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The problem of imaging sedimentary structure obscured by high-velocity layers, such as carbonate, basalt or salt, using conventional seismic techniques is well known. When this problem is encountered in offshore areas, marine electromagnetic data can provide valuable, alternative and complementary constraints on the structure. We concentrate on the use of marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) sounding in the frequency domain. The feasibility of mapping sub-basalt sedimentary structure using this technique is explored by means of modelling studies which mimic a type of survey which could readily be employed in practice. As a starting point the problem is addressed in terms of 1D resistivity structure. We show that sub-basalt sediments can be detected and their depth of burial quantified to within 200 m in the examples shown. The presence of small-scale inhomogeneities in the basalt (which cause much of the scattering in seismic data) is shown to have no appreciable effect on the ability of the CSEM data to detect the sediments. The modelling is then extended to 2.5 dimensions. Again the presence of sub-basalt sediments can be readily detected and their properties and geometry quantified, especially if the electromagnetic data are combined with constraints from complementary geophysical techniques.  相似文献   

A quantitative study on the use of converted waves for sub-basalt imaging   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The idea of imaging beneath a high-velocity layer using converted waves has been popular since 1990. Because these wave types have their maximum amplitudes at mid- to far-offsets, the search for pure P-waves at the highly multiple-contaminated near-offsets can be avoided. For the Atlantic Margin, with buried thin-layered basalts, our quantitative study shows that the initial single-layered approach is not viable. Even in an unrealistic ideal geological setting, the amplitude of the symmetrical PSP-mode is far too weak to be recognized on towed streamer data. Furthermore, in the far-offset window, where locally converted waves have their strongest amplitudes, there is a multitude of other reflections, refractions and interbedded multiples, which have similar moveouts and, often, higher amplitudes. Without the removal of these events, a reliable image of the subsurface cannot be produced. We show that even if this problem were solved, it would be far easier to use the P-wave reflection from beneath the basalt at near-offsets. Our study shows that this wave type is by far the strongest response. A borehole-derived model using a thin-layered basalt sequence reveals that the strongest locally converted wave has an asymmetrical path and is 10 times weaker. All our results indicate that the pure P-modes provide the best chance of imaging sub-basalt sedimentary interfaces.  相似文献   

The magnetotelluric (MT) method has been among the favorite supporting tools for seismic imaging of sub-salt and sub-basalt targets. In this paper we present an example from Kachchh, India (where basaltic rocks overlie Mesozoic sedimentary rocks), and discuss the feasibility of using MT method as an exploration tool in this geological setting. Our results highlight the difference in magnetotelluric response caused by the thin intrabasalt layering. The key issue addressed in this paper is what MT can and cannot provide in such geological settings. First, we compute apparent resistivity and phase response curves using representative resistivity-depth models and borehole data from the study area. Later, we compare these results to assess the plausibility of using MT to image the sub-volcanic sediments at Kachchh. Finally, we substantiate our discussion through one-dimensional inversion of the field observed MT data from this region that exhibits poor sensitivity of MT for thin basalt layers.  相似文献   

A case study of sub-basalt imaging in land region covered with basalt flows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, a set of 20 2D seismic lines, acquired over the Golan Heights basaltic plateau, was processed and analysed. Although the data were acquired and processed by standard techniques, in some cases good-quality seismic images were obtained under several hundred metres of basalts. We describe how the seismic characteristics of the top basalt layer were defined and show the effect of the numerous widespread volcanic sources on the quality of the final images. The new data reveal the first images of the sedimentary sequence under the basalt flows, and indicate that strands of the Dead Sea Transform extend into this area. The entire region was found to be very deformed. Several attractive traps for hydrocarbon exploration were also identified on the output sections.  相似文献   

