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Water samples (springs, creeks, mine adits) from different former mining districts of the Harz Mountains and the nearby Kupferschiefer (copper shale) basin of Sangerhausen were analysed for major ions and trace metals. Due to more intensive water rock interactions including the ore minerals, the mine water concentrations of main components and trace metals are generally higher compared to non mining affected surface waters of the mountain range. Furthermore, the content of major ions in mine water is enriched by mixing processes with saline waters from Permian layers in the Kupferschiefer district and at the deeper levels of the mines in the Upper Harz Mountains. The waters of the different mining districts can be distinguished by trace metal occurrences and concentrations derived from the different ore bodies. Water from the Kupferschiefer mines shows the highest Na, Cl, Cu, Mo and U concentrations, whereas a combination of elevated As and Se concentrations is typical for most of the samples from the mines around St. Andreasberg. However, there are exceptions, and some water samples of all the investigated mining districts do not follow these general trends. Despite the influence of mining activities and ore mineralisation, hydrochemical effects due to rain water dilution can be seen in most of the waters. According to the elevation of the mountain range, higher precipitation rates decrease the ion concentrations in the waters of springs, creeks and mine adits.  相似文献   

Spring water samples of the Harz Mountains were taken in several seasons of 2010, 2011, and 2012. The samples have been analysed for main components (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42−, Cl, HCO3 and NO3), trace elements (Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Y and REE), DOC, δ18O and δ2H of water. Meteoric water is indicated as the main source of the springs sampled. High precipitation rates lead to a dilution of the measured elemental concentrations. Furthermore, regional differences of rock and water interactions were found. REE concentrations and patterns of the spring waters vary between the distinct geological units and reflect the geochemical characteristics of the surrounding rocks. The actual data compared to measured data from the seventies and nineties of the last century indicate a decrease of the sulphate concentrations in the spring waters which is typical of many European mountain catchments.  相似文献   

The origin and age of the hydrothermal fluids related to the precipitation of fluorite, barite and calcite in the Villabona, La Collada and Berbes localities (Asturias fluorspar district, N Spain) have been evaluated from Sr and Nd radiogenic isotopes. Sr isotope data (87Sr / 86Sr = 0.7081 to 0.7096) are compatible with mixing between seawater and a more evolved groundwater that interacted with the basement. From Nd isotopes in fluorite, an isochron age of 185 ± 29 Ma (Lower Jurassic) was obtained, consistent with other hydrothermal events in the Iberian Peninsula and Europe. These constraints are essential to proceed with a quantitative model for the genesis of the mineralization that includes fluid and heat flow together with reactive transport of solutes.  相似文献   

Fluorite can be used as a probe for the source of Sr and REE, as well as for the Sr and Nd isotope systematics of mineralizing solutions, allowing characterization of the composition, oxidation state and sources of the fluids. The 87Sr / 86Sr ratios in vein fluorite from the Santa Catarina Fluorite District, southern Brazil, are low (0.720 to 0.745) relative to those of the majority of host granites at the time of mineralization (90 Ma), but are similar to those of less abundant and less evolved Sr- and Ca-rich granites and plagioclases of the heterogeneous Pedras Grandes granite association. Major contributions of Sr from the unradiogenic Parana Basin rocks (87Sr / 86Sr90 Ma = 0.705 to 0.718) are unlikely, considering the radiogenic character of the lower 87Sr / 86Sr end-member in fluorite mixing lines. Estimated fluorite fluid partition coefficients (KdSr-Ca = 0.019 and DSr ≈ 600) indicate a Sr / Ca ratio in the fluorite-forming solution of 0.012, and Sr contents of 0.05 to 0.25 ppm, which are similar to those of present-day granitic geothermal waters. Initial Nd isotopic compositions of the vein fluorites (0.5120 to 0.512) are similar to those of the Pedras Grandes granites. The 143Nd / 144Nd90 Ma of the evolved granites of the Tabuleiro granite association, their accessory fluorites and the Parana Basin rocks are considerably more radiogenic (0.5120 to 0.5127) and these are thus considered to be unlikely sources of the fluids. The REE patterns of vein fluorites, normalized to upper continental crust, show a range of LREE-depleted patterns, with highly variable positive and negative Eu anomalies. The host Pedras Grandes granites show flat to slightly depleted UCC normalized LREE patterns with strong negative Eu anomalies. Depletion of the LREE in fluorites resulted from the mobility of HREE fluoride complexes during fluid migration. A REE fractionation model based on ionic potential ratios indicates that Eu3+ was stable during fluid migration and fluorite precipitation. The coexistence of pyrite and Eu3+ in the mineralizing fluids is consistent with low pH and oxygen fugacities near the hematite-magnetite buffer.  相似文献   

