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The impacts of no-tillage (NT) and moldboard plough (MP) managements on infiltration rate and preferential flow were characterized using a combined technique of double-ring device and dye tracer on a black soil (Mollisols) in Northeast China. The objective of this study is to evaluate how tillage practices enhance soil water infiltration and preferential flow in favor of soil erosion control in the study area. The steady infiltration rates under NT management are 1.6 and 2.1 times as high as those under MP management in the 6th and 8th years of the tillage management in place, while the infiltrated water amounts under NT management are 1.4 and 2.0 times as high as those under MP management, respectively. The depth of methylene blue penetrated into NT soil increases from 43 cm in the 6th year to 57 cm in the 8th year, which are 16 cm and 19 cm deeper than those in MP soil, respectively. The results of morphologic image show that more biological macro-pores occur in NT soil than in MP soil. These macro-pores play a key role in enhancing preferential flow in NT soil, which in turn promotes water infiltration through preferential pathways in NT soil. The results are helpful to policy-making in popularizing NT and have the implications for tillage management in regard to soil erosion control in black soil region of China.  相似文献   

Field capacity in black soil region,Northeast China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this work, 23 black soil profiles were surveyed and 113 soil samples were collected to determine the field capacity (FC) of the black soil in Northeast China. The effectiveness of three methods measuring FC, the Wilcox method (WM), the undisturbed soil pressure plate method (PUM) and the air-dried sieved soil pressure plate method (PDM) were compared to select a suitable laboratory measurement method. Results show that the FC values measured by PDM are greater than those measured by PUM, and the values m...  相似文献   

Principal Component Analysis(PCA) can simplify the structure of database by replacing multi-dimensional parameters with relatively less comprehensive variables in order to ensure the minimum lost in initial data.In this paper,eighteen black soil samples from different sites were tested and thirteen distinctive indexes were chosen to evaluate the degeneration of black soil.By using principal component analysis,variables of thirteen dimensions can be diminished to six unrelated principal indexes.Analysis shows that the soluble salt content,Fulvic acids(FA) and aggregation degree have a high weighing coefficient,indicating these three indexes are the major parts for the evaluation of black soil degradation.It also provides a new path to the degenerated black soil treatment in Northeast China.  相似文献   

Principal Component Analysis(PCA) can simplify the structure of database by replacing multi-dimensional parameters with relatively less comprehensive variables in order to ensure the minimum lost in initial data.In this paper,eighteen black soil samples from different sites were tested and thirteen distinctive indexes were chosen to evaluate the degeneration of black soil.By using principal component analysis,variables of thirteen dimensions can be diminished to six unrelated principal indexes.Analysis show...  相似文献   

Vertical distribution of soil nematode communities under conventional tillage (CT),no-tillage (NT) and fallow field (FF) treatments in the Lower Reaches of the Liaohe River was investigated at six soil depths (0-5 cm,5-15 cm,15-30 cm,30-50 cm,50-75 cm and 75-100 cm). The results show that total nematode abundance gradually decreases with depth,and the highest number of total nematodes is observed at 0-5 cm depth under NT and FF treatments. The number of fungivores and plant parasites is significantly higher...  相似文献   

The comparative studies on micromorphological features in diagnostic horizons of Stagnic Anthrosols, Ustic Ferrosols and Ustic Vertosols in southwestern China were conducted to underpin the rationale for Chinese Soil Taxonomy. The following findings were explored: (1) Stagnic Anthrosols had the specific micromorphological features, e.g., the humic formation in anthrostagnic epipedon, the platy structures in plow subhorizon, the secondary formation of ferromanganese and the weakly optical-orientation clay do...  相似文献   

