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Mesozoic tonalites were emplaced in the axial zones of F2 folds in low to medium grade metamorphic rocks. Tonalite has assimilated Fe-rich pelite and, at the contact, tonalite contains refractory garnet xenocrysts. Digestion of the xenocrysts to biotite-quartz-plagioclase assemblages has produced a decrease in amphibole, K-feldspar and garnet and an increase in biotite und quartz from the margins towards the centre of the tonalite mass. The magma probably intruded hot regionally metamorphosed rocks at high pressures. In the schistose thermal aureole, almandine porphyroblasts decrease in size and abundance away from the contact. Garnet grew from pre-existing nuclei in the regional metamorphic rocks and was armoured from reaction by quartz-sillimanite sheaths. In the aureole, chloritoid and staurolite are confined to rocks with a restricted bulk rock composition, sillimanite is present in rocks with a high iron content and andalusite is common in more aluminous pelites.
Zusammenfassung Mesozoische Tonalite, die in den Achsenebenen von F2-Falten hoch bis mäßig metamorphosierter Gesteine eingedrungen sind, assimilierten dabei die eisenreiche Pellite. Sie enthalten in der Kontaktzone Granat-Xenocrysten. Die Umwandlung dieser zu Biotit-Quarz-Plagioklas führte zu einer Abnahme der Amphibole, Kalifeldspäte und Granate. Gleichzeitig aber erfolgte eine Zunahme von Biotit und Quarz ausgehend von den Rändern nach dem Zentrum der Tonalitmasse hin. Es ist zu vermuten, daß das Magma in die einst heißen regionalmetamorphen Gesteine mit einem hohen Druck eingedrungen ist.In der thermischen Aureole nehmen Almandin-Porphyroklasten, von den Rändern nach außen hin in Häufigkeit und Größe ab. Die Granatbildung erfolgte aus präexistierenden Keimen in den regional metamorphen Gesteinen. Die gebildeten Kristalle wurden durch eine Hülle von Quarz-Sillimanit geschützt.In der Aureole treten Chloritoid und Staurolit lediglich in Gesteinen mit einer beschränkten Gesamtzusammensetzung auf. Dagegen befindet sich Sillimanit in Gesteinen mit hohem Eisengehalt, während Andalusit in aluminiumreichen Gesteinen vorkommt.

Résumé Des tonalites mésozoïques, mises en place dans les zones axiales de plis F2 affectant des roches faiblement à modérément métamorphisées, ont de ce fait assimilé des pélites riches en fer et renferment des xénocristaux de grenat. La digestion des xénocristaux en plagiochate — quartz — biotite a conduit à la dimination de la teneur en amphibole, feldspath K et grenat, et à l'augmentation en biotite et quartz à partir de la bordure jusqu'au centre de la masse tonalitique. Le magma a probablement été mis en place à des pressions élevées dans des roches chaudes issues du métamorphisme régional. Dans les schistes de l'auréole thermique, les porphyroblastes d'almandin de croissent en dimension et en abondance à partir du contact. Le grenat s'est développé à partir de moyaux préexistant dans les roches issues du métamorphisme régional et a été protégé de toute réaction par une couche de quartz — sillimanite. Dans l'auréole le chloritoïde et la staurotide se limitent à des roches à composition chimique restreinte; la sillimanite est présente dans des roches à teneur élevée en fer, et l'andalousite est commune dans des pélites plus alumineuses.

