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shawky Omar Altahrany Ayman I. Elmeligy Mahmoud 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2022,40(9):4487-4516
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Negative skin friction on piles represents a severe problem when piles were installed in soft clay due to consolidation process. It reduces the bearing... 相似文献
This paper presents results of analysis of full-scale pile load test data of 14 piles embedded in either loose or medium dense
sands. The analysis was performed using two methods, p–y curve approach and a more recently developed khmax approach. Comparison of the results obtained using both the methods is also presented. A step-by-step analysis procedure
is presented for predicting lateral load deflection response of single piles in sand using the khmax approach. The results presented show that the khmax approach has promise over the p–y curve approach because of its simplicity and the fact that it provides upper- and lower-bound curves, which are valuable
guides to making engineering decisions. For loose sands, a new range of khmax values is recommended to better predict the lateral load–deflection response of single piles. 相似文献
Nihar Ranjan Patra Prabhakar Jagannath Pise 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2006,24(2):265-282
Experimental investigations on model pile groups of configuration, 1 × 1(single pile), 3 × 1, 2 × 2 for embedment length to
diameter ratio, L/d = 38, were conducted in uniform dry medium dense Ennore sand. The spacing of piles in the groups varied from 3 to 6 pile
diameter. Soil–pile friction angles were δ = 16° and 28°. The pile groups were subjected to oblique pulling loads at angles θ = 0°, 30°, 60° and 90° with the vertical central axis of the groups. The load–displacement response, oblique ultimate pulling
resistances have been qualitatively and quantitatively studied. The inclinations of the load, at which maximum oblique resistance
for the groups were observed, have been reported. Predictions of ultimate resistance of pile groups under uplift, lateral
and oblique pulling loads have been carried out respectively by the methods of Patra and Pise (2002) (Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 8, Bundle B), Patra and Pise (2001) (Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE, 127(6), 481–487) and Chattopadhyay and Pise (1986c) (Proceedings of IST East Asian Conference on Struct Engineering and Const., Vol. 1, pp. 1632–1641). A comparison of the measured values of the Writers and others with the predicted values showed
reasonable agreement. 相似文献
Piled foundations are frequently subjected to simultaneous axial and lateral loadings. However, the interaction effects of the one loading on the other are, in most cases, disregarded for the sake of simplicity. With the aim of evaluating this effect, a detailed research work on the response of a single pile under simultaneous application of axial and lateral loading was carried out. A qualitative assessment of the effect was initially attempted and the effect was afterwards quantified, based on the results of an intensive three-dimensional parametric numerical analysis. The influence arising from pile head fixity and the second order phenomenon was examined, while the post-peak behaviour was also considered using a strain hardening/softening constitutive law. Interesting conclusions have been drawn, providing a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the effect on clayey and sandy soils. It was also found that no loading interaction effect is developed, when ultimate limit state is applied for a piled foundation design. On the contrary, when the serviceability limit state is applied and if the pile capacity in both lateral and axial loading is simultaneously reached, a reduction in the pile axial capacity is observed in the case of clayey soils. On the contrary, in the case of sandy soils the action of a lateral load is leading to an increase of pile axial capacity. 相似文献
V. H. L. Bach H. M. Nguyen A. J. Puppala C. M. Nguyen U. D. Patil 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》2018,36(1):13-26