Ecotoxicity and bioavailability of cadmium(Cd)to the maize(Zea mays L.)and the soybean(Glycine max(L.)Merr.)were investigated by acute toxicity experiment in the laboratory with black soil.Ecotoxicity and bioavailability of Cd were quantified by calculating the median effective concentration(EC50)and bioaccumulation factor(BAF).The measurement endpoints used were seed germination and seedling growth(shoot and root).The results showed that concentrations of Cd in the soil had adverse effect on the growth of roots and shoots.Seed germination was not the sensitive indicator for the ecotoxicity of Cd in the soil,while the growth of roots was the most sensitive measurement endpoint.Absorbability and transport of Cd in plants depended on the test crop species and Cd concentrations in the soil.The maize retains more Cd in its roots,while the soybean transports more Cd to the shoots from roots.  相似文献   

Dynamics of soil fauna in Da Hinggan Mountains, Northeast China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dynamics of soil animals was studied in seven representative forest communities in the north of the Da Hinggan Mountains, Northeast China. The results indicate that it was distinctive in the changes of the numbers of soil animals and groups and diversity in relationship with seasons for macrofauna and torso-micro fauna in the study area. The numbers of the observed soil animals in different months were: October>August>June. Group number was larger in August and October, but smaller in June. The change of diversity index in different months was: August>June>October. The biomass for macrofanna in different months was: October>June>August. The composition and number of each functional group was relatively stable. In the community of the predominant soil environment, the percentage of saprophagous animals was higher than carnivorous animals and herbivorous animals. The dynamics changes of saprophagous and carnivorous animals were distinctive, increasing from June to October, while the change of herbivorous animals was unremarkable.  相似文献   

Gully erosion has caused soil degradation and even reduced soil productivity.However,only few studies on the effects of gully erosion and artificial controlling measures on soil degradation in the Black Soil Region of Northeast China are available.Thus,this study explores the relationships between gully erosion,gully filling and soil parameters.Two sets of soil samples were collected in the field at:(1) 72 sample points in the gully erosion study area,60 sample points in the ephemeral and classical gully erosion area(3,518 m2),12 sample points in the deposition zone(443 m2),(2)10 reference points along a slope unaffected by gully erosion representing the original situation before the gully was formed.All soil samples were analyzed for gravel content(GC),soil organic matter(SOM),total nitrogen(TN),available nitrogen(AN),available phosphorus(AP),and available potassium(AK).The soil property values on unaffected slope were fitted by the polynomial curves as the reference values in no gully erosion area.The interpolated soil property values in gully eroded study area were compared with these polynomial curves,respectively,and then,changes of soil property values were analyzed.Gully erosion caused an increase in GC and a decrease in SOM,TN,AN,AP and AK.The change of GC,SOM,TN,AN,AP,AK was 8.8%,-9.04 g kg-1,-0.92 g kg-1,-62.28 mg kg-1,-29.61 mg kg-1,-79.68 mg kg-1.The soil property values in the study area were below optimal values.Thus,we concluded that gully erosion and gully filling caused both on-site and off-site soil degradation.Soil degradation area was 0.65 % of the cultivated land.In addition,it was proved that gully filling were an improper soil and water conservation measure,which seems to exacerbate the problem.Thus,it is suggested that soil where soil is deep is moved to fill the gully,and then the area around the filled gullies should be covered by grass for preventing the formation and development of the gully.  相似文献   

The soil and water conservation practices of ecological restoration(ER),fish scale pit(FP),furrow and ridge tillage across the slope(FR),shrub strips(SS),and vegetation-covered ridge(VR) are characteristic of the Jixing small watershed of the low mountain and hilly region of Jilin Province,Northeast China. This study aims to elucidate the effects of soil and water conservation practices on soil conditions after the short-term implementation of practices. Soil samples were collected from five soil and water conservation sites(ER,FP,FR,SS,and VR) and two controls(BL and CT) to investigate their properties. To evaluate the influence of soil and water conservation practices on soil quality,an integrated quantitative index,soil quality index(QI),was developed to compare the soil quality under the different soil and water conservation practices. The results show that not all soil and water conservation practices can improve the soil conditions and not all soil properties,especially soil organic carbon(SOC),can be recovered under soil and water conservation practice in short-term. Moreover,the QI in the five soil and water conservation practices and two controls was in the following order: ER VR BL FR CT SS FP. ER exhibited a higher soil quality value on a slope scale. In the low mountain and hilly region of Northeast China,ER is a better choice than the conversion of farmlands to planted grasslands and woodlands early in the soil and water conservation program.  相似文献   

