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Water column profiles and near-bed time series of pressure, current velocity, suspended-particulate matter (SPM) concentration and seawater temperature and salinity were collected during three short cruises carried out in May 2005 in the shoreface and inner shelf area adjacent to Cassino Beach, southern Brazil. The measurements were part of the Cassino Experiment, a project conducted at an open, sandy coastal area known for the occurrence of patches of fairly large amounts of muddy sediments that are sporadically fluidized, transported onshore and eventually stranded on the beach. The study area is close to the Patos Lagoon mouth, being influenced by its water and suspended-sediment discharge. The presence of the Patos Lagoon outflow on the inner shelf was detected in one of the cruises (May 13) through measurements of near-surface salinity: while close to shore salinity was 29.4, a minimum value of 13.8 was measured at ∼10 km from the coast. Four days later, no trace of the plume was detected in the area. Regarding seawater temperature, no large temporal or spatial variability was documented with measured values ranging from 19.3 to 20 °C. Water column currents were prominently to N and NE, except at the outermost station, located ∼42 km from the coast, where NW-directed flows were observed at surface and mid-depth. Maximum near-bed current velocity oscillated between 18 and 42 cm s−1 in the east–west direction and between 14 and 42 cm s−1 in the north–south direction. Near-surface concentration of SPM oscillated between 11 and 99 mg L−1, in general one order of magnitude lower than near-bed values. However, near-bed concentration of SPM showed large spatial variability: the highest value (2200 mg L−1) was yielded by a water sample collected at ∼8 m water depth, at a station located ∼2 km away from the shoreline; two water samples collected 500 m, apart from this station, yielded SPM concentrations of 148 and 205 mg L−1, one order of magnitude lower. Spectral analyses of near-bed current speed and SPM concentration indicate the relevance of oscillations in the low-frequency (<0.05 Hz) range. Detailed sampling of bottom sediment indicated that in May 2005 the mud patch was centered at ∼8.5 m water depth.  相似文献   

Winter observations of shelf and slope hydrography and currents in the inner Gulf of Tehuantepec are analysed from two field studies in 1989 and 1996 to specify the variability of near-shore conditions under varying wind stress. During the winter period frequent outbursts of ‘Norte’ winds over the central Gulf result in persistent alongshore inflows along both its eastern and western coasts. Wind-induced variability on time scales of several days strongly influences the shelf currents, but has greater effect on its western coast because of the generation and separation of anticyclonic eddies there. The steadier inflow (∼0.2 m s−1) on the eastern shelf is evident in a strong down-bowing of shallow isosurfaces towards the coast within 100 km of shore, below a wedge of warmer, fresher and lighter water. This persistent entry of less saline (33.4–34.0), warmer water from the southeast clearly originates in buoyancy input by rivers along the Central American coast, but is augmented by a general shoreward tendency (0.2 m s−1) in the southeastern Gulf. The resultant shallow tongue of anomalous water is generally swept offshore in the head of the Gulf and mixed away by the strong outflow and vertical overturning of the frequent ‘Norte’ events but during wind relaxations the warm, low-salinity coastal flow may briefly extend further west. In the head of the Gulf, flow is predominantly offshore (<0.2 m s−1) as the alongshore component alternates eastward and westward in association with elevation or depression, respectively, of the pycnocline against the shore. More saline, open ocean water is introduced from the north-western side of the Gulf by the inflow along the west coast. During extended wind relaxations, the flow becomes predominantly eastward beyond the shelf while nearshore the coastally trapped buoyant inflow from the southeast penetrates across the entire head of the gulf at least as far as its western limit. On the basis of these and other recent observations, it seems that the accepted view of a broad, persistent Costa Rica Coastal Current (CRCC) is the result of averaging over many relatively sparse observations and that the instantaneous CRCC is a highly variable and convoluted flow around and between constantly changing eddies. The buoyancy-driven shelf current reported here forms a hitherto unrecognized, but major, component of this CRCC system.  相似文献   