Seismic reflection methods provide continuous access both to stratigraphy (vertical) and to subsurface morphology (horizontal), for which the scales of interest may differ by orders of magnitude. Seismic surveys of Quaternary successions have generally sought to optimise vertical resolution, through the use of higher source frequency content. Here, I show that low-frequency bandwidth is not necessarily a limiting factor for the seismic resolution of glacigenic morpho-sedimentary features. Observations are presented from a buried network of large mid-Pleistocene (Elsterian) tunnel-valleys in the southern North Sea Basin, across a 100×130 km study area with water depths less than 30 m. Low-frequency 2D and 3D seismic multi-channel data, acquired for deeper hydrocarbon exploration, are compared with previously available high-frequency single- and multi-channel profiles (5–15 km grid spacing). The low-frequency data contribute to a new understanding of the basal morphology and fill stratigraphy of the tunnel-valleys, in part due to higher data densities (≥1 km grid spacing), but also to improved imaging of reflectors at depth. The tunnel-valleys are seen to be overdeepened troughs, shallow (≤0.5 km) relative to their widths (≤6 km). The basal unconformity defines a series of arborescent elements, convergent to the south; erosional overlap by younger elements to the north has resulted in anastomosing patterns in places. The fill is dominated by axially downlapping clinoforms, descending to the north, onlapped and overlain by subhorizontal reflectors. Well data show that sand-dominated glaciofluvial sediments are overlain by glaciolacustrine to marine muds. Better definition of the clinoforms on low- versus high-frequency multi-channel data is suggested to reflect the coarse spatial scale of the backset glaciofluvial strata. The results support a simple interpretation of time-transgressive tunnel-valley formation by coeval glaciofluvial erosion and backfill beneath the outer tens of kilometres of the northward receding Elsterian ice sheet margin. Comparable submarginal interpretations have been proposed for drainage features (tunnel-valleys and eskers) of the last deglaciation of both northern Europe and North America using integrated geomorphologic and stratigraphic methods. Commercial 2D and 3D seismic data are widely available from exploration areas such as the North Sea and are argued to constitute an underexploited resource for Quaternary research.  相似文献   

Several mechanical and hydraulic limitations hinder the ground-force energy output of a seismic vibrator at low frequencies. The hydraulic pump flow, pump response time, reaction mass stroke, servo valve stroke, engine horsepower, accumulator size, harmonic distortion and vehicle chassis isolation each play a role in limiting the ground-force energy output of vibrators. In addition, the peak-decoupling force – which is defined as the smaller value of either the maximum peak force or the hold-down weight – also plays a role in limiting ground-force energy production. A model useful for simulating seismic vibrator dynamics is developed to evaluate the impact of these parameters on the vibrator fundamental force envelope at low frequencies. Model data show that among these factors the reaction mass stroke and the peak-decoupling force are key parameters for setting the target fundamental force that can be achieved at low frequencies. Formulas are derived to estimate fundamental force, peak force and the reaction mass displacement. These formulas can serve as guidelines for sweep designers who plan to design low frequency sweeps with considerable dwell time in the lower frequency ranges. Test data show that formulas can be used to profile the vibrator envelope at low frequencies.  相似文献   

针对低频Rayleigh表面波,设计了部分埋入式工字形截面周期波屏障。利用有限元方法计算了结构的频散曲线,分析了带隙的形成机理,讨论了屏障埋入土体深度和截面参数对带隙的影响,在此基础上设计了具有低频超宽衰减域的梯度及分段梯度波屏障并计算了其传输谱。结果表明:周期波屏障存在较宽带隙,板埋入深度和端部尺寸是影响带隙的关键参数,通过参数调节可实现不同频段Rayleigh波的调控。工字形变截面波屏障比等截面具有更优越的隔震性能且节省材料。梯度及分段梯度波屏障显著拓宽了衰减域的频率范围,对1.5~20 Hz范围内的Rayleigh表面波实现了全覆盖,用小尺寸控制了大波长。  相似文献   

低频含水岩石介电高值成因及改进测量方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
含水岩石在低频下常常呈现高达104以上的介电常数值,数值模拟和实测结果都表明这是由于岩石中存在着传导电流,其具有与外场同相和正交的实、虚部,这二者通过与频率成反比的关系叠加在介电常数上.提出在平行板电容器一极板与被测岩石样品间夹入不导电薄膜的办法来消除传导电流的不利影响.对标准件的测量表明该方法的最大误差在4%以内.用该方法测量淡水饱和岩石样品,结果得到合理适中的介电常数值及清晰明了的介电极化谱.除湿岩石外,该方法还适用于冰、生物肌体等固态导电介质的介电谱研究.  相似文献   