Static load test program was performed on a single pile and two 16-pile groups with equal and different pile lengths. The soil profile consists of sand fill to 0.5 m depth placed on a thick deposit of soft, normally consolidated and compressible clay. The closed end steel pipe piles in 60 mm diameter were installed from 1.5 m through 2.1 m depth within soft clay deposit. The center-to-center distance of piles in group is about 3 times of pile diameter. The strain gages were installed at one level above and two through four levels below ground surface. Tests were carried out about 7 days after driving by method of a series of load increments placed every 5-min until plunging failure occurred. The load at plunging failure for the single pile, the equal-length pile group and the different-length pile group were about 3, 40 and 48 kN, respectively. The movements at start of failure were about 12, 18, and 17 mm, respectively. The analysis of strain gage measurements indicates that the load distribution on piles in the different-length pile group has become significantly uniform. 相似文献
天津某小区沉管灌注工程桩经检测发现部分桩存在缺陷和承载力不足问题,采用高压旋喷注浆技术对缺陷桩进行修补,对承载力不足桩进行补强,处理后经检测合格达到设计要求。介绍了处理方案及施工技术措施。 相似文献
介绍了砂类土层中进行泥浆护壁钻孔灌注桩施工时,采用施工场区临近地层黄土注入孔内直接造浆成孔的实践经验和施工效果。 相似文献
在砂性及粉砂性土层中,成孔过程难以自然造浆,即成孔泥浆中胶体率不足,无法靠泥浆中的胶体自然形成护壁泥皮及将成孔渣屑带出孔外。结合上海闸北区某工程钻孔灌注桩成孔情况,对灌注桩在砂性、粉砂性土层中的施工要点进行丁总结。 相似文献
The environment prevalent in ocean necessitates the piles supporting offshore structures to be designed against lateral cyclic loading initiated by wave action, which induces deterioration in the strength and stiffness of the pile-soil system introducing progressive reduction in the bearing capacity associated with increased settlement of the pile foundation. A thorough and detailed review of literature indicates that significant works have already been carried out in the relevant field of investigation. It is a well established phenomenon that the variation of relative pile-soil stiffness (K rs ) and load eccentricity (e/D) significantly affect the response of piles subjected to lateral static load. However, the influence of lateral cyclic load on axial response of single pile in sand, more specifically the effect of K rs and e/D on the cyclic behavior, is yet to be investigated. The present work has aimed to bridge up this gap. To carry out numerical analysis (boundary element method), the conventional elastic approach has been used as a guideline with relevant modifications. The model developed has been validated by comparing with available experimental (laboratory model and field tests) results, which indicate the accuracy of the solutions formulated. Thereafter, the methodology is applied successfully to selected parametric studies for understanding the magnitude and pattern of degradation of axial pile capacity induced due to lateral cyclic loading, as well as the influence of K rs and e/D on such degradation. 相似文献
水平力作用下嵌岩桩桩顶内力分布的模型试验 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
基于水平荷载下的8组模型试验桩的电测资料;分析了嵌岩桩基的实测桩顶内力的变化及分布规律,指出水平力作用下的桩顶内力分布与承台上外竖向力(和弯矩)荷载的局部分布方式有关。 相似文献
In this paper an analytical method has been proposed to predict the net ultimate uplift capacity of the single bent pile and
pile group with a bent embedded in sand considering arching effects. Arching develops due to relative compressibility of sand
relative to pile which activates the soil-pile friction. The method takes into consideration the embedded length (L), diameter of the pile (d), bent angle, surface characteristics of pile, group configuration, spacing of the pile group and the soil properties. Log
spiral failure surface with parabolic arch shape was assumed in the analysis. Theoretical investigation for uplift capacity
was been carried out for the single bent pile and group of pile (2 × 1, 2 × 2) embedded in sand. The variable used in the
analysis were embedded length to pile diameter (L/d = 15, 20 and 25), spacing in the group (3d, 4d and 6d) and angle of bent (6°, 14° and 20°). Typical charts for evaluation of net ultimate uplift capacity for pile groups are presented
through the figures. Comparison of theoretical results shows good agreement with established experimental results. 相似文献
有压条件下湿砂结冰温度的研究 总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3
本介绍用自行研制的冰点仪,对4个不同含水率的砂土,在0-10MPa条件下,试验研究其结冰温度。研究表明,不饱和水的砂土,其结冰温度与外载无关;对饱和过饱和水的砂土获得了其结冰温度随外载变化的规律。 相似文献
通过对上海救捞局福州救助站码头迁建工程水上施工大口径砂桩的实践,阐述了使用砂桩改善软弱粘性土地基的施工工艺,总结水上施工大口径砂桩的工程质量控制,以及处理方法。 相似文献