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The emergence of volunteered geographic information (VGI) during the past decade has fueled a wide range of research and applications. The assessment of VGI quality and fitness‐of‐use is still a challenge because of the non‐standardized and crowdsourced data collection process, as well as the unknown skill and motivation of the contributors. However, the frequent approach of assessing VGI quality against external data sources using ISO quality standard measures is problematic because of a frequent lack of available external (reference) data, and because for certain types of features, VGI might be more up‐to‐date than the reference data. Therefore, a VGI‐intrinsic measure of quality is highly desirable. This study proposes such an intrinsic measure of quality by developing the concept of aggregated expertise based on the characteristics of a feature's contributors. The article further operationalizes this concept and examines its feasibility through a case study using OpenStreetMap (OSM). The comparison of model OSM feature quality with information from a field survey demonstrates the successful implementation of this novel approach.  相似文献   

OpenStreetMap (OSM) has seen an exponential increase in the last few years and large volumes of geodata have been received from volunteered individuals. The collected geodata are heterogeneous in terms of different dimensions such as spatial patterns of contributions, quality, patterns of contributing individuals, and type of contributions. Because contributors’ personal information is anonymously stored by the OSM administrators, alternative methods are needed to investigate the role of contributors’ characteristics on their mapping behavior. This study is intended to explore the potential socio-economic characteristics of contributors in highly contributed areas to have better insights about the latent patterns of involved individuals in a highly dynamic state of the most active country in OSM, Germany. A logistic regression model (LRM) is applied to discover the potential correlations between dependent and independent variables. The findings explain that the areas with high population density, middle level of education, high income, high rate of overnight stays, high number of foreigners, and residents aged from 18 to 69 are more likely to be involved in OSM. Furthermore, the degree of dynamism in OSM is a function of proximity to built-up areas. Finally, concluding remarks concerning the independent variables and model sensitivity are presented.  相似文献   

The Annotation Process in OpenStreetMap   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In this article we describe the analysis of 25,000 objects from the OpenStreetMap (OSM) databases of Ireland, United Kingdom, Germany, and Austria. The objects are selected as exhibiting the characteristics of “heavily edited” objects. We consider “heavily edited” objects as having 15 or more versions over the object's lifetime. Our results indicate that there are some serious issues arising from the way contributors tag or annotate objects in OSM. Values assigned to the “name” and “highway” attributes are often subject to frequent and unexpected change. However, this “tag flip‐flopping” is not found to be strongly correlated with increasing numbers of contributors. We also show problems with usage of the OSM ontology/controlled vocabularly. The majority of errors occurring were caused by contributors choosing values from the ontology “by hand” and spelling these values incorrectly. These issues could have a potentially detrimental effect on the quality of OSM data while at the same time damaging the perception of OSM in the GIS community. The current state of tagging and annotation in OSM is not perfect. We feel that the problems identified are a combination of the flexibility of the tagging process in OSM and the lack of a strict mechanism for checking adherence to the OSM ontology for specific core attributes. More studies related to comparing the names of features in OSM to recognized ground‐truth datasets are required.  相似文献   

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a very well known and popular Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) project on the Internet. In January 2013 OSM gained its one millionth registered member. Several studies have shown that only a small percentage of these registered members carry out the large majority of the mapping and map editing work. In this article we discuss results from a social‐network based analysis of seven major cities in OSM in an effort to understand if there is quantitative evidence of interaction and collaboration between OSM members in these areas. Are OSM contributors working on their own to build OSM databases in these cities or is there evidence of collaboration between OSM contributors? We find that in many cases high frequent contributors (“senior mappers”) perform very large amounts of mapping work on their own but do interact (edit/update) contributions from lower frequency contributors.  相似文献   


Nowadays, several research projects show interest in employing volunteered geographic information (VGI) to improve their systems through using up-to-date and detailed data. The European project CAP4Access is one of the successful examples of such international-wide research projects that aims to improve the accessibility of people with restricted mobility using crowdsourced data. In this project, OpenStreetMap (OSM) is used to extend OpenRouteService, a well-known routing platform. However, a basic challenge that this project tackled was the incompleteness of OSM data with regards to certain information that is required for wheelchair accessibility (e.g. sidewalk information, kerb data, etc.). In this article, we present the results of initial assessment of sidewalk data in OSM at the beginning of the project as well as our approach in awareness raising and using tools for tagging accessibility data into OSM database for enriching the sidewalk data completeness. Several experiments have been carried out in different European cities, and discussion on the results of the experiments as well as the lessons learned are provided. The lessons learned provide recommendations that help in organizing better mapping party events in the future. We conclude by reporting on how and to what extent the OSM sidewalk data completeness in these study areas have benefited from the mapping parties by the end of the project.  相似文献   

