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In oil industry and subsurface hydrology, geostatistical models are often used to represent the porosity or the permeability field. In history matching of a geostatistical reservoir model, we attempt to find multiple realizations that are conditional to dynamic data and representative of the model uncertainty space. A relevant way to simulate the conditioned realizations is by generating Monte Carlo Markov chains (MCMC). The huge dimensions (number of parameters) of the model and the computational cost of each iteration are two important pitfalls for the use of MCMC. In practice, we have to stop the chain far before it has browsed the whole support of the posterior probability density function. Furthermore, as the relationship between the production data and the random field is highly nonlinear, the posterior can be strongly multimodal and the chain may stay stuck in one of the modes. In this work, we propose a methodology to enhance the sampling properties of classical single MCMC in history matching. We first show how to reduce the dimension of the problem by using a truncated Karhunen–Loève expansion of the random field of interest and assess the number of components to be kept. Then, we show how we can improve the mixing properties of MCMC, without increasing the global computational cost, by using parallel interacting Markov Chains. Finally, we show the encouraging results obtained when applying the method to a synthetic history matching case.  相似文献   

Uncertainty in future reservoir performance is usually evaluated from the simulated performance of a small number of reservoir realizations. Unfortunately, most of the practical methods for generating realizations conditional to production data are only approximately correct. It is not known whether or not the recently developed method of Gradual Deformation is an approximate method or if it actually generates realizations that are distributed correctly. In this paper, we evaluate the ability of the Gradual Deformation method to correctly assess the uncertainty in reservoir predictions by comparing the distribution of conditional realizations for a small test problem with the standard distribution from a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, which is known to be correct, and with distributions from several approximate methods. Although the Gradual Deformation algorithm samples inefficiently for this test problem and is clearly not an exact method, it gives similar uncertainty estimates to those obtained by MCMC method based on a relatively small number of realizations.  相似文献   

A Bayesian linear inversion methodology based on Gaussian mixture models and its application to geophysical inverse problems are presented in this paper. The proposed inverse method is based on a Bayesian approach under the assumptions of a Gaussian mixture random field for the prior model and a Gaussian linear likelihood function. The model for the latent discrete variable is defined to be a stationary first-order Markov chain. In this approach, a recursive exact solution to an approximation of the posterior distribution of the inverse problem is proposed. A Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm can be used to efficiently simulate realizations from the correct posterior model. Two inversion studies based on real well log data are presented, and the main results are the posterior distributions of the reservoir properties of interest, the corresponding predictions and prediction intervals, and a set of conditional realizations. The first application is a seismic inversion study for the prediction of lithological facies, P- and S-impedance, where an improvement of 30% in the root-mean-square error of the predictions compared to the traditional Gaussian inversion is obtained. The second application is a rock physics inversion study for the prediction of lithological facies, porosity, and clay volume, where predictions slightly improve compared to the Gaussian inversion approach.  相似文献   

The Bayesian framework is the standard approach for data assimilation in reservoir modeling. This framework involves characterizing the posterior distribution of geological parameters in terms of a given prior distribution and data from the reservoir dynamics, together with a forward model connecting the space of geological parameters to the data space. Since the posterior distribution quantifies the uncertainty in the geologic parameters of the reservoir, the characterization of the posterior is fundamental for the optimal management of reservoirs. Unfortunately, due to the large-scale highly nonlinear properties of standard reservoir models, characterizing the posterior is computationally prohibitive. Instead, more affordable ad hoc techniques, based on Gaussian approximations, are often used for characterizing the posterior distribution. Evaluating the performance of those Gaussian approximations is typically conducted by assessing their ability at reproducing the truth within the confidence interval provided by the ad hoc technique under consideration. This has the disadvantage of mixing up the approximation properties of the history matching algorithm employed with the information content of the particular observations used, making it hard to evaluate the effect of the ad hoc approximations alone. In this paper, we avoid this disadvantage by comparing the ad hoc techniques with a fully resolved state-of-the-art probing of the Bayesian posterior distribution. The ad hoc techniques whose performance we assess are based on (1) linearization around the maximum a posteriori estimate, (2) randomized maximum likelihood, and (3) ensemble Kalman filter-type methods. In order to fully resolve the posterior distribution, we implement a state-of-the art Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method that scales well with respect to the dimension of the parameter space, enabling us to study realistic forward models, in two space dimensions, at a high level of grid refinement. Our implementation of the MCMC method provides the gold standard against which the aforementioned Gaussian approximations are assessed. We present numerical synthetic experiments where we quantify the capability of each of the ad hoc Gaussian approximation in reproducing the mean and the variance of the posterior distribution (characterized via MCMC) associated to a data assimilation problem. Both single-phase and two-phase (oil–water) reservoir models are considered so that fundamental differences in the resulting forward operators are highlighted. The main objective of our controlled experiments was to exhibit the substantial discrepancies of the approximation properties of standard ad hoc Gaussian approximations. Numerical investigations of the type we present here will lead to the greater understanding of the cost-efficient, but ad hoc, Bayesian techniques used for data assimilation in petroleum reservoirs and hence ultimately to improved techniques with more accurate uncertainty quantification.  相似文献   

