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The balance conditions of relative angular momentum and time-mean kinetic energy and their annual variations are studied for the Northern Hemisphere tropical belt. The belt is divided into two roughly equal size parts, the monsoon and the extramonsoon regions. The data used consist of all available daily rawinsonde reports from the world areological network for the two 5-year periods 1958–63 and 1968–73.In winter, the trade winds in the monsoon and extramonsoon regions are both sources of westerly relative angular momentum for the middle latitude circulation. However, it is found that the angular momentum gained in the extramonsoon region of the Tropics is mostly destroyed by a net southward flow of mass in that region, and becomes regenerated in the monsoon region by a net northward flow of mass there. This excess of angular momentum together with the angular momentum picked up locally in the monsoon region is almost all exported across its northern boundary. It is further found that in winter the Tropics are also an important source of mean kinetic energy for middle latitudes. Again almost all export of kinetic energy was found to take place across the northern boundary of the monsoon sector. Most of this energy must be generated through the pressure gradient term inside the monsoon region itself, the transformation from transient eddy kinetic energy being very small. The proper evaluation of the pressure gradient appears to be the main stumbling block in the present study, preventing us from estimating the generation and thereby, as a residual, the frictional dissipation in the two regions.In summer, the extramonsoon region remains a source of angular momentum, but the monsoon region with its surface westerlies acts as a sink, leading to a sharp reduction (and even a midsummer reversal) of the export into middle latitudes. Also the export of mean kinetic energy almost vanishes in summer, except for a small southward transfer across the equator. The calculations for two 5-year periods give very similar estimates and thereby show the reliability of the results.Parts of this paper were presented at the International Symposium on Monsoons, March 7–12, 1977 in New Delhi, India.  相似文献   

The physical nature of motions with scales intermediate between approximately isotropic turbulence and quasi-linear internal gravity waves is not understood at the present time. Such motions play an important role in the energetics of small scales processes, both in the ocean and in the atmosphere, and in vertical transport of heat and constituents. This scale range is currently interpreted either as a saturated gravity waves field or as a buoyancy range of turbulence.We first discuss some distinctive predictions of the classical (Lumley, Phillips) buoyancy range theory, recently improved (Weinstock, Dalaudier and Sidi) to describe potential energy associated with temperature fluctuations. This theory predicts the existence of a spectral gap in the temperature spectra and of an upward mass flux (downward buoyancy and heat fluxes), strongly increasing towards large scales. These predictions are contrasted with an alternate theory, assuming energetically insignificant buoyancy flux, proposed by Holloway.Then we present experimental evidences of such characteristic features obtained in the lower stratosphere with an instrumented balloon. Spectra of temperature, vertical velocity, and cospectra of both, obtained in homogeneous, weakly turbulent regions, are compared with theoretical predictions. These results are strongly consistent with the improved classical buoyancy range theory and support the existence of a significant downward heat flux in the buoyancy range.The theoretical implications of the understanding of this scale range are discussed. Many experimental evidences consistently show the need for an anisotropic theory of the buoyancy range of turbulence.  相似文献   

We determine the nonlinear drift velocities of the mean magnetic field and nonlinear turbulent magnetic diffusion in a turbulent convection. We show that the nonlinear drift velocities are caused by three kinds of the inhomogeneities; i.e., inhomogeneous turbulence, the nonuniform fluid density and the nonuniform turbulent heat flux. The inhomogeneous turbulence results in the well-known turbulent diamagnetic and paramagnetic velocities. The nonlinear drift velocities of the mean magnetic field cause the small-scale magnetic buoyancy and magnetic pumping effects in the turbulent convection. These phenomena are different from the large-scale magnetic buoyancy and magnetic pumping effects which are due to the effect of the mean magnetic field on the large-scale density stratified fluid flow. The small-scale magnetic buoyancy and magnetic pumping can be stronger than these large-scale effects when the mean magnetic field is smaller than the equipartition field. We discuss the small-scale magnetic buoyancy and magnetic pumping effects in the context of the solar and stellar turbulent convection. We demonstrate also that the nonlinear turbulent magnetic diffusion in the turbulent convection is anisotropic even for a weak mean magnetic field. In particular, it is enhanced in the radial direction. The magnetic fluctuations due to the small-scale dynamo increase the turbulent magnetic diffusion of the toroidal component of the mean magnetic field, while they do not affect the turbulent magnetic diffusion of the poloidal field.  相似文献   

