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Maps are explicitly positioned within the realms of power, representation, and epistemology; this article sets out to explore how these ideas are manifest in the academic Geographic Information Science (GIScience) literature. We analyze 10 years of literature (2005–2014) from top tier GIScience journals specific to the geoweb and geographic crowdsourcing. We then broaden our search to include three additional journals outside the technical GIScience journals and contrast them to the initial findings. We use this comparison to discuss the apparent technical and social divide present within the literature. Our findings demonstrate little explicit engagement with topics of social justice, marginalization, and empowerment within our subset of almost 1200 GIScience papers. The social, environmental, and political nature of participation, mapmaking, and maps necessitates greater reflection on the creation, design, and implementation of the geoweb and geographic crowdsourcing. We argue that the merging of the technical and social has already occurred in practice, and for GIScience to remain relevant for contributors and users of crowdsourced maps, researchers and practitioners must heed two decades of calls for substantial and critical engagement with the geoweb and crowdsourcing as social, environmental, and political processes.  相似文献   

A geospatial cyberinfrastructure is needed to support advanced GIScience research and education activities. However, the heterogeneous and distributed nature of geospatial resources creates enormous obstacles for building a unified and interoperable geospatial cyberinfrastructure. In this paper, we propose the Geospatial Service Web (GSW) to underpin the development of a future geospatial cyberinfrastructure. The GSW excels over the traditional spatial data infrastructure by providing a highly intelligent geospatial middleware to integrate various geospatial resources through the Internet based on interoperable Web service technologies. The development of the GSW focuses on the establishment of a platform where data, information, and knowledge can be shared and exchanged in an interoperable manner. Theoretically, we describe the conceptual framework and research challenges for GSW, and then introduce our recent research toward building a GSW. A research agenda for building a GSW is also presented in the paper.  相似文献   

This article describes research in the ongoing search for better semantic similarity tools: such methods are important when attempting to reconcile or integrate knowledge, or knowledge‐related resources such as ontologies and database schemas. We describe an extensible, open platform for experimenting with different measures of similarity for ontologies and concept maps. The platform is based around three different types of similarity, that we ground in cognitive principles and provide a taxonomy and structure by which new similarity methods can be integrated and used. The platform supports a variety of specific similarity methods, to which researchers can add others of their own. It also provides flexible ways to combine the results from multiple methods, and some graphic tools for visualizing and communicating multi‐part similarity scores. Details of the system, which forms part of the ConceptVista open codebase, are described, along with associated details of the interfaces by which users can add new methods, choose which methods are used and select how multiple similarity scores are aggregated. We offer this as a community resource, since many similarity methods have been proposed but there is still much confusion about which one(s) might work well for different geographical problems; hence a test environment that all can access and extend would seem to be of practical use. We also provide some examples of the platform in use.  相似文献   

“测绘卓越工程师教育培养计划”是《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》高等教育改革和发展中具有战略性意义的一项重要任务。本文紧抓人才培养模式创新的关键性要素作为切入点,创建了一套行业需求为导向的测绘工程专业卓越人才培养体系,搭建“高工程素质、强实践能力”的人才培养模式,完善专业课程体系,加强师资队伍建设,强化多元实践教学,构筑创新实践平台,着力提高学生的工程意识、工程素质和工程实践能力。  相似文献   

One of the most important factors impacting the development of today's private higher education in China is that there are not enough policies to support it. Then, the history of private higher education in Nanjing Nationalist Government (1927–1949) is focused on.  相似文献   

主要阐述工程测量高职教育中在教师的选聘、课程的设置、实习设备、技能考核、顶岗实习等方面出现的问题。通过对以上问题的分析,探求工程测量高职教育的改革思路,并提出教改的个人观点。  相似文献   

成教GIS专业人才培养方案的优化设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
围绕如何依据成人高等教育的特点办地理信息系统(GIS)专业的建设问题,分析了成教地理信息系统专业的人才培养目标及意义,提出了人才培养过程优化的方案。重点对成教地理信息系统专业的课程体系进行了设计,为成教地理信息系统专业的人才培养提供了实践经验,并提出了一些有借鉴意义的培养方案。  相似文献   

测绘仪器的开发与创新不仅是当前测绘信息化阶段工程本科人才培养的重要环节,也是工程教育认证中解决复杂工程问题的基本要求。仪器系统综合设计训练能够有效锻炼工科大学生解决复杂工程问题的能力。本文在明确专业认证中复杂工程问题的基本内涵后,介绍了仪器系统综合训练实验内容的设计方法,并梳理项目设计任务与复杂工程问题间的关系,同时结合课程反馈优化实践课程设置,将解决复杂工程问题的能力培养落到实处,为测绘类、仪器类相关专业培养方案的制订提供参考,使其符合工程教育认证标准要求。  相似文献   

在成人高等教育改革中,培养模式研究是关键内容。本文提出了目前成人高等教育地理信息系统专业教育的现状和问题,分析了该专业人才的基本素质要求,并重点探讨了成人高等教育地理信息系统专业的培养模式。  相似文献   