To investigate how salinity changes with abrupt increases and decreases in river discharge, three surveys were conducted along six sections around the Yellow River mouth before, during and after a water regulation event during which the river discharge was increased from ∼200 to >3000 m3 s−1 for the first 3 days, was maintained at >3000 m3 s−1 for the next 9 days and was decreased to <1000 m3 s−1 for the final 4 days. The mean salinity in the Yellow River estuary area during the event varied ∼1.21, which is much larger than its seasonal variation (∼0.50) and interannual variation (∼0.05). Before the event, a small plume was observed near the river mouth. During the event, the plume extended over 24 km offshore in the surface layer in the direction of river water outflow. After the event, the plume diminished in size but remained larger than before the event. The downstream propagation of the plume (as in a Kelvin wave sense) was apparent in the bottom layer during the second survey and in both the surface and bottom layers during the third survey. The plume sizes predicted by the formulas from theoretical studies are larger than those we observed, indicating that factors neglected by theoretical studies such as the temporal variation in river discharge and vertical mixing in the sea could be very important for plume evolution. In addition to the horizontal variation of the plume, we also observed the penetration of freshwater from the surface layer into the bottom layer. A comparison of two vertical processes, wind mixing and tidal mixing, suggests that the impact of wind mixing may be comparable with that of tidal mixing in the area close to the river mouth and may be dominant over offshore areas. The change in Kelvin number indicates an alteration of plume dynamics due to the abrupt change in river discharge during the water regulation event.  相似文献   

Previous work concerning Gulf Stream warm-core rings (WCRs) and their associated shelf water entrainments have been based upon single surveys or time series from individual WCRs. To date, estimates of annual shelf water volume entrained into the Slope Sea by WCRs and its interannual variability have not been made. Using a long time series of satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) observations of Slope Sea WCRs, we have completed an analysis of 22 years of WCR data (1978–1999) between 75°W and 50°W to understand the interannual variability of WCRs and their role in entraining shelf water. Satellite-derived SST data digitized at Bedford Institute of Oceanography are analyzed using an ellipse-fitting feature model to determine key WCR characteristics including WCR center position, radius and orientation. Key characteristics are then used to compute WCR swirl velocity by finite-differencing WCR orientations (θ) obtained from the feature model time series. Global mean WCR-edge swirl velocity calculated from all observations is 105.72±10.7 km day−1 (122.36±12.4 cm s−1), and global mean WCR radius is 64.8±6.2 km. Primary and derived WCR data are incorporated into a two-dimensional ring entrainment model (RM) using the quasi-geostrophic approximation of the potential vorticity equation. The RM defines ambient water as entrained by a WCR only if the gradient of relative vorticity term (horizontal shear) dominates the potential vorticity. Proximity of a WCR to the position of the shelf-slope front (SSF) is then used to determine whether the ambient water is entrained from the outer continental shelf. WCR-induced shelf entrainment derived from the RM displays considerable spatial variability, with maximum entrainment occurring offshore of Georges Bank, advecting a mean total annual shelf water volume of 7500 km3 year−1 from the region. Estimates of shelf water fluxes display significant interannual variability, which may be in part due to the observed covariance between WCR occurrences and the state of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Increased (decreased) occurrences of WCRs are evidenced during positive (negative) phases of the NAO. The total mean annual shelf-wide WCR-induced shelf water transport is estimated to be 23,700 km3 year−1 (0.75 Sv), accounting for nearly 25% of the total transport in the Slope Sea region neighboring the outer continental shelf.  相似文献   

The study of plant-bound nutrient transport has been largely neglected in estuaries. Lately however, it has been shown that nutrients bound to macroalgae and seagrasses can constitute a major part of the nutrient transport in shallow tidal estuaries. Organic detritus in estuaries comes from various sources. This paper looks into the source of detritus from sloughing, and the transport behaviour of plant detritus under unidirectional flows. In order to determine the extent of the sloughing of macrophytes, the threshold current velocities for the traction and resuspension of the most common submersed macrophytes in Venice Lagoon (Ulva lactuca, Enteromorpha sp., Ceramium rubrum, Cladophora sp., and Chaetomorpha linum) were studied in a laboratory flume. It was found that all macrophytes subjected to flows of 1.5–3.0 cm s−1 move initially as bed load. The threshold for suspension of the macrophyte tissue was at current speeds >3 cm s−1. The exception was the filamentous macroalgae, C. linum, which moved as bed load at all current speeds. This implies that the advection of plant-bound nutrients in Venice Lagoon is widespread and takes place over virtually all stages of the tide.  相似文献   

