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High spectral resolution spectroscopy has proved to be very useful for the advancement of chemical abundances studies in photoionized nebulae, such as H II regions and planetary nebulae (PNe). Classical analyses make use of the intensity of bright collisionally excited lines (CELs), which have a strong dependence on the electron temperature and density. By using high resolution spectrophotometric data, our group has led the determination of chemical abundances of some heavy element ions, mainly O++, O+, and C++ from faint recombination lines (RLs), allowing us to deblend them from other nearby emission lines or sky features. The importance of these lines is that their emissivity depends weakly on the temperature and density structure of the gas. The unresolved issue in this field is that recombination lines of heavy element ions give abundances that are about 2–3 times higher than those derived from CELs – in H II regions – for the same ion, and can even be a factor of 70 times higher in some PNe. This uncertainty puts into doubt the validity of face values of metallicity that we use as representative not only for ionized nebulae in the Local Universe, but also for star‐forming dwarf and spiral galaxies at different redshifts. Additionally, high‐resolution data can allow us to detect and deblend faint lines of neutron capture element ions in PNe. This information would introduce further restrictions to evolution models of AGBs and would help to quantify the chemical enrichment in s‐elements produced by low and intermediate mass stars. The availability of an échelle spectrograph at the E‐ELT will be of paramount interest to: (a) extend the studies of heavyelement recombination lines to low metallicity objects, (b) to extend abundance determinations of s‐elements to planetary nebulae in the extragalactic domain and to bright Galactic and extragalactic H II regions. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have produced high-resolution images of the nuclear region of M82 with SpectroCam-10, a mid-infrared instrument at the Palomar 5 m telescope. These images were taken at 11.7 m and 9.8 m with a 1m filter bandpass at the diffraction limit of 0.6 arcsec, making them the highest resolution maps yet available of M82. In addition, we have obtained high-resolution (/=2000) maps of the velocity field of the nuclear disk of M82 in the 12.81 m line emission of [NeII]. In these proceedings we present the 11.7 m image, which will appear together with the 9.8 m map and the [Ne II] spectra in a subsequent paper, now in preparation. This image shows very clearly a bridge structure joining the eastern and western clusters.  相似文献   

We present preliminary results obtained from integral-field (IFU) data of the giant extragalactic Hii region NGC5461, located in a spiral arm (RA=14h03m41.4s, dec=+54°19′05″) of M101. The spatial and spectral information obtained with IFUs allows us to decompose the Hii region and analyze it at high resolution.  相似文献   

The simulated Doppler shifts of the solar Mg I Fraunhofer line produced by scattering on the solar light by asteroidal, cometary, and trans-neptunian dust particles are compared with the shifts obtained by Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper (WHAM) spectrometer. The simulated spectra are based on the results of integrations of the orbital evolution of particles under the gravitational influence of planets, the Poynting-Robertson drag, radiation pressure, and solar wind drag. Our results demonstrate that the differences in the line centroid position in the solar elongation and in the line width averaged over the elongations for different sizes of particles are usually less than those for different sources of dust. The deviation of the derived spectral parameters for various sources of dust used in the model reached maximum at the elongation (measured eastward from the Sun) between 90° and 120°. For the future zodiacal light Doppler shifts measurements, it is important to pay a particular attention to observing at this elongation range. At the elongations of the fields observed by WHAM, the model-predicted Doppler shifts were close to each other for several scattering functions considered. Therefore the main conclusions of our paper do not depend on a scattering function and mass distribution of particles if they are reasonable. A comparison of the dependencies of the Doppler shifts on solar elongation and the mean width of the Mg I line modeled for different sources of dust with those obtained from the WHAM observations shows that the fraction of cometary particles in zodiacal dust is significant and can be dominant. Cometary particles originating inside Jupiter's orbit and particles originating beyond Jupiter's orbit (including trans-neptunian dust particles) can contribute to zodiacal dust about 1/3 each, with a possible deviation from 1/3 up to 0.1-0.2. The fraction of asteroidal dust is estimated to be ∼0.3-0.5. The mean eccentricities of zodiacal particles located at 1-2 AU from the Sun that better fit the WHAM observations are between 0.2 and 0.5, with a more probable value of about 0.3.  相似文献   

CSHELL, the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility Cryogenic Echelle Spectrograph was designed to fill a need for high sensitivity, high resolution, long slit near-infrared spectroscopy. Scientific programs in the areas of comets, planetary atmospheres, young stellar objects, the interstellar medium, and galactic dynamics have been pursued with CSHELL and are described herein. The future of the instrument is also discussed.  相似文献   

