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A re-analysis of the brightness distribution of the quiet Sun at 1.2 mm wavelength is made. It is concluded that there is no evidence for uniform or limb-brightened distribution at this wave-length.  相似文献   

Using the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) we produced a synthesized map of a quiet Sun region on June 15, 1976, and studied the structure and time variability of the quiet emitting regions at 6 cm wavelength with a spatial resolution of 6 arc sec. Comparison of the 12hr synthesis map with Ca+ K filtergram shows that bright and dark features on the 6 cm quiet Sun synthesized map correspond to the chromospheric networks and cells observed in Ca+ K. All 6 cm bright features lie over bright Ca+ K network elements. The reverse correlation is not true, that is, not all bright Ca+ K network features have their 6 cm counterparts. Comparison with the photospheric magnetogram shows that about 72% of the photospheric magnetic field enhancements (¦B¦ 5 G) are coincident with 6 cm emissive regions. Only one 6 cm feature could be positively identified with a bipolar magnetic structure. This implies that no more than 20–25% of the 6 cm emitting features could be associated with X-ray bright points. Intercomparison of our 12hr two-dimensional synthesis map, a 4hr two-dimensional synthesis map (around meridian) and the one-dimensional fan beam scans of the quiet Sun region at 6 cm, along with the Ca+ K filtergram and photospheric magnetogram shows that: (1) All of the 15 time-varying elements at 6 cm were located on Ca+ K networks; (2) about 40% of the 15 time varying elements at 6 cm are coincident with enhancements of the photospheric magnetogram; (3) individual time-varying sources have minimum source size (FWHM) of 15 arc sec and maximum brightness temperature of 105 K; (4) the life time of the time varying sources varies from a few minutes to several tens of minutes; (5) the intensity of the sources varies by factors of 2 to 7 over time periods of 1 min to tens of minutes; and (6) the sources tend to disappear for periods of up to tens of minutes and to reappear at the same locations.  相似文献   

The flux of the radio quiet Sun and the brightness temperature at 408 MHz (73 cm) are derived from measurements with the E-W Nançay interferometer and the E-W arm of the Medicina North Cross. It is shown that the lowest envelopes, which defined the radio quiet Sun, correspond to transits of extended coronal holes across the disk of the Sun.  相似文献   

Solar observations through the atmospheric pass-band centred at 250 GHz have been made in the form of isophote maps. These show chromospheric features which have higher brightness temperatures than the mean disc temperature by up to 10%. Examination of corresponding maps at lower frequencies and also of Caii and H spectroheliograms reveals that the hot areas lie above photospheric active regions, and are regular features of the chromospheric millimetric emission having stable structure and duration of several weeks. Less frequently observed variable enhancements are also described, and linked with the formation of the stable active regions.  相似文献   

Defining the solar brightness temperature accurately at millimeter wavelengths has always been challenging. One of the main reasons has been the lack of a proper calibration source. New Moon was used earlier as a calibration source. We carried out a new extensive set of observations at 8 mm using the New Moon for calibration. The solar and Moon observations were made using the 14-meter radiotelescope operated by the Aalto University Metsähovi Radio Observatory in Finland. In this article, we present our method for defining the brightness temperature of the quiet-Sun level (QSL). Based on these observations, we found \(8100~\mbox{K} \pm 300~\mbox{K}\) to be the mean value for the QSL temperature. This value is between the values that were reported in earlier studies.  相似文献   

Maps of the Sun at 2.8 cm wavelength, observed with the 100-m telescope in Effelsberg, on 1972, October 31 and 1973, February 10, are discussed. The brightness distribution over the Sun is, with the exception of active regions, approximately constant and nearly sharp-edged. Regions of small enhancements in the radiation can be identified with zones of weak activity in the solar magnetograms. Optical filaments could also be seen in absorption at 2.8 cm wavelength, the optical depth being of the order of 0.2. Several active regions have been analysed with respect to their position relative to their optical counterparts and to their brightness temperature: The latter was found to reach almost 106K in one case. No noticeable limb brightening could be observed; if any exists, it should be smaller than 5%. Likewise no noticeable elliptical deformation of the Sun's disk could be found. The geometrical thickness of the coronal layer, contributing to the undisturbed radiation at 2.8 cm was estimated to be a maximum of 4000 km.  相似文献   