This paper presents the application of a population Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique to generate history-matched models. The technique has been developed and successfully adopted in challenging domains such as computational biology but has not yet seen application in reservoir modelling. In population MCMC, multiple Markov chains are run on a set of response surfaces that form a bridge from the prior to posterior. These response surfaces are formed from the product of the prior with the likelihood raised to a varying power less than one. The chains exchange positions, with the probability of a swap being governed by a standard Metropolis accept/reject step, which allows for large steps to be taken with high probability. We show results of Population MCMC on the IC Fault Model—a simple three-parameter model that is known to have a highly irregular misfit surface and hence be difficult to match. Our results show that population MCMC is able to generate samples from the complex, multi-modal posterior probability distribution of the IC Fault model very effectively. By comparison, previous results from stochastic sampling algorithms often focus on only part of the region of high posterior probability depending on algorithm settings and starting points.  相似文献   

We present a methodology that allows conditioning the spatial distribution of geological and petrophysical properties of reservoir model realizations on available production data. The approach is fully consistent with modern concepts depicting natural reservoirs as composite media where the distribution of both lithological units (or facies) and associated attributes are modeled as stochastic processes of space. We represent the uncertain spatial distribution of the facies through a Markov mesh (MM) model, which allows describing complex and detailed facies geometries in a rigorous Bayesian framework. The latter is then embedded within a history matching workflow based on an iterative form of the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). We test the proposed methodology by way of a synthetic study characterized by the presence of two distinct facies. We analyze the accuracy and computational efficiency of our algorithm and its ability with respect to the standard EnKF to properly estimate model parameters and assess future reservoir production. We show the feasibility of integrating MM in a data assimilation scheme. Our methodology is conducive to a set of updated model realizations characterized by a realistic spatial distribution of facies and their log permeabilities. Model realizations updated through our proposed algorithm correctly capture the production dynamics.  相似文献   

Seismic inverse modeling, which transforms appropriately processed geophysical data into the physical properties of the Earth, is an essential process for reservoir characterization. This paper proposes a work flow based on a Markov chain Monte Carlo method consistent with geology, well-logs, seismic data, and rock-physics information. It uses direct sampling as a multiple-point geostatistical method for generating realizations from the prior distribution, and Metropolis sampling with adaptive spatial resampling to perform an approximate sampling from the posterior distribution, conditioned to the geophysical data. Because it can assess important uncertainties, sampling is a more general approach than just finding the most likely model. However, since rejection sampling requires a large number of evaluations for generating the posterior distribution, it is inefficient and not suitable for reservoir modeling. Metropolis sampling is able to perform an equivalent sampling by forming a Markov chain. The iterative spatial resampling algorithm perturbs realizations of a spatially dependent variable, while preserving its spatial structure by conditioning to subset points. However, in most practical applications, when the subset conditioning points are selected at random, it can get stuck for a very long time in a non-optimal local minimum. In this paper it is demonstrated that adaptive subset sampling improves the efficiency of iterative spatial resampling. Depending on the acceptance/rejection criteria, it is possible to obtain a chain of geostatistical realizations aimed at characterizing the posterior distribution with Metropolis sampling. The validity and applicability of the proposed method are illustrated by results for seismic lithofacies inversion on the Stanford VI synthetic test sets.  相似文献   

Geophysical well logs used in petroleum exploration consist of measurements of physical properties (such as radioactivity, density, and acoustic velocity) that are digitally recorded at a fixed interval (typically half a foot) along the length of the exploratory well. The measurements are informative of the unobserved rock type alternations along the well, which is critical for the assessment of petroleum reservoirs. The well log data that are analyzed here are from a North Sea petroleum reservoir where two distinct strata have been identified from large scale seismic data. We apply a hidden Markov chain model to infer properties of the rock type alternations, separately for each stratum. The hidden Markov chain uses Dirichlet prior distributions for the Markov transition probabilities between rock types. The well log measurements, conditional on the unobserved rock types, are modeled using Gaussian distributions. Our analysis provides likelihood estimates of the parameters of the Dirichlet prior and the parameters of the measurement model. For fixed values of the parameter estimates we calculate the posterior distributions for the rock type transition probabilities, given the well log measurement data. We then propagate the model parameter uncertainty into the posterior distributions using resampling from the maximum likelihood model. The resulting distributions can be used to characterize the two reservoir strata and possible differences between them. We believe that our approach to modeling and analysis is novel and well suited to the problem. Our approach has elements in common with empirical Bayes methods in that unspecified parameters are estimated using marginal likelihoods. Additionally, we propagate the parameter uncertainty into the final posterior distributions.  相似文献   

