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The problem is studied both theoretically and experimentally. Statistical distributions of the total curvature and the reciprocal to the total curvature at the specular points (SP) of a random Gaussian uniform sea surface are discussed. The theoretical distribution and its asymptotes are completely investigated. The validity of the theoretical distribution is verified by numerical simulations and natural experiments. In the experimental study of this distribution, Sun glint images taken with a high time and spatial resolution digital camera are used. Those images are developed by using a specially-designed Fortran program which calculates the statistical characteristics of the glints. The experimentally derived distribution of the glint areas is compared with the theoretical distribution. The main causes (origins) of small divergence between the theoretical and experimental results are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate the initial rupture process of microearthquakes to reveal relationships between nucleation region sizes and eventual earthquake sizes. In order to obtain high quality waveform data, we installed a trigger recording system with a sampling frequency of 10 kHz at the base of a deep borehole at the Nojima Fault, Japan. We analyze waveform data of 31 events around the borehole, with seismic moment ranging from 4.2 × 109 Nm to 7.1 × 1011 Nm. We use both a circular crack model with an accelerating rupture velocity (SK model) [Sato, T., Kanamori, H., 1999. Beginning of earthquakes modeled with the Griffith's fracture criterion, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 89, 80-93.], which generates a slow initial phase of velocity pulse, and a circular crack model with a constant rupture velocity (SH model) [Sato, T, Hirasawa, T., 1973. Body wave spectra from propagating shear cracks, J. Phys. Earth, 21, 415-431.], which generates a ramp-like velocity pulse. Source parameters of these two models are estimated by waveform inversion of the first half cycle of the observed velocity pulse applying both a grid search and a non-linear least squares method. 14 of 31 events are never reproduced by the SH model with a constant Q operator. But SK model with a constant Q operator provides a size of the pre-existing crack, corresponding to the size of the nucleation regions, and a size of the eventual crack. We recognize that (i) the eventual seismic moment is approximately scaled as the cube of the size of pre-existing cracks, (ii) the eventual seismic moment is scaled as the cube of the size of eventual cracks, and (iii) the size of eventual cracks is roughly proportional to the size of pre-existing cracks. We, thus, conclude that the size of eventual earthquakes is controlled by the size of the nucleation regions.  相似文献   

文章简要评述了地质灾害基础理论与应用技术发展现状、滑坡灾害多种监测预报判据的利弊。利用综合信息处理决策方法,提出了基于权变理论的滑坡灾害监测预报新思路。分析了滑坡成灾的权变特征、环境因素和决策因素,建立了滑坡灾害预报决策概念模型。进一步探讨了在预报决策中应遵循的动态性及满意性原则,为提高地质灾害监测预报理论的科学性提供了新的理论依据与技术途径。  相似文献   