A sensitive capacitance displacement transducer has been used to record hysteresis loops in the stress-strain diagrams of laboratory samples of granite, basalt, sandstone and concrete subjected to cyclic axial strains with amplitudes of order 10?5 and periods of 10–300 sec. The ends of the loops are always cusped, whether the load cycle is sinusoidal or not, and at low strain amplitudes the loop shape becomes symmetrical and appears to be independent of amplitude. Thermal relaxation influences the observed loop shapes, so that the strain cycles represent a compromise between adiabatic and isothermal compressions. However, this does not affect the conclusion that stress-strain loops are always cusped. This observation does not appear to be consistent with linear theories of damping of acoustic and seismic waves, which indicate elliptical loops.  相似文献   

We use linear slip theory to evaluate seismic reflections at non‐welded interfaces, such as faults or fractures, sandwiched between general anisotropic media and show that at low frequencies the real parts of the reflection coefficients can be approximated by the responses of equivalent welded interfaces, whereas the imaginary parts can be related directly to the interface compliances. The imaginary parts of low frequency seismic reflection coefficients at fault zones can be used to estimate the interface compliances, which can be related to fault properties upon using a fault model. At normal incidence the expressions uncouple and the complex‐valued P‐wave reflection coefficient can be related linearly to the normal compliance. As the normal compliance is highly sensitive to the infill of the interface, it can be used for gas/fluid identification in the fault plane. Alternatively, the tangential compliance of a fault can be estimated from the complex‐valued S‐wave reflection coefficient. The tangential compliance can provide information on the crack density in a fault zone. Coupling compliances can be identified and quantified by the observation of PS conversion at normal incidence, with a comparable linear relationship.  相似文献   

The many different existing models describing the spectral behaviour of the resistivity of geological materials at low frequency, combined with the lack of available field data, render the interpretation of complex resistivity (CR) data very difficult. With a recent interest in CR‐measurements for environmental applications and thanks to technological progress, the use of wide‐band frequency equipment seems promising, and it is expected to shed light on the different results among the published solutions to the electromagnetic (EM) coupling problem. We review the theory of EM‐coupling over a homogeneous half‐space with CR‐effects and study some aspects of the complex coupling function. We advocate the use of the CR‐based coupling function in the interpretation process, in order to obtain a better understanding of the physical processes involved in CR‐effects. Application of the model to real field data shows systematic good agreement in two simple cases, even over wide ranges of frequencies. Interpretation with a double Cole–Cole model is applied for comparison, and in spite of good fits to the data, large differences are observed in the interpreted low‐frequency dispersion. We conclude that the use of a second Cole–Cole model to describe EM‐coupling may corrupt the interpretation of the low‐frequency dispersion, even when only the normal range of frequencies (<100 Hz) is considered, and that the use of the actual EM‐coupling expression is essential when the goal is a better understanding of interaction between CR‐effects and EM‐coupling.  相似文献   

When a seismic wave propagates through subsurface viscoelastic media, the formation absorbs the high-frequency energy of the seismic wave more strongly than the...  相似文献   

It is shown how the empirical equations for scaling the Fourier amplitude spectra in the frequency band from ~0.1 to 25 Hz can be extended to describe the strong motion amplitudes in a much broader frequency range. At long periods, the proposed equations are in excellent agreement with (1) the seismological and field estimates of permanent ground displacement (near field) and (2) the independent estimates of seismic moment (far field). At high frequencies, f ≥ 25 Hz, the spectral amplitudes can be described by exp (? πkf), where k ranges from 0·02 (near source) to about 0·06 at an epicentral distance of about 200 km. It is also shown how amplification by local soil and geological site conditions can be defined to apply in the same broad frequency range.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of the power spectra of the geomagnetic field components H and D for periods ranging between 3 min and 1 h was conducted at a lowlatitude observatory (Aquila, L = 1.6) at the minimum and maximum of the solar cycle. For both components, during daytime intervals, we found evidence of power enhancements at frequencies predicted for global modes of the Earths magnetosphere and occasionally observed at auroral latitudes in the F-region drift velocities (approximately at 1.3, 1.9, 2.6, and 3.4 mHz). Nighttime observations reveal a relative low frequency H enhancement associated with the bay occurrence together with a peak in the H/D power ratio which sharply emerges at 1.2 mHz in the premidnight sector. The strong similarity between solar minimum and maximum suggests that these modes can be considered permanent magnetospheric features. A separate analysis on a two-month interval shows that the observed spectral characteristics are amplified by conditions of high-velocity solar wind.  相似文献   