We examined the occurrence of seasonal hypoxia (O2<2 mg l−1) in the bottom waters of four river-dominated ocean margins (off the Changjiang, Mississippi, Pearl and Rhône Rivers) and compared the processes leading to the depletion of oxygen. Consumption of oxygen in bottom waters is linked to biological oxygen demand fueled by organic matter from primary production in the nutrient-rich river plume and perhaps terrigenous inputs. Hypoxia occurs when this consumption exceeds replenishment by diffusion, turbulent mixing or lateral advection of oxygenated water. The margins off the Mississippi and Changjiang are affected the most by summer hypoxia, while the margins off the Rhône and the Pearl rivers systems are less affected, although nutrient concentrations in the river water are very similar in the four systems. Spring and summer primary production is high overall for the shelves adjacent to the Mississippi, Changjiang and Pearl (1–10 g C m−2 d−1), and lower off the Rhône River (<1 g C m−2 d−1), which could be one of the reasons of the absence of hypoxia on the Rhône shelf. The residence time of the bottom water is also related to the occurrence of hypoxia, with the Mississippi margin showing a long residence time and frequent occurrences of hypoxia during summer over very large spatial scales, whereas the East China Sea (ECS)/Changjiang displays hypoxia less regularly due to a shorter residence time of the bottom water. Physical stratification plays an important role with both the Changjiang and Mississippi shelf showing strong thermohaline stratification during summer over extended periods of time, whereas summer stratification is less prominent for the Pearl and Rhône partly due to the wind effect on mixing. The shape of the shelf is the last important factor since hypoxia occurs at intermediate depths (between 5 and 50 m) on broad shelves (Gulf of Mexico and ECS). Shallow estuaries with low residence time such as the Pearl River estuary during the summer wet season when mixing and flushing are dominant features, or deeper shelves, such as the Gulf of Lion off the Rhône show little or no hypoxia.  相似文献   

Near-inertial currents in the DeSoto Canyon region are described using current and wind observations taken between April 1997 and March 1998 for the “DeSoto Canyon Eddy Intrusion Study”. Distinct energy peaks are present at near-inertial frequencies for the clockwise spectrum and there is little energy at the same frequencies for the counterclockwise current spectrum. In this region, amplitudes of the near-inertial currents can be as high as 40 cm s−1. These currents are surface-intensified and display an increase in amplitude from the shelf break to offshore. Between November 1997 and March 1998, they were effectively generated by shifting winds accompanying passages of cold fronts. For this time period, near-inertial currents are reasonably well-simulated by a mixed-layer model forced by observed winds. During summer 1997, however, enhanced near-inertial motions often resulted from resonance between winds and existing currents.  相似文献   

Saronikos Gulf (Greece) practically constitutes the sea border of the metropolitan city of Athens and the alongshore outskirts, and it receives the treated wastes of ∼4 million people from a point source that discharges on the sea bottom at ∼65 m water depth. Total organic carbon (TOC) was measured in 477 seawater samples collected in the Saronikos Gulf, during 10 cruises, from August 2001 to May 2004 and analyzed with the High Temperature Catalytic Oxidation method (HTCO). TOC concentrations ranged from 49 to 198 μmol C L−1 in agreement with other Mediterranean coastal waters. The highest TOC concentrations were found in the upper waters (0–75 m), whereas in the deeper parts of the Gulf (between 100 and 400 m) TOC concentrations were kept constantly low (49–70 μmol C L−1). A general pattern towards higher TOC concentrations during summer was also observed. Calculations of non-refractory (labile+semi-labile) organic material based on a one-dimensional (1D) conceptual model showed that it corresponds to 33% of the bulk TOC during summer and to 27% during winter. Bacterial production (BP) was measured at selected stations of ∼70–80 m depth using the [3H] leucine method. Depth integrated BP values varied from 2.8 to 10.9 mmol m−2 d−1, whereas extraordinary high integrated BP values (126 and 140 mmol m−2 d−1) were observed at the station over the treated sewage outflow. From the turnover time, τ, of the non-refractory TOC by bacteria it was implied that organic matter in the effluents is extremely labile (2–58 days). Moreover, τ values at the other sites showed that during summer non-refractory organic material resisted bacterial degradation (1–8 months), whereas during early spring it was easily degradable (20–50 days). The balance of TOC fluxes for the Inner Gulf for June and September 2003 showed that the Inner Gulf acts as a net producer of TOC during summer. Our results suggest that the presence of the Athens treated sewage outfall does not contribute to the observed summer accumulation of TOC in the Inner Gulf and other causes such as increased bacteria predation and/or nutrient limitation must be responsible.  相似文献   