A new Bouguer anomaly map is presented for the region of the entire Harz Mountains based on more than 60,000 gravity values. The various gravity anomalies are discussed and interpretation is carried out by high-resolution 3-D gravity modeling. One of the main subjects of interest in the investigation is the northern boundary fault zone of the Harz Mountains, separating the Mesozoic sediments in the north from the Palaeozoic rocks of the Harz in the south. Dip and vertical displacement are determined for this fault zone; mean values are 3400 m and 70°, respectively. Gravity modeling shows that the Brocken and the Ramberg Granites are distinctly different. The Brocken Granite is shallow, whereas the Ramberg Granite has a maximum depth of 8.5 km and a N---S dimension of 37 km. The prominent Benneckenstein Gravity High is explained by two different models, one based on a granodioritic intrusion (2900 kg/m3) with a center-depth of 14 km and the other based on phyllites (2740 kg/m3) on a depth of 3–4 km.

Studies on the geodynamic evolution of the Harz Mountains are carried out using the finite-element method. On the basis of a 3-D model, vertical displacements that can be related to horizontal forces are computed. For the period of the Variscan Orogeny an uplift of 600 m in the Harz area is calculated, for Late Cretaceous and Tertiary 400 m are determined. The total amount of 1000 m is about 1/2 of the vertical displacement of the northern boundary fault zone of the Harz Mountains shown by the gravity modeling. These results do not contradict geological ideas.  相似文献   

The Attepe district consists of Precambrian, Lower–Middle Cambrian, Upper Cambrian–Lower Ordovician and Mesozoic formations. It contains several iron deposits and occurrences. Three types of iron-mineralizations can be distinguished in the area; (i) Sedimentary Fe-sulfide in Precambrian bituminous metapelitic rocks, and Fe-oxides in Precambrian metasandstones (SISO), (ii) vein-type Fe-carbonate and oxides composed of mainly siderite, ankerite and hematite including barite in Lower–Middle Cambrian metacarbonates of the Çaltepe Formation (HICO), (iii) karstic Fe-oxides and hydroxides essentially in the Lower–Middle Cambrian metacarbonates and the unweathered Fe-carbonates (KIO). The latter type is more widespread and located at the upper parts of the most important mineable iron deposits like Attepe deposit.

Oxygen-, carbon-, sulfur- and strontium-isotope studies have been performed on siderites and barites in the vein-type ores, and on calcites in the recrystallized Çaltepe Limestones to investigate the sources and formation mechanism of primary ore-forming constituents. The δ13C values of siderites and calcites in limestones of the Çaltepe Formation range from −10.10‰ to −8.20‰, and from −0.8‰ to 2.30‰. Both carbonate minerals show δ18O values between 17.50–18.30‰ and 16.20–23.00‰, respectively. The δ13C and δ18O isotopic variations do not indicate any direct or linear relations between siderites and limestones. However, it is possible that the carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of carbonate minerals could be changed to some extent, when limestones were subjected to hydrothermal processes or thermal alterations during metamorphism.

The isotopic values of barites display 32.40–38.30‰ for δ34S and 12.20–14.70‰ for δ18O. The strontium isotope ratios (0.717169–0.718601) of barites and the sulfur isotope compositions of barites and pyrites suggest that there are no direct linkages of ore-forming compounds neither with a magmatic source nor with sedimentary pyrite formations in the Precambrian bituminous shales of the Attepe formation.