M. R. Kundu 《Solar physics》1971,21(1):130-136
Some properties of solar active regions at 1.2 mm wavelength are discussed. Equatorial and polar brightness distributions of the quiet Sun at 1.2 mm wavelength are also presented.  相似文献   

Observations of the distribution of linearly polarized lunar thermal emission were made at a wavelength of 3.1 mm with The University of Texas 4.88 m parabolic reflector (0.042° HPBW). A shadow corrected, rough surface, thermal emission model for a homogeneous Moon was leastsquares-fitted to the polarization data. Results indicate an effective lunar dielectric constant of 1.34 ±0.04 with surface roughness characterized by a standard deviation of 17° ± 5° for surface slopes with a normal probability density, independent of lunar phase. A comparison of these results with published values at other wavelengths suggests that the effective lunar dielectric constant, as obtained by lunar emission measurements, decreases with decreasing wavelength of observation. This wavelength dependence may be interpreted in terms of an inhomogeneous surface and/or a surface that possesses intermediate scale surface roughness.This work was supported in part by NASA Grant NGL 44-012-006.  相似文献   

The absolute brightness temperature of the Sun at millimeter wavelengths is an important diagnostic of the solar chromosphere. Because the Sun is so bright, measurement of this property usually involves the operation of telescopes under extreme conditions and requires a rigorous performance assessment of the telescope. In this study, we establish solar observation and calibration techniques at 2.6 mm wavelength for the Nobeyama 45 m telescope and accurately derive the absolute solar brightness temperature. We tune the superconductor–insulator–superconductor (SIS) receiver by inducing different bias voltages onto the SIS mixer to prevent saturation. Then, we examine the linearity of the receiver system by comparing outputs derived from different tuning conditions. Furthermore, we measure the lunar filled beam efficiency of the telescope using the New Moon, and then derive the absolute brightness temperature of the Sun. The derived solar brightness temperature is \(7700 \pm 310~\mbox{K}\) at 115 GHz. The telescope beam pattern is modeled as a summation of three Gaussian functions and derived using the solar limb. The real shape of the Sun is determined via deconvolution of the beam pattern from the observed map. Such well-calibrated single-dish observations are important for high-resolution chromospheric studies because they provide the absolute temperature scale that is lacking from interferometer observations.  相似文献   

Observations at a wavelength of 1.32 mm have been made of the Jovian planets, Ceres, the satellites Callisto and Ganymede, and the HII region DR 21. The observed brightness temperatures are presented. Those of the Jovian planets agree with the values expected from model atmosphere calculations, except that of Jupiter, which is lower than expected. Ceres and the satellites do not have atmospheres so their emission arised in their subsurface layers. The observed brightness temperatures are intermediate between those measured at infrared and centimeter wavelengths.  相似文献   

To obtain quantitative temporal and spatial information on the network magnetic fields, we applied auto- and cross-correlation techniques to the Big Bear videomagnetogram (VMG) data. The average size of the network magnetic elements derived from the auto-correlation curve is about 5700 km. The distance between the primary and secondary peak in the auto-correlation curve is about 17000 km, which is half of the size of the supergranule as determined from the velocity map. The correlation time is about 10 to 20 hours. The diffusion constant derived from the cross-correlation curve is 150 km2 s-1. We also found that in the quiet regions the total magnetic flux in a window 3 × 4 changes very little in nearly 10 hours. That means the emergence and the disappearance of magnetic flux are in balance. The cancelling features and the emergence of ephemeral regions are the major sources for the loss and replenishment of magnetic flux on the quiet Sun.  相似文献   

The Ca ii K line emission from the quiet Sun network does not vary with the 11-year cycle (White and Livinston, 1981). We confirm this result from direct magnetic measurements. This effect is not simply explained by present empirical models of the evolution of surface magnetic fields.Now at Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, U.S.A.  相似文献   

A study of the circular polarization structure of solar active regions has been made from data obtained at 9.5 mm wavelength, using the 85 ft reflector and polarimeter at the Naval Research Laboratory Maryland Point Observatory. The angular resolution of the telescope at this wavelength is 1.6. All important active regions observed at 9.5 mm are bipolar in nature, the degree of polarization is about the same for both right and left circular components and it ranges up to about 4%. These oppositely polarized components correspond with the Mt. Wilson magnetic regions of opposite polarity; the line of zero polarization delineates clearly the neutral line between the regions of opposite polarity on magnetograms. Unipolar regions in magnetograms also show up as unipolar regions at 9.5 mm. Magnetic fields as low as 5–10 G on magnetograms manifest as distinctly polarized regions on 9.5 mm maps. A line of zero polarization seems to delineate the extent of absorption features observed at 9.5 mm in coincidence with H dark filaments.  相似文献   