使用Kanai-Tajimi地震动模型,建立了主动调谐质量阻尼器(ATMD)结构系统的传递函数。将ATMD最优参数的评价准则定义为:设置ATMD结构均方根位移(解析式)的最小值的最小化。将ATMD有效性的评价准则定义为:设置ATMD结构均方根位移的最小值的最小化与未设置ATMD结构的均方根位移之比。根据逃择的评价准则,评价了地震卓越频率系数(EDFR)对ATMD抗震控制性能的影响。同时也评价了EDFR对被动调谐质量阻尼器(PTMD)抗震控制性能的影响。  相似文献   

Finite element modeling on a highly conceptualized 2-D model of fluid flow and heat transport is un-dertaken to simulate the paleo-hydrological system as if the Mount Isa deposits were being formed in the Mount Isa basin, Northern Australia, and to evaluate the potential of buoyancy force in driving ba-sin-scale fluid flow for the formation of sedimentary-exhalative (SEDEX) deposits. Our numerical case studies indicate that buoyancy-driven fluid flow is controlled mainly by the fault penetration depth and i...  相似文献   


The exact numerical and approximate analytical solutions of the simplest nonlinear integral equation with second order nonlinearity for the averaged Green function are presented. It is assumed that the turbulence is stationary, homogeneous, isotropic and incompressible. Numerous examples of turbulent spectra are considered (peak-like spectrum, spectra of Kolmogorov's type with different forms of “pumping” regions, stepwise spectra etc.). Special emphasis is given to investigating the case of so called “frozen” turbulence when the parameter ξ =u 0τ/R→∞ where uτ0,R 0 are characteristic velocity, lifetime and space scale of turbulent pulsations, respectively. It is shown that these solutions allow us to calculate the turbulent diffusivities accurately for arbitrary spectra with any values of the parameter ξ. The results take into account the possible helicity of turbulence concerned only with scalar passive fields (number density and temperature).  相似文献   

The maximum heat transfer possible from a sphere of magma ascending through a viscous lithosphere is estimated using a Nusselt number formulation. An upper bound is found for the Nusselt number by using the characteristics of a potential flow which, it is argued, is similar in the limit to a non-isothermal Stokes-flow in which the fluid (wall rock) viscosity is sensitive to temperature. A set of cooling curves are calculated for a magma ascending at a constant velocity beneath an island arc. If the magma is to arrive at the surface without solidifying its ascent velocity must be greater than about 5.8 × 10?3 cm s?1, for a magma radius of 1 km, and greater than about 2.7 × 10?5 cm s?1, for a magma radius of 6 km. If the magma begins its ascent crystal free it will generally become superheated over most of its ascent. Using essentially the same formulation as for heat transfer the mass transfer to or from a spherical body of magma ascending at these velocities is given approximately by ΔC ? ΔW/10, where ΔC is the change in weight percent of a component in the magma during ascent and ΔW is the compositional contrast of that component between the magma and its wall rock.  相似文献   

For the model of thermal turbulence in the Boussinesq approximation with heating from below a change in the structure of the nonlinear interaction of the harmonics of the velocity field with the appearance of rotation is examined. The parameters of convection with rotation are chosen in such a way to correspond to the typical regimes in the models of the planetary dynamo. For such regimes, the structure of the triadic mechanism of the kinetic energy transfer through the spectrum is investigated.  相似文献   