The assessment of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data quality has become an interdisciplinary research area over the recent years. The question of whether the OSM road network should be updated through periodic data imports from public domain data, or whether the currency of OSM data should rather rely on more traditional data collection efforts by active contributors, has led to perpetual debates within the OSM community. A US Census TIGER/Line 2005 import into OSM was accomplished in early 2008, which generated a road network foundation for the active community members in the US. In this study we perform a longitudinal analysis of road data for the US by comparing the development of OSM and TIGER/Line data since the initial TIGER/Line import. The analysis is performed for the 50 US states and the District of Columbia, and 70 Urbanized Areas. In almost all tested states and Urbanized Areas, OSM misses roads for motorized traffic when compared with TIGER/Line street data, while significant contributions could be observed in pedestrian related network data in OSM compared with corresponding TIGER/Line data. We conclude that the quality of OSM road data could be improved through new OSM editor tools allowing contributors to trace current TIGER/Line data.  相似文献   

Quality assessment of OpenStreetMap data using trajectory mining   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OpenStreetMap (OSM) data are widely used but their reliability is still variable. Many contributors to OSM have not been trained in geography or surveying and consequently their contributions, including geometry and attribute data inserts, deletions, and updates, can be inaccurate, incomplete, inconsistent, or vague. There are some mechanisms and applications dedicated to discovering bugs and errors in OSM data. Such systems can remove errors through user-checks and applying predefined rules but they need an extra control process to check the real-world validity of suspected errors and bugs. This paper focuses on finding bugs and errors based on patterns and rules extracted from the tracking data of users. The underlying idea is that certain characteristics of user trajectories are directly linked to the type of feature. Using such rules, some sets of potential bugs and errors can be identified and stored for further investigations.  相似文献   

OpenStreetMap (OSM) represents one of the most well‐known examples of a collaborative mapping project. Major research efforts have so far dealt with data quality analysis but the modality of OSM's evolution across space and time has barely been noted. This study aims to analyze spatio‐temporal patterns of contributions in OSM by proposing a contribution index (CI) in order to investigate the dynamism of OSM. The CI is based on a per cell analysis of the node quantity, interactivity, semantics, and attractivity (the ability to attract contributors). Additionally this research explores whether OSM has been constantly attracting new users and contributions or if OSM has experienced a decline in its ability to attract continued contributions. Using the Stuttgart region of Germany as a case study the empirical findings of the CI over time confirm that since 2007, OSM has been constantly attracting new users, who create new features, edit the existing spatial objects, and enrich them with attributes. This rate has been dramatically growing since 2011. The utilization of a Cellular Automata‐Markov (CA‐Markov) model provides evidence that by the end of 2016 and 2020, the rise of CI will spread out over the study area and only a few cells without OSM features will remain.  相似文献   

Until recently, land surveys and digital interpretation of remotely sensed imagery have been used to generate land use inventories. These techniques however, are often cumbersome and costly, allocating large amounts of technical and temporal costs. The technological advances of web 2.0 have brought a wide array of technological achievements, stimulating the participatory role in collaborative and crowd sourced mapping products. This has been fostered by GPS-enabled devices, and accessible tools that enable visual interpretation of high resolution satellite images/air photos provided in collaborative mapping projects. Such technologies offer an integrative approach to geography by means of promoting public participation and allowing accurate assessment and classification of land use as well as geographical features. OpenStreetMap (OSM) has supported the evolution of such techniques, contributing to the existence of a large inventory of spatial land use information. This paper explores the introduction of this novel participatory phenomenon for land use classification in Europe's metropolitan regions. We adopt a positivistic approach to assess comparatively the accuracy of these contributions of OSM for land use classifications in seven large European metropolitan regions. Thematic accuracy and degree of completeness of OSM data was compared to available Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Urban Atlas (GMESUA) datasets for the chosen metropolises. We further extend our findings of land use within a novel framework for geography, justifying that volunteered geographic information (VGI) sources are of great benefit for land use mapping depending on location and degree of VGI dynamism and offer a great alternative to traditional mapping techniques for metropolitan regions throughout Europe. Evaluation of several land use types at the local level suggests that a number of OSM classes (such as anthropogenic land use, agricultural and some natural environment classes) are viable alternatives for land use classification. These classes are highly accurate and can be integrated into planning decisions for stakeholders and policymakers.  相似文献   