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Summary Thermal metamorphism and later retrogression of low metamorphic grade garnet-bearing pelites has produced diverse patterns of garnet zoning. In the narrow thermal aureole, fibrolite, staurolite and biotite are present and commonly are retrogressed to assemblages containing sericite, chlorite and chloritoid. In the thermal aureole, garnet contains inclusions of quartz, biotite, fibrolite, ilmenite, chlorite and muscovite and underwent relatively rapid growth from pre-existing low to medium grade regionally metamorphosed rocks. Garnet was armoured from breakdown reactions by fibrolite which nucleated on garnet. The grain size of poikiloblastic garnet, the volume of zones of inclusions in the garnet and the size of the inclusions all decrease with increasing distance from the contact. In the thermal aureole, normal compositional zoning is common and rare reversezoned garnets probably result from the partitioning of Mn from ilmenite during thermal metamorphism. Garnet grains in the thermal aureole have a peripheral enrichment in Mn in the outermost 200 m as a result of diffusion of Fe from garnet into the matrix during incipient retrogression. Coarse retrograde garnet in schists is unzoned and richer in Fe than the normal- and reverse-zoned prograde garnet in hornfelses suggesting that relatively large scale local diffusion in retrograde schists was operative during retrogression but not effective enough to completely remove the relic prograde zoned garnets in the hornfelses.
Polymetamorphe normal-, invers- und nicht-zonierte Granate aus dem Kontakthof von Darakhd-Bid, Mashhad, Iran
Zusammenfassung Thermometamorphose und spätere retrograde Metamorphose bei niederen P/T-Bedingungen hat eine Vielfalt von Zonar-Texturen in Granaten pelitischer Gesteine erzeugt. In dem schmalen Kontakthof kommen Fibrolit, Staurolit und Biotit vor, die häufig retrograd zu Paragenesen mit Serizit, Chlorit, und Chloritoid umgewandelt wurden. Granate in der Aureole enthalten Einschlüsse von Quarz, Biotit, Fibrolit, Ilmenit, Chlorit und Muskovit; sie sind durch relativ rasches Wachstum in präexistierenden niedrig- bis mittelgradigen Metamorphiten charakterisiert. Fibrolit-Ränder schützten den Granat vor Zerfallsreaktionen. Die Korngröße poikiloblastischer Granate, das Volumen einschlußreicher Zonen im Granat und die Größe der Einschlüsse nehmen mit zunehmender Entfernung vom Kontakt ab. Im Bereich des Kontakthofes ist normaler Zonenbau in Granaten verbreitet; seltene invers-zonierte Granate gehen wahrscheinlich auf das Freiwerden von Mn aus Ilmenit während der Metamorphose zurück. Granatkörner im Kontakthof zeigen randliche Mangananreicherungen in den äußeren 200 m als Resultat der Diffusion von Fe aus Granat in die Matrix während beginnender retrograder Metamorphose. Grobkörniger retrograder Granat in den Schiefern ist nicht zoniert und enthält höhere Eisengehalte als die normalen und invers-zonierten prograden Granate in Hornfelsen. Dies weist darauf hin, daß in den retrograder Metamorphose ausgesetzten Schiefern Diffusion in relativ großem Ausmaße stattgefunden hat; diese war jedoch nicht ausreichend, um sämtliche prograden zonierten Relikt-Granate in den Hornfelsen zu entfernen.

With 9 Figures

Text of paper presented at the 26th International Geological Congress, Paris, July 1980.  相似文献   

Groundwater vulnerability assessment of urban areas is a challenging task in the fast trend of urbanization around the globe. This study introduces a new approach for modifying well-known parameters of common vulnerability indexes to adjust them for urban areas. The approach is independent of a specific weighting system. The aquifer of Mashhad city, contaminated by domestic wastewater, is selected as a case in this study. In order to evaluate the aquifer vulnerability due to anthropogenic activities, at first, parameters of depth to groundwater, recharge, land use, and soil are modified based on their basic concepts and their influences on contamination attenuation. Then, the modified parameters are used simultaneously in several index methods to investigate the capability of the modified parameters to increase correlation coefficient of all employed index methods with the measured nitrate concentration. Accuracy of the modified methods is evaluated by Spearman nonparametric correlation. It is shown that considering the wastewater discharge into recharge parameter leads to an increase of 20% in correlation coefficient. Also, level difference technique shows that more than 70% of the vulnerable areas are predicted correctly in all utilized methods. The accurate prediction in all employed methods indicates that these modifications are independent of the type of index method. Moreover, sensitivity analysis reveals that the recharge and the land use are both the most significant parameters for evaluating the vulnerability.  相似文献   