Sediment transport and the potential for erosion or deposition have been investigated on the Palos Verdes (PV) and San Pedro shelves in southern California to help assess the fate of an effluent-affected deposit contaminated with DDT and PCBs. Bottom boundary layer measurements at two 60-m sites in spring 2004 were used to set model parameters and evaluate a one-dimensional (vertical) model of local, steady-state resuspension, and suspended-sediment transport. The model demonstrated skill (Brier scores up to 0.75) reproducing the magnitudes of bottom shear stress, current speeds, and suspended-sediment concentrations measured during an April transport event, but the model tended to underpredict observed rotation in the bottom-boundary layer, possibly because the model did not account for the effects of temperature–salinity stratification. The model was run with wave input estimated from a nearby buoy and current input from four to six years of measurements at thirteen sites on the 35- and 65-m isobaths on the PV and San Pedro shelves. Sediment characteristics and erodibility were based on gentle wet-sieve analysis and erosion-chamber measurements. Modeled flow and sediment transport were mostly alongshelf toward the northwest on the PV shelf with a significant offshore component. The 95th percentile of bottom shear stresses ranged from 0.09 to 0.16 Pa at the 65-m sites, and the lowest values were in the middle of the PV shelf, near the Whites Point sewage outfalls where the effluent-affected layer is thickest. Long-term mean transport rates varied from 0.9 to 4.8 metric tons m−1 yr−1 along the 65-m isobaths on the PV shelf, and were much higher at the 35-m sites. Gradients in modeled alongshore transport rates suggest that, in the absence of a supply of sediment from the outfalls or PV coast, erosion at rates of ∼0.2 mm yr−1 might occur in the region southeast of the outfalls. These rates are small compared to some estimates of background natural sedimentation rates (∼5 mm yr−1), but do not preclude higher localized rates near abrupt transitions in sediment characteristics. However, low particle settling velocities and strong currents result in transport length-scales that are long relative to the narrow width of the PV shelf, which combined with the significant offshore component in transport, means that transport of resuspended sediment towards deep water is as likely as transport along the axis of the effluent-affected deposit.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton biomass and primary production were monitored in the Hauraki Gulf and on the northeastern continental shelf, New Zealand - using ship surveys, moored instruments and satellite observations (1998-2001) - capturing variability across a range of space and time scales. A depth-integrated primary production model (DIM) was used to predict integrated productivity from surface parameters, enabling regional-specific estimates from satellite data. The shelf site was dominated by pico-phytoplankton, with low chlorophyll-a (<1 mg m−3) and annual production (136 g C m−2 yr−1). In contrast, the gulf contained a micro/nano-phytoplankton-dominated community, with relatively high chlorophyll-a (>1 mg m−3) and annual production (178 g C m−2 yr−1). Biomass and productivity responded to physico-chemical factors; a combination of light, critical mixing depths and/or nutrient limitation—particularly new nitrate-N. Relatively low biomass and production was observed during 1999. This coincided with inter-annual variability in the timing and extent of upwelling- and downwelling-favourable along-shelf wind-stress, influencing the fluxes of new nitrate-N to the shelf and gulf. Relationships with the Southern Oscillation Index are also discussed. Our multi-scaled sampling highlighted details associated with stratification and de-stratification events, and deep sub-surface chlorophyll-a not visible to satellite sensors. This study demonstrates the importance of multi-scaled sampling in gaining estimates of regional production and its responses to physico-chemical forcing.  相似文献   