Summary A caveat applies to the use of densities of evolving magmatic melts in the modelling of fluid dynamic processes in magma chambers. Models that are dependent on the concepts of stratified liquids within a magma chamber, or the rising of liquid plumes through such columns until a level of neutral buoyancy is reached, often assume that the melts are entirely crystal-free. Both field and physical evidence suggest, however, that this assumption may not be true and that melts at or below the liquidus commonly retain some crystals in suspension. The effective density of the melt will then include the contribution of the suspended crystals. Because of the large-scale density difference between the liquid and some early-crystallized solid phases, as little as ca. 1.5% of suspended load will overwhelm any density changes that may be attributed to the evolution of a cooling, fractionating melt that is assumed to have shed its crystal load. Although there are many factors involved in the dynamics of magma chambers (e.g., evolving viscosity), this density effect alone raises profound doubts about the validity of some current models of magma chambers.
Die Dichten von Bushveld-Schmelzen: Texturelle und hydrodynamische Kriterien
Zusammenfassung Die Dichten von magmatischen Schmelzen können nur mit Vorsicht bei der Modellierung fluiddynamischer Prozesse in Magmenkammern verwendet werden. Modelle, die auf geschichteten Schmelzen in einer Magmenkammer oder auf dem Aufstieg von liquid plumes durch solche Abfolgen bis zur Erreichung neutralen Gleichgewichtes basieren, setzen oft voraus, daß die Schmelzen vollkommen kristallfrei sind. Geländebeobachtungen und physikalische Daten zeigen jedoch, daß diese Annahme nicht fundiert sein muß, und daß Schmelzen im Bereich oder unterhalb des Liquidus häufig Kristalle in Suspension behalten. Die effektive Dichte einer Schmelze wird dann den Beitrag von Kristallen in Suspension beinhalten. Wegen der beträchtilichen Dichteunterschiede zwischen der Schmelze und einigen frühkristallisierten, festen Phasen werden schon ca. 1.5 % von Kristallen in Suspension jegliche Dichteunterschiede auslöschen, die vermutlich auf die Entwicklung einer abkühlenden, fraktionierenden Schmelze zurückgeht, von der man annimmt, daß sie ihre Kristallfracht schon abgelagert hat. Obwohl die Dynamik von Magmenkammern von zahlreichen Faktoren bestimmt wird, muß doch hervorgehoben werden, daß der genannte Dichte-Effekt schon ausreicht, um die Gültigkeit einiger derzeit bestehender Modelle von Magmenkammern in Frage zu stellen.

With 1 Figure  相似文献   

沙丘表面沙土密度分布特征及其成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沙土是存在于干旱、半干旱地区的一种特殊性土,其岩土工程性质与风沙环境紧密相关。沙丘表面沙土物质成分均一,比重一致,但密度的离散性很大。观测表明,新月形沙丘迎风坡密度较大,但中部存在一个低密度区,落沙坡密度最小,接近该类沙丘沙样的最小干密度。线性沙丘上,则是沙丘脊部沙土的密度最大,接近该类沙丘沙样最大干密度,两腰部密度较小。沙丘表面沙土密度分布特征与风沙流结构和沙丘表面压力关系极为密切。  相似文献   

A method for estimating the magnetic-field strengths and angular sizes of radio sources displaying synchrotron self-absorption based on their observed radio spectra is considered. The method is used to derive the angular sizes of compact radio sources (components) and the magnetic fields in these regions, as well as the energy and number of relativistic electrons and the radiative power of a number of quasars and radio galaxies.  相似文献   

Previous attempts to deduce the flow parameters of turbidity currents from their deposited sediments have focused on applications of criteria for the suspension or autosuspension of the grains and on hydrodynamic interpretations of the characteristic Bouma sequence of sedimentary structures. There has been a considerable diversity of opinion, however, as to how the transport criteria relate to the observed deposited grain-size distribution, and no attempt has been made to determine whether the separate analyses of deposited sediments and sedimentary structures agree as to the magnitudes of the evaluated flow parameters. Such analyses are performed on a turbidite from the Capistrano Formation (Miocene-Pliocene) of California. This turbidite is normally graded from medium sand at its base to very fine sand and silt at the top, and has the complete sequence of Bouma structures. Only a small degree of cementation has occurred so that samples from the layer could be disaggregated and grain sizes determined both by sieving and sedimentation balance analyses. It was decided to employ the grain-suspension criterion for the calculation of the flow conditions at the time of deposition, published experiments on the pipe-flow of suspensions having demonstrated that this criterion is one of deposition versus non-deposition of grains according to their settling velocities. The published work relating types of sedimentary structures to the sediment grain size and either the flow power or Shield's dimensionless stress is used to evaluate the flow parameters from the observed Bouma sequence. All methods employed yield estimates of the mean flow velocity and bed stress (force per unit bottom area). The evaluated flow parameters for the transition from a flat bed to ripples (Bouma B to C divisions) are nearly an order of magnitude greater than obtained from the grain-suspension criterion where the calculations are based on the median grain size of the deposited sediments. Agreement results only if the calculations utilizing the suspension criterion are based on nearly the coarsest grains deposited at any instant, a procedure that is difficult to justify with the expected sediment deposition from a waning current. Inclusion of other factors, such as possible lags in sediment deposition or ripple formation beneath the decelerating flow, provide no firm explanation as to the cause of the discrepancy between the results based on the two approaches, and in nearly all cases their inclusion would increase the difference. Something is amiss with our procedures for the hydraulic interpretation of sediments which can be resolved only by further study.  相似文献   