周边区域地理信息的获取是我国地缘环境研究中的一个难题,志愿者地理信息(volunteered geographic information,VGI)的兴起为解决该难题提供了一个可行的方法。在目前一系列的VGI项目中,OpenStreetMap(OSM)是比较领先的应用,但OSM数据模型不同于我国周边应用的专业矢量数据模型,因此,利用OSM数据时首先需要对其进行模型转换。有鉴于此,本文提出了一种基于规则的OSM数据到专业应用矢量数据模型转换方法。该方法首先利用OSM定义的几何类型与地物属性作为分类依据,建立了模型转换基本规则库;对于志愿者根据自己的理解自行标注未包含在基本规则库中的目标采用人机交互方式进行模型转换,并在此过程中不断完善规则库,利用越南与巴基斯坦数据进行实验,最终形成了包括2 344条转换规则的模型转换规则库,为OSM数据模型到专业应用矢量数据模型的转换提供了一条可行途径。  相似文献   

OpenStreetMap(OSM)的数据由大众自发标报,因而存在大量虚假、低质量的数据,数据清理是OSM数据走向实用的重要前提。可信度被多位研究者提出作为OSM数据质量的评价手段,但目前OSM数据清理的研究工作中很少顾及众源地理信息的可信度,因此,本文提出了顾及可信度的OSM数据清理模型。该模型首先计算出顾及用户信誉的OSM数据的可信度,再对数据按照属性进行分类,根据不同属性的数据可信度分布情况设置该属性数据相应的阈值并进行清理,对低于阈值的数据进行人工检查,高于阈值的数据则筛选出用户信誉与可信度不相等以及新建的数据进行人工检查,最后采用OSM真实历史数据中的线对象进行实验,实验结果表明:该模型能够有效地清理出绝大部分的虚假以及低质量数据。  相似文献   

This article presents a novel open source toolbox for street network comparison based on the Sextante geoprocessing framework for the open source Geographic Information System Quantum GIS (QGIS). In the spirit of open science, the toolbox enables researchers worldwide to assess the quality of street networks such as OpenStreetMap (OSM) by calculating key performance indicators commonly used in street network comparison studies. Additionally, we suggest two new performance indicators for turn restriction and one‐way street comparisons specifically aimed at testing street network quality for routing. We demonstrate the use of this toolbox by comparing OSM and the official Austrian reference graph “Graph Integration Platform” (GIP) in the greater Vienna region.  相似文献   

New, free and fast growing spatial data sources have appeared online, based on Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). OpenStreetMap (OSM) is one of the most representative projects of this trend. Its increasing popularity and density makes the study of its data quality an imperative. A common approach is to compare OSM with a reference dataset. In such cases, data matching is necessary for the comparison to be meaningful, and is usually performed manually at the data preparation stage. This article proposes an automated feature‐based matching method specifically designed for VGI, based on a multi‐stage approach that combines geometric and attribute constraints. It is applied to the OSM dataset using the official data from Ordnance Survey as the reference dataset. The results are then used to evaluate data completeness of OSM in several case studies in the UK.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the usability of the iD editor of OpenStreetMap (OSM). To this end a usability test with 18 participants has been conducted. The participants were given mapping tasks to complete using iD and observed with the thinking aloud method as well as screen recording and mouse/keyboard logging. Additionally, the test persons were interviewed after each test. The data gathered were analysed with regard to key usability criteria such as learnability, efficiency, error tolerance, and subjective user satisfaction. The outcome of this study is the identification of usability issues from which possible improvements of the tool have been derived. The study shows that iD is an overall usable tool for novice users, but still shows opportunities for improvement especially in terms of learnability and error handling.  相似文献   

OpenStreetMap (OSM) currently represents the most popular project of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI): geodata are collected by common people and made available for public use. Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) enables the acquisition of high-resolution digital elevation models that are used for many applications. This study combines the advantages of both ALS and OSM, offering a promising new approach that enhances data quality and allows change detection: the mainly up-to-date 2D data of OSM can be combined with the high-resolution – but rarely updated – elevation information provided by ALS. This case study investigates building objects of OSM and ALS data of the city of Bregenz, Austria. Data quality of OSM is discerned by the comparison of building footprints using different true positive definitions (e.g. overlapping area). High quality of OSM data is revealed, yet also limitations of each method with respect to heterogeneous regions and building outlines are identified. For the first time, an up-to-date Digital Surface Model (DSM) combining 2D OSM and ALS data is achieved. A multitude of applications such as flood simulations and solar potential assessments can directly benefit from this data combination, since their value and reliability strongly depend on an up-to-date DSM.  相似文献   

