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A high-resolution geochemical profile from a 5,500-year-old sediment core of Lake Lehmilampi in eastern Finland was analyzed to study long-term trends and variability in element concentrations and accumulation rates. The accumulation rates of all studied elements followed the same trend, responding to changes in the total sedimentation rate. Concentration profiles differed among elements and showed considerable variation over time. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used on the concentration data to identify groups of elements that have similar geochemical controls. The first principal component was influenced by changes in mineral matter accumulation, and it incorporated elements that are associated with stable allochthonous minerals (such as Mg, K, Cs, Rb, Li, Ti and Ga), as well as elements in forms that become diluted when mineral matter increases (e.g., S, Fe and Mn). The second and third principal components showed that a large proportion of the variance was accounted for by elements with continuously increasing or decreasing concentrations related to pedogenetical development of the catchment soil. In the case of Hg, Pb and Cd, however, accumulation rates increased faster at the surface than is simply accounted for by changes in total sedimentation rates. For Cu, Cr, Ni and Zn, concentrations increased over the past 150 years, but there were no indications of a significant addition due to atmospheric deposition. These elements had more variable concentrations before the mid nineteenth century than after, as did elements that are often used for normalization. These findings suggest that lake sediments may not properly reflect the history of atmospheric metal deposition in remote areas.  相似文献   

OntheorganiccompoundsinwaterofMochuLakeandHeartLakeinLarsemannHills,AntarcticaTX@李植生@陈旭东@张银华@梁小民@王骥@梁彦龄Ontheorganiccompoundsinwat...  相似文献   

Lake area information in the Badain Jaran Desert in 1973, 1990, 2000, and 2010 was obtained by visual interpretation and water index analysis of remote sensing images, based on the spatial and temporal characteristics of lake area changes during 37 years. Results indicated that the nttmber of lakes declined from 94 to 82 and the total surface area was reduced by 3.69 km2 during 1973-2010. The desert lake area reduced by different degrees in different periods, but this occurred most rapidly during 1973-1990. According to the statistics of lake area changes, lake area decreases mainly occurred in the lakes with areas less than 0.2 km2, while the areas of lakes greater than 0.9 km2 only fluctuated. The changes of lake areas were probably due to changes in the quantity of underground water supplies rather than the effects of local climate change or human factors.  相似文献   

Upper Saalian (Illinoian) glaciolacustrine deposits in central Poland, preserved in a tectonic graben, were exposed in an opencast lignite mine and investigated using sedimentological and micro-paleontological methods. The extraglacial lake sediments provide the first records of late Saalian cladoceran communities in central Europe, recovered from glaciolacustrine deposits. Sedimentation was dominated by a supply of clastics that fluctuated with the seasons, forming rhythmites. In addition to seasonal cyclicity, sedimentary and environmental conditions changed every several years to decades, with periods of increased inflow to the lake delivering sandy material, and periods of almost stagnant water dominated by suspension settling. The sediments contain Cladocera assemblages that indicate the lake was initially deep, oligotrophic, and filled with moderately cold water. Changes in Cladocera community composition and abundance were perhaps responses to climate seasonality. Zones without Cladocera were associated with seasons of higher inflow and sediment supply, and directly or indirectly, with tectonic activity in the graben. Earthquakes, documented by the presence of seismites, caused not only deformation of unconsolidated lake-bottom sediments, but possibly also changes in habitat characteristics. Combined sedimentological and biological data were used to infer the lake’s history and show that deposits of glaciolacustrine lakes can be used as indicators of past ecological and climate changes.  相似文献   

Lake area information in the Badain Jaran Desert in 1973, 1990, 2000, and 2010 was obtained by visual interpretation and water index analysis of remote sensing images, based on the spatial and temporal characteristics of lake area changes during 37 years. Results indicated that the number of lakes declined from 94 to 82 and the total surface area was reduced by 3.69 km2 during 1973–2010. The desert lake area reduced by different degrees in different periods, but this occurred most rapidly during 1973–1990. According to the statistics of lake area changes, lake area decreases mainly occurred in the lakes with areas less than 0.2 km2, while the areas of lakes greater than 0.9 km2 only fluctuated. The changes of lake areas were probably due to changes in the quantity of underground water supplies rather than the effects of local climate change or human factors.  相似文献   