Although large-scale tidal and inertial motions dominate the kinetic energy and vertical current shear in shelf seas and ocean, short-scale internal waves at higher frequencies close to the local buoyancy frequency are of some interest for studying internal wave breaking and associated diapycnal mixing. Such waves near the upper limit of the inertio-gravity wave band are thought to have relatively short O (102–103 m) horizontal scales and to show mainly up- and downward motions, which contrasts with generally low aspect ratio large-scale ocean currents. Here, short-term vertical current (w) observations using moored acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) are presented from a shelf sea, above a continental slope and from the open ocean. The observed w, with amplitudes between 0.015 and 0.05 m s−1, all span a considerable part of the water column, which is not a small vertical scale O(water depth) or O (100–500 m, the maximum range of observations), with either 0 or π phase change. This implies that they actually represent internal waves of low vertical modes 1 or 2. Maximum amplitudes are found in layers of largest stratification, some in the main pycnocline bordering the frictional bottom boundary layer, suggesting a tidal source. These ‘pycnocline-w’ compose a regular train of (solitary) internal waves and linearly decrease to small values near surface and bottom.  相似文献   

Extensive mud deposits superimposed on the predominantly sandy inner continental shelf adjacent to the Patos Lagoon estuary, indicates that the Lagoon is a potential source of fine sediments to the coastal sedimentary system. The lagoon is large and shallow, and the water movement is mainly controlled by wind-driven set-up and set-down. The mean river inflow is around 2000 m3 s−1, although peak flow rates exceeding 20,000 m3 s−1 have been observed during El Niño periods. Though the tidal elevations are small, tidal velocities in the lagoon's inlet can be significant due to the large extension of the backwaters. Moreover, significant exchange flows can be generated between the estuary and coastal area due to barotropic pressure gradients established as a function of wind and freshwater discharge. The predominant net flow is seawards, but opposite near-bed flows due to pronounced vertical salinity stratification can also be observed. The coastal area is characterized by small tidal effects, large scale ocean circulation, wind-induced residual flows and wave-driven currents, where the waves originate from swell or are locally generated.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) cycling and respiration rates were measured in sediment columns packed with southeastern United States continental shelf sands, with high permeability (4.66×10−11 m2) and low organic carbon (0.05%) and nitrogen (0.008%). To simulate porewater advection, natural shelf seawater was pumped through columns of different lengths to achieve fluid residence times of approximately 3, 6, and 12 h. Experiments were conducted seasonally at in situ temperature. Fluid flow was uniform in nearly all columns, with minimal dead zones and channeling. Significant respiration (O2 consumption and ∑CO2 production) occurred in all columns, with highest respiration rates in summer. Most (78–100%) remineralized N was released as N2 in the majority of cases, including columns with oxic porewater throughout, with only a small fraction released as NO3 from some oxic columns. A rate of 0.84–4.83×1010 mol N yr−1, equivalent to 1.06–6.09×10−6 mmol N cm−2 h−1, was calculated for benthic N2 production in the South Atlantic Bight, which can account for a large fraction of new N inputs to this shelf region. Metal and sulfate reduction occurred in long residence time columns with anoxic outflow in summer and fall, when respiration rates were highest. Because permeable sediments dominate continental shelves, N2 production in high permeability coastal sediments may play an important role in the global N cycle.  相似文献   