Parameter identification is one of the key elements in the construction of models in geosciences. However, inherent difficulties such as the instability of ill-posed problems or the presence of multiple local optima may impede the execution of this task. Regularization methods and Bayesian formulations, such as the maximum a posteriori estimation approach, have been used to overcome those complications. Nevertheless, in some instances, a more in-depth analysis of the inverse problem is advisable before obtaining estimates of the optimal parameters. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods used in Bayesian inference have been applied in the last 10 years in several fields of geosciences such as hydrology, geophysics or reservoir engineering. In the present paper, a compilation of basic tools for inference and a case study illustrating the practical application of them are given. Firstly, an introduction to the Bayesian approach to the inverse problem is provided together with the most common sampling algorithms with MCMC chains. Secondly, a series of estimators for quantities of interest, such as the marginal densities or the normalization constant of the posterior distribution of the parameters, are reviewed. Those reduce the computational cost significantly, using only the time needed to obtain a sample of the posterior probability density function. The use of the information theory principles for the experimental design and for the ill-posedness diagnosis is also introduced. Finally, a case study based on a highly instrumented well test found in the literature is presented. The results obtained are compared with the ones computed by the maximum likelihood estimation approach.  相似文献   

Generating one realization of a random permeability field that is consistent with observed pressure data and a known variogram model is not a difficult problem. If, however, one wants to investigate the uncertainty of reservior behavior, one must generate a large number of realizations and ensure that the distribution of realizations properly reflects the uncertainty in reservoir properties. The most widely used method for conditioning permeability fields to production data has been the method of simulated annealing, in which practitioners attempt to minimize the difference between the ’ ’true and simulated production data, and “true” and simulated variograms. Unfortunately, the meaning of the resulting realization is not clear and the method can be extremely slow. In this paper, we present an alternative approach to generating realizations that are conditional to pressure data, focusing on the distribution of realizations and on the efficiency of the method. Under certain conditions that can be verified easily, the Markov chain Monte Carlo method is known to produce states whose frequencies of appearance correspond to a given probability distribution, so we use this method to generate the realizations. To make the method more efficient, we perturb the states in such a way that the variogram is satisfied automatically and the pressure data are approximately matched at every step. These perturbations make use of sensitivity coefficients calculated from the reservoir simulator.  相似文献   

The conventional paradigm for predicting future reservoir performance from existing production data involves the construction of reservoir models that match the historical data through iterative history matching. This is generally an expensive and difficult task and often results in models that do not accurately assess the uncertainty of the forecast. We propose an alternative re-formulation of the problem, in which the role of the reservoir model is reconsidered. Instead of using the model to match the historical production, and then forecasting, the model is used in combination with Monte Carlo sampling to establish a statistical relationship between the historical and forecast variables. The estimated relationship is then used in conjunction with the actual production data to produce a statistical forecast. This allows quantifying posterior uncertainty on the forecast variable without explicit inversion or history matching. The main rationale behind this is that the reservoir model is highly complex and even so, still remains a simplified representation of the actual subsurface. As statistical relationships can generally only be constructed in low dimensions, compression and dimension reduction of the reservoir models themselves would result in further oversimplification. Conversely, production data and forecast variables are time series data, which are simpler and much more applicable for dimension reduction techniques. We present a dimension reduction approach based on functional data analysis (FDA), and mixed principal component analysis (mixed PCA), followed by canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to maximize the linear correlation between the forecast and production variables. Using these transformed variables, it is then possible to apply linear Gaussian regression and estimate the statistical relationship between the forecast and historical variables. This relationship is used in combination with the actual observed historical data to estimate the posterior distribution of the forecast variable. Sampling from this posterior and reconstructing the corresponding forecast time series, allows assessing uncertainty on the forecast. This workflow will be demonstrated on a case based on a Libyan reservoir and compared with traditional history matching.  相似文献   