We describe an observing program designed to obtain high spatial resolution photographic spectra of solar active region phenomena, with time resolution as short as 6 s. The Vacuum Tower Telescope and Echelle Spectrograph at Sacramento Peak Observatory are used to make observations simultaneously in H, He D3, Ca ii K, Mg b1, the CN bandhead at 3883, and the magnetically-sensitive line Fe i 6302. Images reflected from the slit jaw are exposed simultaneously in white-light and H. Observations of chromospheric heating, following a high-velocity infall along an H superpenumbral filament, are presented to illustrate the capabilities of the program.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract AST 78-17292 with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We compare temporal power spectra of solar atmospheric oscillations in plage and quiet Sun regions occurring on different parts of a time series of high-quality spectrograms. For periods shorter than 300 s, the oscillation amplitude in the photospheric and low chromospheric parts of the plage is reduced. There is a significant increase in long period power in the chromospheric plage. Our results provide no clear evidence that plages are heated by the dissipation of short-period waves.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract AST-78-17292 with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The analysis of spectroscopic data for 30 Algol-type binaries is presented. All these systems are short period Algols having primaries with spectral types B and A. Dominant spectral lines were identified for the spectra collected and their equivalent widths were calculated. All the spectra were examined to understand presence of mass transfer, a disk or circumstellar matter and chromospheric emission. We also present first spectroscopic and period study for few Algols and conclude that high resolution spectra within and outside the primary minimum are needed for better understanding of these Algol type close binaries.  相似文献   

Two independent sets of high resolution time series spectra of the CaII H and K emission obtained at the Solar Tower and at the Big Dome of the Sacramento Peak Observatory on September 11th, 1971 are reported. The evolutionary behaviour of the emission first reported by Wilson and Evans is confirmed but the detail of the evolution is found to be more complex. In one case, a doubly peaked feature showing some K3 emission evolves into a single K2 (red) peak with no K3 emission. Coincidentally, a neighbouring doubly peaked feature evolves to a very strong blue peak. In an entirely independent sequence a doubly peaked feature evolves into a single red peak. The K2 emission then fades completely although the continuum threads are still strong. Finally a strong K2 blue peak appears. These developments are confirmed by intensity profiles obtained from the spectra.Image motion during the sequences is measured using slit-jaw photographs and changes in the overall pattern of the spectra. It is found to be less than the size of the individual features, i.e. 1–2.While considering that the evolution can be explained by the relative motion of one feature with respect to another during the sequence, it is shown that it is possible to account for all these examples in this way only by invoking coincidence of a very high order.It is concluded that in these cases the observed evolution of the K2 emission is due to temporal variations in the physical conditions which give rise to them.  相似文献   

We present a scientific case approached through high quality 3D NIR spectroscopy performed with CIRPASS, attached to the Gemini South telescope. A binary mass concentration at the nucleus of the galaxy M 83 was suggested by Thatte et al. [A&A 364 (2000) L47] and Mast et al. [BAAA 45 (2002) 98. Astroph#0505264] determined the possible position of the hidden secondary mass concentration with 2D H-alpha kinematics. The preliminary results of the NIR study presented here are based in almost 1500 spectra centered in the wavelength 1.3 μm, with a spectral resolving power of 3200. They allow us to unveil, with 0.36″ (6.4 pc) sampling and subarcsecond resolution, the velocity field in a region of 13″ × 9″ around the optical nucleus. We confirm that the optical nucleus is not located at the most important center of symmetry of the ionized gas velocity field. The largest black hole that could fit to the circular motion in this kinematic center should have a mass not larger than 3 × 106(sin i)−1 M solar masses.  相似文献   

Cram  L. E. 《Solar physics》1974,37(1):75-83

We describe time-series observations of small-scale Ca ii emission features located outside the network in the quiet chromosphere. Simultaneous spectra in K and λ 8542 show unambiguously that the evolutionary behaviour of the K-line profile due to an outwardly propagating velocity pulse. Assuming that this pulse is a progressive acoustic wave, as suggested by the inferred flow parameters, we show that the wave loses mechanical energy in traversing the chromosphere. This implies that the bright Ca ii features (K-grains) are the manifestation of local heating in the chromosphere, possibly by shock waves.