地表能量不平衡问题是近40年一直困扰微气象学界的重要难题.本文利用黄土高原定西干旱气象与生态环境试验站的相关数据,通过将湍流分解为相干结构部分和非相干结构部分,在涡动相关法中引入相干结构(Coherent structure, 简称为CS)的贡献,探讨了CS在地表能量平衡中的作用.研究发现:(1)CS出现频次高,间歇性显著,在30 min平均时间中出现的数目为38个,出现时间与未出现时间分别占40%和60%左右;(2)CS对通量影响显著,引入CS贡献后,白天垂直动量通量、感热、潜热和湍流通量(感热与潜热之和)等4个通量计算的准确性均获得显著提高,分别提高达26%(0.01 m2·s-2)、24%(25.33 W·m-2)、31%(6.23 W·m-2)和30%(31.66 W·m-2).而不考虑CS的传统方法对这4个通量低估达19%、22%、21%和23%;(3)CS对4个通量的贡献分别为36%、41%、33%和50%;(4)传统方法得到的地表能量平衡闭合率EBR只有0.76、能量平衡残差Res为41.9 W·m-2,远未平衡.考虑CS贡献后,EBR增大至0.96、Res降低至10.4 W·m-2,地表能量接近闭合;(5)EBR与Res少量的未闭合部分可以非均匀地表产生的垂直感热平流解释.结果表明,CS大幅提高了地表能量的闭合水平,它是实现地表能量平衡的关键因素之一,是产生地表能量不平衡的最重要原因之一,应该在涡动相关法中考虑CS的贡献.


A new approach to the understanding of volcanic activity is attempted. It consists in establishing tentative correlations between all measurable physical, chemical and geophysical eruptive parameters. The first stage of this program is to devise and design gauges and recorders of different types to be used on different types of existing eruptive vents, whatever their shape, size, violence and accessibility. The methods adopted and the first results obtained on the physical parameters of eruptive gases are described here.  相似文献   

The eclogite fragments of the Tauern Window formed at pressures around 20 kbar and temperatures in the region 600–650°C; these pressures are higher by 10–12 kbar than those experienced by the units now surrounding the eclogite-bearing zone. The eclogites probably formed in a subduction zone prior to the main Austroalpine collision: downward shearing forces dominated over buoyancy forces in the subduction zone mélange, permitting the subduction of relatively light material to great depth. At the cessation of subduction this buoyant material returned to the surface, carrying eclogite blocks that were too small to sink rapidly through it. A similar mechanism could account for the emplacement of certain Alpine-type garnet peridotites.  相似文献   

Summary The possible modes of vertical transport of angular momentum in the atmosphere are considered. Momentum balance calculations for both hemispheres show the possibility of countergradient transport by vertical eddies in the region of the mid-latitude jet. As a consequence, it is pointed out that the transport of momentum downward from the region of maximum westerlies would have to be accomplished by the mean meridional motions, through the action of Coriolis torques. The same mechanism may account for a large part of the upward transport in the tropics. The very approximate nature of the calculations must, however, be borne clearly in mind.  相似文献   

In the framework of solving the problem of acoustic energy transfer from near-surface sources through the upper atmosphere, the propagation of sinusoidal signals of different origin is studied. All calculations are made by means of a model that takes into account the inhomogeneity of the atmosphere, nonlinear effects, absorption, divergence of wave front due to long-range acoustic wave propagation, etc., but does not include the effect of gravity. Infrasonic waves of various periods and their absorption at various heights of the atmosphere are investigated. The calculations show that a sinusoidal signal is destroyed by nonlinear processes during its upward propagation; it transforms into two, initial and final, impulses. The location of the “transformation zone” depends on frequency; its height increases with decreasing frequency. The acoustic waves can heat the upper atmosphere, for example, waves with a period of 3 min generated by thunderstorms can heat the atmosphere by up to ΔTa=13.08 K/day in the region of 323–431 km. The efficiency of a point artificial emitter is too weak to heat the atmosphere significantly.  相似文献   