In this paper, the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach is used for sampling of the permeability field conditioned on the dynamic data. The novelty of the approach consists of using an approximation of the dynamic data based on streamline computations. The simulations using the streamline approach allows us to obtain analytical approximations in the small neighborhood of the previously computed dynamic data. Using this approximation, we employ a two-stage MCMC approach. In the first stage, the approximation of the dynamic data is used to modify the instrumental proposal distribution. The obtained chain correctly samples from the posterior distribution; the modified Markov chain converges to a steady state corresponding to the posterior distribution. Moreover, this approximation increases the acceptance rate, and reduces the computational time required for MCMC sampling. Numerical results are presented.  相似文献   

An adequate representation of the detailed spatial variation of subsurface parameters for underground flow and mass transport simulation entails heterogeneous models. Uncertainty characterization generally calls for a Monte Carlo analysis of many equally likely realizations that honor both direct information (e.g., conductivity data) and information about the state of the system (e.g., piezometric head or concentration data). Thus, the problems faced is how to generate multiple realizations conditioned to parameter data, and inverse-conditioned to dependent state data. We propose using Markov chain Monte Carlo approach (MCMC) with block updating and combined with upscaling to achieve this purpose. Our proposal presents an alternative block updating scheme that permits the application of MCMC to inverse stochastic simulation of heterogeneous fields and incorporates upscaling in a multi-grid approach to speed up the generation of the realizations. The main advantage of MCMC, compared to other methods capable of generating inverse-conditioned realizations (such as the self-calibrating or the pilot point methods), is that it does not require the solution of a complex optimization inverse problem, although it requires the solution of the direct problem many times.  相似文献   

Ensemble-based methods are becoming popular assisted history matching techniques with a growing number of field applications. These methods use an ensemble of model realizations, typically constructed by means of geostatistics, to represent the prior uncertainty. The performance of the history matching is very dependent on the quality of the initial ensemble. However, there is a significant level of uncertainty in the parameters used to define the geostatistical model. From a Bayesian viewpoint, the uncertainty in the geostatistical modeling can be represented by a hyper-prior in a hierarchical formulation. This paper presents the first steps towards a general parametrization to address the problem of uncertainty in the prior modeling. The proposed parametrization is inspired in Gaussian mixtures, where the uncertainty in the prior mean and prior covariance is accounted by defining weights for combining multiple Gaussian ensembles, which are estimated during the data assimilation. The parametrization was successfully tested in a simple reservoir problem where the orientation of the major anisotropic direction of the permeability field was unknown.  相似文献   

Building of models in the Earth Sciences often requires the solution of an inverse problem: some unknown model parameters need to be calibrated with actual measurements. In most cases, the set of measurements cannot completely and uniquely determine the model parameters; hence multiple models can describe the same data set. Bayesian inverse theory provides a framework for solving this problem. Bayesian methods rely on the fact that the conditional probability of the model parameters given the data (the posterior) is proportional to the likelihood of observing the data and a prior belief expressed as a prior distribution of the model parameters. In case the prior distribution is not Gaussian and the relation between data and parameters (forward model) is strongly non-linear, one has to resort to iterative samplers, often Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, for generating samples that fit the data likelihood and reflect the prior model statistics. While theoretically sound, such methods can be slow to converge, and are often impractical when the forward model is CPU demanding. In this paper, we propose a new sampling method that allows to sample from a variety of priors and condition model parameters to a variety of data types. The method does not rely on the traditional Bayesian decomposition of posterior into likelihood and prior, instead it uses so-called pre-posterior distributions, i.e. the probability of the model parameters given some subset of the data. The use of pre-posterior allows to decompose the data into so-called, “easy data” (or linear data) and “difficult data” (or nonlinear data). The method relies on fast non-iterative sequential simulation to generate model realizations. The difficult data is matched by perturbing an initial realization using a perturbation mechanism termed “probability perturbation.” The probability perturbation method moves the initial guess closer to matching the difficult data, while maintaining the prior model statistics and the conditioning to the linear data. Several examples are used to illustrate the properties of this method.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a procedure for subsurface characterization of a fractured porous medium. The characterization involves sampling from a representation of a fracture’s permeability that has been suitably adjusted to the dynamic tracer cut measurement data. We propose to use a type of dual-porosity, dual-permeability model for tracer flow. This model is built into the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method in which the permeability is sampled. The Bayesian statistical framework is used to set the acceptance criteria of these samples and is enforced through sampling from the posterior distribution of the permeability fields conditioned to dynamic tracer cut data. In order to get a sample from the distribution, we must solve a series of problems which requires a fine-scale solution of the dual model. As direct MCMC is a costly method with the possibility of a low acceptance rate, we introduce a two-stage MCMC alternative which requires a suitable coarse-scale solution method of the dual model. With this filtering process, we are able to decrease our computational time as well as increase the proposal acceptance rate. A number of numerical examples are presented to illustrate the performance of the method.  相似文献   

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