We describe the properties of dark structures which are seen in the K-line wings and which seem to propagate inward into the K-line core, or upward in the solar atmosphere. These so-called dark whiskers appear to be related to the bright disturbances (bright whiskers) described by Liu (1974). Both may be related to the shocks that heat the chromosphere and corona.  相似文献   

Details are presented of an atmospheric Cherenkov telescope for use in very high energy gamma-ray astronomy which consists of a cluster of 109 close-packed photomultiplier tubes at the focus of a 10 meter optical reflector. The images of the Cherenkov flashes generated both by gamma-ray and charged cosmic-ray events are digitized and recorded. Subsequent off-line analysis of the images improves the significance of the signal to noise ratio by a factor of 10 compared with non-imaging techniques.  相似文献   

Brandt  P. N.  Wiesmeier  A. 《Solar physics》1974,38(2):517-521
Atmospheric image degradation can be reduced by shortening the exposure time. Therefore, four single-stage electrostatically focused image intensifier tubes with fiber optic output were tested in the laboratory for their suitability in solar spectroscopy. Under the premise that the spatial and spectral image scales (Capri: 5.9 mm–1 and 9 mm Å–1, resp.) should not be changed by a premagnification, the RCA tube 8605/V1 in combination with Copex Pan Rapid film turns out as the best choice. It yields a resolution of 55 line-pairs mm–1 and a gain of exposure time by a factor of 14 over Kodak IV-E in the red, with only little increase of photometric noise but appreciable pin-cushion distortion.Mitteilung aus dem Fraunhofer Institut, Nr. 129.  相似文献   

Absorption‐line systems detected in high resolution quasar spectra can be used to compare the value of dimensionless fundamental constants such as the fine‐structure constant, α, and the proton‐to‐electron mass ratio, μ = mp/me, as measured in remote regions of the Universe to their value today on Earth. In recent years, some evidence has emerged of small temporal and also spatial variations in α on cosmological scales which may reach a fractional level of ≈ 10 ppm (parts per million). We are conducting a Large Programme of observations with the Very Large Telescope's Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES), and are obtaining high‐resolution (R ≈ 60000) and high signal‐to‐noise ratio (S/N ≈ 100) spectra calibrated specifically to study the variations of the fundamental constants. We here provide a general overview of the Large Programme and report on the first results for these two constants, discussed in detail in Molaro et al. (2013) and Rahmani et al. (2013). A stringent bound for Δα /α is obtained for the absorber at zabs = 1.6919 towards HE 2217‐2818. The absorption profile is complex with several very narrow features, and is modeled with 32 velocity components. The relative variation in α in this system is +1.3 ± 2.4stat ± 1.0sys ppm if Al II λ 1670 Å and three FeII transitions are used, and +1.1 ± 2.6stat ppm in a slightly different analysis with only FeII transitions used. This is one of the tightest bounds on α ‐variation from an individual absorber and reveals no evidence for variation in α at the 3‐ppm precision level (1σ confidence). The expectation at this sky position of the recently‐reported dipolar variation of α is (3.2–5.4) ± 1.7 ppm depending on dipole model used and this constraint of Δα /α at face value is not supporting this expectation but not inconsistent with it at the 3σ level. For the proton‐to‐electron mass ratio the analysis of the H2 absorption lines of the zabs ≈ 2.4018 damped Lyα system towards HE 0027–1836 provides Δμ /μ = (–7.6 ± 8.1stat ± 6.3sys) ppm which is also consistent with a null variation. The cross‐correlation analysis between individual exposures taken over three years and comparison with almost simultaneous asteroid observations revealed the presence of a possible wavelength dependent velocity drift as well as of inter‐order distortions which probably dominate the systematic error and are a significant obstacle to achieve more accurate measurements. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The optical design and performance of the recently commissioned fiber fed echelle spectrometer of 2.34 meter Vainu Bappu Telescope are described. The use of it for stellar spectroscopic studies is discussed.  相似文献   

We present new 1.45-1.75 μm spectra of Europa's dark non-ice material with a spectral resolution (λ/δλ) of 1200, obtained by using adaptive optics on the Keck telescope to spatially separate the spectrum of the non-ice material from that of the surrounding ice-rich regions. Despite the great increase in spectral resolution over the previous best spectra of the non-ice material, taken with Galileo's near-infrared mapping spectrometer (NIMS) with λ/δλ=66, no new fine-scale spectral structure is revealed. The smoothness of the spectra is inconsistent with available laboratory spectra of crystalline hydrated salts at Europa temperatures, but is more consistent with various combinations of non-crystalline hydrated salts and/or hydrated sulfuric acid, as have been matched to the lower-resolution NIMS spectra.  相似文献   

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