In this article, we present a fuzzy model for intrinsic quality assessment of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) on species occurrences obtained by Citizen Science (CS) biodiversity monitoring programs. The proposed VGI quality assurance approach evaluates the thematic and positional quality of the crowdsourced biodiversity observation in terms of the trustworthiness of the observation by combining three indicators of consistency with habitat, consistency with surroundings, and reputation of contributor, that characterize the geographical and social aspects of trust in VGI. To evaluate the performance and usability of the proposed approach for evaluating the trustworthiness of crowdsourced observations and detecting thematic and positional errors in crowdsourced observations, the developed approach was applied to the crowdsourced observations on Acer macrophyllum collected through the CS biodiversity monitoring projects of E-Flora BC and iNaturalist. The result of a conformity test at the optimal acceptance threshold (sensitivity = 0.99, specificity = 0.8, and Cohen’s kappa = 0.79), the achieved area under the curve (AUC) value (AUC = 0.98), and the results of the complementary investigation on the predictions of the proposed model indicated that the proposed fuzzy trust model exhibited promising predictive performance and was able to flag the majority of attribute and positional errors in the crowdsourced biodiversity observations.  相似文献   

《工程测量学》课程教学质量保证措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍测绘工程专业主要课程《工程测量学》的特点和教学过程中存在的问题,分析了学生在学习过程中遇到的主要困难,提出了保证课程教学质量的措施。  相似文献   

互动式教学方法具有提高课堂教学效果、培养学生创新性思维能力的优点。通过对互动式教学应用现状的分析,结合地理信息系统的学科特征,探讨了互动式教学的内涵、特征和方法,提出了具体的实施方案和步骤,并对教学效果进行了考核评价。地理信息系统互动式教学实践表明,该教学模式能激发学生学习兴趣,有效提高教学效果,应当进一步完善推广。  相似文献   

通过测绘地理信息类专业教师参加顶岗锻炼的实践分析,对顶岗锻炼的意义和作用,以及顶岗锻炼的成效等进行了阐述,并从顶岗锻炼的目标和考核体系等方面进行了深入的探讨,为测绘地理信息类专业教师培养和教学改革提供思路,为教育教学质量的提高提供了保障。  相似文献   

闫利  李建成 《测绘通报》2020,(12):148-154
测绘类专业的“新工科”建设是我国测绘高等教育支撑测绘科技强国、地理信息产业强国建设的创新改革。本文分析了我国测绘类专业演变历程和面临的发展机遇,提出了智能化测绘的“新工科”建设思路,并提出了“新工科”人才的能力素质模型以及STEM理念下的“新工科”建设路线。  相似文献   

面向制图综合质量控制的数据模型——DFQR树   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有R树无法支持制图综合质量控制的问题,提出一种面向制图综合质量控制的R树变形数据模型:①在R树中引入操作记录维,利用树的深度变化来记录空间数据逐步综合的过程变化;②引入中间对象实体记录综合步骤的中间综合结果,同时允许中间综合结果在较高的树层次上出现;③树的分支结构考虑对自动制图综合算法的支持.分析该变形R树对制图综合质量控制过程,并着重对该数据模型生成算法中的约束条件、插入算法和分裂算法进行了讨论.使用该模型进行制图综合质量控制实验,结果表明,该模型原理正确,能够有效地对制图综合质量进行控制.  相似文献   

There are now many opportunities to learn how to make maps through technical training with mapmaking tools, including geographic information systems and web-based mapping services. In cartographic education, two challenges with teaching through practice stem from the disruptive nature of mapmaking tools and the tradition of teaching cartographic principles by rule or convention. This article outlines a framework for a pattern language to organize and share practical information about principles for making maps. The article provides an example pattern for mapmaking and discusses how this framework addresses recurring problems with teaching through practice.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于节点相似度的语义模式匹配方法,首先对元素标签进行概念化,其次计算元素标签间的语义关系,再次计算节点概念并转化成合取范式CNF,最后利用命题可满足性问题解决器SAT验证节点间的概念关系。实验结果表明,该方法有效提高了匹配的查全率、精度和整体质量。  相似文献   

基于城市空间大数据,综合生活、交通、环境、人口因素构建了高校区位优势度的评价指标体系,结合专家打分及熵权法对南京高校区位优势进行评估。结果表明:①南京高校综合区位优势度在空间上呈现以南京新街口地区为中心并且向四周递减的结构,区域化特征差异明显;②高校生活区位优势呈现“一超多强”且沿地铁线路分布的多核心空间格局,生活评分变化幅度与所在区域的商业辐射能力呈正相关关系,并且随着范围的扩大两极分化程度加深;③高校交通区位优势以新街口地区为中心,呈现中心评分高、四周低,并主要沿轨道交通线路分布的空间格局;④综合评价表明南京的3个大学城中,江宁大学城发展最好,其次为仙林,浦口最差,但均与主城区内高校群存在较大差距。本文评价结果可为南京市城市基础设施建设,大学城完善及新建大学城规划布局提供科学参考。  相似文献   

差分码偏差(DCB)参数是影响用户定位、导航、授时和电离层求解的重要误差源之一。分析了北斗卫星导航系统不同轨道卫星高度角与不同频点信噪比(SNR)差值间的关系。实验分析表明:不同轨道卫星间信噪比差值具有较大差距,IGSO卫星信噪比差值(DSNR)较小且较为稳定,明显优于其他卫星;GEO卫星信噪比差值变化较小但绝对值较大;MEO卫星变化频繁且幅度较大。针对北斗系统具有多种轨道卫星的特点,结合卫地距与不同频点信噪比差值,提出了一种新的定权公式,并系统分析了不同定权方式下卫星DCB解算结果。实测数据分析表明:新的定权公式可以提高DCB解算精度,增强解算结果的稳定性。其中对于B1,B2和B1与B3差分码偏差,GEO卫星分别提高1%~15%和9%~16%;IGSO卫星提高4.5%~16%和8%~9%;MEO卫星提高20%~22%和27%~28%。  相似文献   

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