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Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - The construction of twin tunnels is a mandatory guideline and a prevailing practice in either conventional or mechanized tunneling. Nevertheless, most of...  相似文献   

The structure on the ground bears impact from the tunneling-induced settlement, especially when the tunnel is shallow and its span is large. This paper presents the construction of Lijiachong twin tunnels below a high-rise transmission tower and the prevention techniques to avoid the failure of the tower. The span of each tunnel is about 18 m, and the tunnel embedded depth below the tower foundations is only 15.5 m. There was a high risk of influencing the performance of the tower during the tunneling. To reduce the risk of collapse of the transmission tower, the available methods in field to reinforce the tower foundations were proposed. For engineering cost and construction convenience, the separated pile foundations were connected with framed girders, resulting in that the separated foundations worked as a whole. The effectiveness of the reinforcement was evaluated by monitoring deformation and stress in the tower, indicating that the measured values were lower than their respective allowable ones. With reinforcing the tower foundations using the framed girders, the Lijiachong twin tunnels safely passed beneath the transmission tower, and the continuous performance of the transmission tower was ensured.  相似文献   

曾蔚  张民庆 《探矿工程》2005,32(5):56-59
在圆梁山隧道修建期间,为解决进口车站大跨段的快速施工以及施工中所遇到的2、3、4和5号溶洞的涌水涌砂难题,创造性地新增设了3条横通道、1条地质探洞、2条迂回导坑和4条泄水洞共10条辅助坑道。主要介绍了施工期间增设的10条辅助坑道的设计与施工。  相似文献   

盾构隧道管片衬砌荷载模式比较分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地下结构的荷载分布计算是非常复杂的 ,针对上海某越江盾构隧道 ,采用梁—弹性铰—地基系统计算模型 ,就水土压力合算与分算、侧向土压力和水压力的分布形式等设计了几种荷载模式 ,并分别计算分析比较了管片衬砌结构在这些荷载模式作用下的内力分布和变形特性 ,并从中得出了一些有价值的结论。  相似文献   

盾构隧道衬砌结构受力分析的梁—弹簧系统模型   总被引:38,自引:6,他引:38  
盾构隧道衬砌结构由若干管片及其间的连接螺栓组成。在其断面受力的工程设计中,目前普遍采用梁-弹簧系统模型来模拟其受力性态。其中,梁可分成直梁和曲梁两类。本文在考虑弹簧刚度的轴向、切向和转动效应的同时,从卡氏(Castigliano)第二定理出发,给出了梁-弹簧模型的矩阵式,并论证了直梁-弹簧模型与曲梁-弹簧模型的一致性关系。在数值模拟计算过程中,还考虑了地层反作用力非线性情形和管片接头转动刚度正、负弯矩时的非对称性问题。  相似文献   

Li  Peinan  Dai  Zeyu  Huang  Dezhong  Cai  Wenjun  Fang  Tao 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2022,40(4):2127-2144
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - With the improvement of the urban rail transit network, crossing construction has become an inevitable situation in the construction of subway tunnels. The...  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - The influence of large-scale unloading of soil on existing metro tunnels is a difficult problem in the operation of Metro in sandy gravel strata. In order...  相似文献   

This article presents a computer simulation of stress distribution around tunnels and interaction between tunnels using an elasto-plastic model. A finite element method using ANSYS software has been used for the analyses of one and two tunnels at different overburden depths with different separating distances between the tunnels. The results of numerical analyses indicate that stress distribution and stress concentration around the tunnels vary with the overburden depths. It is found that the coefficients of stress concentration for elasto-plastic medium are smaller than those for elastic one by 1.9%. Furthermore, the interaction between the two tunnels rapidly decreases with the increase of separation distance between them. In addition, for quantitatively describing the interaction between the two tunnels, a critical separation distance is introduced. The critical separation distances between the two tunnels at different overburden depths are 8 m, 12 m, and 14 m respectively. This fact is very important and essential for the design of mining tunnels and to ensure safety in tunnel engineering.  相似文献   

盾构隧道衬砌结构由若干管片及其间的连接螺栓组装而成。在横向受力分析的工程设计中 ,目前普遍采用的是梁 弹簧系统模型。采用框架 弹性铰 全周地基系统模型来分析管片结构的横向受力响应 ,可以考虑接头对弯矩的消散作用和地基对结构的均匀连续的抗力 ,并计算了一个实例 ,得出了一些有参考价值的结论  相似文献   

Summary The behaviour up to failure of shallow underground openings is discussed on the basis of some laboratory, small-scale model tests and of finite element simulation. The experimental results are first illustrated. They were obtained from two-dimensional (plane strain) and three-dimensional tunnel models tested under standard gravity conditions. Then, the phenomenon of strain localisation that characterizes the medium surrounding the model tunnels is discussed, recalling two alternative approaches for its numerical interpretation. On this basis, a finite element procedure for strain softening analyses is outlined and applied to the simulation of the tests in both two- and three-dimensional conditions. The comparison between experimental and numerical results leads to some conclusions on the influence of strain localisation on the overall behaviour of shallow tunnels and on the stability of their headings.  相似文献   