R.J. Johnston 《Geoforum》1979,10(2):151-162
The state is a major actor in modern capitalist economies, so that analysis of spatial patterns of economic and social well-being requires understanding of the political decision-making processes. One of these processes very relevant to spatial patterns of economic activity is pork barrel politics, and its operation is studied here with regard to the expenditure of $64,678 million (6% of GNP) by the Department of Defense in 1972. The analyses indicate pork barrel effects for all items of Defense expenditure except one, involving committees and subcommittees of both Houses of Congress. Statistical testing suggests that these effects are not very strong, however; arguments are developed to account for this finding.  相似文献   

Lineament, joint and drainage density values are obtainable from the number of intersections between the mapped lines and a superimposed test grid or array, using the stereological equation where x is the density (length per area) and n′ is the number of intersections per unit length of the test array. Circular test grid must be used in order to eliminate the effect of preferred orientation on the n′-values.  相似文献   

不同粒径级砂土渗透特性试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
苏立君  张宜健  王铁行 《岩土力学》2014,35(5):1289-1294
渗透性是砂土的重要工程性质之一,影响砂土渗透性的因素有很多,比如土体密实程度、土颗粒自身特性、流体性质等,其中孔隙率与颗粒粒径是两个重要影响因素。而以往基于混合粒径的天然砂土的研究很难分别对这两个因素进行独立的研究。基于此,首先开展了单一粒径级砂土的常水头渗透试验,分别研究了同一粒径级砂土渗透系数随孔隙率的变化和同一孔隙率下不同粒径级砂土渗透系数随均值粒径的变化规律。试验结果显示,渗透系数随着孔隙率的增加而线性增加、随均值粒径二次方的增加而线性增加,其中均值粒径的影响较大,其变化能导致渗透系数量级上的差异。在此基础上,开展了多粒径混合砂土的渗透试验,讨论了曲率系数、不均匀系数等级配参数对渗透性的影响,从而将单一粒径级的研究成果推广到天然砂土,最终拟合出渗透系数与相关影响因素的经验公式,以便工程实践参考使用。  相似文献   

Kawabe H 《GeoJournal》1980,4(3):191-198
All data obtained from vital statistics and the fertility survey indicate that the population of Japan will have a heavy burden of increasing old ages in the near future, because the attitude toward the number of children among Japanese women is to have fewer children (but not to have no children) and because it is anticipated that this attitude will not last for a good number of years in the future. This is one of issues discussed in recent Japan as population problems in the Aging Society.Another issue is population problems in the High Density Society. This issue is discussed in relation to unbalanced land utilization, air and water pollution, destruction of village life etc., brought about by the over-congestion in the metropolitan areas areas and depopulation in rural areas.One of the aims involved in the regional development plan of Japan is to solve the problems occured by the uneven distribution of population. The Third Comprehensive National Development Plan published in 1977 states that the central aim of this plan is to undertake the reorganization of population distribution by the development of attractive local cities, towns and villages where enough educational and employment opportunities are provided to make a best use of the desirable characteristics of the region, maintaining the present profitable feature of the areas and comfortable living conditions for people.The original of this article is the paper submitted to the International Conference on Population Problems and National Development, held at Seoul, Korea in November, 1978, sponsored by the Institute of Population Problems, Seoul, Korea.  相似文献   