Residual currents in eastern Long Island Sound (LIS) are investigated using direct velocity measurements from an acoustic Doppler current profiler mounted on a ferry. Circulation at the site has major influence on exchange of water and water-borne materials between LIS and the coastal ocean. Ferry sampling enables sufficient averaging to isolate the residual motion from stronger tidal currents, and captures its spatial structure. Mean along-estuary currents based on about 2 years of sampling reveal a vigorous estuarine exchange circulation (peak 25–30 cm s−1 at depth), with flow eastward out of the estuary in the upper water column of the southern half and inward westward movement strengthening with depth over the central and north section. Application of volume conservation implies there is a strong eastward current out of the estuary in the shallowest 7 m where no measurements were made, as expected for estuarine exchange flow. Water from the Connecticut River, entering LIS on the north shore nearby to the west, does not appear to exit the estuary directly eastward along the north shore unless this occurs wholly in the shallow layer not sampled. Transverse currents have complex structure with generally northward (southward) flow where shallow outward (deep inward) motion occurs. An idealized semi-analytic solution for transverse-vertical structure of along- and across-estuary flow has limited success accounting for observed currents, despite inclusion of bathymetric, frictional, and rotational influences; this suggests the importance in LIS of dynamics it omits, in particular stratification, or does not represent with sufficient realism, such as complex bathymetry. Estimated annual-mean exchange volume transport, based on the better-sampled deep inward component, is 22,700±5000 m3 s−1. This is comparable to previous estimates from some salt budget and hydrographic analyses, and implies advection contributes substantially to the total salt transport, contrary to results of a recent box-model analysis of hydrographic measurements. At seasonal timescales, changes to the transverse-vertical velocity structure are modest, but amplitude variations cause exchange volume transport increases (decreases) to 30,000 m3 s−1 (18,000 m3 s−1) in the summer (winter) months; a power-law dependence of exchange on river flow, as seen in other estuaries, is not supported. Strengthened summer transport is associated with enhanced stratification, suggesting that mixing effects modulate the exchange. To the extent that advection by residual flow contributes to total exchange between LIS and coastal waters, the flushing of materials from LIS should occur substantially faster in summer than in winter.  相似文献   

The Sepik River is a major contributor of water, sediment and associated organic loads to the coastal waters of northern New Guinea and the Bismarck Sea. We compare dissolved and particulate organic carbon data from September 1997 during an extremely dry El Nino year with those from 1996, 1999 and 2000 during La Nina wet season discharges. Estimated Sepik River flux of DOC is 3.2×1010 mol yr−1 and POC is 1.1×1011 mol yr−1. The estimates for total river nutrient fluxes to the sea are 1.1×1010 mol yr−1 for nitrogen and 4.6×108 mol yr−1 for phosphorus. The Sepik DOC flux is about equal to that combined from all four major rivers that enter the Gulf of Papua on the south coast of PNG. The Sepik inorganic PIC flux is low (1.4×108 mol yr−1) as the river does not drain carbonate soils. With a narrow continental shelf, and strong coastal currents, much of this exported material is available for long distance transport into the coastal Bismarck Sea and beyond.  相似文献   

The metabolic balance between production and respiration in plankton communities of the Gulf of Papua was investigated in May 2004. Water samples taken at 19 stations were allocated to groups on the basis of physico-chemical characteristics. Oxygen consumption and production in flasks incubated in the dark and in the light was determined by micro-Winkler titration. Dark bottle respiration in samples influenced by the estuarine plume averaged 3.09±1.92 (SD) mmol O2 m−3 d−1 and production within surface light bottles averaged 7.63±3.36 (SD)  mmol O2 m−3 d−1. Corresponding values in stations more typical of the central Gulf of Papua were 1.68±1.30 (SD) mmol O2 m−3 d−1 and 1.08±2.25 (SD) mmol O2 m−3 d−1. Despite a shallow (<10 m) euphotic zone within the plume stations, phytoplankton production in the surface layers was sufficiently high to subsidise total water column respiration. Integrating production and respiration over the water column resulted in a calculation of net community production (NCP) of 626±504 (SD) mg C m−2 d−1, and community respiration (CR) of 712±492 mg C m−2 d−1 at the plume stations, with an average P:R ratio of 1.97. In the offshore group NCP was 157±450 (SD) mg C m−2 d−1 and CR was 1620±1576 mg C m−2 d−1. The average P:R ratio was 1.27. Three of the 7 stations allocated to the offshore group were net heterotrophic. In contrast to earlier studies in the area indicating that the Gulf of Papua waters is heterotrophic [Robertson, A.I., Dixon, P., Alongi, D.M., 1998. The influence of fluvial discharge on pelagic production in the Gulf of Papua, Northern Coral Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 46, 319–331], our data indicate that in May 2004 the Gulf was in positive metabolic balance, but by only ∼120 mg C m−2 d−1. We conclude that waters of the Gulf of Papua under riverine influence are net autotrophic, but that within the central Gulf there is a fine metabolic balance alternating between autotrophy and heterotrophy.  相似文献   

