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云南天文台抚仙湖老鹰地太阳观测基地处于小江断裂带两侧分支的控制之下,但该基地址点的地质构造未见断裂错动.址点之东5000m,北1000m,南1500m,P1-P2β-C等地层未见缺失,组成由P2β玄武岩为核,P1、c等地层为翼的向斜构造.因此,该地块是断裂带中相对稳定的地质小块体,址点的地层为P1虎斑状灰岩、白云岩夹白云质灰岩是溶蚀岩层.应注意和防范抚仙湖水体的浪蚀对石灰岩本体的溶蚀等潜在的地质缺陷.虽说抚仙湖老鹰地太阳观测基地所处地块是地震活动带中相对稳定的地质块体,但它不能脱离小江断裂带西侧分支的控制,因此,在基建规划和实施中应作抗Ⅷ度地震的技术防范.  相似文献   

Two different multiresolution analyses are used to decompose the structure of active-region magnetic flux into concentrations of different size scales. Lines separating these opposite polarity regions of flux at each size scale are found. These lines are used as a mask on a map of the magnetic field gradient to sample the local gradient between opposite polarity regions of given scale sizes. It is shown that the maximum, average, and standard deviation of the magnetic flux gradient for α,β,β γ, and β γ δ active-regions increase in the order listed, and that the order is maintained over all length scales. Since magnetic flux gradient is strongly linked to active-region activity, such as flares, this study demonstrates that, on average, the Mt. Wilson classification encodes the notion of activity over all length scales in the active-region, and not just those length scales at which the strongest flux gradients are found. Further, it is also shown that the average gradients in the field, and the average length-scale at which they occur, also increase in the same order. Finally, there are significant differences in the gradient distribution, between flaring and non-flaring active regions, which are maintained over all length scales. It is also shown that the average gradient content of active-regions that have large flares (GOES class “M” and above) is larger than that for active regions containing flares of all flare sizes; this difference is also maintained at all length scales. All of the reported results are independent of the multiresolution transform used. The implications for the Mt. Wilson classification of active-regions in relation to the multiresolution gradient content and flaring activity are discussed.  相似文献   

根据Marshall空间飞行中心(MSFC)太阳天文台的矢量磁场测量和云南天文台的黑子细节照相资料,作者们详细研究了1986年2月初太阳大活动区(AR4711)的形态和演化。主要结论如下: i)几乎在活动区中每处地方,相距五小时观测到横向磁场排列方向和黑子半影纤维形态之间存在良好的相似性。 ii)利用文[4]的方法,推断了本活动区强的垂直电流源和强的水平电流渠道。 iii)与1972年8月初著名的太阳活动区(McMath 11976)相类似,沿老活动区的中性线的新浮磁通管的两足点(偶极黑子)的分离运动导致了一个密集四极磁结构的形成。 iv)新浮磁通管似乎是本活动区最强的电流系统。 上述结论将为进一步研究本区电流/磁场环系的演化及其与耀斑活动的关系提供一个基础数据。  相似文献   

By the mapping observations simultaneously at the 12CO (J=1-0), 13CO (J=1-0), and C18O (J=1-0) lines on the area of 24’×24’ (12 pc×12 pc) of the star forming region AFGL 5157, we have obtained the distribution and averaged physical parameters for the respective 13CO and C18O cores of this molecu- lar cloud. At the edge of the molecular cloud, the isotopic abundance ratio is X [(13CO)/(C18O)] 10, close to the ratio of a giant molecular cloud. The viral masses of the 13CO and C18O cores are less than the masses of the molecu-lar cloud cores, so the molecular cloud cores are gravitationally unstable, and the C18O molecular cloud core is more easy to collapse. The column density distributions of the C18O molecular cloud core in the northeast and southwest directions are, respectively, 1.1 × 1023× z−0.43 and 4.6 × 1025× z−0.58, where z is the distance from the center of the molecular cloud core. The high velocity molecular out?ow has been con?rmed from our 12CO spectra, the mass loss rate of the out?ow has been estimated, and the mass-velocity relation of the out?ow is ?tted by a power-law function of mv−1.8. The star formation rate of the 13CO molecular cloud core is as high as 23%, probably, under the in?uence of  相似文献   