New palynological and sedimentological data obtained from the basal 3 m of core E96-2P from Lake Edward, Uganda–Congo record conditions wetter than present in the Edward basin from 11 000 to 6700 yr BP, in phase with other climate and vegetation records of northern hemispheric East Africa. Dominant pollen taxa include Celtis spp., Alchornea spp., Olea spp., and Moraceae indicating a moist semi-deciduous tropical forest. More xeric indicators such as Amaranthaceae and Asteraceae together with Poaceae comprise less than 5% of the pollen sum throughout this interval as compared with between 44 and 50% during a lake lowstand at 2000 cal yr BP and at the core top (near modern). The differences between these two assemblages suggest a 25 to 60% increase in annual precipitation during the early- to mid-Holocene as compared to modern (1500–2000 vs. 1200 mm/yr today). Early Holocene sediments in E96-2P are composed of laminated diatom oozes with moderately high total sulfur concentrations (2.8–4.7%) and no authigenic calcite, also indicative of conditions wetter than present. Between 9000 and 6700 yr BP, palynological and sedimentary proxies indicate sub-millennial-scale events related to changes in riverine discharge and runoff in the Edward basin. We attribute the variability in runoff, and hence precipitation, to Holocene variability in Indian or Atlantic Ocean SSTs or to shifts in the relative contribution of Indian and Atlantic moisture sources to the western Rift of equatorial Africa.  相似文献   

Post-isolation (9,600 year BP) sedimentology in Lake Pyhäjärvi, Finland, was studied using sub-bottom echo-sounding and sediment coring. The sediment sequence appeared in the echo-sounding profiles as two sections: (1) a lower section of homogenous, light grey gyttja clays, and (2) an upper section with dark layers of mainly clay gyttjas and gyttjas, here referred to as C_gyttja. We investigated the thickness and volume of sediments as well as their morphology and areas of accumulation. Approximately 77 % of the lake represents areas of accumulation, containing 34 and 1.3 million tons of dry matter and carbon, respectively. Spatial variability in sedimentological properties indicates that accumulation in the Kirkkoselkä sub-basin was focused into the deepest areas since lake isolation. In the Isoselkä sub-basin, however, accumulation was focused partially onto the flanks of the depression, whereas the deepest parts (23–27 m) of the sub-basin represent erosional areas. There appears to have also been sediment re-suspension and re-deposition, as indicated by erosion surfaces. This, combined with dune-like bottom morphology in the accumulation areas, provides evidence for the role of wind-driven bottom currents on sedimentation dynamics in the Isoselkä sub-basin. Increases in Cu and Zn concentrations, driven by Pyhäsalmi mining activities, were used as a geochemical marker for recent sedimentation (RS) between 1966 and 2008. As a consequence of wind-driven bottom currents, 60 % of the metals accumulated in the Kirkkoselkä sub-basin and 40 % accumulated in the Isoselkä sub-basin. There is a spatial correlation between amounts of C_gyttja and RS. In the middle of dune-like C_gyttja formations in the Isoselkä sub-basin, the RS grain size is smaller than in other areas. Variations in RS are greatest along the borders of the accumulation area, likely a consequence of bottom currents in those areas.  相似文献   

This paper synthesises the palaeoecological reconstructions, including palaeoclimatic inferences, based on the available fossil record of plants (pollen, macrofossils, mosses, diatoms) and animals (chironomids, Cladocera, Coleoptera, Trichoptera, oribatid mites) in the late-glacial and early-Holocene sediments of Kråkenes Lake, western Norway, with special emphasis on changes in the aquatic ecosystem. New percentage and influx pollen diagrams for selected taxa provide insights into the terrestrial setting. The information from all the proxies is collated in a stratigraphical chart, and the inferred changes in the lake and its catchment are discussed. The individual fossil sequences are summarised by detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), and sample scores on the first DCA axes are plotted against an estimated calendar-year timescale for comparison of the timing and magnitude of changes in assemblage composition. The DCA plots show that the large late-glacial biotic changes were synchronous, and were driven by the overriding forcing factor of temperature. During the early Holocene, however, the changes in different groups were more gradual and were independent of each other, showing that other factors were important and interactive, such as the inwash of dissolved and particulate material from the catchment, the base and nutrient status of the lake-water, and the internal processes of ecosystem succession and sediment accumulation. This multi-disciplinary study, with proxies for changes in the lake and in the catchment, highlights the dependence of lake biota and processes not only on regional climatic changes but also on changes in the lake catchment and on internal processes within the lake. Rates of change for each group are also estimated and compared. The reaction times to the sharp temperature changes at the start and end of the Younger Dryas were very rapid and occurred within a decade of the temperature change. Aquatic organisms tracked the temperature and environmental changes very closely, and are probably the best recorders of late-glacial climatic change in the fossil record.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic variations in diatom composition and phytolith abundance in a sediment core from a small, hydrologically isolated waterbody, Lake Nhauhache, Mozambique, provide evidence of water-level fluctuations over the past ~2,300?years. Ten AMS radiocarbon dates on bulk sediment samples show that the lake came into existence about 2,300?years ago and that it has dried out since then, but only for brief time periods. Changes in the diatom assemblage composition indicate that lake level fluctuated in response to shifting humidity conditions. The changes reflect wetter conditions ca. 300 BC?CAD 800, more variable conditions between AD 800 and 1150, a distinct dry phase within the time span AD 1150?C1700 and a return thereafter to more humid conditions until present. There is general agreement between the Lake Nhauhache record and other records from the Southern Hemisphere summer rainfall region. This suggests that sediments from small interdunal lakes, which are abundant along the coast of southern Africa, provide reliable, regional paleoenvironmental information about an area from which more such data are needed.  相似文献   