According to the field observations and the stable isotope data, siderites and ankerites should be formed by interaction between iron-rich hydrothermal fluids and Çaltepe limestones, whereas isotope ratios of barites indicate that they were formed by mixing of sulfur-rich meteoric waters and deeply circulated hydrothermal solutions.  相似文献   

提要:旌德花岗质杂岩体位于安徽南部,由花岗闪长岩和二长花岗岩组成。本研究得到岩体中锆石U-Pb年龄为(141.0±1.0) Ma,认为该年龄代表岩体的侵位年龄。岩体全岩主量元素特征显示出中偏酸性 (SiO2=66.01%~70.87%),富Al (Al2O3=14.91%~16.24%),富碱 (alk = 6.64%~8.01%),K2O/Na2O变化范围在0.78~1.04,镁、铁含量较低,MgO:0.68%~1.06%,TFe2O3 (2.0%~3.34%),以及低磷 (P2O5 =0.10%~0.14%)的特点;微量元素主要富集Sr (189×10-6~452×10-6),贫Nb、Ta、P、Ti、Y、Yb,高Sr/Y比值 (23~66)和 (La/Yb)N (13~58),Eu有轻微的负异常到弱的正异常 (δEu=0.81~1.18)。旌德岩体的地球化学特征与中国东部中生代埃达克质岩相似。ISr=0.7096~0.7101, εNd(t)=-6.28~-7.32,εHf(t)值变化于-6.5~-1.1,两阶段模式年龄 tDM2=1.4~1.5 Ga。较年轻的Nd同位素模式年龄、较高的εNd(t)值和εHf(t)值,以及岩体中发育有岩浆混合成因的暗色包体,指示源区可能有地幔物质的贡献。幔源岩浆底侵使下地壳发生部分熔融,并发生了岩浆混合作用,形成了旌德岩体。  相似文献   

玉海铜(钼)矿床成矿岩体为石英闪长(玢)岩,矿化呈细脉状、细脉-浸染状和稀疏浸染状。围岩蚀变主要为钾硅酸盐化、石英-绢云母化、青磐岩化和黏土化蚀变。矿床类型为斑岩型。铜(钼)矿化主要发育于钾硅酸盐化阶段、石英-绢云母化阶段和青磐岩化阶段。流体包裹体可划分为气液两相包裹体、含子晶三相包裹体和CO_2包裹体3种类型。钾硅酸盐化阶段的均一温度为307~423℃,盐度w(NaCleq)为4.18%~10.11%,密度0.62~0.77g/cm~3,属于高温、中-低盐度流体;石英-绢云母化阶段均一温度为172~336℃,盐度为w(NaCleq)为3.23%~8.55%,密度0.70~0.93 g/cm~3,属于中温、低盐度流体;晚期青磐岩化阶段均一温度155~296℃,盐度w(NaCleq)为3.71%~9.08%,密度0.80~0.96 g/cm~3,属于中低温、低盐度流体。从早阶段到晚阶段,成矿流体温度逐渐下降,各成矿阶段成矿流体盐度均小于11%,但钾硅酸盐化阶段成矿流体盐度稍高。石英-绢云母化阶段成矿流体δD=-91.6‰~-72.1‰,δ~(18)OH_2O=-1.8‰~6.3‰;青磐岩化阶段成矿流体δD=-97.1‰~-68.3‰,δ~(18)OH_2O=-6.3‰~2.2‰;成矿流体具有岩浆水和大气降水混合特征,但青磐岩化阶段大气降水含量更高。硫化物的δ~(34)S值为-3.5‰~2.8‰,硫来自石英闪长(玢)岩。  相似文献   