Low frequencies are necessary in seismic data for proper acoustic impedance imaging and for petrophysical interpretation. Without lower frequencies, images can be distorted leading to incorrect reservoir interpretation and petrophysical predictions. As part of the Foinaven Active Reservoir Management (FARM) project, a Towed Streamer survey and an Ocean Bottom Hydrophone (OBH) survey were shot in both 1995 and 1998. The OBH surveys contain lower frequencies than the streamer surveys, providing a unique opportunity to study the effects that low frequencies have on both the acoustic impedance image along with petrophysical time‐lapse predictions. Artefacts that could easily have been interpreted as high‐resolution features in the streamer data impedance volumes can be distinguished by comparison with the impedance volumes created from the OBH surveys containing lower frequencies. In order to obtain results from the impedance volumes, impedance must be related to saturation. The mixing of exsolved gas, oil and water phases involves using the Reuss (uniform) or Voigt (patchy approximation) mixing laws. The Voigt average is easily misused by assuming that the end‐points correspond to 0% and 100% gas saturation. This implies that the patches are either 0% gas saturation or 100% gas saturation, which is never the case. Here, the distribution of gas as it comes out of solution is assumed to be uniform until the gas saturation reaches a sufficiently high value (critical gas saturation) to allow gas to flow. Therefore, at low gas saturations the distribution is uniform, but at saturations above critical, it is patchy, with patches that range from critical gas saturation to the highest gas saturation possible (1 minus residual oil and irreducible water saturation).  相似文献   

An approximate yet accurate formula is proposed for the natural frequencies of coupled shear walls under continuous medium assumptions. First the deflected shape of the structure is represented as the sum of two components: one due to flexural cantilever action and one due to shear-flexure cantilever action. The natural frequencies of the latter two systems are then combined in Dunkerley's formula to yield the approximate frequency of the structure.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to investigate the applicability of four-electrode arrays in 3D electrical resistivity imaging survey. A 3D resistivity imaging survey was carried out along fourteen parallel lines using dipole-dipole, Wenner-Schlumberger, and Wenner arrays with 2 m minimum electrode spacings. Roll-along measurements using a line spacing of 1 m were carried out covering a grid of 20 × 14 electrodes. The 3D least squares algorithm, based on the robust inversion method, was used in the inversion of the 3D apparent resistivity data sets. The results show that the 3D electrical resistivity imaging survey using the Wenner-Schlumberger and the dipole-dipole arrays, or the Wenner and the dipole-dipole arrays, in combination with an appropriate 3D inversion method, can be highly useful when the site conditions do not allow using the pole-pole or pole-dipole arrays.  相似文献   

针对高速玄武岩屏蔽层下深层成像困难的实际问题,采用波动方程波场数值模拟技术,根据玄武岩地层的特点,设计三个相应的简单高速玄武岩模型,通过对深层反射地震信号能量的分析,说明了低频地震信号既具有较强的穿透薄高速玄武岩屏蔽层的能力,也具有减弱因粗糙表面所产生的绕射噪音的能力。一个完整的2D玄武岩模型的模拟试验证明了利用低频信号可以提高高速玄武岩屏蔽层下深层成像的质量,实际资料的低通滤波处理也取得了预期的效果。  相似文献   

Velocity model building and impedance inversion generally suffer from a lack of intermediate wavenumber content in seismic data. Intermediate wavenumbers may be retrieved directly from seismic data sets if enough low frequencies are recorded. Over the past years, improvements in acquisition have allowed us to obtain seismic data with a broader frequency spectrum. To illustrate the benefits of broadband acquisition, notably the recording of low frequencies, we discuss the inversion of land seismic data acquired in Inner Mongolia, China. This data set contains frequencies from 1.5–80 Hz. We show that the velocity estimate based on an acoustic full‐waveform inversion approach is superior to one obtained from reflection traveltime inversion because after full‐waveform inversion the background velocity conforms to geology. We also illustrate the added value of low frequencies in an impedance estimate.  相似文献   

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