The brightness distribution of the quiet Sun at 8.6 mm wavelength is synthesized from off-meridian observations using an eight element east-west interferometer with a maximum base line of 16.38 m (1913). The observed brightness distribution is practically flat from the disk center to the optical limb. The effective radius of the nearly uniform component is 1.01 R . If the limb brightening is present, the brightening located between 0.95 R and 1.01 R , and the total flux density of the limb brightening is less than 1% of the total flux density of the Sun. In addition to the nearly uniform component there exists a coronal component just outside the optical limb.  相似文献   

In this communication we briefly review the content of Cephei pulsating stars in young open clusters. The actual metallicity differences between clusters are suggested to be detectable as variations of the location of these stars in the photometric diagrams. We make a quantitative estimate of these differences and comment on the connections with the existence and possible determination of a metallicity gradient in the galactic plane.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

Center-to-limb brightness distribution measurements of the quiet Sun at a wavelength of 3.3 mm show that there is a slight limb brightening at this wavelength. Within the measurement accuracy of the system used, the limb brightening function is only radially dependent. At 3.3 mm, the measurements are consistent with a solar brightness curve that is flat to about r = 0.8 with a rapid increase to a peak value of about 1.3 at the limb. The results show that most of the central disk 3.3-mm emission comes from a thin layer of relatively constant temperature about 1500–3500 km above the photosphere. This work was supported by the U.S. Air Force under Contract No. F04701-69-C-0066.  相似文献   

Earth, Moon, and Planets - Observations of lunar radio emission were made at 3.09 mm wavelength (97.1 GHz) from April 18 to May 20, 1971. Absolute brightness temperatures were measured for five...  相似文献   

We have previously studied large-scale motions using high-resolution magnetograms taken from 1978 to 1990 with the NSO Vacuum Telescope on Kitt Peak. Latitudinal and longitudinal motions were determined by a two-dimensional crosscorrelation analysis of pairs of consecutive daily observations using small magnetic features as tracers. Here we examine the shape and amplitude of the crosscorrelation functions. We find a characteristic length scale as indicated by the FWHM of the crosscorrelation functions of 16.6 ± 0.2 Mm. The length scale is constant within ±45° latitude and decreases by about 5% at 52.5° latitude; i.e., the characteristic size is almost latitude independent. The characteristic scale is within 3% of the average value during most times of the solar cycle, but it increases during cycle maximum at latitudes where active regions are present. For the time period 1978–1981 (solar cycle maximum), the length scale increases up to 1.7 Mm or 10% at 30° latitude. In addition, we derive the average amplitude of the crosscorrelation functions, which reflects the diffusion of magnetic elements and their evolutionary changes (including formation and decay). We find an average value of 0.091 ± 0.003 for the crosscorrelation amplitude at a time lag of one day, which we interpret as being caused by the combined effect of the lifetime of magnetic features and a diffusion process. Assuming a lifetime of one day, we find a value of 120 km2 s–1 for the diffusion constant, while a lifetime of two days leads to 230 km2 s–1.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Observations at 9 mm wavelength of the partial solar eclipse of February 25th 1971 were made to investigate possible limb brightening of the Sun. The results obtained show that less than 5% of the solar disc power can be contained in any such brightening.  相似文献   

The Teepee Tee array of the Clark Lake Radio Observatory has been used to compare the flux of the Sun with that of the sidereal sources Tau A and Vir A at several frequencies in the range 109.0–19.0 MHz. Only the two central banks of the E-W arm of the array were used as elements of a phase switched interferometer so that the Sun could be observed as a point source and compared directly to the sidereal sources. The Sun was still partially resolved however, and appropriate corrections for this effect were made. The observations were taken at times when the Sun and either Tau A or Vir A were at the same declination. We have therefore been able to derive the values for the solar flux, without having to resort to a gain vs zenith distance correction. The observations, combined with those available in the literature, allow us to derive an accurate meter and decameter wavelength spectrum of the quiet Sun.On leave of absence from Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía, Argentina.  相似文献   

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