The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) is an erosion estimation model to assess the soil losses that would generally result from splash, sheet, and rill erosion. At the present study, spatial distribution of different erosion prone areas were identified by USLE model to determine the average annual soil losses at Mashhad plain, northeast of Iran. Soil losses were estimated on a 100?×?100 m cell basis resolution by overlaying the five digital parameter layers (R, K, LS, C, P). To determine the critical soil loss regions at the plain, cell-based USLE parameters were multiplied by Arc-GIS ver.9.3. The estimated annual soil losses values were subsequently grouped into five classes ranging from 0 to 0.25 t/h/year around the trough line of the plain at Kashaf-rud River to 2–10 t/ha/year at the hills and pediment plains. Our results indicated a good correlation between land units of hills and pediment plains with the values of soil losses at the study area (R 2 ?=?0.72), also the statistical analysis exhibited a high correlation between land use/cover of dry farming and soil losses (R 2 ?=?0.78).  相似文献   

The Sabzevar ophiolite, with its colored mélange zone, is a highly disintegrated ophiolite complex located at the northern boundary of the central Iranian microcontinent. A large number of chromite pods occur in this area, which needs to be explored. In this study, a mathematical – geological genetic model is advanced as an exploratory tool that provides information for further exploration activity. A petrogenetic model of chromite ore was established on the basis of a geodata information database. This database consists of information from similar chromite mines from around the world. A detailed investigation of the geological, mineralogical and petrological characteristics of chromite pods in the Sabzevar region was conducted along with detailed petrological samplings, thin section studies and mineralogical analysis. In the next step, we developed a conceptual genetic model that defines areas with a high probability of the existence of chromite pods. The model was later refined using such parameters as a critical genetic factor (CGF) and critical reconnaissance criteria (CRC). Next, a linear function, which is a combination of these factors, provided promising regions as intrinsic geological units (IGU). Finally, a 3D model of lithological units depicting the IGU for chromite pods exploration is proposed.  相似文献   

Water quality data are required in order to compare chemical water analyses and identify water masses. R-mode factor analysis, a popular multivariate statistical tool, has been effectively used for groundwater quality studies. In this paper, the R-mode factor analysis was applied to 50 groundwater samples collected from pumping wells in the Sangan-Khaf basin which is located in the southeast of Mashhad, northeast Iran. The groundwater samples were analysed for chemical parameters. The factor analysis was then performed on the chemical data set. It can be suggested that four factors in R-mode analysis explain more than 94.31% of the total variance. The contribution of each factor at sample points, factor score, was calculated. The spatial distribution of the factor scores for each factor was mapped separately. Since the Sangan iron mine south of the study area probably affects groundwater aquifer, therefore, such studies can be used to manage the groundwater quality in the study area.  相似文献   