In the purple hilly region, erosions and landslides are all serious, and it is of great scientific value and practical significance to study their formation mechanism and distribution features there.In this paper, soil micromorphological methods and techniques were used to study the erosion zonal distribution in the region. The results indicated: (1)According to erosion process, the spacial distribution zones of the erosions and landslides in the purple hilly region with different solums were divided into scouring erosion zone, transport-diffusion zone, rocks and soil turbulence zone and sediment-bury zone; (2) The soil micromorphologic taxonomic feature identifying different erosion-landslide zone were found by studying the soil micromorphology of erosive zone in purple hilly region; (3) As for the erosion-landslide formation in the region, besides the external factors, the internal factors were found more important and favorable for landslide formation through the studies on the micormorphologieal features of slide soil.  相似文献   

There is great potential for agriculture in saline-alkali soil area in Songnen Plain, Northeast China. Butthe sustainable crop production in this area has been restricted by a few of main factors, such as less precipitation, higherevaporation and frequent drought, high salinity and alkalinity, high exchangeable sodium content and poor infiltration ofthe soil, and insufficiency and low availability in nutrition. It is also considered that there are a few of favorable condi-tions for agricultural development in this region, such as sufficient light and heat resources, rich ground water resources,plenty of manure produced by livestock, and so on. At the same time, scientific management and measurements havebeen employed; rational irrigation and drainage system has been established; reclamation, amendment and fertilization ofsoil, and suitable strategies of cropping practices have been made for the sustainable development of agriculture. Great progress has been made during 1996- 2000.  相似文献   

在吉林省黑土区系统的野外调查和土壤及玉米籽实样品采集、测试的基础上,采用地球化学分析方法及SPSS技术,研究了Cd元素的土壤地球化学特征,及其在土壤和作物籽实中的含量特征和相关性,用以揭示Cd元素在土壤-作物系统中的转化累积特征及影响因素,为粮食安全服务。研究表明:吉林省黑土区Cd元素全量高于吉林省及全国土壤背景值,但不存在污染,籽实中Cd含量低于国家安全标准。土壤中Cd元素有效态转化程度较高,受其全量控制,同时Zn、 Cu及P元素有效量对Cd转化的作用明显,偏酸性土壤更利于Cd元素的转化。玉米籽实对Cd吸收程度较低,主要取决于其自身的生物特性, Zn元素缺乏可能导致玉米籽实对Cd元素吸收增加。  相似文献   

The effects of reforestation on carbon(C) sequestration in China′s Loess Plateau ecosystem have attracted much research attention in recent years. Black locust trees(Robinia pseudoacacia L.) are valued for their important use in reforestation and water and soil conservation efforts. This forest type is widespread across the Loess Plateau, and must be an essential component of any planning for C sequestration efforts in this fragile ecological region. The long-term effects of stand age on C accumulation and allocation after reforestation remains uncertain. We examined an age-sequence of black locust forest(5, 9, 20, 30, 38, and 56 yr since planting) on the Loess Plateau to evaluate C accumulation and allocation in plants(trees, shrubs, herbages, and leaf litter) and soil(0–100 cm). Allometric equations were developed for estimating the biomass of tree components(leaf, branch, stem without bark, bark and root) with a destructive sampling method. Our results demonstrated that black locust forest ecosystem accumulated C constantly, from 31.42 Mg C/ ha(1 Mg = 10~6 g) at 5 yr to 79.44 Mg C/ha at 38 yr. At the ′old forest′ stage(38 to 56 yr), the amount of C in plant biomass significantly decreased(from 45.32 to 34.52 Mg C/ha) due to the high mortality of trees. However, old forest was able to accumulate C continuously in soil(from 33.66 to 41.00 Mg C/ha). The C in shrub biomass increased with stand age, while the C stock in the herbage layer and leaf litter was age-independent. Reforestation resulted in C re-allocation in the forest soil. The topsoil(0–20 cm) C stock increased constantly with stand age. However, C storage in sub-top soil, in the 20–30, 30–50, 50–100, and 20–100 cm layers, was age-independent. These results suggest that succession, as a temporal factor, plays a key role in C accumulation and re-allocation in black locust forests and also in regional C dynamics in vegetation.  相似文献   