There were huge life and property losses during the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008. Strain fluctuation curves were completely recorded at stress observatory stations in the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and its surroundings in the process of the earthquake. This paper introduces the geological background of the Wenchuan earthquake and the profile of in-situ stress monitoring stations. In particular, data of 174 earthquakes (Ms4.0-Ms8.5) were processed and analyzed with various methods, which were recorded at the Shandan station from August 2007 to December 2008. The results were compared with other seismic data, and further analyses were done for the recoded strain seismic waves, co-seismic strain stepovers, pre-earthquake strain valleys, Earth's free oscillations before and after the earthquake and their physical implications. During the Wenchuan earthquake, the strainmeter recorded a huge extensional strain of 70 seconds, which shows that the Wenchuan earthquake is a rupture process predominated by thrusting. Significant precursory strain anomalies were detected 48 hours, 30 hours, 8 hours and 37 minutes before the earthquake. The anomalies are very high and their forms are very similar to that of the main shock. Similar anomalies can also be found in strain curves of other shocks greater than Ms7.0, indicating that such anomalies are prevalent before a great earthquake. In this paper, it is shown that medium aftershocks (Ms5.5-6.0) can also cause Earth's free oscillations. Study of free oscillations is of great significance to understand the internal structure of the Earth and focal mechanisms of earthquakes and to recognize slow shocks, thus providing a scientific basis for the prevention and treatment of geological disasters and the prediction of future earthquakes.  相似文献   

曾兆宜 《探矿工程》2008,35(3):71-74
根据福州某小净距大断面市政道路隧道的工程实践,总结针对浅埋段围岩特性所采用上下台阶开挖法的成功经验,以供类似工程施工参考.  相似文献   

The evolution of melt segregation in deforming partially moltenolivine-rich rocks has been studied in a series of laboratoryexperiments. During deformation, melt segregates into networksof anastamosing channels (or ‘bands’) surroundinglenses of melt-depleted material. We quantify the nature ofthe melt distribution in the samples, including thickness, angle,spacing, volume fraction, and melt fraction of melt-rich bands,to understand the dynamics of melt-network organization. Twoseries of experiments were designed to isolate the effects of(1) increasing shear strain (at similar stress levels), and(2) varying stress levels (deformed to similar shear strains).Melt-rich bands develop by a shear strain of unity. In samplesdeformed at varying stress levels, higher stress produces smallercharacteristic band spacings. We relate these variations tothe compaction length, c, which varies only as a result of thereduction of matrix viscosity with increasing stress. Simpleapproaches to scaling from experimental to mantle conditionssuggest that stress-driven melt segregation can occur in theasthenosphere; if so, it will significantly affect rheological,transport and seismic properties, with enticing consequencesfor our understanding of plate–mantle interactions. KEY WORDS: melt segregation; rock rheology; magma transport; self-organization; mid-ocean ridges  相似文献   

偏压连拱隧道围岩稳定性分析与现场监控量测   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
针对偏压连拱隧道围岩稳定性问题,采用GeoStudio软件的SIGMA模块进行数值模拟,以数值模拟的计算结果作为判断围岩稳定性的控制指标,结合现场压力盒进行监控量测,并利用加权回归分析方法对监测数据进行处理,得出各监测点实测围岩稳定压力。通过对数值模拟结果与现场监测数据的对比分析,可知隧道围岩处于稳定状态。结果表明,利用有限元对隧道进行数值模拟和加权回归分析对监测数据进行处理,两种方法相结合对判断偏压连拱隧道围岩稳定性具有很好的效果。  相似文献   

Kassem  Osama M. K.  Hamimi  Z.  Aboelkhair  H.  Abdelhalim  A.  Al-Gabali  M. 《Geotectonics》2019,53(1):125-139
Geotectonics - Estimation of finite strain and microstructural analysis of deformed rocks are keys to better understanding deformational processes and related structures in a variety of scales...  相似文献   

介绍了仪征-长岭原油管道黄石长江盾构穿越隧道北岸接收竖井工程软土段所采用的逆作法施工技术.  相似文献   

Summary. Even though ground-support interaction in the vicinity of the tunnel face is a typical 3D problem, tunnel support design is usually based on simplified plane strain models, which are strongly dependent on the assumed degree of ground stress relief at the time of lining installation. The paper focuses on tunnels supported by shotcrete close to the face, where the interaction between the loading process and progressive hardening of the green shotcrete makes the problem time-dependent. A constitutive law characterized by the time-dependent stiffness and strength of the shotcrete is employed herein. The results of an extensive parametric study based on 3D axisymmetric models are presented in the form of non-dimensional design charts, which can provide guidance to a preliminary evaluation of convergences and support loadings. Moreover a strategy is proposed to enhance the capability of simplified design methods (2D models, Convergence-Confinement Method). This consists in a “guided estimate” of stress relief factors, which again is based on the results of 3D time-dependent analyses. Finally, by way of example, the proposed method is applied to two well-documented case-histories.  相似文献   

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