Macrofossil analyses were carried out on the late-glacial and early-Holocene sediments of the radiocarbon-dated master core at Kråkenes Lake, western Norway, to investigate the aquatic vegetation changes. Ranunculus sect. Batrachium and Nitella were the earliest pioneers after deglaciation ca. 12,300 14C yr BP. The Allerød vegetational succession was very slow during ca. 1000 14C yrs in a cool climate and conditions that were similar to those above tree-line in Norway today. The rapid cooling at the start of the Younger Dryas stadial caused extensive disturbance, and with the development of an active cirque glacier in the catchment, plants and animals were almost exterminated from the lake by inflow of permanently cold and turbid water. Rising temperatures caused the glacier to melt at the end of the Younger Dryas. The biotic response to the rapid warming was immediate, with pioneer Ranunculus sect. Batrachium and Nitella expanding within 1-3 decades, closely followed by other elodeids. The lake witnessed a remarkable isoetid succession, with phases dominated by Limosella aquatica, Subularia aquatica, Elatine hydropiper, Isoetes echinospora, and, later, I. lacustris. About 800 yrs into the Holocene most of the macrophytes declined. The short-lived isoetids became extinct, but other taxa probably survived vegetatively. The reasons for this decline are unknown, but are probably related to nutrient depletion in combination with other factors. About 550 yrs later, I. lacustris and Nymphaea colonised, and a stable flora and vegetation developed. This study illustrates the large and rapid changes that occurred over the first 1400 yrs of the Holocene in the macrophyte flora and vegetation in Kråkenes Lake before stability was attained, pointing to the value of a palaeoecological study in tracing aquatic successions over time, and highlighting our lack of knowledge of the underlying ecological factors responsible for such rapid and marked changes.  相似文献   

Sediment trap collections near Cape Maclear, Lake Malai, were compared to phytoplankton and surface sediment diatoms to assess taphonomic variations. The sedimenting diatom community became progressively different from the diatom plankton with increasing depth: long Nitzschia species were strongly under-represented in the traps (annually, 53% among planktonic diatoms vs. 14% in the offshore 29 m trap; p0.005 by Kruskal-Wallis test), while Melosira was greatly over-represented in traps (32% vs. 57%; p<0.005). The abundances of the minor taxa (Rhopalodia, Fragilaria, Cymbella, and Surirella) were greatly enhanced in traps relative to the plankton, but they were still relatively uncommon (<3% of all diatoms each). Differences in grazing, dissolution, and sinking rates alone are insufficient to account for these distortions; a combination of these, plus perhaps unknown factors, strongly influence the deposited assemblage.These misrepresentations were also present at the sediment surface. The greatest discrepancy was noted for Melosira (32% of plankton vs. 53% of sediment surface diatoms; p<0.005) and for elongate Nitzschia species (53% of plankton vs. 0.8% in sediments; p<0.005). In Lake Malai, at least, paleolimnologists must not assume a straightforward correlation of modern and fossil assemblages.  相似文献   

More than 200 people have died in automobiles that have encountered flooded roadways in Texas from 1950 to 2004. This study examines the geographical processes that create flood hazards associated with automobile travel to discern the most important factors in their genesis. A database of drowning cases caused by motorists' interactions with flooded roadways in Texas was compiled for the study period. We examine the circumstances and spatial patterns of these events by addressing the following questions: where have motorists drowned? How did rates and spatial patterns of accidents change over the study period? To the extent that we can determine, what were the characteristics of the roads, the drivers, and the landscapes when and where deaths occurred? What factors appear to explain the temporal and spatial distributions of hazard? We conclude that roadway familiarity might have emboldened drivers to attempt to surmount water rushing across a road, that time of day was clearly an important characteristic of the accidents, and that roadway characteristics and sex and age of the drivers seem not to be key contributing factors. The most important factors, however, are associated with growth: increases in population and increased automobile registrations drive the propensity for increased automobile-flood hazards.  相似文献   

