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为了优化海洋综合观测浮标的通信系统,设计了一种通信方式集成系统,将多种通信模块进行集成管理,并在每个数据发送周期进行通信信号检测,经过比较选择最优的通信方式进行数据传输。该系统具有采集数据完整、数据冗余小、运行功耗低等优点,有效增强了浮标的通信能力,完善了原有通信系统的功能,并且后期还具备较强的可扩展性功能,如浮标舱内环境监测和独立定位等,进一步增强浮标的安全性。该系统已经完成12个月的海上试运行,系统运行稳定,功能达到预期,可满足海洋综合观测浮标对多种通信方式进行优化管理的需求。  相似文献   

锚泊式海洋剖面观测浮标系统   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
<正>观测技术是促进海洋科学逐渐走向成熟的关键因素之一,海洋科学从物理、生物到地质,从海气交换到大洋剖面水体,观测尺度和范围跨越时间和空间几十个数量级[1]。目前随着观测技术的发展,海洋科学发展所依赖的海洋数据获取方式正在从"考察"向"观测"转变[2],而且海洋环境监测已进入从空间、沿岸、水面及水下对海洋环境进行全方位、全天候立体监测的时代。然而,目前我国大部分的海洋环境监测技术仍然依  相似文献   

A comparison experiment has been taken in the Kiaochow Bay between a newly designed mooring turbulence observation instrument (MTOI) and microstructure profiler MSS60 made by Sea & Sun. The whole observing system is based on a submerged buoy, in which the turbulence observation instrument is embedded, with a streamline-shape floating body, which is made of buoyancy material of glass microsphere. For the movement of seawater and the cable shaking strongly anytime influence the behaviors of the floating body, the accelerate sensors are used for the vibration measurement in the instrument together with the shear probe sensor. Both the vibration data and the shear data are acquired by the instrument at the same time. During data processing, the vibration signals can be removed and leave the shear data which we really need. In order to prove the reliability of the new turbulence instrument MTOI, a comparison experiment was designed. The measuring conditions are the same both in time and space. By this way, the two groups of data are comparable. In this paper, the conclusion gives a good similarity of 0.93 for the two groups of shear data in dissipation rate. The processing of the data acquired by MTOI is based on the cross-spectrum analysis, and the dissipation rate of it matches the Nasmyth spectrum well.  相似文献   

统计分析了全球历史海啸灾害数据,结合相关海啸研究成果,给出了全球海啸的分布特点及历史重大事件,并介绍了全球海啸预警系统、数值技术以及海啸监测等防灾情况。  相似文献   

在我国近海海域渔业活动频繁的情况下,为实现具有实时、连续、长期和稳定特征的近海海洋水体剖面观测,满足海洋科学研究对剖面水体数据的需求,通过借鉴目前我国近海广泛使用的10 m大型综合观测浮标的优点,在结构和稳性方面进一步优化,设计完成直径15 m的三锚式浮标综合观测平台,该平台通过在浮标中间预留中央透水井,使用绞车上下驱动多参数观测设备实现水体剖面的实时、连续、长期和稳定观测,并通过三锚式锚泊方式有效避免了剖面观测设备与固定锚系的缠绕问题,同时还具有智能判断、远程监控等功能,是一种新型的近海水体剖面观测平台。经过在我国东海海域一年的试验性观测表明,三锚式浮标综合观测平台整体运行效果良好,取得大量的水体剖面观测数据,在我国近海具有广泛的适用性。  相似文献   

光学浮标控制系统硬件设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以光学浮标为控制对象, 以工作稳定、低功耗为目的, 设计海上工作控制硬件。采用嵌入式PC/104 CPU主板和以单片机为核心多功能板组合, 由PC/104 CPU主板完成采集数据、保存数据、通讯等工作, 多功能板实现计数、I/O控制、A/D转换、定时等功能。单片机结合日历时钟和电源总开关组成二级“看门狗”, 实现了海洋光学浮标控制系统无人值守、全天候、全过程独立工作。  相似文献   


Canada has increased the number of tsunami warning stations on the Pacific Coast from two to three. The last gauge was installed at the north end of Vancouver Island, thereby filling a large gap previously existing and providing full coverage along the coast. The record of gauges at two of the three locations is accessible either by telephone or by means of meteor burst communication, alleviating the difficulties experienced during the tsunami threat of May 6, 1986, when telephone communications were disrupted by heavy use. The gauge at Langara Island will be relocated in a more accessible and also a more tsunami‐responsive location at Rennell Sound in the Queen Charlotte Islands. All tsunami gauges also serve as tide gauges, recording the water level every 15 min. In the event of a tsunami, the recording interval can be altered to every 60 s. Suggestions have been made that Canada attempt deep‐sea recording of tsunamis off its Pacific Coast. Although this would be of great scientific value, no such program is contemplated at this time.  相似文献   