中亚造山带东部的微陆块(如兴安地块)是否及如何参与Columbia和Rodinia超大陆演化过程,是地质学研究的热点问题之一。兴安地块西部艾力格庙地区出露含有大量元古宙(尤其是格林威尔期)年龄捕获锆石的晚石炭世花岗岩,为揭示兴安地块与超大陆演化之间的联系提供了重要的制约。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年研究显示,侵入艾力格庙群中的黑云母二长花岗岩形成年龄为317±3 Ma,也产出大量古—新元古代(1827~1768 Ma、1556~1526 Ma、1195~1082 Ma、964 Ma、665 Ma)和早古生代(485~441 Ma)的捕获锆石。古—新元古代捕获锆石可能不是来源于艾力格庙群变质沉积岩,而是来自研究区可能存在的同期岩浆岩,其中约1.8 Ga、1.5 Ga和0.95 Ga岩浆作用在兴安地块及邻区已有报道。元古宙捕获锆石的Hf同位素、微量元素随时间的变化趋势与Columbia裂解到Rodinia汇聚过程基本对应,例如,1.5~1.4 Ga捕获锆石揭示的亏损Hf同位素特征和较厚的地壳厚度,可能与Columbia超大陆周缘的俯冲作用有关;1195~1082 Ma捕获锆石Eu/Eu*和(La/Yb)N值升高,可能与Rodinia超大陆聚合有关的地壳加厚有关,而964 Ma和665 Ma捕获锆石记录了更高的温度、更低的Eu/Eu*和(La/Yb)值,与格林威尔造山(1080~980 Ma)后的垮塌伸展及Rodinia的裂解过程吻合。上述研究表明,兴安地块在元古宙可能参与了超大陆的演化过程。  相似文献   

The Roshtkhar area is located in the Khaf-Kashmar-Bardaskan volcano-plutonic belt to the northeastern Iran along the regional E–W trending Dorouneh Fault, northeastern of the Lut Block. There are several outcrops of subvolcanic rocks occurring mainly as dikes in the area, which intruded into Cenozoic intrusive rocks. We present U–Pb dating of zircons from a diabase dike and syenite rock using LA-ICP-MS that yielded an age of 1778 ± 10 Ma for the dike, indicating this Cenozoic dike has zircon xenocrysts inherited from deeper sources; and 38.0 ± 0.5 Ma, indicating an Late Eocene crystallization age for the syenite. Geochemically, the dikes typical of high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic magmas. Petrographic observations and major and trace element variations suggest that diabase melts underwent variable fractionation of clinopyroxene, olivine, and Fe-Ti oxides and minor crustal contamination during the differentiation process. Primitive mantle-normalized multi-element diagrams display enrichment in LILE, such as Rb, Ba, Th, U, and Sr compared to HFSE, as well as negative anomalies of Nb, Ta, P, and Ti, suggesting derivation from subduction-modified mantle. Chondrite-normalized REE plots show moderately LREE enriched patterns (<3.83 LaN/YbN <8.27), and no significant Eu anomalies. Geochemical modelling using Sm/Yb versus La/Yb and La/Sm ratios suggests a low-degree of batch melting (~1–3%) of a phlogopite-spinel peridotite source to generate the mafic dikes. The geochemical signatures suggest that the Roshtkhar mafic dikes cannot be related directly to subduction and likely resulted from melting of upper mantle in an extensional setting where the heat flow was provided from deeper levels. These dikes presumably derived the zircon xenocrysts from the assimilation of upper crust of Gondwanian basement. Processes responsible for partial melting of metasomatized lithospheric mantle and post-collision magmatism in NE Iran was triggered by heating due to asthenospheric upwelling in an extensional setting.  相似文献   

The Lower-Middle Triassic Aghdarband Basin, NE Iran, consists of a strongly deformed arc-related marine succession deposited along the southern margin of Eurasia in a highly mobile tectonic context. This basin is a key-area for the study of the Cimmerian events, as the Triassic units show severe deformations, which occurred short time after the collision of Iran with Eurasia, and were sealed by the Middle Jurassic succession. In this work, we document the structural setting and evolution of this area, based on detailed mesoscopic structural analyses of faults and folds, paleostress reconstruction and revision of the Triassic stratigraphy. The Triassic sequences are deeply involved in a N-verging thrust stack interacting with an important left-lateral transpressional fault zone characterized by strike-slip faults, vertical folds and high angle reverse faults generating intricate positive flowers. Systematic folds asymmetry indicates that they developed in a left-lateral transpressional zone coeval to thrust imbrication to the south, due to a marked strain partitioning.The extent of the transpressional zone shows that important left-lateral movements developed parallel to the belt during the Cimmerian collision, in response to oblique convergence between Iran and Eurasia. Inversion of Triassic syn-sedimentary faults, possibly inherited from Palaeozoic structures of the Kopeh Dagh basement and favouring strain partitioning, is suggested by unconformities, significant differences in the sedimentary successions, repeated olistoliths, scarp-related coarse breccias and rapid tectonic drowning, occurring especially along the northern tectonic boundary of the basin. Paleostress analyses point to a complex stress pattern showing a 45° rotation of the stress field along the left-lateral fault system, related to a complete deformation partitioning in two domains respectively characterized by pure reverse dip-slip and strike-slip motions. The main direction of compression, possibly oriented NE–SW in present days coordinates, favoured the development of large shear zones disrupting the eastern portion of the Cimmerian orogen.  相似文献   