由于缺乏系统的同位素分析研究工作,过去对东蒙地区燕山期岩浆岩的成因探讨,主要集中在大量岩石地球化学方面的分析研究,因此,其成因观点和岩浆起源的认识也各持己见,主要有3种认识:1)本区中生代壳源和幔源共生的“双模式”观点,认为锡多金属成矿与这种“双模式”的岩浆岩有成因联系;2)中生代花岗岩属于引张环境下,地幔上隆所引发的亚碱性一碱性非造山岩浆作用的产物;3)中生代岩浆岩是中生代大陆内部伸展造山环境下底侵作用形成的一套壳幔混熔岩浆的产物。总之,研究者多认为燕山期岩浆岩具有壳幔混合起源的特征。笔者对燕山期花岗质岩石的钕、锶、铅同位素进行了分析研究。其εNd(t)全为正值,变化范围为 0.75~ 8.12,平均值为 3.07,说明该区燕山期花岗岩的物质来源与亏损地幔有成因联系。其初始锶比值比较集中,变化于0.7028~0.7096,平均为0.7063,介于现代大洋玄武岩(0.702~0.706)和大陆地壳(0.706~0.718)之间,更接近大洋玄武岩。该区燕山期花岗岩的初始铅同位素的3个比值^206Pb/^204Pb、^207Pb/^204Pb、^308b/^204Pb都较高,平均值分别为18.3742,15.5500,38.1810。由钾长石的铅同位素比值计算出来的μ值介于9.51~8.91之间,低于μ=9.74的陆壳演化线。结合邻区兴蒙—北疆一带的岩浆岩同位素研究成果,笔者认为东蒙地区的燕山期花岗岩岩浆起源于亏损地幔的部分熔融作用和亏损地幔起源的晚华力西期古蒙古洋壳的部分熔融作用,即燕山期花岗岩浆最终起源于亏损地幔。并且提出了亏损地幔—古蒙古洋壳—边缘陆块活化的演化模式。  相似文献   

Archean supracrustal sequences of pelitic, quartzitic, calcareous and mafic compositions in the central Laramie Mountains, Wyoming, have been affected by two metamorphic events: a 1.78 Ga amphibolite-grade regional metamorphism, and a 1.43 Ga contact metamorphism resulting from the intrusion of the Laramie Anorthosite Complex (LAC). Rb–Sr whole-rock isotopic data from both outside and within the LAC contact aureole define a linear array that lies along a 1.78 Ga isochron. This date has been independently established as the time of amphibolite facies regional metamorphism associated with collision of the Archean Wyoming province and the Proterozoic Colorado province along the Cheyenne belt. The Rb–Sr isotopic data require that Sr was redistributed during regional metamorphism on a scale of at least tens of metres. Although within the 2 km-wide aureole of LAC the pelitic rocks were thermally metamorphosed at temperatures greater than 800 °C, none of the whole-rock Rb–Sr data from samples within the LAC aureole show evidence of resetting at 1.43 Ga. It is interpreted that the regional metamorphism involved fluid transport which facilitated Sr isotopic resetting, whereas the contact metamorphism occurred in a relatively dry environment in which isotopic mobility was restricted to centimetre-scale or less. Rb–Sr data for biotite, feldspar and whole rock from a regional metamorphosed pelitic schist give an isochron age of 1450±40 Ma, which is interpreted as a cooling age resulting from crustal uplift. Rb–Sr data for biotite, quartz+feldspar and whole rock from a pelitic schist affected by contact metamorphism give an isochron age of 1420±43 Ma, the time of isotopic re-equilibration in response either to crustal uplift or to both contact metamorphism and crustal uplift. This study demonstrates that although the response of isotopic systems to metamorphism is complex, isotopic data provide insight into metamorphic processes that is difficult to obtain by other means.  相似文献   