An analysis has been done of the topography and geologic structure of arachnoids—specific radial/concentric volcannic-tectonic structures on the surface of Venus. A representative sample (53 arachnoids) from 265 structures of this type, which are listed in the catalog of volcanic structures of the surface of Venus (Crumpler and Aubele, 2000), has been studied. The overwhelming majority of arachnoids are shown to be depressions that are commonly outlined by concentric extensional structures. Following Head et al. (1992) and Aittola and Kostama (2001), the assumption is confirmed and substantiated that arachnoids are formed by gravitational relaxation of small magmatic diapirs. Several types of arachnoids are identified on the basis of an analysis of structural patterns characteristic of such structures. It is also shown that the formation of different types of arachnoids depends on the depth of the magmatic diapir under the surface, on the thickness and reologic properties of the structures superposed on the evolving magmatic diapir, and on the character of regional stress fields that arise in the process of formation of such structures. The conclusion is drawn that most of the arachnoids were formed due to the gravitational relaxation of magmatic diapirs within the brittle part of the lithosphere, and some of them appeared as a result of the gravitational relaxation of radially fractured centers—novae. It is also shown that arachnoids are long-lived and multistep structures. At least some of them began to evolve before the formation of regional plains with wrinkle ridges, and their development ended after this event.  相似文献   

The Antarctic Continent has become the largest natural preservatory of meteorites in the world because of its unique geographical position and climatic conditions. Mt. Grove is located in the inland area of the Antarctic Continent where the conditions are favorable for the preservation of meteorites. During China‘s 15th, 16th and 19th Antarctic Scientific Explorations a large number of meteorites were recovered in the Mt. Grove region. Especially during the 19th Exploration in 2002/03 a total of 4448 meteorites were recovered, which at one stroke put China among countries that have recovered most numbers of meteorites. Here, we report mainly the results of microscope and electron microprobe studies of 28 meteorites recovered during the 16th Exploration. The meteorites are chemically classified based on their mean Fa contents of olivine, mean Fs contents of low-Ca pyroxene and abundances of Fe-Ni metal. We also give a brief account of the meteorite recovery during the three Explorations and of some preliminary classification results of the Antarctic meteorites.  相似文献   

The Antarctic Continent has become the largest natural preservatory of meteorites in the world because of its unique geographical position and climatic conditions. Mt. Grove is located in the inland area of the Antarctic Continent where the conditions are favorable for the preservation of meteorites. During China's 15th, 16th and 19th Antarctic Scientific Explorations a large number of meteorites were recovered in the Mt. Grove region. Especially during the 19th Exploration in 2002/03 a total of 4448 meteorites were recovered, which at one stroke put China among countries that have recovered most numbers of meteorites. Here, we report mainly the results of microscope and electron microprobe studies of 28 meteorites recovered during the 16th Exploration. The meteorites are chemically classified based on their mean Fa contents of olivine, mean Fs contents of low-Ca pyroxene and abundances of Fe-Ni metal. We also give a brief account of the meteorite recovery during the three Explorations and of some preli  相似文献   

Vega的碎片盘在早期的观测中出现特殊结构,这可能是其内部存在潜在的高偏心率行星导致的.但是,近期对Vega的多波段高分辨率观测显示,Vega的碎片盘是一个平滑的盘结构,这虽然不能否定其内部存在行星的假说,但是对其中潜在行星的某些轨道参数提供了限制条件.使用数值模拟的方法对Vega系统的碎片盘和可能存在的行星进行模拟.模拟中碎片盘位于80~120 AU,盘中尘埃尺寸为10~100 μm,轨道偏心率与倾角都非常小.通过多组计算的结果发现,如果Vega系统中不存在行星,那么其碎片盘演化结果与最新的观测结果吻合得较好;如果存在行星,且行星偏心率较大(比如e=0.6)时,那么行星的轨道半长径不能大于60 AU,否则碎片盘会在行星的影响下产生明显的聚集现象.行星与碎片盘的2:1平运动共振是导致碎片盘产生结构的主要原因.  相似文献   

The clumpy structure in the Vega's debris disk was reported at millimeter wavelengths previously, and attributed to the concentration of dust grains trapped in resonances with a potential high-eccentricity planet. However, current imaging at multi-wavelengths with higher sensitivity indicates that the Vega's debris disk has a smooth structure. But a planet orbiting Vega could not be neglected, and the present-day observations may place a severe constraint on the orbital parameters for the potential planet. Herein, we utilize the modi- fied MERCURY codes to numerically simulate the Vega system, which consists of a debris disk and a planet. In our simulations, the initial inner and outer boundaries of the debris disk are assumed to be 80 AU and 120 AU, respectively. The dust grains in the disk have the sizes from 10 μm to 100 μm, and the nearly coplanar orbits. From the outcomes, we show that the evolution of debris disk is consistent with recent observations, if there is no planet orbiting Vega. However, if Vega owns a planet with a high eccentricity (e.g., e = 0.6), the planet's semi- major axis cannot be larger than 60 AU, otherwise, an aggregation phenomenon will occur in the debris disk due to the existence of the postulated planet. In addition, the 2:1 mean motion resonances may play a significant role in forming the structure of debris disk.  相似文献   

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