has been referred to as a Cretaceous feature based in this depocenter. However, the foundations are much older and the Cretaceous depression is located west of the deeper basin. Accordingly, we propose the informal term Sørkapp Depression for the Cretaceous basin.  相似文献   

The flow structure of a swash event over a uniform slope is studied using a RANS-VOF numerical model coupled with a v2f turbulence closure. The model is compared with experimental data of recent laboratory experiments. The ability of the turbulence modelling for simulating swash flow and the evolution of the computed bed shear stress during run-up and run-down are investigated. The agreement between numerical results and measured data, such as water depth, depth-averaged velocity and bed shear stress is very good during run-up. Main discrepancies are found during run-down. The paper also examines the aeration of the water layer in the swash flow, taking advantage of the PLIC method for computing the air–water interfaces. Air is continuously entrapped in the swash front and released at its rear during run-up. A detailed analysis indicates that the flow reversal is initiated near the bottom at the outer boundary of the swash zone and progresses landward. The study highlights the asymmetry between run-up and run-down. During run-up, the swash front propagation determines the turbulence properties and the bed shear stress profile on the beach, whereas the flow properties are more homogeneously distributed in the swash area during run-down.  相似文献   

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