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is an extraordinarily large and diverse spatial database of the world. Road networks are amongst the most frequently occurring spatial content within the OSM database. These road network representations are usable in many applications. However the quality of these representations can vary between locations. Comparing OSM road networks with authoritative road datasets for a given area or region is an important task in assessing OSM's fitness for use for applications like routing and navigation. Such comparisons can be technically challenging and no software implementation exists which facilitates them easily and automatically. In this article we develop and propose a flexible methodology for comparing the geometry of OSM road network data with other road datasets. Quantitative measures for the completeness and spatial accuracy of OSM are computed, including the compatibility of OSM road data with other map databases. Our methodology provides users with significant flexibility in how they can adjust the parameterization to suit their needs. This software implementation is exclusively built on open source software and a significant degree of automation is provided for these comparisons. This software can subsequently be extended and adapted for comparison between OSM and other external road datasets.  相似文献   

A Comprehensive Framework for Intrinsic OpenStreetMap Quality Analysis   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is one of the most popular examples of a Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) project. In the past years it has become a serious alternative source for geodata. Since the quality of OSM data can vary strongly, different aspects have been investigated in several scientific studies. In most cases the data is compared with commercial or administrative datasets which, however, are not always accessible due to the lack of availability, contradictory licensing restrictions or high procurement costs. In this investigation a framework containing more than 25 methods and indicators is presented, allowing OSM quality assessments based solely on the data's history. Without the usage of a reference data set, approximate statements on OSM data quality are possible. For this purpose existing methods are taken up, developed further, and integrated into an extensible open source framework. This enables arbitrarily repeatable intrinsic OSM quality analyses for any part of the world.  相似文献   

The obesity epidemic and inequalities in access to food are prompting increasing numbers of food environment studies, which rely on secondary data sources for mapping. This article assesses the reliability of the two main food outlet data sources in France: the volunteered geographical information (VGI) collaborative map OpenStreetMap (OSM) and the national business register Sirene. Their information on food outlets was assessed through ground-truthing in the city-region of Montpellier. Sensitivity, positive predictive value, and concordance were computed for each database. We analyzed the socio-spatial variability of these measures according to households' income level. The sensitivity of Sirene is good and that of OSM moderate, while the opposite holds for positive predictive value, and the concordance of both OSM and Sirene is fair. Sirene provides more reliable data on deprived neighborhoods and OSM on wealthy neighborhoods. Caution is recommended regarding the classifications on which they are based, the time required to update the institutional database, and socially influenced contributions to VGI.  相似文献   

This article assesses the completeness of bicycle trail and on‐street lane features in OpenStreetMap (OSM). Comparing OSM cycling features with reference data from local planning agencies for selected US Urbanized Areas shows that OSM bicycle trails tend to be more completely mapped than bicycle lanes. Manual evaluation of mapped cycling features in OSM and Google Maps for selected test areas within the Central Business Districts of Portland (OR) and Miami (FL) through comparison with governmental datasets, satellite imagery, and Google Street View, shows that the Bicycle layer in Google Maps can help to identify some missing or erroneously mapped OSM cycling links. However, Google Maps was also found to have some gaps in its data layers, suggesting that consultation of current trail and lane data from local planning authorities, if available, should be considered as an additional data source for bicycle related planning projects.  相似文献   

OpenStreetMap (OSM) provides free source data for land use and land cover (LULC) mapping of many regions globally. Earlier work has used just manual and subjective approaches to establish correspondence between paired OSM and reference datasets, an essential step for LULC mapping. This study proposes an approach to establish correspondence via three steps: (1) convert line feature(s) into polygon feature(s); (2) merge multiple polygon feature(s) into a single layer; and (3) establish correspondence and reclassify OSM and/or reference datasets. Study areas in Sheffield, London, Rome, and Paris were used for testing, and two measures (overall accuracy, OA and kappa index) were used for evaluation. Experiments were designed to verify this approach, with each pair of OSM and reference datasets initially compared after reclassification. Correspondence from one study area was then applied to another for further validation. Results show that OA was between 70 and 90% and the kappa index varied between 0.6 and 0.8. Evaluation also indicates that the correspondence obtained from one study area is applicable to another, and we illustrate the effectiveness of this approach.  相似文献   

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