The combination of a high-frequency ocean surface radar and a tsunami detection method should be assessed as the onshore-offshore distribution of tsunami detection probability, because the probability will vary in accordance with the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the tsunami magnitude in addition to the radar system specifications. Here, we statistically examine the tsunami detection distance based on virtual tsunami observation experiments by using signals received by a high-frequency radar in February 2014 installed on the southern coast of Japan and numerically simulated velocities induced by a Nankai Trough earthquake. In the experiments, the Doppler frequencies associated with the simulated velocities were superimposed on the receiving signals of the radar, and the radial velocities were calculated from the synthesized signals by the fast Fourier transform. Tsunami arrival was then detected based on the temporal change in the cross-correlation of the velocities, before and after tsunami arrival, between two points 3 km apart along a radar beam. We found that the possibility of tsunami detection primarily depends on the kinetic energy ratio between tsunami current and background current velocities. The monthly average detection probability is over 90% when the energy ratio exceeds 5 (offshore distance: 9 km ≤ L ≤ 36 km) and reduces to 50% when the energy ratio is approximately 1 (L = 42 km) over the shelf slope. The ratio varied with the background current physics and SNR, which was mainly affected by ocean surface wave heights and ionospheric electron density.  相似文献   

深海观测潜标是一种深海观测仪器设备,用于深海底部的环境观测和研究。深海潜标设计的难点之一是潜标壳体的结构设计、耐压计算及材料选择。在初步设计的基础上,利用abaqus软件,采用有限元方法,计算出额定外压下壳体的形变,并进行了额定外压下的失稳计算,计算了壳体在高压环境下的体积和浮力变化。通过计算结果的分析比较,选择了合适的材料,设计出满足强度要求的壳体。  相似文献   

南海定量海啸预警系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国面临着来自于马尼拉海沟、台湾岛以及琉球海沟等海域可能形成的局地和区域海啸风险,及时、准确地预警海啸是一个难题。2004年印度洋海啸之后,基于海量数据库和GIS技术,国家海洋环境预报中心开发了南海定量海啸预警系统,可以对潜在海啸进行快速定量化的预警,并利用GIS软件进行预警结果可视化。利用该系统对2006年台湾南部地震海啸进行模拟预报,预报结果与实测结果基本吻合。  相似文献   

介绍了应用于我国第二代海啸预警系统的基于海啸浮标数据反演的准实时海啸预警方法,并对其做了一些初步的实验和讨论。结果显示对反演结果有较大影响的因素是所选浮标的位置,当浮标与地震源之间的海底地形较平坦时有利于反演,因为平坦的地形可以最大限度的减小非线性作用和底摩擦作用。浮标数据长度及单位源范围的选择对反演结果不会产生很明显的影响,在海啸预警过程中,浮标数据包含海啸波第一波的信息即可,单位源范围尽可能包括所有震源区域即可。  相似文献   


Ocean bottom bases (OBBs) have been installed on both sides of the axis of the Sagami Trough east of the Izu Peninsula, central Japan, as the first step toward long‐term geodetic and geophysical observations at the plate boundary (subduction zone). The OBB is a platform for seafloor measurements; otherwise it is difficult to find an appropriate place for precise seafloor measurements in the subduction zones. It is made of a nonmagnetic concrete block of size 1100 × 1100 × 500 mm. It was lowered from a ship using a winch wire and installed on a predetermined place with its position being monitored by an acoustic transponder system and a 30‐kHz bottom pinger with an accuracy of about 2 m.

It was confirmed later during the divings on board the submersible Shinkai 2000 that the OBB was installed on a flat mud bottom in normal condition. No change has been recognized in the installation condition in 3 years; the OBB is stable enough to be used for acoustic range measurements on the seafloor as well as for several geophysical measurements.

The resolution of seafloor range measurement can be improved by two orders by using phase measurement techniques with the aid of pulse compression. Precise acoustic range measurement of the order of 10?5 is feasible under the following conditions: two‐way measurements between the two OBBs installed on the slope facing each other with angles larger than 1.5°. Correction is necessary for the effect of long‐term temperature variation.  相似文献   

一种简易的潜标辅助寻标定位系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种自主研发的、结合GPS定位和水声测距于一体的潜标自动搜寻定位系统。系统由安装于搜索船只上的全球定位系统GPS接收机、水声释放器甲板单元、综合信号接收处理单元(由计算机组成),以及集成于潜标系统水声释放器上的水声应答系统组成。利用GPS定位原理,将GPS测得的定位信息,与水声测距技术相结合,实现潜标系统的空间定位,为潜标系统的可靠回收提供技术保障。  相似文献   