Current methods that utilize simple data or models to judge whether soil fertility can selfdevelop are not sufficiently rigorous. A new framework has been set up using catastrophe theory, laboratory experiment, field work, and 3S(Geographic information system, Global positioning system, and Remote sensing) to explore soil fertility catastrophe under ecological restoration, discriminate whether soil fertility can self-develop, and propose adjustment of ecological restoration measures in the Zhuxi watershed of Changting County, Fujian Province, China, which is a typical representative of the red soil hilly region of China. The results show that: 1) the soil fertility is obviously improved through the four ecological restoration measures, which impels soil fertility catastrophe. Among 89 soil samples, catastrophic soil samples and stable soil samples account for 26(29.21%) and 63(70.79%) of the samples, respectively. The four ecological restoration measures are listed in the order lowquality forest improvement arbor–bush–herb mixed plantation orchard improvement closing measures according to the proportions of catastrophic soil samples. A typical soil sample in Bashilihe that can self-develop is selected as the criterion to judge the upper lobe and lower lobe of soil fertility in the process surface of the Cusp catastrophe model. Twenty-six(29.21%) were in the middle lobe, 10(11.24%) were in the upper lobe, and 53(70.79%) were in the lower lobe. The catastrophic direction of 26 catastrophic soil samples is to the upper lobe according to soil and water loss change as well as fieldwork. There is a significant positive correlation of Δ with soil and water loss change, and the lower soil and water loss relates to higher catastrophic probability. 2) Soil fertility self-development could be regionalized as "Soil fertility can self-develop" whose area was 12.74 km2(28.33%) distributed mainly in the leftmost and rightmost parts, "Soil fertility tends to self-develop" whose area was 11.63 km2(25.89%) distributed mainly in the middle part, and "Soil fertility cannot self-develop" whose area was 20.58 km2(45.78%) distributed mainly between the above two types. 3) There is no need to take ecological restoration measures and excessive human interference should be avoided in the future in regions of "Soil fertility can self-develop" and "Soil fertility tends to self-develop," and ecological restoration measures should be taken in region of "Soil fertility cannot self-develop." 4) We suggest withdrawal and implementation of ecological restoration measures should be incorporated into the evaluation criteria of ecological restoration to avoid misuse of funds.  相似文献   


Material dematerialization is a basic approach to reduce the pressure on the resources and environment and to realize the sustainable development. The material flow analysis and decomposition method are used to calculate the direct material input (DMI) of 14 typical mining cities in Northeast China in 1995-2004 and to analyze the demateri-alization and its driving factors in the different types of mining cities oriented by coal, petroleum, metallurgy and multi-resources. The results are as follows: 1) from 1995 to 2006, the increase rates of the DMI and the material input intensity of mining cities declined following the order of multi-resources, metallurgy, coal, and petroleum cities, and the material utilizing efficiency did following the order of petroleum, coal, metallurgy, and multi-resources cities; 2) during the research period, all the kinds of mining cities were in the situation of weak sustainable development in most years; 3) the pressure on resources and environment in the multi-resources cities was the most serious; 4) the petro-leum cities showed the strong trend of sustainable development; and 5) in recent years, the driving function of eco-nomic development for material consuming has continuously strengthened and the controlling function of material utilizing efficiency for it has weakened. The key approaches to promote the development of circular economy of min-ing cities in Northeast China are put forward in the following aspects: 1) to strengthen the research and development of the technique of resources' cycling utilization, 2) to improve the utilizing efficiency of resources, and 3) to carry out the auditing system of resources utilization.  相似文献   