A mean annual temperature increase has been recorded on the Yunnan–Guizhou Plateau of China during the last century. This temperature increase has been significantly greater since the 1950s. Thus, paleolimnological analyses may be utilized to better understand ecological responses to recent changing climate over decadal to centennial timescales, especially in regions with sparse lake monitoring data. Here, we present paleolimnological results from a 210Pb/137Cs-dated sediment core spanning approximately the last ~250 years from a remote, alpine, semi-closed oligotrophic lake (Lugu Lake) on the northwestern Yunnan–Guizhou Plateau. Sediment profiles of diatoms, geochemical variables (LOI550, TOC and C/N) and median grain size were analyzed and compared with the climate data (1951 AD–2010 AD) from the Lijiang weather station. Endogenous productivity of Lugu Lake has increased gradually over the last 30 years. The majority of diatom taxa encountered in the core are typical of alkaline oligotrophic lakes. Diatom assemblages were dominated by Cyclostephanos dubius, Cyclotella taxa, and fragilarioid taxa. Diatom species composition has changed significantly with three assemblage shifts at different scales over the ~250-year period. Diatom species diversity reveals a distinct increase before ~1970 AD, followed by a decline. In addition, a decreasing trend in diatom cell-size was consistent with recent warming trends. Redundancy analysis (RDA) shows that regional air temperature trends (annual, spring, summer, and winter) have played a significant role (p < 0.05) in determining diatom compositional changes over the past six decades. Results of this study suggest that regional warming is the main driving force behind recent changes in diatom composition at Lugu Lake, while nutrients may also have impact on the diatom change in recent 10 years.  相似文献   

Lake Neuchåtel is a medium sized, hard-water lake, lacking varved sediments, situated in the western Swiss Lowlands at the foot of the Jura Mountains. Stable isotope data (18O and 13C) from both bulk carbonate and ostracode calcite in an 81 cm long, radiocarbon-dated sediment core represent the last 1500 years of Lake Neuchåtel's environmental history. Comparison between this isotopic and other palaeolimnologic data (mineralogical, geochemical, palynological, etc.) helps to differentiate between anthropogenic and natural factors most recently affecting the lake. An increase in lacustrine productivity (450–650AD ca), inferred from the positive trend in 13C values of bulk carbonate, is related to medieval forest clearances and the associated nutrient budget changes. A negative trend in both the bulk carbonate and ostracode calcite 18O values between approximately 1300 and 1500AD, is tentatively interpreted as due to a cooling in mean air temperature at the transition from the Medieval Warm Period to the Little Ice Age. Negative trends in bulk carbonate 18O and 13C values through the uppermost sediments, which have no equivalent in ostracode calcite isotopic values, are concomitant with the recent onset of eutrophication in the lake. Isotopic disequilibrium during calcite precipitation, probably due to kinetic factors in periods of high productivity is postulated as the mechanism to explain the associated negative isotopic trends, although the effect of a shift of the calcite precipitation towards the warmer months cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Sediments of Lake Van, Turkey, preserve one of the most complete records of continental climate change in the Near East since the Middle Pleistocene. We used seismic reflection profiles to infer past changes in lake level and discuss potential causes related to changes in climate, volcanism, and regional tectonics since the formation of the lake ca. 600 ka ago. Lake Van’s water level ranged by as much as 600 m during the past ~600 ka. Five major lowstands occurred, at ~600, ~365–340, ~290–230, ~150–130 and ~30–14 ka. During Stage A, between about 600 and 230 ka, lake level changed dramatically, by hundreds of meters, but phases of low and high stands were separated by long time intervals. Changes in the lake level were more frequent during the past ~230 ka, but less dramatic, on the order of a few tens of meters. We identified period B1 as a time of stepwise transgressions between ~230 and 150 ka, followed by a short regression between ca. 150 and 130 ka. Lake level rose stepwise during period B2, until ~30 ka. During the past ~30 ka, a regression and a final transgression occurred, each lasting about 15 ka. The major lowstand periods in Lake Van occurred during glacial periods, suggesting climatic control on water level changes (i.e. greatly reduced precipitation led to lower lake levels). Although climate forcing was the dominant cause for dramatic water level changes in Lake Van, volcanic and tectonic forcing factors may have contributed as well. For instance, the number of distinct tephra layers, some several meters thick, increases dramatically in the uppermost ~100 m of the sediment record (i.e. the past ~230 ka), an interval that coincides largely with low-magnitude lake level fluctuations. Tectonic activity, highlighted by extensional and/or compressional faults across the basin margins, probably also affected the lake level of Lake Van in the past.  相似文献   