水质监测浮标数据采集和接收系统设计及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1)文章设计了水质监测浮标数据采集系统, 该数据采集系统包括CPU模块、控制保障模块、通讯定位模块以及接口扩展模块; 采用CF2主板为CPU模块, 辅助以单片机为核心的多功能板, 主要用于完成采集数据、保存数据、通讯等工作; 控制保障模块设计有双“看门狗”, 实现了无人值守、全天候、全过程安全工作。2)文章还设计了水质监测数据远程接收系统, 该远程接收系统主要包括数据接收模块、数据处理模块、系统预警模块和数据显示模块等四个部分, 具有操作简便、自动化程度高、图形显示直观简洁易读等特点, 实现了数据接收、存储、显示及预警等功能。  相似文献   

新世纪以来频发的海啸灾害引起了国际社会的广泛关注,各滨海国家不仅加大了在海啸预警建设和海啸灾害危险性、海啸基础理论研究方面的投入,更进一步加强了国际社会在应对海啸灾害方面交流与合作.为测试太平洋各国海啸预警系统的有效性以及政府职能部门的应急管理能力,切实提高各国区域和局地海啸的应对水平,促进国家和地区间海啸预警的交流与合作,联合国教科文组织政府间海洋学委员会(IOC/UNESCO)决定2011年11月9-10日,在整个太平洋地区举行一次代号为“Exercise Pacific Wave 11”的海啸演习.此次演习恰逢日本“3.11”大地震海啸发生后的8个月,通过本次演习对督促太平洋各国进一步检验本国的海啸预警系统、评估本国的海啸危险性均有着重要的意义.中国作为IOC和太平洋海啸预警系统的成员国,积极组织实施了我国历史上第一次涉及当地人员疏散的海啸演习.本文将在本次演习所涉及的海啸源评估、海啸数值计算的基础上,应用新的海啸灾害分级标准对我国沿海的海啸危险性和海啸预警系统进行重新评估分析,期望本文的研究将为今后的海啸预警及海啸灾害评估工作提供科学的决策依据标准.  相似文献   

提出了一种深海浮标实时数据采集的设计方案。该方案基于数据库和卫星通信技术,通过多通道数据采集,能够实现深海环境要素的实时获取,完成在无人值守状态下浮标周围海域的环境监测,有助于推动特定海域海洋环境的研究。  相似文献   

Precise measurements of the CO2 gas transfer across the air-sea interface provide a better understanding of the global carbon cycle.The air-sea CO2 fluxes are obtained by the eddy covariance method and the bulk method from a buoy observation in the northern Huanghai sea.The effects of buoy motion on flux calculated by the eddy covariance method are demonstrated.The research shows that a motion correction can improve the correlation coefficient between the CO2 fluxes estimated from two different levels.Without the CO2-H2 O cross-correlation correction which is termed as PKT correction,the air-sea CO2 fluxes estimated by eddy covariance method using the motion corrected data are nearly an order of magnitude larger than those estimated by the bulk method.After the CO2-H2 O cross-correlation correction,some eddy covariance CO2 fluxes indeed become closer to the bulk CO2 flux,whereas some are overcorrected which are in response to small water vapor flux.  相似文献   

周水华  冯伟忠 《海洋预报》2009,26(4):106-110
海啸作为一种海洋灾害是可以预警的,我国于1983年加入“太平洋海啸预警系统”,经过20多年的努力,我国的海啸预警系统框架已基本搭建成形,但仍有许多需要改进和完善的地方。本文主要介绍了我国海啸预警系统现状,并与国外海啸预警系统相比较,指出当前我国海啸预警系统存在的问题,并就问题的解决给出初浅建议。  相似文献   

We discuss the materials of model experiments concerning the behavior of different constructions of prototypes of buoy carriers for buoy stations subjected to forcing of wind, waves, and surface currents.  相似文献   

针对有缆潜标系统测量质量不稳定,缆绳阻力大、浮球浮力不足,测量系统难以绷紧,导致潜标摇摆、缆绳倾斜,受海洋环境的其他外力作用,影响采集资料的质量等问题,设计了自升式连体潜标测量系统。该系统最大特点是把各种仪器设备与释放器搭载组合到同一平行面的潜标内,把仪器设备、释放器与浮体材料合成为单位体积最小的潜标测量平台。该系统还有体积小、质量轻、造价低、操作简便等特点,适用于水深1 200 m内的海区,采用座底方式进行测量。系统通过释放装置脱钩,脱钩后连体潜标可自行升浮到海面,并具有隐蔽性好不易被破坏的优点。经过近1 a的试验,已多次在南海水深400 m多的海区顺利完成了海上投放与回收试验,试验结果良好。  相似文献   

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