报道了大别造山带西南部湖北红安榴辉岩和罗田麻粒岩的氧同位素组成,并讨论了氧扩散作用对矿物氧同位素平衡的影响,结果得到,红安榴辉岩的全岩δ^18O值为6.4-7.3‰,罗田黄土岭麻粒岩的全岩δ^18O值为6.6-7.8‰,罗田惠兰山麻粒岩的全岩δ^18O值为3.9‰,这些榴辉岩和麻粒岩全岩的氧同位素组成保持了峰期变质条件下的平衡分馏特征,得到的氧同位素温度对于红安榴辉岩425-620度,对于罗田麻粒岩为740-945度。根据快速颗粒边界扩散模型计算的矿物对氧同位素温度不仅与大多数实测氧同位素温度一致,而且与岩石学测温结果相吻合,因此,这些岩石与东大别榴辉岩一样在形成后经历了快速冷却过程,退变质反应过程中没有外来流体加入。  相似文献   

红海早古生代块状硫化物矿床是近年来在东天山新发现的典型VMS型矿床,赋存在一套早古生代海相岛弧火山岩-火山碎屑岩中,是由上部透镜状块状矿体和深部脉状-网脉状矿体组成。文章对该矿床开展了系统的S、Pb同位素地球化学研究,拟揭示其成矿物质来源。本次分析获得金属硫化物的硫同位素δ34 S值:黄铁矿闪锌矿黄铜矿,且接近于0‰(-0.8‰~6.0‰);而重晶石的δ34 S值为高正值(27.4‰~29.9‰),这与世界大部分VMS型矿床的硫化物δ34 S值一致;矿床硫主要来自于下盘岛弧火山岩硫及与少量海水硫酸盐无机还原硫的混合。金属硫化物的Pb同位素组成比较集中,其中206 Pb/204 Pb为17.886~18.144,207 Pb/204 Pb为15.465~15.506,208Pb/204Pb为37.325~37.684,硫化物Pb同位素类似于MORB亏损地幔Pb同位素特征,具有地幔和造山带来源特征,显示其金属成矿物质主要来源于矿体下盘发育的具亏损地幔特征的岛弧火山岩。总之,红海VMS矿床硫化物S、Pb同位素研究显示其成矿物质主要来自岛弧火山岩,少量来自海水,它们为深入研究VMS矿床成矿物质来源和成矿过程中流体间相互作用提供了资料。  相似文献   

Based on the Rb-Sr isochron dating results, this paper suggests that the alkaline intrusive belt at the east foot of the Taihang-Da Hinggan Mountains were formed between 135 and 122 Ma. And the alkaline intrusives in the north and south sections of this belt have entirely different Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic characteristics, i.e., all the rocks in the south section have positive εSr(t) and negative εNd(t) values and all those in the north have the opposite values. On the εSr(t) versus εNd(t) correlation diagram, the samples from the south are concentrated along the enriched mantle evolution trend lines and nearby, while those from the north fall along the depleted mantle trend lines and nearby. On the Pb isotope composition diagram, most of the samples from the south section fall on the mantle Pb evolution line and nearby, while those from the north lie between the Pb evolution lines of the mantle and the erogenic belt. The above-stated isotopic characteristics not only indicate that the source rocks of  相似文献   

The Eckergneiss Complex (EGC) is a geologically unique medium- to high-grade metamorphic unit within the Rhenohercynian domain of the Mid-European Variscides. A previously, poorly defined conventional lower U–Pb intercept age of about 560 Ma from detrital zircons of metasedimentary rocks has led to speculations about an East Avalonian affinity of the EGC. In order to unravel the provenance and to constrain the age of the sediment protolith, we carried out sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe U–Pb analyses on detrital zircons from five different EGC quartzite occurrences. The obtained age spectrum indicates a SW Baltica provenance of the detritus. Sveconorwegian ages between 0.9–1.2 Ga are particularly well represented by analyses from metamorphic recrystallization/alteration zones penetrating into igneous zircon. Cadomian (Pan-African) ages, which might reflect a metamorphic event, could not be substantiated. Instead, zircons of igneous origin yielded concordant Lower Devonian and Silurian ages of 410±10, 419±10, and 436±6 Ma (1), implying that sedimentation of the EG protolith must have taken place after 410±10 Ma. The lower age limit of the EGC metamorphism is constrained by 295 Ma intrusion ages of the adjacent, nonmetamorphosed Harzburg Gabbronorite and Brocken Granite. Sedimentation and metamorphism must thus have taken place between about 410 Ma and 295 Ma. Given that this time span coincides with most of the sedimentation within the virtually nonmetamorphosed (lowest grade) Rhenohercynian in the Harz Mountains, including the direct vicinity of the EGC, along with the high-grade metamorphism, the EGC can hardly be seen as uplifted local basement. A possible candidate for the root region is an easterly, concealed marginal segment of the Rhenohercynian domain of the Variscides, which is tectonically overridden and suppressed by the Mid-German Crystalline Rise during continent collision. However, based on the concept of strike-slip movement of Variscan terranes with different P–T–t histories as a result of postaccretion intraplate deformation, the EGC could also represent a fault-bounded complex with an origin located far east or south east of the present location.
Thorsten GeislerEmail:

报道了大别山北缘中生代(早白垩世)不同成因系列火山-侵入岩的14个Rb-Sr,Sm-Nd同位素分析数据,其中正长岩类ISr值为0.70943-0.71014,εNd值为-14.7-15.8,亏损地幔两阶段模式年龄TDM为2.12-2.20Ga;高钾钙碱性系列岩石ISr值为0.70750-0.71054,εNd值为-17.2--19.1,TDM为2.32-2.48Ga,橄榄安粗岩系列岩石ISr值为0.70873-0.70912,εNd值为-20.7-21.7,TDM为2.60-2.68Ga。通过与基底变质岩Sm-Nd同位素组成对比,认为高钾钙碱性系列主要由类似于大别群的地壳岩石衍生而成,正长岩类是由大别群和少量较年轻地壳岩石(卢镇关群和佛子岭群?)衍生而成的,而橄榄安粗岩系列则来源于富集地幔并可能混入少量更古老的类似于泰山群的地壳组分。  相似文献   

The REE and Pb, Sr, Nd isotopes in three xenoliths from limburgite and scoria-breccias, including spinel-lherzolite, spinel-garnet-lherzolite and phlogopite-gamet-lherzolite, were analysed. The REE contents of the xenoliths are 1.3 to 3.3 times those of the chondrites with their REE patterns characterized by weak LREE depletion. The143Nd/144Nd values of whole rocks and minerals range from 0.51306 to 0.51345 with εNd=+ 8.2− +15.8,206Pb/204 Pb < 18.673, and207Pb/204Pb < 15.574. All this goes to show that the upper mantle in Mingxi at the depth of 67–82 km is a depleted mantle of MORB type, with87Sr/86 Sr ratios 0.70237–0.70390. In Nd-Sr diagram the data points of whole rocks are all out of the mantle array, implying that the xenoliths from Mingxi have more radiogenic Sr isotopes than those of the mantle array.  相似文献   

根据Sr、C同位素地层学原理,利用胶辽徐淮地区晚前寒武纪地层Sr、C同位素数据,与国际上已有的Sr、C同位素演化曲线对比,结果表明,胶辽徐淮地区晚前寒武纪地层是同一时期的沉积物,沉积主体之间Sr、C同位素比值的对比性很好,沉积时限约在750-860Ma之间,并延续到震旦纪,为北方青白口纪及其后的沉积。同时也表明,Sr、C同位素演化相结合是解决缺乏大化石的晚前寒武纪地层对比的有效方法。  相似文献   

大别造山带花岗岩类和正片麻岩的Rb/Sr分区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金成伟  郑祥身 《岩石学报》2000,16(3):420-424
根据花岗岩类和片麻岩的Rb/Sr比值和其他岩相学和地球化学性质,大别造山带可以分为下列四个带:(1)北大别北带:是一个灰色片麻岩和基性、超基性岩带,其灰色片麻岩的Rb/Sr比值为0.01~0.09;(2)北大别南带:为中酸性岩浆活动和强裂混合岩化的区域,其片麻岩的Rb/Sr比值为0.11%~0.40,花岗岩类为0.3%~0.9;(3)南大别带:为一构造混杂带,超高压变质作用和岩浆活动和混合岩化均有  相似文献   