The Kouh-e Zar mining area with iron oxide-rich types of Cu–Au (IOCG)-type gold mineralization is located in a fractured zone between two main “Darouneh” and “Taknar” faults in 35 km northwest of Torbat-e Heydarieh. In this study, the hydrogeochemistry and water quality of groundwater were examined for irrigation uses. Totally, 11 groundwater samples were collected in semi-arid area surrounding the mine. According to the irrigation water quality indices such as sodium absorption ratio, sodium percentage, residual sodium carbonate, residual sodium bicarbonate, potential salinity, salinity index, salinity hazard, permeability index and magnesium hazard, the water resources were appraised suitable to unsuitable. Na+ was a dominant cation and HCO3? was a dominant anion in the water samples. Fortunately, SO42? content is low (<?250 mg/L) in the water samples because of low-sulfide content mineralization in this mine. Water–rock interaction was defined as the controlling process on groundwater chemistry based on the Gibbs diagram. Calculated saturation indices revealed that the anion and cations in groundwater originated from dissolution of minerals and evaporation process. In the case of dominant Ca2+ and Mg2+, they were originated by dissolution of carbonate minerals such as calcite, dolomite and aragonite. Na+ was likely originated by plagioclase weathering in the brecciated volcanic rocks. Though the sulfidic mineralization is not so high in the Kouh-e Zar area, however, considering the existence of metalogenic mineralization in the Kouh-e Zar area, there is also a risk potential of release of toxic elements into the groundwater on which further deep investigation is ongoing in the area.  相似文献   

The Khanlogh deposit in the Cenozoic Quchan-Sabzevar magmatic belt, NE Iran, is hosted by Oligocene granodioritic rock. The Khanlogh intrusive body is I-type granitoid of the calc-alkaline series. The orebodies are vein, veinlet, massive, and breccia in shape and occur along the fault zones and fractures within the host rock. Ore minerals dominantly comprise magnetite and apatite associated with epidote, clinopyroxene, calcite, quartz, and chlorite. Apatites of the Khanlogh deposit have a high concentration of REE, and show a strong LREE/HREE ratio with a pronounced negative Eu anomaly. Magnetites have a high concentration of REE and show weak to moderate LREE/HREE fractionation. They are comparable to the REE patterns in Kiruna-type iron ores and show an affinity to calc-alkaline magmas. The Khanlogh deposit is similar in the aspects of host rock lithology, alteration, mineralogy, and mineral chemistry to the Kiruna-type deposits. Field observations, hydrothermal alteration halos, style of mineralization, and the geochemical characteristics of apatite, magnetite, and host rock indicate that these magnetite veins have hydrothermal origin similar to Cenozoic Kiruna-type deposits within the Tarom subzone, NW Iran, and are not related to silica-iron oxide immiscibility, as are the major Precambrian magnetite deposits in central Iran.  相似文献   