The basic aim of this paper is to formulate rigorous conservation equations for mass, momentum, energy and entropy for a watershed organized around the channel network. The approach adopted is based on the subdivision of the whole watershed into smaller discrete units, called representative elementary watersheds (REW), and the formulation of conservation equations for these REWs. The REW as a spatial domain is divided into five different subregions: (1) unsaturated zone; (2) saturated zone; (3) concentrated overland flow; (4) saturated overland flow; and (5) channel reach. These subregions all occupy separate volumina. Within the REW, the subregions interact with each other, with the atmosphere on top and with the groundwater or impermeable strata at the bottom, and are characterized by typical flow time scales.The balance equations are derived for water, solid and air phases in the unsaturated zone, water and solid phases in the saturated zone and only the water phase in the two overland flow zones and the channel. In this way REW-scale balance equations, and respective exchange terms for mass, momentum, energy and entropy between neighbouring subregions and phases, are obtained. Averaging of the balance equations over time allows to keep the theory general such that the hydrologic system can be studied over a range of time scales. Finally, the entropy inequality for the entire watershed as an ensemble of subregions is derived as constraint-type relationship for the development of constitutive relationships, which are necessary for the closure of the problem. The exploitation of the second law and the derivation of constitutive equations for specific types of watersheds will be the subject of a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

Summary Investigating the jetstream formation in the upper troposphere, it becomes evident that two-dimensional transfer processes are, to a high degree, responsible for the accumulation of kinetic energy and momentum in those upper tropospheric regions. To shed light on these processes a series of barotropic model experiments has been carried out using a special dynamic procedure for vortex generation. In a large, rotating, cylindrical vessel (filled with water, rotation rate 0) three smaller cylinders have been fitted eccentrically. Their rotation relative to the vessel (rotation rate i ,i=1, 2, 3) produces a sharply limited narrow region around each of them, where a nearly two-dimensional relative motion can be observed. Beyond this region — we call it friction zone — there is no motion. Now if we impose some perturbation on this steady mean flow (e.g. by setting i = 0) the zonal current breaks down into a definite number of vortices which show a random distribution. The dynamic behaviour of these nearly two-dimensional vortices can then be studied.The main results are: I) After the sudden breakdown of the friction zones the most intensive eddies, which are cyclonic, drift more or less directly towards the centre to be organized there into a larger vortex. This development is strongly influenced by the -effect and the ratio = i /0, which controls the supply of rotational energy. II) If there exists a steady zonal basic current, the vortices will be more and more deformed when approaching and penetrating the zonal flow until they are wholly incorporated.  相似文献   


It is shown that, for general homogeneous turbulence, the anti-symmetric part of the spectrum tensor can be expressed in terms of a single scalar function H(k,ω) (the helicity spectrum function). Under the first-order smoothing approximation, the coefficients α ij β ijk in the expansion of the mean electromotive force in terms of the mean magnetic field are determined; α ij is a weighted integral of H(k,ω), and β ijk contains a part β(a)ijk which is likewise a weighted integral of H(k, ω). When the turbulence is axisymmetric, β(a)ijk contains Rädler's (1969a) “Ω ∧ J-effect”. It is shown that when the turbulence is statistically symmetric about a plane perpendicular to the axis of symmetry, then βij = O but the Rädler effect is non-zero. Explicit expressions for αij and βijk are given when the velocity field is generated by random forcing in a rotating medium. Finally, it is shown by means of a local analysis that the Rädler effect, in conjunction with uniform mean shear, can give rise to non-oscillatory dynamo action, and it is argued that this effect may be significant in the well-mixed interior of a stellar convection zone, where by symmetry the α-effect may be weak.  相似文献   

Passive seismic provides additional illumination sources in producing reservoirs, improving the Earth's imaging obtained by standard 3D seismic surveys. The joint tomographic inversion of surface and borehole data, both active and passive, even allows the delineation of thin reservoirs that cannot be resolved by reflection tomography. As an application example, we present a feasibility study for a real case of CO2 geological storage, showing that this operation may benefit both environment and reservoir monitoring. The origin time of micro‐earthquakes due to production operations is critical for merging active and passive data. We show here that the Wadati's method is not accurate for borehole data in a layered earth model, when the ratio between P and S velocities is not constant, as occurs in most hydrocarbon reservoirs. This drawback can be solved by deploying a few receivers at the surface close to the well.  相似文献   