Carbon isotope thermometry in marbles of the Adirondack Mountains, New York   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Abstract Carbon isotope thermometry has been applied to coexisting calcite and graphite in marbles from throughout the Adirondack Mountains, New York. Eighty-nine calcite-graphite pairs from the amphibolite grade NW Adirondacks change systematically in temperature north-westwards from 680 to 640 to 670° C over a 30-km distance, reflecting transitions from amphibolite facies towards granulite facies to the north-west and to the south-east. Temperature contours based on calcite-graphite thermometry in the NW Adirondacks parallel mineral isograds, with the orthopyroxene isograd falling above 675° C, and indicate that regional metamorphic temperatures were up to 75° C higher than temperatures inferred from isotherms based on cation and solvus thermometry (Bohlen et al. 1985). Fifty-five calcite-graphite pairs from granulite grade marbles of the Central Adirondacks give regional metamorphic temperatures of 670–780° C, in general agreement with cation and solvus thermometry. Data for amphibolite and granulite grade marbles show a 12%oo range in δ13Ccal and δ13Cgr. A strong correlation between carbon isotopic composition and the abundance of graphite (Cgr/Crock) indicates that the large spread in isotopic compositions results largely from exchange between calcite and graphite during closed system metamorphism. The trends seen in δ13C vs. Cgr/Crock and δ13Ccal vs. δ13Cgr could not have been preserved if significant amounts of CO2-rich fluid had pervasively infiltrated the Adirondacks at any time. The close fit between natural data and calculated trends of δ13C vs. Cgr/Crock indicates a biogenic origin for Adirondack graphites, even though low δ13C values are not preserved in marble. Delamination of 17 graphite flakes perpendicular to the c-axis reveals isotopic zonation, with higher δ13C cores. These isotopic gradients are consistent with new graphite growth or recrystallization during a period of decreasing temperature, and could not have been produced by exchange with calcite on cooling due to the sluggish rate of diffusion in graphite. Samples located >2km from anorthosite show a decrease of 0.5-0.8%oo in the outer 100 μ of the grains, while samples at distances over 8 km show smaller core-to-rim decreases of c.0.2%oo. Correlation between the degree of zonation and distance to anorthosite suggests that the isotopic profiles reflect partial overprinting of higher temperature contact metamorphism by later granulite facies metamorphism. Core graphite compositions indicate contact metamorphic temperatures were 860–890° C within 1 km of the Marcy anorthosite massif. If samples with a significant contact metamorphic effect (Δ(cal-gr) <3.2%oo) are not included, then the remaining 38 granulite facies samples define the relation Δ13C(cal-gr) = 3.56 ± 106T-2 (K).  相似文献   

Detrital blue amphibole was found for the first time in two samples of the Famennian section of the South Harz-Selke Graywacke and the Tanne Graywacke (Middle Visean) of the Harz Mountains. Microprobe analyses reveal that the blue amphiboles represent glaucophane with Fe3+/(Fe3++AlVI)=0.22 molar ratio. The minimum pressure required for the formation of glaucophane of this composition is estimated to be approximately 8 kbar. The source area of the detrital glaucophane is assumed to be located between the Northern Phyllite Zone and the Mid-German Crystalline Rise, in areas which have been downfaulted (?subducted) during the Variscan orogeny. The age of blueschist-facies metamorphism in the source area must be of pre-Upper Devonian age. This metamorphic event is significantly older than the Lower Carboniferous high-pressure/low-temperature metamorphism documented in parts of the northern Phyllite zone. Hence, the convergent tectonics connected with blueschist-facies metamorphism is not restricted to the Lower Carboniferous, but can be traced back at least to the early Upper Devonian. These data are in accordance with a southerly directed underplating (?subduction) at the northern margin of the Saxothuringian zone active during at least from early Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous.  相似文献   

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