ThedistributionandstandingcropsofAntarctickrilinthePrydzBayregionduringtheaustralsummerof1991/1992and1992/1993ChenXuezhong(陈雪...  相似文献   

To extend the historical record of river floods in southern Norway, a 572-cm long sediment core was retrieved from 42 m water depth in Atnsjøen, eastern Norway. The sediment core contains 30 light gray clastic sediment layers interpreted to have been deposited during river floods in the snow/ice free season. In the upper 123 cm of the core, four prominent flood layers occur. The youngest of these overlap with the historical record. The thickest (flood layer 5) possibly reflects a general increase in river-flood activity as a result of the post-Medieval climate deterioration (lower air temperatures, thicker and more long-lasting snow cover, and more frequent rain/snow storms) associated with the Little Ice Age. The most pronounced pre-historic flood layers in the core were, according to an age model based on linear regression between eleven bulk AMS radiocarbon dates, deposited around 4135, 3770, 3635, 3470, 3345, 2690, 2595, 2455, 2415, 2255, 2230, 2150, 2120, 1870, 1815, 1665, 1640, 1480, 1400, 1380, 1290, 935, 885, 670, 655 and 435 cal. BP (BP = AD 1950). The mean return period of the river flood layers is, according to the linear regression age model, ~ 150 ± 30 cal. yr (mean ± 1 S.E.).  相似文献   

This paper examines how extreme weather events affect the mobility of low-income urban residents in Ghana. Bringing together scholarship on extreme weather and mobilities, it explores the differential impact of flooding on their everyday lives as they navigate the cities of Accra and Tamale. A range of qualitative methods were drawn on, including semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, and follow-along-participant observations in selected communities of both cities. Three key themes emerged: disrupted road and transport infrastructure, everyday mobility challenges, and coping/adaptive strategies. In flooding conditions, residents experienced difficulties leaving/returning home, engaging in income-generating activities, and accessing transport services and other key urban infrastructure. Conceptually, the paper reveals how disruption to urban residents’ daily movements and activities (re)produces new forms of mobilities and immobilities, which have three relational elements: postponed, improvised and assisted. Throughout the analysis, we show how these mobilities/immobilities vary by age and gender: all urban residents, (though women in particular), experience postponed mobility; young people especially engage in improvised mobility; and children and the elderly are in greatest need of assisted mobility. The paper thus contributes to scholarship on extreme weather events and mobility by providing a more spatially nuanced understanding of the multi-faceted domains in which flooding, socio-economic conditions and adaptive strategies intersect to influence urban mobility in resource poor settings.  相似文献   

The sediments of Lake Kilpisjärvi were described and analysed for element chemistry and pollen to study the effects of treeline fluctuations in the catchment. Lake Kilpisjärvi is one of the largest lakes in Finnish Lapland, with its catchment partly above the treeline and partly covered with mountain birch woodland. Although the presence of subfossil pine shows that the catchment was previously covered with mountain birch woodland during the Holocene, the present pine treeline has receded 70 km from the lake. Pollen analysis results show that pine immigrated to the area during the Atlantic chrone and that 7000 BP pine forests occupied much of the catchment. Pine started to decline around 3500 BP and vegetation in the catchment became more open. Alkaline and alkaline earth metals and some transition metals document the change from glaciolacustrine clay to more organic sediment. However, these geochemical trends give no indication of changes in erosion rate resulting from changes in catchment vegetation. These changes were detected by plotting suitable element ratios. In addition to the conventional Si/Al and Na/K ratios, the Ca labile /Si ratio and especially the ratio of labile Ca to K were found to be useful. Of all the elements analysed, potassium showed the strongest reaction to changes in the balance between weathering and erosion. During the phase of denser forests, chemical weathering was dominant, whereas during phases of open catchment, physical erosion prevailed. The effects of changing climate and catchment vegetation were distinguished from other signals. For instance, iron and manganese were enriched at the top of the core due to diffusion and, at the same time, old precipitate layers persisted after burial to deeper levels in the sediment. These iron and manganese rich layers had an effect on the distributions of cobalt, zinc, and vanadium, showing increased concentrations of these elements. Other effects that made the interpretation of chemical records difficult were the effect of ongoing mineralization of organic matter in the top layers of sediment and the effect of biogenic silicon. Owing to the stable conditions of the lake, the desired chemical signals were detected, despite the masking trends.  相似文献   

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