Estimates of clearance rates (CR) of Cerastoderma edule (300 ind. m−2) as a function of free-stream current velocity (U) (from 5 to 40 cm s−1) were compared between a small annular (60 l) and a large racetrack (8850 l) flume with different hydrodynamic conditions. Results showed that the flumes differ considerably in their hydrodynamic characteristics. The relationship between CR and U is different in the two flume tanks, however there appears to be a straightforward unimodal trend between CR and shear velocity (U*). It was found that the cockles themselves influence the benthic boundary layer (BBL) characteristics, by causing steeper velocity gradients and increasing the mixing over the cockle bed compared to bare sediment. This provides new evidence on how endobenthic organisms can affect the BBL. However, the influence of CR on U* could not be quantified because these parameters have interactive effects that cannot be dissociated.  相似文献   

We examined spatial variations in benthic remineralisation (measured as sediment oxygen consumption (SOC)) and sediment properties on the northeastern New Zealand continental shelf and slope to assess the importance of benthic mineralisation in this ecosystem and to provide data for more complete global carbon budgets. SOC measured in dark incubations conducted in early summer ranged from 128 μmol m−2 h−1 at the deepest (360 m) to 1222 μmol m−2 h−1 at the shallowest (4.2 m) site and decreased significantly with water depth (p<0.001, r2=0.78, SOC=1222.8−456.3×log10[water depth], n=14 sites). These rates were in the range found on continental shelves elsewhere (64–1750 μmol m−2 h−1, n=30 studies) and had a very similar distribution with water depth. SOC was also measured in light incubations at seven sites (4.2–35 m water depth) to examine the effects of microphytobenthos and accounted for 42–106% of rates measured in the dark. Measurements of near-bed light intensities suggested that microphytobenthos production was not solely regulated by light intensity but evidently influenced by other factors. A two-dimensional PCA ordination of surface sediment properties accounted for 83.3% of the total variance in the data and divided the study area into three clusters that corresponded well to its spatial division into the shallow (<30 m) Firth of Thames, the Hauraki Gulf (30–50 m) and the northern shelf-slope region. In the Firth of Thames sediments were very fine-grained with low CaCO3 and high total organic matter and pigment content, and low C:N ratios. The northern shelf-slope sediments showed the opposite trends to the Firth of Thames and those in the Hauraki Gulf had mostly intermediate values. Dark SOC was significantly correlated with sediment organic matter, carbon, nitrogen, pigments and silt/clay content (p<0.05, r=0.55–0.85) but a multiple linear regression revealed that water depth was the only significant predictor. Calculations suggest that approximately 13%, 10% and 34% of primary production is remineralised in the sediments of the northern shelf-slope region, Hauraki Gulf and Firth of Thames, respectively, indicating a strong benthic–pelagic coupling on the northeastern New Zealand continental shelf that was particularly pronounced in the Firth of Thames due to its shallow depth and significant terrestrial and riverine inputs.  相似文献   

A sediment budget is constructed for the slope and narrow continental shelf off the Sepik River in order to estimate the relative importance of turbid plumes versus bottom gravity transport through a near-shore submarine canyon in the dispersal of sediment across this collision margin. 210Pb geochronology and inventories of Kasten cores are consistent with the northwestward dispersal of sediment from the river mouth via hypopycnal and possible isopycnal plumes. Sediment accumulation rates are 5 cm yr−1 on the upper slope just off of the Sepik mouth, decreasing gradually to 1 cm yr−1 toward the northwest, and decreasing abruptly offshore (<0.2 cm yr−1 at 1200 m water depth). A sediment budget indicates that only about 7–15% of the Sepik River sediment discharge accumulates on the adjacent open shelf and slope. The remainder presumably escapes offshore via gravity flows through a submarine canyon, the head of which extends into the river mouth. The divergent sediment pathways observed off the Sepik River (i.e., surface and subsurface plumes versus sediment gravity flows through a canyon) may be common along high-yield collision margins of the Indo–Pacific archipelago, and perhaps are analogous to most margins during Late Quaternary low sea-level conditions.  相似文献   

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