判断矿床(点)的类型是矿床勘探中的重要内容,传统预测金矿成矿规模的方法不仅耗时耗力,而且所需的经济成本较大。为提高矿床规模的勘探效率和准确度,揭示元素与金矿成矿规模的潜在联系,文中提出了耦合主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)和支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)算法的预测分析PCA-SVM(principal component analysis-support vector machine)方法。该方法先通过主成分分析提取数据中的主要特征,再将主要特征带入支持向量机算法,从而训练出最优分类器以预测金矿成矿规模。文中共使用了3 812个金矿样本数据用于学习训练和预测分析,训练准确率为92.3%,测试准确率为88.7%,分别比直接使用支持向量机算法高出14.3%和17.1%。基于PCA-SVM的预测模型,不仅消除了人为主观因素的影响,而且有效提高了勘探过程中矿床预测的准确率和矿床勘探的效率,为地质勘查工作提供依据。  相似文献   

Grain size- and crystallographic direction-dependence are among the fundamental characteristics of crystal solubility. However, such important material properties are routinely ignored and solubility is often conveniently approximated by a solubility product. In this study, we attempt to outline the relationship between solubility and solubility product using thermodynamic arguments, and to provide observations that demonstrate the occurrence of circumstances where the solubility product cannot properly approximate crystal solubility. Theoretical analysis shows that solubility is always greater than solubility product, but the difference is inversely related to the grain size. Furthermore, the difference can be crystallographic direction specific if the total surface energy change upon the attachment of an individual growth unit is nonequivalent for each symmetrically unrelated crystal faces. In situ AFM experiments conducted on the cleavage face of calcite demonstrate that the steps exhibit direction- and length-dependent behavior. Specifically, the measured critical step lengths are consistent with the predicted inverse relationship to saturation states. Moreover, step retreat at and advance at are observed simultaneously in a narrow range of saturation at near equilibrium conditions, indicating the existence of direction specific solubility. Whereas these findings justify the rationale for approximating solubility by solubility product in cases where large crystals are concerned, the results imply that the size and direction effect should not be ignored if nanocrystal growth/dissolution is the subject of interest.  相似文献   

Sterc S  Crkvencic I 《GeoJournal》1996,38(4):417-424
Croatia is a Central European and Mediterranean state, located in contact with and under the influence of various spheres of civilization, which for centuries have penetrated and conflicted on and around the territory of Croatia. Such a position has resulted in various influences which did not always have a positive effect on the development of Croatia. The gradual narrowing and decrease of the Croatian ethnic territory, as well as the presence of national minorities in it, was also a result of the aforementioned position and outside influences (ulji 1993/1994).The demographic structure of Croatia indicates a series of specificities which were primarily conditioned by the historical development of Croatia and which is particularly expressed in constant emigration since the end of the nineteenth century, the relatively large direct and indirect losses to the population during and immediately after the First and Second World Wars, emigration as a type of population movement in all inter-census periods after 1945, the appearance of a natural decline and the aging of the population on almost one half of the state territory.  相似文献   

白彬  唐晓武  唐琳  曲绍兴 《岩土力学》2015,36(6):1615-1621
无纺土工织物作为一种反滤材料,在工程中常受土体作用产生平面双轴拉应变,导致织物孔径变化。基于无纺织物空间网络孔径模型,改进Rawal公式中织物孔径结构总层数的算法,并提出等双轴拉伸下织物孔径分布曲线的解析解。利用自主研发的双轴拉伸仪,将两种针刺无纺织物等双轴拉伸至应变为3%、5%、10%,采用应变控制下的干筛法,进行织物孔径分布曲线测试。将解析解与试验结果进行对比分析,解析解孔径值偏大,所得解析曲线与测试曲线对于较薄织物吻合更好。研究结果表明,随着双轴拉应变的增加,无纺织物孔径增大,其特征孔径O95、O50、O30都近似与拉伸应变呈线性变化关系。  相似文献   

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