Calc-alkaline arc magmatism at convergent plate margins is volumetrically dominated by metaluminous andesites. Many studies highlighted the importance of differentiation via fractionation processes of arc magmas, but only in the last decades, it has been demonstrated that not all rock-forming minerals may affect the evolution of calc-alkaline suites. In particular, a major role exerted by Al-rich hornblende amphibole as fractionating mineral phase has been documented in many volcanic arc settings. The aim of this work is to understand the role of the Tschermak molecule (CaAlAlSiO6) hosted in the hornblende and plagioclase fractionation assemblage in driving magma differentiation in calc-alkaline magmatic suites. We explore this issue by applying replenishment–fractional crystallization (RFC) and rare earth element–Rayleigh fractional crystallization (REE-FC) modeling to the Sabzevar Eocene (ca. 45–47 Ma) calc-alkaline volcanism of NE Central Iran, where hornblende-controlled fractionation has been demonstrated. Major element mass balance modeling indicates RFC dominated by a fractionating assemblage made of Hbl52.0–52.5 + Pl44.1–44.2 + Ttn3.3–3.9 (phases are expressed on total crystallized assemblage). REE-FC modeling shows, instead, a lower degree of fractionation with respect to RFC models that is interpreted as due to hornblende and plagioclase resorption by the residual melt. Calculations demonstrate that fractionation of the Tschermak molecule can readily produce dacite and rhyolite magmas starting from a calc-alkaline andesite source (FC = ca. 30 %). In particular, the Tschermak molecule controls both the heavy rare earth elements (HREE) and light rare earth element (LREE) budgets in calc-alkaline differentiation trends.  相似文献   

Andarokh-Kardeh region is located northeast of Iran and provides notable part of potable water of Mashhad, the second most populated city of Iran with over 3 million inhabitants. Stable isotopes (18O, 2H and 13C), hydrodynamic, and hydrochemical indicators have been applied to evaluate water resources quality comprehensively and to present a hydrogeological conceptual model for the Andarokh-Kardeh region. Hydrochemical studies indicate that chemical rock weathering and ion exchange are the main factors controlling the quality of water in the region, while atmospheric (precipitation) as well as anthropogenic sources have no notable effect. Stable isotopes (18O and 2H) studies in surface and groundwater samples demonstrate enriched values in Kardeh Dam Reservoir (KDR) due to evaporation and also demonstrate that the interaction between KDR and downstream groundwater resources is negligible. The δ13C isotope and DIC and DOC concentrations indicate role of carbonate mineral dissolution from Mozdooran Formation, atmospheric and soil CO2 and also the domination of C3 vegetation coverage in the study region. The developed conceptual model for Andarokh-Kardeh demonstrates different hydrogeological conditions during wet and dry periods, and highlights the main process which affect hydrogeology of the region. Water quality studies and the developed conceptual model demonstrate the main factors controlling water quality and the main hydrogeological characteristic of Andarokh-Kardeh region which can be used by water resources scientists for the future water management programmes.  相似文献   

Experimental partial melting of plagioclase lherzolite at 0.7 MPa confining pressure has produced euhedral olivine crystals by corrosion and overgrowth during cooling. The particular conditions of this experiment allow observation of both processes recorded in the crystal shape: corrosion boundaries are rounded, or straight when parallel to [001] intersection of {110} planes; (010) and {110} facets are developed by fast overgrowth during quenching. These observations support the contention that phenocrysts in basaltic or picritic magmas are, in part, xenocrysts. The possible mantle origin of olivine crystals in two natural occurrences of ultramafic magmas; the picritic pillow lavas of the Troodos, and a wehrlitic intrusion of the oman ophiolite, is investigated. In both cases discriminant characteristics are deduced from detailed microstructural study. The mantle origin of olivine megacrysts in the investigated picrites raises the question about the existence of picritic magmas in the mantle.  相似文献   