Summary About 20 benthic storms, originated by deep reaching eddies, have been observed between September '83 and May '86 in the deep West European Basin. First results show, that these eddies influence the dispersion of tracers in the near-bottom layers significantly, e.g. due to deformation by shear. This paper is an attempt to estimate the eddy viscosity tensor in the bottom mixed layer. It will be examined as in to how far benthic storms and vortices result in changes of momentum transfer within this layer. The results indicate that the influence of these phenomena is mainly restricted on meso-scale processes.
Über den Impulsaustausch in der durchmischten Bodenschicht des Westeuropäischen Beckens
Zusammenfassung Zwischen September 83 und Mai 86 wurden in der Tiefsee des Westeuropäischen Beckens 20 benthische Stürme beobachtet, die durch tiefreichende Wirbel verursacht wurden. Erste Ergebnisse zeigen, daß diese Wirbel die Ausbreitung von Stoffen in den bodennahen Schichten erheblich beeinflussen können, z. B. durch Deformation von Wasserkörpern infolge von Scherung. In dieser Arbeit wird versucht, den Impulsaustauschtensor in der durchmischten Bodenschicht abzuschätzen. Ferner wird untersucht, inwieweit benthische Stürme oder Wirbel den Impulsaustausch in dieser Schicht beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß sich ihr Einfluß im wesentlichen auf mesoskalige Prozesse beschränkt.

Contribution à l'étude des transports d'énergie dans la couche profonde du bassin ouest-européen de l'Atlantique Nord
Résumé Une vingtaine de tempêtes benthiques provoquées par des tourbillons à fort développement vertical ont été observées de septembre 1983 à mai 1986 dans les profondeurs du bassin ouest-européen de l'Atlantique Nord. Les premiers résultats montrent que ces tourbillons exercent une influence significative sur la dispersion des traceurs disposés dans les couches proches du fond, par suite des déformations dues au cisaillment. Une tentative d'estimation du tenseur de viscosité du tourbillon dans la couche de mélange profonde est proposée dans la présente contribution, qui étudie dans quelle mesure les tempêtes benthiques et les systèmes tourbillonnaires engendrent des modifications du transfert d'énergie cinétique au sein de cette couche. Les résultats semblent indiquer que l'influence de ces phénomènes n'est surtout sensible que pour les processus méso-échelle.

 The circulation of the Southern Ocean is studied in the eddy-resolving model POP (Parallel Ocean Program) by an analysis of zonally integrated balances. The TEM formalism (Transformed Eulerian Mean) is extended to include topography and continental boundaries, thus deviations from a zonally integrated state involve transient and standing eddies. The meridional circulation is presented in terms of the Eulerian, eddy-induced, and residual streamfunctions. It is shown that the splitting of the meridional circulation into Ekman and geostrophic transports and the component induced by subgrid and Reynolds stresses is identical to a particular form of the zonally integrated balance of zonal momentum. In this balance, the eddy-induced streamfunctions represent the interfacial form stresses by transient and standing eddies and the residual streamfunction represents the acceleration of the zonal current by density fluxes in a zonally integrated frame. The latter acceleration term is directly related to the surface flux of density and interior fluxes due to the resolved and unresolved eddies. The eddy-induced circulation is extremely vigorous in POP. In the upper ocean a shallow circulation, reversed in comparison to the Deacon cell and mainly due to standing eddies, appears to the north of Drake Passage latitudes, and in the Drake Passage belt of latitudes a deep-reaching cell is induced by transient eddies. In the resulting residual circulation the Deacon cell is largely cancelled and the residual advection of the zonal mean potential density is balanced by diapycnal eddy and subgrid fluxes which are strong in the upper few hundred meters but small in the ocean interior. The balance of zonal momentum is consistent with other eddy-resolving models; a new aspect is the clear identification of density effects in the zonally integrated balance. We show that the wind stress and the stress induced by the residual circulation drive the eastward current, whereas both eddy species result in a braking. Finally, we extend the Johnson–Bryden model of zonal transport to incorporate all relevant terms from the zonal momentum balance. It is shown that wind stress and induction by the residual circulation carry an eastward transport while bottom form stress and the stress induced by standing eddies yield westward components of transport. Received: 26 June 2001 / Accepted: 2 November 2001  相似文献   

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