Land use changes are known to alter soil organic carbon (SOC) and microbial properties, however, information about how conversion of natural forest to agricultural land use as well as plantations affects SOC and microbial properties in the Changbai Moun- tains of Northeast China is meager. Soil carbon content, microbial biomass carbon (MBC), basal respiration and soil carbon mineraliza- tion were studied in five selected types of land use: natural old-growth broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest (NF); spruce plantation (SP) established following clear-cutting of NF; cropland (CL); ginseng farmland (GF) previously under NF; and a five-year Mongolian oak young forest (YF) reforested on an abandoned GF, in the Changbai Mountains of Northeast China in 2011. Results showed that SOC content was significantly lower in SP, CL, GF, and YF than in NF. MBC ranged from 304.4 mg/kg in CL to 1350.3 mg/kg in NF, which was significantly higher in the soil of NF than any soil of the other four land use types. The SOC and MBC contents were higher in SP soil than in CL, GF, and YF soils, yielding a significant difference between SP and CL. The value of basal respiration was also higher in NF than in SP, CL, GF, and YF. Simultaneously, higher values of the metabolic quotient were detected in CL, GF, and YF soils, indicat- ing low substrate utilization of the soil microbial community compared with that in NF and SP soil. The values of cumulative mineral- ized carbon and potentially mineralized carbon (Co) in NF were significantly higher than those in CL and GF, while no significant dif- ference was observed between NF and SP. In addition, YF had higher values of Co and C mineralization rate compared with GF. The results indicate that conversion from NF into agricultural land (CL and GF) uses and plantation may lead to a reduction in soil nutrients (SOC and MBC) and substrate utilization efficiency of the microbial community. By contrast, soils below SP were more conducive to the preservation of soil organic matter, which was reflected in the comparison of microbial indicators among CL, GF, and YF land uses. This study can provide data for evaluating soils nutrients under different land use types, and serve as references for the rational land use of natural forest in the study area.  相似文献   

Based on the decomposition model of environmental quality and univariate regression model, the relationships of industrial wastewater drainage with economic scale, economic structure, and technological level in Anshan, a mining city in Northeast China, were studied. The results showed that, due to scale effect, the drainage of three important industrial wastewater pollutants (COD, NH3-N and petroleum) increased 8505t, 671t and 384t, respectively, and due to structure effect, those pollutants drainage increased 3996t, 174t and 120t from 2001 to 2006. While due to technological effect, the drainage of COD, NH3-N and petroleum reduced 4452t, 458t and 331t, and due to cross effect, those pollutants drainage reduced 7270t, 575t and 476t simultaneously. Meantime, the relationships between household consumption structure and domestic sewage discharge were analyzed, and domestic sewage discharges in different income levels were also compared. The results showed that, the domestic sewage discharges would increase 376t with 1000 yuan (RMB) increased in the traffic and communication consumption, and they would be 344t, 219t, 428t, 1873t, respectively, in housing consumption, food consumption, medical consumption, miscellaneous commodity consumption. The proportion of domestic sewage discharge increased for high income residents significantly, but reduced for lower income residents. The industrial wastewater pollutants drainage tends to be reduced by technical progress, while domestic sewage discharge will be a more important factor for urban water environment quality.  相似文献   

Five leucaena trees of similar age were chosen in Jiangjia Ravine of Dongchuan, Yunnan Province, China, near which the soil samples were collected by digging profiles 2m in depth and 1m in width. In each section, soil samples at different depths were taken for direct shear experiments to determine the root amount and mechanical composition. It is found that the cohesion and internal friction angle of the undisturbed soil are related to the root amount, depth, clay content and breccias content. Cohesion correlates negatively with root content, a finding that differs from that of other researchers. In addition, internal friction angle correlates positively with all these factors.  相似文献   

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