The Sangan iron skarn deposit is located in the Sabzevar-Dorouneh Magmatic Belt of northeastern Iran. The skarn contains zoned garnet, clinopyroxene and magnetite. Cores and rims of zoned garnets are generally homogeneous, having a relatively high ΣREE, low ΣLREE/ΣHREE ratios, and positive Eu anomalies. The cores of the zoned clinopyroxenes are exceptionally HREE-rich, with relatively high ΣREE and HREE/LREE ratios, as well as positive Eu anomalies. Clinopyroxene rims are LREE-rich, with relatively low ΣREE contents and HREE/LREE ratios, and do not have Eu anomalies. Magnetite grains are enriched in LREEs in comparison with the HREEs and lack Eu anomalies. Variations of fluid composition and physicochemical conditions rather than YAG-type substitution mechanism are considered to have major control on incorporating trace elements, including REE, into the skarn mineral assemblage. Based on baro-acoustic decrepitation analysis, the calc-silicate and magnetite dominant stages were formed at similar temperatures, around 350–400 °C. In the Sangan skarns, hydrothermal fluids shifted from near-neutral pH, reduced conditions with relatively high ΣREE, low LREE/HREE ratios, and U-rich characteristics towards acidic, oxidized conditions with relatively low ΣREE, high LREE/HREE ratios, and U-poor characteristics.  相似文献   

Playas are shallow ephemeral lakes that form in arid and semi-arid regions. Iran has a large number of playas such as Meyghan Playa, which is located in the northeast of Arak city that borders the central Iran and Sanandaj-Sirjan zones. This study aims to investigate the mineralogical, sedimentological, and geochemical characteristics of the playa sediments. In order to determine the palaeoenvironment, we carried out X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies. Meyghan Playa sediments consist of very fine-grained sediments and contain both evaporite and clastic minerals. The evaporite minerals include calcite, gypsum, halite, glauberite, and thenardite, whereas clastic minerals are quartz and clay. The calcite abundance decreases from the margin to the central portion of the playa but gypsum and halite abundances show an increasing trend from the margin to the center. This observation is consistent with the general zonation of other playas. Variations of calcite and gypsum concentration profiles present increasing and decreasing trends with depth, which could be ascribed to the changes in climatic factors. These factors include brine chemical modifications owing to changes in evaporation and precipitation rates and variations in relative abundance of anions-cations or in the rate of clastic and evaporite minerals due to variations in the freshwater influx (climatic changes) with time. A decrease in calcite and increase in sulfate minerals (especially gypsum) with depth is probably due to the higher water level and rainfall, a more humid climate, and salinity variations.  相似文献   

The Menard pressuremeter test is a relatively expensive in situ test, which generates useful information about the strength and deformation properties of any soil and weak rock, which is carried out in some projects. On the other hand, the SPT test is a rather inexpensive, simple and typical in situ test used to determine the engineering properties of silt, clay, sand, and fine gravel which is utilised in almost all projects.

In this study SPT blow counts (N60) were correlated with pressuremeter modulus (EPMT) and limit pressure (PL) and empirical equations were proposed to estimate PL and EPMT from N60 in silty sand and silty clay soils separately. These tests have been conducted during subway geotechnical investigation in Mashhad, Iran.

Moreover, in order to verify these empirical equations, they were compared with similar equations that have been proposed by other researchers. These comparisons display that in all equations a linear relationship exists between N60 - EPMT and N60 - PL. However, the line slopes are different so it can be concluded the line slopes are related to soil type and geological condition of an area. Thus, for each area a separate empirical equation must be presented.  相似文献   

The Mozduran Formation includes light-coloured, thick-bedded to massive limestone and porous dolomitic limestone and dolomite. In this study, 13 samples from the uppermost Mozduran Formation were taken from two localities and examined for calcareous nannofossils. A total of 19 species and 12 genera were identified in the Mozduran section and19 species and 13 genera for the Taherabad section. Based on these assemblages, the uppermost Mozduran Formation is assignable to Sissingh's (1977) biozone CC1 (Early Berriasian) at the Mozduran section and to biozone CC3 (Late Valanginian) at the Taherabad section. Thus, the formation is younger from east to west across the basin.  相似文献   

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