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第一 绪言 二十三年秋,江宁自治实验县委托中央大学地质系调查全境地质。鼐奉系派,参与工作,於调查地质之余,对於境内土壤情形亦稍加注意,惟因限於时间,故所采集之标本,为数不多,且采集地点,每视地质工作为转移,不能如意选择,又未能逐步勘测,今书此简短报告,聊供日後之参考  相似文献   

<正>全球气候变暖已是不可争辩的事实,据IPCC(2007)预计到21世纪末,全球平均温度将增加1.1~6.4℃[1]。由此,在过去的20年中,全球相继开展了大量的增温控制实验,预测各类生态系统对全球变暖的响应。但是目前野外增温控制实验主要集中在温度受限制的中高纬度地区的草原、农田、冻原和森林生态系统[2-3],在30°N以南的热带和亚热带地区野外增温实验很少见[4-6]。由于低纬度地区的  相似文献   

青海湖及其附近地区自然地理(着重地貌)的初步考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青海是我国第—个大湖,这个大湖一向受到中外地理学家们的注意。在考察记述过青海的中外学者中,下述数人的工作最值得我们的注意。  相似文献   

青海是我国第—个大湖,这个大湖一向受到中外地理学家们的注意。在考察记述过青海的中外学者中,下述数人的工作最值得我们的注意。  相似文献   

溶剂萃取作为一种单元操作提出已经四十多年了。如果追朔到人们注意一种溶质在不相混溶的两相间的分配现象则更早。最早记载的是1807年关于醚对金的萃取。但是溶剂萃取在工业上的应用则是本世纪四十年  相似文献   

High accuracy surface modeling(HASM) is a method which can be applied to soil property interpolation.In this paper,we present a method of HASM combined geographic information for soil property interpolation(HASM-SP) to improve the accuracy.Based on soil types,land use types and parent rocks,HASM-SP was applied to interpolate soil available P,Li,pH,alkali-hydrolyzable N,total K and Cr in a typical red soil hilly region.To evaluate the performance of HASM-SP,we compared its performance with that of ordinary kriging(OK),ordinary kriging combined geographic information(OK-Geo) and stratified kriging(SK).The results showed that the methods combined with geographic information including HASM-SP and OK-Geo obtained a lower estimation bias.HASM-SP also showed less MAEs and RMSEs when it was compared with the other three methods(OK-Geo,OK and SK).Much more details were presented in the HASM-SP maps for soil properties due to the combination of different types of geographic information which gave abrupt boundary for the spatial varia-tion of soil properties.Therefore,HASM-SP can not only reduce prediction errors but also can be accordant with the distribution of geographic information,which make the spatial simula-tion of soil property more reasonable.HASM-SP has not only enriched the theory of high accuracy surface modeling of soil property,but also provided a scientific method for the ap-plication in resource management and environment planning.  相似文献   

梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)是优良的固沙树种,在干旱区生态建设和经济创收中起着重要的作用.本研究以内蒙古乌拉特后旗天然梭梭林为研究对象,对梭梭林下(Ha)和林外裸露沙地(BS)中土壤微生物多样性和土壤理化性质进行测定,并分析了微生物多样性与土壤性质的相关关系.结果表明:天然梭梭林土壤细菌和真菌的香...  相似文献   

县(市)经济可持续发展决策支撑系统设计研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着区域发展日益成为人们关注的焦点,区域经济的管理水平和决策水平的高低成为制约经济可持续发展的因素之一,尽快建立符合区域经济需要的管理决策支撑系统有其必要性和可能性。本文以县(市)经济管理作为基本的研究对象,从数据库的构造、决策支撑系统的建立、系统的总体框架以及系统模块的组成等方面对区域经济管理决策支撑系统进行了较为全面的设计研究,为进一步的实验工作打下理论基础。  相似文献   

前言光谱分析法的一个分支——火焰分析法,是利用火焰的热能,使样品中待测元素原子化。包括:受火焰热能激发的火焰发射法;火焰中基态原子对光源特征辐射产生吸光的原子吸收法;以及吸收了光能的基态原子发射荧光的原子荧光法三种。图1显示了碱金属和碱土金属的火焰光谱。火焰发射光谱较复杂,而原子吸收线仅是其中少数谱线,原子荧光的谱线数最少。火焰发射法和原子吸收法擅长测定痕量碱金属;原子吸收  相似文献   

<正> 我国盐湖和海水制盐老卤中含有极其丰富的氯化镁,在青藏高原察尔汉盐湖地区,利用日晒即可获得水氯镁石结晶,无论在利用水氯镁石脱水制取无水氯化镁或热解制取氧化镁和盐酸的过程中碱式氯化镁(MgOHCl)都是中间产物。水氯镁石热分析研究早已确定 MgOHCl 的存在[1-4],但在研究和生产过程中往往对它的行为没有给以应有的重视。Frity Serrowy Menfred  相似文献   

最近 Müucher 和 Morozova(1983)回顾了土壤薄片研究在地貌学中的作用,并指出了同土壤学、考古学和古土壤学研究的交叉。按严格的地貌学意义来说,薄片是用于侵蚀和沉积两个过程的研究。研究的主要过程之一是在不同的侵蚀处产生粗物质的残留聚集。这在热带、亚热带地区地表已受到化学风化和数百万年的逐渐剥蚀的地方尤其普遍而重要。  相似文献   

梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)主根周围土壤特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
楚新正  马倩  马晓飞  徐莉  马婕 《中国沙漠》2014,34(1):170-175
通过建立米级的空间尺度进行分层取样,研究了准噶尔盆地南缘建群种——梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)主根周围土壤的含水率、容重、pH值、电导率和养分含量的变化状况。结果表明:(1)土壤含水量在表层5cm处最小,土壤容重在0~40cm土层变动幅度不大,但随着与茎基垂线距离的增加,二者出现显著变化(p0.05)。(2)土壤pH值和电导率在主根区周围呈现聚集现象,最大聚集率均在0~1m圈层,但随着距离的增加,土层深度逐渐成为主导因素。(3)土壤养分在表层5cm处聚集,但水平聚集范围中除有机质和全氮可扩增到3~4m外,全磷和速效养分均在0~2m。本研究结论对于荒漠区耐盐性植被的合理密植有一定的理论意义。  相似文献   

龚子同 《地理学报》2011,66(3):427-427
在朱鹤健、何宜庚主编的《土壤地理学》(初版) (高等教育出版社) 出版18 年之后,朱鹤健、陈健飞、陈松林、何宜庚编著的《土壤地理学》(第二版) 于2010 年由高等教育出版社出版了。  相似文献   

遵照毛主席“中国人民有志气,有能力,一定要在不远的将来,赶上和超过世界先进水平”的伟大教导,以及四届人大提出的宏伟目标——在本世纪内,全面实现农业、工业、国防和科学技术的现代化,使我国国民经济走在世界的前列,我们盐湖科学工作也必须更快地发展,以便适应我国社会主义建设发展的需要,赶超世界先进水平。毛主席教导我们:“认真学习外国的好经验,也一定研究外国的坏经验——引以为戒,这就是我们的路线。”对于盐湖科学工作也应该  相似文献   

(二)无机化学工业中的应用最近,溶剂萃取已经应用于传统的无机化工中,可以用溶剂莘取技术从原料中生产盐和酸。以溶剂萃取为主要操作步骤的应用可以包括下列几个方面。  相似文献   

中国分县生态承载力供需平衡空间格局分析(英文)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
A balanced ecological carrying capacity and its understanding are important to achieve sustainable development for human kind.Here,the concept of ecological carrying capacity has been used for measuring the dependencies between human and nature.China’s ecological balance between supply and demand has become a global concern and is widely debated.In this study the ’Ecological Footprint’ method was used to analyze the supply-demand balance of China’s ecological carrying capacity.Firstly,the ecological supply and demand balance was calculated and evaluated,and secondly,the ecological carrying capacity index (ECCI) was derived for each county of China in 2007,and finally this paper systematically evaluated the ecological carrying capacity supply-demand balance of China.The results showed that ecological deficit appeared to be the main characteristic of ecological carrying capacity supply-demand balance in 2007 of China at county scale.In general,more than four-fifths of the Chinese population was concentrated in less than one-third of the land area and more than two-thirds of the land area was inhabited by less than one-fifth of the population.The spatial distribution of the ecological carrying capacity demand-supply was unbalanced ranging from significant overloading to affluence from southeastern to northwestern part of China.It appeared to be more dominant in regions located at coastal areas which are attracted by migrants and had a generally higher population density.Along with the rapid development and urbanization trends in China,ecological deficits in these regions will become more severe.  相似文献   

以河西走廊湿生芦苇为对照,研究盐碱芦苇和沙生芦苇种群根茎的年龄结构、营养繁殖力、潜在种群与现实种群的数量关系及其对土壤因子的响应,探究芦苇(Phragmites australis)种群对土壤因子的趋异适应机理,为芦苇种群的扩展提供理论依据.结果 表明:盐碱芦苇和沙生芦苇有6个龄级,湿生芦苇有5个龄级;根茎长度、根茎生...  相似文献   

试论“一江两河”中部流域的农村能源资源及其利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

东北黑土区容许土壤流失量研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil loss tolerance(T) is the maximum rate of annual soil erosion that is tolerated and still allows a high level of crop productivity to be sustained economically and indefinitely.In the black soil region of Northeast China,an empirically determined,default T value of 200(t/km2?a) is used for designing land restoration strategies for different types of soils.The ob-jective of this study was to provide a methodology to calculate a quantitative T for different black soil species.A field investigation was conducted to determine the typical soil profiles of 21 black soil species in the study area and a quantitative methodology based on a modified soil productivity index model was established to calculate the T values.These values,which varied from 68 t/km2?a to 358 t/km2?a,yielded an average T value of 141 t/km2?a for the 21 soil species.This is 29.5% lower than the current national standard T value.Two significant factors that influenced the T value were soil thickness and vulnerability to erosion.An ac-ceptable reduction rate of soil productivity over a planned time period of 1% is recommended as necessary for maintaining long-term sustainable soil productivity.Compared with the cur-rently used of regional unified standard T value,the proposed method,which determines T using specific soil profile indices,has more practical implications for effective,sustainable management of soil and water conservation.  相似文献   

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